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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9998658 No.9998658 [Reply] [Original]

Why is there less nostalgia for older PC games, they never make 'top 100 classic games' lists and so on. Despite PC games typically having more advanced systems. Is it because they didn't age as well, or is it external factors like consoles were heavily marketed to all kids whereas only a handful of nerdy adults would afford a computer? Why Zelda getting all the love while Ultima is obscure, etc.

What would you say are the most essential classic pc games?

>> No.9998672

/vr/ is full off third worlders who didnt have a pc in the 90's. my personal fave was the police quest series.

>> No.9998679

Sim city 2000
Ultima underworld
Master of orion
Monkey island

>> No.9998685

because """retro gaming""", the trendy hobby, is mainly a console, Nintendo-fueled thing

and PC gaming has a barrier of entry, most people aren't able to go much past click&play, so don't ask them to install and configure a game in DOSbox

>> No.9998698
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I played Sonic CD and Sonic R on PC first before emulating the SEGA CD and Saturn versions years later. Aside from that the only PC games I really played were SkiFree, Space Cadet Pinball, The Incredible Machine, SimTown, SimCity 2000, and later on The Sims. Everything else was edutainment like Adi, Reader Rabbit, or Math Blaster. The computers in my house weren't really great until my parents got me my own later on which I used to play The Sims 2.

When it comes to retro computer games in a general sense I prefer the Japanese computers like MSX and PC-98, and I guess to a much lesser extent the Euro computers (Amiga, C64, Speccy etc.)

>> No.9998703

This t b h. People are way too computer illiterate to play dos games.

>> No.9998706

>/vr/ is full off third worlders who didnt have a pc in the 90's
pretty much this, also a lot of it is fueled by nostalgia, i played ocarina of time for the first time this month with the pc port and whilst a decent game, i'd say a solid 7/10, the fact its considered the goat by most consolites is purely based on nostalgia from when they were kids

>> No.9998709

consoles always had the better experience. PC only got shitty ports, blue screens, driver hell, DRM, hardware incompatibilities and lets not forget there are no Mario 64, no JRPG, no shmups, no SOTN. Lets face it PC gaming sucks

>> No.9998714

all your games belong to my emu folder. checkmate consolenigga.

>> No.9998721
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there are tons of old PC games I played that I'll never ever remember the name

>> No.9998729

Kinda feels like there's not much aesthetic appeal to old PC games. I'm sure there are lots of counterexamples by my general impression of old PC games is that they're fuckin ugly.

>> No.9998735

that's easy to say, but idk if you grasp what the landscape in which oot came out was like.
I hate nintendelusion, I hate the wankery nintendo franchises attract, but nothing compared.

>> No.9998736

Amiga and ZX dominate nostalgia for the 80s in Britain. And late 90s PC stuff was regarded as better than say Saturn or even fledgling PS2, in a way it sort of replaced Arcades as premium versions of multi platform games. Just in the early and mid 90s, which this generation now is nostalgic for, the consoles had more fun stuff.

>> No.9998769

le g8mr gurl is more likely to let you simp for her if you wear a shirt with Mario than Bill Gates.
"they" never make lists like that because for you "they" is tiktok or whatever. Outside your bubble such lists are common.

>> No.9998785

/vr/ is first and foremost full of Americans, i.e. console gamers in the 90s. That's why 80% of the board's content is permanently about some Nintendo/Sega stuff.

>> No.9998795

Computer illiterate jeet #1 right here folks, he’s already in the WhatsApp group summoning backup from the Sirs as we speak. Jannoids are also blatant console weirdos, you could post whatever you want in pc threads and hear nothing, post anything about a certain console company and you’re getting a heckin boop.

>> No.9998818

Consoles and PC games were more or less treated as separate markets with different audiences.

Also PCs and CD drives were really fucking expensive for a number of years. It wasn't until the late 90s/early 2000s with the rise of Dell that your average lower middle class family would get a PC, or at least one that could play games.

>> No.9998824

nothing to do with computer literacy buddy. Most of the time PC games would simply not work or have no sound or glitchy graphics because hardware configuration was so different between PC's they could not make it work. Consoles where turnkey solutions and more powerful than average PC users. Console are just better

>> No.9998827

Yeah, and they feel totally different when you go back to them. For me personally that’s great though. Today I have a mini PC with a huge SSD loaded with emulators and old pc games and feel like I have access to the best of every world. The convergence of what was popular on pc and consoles didn’t happen until maybe the 360 era with stuff like the orange box.

>> No.9998843

Because they refuse to try games like Ultima or Wizardry. Then again not many watch channels like Pixelmusement for retro PC stuff like LucasArts etc.

>> No.9998850

>key to lock the PC
>dust cover over the keyboard


>> No.9998856

I have been fiending for some old Dos/Ameeger/Speccy/etc. channels, have any reccomendations besides that?

>> No.9998994
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I am from Europe and DOS games are remembered fondly here. Especially Doom.

>> No.9999036

third worlders had pc predominantly because you could pirate on it easier. it was basically cultural shit in places like russia
no one could afford anything besides dendy. and those who were serious would save on pc so that could get free games instead

>> No.9999046
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>> No.9999048

Only because seething fucking faggots like you refuse to help when people ask. Past generations used to help the incoming generation and yet you whine and bitch that what you love is dying when it's YOUR fault. White boy loses again

>> No.9999050

I am subscribed to that Pixelmusement guy. Welcome to shovelware, niggers.

>> No.9999051

>Console are just better
And gayer

>> No.9999057

nta but this is the kind of stuff you learn at 13 years old by messing around, just stop being a spoonfed retard.

>> No.9999064

The actual answer is that they tend to be ugly in comparison to more stylized console games.

>> No.9999068

It’s really shocking that people on /vr/ don’t remember how separate PC/console gaming was, even in the 6th gen. It’s kind of weird in retrospect, because now when a game is (rarely) announced coming to consoles but not PC (or vice-versa), you’ll hear endless autistic screeching from the side not getting the game. Lotta kids these days don’t realize that as late as PS2 days, PC and console gamers were living in totally different worlds and were okay with that.

>> No.9999076

I've only played

System Shock
The Lucas arts games and some Sierra p'n'cs via scummvm
Alone in the dark

What should I play next

>> No.9999091

Alpha Centauri

>> No.9999092

yeah PC gaming didn't become good until late 7th gen when all games became multiplat and PC gaming left the "Games for Windows Live" era.

>> No.9999093

Is this bait?

>> No.9999095
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It could have something to do with the fact that people aren't particularly interested in western developed games. Japanese computers like the Sharp X68000 and the NEC PC-98 are somewhat mainstream because people seem to be more interested in the games released on those platforms.

As for essential DOS games, you can't go wrong with recommending DOOM and the LucasArts point and click titles. I think they have a pretty big range of appeal.

>> No.9999097

sorry I meant PC multiplats

>> No.9999102

I genuinely made the same :O face as her when the cup disappeared

>> No.9999104

not true. PC and console gaming started blending all the way back in the 5th gen an by gen 6 PC and consoles shared many multiplats while still having a few console and PC exclusives here and there. it wasn't until the late 7th gen when the PC and console worlds mostly blended.

>> No.9999161

only adult nerds played computer games seriously, how can you have nostalgia for something you never played as a kid? People that fondly recall 80s computer games are at least 50 now

>> No.9999163

Mulatto zoomer get back to hitting dances on tik tok, and then kill yourself

>> No.9999393 [DELETED] 

the fuck is this attempt at historical revisionism? as far back as the snes/genesis era everyone enjoyed games both from the PC or from ports. And your evidence is a post from an autist in /v/ screeching about the PS2. Like, I understand not having two consoles. But now you can't have a computer and enjoy civ or something, that means you forego playing smw...

>> No.9999401

the fuck is this attempt at historical revisionism? as far back as the snes/genesis era everyone enjoyed games both from the PC or from consoles. And your evidence is a post from an autist in /v/ screeching about the PS2. Like, I understand not having two consoles. But now you can't have a computer and enjoy civ or something, that means you forego playing smw...

>> No.9999406

>/vr/ is first and foremost full of Americans,
Technically factual. Huelad is in South America.

>> No.9999423

Because PC gaming in the retro ages was pretty chaotic.
You bought top of the line hardware for top dollar and it was basically obsolete the second you got the receipt
Hardware was such a wild thing that if you bought a PC game, it was Russian roulette whether it would work, and then if you upgraded in some way, it was Russian roulette whether it would still work, and if it didn't, the game's a drink coaster and you're basically never playing it again.
The most people will remember from that age is Doom and Quake, but only because they were big enough to get support and Carmack was cool enough to release source code. Otherwise, a lot of windows 9x era shit basically shrouded in obscurity thanks to virtual machines besides dosbox being a pain for gaming up until recently.

>> No.9999438


Well - multi-platform and ports have always been a thing to some extent (Elite for instance ran on pretty much every commercial system going), but in general a lot of the porting I remember in the 5th generation was PC games going to consoles (see Duke 64, Doom 64, Quake 64 etc. and ports too numerous to count to the PS1).

In the 5th gen though, it rarely if ever went the other way. Attempts were made in the 5th gen to integrate things from console to PC more, but it was still very seperate, and most ports were awful. I remember when FFVII came to the PC, and it wasn't crap, it was a huge deal. As others have commented, this was mainly due to how difficult it was to code for the multiplicity of non-plug and play hardware on PCs. Tomb Raider was the only other successful game that immediately comes to mind that did this, there may be more.

The thing that most started to blend it was when you could play Halo online, on both Xbox and PC, and really (if I recall) it wasn't until the Xbox 360 that they properly integrated the servers. From there you had COD on the PS3 where the same thing happened, continued with most online games now. At that point, with mass online games being the big seller, and the advent of USB and plug and play meaning it was far more easy to code for PC - suddenly multiplatforms made more commercial sense, and they exploded. So - both statements are true from a certain point of view.

>> No.9999442

>What would you say are the most essential classic pc games?
wolfstein 3D
All the apogee games
All the microprose games
All the janes james and early blizzard games
All the id games
monkey island
empire earth
total kingdoms anihilation
dune 2/dune
Command and Conquer
battle chess
janes simulators (military aircraft)
midtown madness
MS flight simulator
A bridge too far
Combat flight sim
Age of Emperors
Sim city
Hitchikers guide
Resue on Rama
Leather Godess of Phobos
(all of the infocom adventures)
Duke Nukem

>> No.9999447

It's not revisionism. Many people didn't own a PC because they were too expensive. Console gaming was always more popular than PC gaming and the games you get on consoles you couldn't get on PC.

>> No.9999451
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I think you have to consider the audience for such things and where the target which they were aimed at. It could be that PC has such great backwards compatibility so nostalgia is not necessary as a large number of the games can still be continually played to this day.

As for essential PC games, I have difficulty limiting it to just a few as games by Origin, Lucasarts, Sierra, Microprose, Westwood, ID, Apogee, Epic Megagames, and Blizzard on the whole are amazing.

>> No.9999452
File: 150 KB, 256x328, Red_Baron_Coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

samefag this was fucking great as well
Loved this and gunship 2000(microprose)

>> No.9999454

Not that anon, but I recently made a thread specifically about old PC setups and PCem/86box emulation, and only one person asked a question. Which I answered. Shit fell off the board with barely any replies. Don't try to pretend like no one is willing to help you when you don't even ask for help. You just use that as an excuse since you don't want to have to put in the effort to learn how to deal with DOS. >>9998685 and >>9998703 are correct. It's easier than ever to get into old PC gaming, but it still involves some learning so that stops zoomers cold.

>> No.9999456

I forgot X-Wing and wing commader, dark forces (all great stuff)

>> No.9999468

That was me who asked the question about i76, thank you again for answering.

>> No.9999473

I hope you saw my second reply where I mentioned getting a smoother framerate with a 200mhz Pentium MMX. Less jerky and no physics issues that I saw while messing around in the tutorial. Always glad to help someone who actually wants to play videogames.

>> No.9999474

Ultima and other warpigs are frankly boring.

>> No.9999482

I did and thank you, I meant to participate more in that thread but school got the best of me, graduating this summer and I
was studying for finals and balancing that and work was a lot. Someone else mentioned in here that a lot of windows 95/98 stuff was lost due to difficulties playing it, I’m interested in getting more involved in digging through those libraries now that emulation has vastly improved for those platforms. A lot of GoG “editions” don’t actually fix those games at all and you still have to apply a bunch of after the fact fixes and may still have stability issues, it seems like emulation of those platforms is a much better experience overall.

>> No.9999512

Because less people played them, you tard. Many PC classics are sub million sellers.

>> No.9999514

>Why is there less nostalgia for older PC games
Bc most people on this board were born console peasants and lived the peasant life their entire upbringing. Up until the 2000s, PCs required some know-how to use correctly. PCs were also expensive compared to consoles, so most households had only one. Thus, if you had parents who used it for work/productivity, or a sibling who used it for school, etc., there wasn’t as much dedicated gaming time available on a household PC as with a console. Computers started getting way cheaper and more future-proof in the late 90s, and with the transition to Asian manufacturers, prices plummeted and had been doing so until very recently (eg graphics cards). Put it this way: in 1995, it was likely you’d have one desktop PC per family. Ten years later, it was affordable for that same family to buy each member his/her own laptop.

>> No.9999547
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i dont know man, I see pic related and I dont think "damn this game looks good,I want to play it"

>> No.9999581
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Hell yeah, the space combat games were my jam too. It was way cooler to play the villains too. Give Privateer a chance, maybe even the Freespace games too.

>> No.9999592
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Sounds like a you issue. I see pic related and think "Yeah, this is gonna be fun."

>> No.9999593
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did you enjoyed those adventure games? then play Toonstruck

>> No.9999594

>Why is there less nostalgia for older PC games
There is including collecting big box games and gaming peripherals as well as playing. Large quiet community around it.
These games were hard to setup to begin with because of dos memory managment, you had a limited about of memory 640K in which you needed to load your dos, keyboard, mouse, soundcard memory managers etc and the sequence and order of what you loaded mattered. There was also memory optimization software sold. There was no plug and play and IRQs and base addresses were set with physical jumpers on cards and quite often these had to be selected in the game config. There was both a financial and intelligence entry level, however PCs were definitely where it was happening in the 90s after the amiga and ST followed only by maybe the PS1 which got a lit of ports. Doom in a Dos box was a requirement for windows 95. Later you get directX first on PC and the move to NT core OSs in Windows 2000 pro and then XP and so forth and the only competition was the PS2 , then the XBox/360 came and really killed PC gaming as it was. Now for me and least generally gaming is pr5etty dead, it died a decade or more ago.

>> No.9999598

I loved starlancer and freelancer, the MS released one was fantastic with a joystick
sim city was great
On the PC not much although I played Zork on CPM and stuff like the hobbit, mines of moria, sherlock, the boggit etc on 8 bit

>> No.9999606

Yeah, I feel similar, I watch new game announcements and feel a huge wave of apathy. When people say “you just aren’t looking in the right places” I’m aware indies, single A, double A exist but I largely own the ones I deem worth it out of those areas. I seem to find much more enjoyment digging for old games I’ve never heard of or never played, and quite frankly between PC and console there’s already more games than I could ever hope to finish in my lifetime, I’m content with what I have right now.

>> No.9999614
File: 1.28 MB, 1979x1005, Before_Gangsters_in_Space.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, is Starlancer and Freelancer related to Freespace?

>> No.9999625

Fact is it is dead, people are playing 'remakes' and still modding and playing the last generation of good stuff from over ten years ago. The move to online//multiplayer/disgital distribution has killed it along with a complete lack of innovation or creativity. You find more originality in what used be called PS2 shovelware then you do in new releases. VR sucks, its no better than the old olympus (25 years ago or VFX1 glasses for actual play). A lot of the classic pillars like MS Flight sim are gone. The whole 'franchise' model is a HUGE mistake. Endless sequels are fucking boring. Anyhow. Enough wonderful stuff was made for us to play and enjoy for the rest of our lives so its all kewl.

>> No.9999637

Don't think so but they are very similar pace combat games, here's another few on the PS2 you might have missed



>> No.9999646

>Many people didn't own a PC
No, this is bizarre. Even saying this while posting in 4chan is dramatic irony, you're talking on a computer about how some people totally don't have pcs.
Let's grant this and assume this was fair to say in the NES era or DOS. It became more accessible afterwards. Except the poster above is somehow trying to say this is true in the PS2 era.
There's a vast range of games without a crazy hardware requirement ranging from Rollercoaster Tycoon, RPGMaker, emulation, flash games up to Steam today. If you even had a computer for office it's surreal you couldn't know about any game at all.
The poster above is talking about some division between the two in the PS2 era yet I bet he shitposted about it on a pc forum. Some of the 'high-end' games cited itt are hand-picked aswell.
>Console gaming was always more popular than PC
you're retarded.
>the games you get on consoles you couldn't get on PC.
This is artificially trying to make a pseudo-console war, you're no different than a /v/ poster at this point except dumber since you're using a computer.

>> No.9999659

To be fair to him most actual oldfags like me (yes) or others typically have lived lives with computers at the centre of them and most of our waking hours on them for one reason or another. I was obsessed from age 10 onwards. I had to take out a bank loan to get my first PC, they were expensive even used. The only people who could really build or use them worked in the business.

>> No.9999669

When I was a kid in the 90s, other kids who were of moderate means, or even had single mothers, had PCs. I'm not sure where this meme comes from either.

>> No.9999672

I think a factor is the lack of easily defined generations in PC gaming, your game library isnt like a set of games for one system, its a series of games that is constantly fluctuating in compatibility. Also simply put many people from the 90s didnt have a computer capable of playing a lot of games, and getting a computer that could / the know how to tweak stuff to make certain games work wasnt always common. It was simply a lot easier if you werent a tech enthusiast to just have a game console, usually miles cheaper too. Smaller audience is absolutely going to contribute to making a game lesser known as time moves on. Doom was so big because it could run on the slowest piece of shit as long as it had DOS, so any library, computer lab, or workstation could play without an expensive, tempermental gaming rig.

>> No.9999675

>Sounds like a you issue

>> No.9999684

>Except the poster above is somehow trying to say this is true in the PS2 era.
I'm that poster and I was not saying that in the mid and early 90s and certainly the 80s PCs were very very expensive though

>> No.9999694

They started to get cheap in the mid 90s. They were not cheap before that. Bill Gates really did make computing affordable...about the dos 4/5 era they started becoming more widespread and then of couse after win 3.1/3.11/win95 there was a price drop and you had lots of competition and makes

>> No.9999756
File: 34 KB, 796x557, 618 free.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dos memory management
For 95% of DOS games, that is just "Install DOS, install your sound/mouse/CDROM drivers, run memmaker". The only time it's really an issue is if you are dealing with a game that won't tolerate RAM beyond 640k, XMS or EMS or both, OR Ultima 7 or 8 which both didn't play nicely with EMM386. Thanks to modern light-weight drivers like CuteMouse, it's not all that hard to have memmaker give you a configuration with 610+kb of base RAM free. You can get really hardcore with config tricks like limiting the last drive letter available or limiting concurrent files open to save a few more KB of the 640 as well, but it's really not needed.
Pic related is the PCem DOS 6.22 machine I put together with a bunch of batch file menus for games a while back. 618KB free and I didn't tweak it all that hard.

>> No.9999773


>> No.9999775

So we come back to the conclusion for the umpteenth time that tendoids lower the average level of discourse in any space they occupy

>> No.9999820

well, they are not all that bad, but Nintendo is very clearly the lowest common denominator when it comes to "retro gaming", so you do get a lot of undesirables

>> No.9999852
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And here's the setup with smartdrv.exe disabled since emulated HDD doesn't need to be RAM-cached for speed. 94k Upper free, and a single block of 53k available. You would be hard pressed to find a DOS game that won't work with that much RAM free.

>> No.9999879

I got introduced to gaming through pc (and shitty lcd games), so i have a huge fondness for them. Most of your reasons are probably true, especially in the early days after microcomputers died out, but things were not simply "plug and play" and most kids didn't have their own personal computer or the games had a more dry or mature feel to them.

Ironically, none of my love for pc games is from the big classics like Doom or Starcraft. Beyond Rollercoaster Tycoon, its for all the weird and budget stuff. Bunch of point n click adventures, shareware, eGames releases, the big multimedia boom era experiments, Cryo's catalog, unusual attempts at console styles games and ports from Saturn or the NeoGeo. This is a lot of the shit i grew up with and loved.

If people didn't have nostalgia for playing on pc back at its height for unique software, its probably never going to have any, especially in the era where everything is multiplatform and not bound to specific platforms much and most of the "exclusives" on pc now is GaS diarrhea.

>> No.9999884

PC and consoles had completely different experiences, thats what was great about them. You had completely different genres and series that only occasionally skirted between the two markets.

>> No.9999909

Nta, but he is 100% true. "Multiplats" were not a simple deal like today, they had to be completely rebuilt between pc and console. Beyond that, there still exists a huge divide between genres and exclusive titles. If you wanted sims, rts, fps, big strategy games, point n click adventures and buisness management as your main points of interest, you were likely not buying a console. Just like you were not building a pc to play 3D platformer.

>> No.9999976

The gigantic dumb looking boxes for pc games were great back then. They look ridiculous. I knew a few rich people that had a bunch and it looked cool them all be stacked in their rich person desks. The art for everything was always good too. Always had a mysterious vibe to all of it. Opposite of now where everything is just an idiot vibe

>> No.9999980

The boxes always looked cooler than the game majority of the time lol

Same with movies back then

>> No.9999997

because normies are too stupid to play old PC games which require good use of skills and strategy

>> No.10000010

>/vr/ is full off third worlders who didnt have a pc in the 90's.
So, Americans.

>> No.10000012

specially on the NES

>> No.10000028

Rent free

>> No.10000040

I love Origin's games but getting them to work on a contemporary PC is an insane pain in the ass. It's actually a lot easier to just use DOSbox or PCem.

>> No.10000056

It was in the late dos multimedia era with the CD driver, dos soundriver himem and emm386 plus a sound card driver or a vesa graphics card driver packing in a network driver as well as almost impossible. There was a product called stacker give me a google minute....yup stacker
and quemm

stacker let you create a disk in memory for compression operations but could never be run with a agme for example. used keep an autoexec and
config.sys for each game

>> No.10000059

Yup love them, have starlancer, half life, warcraft 2, diablo and a bunch of others from when I bought them

>> No.10000123

>Consoles and PC games were more or less treated as separate markets with different audiences.
Yeah, in general there were a lot of PC games that were harder to understand for kids. There were tons of games that required more than just hitting 2 to 4 buttons, there were strategy and long term planning involved in them and kids don't find that as exciting as the more action focused console offerings. There were some overlap like with SNES ports of games like Sim City but even games with tons of action like Mech Warrior had a lot more going on with their systems where you would have individual parts to upgrade for your mech that would be over kids heads.

In modern gaming, everything has become completely homogenized but back then PC games were for the nerdiest of the nerds, brainlets would get filtered hard and that includes a lot of kids that would rather play Mario or Sonic than learn how to play Rogue, Xcom, Age of Empires, or Might and Magic. Even when you compare similar genres like RPGs, compare the console JRPGs of even the late 90's to the prominent CRPGs. Planescape Torment and Baldur's Gate are a completely different beast than Final Fantasy 7, Paper Mario, and Panzer Dragoon Saga in every conceivable metric. Both console rpgs and computer rpgs might have taken games like Wizardy and Ultima as their inspiration but they diverged hard.

>> No.10000128

Any carnivores fans? Shit is amazing

>> No.10000136 [DELETED] 


>> No.10000195

Based, the bing obsessed console monkeys on here would be seething if they could read this

>> No.10000197

>they never make 'top 100 classic games' lists and so on.

If this is true, all those lists are bullshit made by console gamers.

>> No.10000206

This but unironically

>> No.10000218

>Why is there less nostalgia for older PC games
Very few jap games outside... what, touhou?

>> No.10000247


>yeah PC gaming didn't become good until late 7th gen

How the fuck do you know, you can't even use a mouse as sperm don't have hands? Do you use your little tail or some shit? actually don't bother answering. In many wars the DOS 5 era was one of those peaks in gaming with doom and duke 3D and wolfstein 3D, gunship, red baron, commanche and many more. Imagine not knowing and having played Zork

>> No.10000254


see >>9999097

>> No.10000257

Sorry wrong link this is commanche from 1992

>> No.10000260

t. burger who thinks anyone who isn't American online is from the third-world.

>> No.10000265

console emulation is easy, emulating older pc games is usually a terrible experience that doesnt even work half the time and often requires you to have an ancient computer

>> No.10000268

This post reeks of a .txt format of those old videogame stores that like to call themselves ""retro"" but the only thing they display and sell is all Nintendo related.

>> No.10000270

Jane's Combat Simulations: ATF - Advanced Tactical Fighters

>> No.10000280

He's right though the nintendo stuff is urgh for people who were alive at the time and older than ten, PCs, Amigas, STs, 8 bit computers and then playstaion 1/2 and xbox/xbox360 and arcade were really it. Ever stopped and considered why franchises like mario/zelda/sonic are kid friendly and tend to be loved by retards like autists trannies and 'people' like chris chan?

>> No.10000308

How many kids had a computer that could play current video games? And parents who bought those games? Meanwhile consoles were omnipresent

>> No.10000410

Emulating dos games is piss easy and works basically flawlessly.

>> No.10000521

>slavic poorfags who couldn't afford consoles shat their pants over this
Lmao, i'd rather play Star Fox 64 or Ace Combat

>> No.10000528

Even today, most kids playing on PC do so from their parent's hand-me-down office toasters that can't even emulate 6th gen consoles. That's why consoles are more popular with kids.

>> No.10000534

>Star Fox 64
That's nice, you would have to had waited a few years though because it did not come out until 1997 almost five years after Commanche shipped but you're probably tarded so whatever, ace combat ships 3 years later. You're not to bright are you?
>>slavic poorfags who couldn't afford consoles
Are you projecting or do you have a particular obsession with slavic people because its certainly nothing to do with me or my posts? Are you some sort of skitzo? You know nothing about old games even the ones you just tried to post about.

>> No.10000660

No Nintendo seal of quality control
Games made by autistic STEM engineers instead of game designers

>> No.10000774

That setup I posted has CD-ROM, Sound Blaster, Mouse, EMM386, and HIMEM all loaded. If using the Glide API and not S3 or ReelMagic or something, no video card driver is needed for DOS, just the right file in the game directory. Now trying to run Win98 and DOS from the same machine, that was difficult and required the config dance. A pure DOS machine had no issues being configured for efficient RAM usage from DOS 5.0 onwards thanks to the built-in memmaker program.

>> No.10000785
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>made by autistic STEM engineers
Damn, No wonder why they're so good.

>> No.10000790

Idk man people had all sorts of trouble with it back then too, they were just more patient.

>> No.10000897

Dosbox is pretty much drag and drop though, at least that's how I did it back in the late 2000s
Actual hardware is a hassle because you have to use command prompt (unless in windows) and work within limitations.

>> No.10001189

As someone with firsthand experience this is the process I follow if I'm having trouble with older DOS games running on a late-90's/early-00's Win9X machine:

Check PC Gaming Wiki or Vogons to see if there's something as simple as a patch or alternate installer you need, if you're lucky that's all it takes. Jazz Jackrabbit for example is fully playable past 200mhz with a TPPATCH.exe fix. Also obviously be sure to try compatibility settings and real mode DOS.
If you're still having trouble try using a tool like Setmul and RAMdisk to limit your CPU speed (toggling the cache is usually all it takes) or RAM amount, some games throw a shitfit if you have too much RAM or too fast of a CPU.
If you're really lucky, some games like Crusader and Ultima VII and VIII will have sourceports available to get them running without bugs and caveats on a more powerful system while still running on old DOS-capable hardware.
>last resort
Just use DOSbox. No, I'm not kidding. While this arguably defeats the purpose of playing these games on old hardware to start with, sometimes none of the first three solutions are going to work good enough and not having a turbo button or being able to slow your CPU down *enough* is going to leave you up shit creek without a paddle. You can at-least still play these games at their proper resolution with old hardware if the game's not too demanding on the CPU cycle of things, this is arguably the best solution for a lot of early CPU-sensitive DOS games when all other options fail, as stupid as it sounds on-paper. You're never going to be able to run *every* old PC game natively on one system from back then, so unless you want to invest in more hardware this is the final solution.

>> No.10001734

>Remember DLC
Yeah. Forge of Virtue for Ultima 7 gives you a ridiculously overpowered weapon, max stats, and a load of other goodies.

>> No.10001737

Most of these games were engineering experiments first and games second so they weren't really fun to play. When they didn't have overengineered maps, you had stuff like Zool which obviously isn't as profound as Super Metroid or Sonic 2

>> No.10001748

I'd say the main problem is bad aesthetics. An old game with good aesthetics can age well, an old game that just tries to push for innovation ages poorly. Nobody cares about Ultima's innovation 40 years later but FF1 OST will always be nice to listen to. Tech becomes obsolete, art doesn't

>> No.10001758

Some of us had shitty 80s hand me downs in the late 90s. Or C64s!
Anyway as has been pointed out in this thread, console games just werk (before consoles had to always be online) so ppl have more nostalgia for them.

>> No.10001768

Gotta love it with that guy. Shovelware, hidden gems, nostalgia and everything in between.

>> No.10001783

I think the sad thing is for PC-98 is it has a ton of great games on it especially with tons of fanservice. But not a lot of games are translated, and there is no real PC-98 emulator. Honestly it's underrated. Also would recommend Gaming Curiosities as a channel as that person shows off obscure Japanese games on PC from back in the day and not just PC-98.

>> No.10001805

I would say you are wrong on innovation. But correct on aesthetics above graphics. Morrowind and many other games that were great graphics in the 00's aged like milk because the artstyles focused on details and not good designs. Innovation is important as it leads the industry in a better direction if it succeeds and Ultima is credited a lot for making FF into what it is today and I think it was preserved for that reason. Just like Wizardry has a ton of credit for the Dungeon Crawling RPG genre even existing. You can be innovative and have great art Direction it's just you can not have bad art direction that focuses way too much on details above all else.

>> No.10001832

>Fact is it is dead, people are playing 'remakes' and still modding and playing the last generation of good stuff from over ten years ago. The move to online//multiplayer/disgital distribution has killed it along with a complete lack of innovation or creativity.
This is correct I can agree. People are focused way too much on MTX, DLC milking the customer as much as possible and putting stores on games you fully paid for.

>You find more originality in what used be called PS2 shovelware then you do in new releases. VR sucks, its no better than the old olympus (25 years ago or VFX1 glasses for actual play). A lot of the classic pillars like MS Flight sim are gone.
I can agree although I will say there is good Indies and AA games that are good homages to those times especially like Tormented Souls(Re1/SH1), Ex Zodiac(Star Fox 2 meets Space Harrier). The thing is with originality and creativity is it will never be on mainstream places it will always have to be looked for on Steam or Eshop nowadays. You have to dig and search for things to find those gems and get them out into the public because sadly people go with trends than to go against convention.
>The whole 'franchise' model is a HUGE mistake. Endless sequels are fucking boring. Anyhow. Enough wonderful stuff was made for us to play and enjoy for the rest of our lives so its all kewl.
The Franchise problem is due to the fact AAA company answer to investors and need to make money to keep shareholders happy. They are no longer million dollar companies but multi-billion ones. AA and Indies not so much. It's kind of a human defect to believe that supporting a AAA company and not much others will not hurt the industry itself overall.

>> No.10001853

Addendum: forgot to add Genokids(DMC/KH1 gameplay Wind Waker Aesthetics), And Bomb Rush Cyberfunk(Jet Set Radio). With some homages.

>> No.10001880

I'm surprised the obligatory Zelda=greatest reply was so modest an example of said nintendelusion.

In reality OOT had little competition for console games of its time and genre, and that is basically all it took to take the crown. That in addition to the average N64 owner not having a gaming PC of course where far superior games were plentiful

>> No.10001889

Did you mean "I'm slightly retarded and find any level of complexity intimidating"?
Actually compare this with what contemporary consoles had to offer when it was released.

>> No.10001898

it is true that old pc games were mostly rpg, simulators and strategy, though the users' average age played a factor.

>> No.10001901 [DELETED] 

Bros? How do I run these DOSroms? The screen has some text and is blinking at me.

>> No.10001905 [DELETED] 

You need to take it out and blow on it when that happens

>> No.10001932

>no real PC
What do you even mean by this? I emulate PC98 shit all the time. It's even easier for EOPs now as the main one allows for texthooking (assuming the game outputs regular text).

I help people all the time, but they genuinely can't do anything even with the most simplified or detailed instructions. They have no clue about anything (which is fine as everyone starts from 0 and you can learn), but also have no interest in learning any basics. When a 2 minute process literally takes hours and they can't be bothered to thank you for helping them out, my interest in helping them wanes significantly.

>> No.10001974

I only use real hardware, but last time I checked Neko Project II runs most things perfectly.

>> No.10001975

Wow things have changed a lot since 8 years ago. Thanks for telling me about this. I will use it.

>> No.10002001

eh, you guys are just nostalgiafags. yeah, i spend most of my time playing doom or quake, but when games like amid evil or dusk come out i'm blown away that people can still improve retro-style fps gameplay after 30 years.
also puzzle games - there are some fantastic (and sometimes beautiful) puzzle games coming out these days.
Of course the AAA is all dogshit, that's what it's meant to be, just boring goyslop for the next wave of 10 years old to covet, 12-15s to get excited about, and young adults to get bored with when they realize the formula.

>> No.10002004

I know a few people that would argue morrowind is their GOAT regardless of the graphics. Oblivion was boring to them when it came out due to the shallow gameplay in favour of prettier presentation, whereas morrowind has complexity, haa amusing glitches and could be broken in funny ways via minmaxing.

>> No.10002021
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Bad example, that game is still beloved exactly because it has amazing aesthetics. The music, the locations, it's just beautiful. It feels great to just be in that world. And the lore of TES is of course still relevant and people care about it

>> No.10002026

No way, I agree I enjoy games like those as well but the triple A sphere has gotten significantly worse, it’s not the same. Ballooning budgets and ESG money means there’s very specific formulas that have to be practiced for those games now. With shorter development times triple A games could have at least some degree of difference or experiment to them, that is no longer the case. I don’t want to hear elden ring because the fact that soulsbourne is a term and getting aped so much by other games shows me it’s not experimental or different. I genuinely think a crash of sorts is needed to reset some of these budgets and team sizes.

>> No.10002028

>games like amid evil or dusk come
Haven't played those two but my problem with modern "boomer shooters" is they're usually just arena shooters with no interesting location design, no puzzles, nothing to explore. They feel like multiplayer arenas stitched together, with bots spawned on them. Old shooters weren't like this.

>> No.10002038
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The extra space allows the art to shine. Plus the large boxes allow for all sorts of interesting things to be included like cloth maps, coins, large manuals/guides, tech tree posters, interesting copy protection items, or in-game items that you can interact with physically.

Yeah, the black sword added the ability to kill Lord British in a scripted manner. It went beyond max stats for the Avatar, allowing for super strength double that of any max character. Supposedly, food was an issue which I never really encountered, but there's the goblet to save space. I think the keyring is the most useful so you don't need to keep track of which key to use for whatever door.

I missed out on both of those. I kind of quit video games around the PS2's time. I have been meaning to get back to Project Silpheed on 360.

Wing Commander 2 was my first PC game purchased for my 80286-12. I read no articles nor saw any advertisement, but the box art was what hooked me into PC gaming and there was no turning back from there. The graphics in-game were almost as good but did not look like the cover to me. Young me learned there was a difference between extended memory and expanded memory thanks to the game.

>> No.10002047

Good question.
It's harder to buy and trade retro pc games, you basically just get them through piracy or digital downloads so they feel more like disposable garbage.

>> No.10002048

>no interesting location design
Damn, you aught to play amid evil, it's so good (and has interesting locations).
There are certainly bad modern boomer shooters too, that tried to cash in on the fad.

I concede AAA is probably worse now than 10 years ago, but IMO it was dogshit 10 years ago too. Probably ~15 years ago is when "AAA" really differentiated from mid-tier, and IMO this is when AAA became garbage. Like when call of duty took off in normie spheres (around 2008 iirc) - AAA's defining characteristic was budget, including marketing budgets. Older "AAA" games that were good, were far closer to modern indie than modern AAA.

>> No.10002056

Morrowind is pretty ugly

>> No.10002091

For an open world game from that era? No
In fact mechanically it aged way worse than graphically. Combat is absolute dogshit in Morrowind

>> No.10002105

>For an open world game from that era? No
Yeah I can agree on that

>> No.10002115

>muh nintendo bad
Rent free.
It's not about Nintendo, marketing, or "kids".
Reminder that PC was always the platform with the most amount of real kids-only games (Edutainment).
Consoles just had something PC lacked: Japanese games. Japan was also the king of arcades.
PC was for the overweight nerd who wanted to play boring games like simulators and general west jank.
Polished games with actual good controls and design, and good action, were made by Japanese, typically not on western PCs.
>muh weeb
"Weeb" wasn't a word back in retro times, and if anything, being into Japan back then meant you also liked martial arts and ninjas and stuff. And good video games.

>> No.10002116

>that's easy to say, but idk if you grasp what the landscape in which oot came out was like
I owned a playstation and my friend an n64, i had played OoT and MM a bit back then, it was overrated then and it still is now.
I never had a PC when I was younger so I've only recently played games like Thief and System shock 2 which don't just hold up but outright mog most modern games in most aspects.
The fact I said it was a good game and a solid 7/10 and you give me the
>you really had to be there
argument really just illustrates my point that its all nostalgia

>> No.10002123

everyone i knew as a kid had a chipped ps1 with hundreds of pirated games, if you had a pc you had some piece of shit that took 20 minutes to boot, only a few middle class kids had home pcs that were strong enough to play video games properly, lets not talk about how much dedicated gpu's were when they first came out.
you basically know nothing you larping retard
>muh piracy bad
unironically kill yourself nintenoid

>> No.10002128

>mystery meat zoomoid cant into pcs something any white kid learned to use when he was 10 years ago
and thats a good thing, gatekeep the low iq retards
iphones were a mistake

>> No.10002131 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.10002156

>another episode of zoomer gets bellcurvemogged by folders and text editors

Many such cases

>> No.10002176

>Damn, you aught to play amid evil
I agree with you for the most part, Dusk is decent but Amid Evil is pure trash, its all style no substance the levels are just giant corridors of nothing and the enemies just run straight towards you and do nothing, the level design is non-existent and completely braindead. If you enjoy the aesthetic thats fine but its one of the worst "boomer shooters" out there, Ion Fury is mostly the same, it looks great but the weapons all feel like shit, the level design beyond the first couple areas is also shit, Blood absolutely mogs it. I have played all of these new retro FPS games and enjoyed some of them, but most of them just arent very good.

The best retro FPS game to come out since this new wave of games is Ashes 2063, its a gzdoom TC and its FREE. It has some of the best level design i've ever seen in games period, not just FPS.

I think if Amid Evil focused more on a single enemy roster instead of trying to bring a new 1 to every world it would have been a much stronger game, the biggest reason doom2 is so good to play even to this day is the enemy roster is so good.

>> No.10002180

Agreed. The reality, as someone who played games from various systems and can compare them, it was always clear to me just how much more refined Nintendo's flagships were compared to everything else. It's not at all a matter of "complex (and hence more sophisticated) PC games" vs "simple console games", rather Nintendo deliberately avoids excessive 'janky' complexity that forces you to deal with the guts of the game, due to lack of forethought or just not valuing that, in favor of genuinely depth that is presented in more intuitive ways that are conductive to experimentation and provide solid direct control.

It's like, if Mario forced you to manage with a bunch of different physics affecting stats, that wouldn't just be "too complex", it would actively weaken the core design of the game to have the jumping physics work slightly differently depending on a bunch of subtle things, as that would wreck the ability to carefully setup levels with elements having specific purposes etc. The games have to basically *not* be designed like a common PC game in order to be as good as they are.

>> No.10002183

almost all the PC games back then were clones of eachother, PC only really had FPS and RTS. when PC tried to copy a trendy console game it usually ended up shitty

>> No.10002184

modern indie games suck ass. theres zero games that appeal to me

>> No.10002195

that's when it got shit lol

>> No.10002202

The main problem is that DOS PCs weren't plug-in-and-play with simple GUIs like today. If you got the old computer, you didn't know how command line worked. That was when the manual for the computer was actually something people read, and the instructions to "LOAD" games (like Commodore 64, etc.) were printed on the game inserts. If you want to play these things, that's what you need to understand. Of course, there's always an option in DOSBox to just drag and drop the game .exe onto the DOSBox icon, and it should start without having to go through command line.

>> No.10002204

Would you rverfuck off with this retarded nintendo bullshit. Its a thread about PC gaming in the retro not cheaply made garbage for kids and retards. Nintendo posting is so shit I'm conviced it is just crappy bait abd trolling. Muh cheap fucking crappy kiddy console Vs a full fucking desktop. Fuck off.

>> No.10002220

who are you quoting retard, i didnt mention nintendo in my post

>> No.10002252

Hope you have fun. PC-98 rocks!

>> No.10002256

Majority of the world is "third worlders"

>> No.10002284

I recently had a pain in the ass time trying to get DOSbox-x to run Flashback with MT-32. It just wouldn't save the sound settings. I got the game running with a soundblaster in the end by copying someone else's fb.cfg file but it's not the walk in the park you say it is.

Compared to SNES emulation where you just configure your controller and load a rom. It's no wonder so many people are put off by it. Me personally I see it as a challenge, I won't stop until I get it working. So I installed windows 98 on a pcem VM and got it working with the MT-32 that way instead. Funny how emulating the whole computer and installing an OS onto a VM was actually easier than DOSbox.

There's also virtually no information or guides on how to do this stuff on a game by game basis. You have to research every game.

Old PC games have a lot going for them, but they'll never have the audience they deserve while this shit is in the way of just playing the games. GOG at least attempts to do this (though I had to change the DOSbox settings for Space Quest collection and thats the only thing I bought from them). But these old games should be free and easily available to everyone. That's why people still care about SNES games, you can play the whole library on any modern device in less than 10 minutes of setup for free. Nobody would consider paying a yearly subscription for NSO if that wasn't the case. The ease of access keeps these games alive.

>> No.10002302

it always felt weird to me how denigrated pc is on this board
but again i very often experienced better vr threads on v
this board is ruined by some autistic bitter individuals

>> No.10002303

>modern indie games suck ass. theres zero games that appeal to me
you can't possibly have previewed all of them to make that a fair assessment. /vr/ talks about hidden gems in the n64 back catalog of ~200 games, well how about itch.io or gamejolt with 100k games, not to mention people making adventure games or jrpgs on old phpBB boards that never even appear on the aggregator websites? Yeah, loads is trash, but there are unironically thousands of hidden gems amongst it all.

I disagree with your assessment of amid evil, but won't argue it in a standalone sense since it's not /vr/. I will compare it to retro fpses though and say I love the attempt to make each world fresh and different. Your criticism re corridors of nothing just doesn't seem accurate to me, at worst the corridory nature and enemey placement are the same as most /vr/ shooters, at best (moreso the later worlds) the levels are really interesting, and many of the enemy encounters are likewise engaging. There was that one weak world (3 or 4?) with lots of wide open areas, that was a bit serious-sam for my liking.
I do agree they could improve it, I hope that's what they're doing with the sequel.

>> No.10002320

Is this victim headcanon? Who is denigrating PC games besides that autistic half-life troll that shows up once in a while?
/doom/ and /rct/ generals are two perennial staples of /vr/.

>> No.10002323

eXoDOS is literally a collection of DOS games that all come pre-configured for DOSBOX including the config files. The solution is there for people who want to get into DOS gaming but are afraid of the command line or don't wanna mess around with configuration. Back when TOSEC and abandonware sites were your only option, I would agree with you, but it's been years since eXoDOS has been around.
That anon is correct, emulating them is piss-easy these days.

>> No.10002327

Theres just nothing good that has come out

>> No.10002331

You'd have to grab the manual of the game and hope it covers it. Fact of the matter is less people go through the (generally overblown) effort and more of them are on the capable end for this stuff. Most of them also know this, so they don't bother as much as it's figured you should be able to figure it out except when it comes to the more obscure and they need to get to this first.
MT-32, whilst nice, is generally not how most people experienced their games so they stick to assblaster as well. I played Sorcerian with MT-32 support and I got it working first try as a teen on a janky ass savestate fork and MUNT. I tried it years later and it was a huge pain. Still no idea what changed. Didn't matter anyway as all the Sorcerian content was on PC-98, but you're always going to be a minority of a minority trying to get non-standard things to work.

People do need to know about that however. I tend to keep forgetting to recommend it people who want to have an easier time. I personally just do it myself, it's part of the charm so it doesn't pop into my mind too often. I think quite a few people are guilty of that.

>> No.10002337

>It's even easier for EOPs now as the main one allows for texthooking (assuming the game outputs regular text).
Working on learning Japanese, I'll have to look into that text hooking, know of any recommendations for beginner/intermediate learners?

>> No.10002352

Because most PC games at the time of traditional /vr/ were adventure games, point and clicks, RPG's, and sims that ranged from civ-builders, flying games, to vehicle games, while consoles were primarily beat'em ups, shoot em ups, and platformers. Go figure the fast-paced, action-arcade experience on consoles ends up being more popular, what with the lowest common denominator.

>> No.10002357

>lowest common denominator

>> No.10002368

I'm not a good judge for that, but honestly most RPGs should be fine if the writing isn't trying to be pretentious.
Most VNs aren't that complex either, but it is adult oriented (porn or not) so they won't spare you. Plenty of reading practice though, but you might run into titles that are quite a bit more difficult to read. Just pretend the same goes for ADV games as the line between the two gets blurry for a short bit, but I'd say ADV games need to keep things simpler due to the way the game works.
Most "regular" games outside of those genres are fine, they're going to have less text. Various types of sims might be the exception as they will use certain terminology, but again there's less text in those so you can pick up on it.
Honestly it's best to just look for something you're interested in and give it a go. With texthooking support you should manage.

>> No.10002404

>while consoles were primarily beat'em ups, shoot em ups, and platformers
I played loads of platformers in the DOS 6.x/win 3.x days, and a bit later played a lot of fps. I ever remember some shoot em ups fondly, like raptor (hugely popular). I never played beat 'em ups on the pc IIRC, but i suspect the DOS catalog was broader than you recall.

>> No.10002414

You know what? I stand corrected. And I'm annoyed with myself because I have seen eXoDOS before so I should have known better. Thank you for reminding me, my pcem VM can be exclusively for awkward Win9x games now like Gruntz which I'm playing right now and having some serious nostalgia for.

I'm going to go download some DOS kino. Is there an equivalent for win9x games? Or does eXoDOS include those types of games too?

>> No.10002416

Based and there’s nothing good that’s come out and I won’t elaborate furtherpilled

>> No.10002421

I feel DOS gaming doesn't get tricky until you go back to the pre-EGA era. 99% of games were made in some form of Basic, and even the TDC rips are shit, so you end up playing "What Basic is the game expecting" game before you can even play the game. If you're lucky the game will include gwbasic or qbasic with the .bas file, but it's not always the case. Oh, and some will not work with any Basic other than the ROM Basic that comes with the old IBM 8088 motherboard. At least 95% of the pre-CGA ones are PC booters, so you'll need to sit through the memory test every time you attempt a different type of Basic. May got have mercy on you if the game is expecting some special snowflake variant Basic and doesn't include the interpreter.
The CGA/Tandy era itself is it's own pain in the ass. Some games have superior Tandy or PCjr graphics or sound or both, others are best under a composite monitor instead of the more modern RGB monitors. You need about 4 different setups just to be able to play all the games in their best possible formats. Don't even get me started on the incompatibilities that crop up from the PCjr's bullshit.

>> No.10002434

>Past generations used to help the incoming generation
nope everybody figured shit out by themself

>> No.10002441

That wasn't the point. All the games anyone remembers or treasures on PC were adventure games, point and clicks, RPG's, and sims. Almost all of the platformers were multiplats which were better on console. It's not news to anyone that consoles did platformers better because early on they simply had better scrolling. The higher storage power and Video Memory on PC's meant graphics could be more detailed though, and games could be much longer.

> I ever remember some shoot em ups fondly, like raptor (hugely popular)
Be that as it may, no one considers them to be better than the likes of the main competition on the PC's of the time, like Monkey Island, Wasteland, or Ultima Underworld. And the only place you could actually play a real flight-sim was on PC. Console "flight sims" were dog shit, and still are.

>> No.10002447

>theres zero games that appeal to me

And pray tell, what is a game that would "appeal" to you?

>> No.10002453

>PC gaming in the retro not cheaply made garbage for kids and retards
PC was always the platform with the most amount of actual "for kids only" software, though.
Consoles and arcades had games based on reflexes and ludo elements, not didactic shit for kids.
>but it's kiddy! these characters are too cute!
Yeah Japan has no problem with cute characters. And at one point, the west didn't have any problem either, Games like Pac-Man were super popular at pubs, despite it being colorful and having cute characters that look for kids, that's because the gameplay was good, as usual with Japanese games.

>> No.10002501

>It was basically cultural shit in places like russia
>no one could afford anything besides dendy
Incorrect. Mega drive (Genesis for americans) was very widespread.
>and those who were serious would save on pc so that could get free games instead
Also correct but it was more an issue of avaliability until mid(even late)00s. In the 90s and early 00s, internet was a scarsity and publishers didn't bother with selling licensed games in Russia (the first official release of a western PC game was iirc Pod in 97). So pirates took their place and became publishers in everything but name, some even ran tech support and hired modders to make unofficial mission packs for RTCW exclusive to their brand.

>> No.10002514

>PC was always the platform with the most amount of actual "for kids only" software, though.

Depends what you mean. If you mean "By volume", then sure, because you didn't need an official publisher to license your game on PC. But there were also more "adult" games on PC by that same exact metric. You wouldn't see Leisure Suit Larry come to consoles until 2004, almost 2 decades after the first one originally came out.

>ludo elements, not didactic shit for kids.
Arcade games were first-and-foremost designed to get you to play them again, so they had a plethora of forced-damage engagements on them, while on consoles, due to restrictions in memory, they had to elongate the experience, and so designed them to be difficult to beat.

Also, a game does not have to be goal-oriented in teaching morals or values in order to be "kiddified". It has to be sanitized in regards to its violence, it has to be soft, bright, and varied in its color in order to attract and keep their attention, as children are biologically drawn to bright colors that stand-out, and it needs to have a very simple, easy-to-understand premise and story. Those 3 things were universal components of console video games.

>that's because the gameplay was good, as usual with Japanese games
Never played Super Pitfall or Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, have you?

>> No.10002549

Your expectation that one MUST view every single one of the 100k itch.io / gamejolt games is kinda unreasonable. If you're at the point you think the guy is wrong until they try a literal billion titles unironically, you're just as unreasonable as the one who doesn't elaborate. At some point you just concede that your general opinion of the place isn't good and generally speaking they don't make games for you or the kind of community may not be good at making the games you want. While the comparison of a n64 (or even a lot consoles, assuming they're ones I like) is poor, 200 is a lot less I instantly play a game and find it's 4me lol. It also has popular gems besides hidden gems, that introduce you to the system, so yeah, this really won't convince anybody. Or I just browsed an arcade library and did find interesting games and came out with a good impression overall.

>> No.10002554

Not in America.

>> No.10002603

>Your expectation that one MUST view every single one of the 100k itch.io / gamejolt games
I said 'preview all' but really, my point is he hasn't even previewed 10%, or 1%, or 0.1% of what's out there. Most people that shit on "all indie games" are looking at lists by steam or youtube recs, and often are merely judging the games based on graphics ("pixelshit") despite the common /v/ and /vr/ refrain that gameplay is so much more important than graphics.
I've looked at probably 2 thousand games from itch.io over the last decade, and 95% have been shit which i gloss past. However, some of my most memorable games have come from the deep recesses of the itch.io catalog, the bluemaxima catalog, gamemaker forums, and old /v/ lists.

I don't know what people really mean when they say 'all indie is shit', but I have to guess they're really saying "I want big budget graphics, but also want to complain that big budget studies aren't doing experimental gameplay."

>> No.10002620

One of my favorite late 90's examples of this is Battlezone 2 Combat Commander. If you've never played it, it was a hybrid RTS game where you built bases and units to take over the enemies base but the twist is that you played as an actual character in the army so you were on the ground getting into dog fights with other ships and it also allowed you to leave teh ship and just be a human pilot that could snipe other pilots out of their cockpit and then steal their ships. So you'd build better ships and upgrades for them and then get to pilot them yourself and use them to take over the enemy base with your army.

The ships all had different gimmicks and loadouts and you were able to steal and commandeer strong enemy ships which led to a lot of different ways to approach taking over the enemy base and building yours. The campaign even branched into 2 completely different paths for each side of the conflict depending on the players choice. This game came out in 1999, 1 year before Perfect Dark came out on N64 and everyone sucked it off as some incredibly amazing game.

PC games were just built differently for a long time. It even had internet based multiplayer where you could either play it as a pure tank battle/fps game or with the actual RTS hybrid mode.

>> No.10002623

>I want big budget graphics, but also want to complain that big budget studies aren't doing experimental gameplay."
oh so you're just an asshole who wants to build strawmen

>> No.10002625

Its beyond disingenuous to pretend every single taste is accounted for on itch.io or to pretend that everyone should comb through thousands of trash games to see if they find something halfway decent

>> No.10002636

That looks like the box to Flashback from the thumbnail, threw me off for a moment

>> No.10002697
File: 25 KB, 640x480, 6_nsinothergames18_20060711_25865763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing I said is a strawman. Logical deduction isn't "a strawman", and I prefaced my extrapolation by literally saying
>but I have to guess
after saying
>I don't know what people really mean
so fuck right off with your logical-fallacy-buzzword bullshit.

Why are you fixated on itch.io? I listed several websites and collections. You could just as easily include most win16 or dos games, most of them were indie. You are literally admitting that you don't care about finding good games, or even acknowledging good games might be out there, and agreeing with a guy who says all non-big-budget published games (read: indie) are shit. It's strictly worse than a /v/ tier opinion.
>market your game harder to me bethesda, but also, why are all AAA games shit nowdays? waah.

>indie games on itch.io or steam 2015-2023
[aloof face]
>indie games shared on shareware discs and download sites in the 90s
[excited onions face]

>> No.10002718

>>muh piracy bad
>unironically kill yourself nintenoid

You are the reason DRM exists and shit sucks cause of it.

>> No.10002724

Its a strawman because you keep fucking putting words in my mouth. This is insanely aggravating because if I want to talk to you I have to individually go down the list of everything you accuse me of and put effort into trying to dispel your fucked up baseless assumptions because you already have an idea of me in your head that you want to argue with

>> No.10002727

>ignores everything I said and just pretends like I'm obsessed with itch.io
fuck you

>> No.10002754

There's an eXoWin, but that just covers Win3.x games. There's still no pre-packaged solution for Win9x games yet. While it was possible to emulate Win9x in VMWare, it never was really all that good or usable for gaming. It wasn't until PCem and 86box started being capable of emulating Pentium 2's that Win9x emulation really became viable.

>> No.10002868


To answer your question, some of my faves from more PC specific genres or games that had their most playable iteration on PC:

Wolfenstein 3D
Hexen II
Duke Nukem 3D
Quake III
Unreal Tournament
Half-Life 2 (and bending the rules Episodes I and II)
Dark Forces
Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight
Star Trek: Elite Force

Adventure Games:
Monkey Island Series
Sam And Max Series
Maniac Mansion and Day of the Tentacle
Grim Fandango
Full Throttle
Discworld Series
Ecstatica Series
Star Trek 25th Anniversary
The Dig
Beneath a Steel Sky
Gabriel Knight Series
The Journeyman Project Series
The Tex Murphy Series

RPGs (inc. Action games with RPG elements):
Ultima VII
Planetscape Torment
Baldur's Gate Series
Fallout II
Deus Ex

Real Time Strategy:
Command & Conquer Series
Total Annihilation
Age of Empires Series
Commandos 1 and 2
Warcraft (original games)

Turn Based Strategy:
Not a massive fan to be honest but
Civilisation series
Alpha Centurai
and Jagged Alliance: Deadly Games are kind of fun
Total War Series I've heard good things about

Flight and Space Sims:
Any Microsoft Flight Simulators after 95
Flight Unlimited II
SU-27 Flanker
The Wing Commander Series (even Prophecy, I love it)
Freespace series
X-Wing, Tie Fighter, X-Wing vs. Tie Fighter and X-Wing Alliance
The X Series
The Privateer series

Other misc action:
Jedi Knight: Jedi Outcast and Jedi Academy (they aren't FPSs, whatever anyone tries to say)
Hidden and Dangerous
Early Rainbow Six games
Later SWAT games
Commander Keen series
Heretic II
Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine
Carmageddon I and II

Other misc strategy/puzzles/Sports etc.:
The Incredible Machine series
Championship Manager series
The Lynx or Microsoft Golf series

That's all I can be bothered with for now.

>> No.10002929

This board unironically needs more dos, Ameeger, c64, speccy, feel like we’ve talked consolefag games to death and barely scraped the libraries of above

>> No.10002982

be the change

>> No.10002983

I make threads and they die, guess I should just samefag them since thats what everyone else does if they don't bait engagement via genesis vs snes trolling

>> No.10002991

Personally I have never had issues on /vr/ but on faster boards I just wait until a different time of day and remake the thread.
Another thing I do is keep the opening post short. I tend to type more than people are willing to read out of the bat and so I've learned threads usually get more discussion if I put some clickbaity bullshit at first and then go into detail about what I actually wanted to talk about in the next post.

>> No.10002998

You could bait with something like, "Why is this computer so superior to this console?" and they'll bite and shit up the thread pretty hard.

>> No.10003003

Retro computer games were just played less I think.
It was easier to just buy a snes instead of fooling around with multiple install discs, version updates, etc.

There were definitely some really good ones that lots of people did have though.

My first PC games were G-NOME, Hot Wheels, Lego Island, Midtown Madness, early battlefield games, and lots of other random one off games.

>> No.10003012

>picture of speccy
>”*mogs your shitty jap trashicom* nothing personnel troon”
>hits post limit

>> No.10003018
File: 352 KB, 4096x2372, CYIDy_MUEAA_gDq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, you're silly. Doom was high on this list too.

>> No.10003074

americans are retards who can't into pc gaming

>> No.10003237

>This game came out in 1999, 1 year before Perfect Dark came out on N64 and everyone sucked it off as some incredibly amazing game.

I find it bizarre that you're making this comparison. It's like, PD honestly wasn't as good as people made it out to be and has far weaker mission design than Goldeneye, but the Rare FPS were doing plenty of things that PC FPS on the whole were not doing at the time (don't ackshually me on this, I know about the already existing stealth mechanics and sniper mods etc.) so I don't know why you're making this into a one up thing.

>> No.10003248

It's more that while being an FPS, BZ2 also doubled and tripled as an RTS and 3rd person tank battle game and incorporated all of those elements seamlessly. The innate complexity of it was on a completely different league than Perfect Dark which was the pinnacle of console FPS games at the time. It's a comparison to show the difference between a PC and console game around that period.

But it also comes down to consoles being for quick fun where you can pick up and play and PC games being for big nerds that loved to shoehorn strategy games even into FPS at the time.

>> No.10003263

Doom is one of the most popular games of all time, is on every goddamn platform ever made and on every nostalgiawank list ever published. Starcraft, Half-Life, Age of Empires always make those lists. Oregon Trail even made it to schools back then.
What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.10003270


>> No.10003308

DRM has never worked even a single time.
The only reason it exists is to see how much consumers will put up with.

>> No.10003375

Because PC gaming was far less accessible in the 90s. You either had to be rich or have some nerdy ass dad to own a decent PC before 1998. My family was poor and we didn't get our first PC until 1999. It was nearly 2k and still barely ran shit that was 2 years old, sometimes older. 90% of the games I played on it were released in 1996 or older. It nearly burst into flames when I tried playing AvP and Everquest on it.

>> No.10003383

It must suck to not be white that u have to seethe so much about it you come on a video game message board.

>> No.10003426

No, you actually missed my point entirely
You said
>... pretend every single taste is accounted for
>... or to pretend that everyone should comb through thousands of trash games
My point is those complaints of "indie" games could equally apply to loads of /vr/ sets as well, and that is a problem with curation and individual taste, rather than "modern indie games suck", which is the sentiment being discussed >>10002184

I took a guess at what possible rationale there is for the original stance of "indie=shit" which was the chains OP stance, I didn't say that was necessarily your feeling. You were talking about the desire for external curation and i probably didn't address that explicitly enough in my post. If you feel i've missed your central point, please correct me.

>> No.10003431

This was my experience. I was one of 2 kids in school who had a PC at home in the early 90s. Almost everyone else i knew just had a SNES or gameboy.

>> No.10003438

Few minutes ago I was playing gorilla tag having fun as a fucking child . I'm 34

>> No.10003576
File: 111 KB, 220x260, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>try to play pic-related on Windows 98 Pentium III PC
>can't install it for some reason
>look online for solution, turns-out according to Vogons it's extremely difficult to run natively on late-90's/early-00's systems due to it shitting the bed with more than 256MB of RAM among other things
>DOSbox likely out of the question on Pentium III
>give up for a few years
>hear about this sourceport called Pentagram made for Ultima VIII but also supposedly supports Crusader
>try it out, only supports Ultima VIII and doesn't work
>look online and determine that only the version that's been integrated into ScummVM recently supports Crusader
>hm, guess I'm fucked there's no way that still works on Win9X
>check their website for shits and giggles and turns-out IT STILL DOES IN FACT still support Windows 95 and 98!
>download it and try it out with the GoG version stince I still can't get the installer to work
>it fucking works
>get to play isometric shooter kino with God-tier tracker OST on real hardware the way God intended without having to yank RAM out of my system or fuck with RAMdisk software

Can ScummVM possibly be anymore based?

>> No.10003598

I love old DOS era games, I was a teenager in the mid-90s. Love me Seven Cities of Gold. Still have a closet full of game boxes from Best Buy.

>> No.10003706

>go to play Return to Ringworld
>game has a short sequence when starting I never saw before
>check to see if I somehow got a different version of the game
>ScummVM devs found the code for the sequence in the game that the game failed to call, so ScummVM calls it
It's a minor thing, but I can't begin to tell you how much it wow'd me to see a small scene and animation for a game from my childhood that I never saw before. Not as a small video on youtube or a picture, but part of the game as it should have been. ScummVM is awesome.

Been working on seeing how many old 4.77MHz 8088/8086 monochrome text games I can get to work off the HDD provided I point them at the right Basic interpreter. Got a hard limit of about 32MBs for HDD since I'm using DOS 3.30, but that might as well be limitless for the monochrome era. Got 20 games installed already, only using about 4MBs. Could probably trim that down lower by putting all the Basic interpreters in root and just pointing the right interpreter to the right .BAS file in the .BAT files, but I have room to spare for now. Only have another 55 games picked out so far, and they are all sub 360KBs as was the standard for the era. Even if they were all 360KBs, that would only be about 20MBs. Reality is closer to 10MBs.

>> No.10003748
File: 80 KB, 954x709, 8088 made simple.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This beats the hell out of swapping floppies and rebooting.

>> No.10003767

Every PC98 (or jap computer) thread devolves into bumping with the same CGs, because the few people that are interested can't read Japanese and can't cope with MTL because they don't know how.
/jp/ is just toehoes and anywhere off this hellhole is too afraid of anime drawings or puritan as fuck when they aren't and none of them can read it either and generally just post CGs, but non-sexy ones so those threads die in 5 posts.
I will suffer alone, or worse, together with the Japanese.

>> No.10003775

>No Gabriel Knight
>No King’s Quest
>No 7th Gate
>No Leisuresuit Larry

>> No.10003793

Dunno, jannies have killed two threads about old pc games so perhaps it is a shill thing. Classics for me:
>Diablo 1/2
>The sims
>Sim city
>Zoo tycoon
>Dune 2

>> No.10003825
File: 91 KB, 1280x720, pegazus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>third worlders who didnt have a pc in the 90's.
On the contrary, it's the americans who usually only had consoles, second and third worlders could only afford bootleg consoles and cartridges and because of that they preferred computers

>> No.10003834

As a third worlder I confirm. The middle class mostly had pcs, if your parents were okay with it you could install some games. Only rich people had nintendo/ps1/sega. Lower class had bootleg (100 games in 1) consoles at most.

>> No.10004016

That is really cool. I gotta commend the developers' commitment to not only preserving those games, but doing their best to keep them playable on older hardware too.

>> No.10004190

I think I confused Oblivion with Morrowind then because I do remember one game talking about the graphics and nothing else and i do remember looking back recently and noticing it aged poorly. Because it had nothing else to it and like always anything that focuses on graphics dates itself within a decades time easily.

>> No.10004218

>Why are you fixated on itch.io? I listed several websites and collections. You could just as easily include most win16 or dos games, most of them were indie. You are literally admitting that you don't care about finding good games, or even acknowledging good games might be out there, and agreeing with a guy who says all non-big-budget published games (read: indie) are shit. It's strictly worse than a /v/ tier opinion.
>market your game harder to me bethesda, but also, why are all AAA games shit nowdays? waah.
>indie games on itch.io or steam 2015-2023
>[aloof face]
>indie games shared on shareware discs and download sites in the 90s
>[excited onions face]
Lol this is sad but accurate. Just because older games are good does not mean there are not newer games in the same vein as those that existed back then or people trying to make those experiences on Steam or in other places. Great games of the past remind us how better the future can be but we can not hold onto the past and be stubborn Nostalgiafags our whole lives. Which is a good point.

>> No.10004243

I like the description you gave for BZ2 it takes me back to the days of Flash Games from Newgrounds or Custom Servers when people made really weird things from Starcraft 2 Brood War like Tower Defense with 5 players online or the invisible Zealot vs 3 SUV's which had to stay alive for 2 minutes which was an Assasin Survival game. These to me speak a lot about how PC players really are creative despite the limitations that existed back then. People made things because they were fun and interesting complex even but had enough understanding to teach users the basics to ease new players into the sphere. Also BZ2 does remind me of C&C Renegade albiet just a basic multiplayer game but had a lot of good ideas going for it.

>> No.10004248

>full off third worlders who didnt have a pc in the 90's
Nigger what the fuck are you smoking? PC gaming was predominantly a third world phenomena, the first world was overwhelmingly on consoles.

>> No.10004251

>PC gaming was predominantly a third world phenomena, the first world was overwhelmingly on consoles.
Stop making shit up. PCs were expensive in the 90s and gaming was niche, most first worlders didn't even have rigs that could play the latest games.

>> No.10004252

You can get started with these win98 games:
Not emulated but patched to work natively on newer windows

>> No.10004303

Retro PC wasn't the greatest option for typical console genres: platform games, shoot em ups, beat em ups...
And people these days aren't in the mood for the old adventures were a single mistake that maybe you didn't even notice could ruin the whole walktrough.
Old WRPGs were not that aproachable for newcomers that didn't want to bother with instruction manuals.
And other genres just don't have the same staying power. I mean, PC was a good option for pinball games, but people don't expend hours talking about pinball games.
Still, people remember Doom and its clones, Ultima, Lucas Arts games...

>> No.10004334

PC gaming was more niche in general, and more middle or upper middle class, whereas in wealthy countries every working class family had a console, but didn't get a PC or the net until the late 90s or early 2000s, and when they did, it probably didn't have a graphics card.

>> No.10004337

Good collection. Reminds me i never played max payne back int he day.

>> No.10004341
File: 78 KB, 918x597, 709505D7-B53D-4D52-B2C6-B8C27C02EE85.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when I eventually get around to building my “perfect” retro PC I’m going to need an MT-32, an SC-55 AND a soundblaster if I want everything to sound right
>possibly even an SC-88 too

>> No.10004739

PC gaming allowing for user created game modes has been one of its biggest strengths. DotA, Team Fortress, DayZ, Counterstrike,and PUBG were all originally mods that became so popular that they have their own standalone games and were genre defining and led to a lot of copycats. Even something like Among Us comes from Trouble in Terrorist Town which was an early Garry's Mod game mode someone came up with. Random guys making mods for fun back in the day have changed the gaming industry forever.

>> No.10004869

What I recommend for building a reasonably-decent retro gaming PC for 90's games is a Pentium III with an early GeForce card and a Soundblaster Live. Has everything you need to play a reasonable amount of DOS games with sound and they're really cheap and easy to find. Voodoo 3's are nice but really fucking expensive and other soundcards are awesome but they don't come cheap.

>> No.10005012

I do think if gaming did allow for more user created content and custom servers with map making we would see so much more of that again with addition of mods. I do remember TF2, Dayz and Counterstrike being the result of mods. It's crazy to think about how many genres were created because of that.

>> No.10005198

Third worlder born in 85 here.
You had a pc chock full of pirated games or a knock off NES with those shitty 100 in 1 carts.
Or most commonly, you didn't have shit.

>> No.10005338

Not that Anon. But what is gaming today like compared to back then? Is it more pirated games on PC? Knock off Consoles?

>> No.10005478

Sadly most corporations these days are too greedy. Warcraft 3 Reloaded had it so that any map that you made is the "sole and exclusive property of Blizzard." Which of course deterred mod/map makers from really doing anything new and innovative so that Blizzard wouldn't come and steal their idea.

The Warcraft 3 Art Tools EULA gets grotesquely specific. If you use the software, it says "you are giving Blizzard ownership of your "titles, computer code, themes, objects, characters, character names, stories, dialog, catch phrases, locations, concepts, artwork, animations, sounds, musical compositions, audio-visual effects, methods of operation, moral rights," and anything else you might create." Nu Blizzard is truly cancer, perhaps the biggest fall from grace in all of gaming.

>> No.10005489

kek you just know whoever made that EULA was absolutely seething watching Riot and Valve profit off DotA and wants to make sure that never, ever happens again

>> No.10005905

Steam slowed piracy a lot, we have local prices now. Free to play games made a huge impact.
PS1, PS2, and PS3 were all sold with Modchips
PS4 used stolen or shared accounts with games
No one uses Xbox.
No knock off consoles, but a lot of emulator machines loaded with full libraries have showed up.

>> No.10005979

That is amazing and great news to hear. I am glad that your economies have developed a lot better and things are much easier than they use to be.

>> No.10006032

Only hope is if Microsoft buys them out and changes the whole EULA overnight. we still need games that supports user created mods that is for certain.

>> No.10006137

you third world fucks could afford a $600 console?

>> No.10006446


>> No.10006451
File: 18 KB, 280x174, jazz_game.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man Jazz Jackrabbit had so much sovl

>> No.10006490

No nostalgia because Steam invented PC gaming. Turns out having one 'platform' along with 'it just works', like a console, is what made PC gaming take off. The modern PC is simply a Steam 'console' with piracy enabled

>> No.10006790
File: 522 KB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No knock off consoles

If you're referring to PopStation-tier shit those still exists, believe it or not.

>> No.10006792

I think Minecraft and component prices nosediving also had a lot to do with the rise of PC gaming popularity throughout the early-mid 2010's.

>> No.10007030

It was $300 by the time modding was available

>> No.10007381
File: 956 KB, 1280x913, crackopenacoldoneblackmesa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jazz Jackrabbit and Earthworm Jim both oozed sovl.

>> No.10008909
File: 59 KB, 1024x894, 1666587907434606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, PCem is great. Been having fun for the past couple of weeks just setting up different machines and running stuff on them, from a Tandy 1000 with a 8088 to a Windows 98SE machine with a Pentium II. It probably sounds boring to most people but just installing stuff, configuring it and seeing it run perfectly is satisfying.

>> No.10009789
File: 89 KB, 959x720, Internet on Windows for Workgroups 311.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That and it's really nice being able to run games on hardware close to what it was expecting instead of trying to force every DOS game through the same powerhouse machine with slomo and other tools to get to the right speed. I can run monochrome games on a VGA card, but monochrome just looks nicer in green-scale monochrome than the black and white text of VGA.
I dunno why I have such difficulty trying to force a Tandy machine to boot off a hard drive. Everytime I get things mostly setup, the Tandy boot will eat itself and I'm back to square one. XTIDE is supposed to work, but I can't make any HDD format properly using it for some reason.
Pic related is a Win3.11 machine I got working with TCP/IP networking through the Loopback Adapter. It can't connect to very many websites without Opera 3.62 crashing out, but stuff like textfiles.com works.

>> No.10009936

Speak for yourself. It's never been easier to have the full DOS library at your fingertips. Just free up 600 GB of space and grab the ExoDOS set. You can literally be set up in a single day.

Hell, I set up the entire ExoDOS set on my MiSTer even. There were a few extra steps involved, so it took 2 days of zipping and converting while I did other stuff. Big whoop.

Consoles were more popular to discuss before (i) Reddit jerks post more about collecting carts than actually playing games, and (ii) if you're a braindead moron, I suppose it's easier to put a cart in a console and hit "start" than it is to set up ExoDOS (not that it's actually hard).

That's it.

>> No.10010695

I've been able to run stuff from floppies on the original Tandy 1000 but yeah, I've also been having trouble when it comes to HDDs with it for some reason. I managed to install MS-DOS 6.22 just fine on the Tandy 1000 SL/2 though (but that has a 8086)

>> No.10011137
File: 68 KB, 1600x1200, Screenshot from 2023-06-25 04-00-22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Windows NT 3.51 can get you on 4chan but I guess that's cheating. You can't post though

>> No.10011152

Because anything besides Doom, Quake and similar titles is a jank shareware game not really worth more than five minutes.

>> No.10011182


>> No.10011185

>anything besides Doom, Quake and similar titles is a jank shareware game
Baldur's Gate, Civilization, Diablo, Age of Empires and Warcraft are my favorite jank shareware franchises

>> No.10012317

>It could have something to do with the fact that people aren't particularly interested in western developed games
>the highest grossing video game of all time is a Western game
>the biggest icons of the 90's were Crash Bandicoot, Spyro, Lara Croft, and Duke Nukem
>Mortal Kombat has out-grossed Street Fighter in total sales
>GTA 5 has sold more copies than every single Final Fantasy game ever made
Holy cope, this is just fucking sad dude. Are you retarded?

>Japanese computers like the Sharp X68000 and the NEC PC-98 are somewhat mainstream
Yea, you gotta be a huge retard. There's next to zero community surrounding those computers aside from weebs. The C64 and Amiga communities dwarf them significantly. Hell, you'll find a larger fanbase around the Atari 8-Bit than either of those.

>> No.10013169
File: 16 KB, 475x386, rip failure.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to copy files from floppy disk image to HDD
>DOS spits up an error
>look at disk
>see this shit
This is not how you rip a disk image. Not even fucking close. How do you even fuck up this badly making a copy of a floppy disk?

>> No.10013206

PC didn't have as much variety as it has now nor as consoles did back in the day. There's a reason why most major PC games during the 6th gen were FPS, Point n Click adventures or Isometric games. Stuff like Fighting games or DMC just couldn't work at all with keyboard + mouse.
Japs studios also gave up on PC at that time and didn't pick it up again until like the mid 2010's

>> No.10013338
File: 111 KB, 600x400, Why_Hit_Box_Corrected_3fe9466b-e5ea-4b53-9f85-d19fab1218c4_600x600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stuff like Fighting games
I'll always find this funny. People shat on keyboards for fighting games since forever then suddenly they start playing with pic related which essentially works the same way as a keyboard. Keyboards will always be the best input method as long as analog controls aren't involved which is proven further by SMB speedrunners using them instead of NES controllers. I bought controllers for emulating 4th gen games but went back to playing them with a keyboard since it's simply faster most of the time. Try pressing left and right as fast as you can on a d-pad or with a stick then try doing it with a keyboard, the difference is huge. Japs didn't develop for PC back then because they're tech boomers who don't like change. The nip PC userbase started doubling ever couple of years recently though

>> No.10013361
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>PC didn't have as much variety as it has now nor as consoles did back in the day.
It did have variety of games i will explain on the next response, it just was more complex, the main problems mainly were the lack of unified API's, Drivers, Sound Cards etc under universal standards. That became painful for everyone including Japan itself and the consumer. Especially when you had to know if you needed an Nvidia, Voodoo, and AMD to run a certain game, or a sound card for that game. Things varied a lot. Until the early 00's which i will explain later on.
> There's a reason why most major PC games during the 6th gen were FPS, Point n Click adventures or Isometric games
This is false. RTS was huge, Strategy RPG's, Card Games, Pinball(surprised you never mentioned this), RPG's were huge and honestly some of the most original out there concepts were tested on PC before console, the reason for the coverage on FPS, Point And Clicks etc is that is what was chosen to get the most coverage to appeal to broader audiences was FPS, Click games.
>Japs studios also gave up on PC at that time and didn't pick it up again until like the mid 2010's
A lot of AAA ones did, but there was always a broad scene for it still, 2-3 million is still a lot in the market that stayed on PC it did not mean Japanese people left it. The market is Mostly Eroge, Visual Novels, Dungeon Crawlers, Fanservice Games, stuff like Mahjong, Nobunaga and Strategy RPG's Japan loves RPG's. I can bring up footage of older games that were made during that time. Also i will mention that thanks to things like DirectX12, Vulkan and easier porting processes like UE5,Unity and the growth of Open Source stuff like GodotEngine it has exploded again for Japanese AAA to come back to PC, along with Indies popping up very quickly. Like always they were there, it just never had a huge growth spurt like it did today. What was once 2-4 million is trending towards 20 million overall and that is from Steam numbers alone.

>> No.10013408
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>PC not having Variety
What were Flight Sticks, Steering Wheel and even the crazy Mecha peripherals like the one used in Steel Battalion then? PC is experimental and highly so.
> Stuff like Fighting games or DMC just couldn't work at all with keyboard + mouse.
Again it could work on Keyboard + Mouse. It's just developers did not bother trying to do so, and also controllers could work on PC and have done so. It's just there was no universal API because companies did not bother on that front. Also ask yourself this, why does DMCV today work on KB+M and Controller? Because they bothered to put the work in for it. The industry did the heavy lifting.
>I'll always find this funny. People shat on keyboards for fighting games since forever
You can not blame them, it's that they think a Fight Stick peripheral is designed for fighting games and has some sort of advantage on latency and frames when honestly Keyboards and Mouse are basically 1:1 when wired and far greater. Especially when they moved away from the awful trackpad ball and into the laser mouse. What a huge win that was lol.
> Japs didn't develop for PC back then because they're tech boomers who don't like change.
I would say it was execs back in the day who thought Console market = only market. That ended up hurting them when Cell Phones came out and ended up being more convenient because Japan is a country that has a lot more Train Centric infrastructure and is mostly about walking distances to get to certain destinations. Why use a console when you could go out and about, play video games on a train on your ride to Akihabara and then head back home for the day? No need to drive or think about anything else.
>The nip PC userbase started doubling ever couple of years recently though
It has because Playstation's HQ is in California and has basically abandoned the Japanese Market completely. Go figure that this would lead into a tremendous upswing for PC due to freedom of the marketplace.

>> No.10013473

that's a "booter" image, the game would have been booted directly from the BIOS, not from DOS. Reading the disk with DOS doesn't give you anything useful but it looks like someone stuck a message where DOS expects to find filenames.

To play it in dosbox, use the BOOT command, not MOUNT

>> No.10014296

In my specific case it's because ScummVM expects the game to be ripped and configured in a very specific fashion and taking it from the GoG version is just easier than trying to get the installer to play nice with a >256mb RAM system and manually copying data from the CD.

>> No.10014770

America must be third world since they only recently started playing on PC while they were very popular in South America and Eastern Europe in the 90s.

>> No.10014772

What is your implication supposed to imply, you just said GoG and moved on, shit post

>> No.10014785

I had a PS2 and PS3 when they were brand new but could only afford like 1 or 2 games a year, I would usually exchange games with my classmates (only 2 other had a PS2) so we could play more stuff, we always tried to buy different games lol.
Then I discovered the used market and was able to buy older games cheaper, and then I just modded the console.

>> No.10014808

Didn't you guys play games in computer class in school? I remember playing Jazz Jackrabbit and that DOS Mario game. And obviously Star Craft.

>> No.10014871


Everything Spiderweb Software. These guys have been doing classic turn-based grid-rpgs for decades. (https://www.spiderwebsoftware.com/exile/winexile.html))

Also Ambrosia Software with their really great 80's arcade remixes + Escape Velocity (having one of the greatest modding communities of the time)

>> No.10014881

There's so much stupidity and wrongness in your post, it's actually surprising.

>PC didn't have as much variety as it has now nor as consoles did back in the day
Imagine actually being this fucking stupid. PC's had far more variety than anything on consoles. You had literally every single genre, including fighting games with titles like Kung-Fu: The Way of the Exploding Fist, which was hugely popular and set the standard for fighting games in 1985.

>Just couldn't work at all with keyboard + mouse
PC's actually used to come with dedicated joysticks for their video games. The Amiga, C64, Apple 2, and the PCjr all had dedicated joysticks.

>Japs studios also gave up on PC at that time and didn't pick it up again until like the mid 2010's
And no one gave a shit, because they suck at developing PC games, and always have. I can't name a single PC exclusive the Japanese ever developed that was actually good, or a port that was immediately good. The reason they all started trying out more development on PC is because Minecraft showed how big of a market PC could be, so it forced them to acknowledge the fact that they don't make PC games.

Why are you trying to imply like anyone gave a shit about Jap studios giving up on, or restarting an interest in, PC gaming?

>> No.10014919


> blue screens

Sounds like someone grew up on 90's/2000's windows...

There were great games before and after - and IBM/MS weren't the only platforms for personal computers.

>> No.10014931

I've always played on both console and PC since I was like 4 and any of you niggas refusing to play on other system were missing out then, maybe not as much now since everything is multiplat but still. I'm 32 now.

>> No.10014948


> PCs were expensive in the 90s and gaming was niche, most first worlders didn't even have rigs that could play the latest games.

Fucking children in this thread. 90's was full of PC gamers; but PC meant APPLE personal computer, not IBM which was always business focused.

>> No.10015128

early PC games were built to be superseded by sequels and successors instead of playing as uniquely designed good games. what's the point of playing Dune 2 when you can just play CnC? outside of the strategy and cRPG games, most of them played and looked like ass too. unless you really loved FMV shit or something. it's when the mid 90s they started getting really good.

>> No.10015245
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>90's was full of PC gamers
>but PC meant APPLE personal computer

No, it fucking didn't, you god damn retard, it meant PC. Apple was Apple, and if you were a gamer, you definitely didn't have an Apple, because there was hardly anything to fucking play on it.

And then there's THIS chucklefuck.
>PC games were built to be superseded by sequels and successors instead of playing as uniquely designed good dames
How ironic, since that's identical to the description for consoles, since they designed to be marketing advertisements for the console first and foremost, and then superseded by sequels that were only available on the brand new console or peripheral that came out 3 or 5 years later.

>what's the point of playing Dune 2 when you can just play CnC?
What's the point of playing Final Fantasy when you can just play Secret of Mana? You see how fucking retard-tier your logic is, dipshit?

>most of them played and looked like ass too, unless you really loved FMV shit or something
Here is a comparison picture of a game on the NES on the left, and a popular game for PC on the right, both released in the same year. Cope and seethe, consolecuck.

>> No.10015361

some of them, sure. but PC devs were obsessed with innovating. are you going to tell me LGS, ID, and etc. didn't do this? I see zero point of playing UU when you can play System Shock, which is better than in nearly every aspect. AOE over AOE2. etc.
>What's the point of playing Final Fantasy when you can just play Secret of Mana?
theyre both entirely different games for starters. Dune II is inferior in EVERY way over CnC. I think there's more of a reason to go back and play Dune I over II.
>Here is a comparison picture of a game on the NES on the left, and a popular game for PC on the right
i mean that's cool and all. but ALTTP looks and sounds better than Ultima 7. and the latter was praised for its visuals and sound lol. Really, PC games didnt look good till they got 3d. cuze they were aesthetically ugly and sounded like shit with MIDI and early tech.

The NES had a fair advantage over home computers. there's literally not a single good action based home computer game even bringing up now. but there's plenty of CRPG and strategy games to brag about.

>> No.10015372

ok. i guess should be a little more fair. Amiga games look and sound really good compared to NA stuff.

>> No.10015405
File: 3.67 MB, 4324x1926, best_games_of_all_years_vr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Late to the game but here's the list OP wanted

>> No.10015579

>Apple, because there was hardly anything to fucking play on it.

Ultima? Apple. Wolfenstein? Apple. Zork. Wizardry. Bard's Tale? Apple.

Pretty much every top tier retro game was released for Apple. Only later did it become Apple + a port to Commodore.

>> No.10015601

This list is fine, but honestly I feel like the last third of it is already creeping into slop territory with stuff like diablo 3 listed. I think the /v/ reccomended wiki, focusing on the DOS-XP lists, with some select titles in Vista/7, is a better list for this board.


>> No.10015669

>are you going to tell me LGS, ID, and etc. didn't do this? I see zero point of playing UU when you can play System Shock, which is better than in nearly every aspect
That is the dumbest comparison imaginable. Ultima Underworld was a literal RPG, while System Shock was basically just an FPS with RPG elements, like STALKER. There's no NPC's to interact with, there's no sidequests to engage in, and you had to feed your character in Ultima Underworld.

>AOE over AOE2
Super Mario bros 2 over Super Mario 1.

>But there's different aspects
And there's different aspects in AOE1 and 2. In Age of Empires 1, all factions have the same units. In Age of Empires 2, factions have different units. This eschews chess-like balance for more dynamic gameplay. Or I could just ignore that comparison and use a comparison of my own, namely; Star Fox vs Star Fox 64.

It's also disingenuous to say that the PC developers were constantly innovating, when console developers also innovated, constantly applying new tricks and methods to squeeze more content into the limited space and make games look and play better/differently. They were significantly more handicapped than PC developers because of the lack of scope of technology though, which makes your argument further confusing when you try to say that they looked like ass.

>looks better than Ultima 7
You're either incredibly stupid, or baiting. Ultima 7 has way more detail and graphical complexities happening on screen than anything in ALTTP. You're off your fucking rocker, console-cuck grandpa.

>> No.10015715

It's the opposite desu. Consoles or Arcades usually didn't arrive in countries like Eastern Europe or the Middle East, so they mostly played computer games.

>> No.10015729

Or they did arrive but people couldn't effort them.

>> No.10015747

>Really, PC games didnt look good till they got 3d. cuze they were aesthetically ugly and sounded like shit with MIDI and early tech.
>sounded like shit
>like shit


C64 with its SID chip

Jesus tap-dancing christ you're stupid.

>> No.10015750

Ultima Underworld an RPG? in the flimsiest sense right?
>There's no NPC's to interact with, there's no sidequests to engage in, and you had to feed your character in Ultima Underworld.
this is all big one 'so?'. are you telling me eating food is a major characteristic of an RPG? SS is just UU in space with a few alterations. while UU was just an action dungeon crawler with a flimsy stat system. i guess by your logic. fucking Rust is an RPG because it has all teh characteristics you listed. i guess STALKER is too.

you miss understand me entirely. there's a deliberate homogenized formula that PC devs generally follow. they are always pushing tech, and the game design that follows it tends to be homogenized in most aspects. HL and Quake -> an era of constant Quake/HL clones with very similar design and control schemes. you can certainly point out the consoles do it too. but they also have unique games that serve the limitations of the console or its controller. its why consoles have shit like Goldeneye 64, RE4, Gears of War, Metroid Prime, Vanquish, Wonderful 101, countless wii games that exclusively use the wiimote, Killer7, Earthbound, etc. that at most, just get a PC port after a decade, and even playing them on PC is a vastly different experience from their intended design. when there are games that go against homogenized design, like the release of Halo, the PC community had a collective meltdown that it wasnt a fucking quake or HL clone. it's why PC games are being pushing into a territory of sandbox crafting games, battle royales, looter shooters, and MOBAs with the same control schemes and similar design philosophy with slight variations. in fact, when unique and unorthodox games release, like Trepang2, Fortune's Run, and Cruelty Squad. retards just get mad because Trepang isnt a fear clone, fortune's run isnt an 'immersive sim' in any aspect, and cruelty squad dared to be fucking different.

>> No.10015775

>Ultima Underworld an RPG? in the flimsiest sense right?

Ahh, you're fucking with me. You got me anon. I almost believed you were a fucking inbred retard for a second there, lmao. I mean, could you believe that? Someone calling Ultima Underworld NOT an RPG, despite its open-world design, customizable characters, interactive NPC's, developing specific class skills, gaining experience points, tracking mana and hit points, and using spells and potions to modify and aid your character. Hah, you got me. How about we go to the bar and have a beer, laughing about how fucking moronic, retard, inbred, shit-dick fucktard stupid that would ACTUALLY be if someone actually thought that? Hahah, come here you!

>> No.10015790


you can certainly say that console games follow a standardized format. but there were definitely MORE uniquely designed games for console than there ever were for PC. im not games following a homogenized design is bad, but there's certainly an obsession with PC devs to push games into specific genre formats with little deviations to supersede the prior games by generally compassing all elements of the prior. it's why get like constant revisions to counter strike when it's the same fucking game nearly since the OG release.
>when console developers also innovated, constantly applying new tricks and methods to squeeze more content into the limited space and make games look and play better/differently.
>Ultima 7 has way more detail and graphical complexities happening on screen than anything in ALTTP
Ultima 7 is artistically inferior and sounds like shit compared to ALTTP. ill give it that it might have more 'graphical compexities' due to the sheer amount of interactions, NPCs on screen, and the weather and day night cycle. ill also recall it's weird grid like movement for characters and NPCs, it's animations have less frames than ALTTP, ad general lack of aesthetical taste to it. the frame rate is also ass.

>> No.10015817

>Someone calling Ultima Underworld NOT an RPG, despite its open-world design, customizable characters, interactive NPC's, developing specific class skills, gaining experience points, tracking mana and hit points, and using spells and potions to modify and aid your character.
by your logic. prey 2017 and Borderlands are RPGs.

>> No.10015821

>ultima 7 is artistically inferior
Based on what? Your preference, lmao? The game takes a realistic approach, so I guess I can see how that might offend your childish sensibilities, but it objective has better graphics from a visual standpoint.

>sounds like shit
Okay, so, you're objectively wrong. You can literally go and google the fucking soundtracks yourself. The SNES used a 16 bit digital synthesizer, while Ultima 7 had fucking CD QUALITY AUDIO. Kill yourself.

>> No.10015840

How old were you when you found out you were trans? 45ish?

>> No.10015845

>The game takes a realistic approach
uuuuuuuuuuh i guess?
>but it objective has better graphics from a visual standpoint.
does that mean a really low frame rate too and movement that feels like it moves on a grid much like a roguelike?
>Okay, so, you're objectively wrong
guess tim follin 'objectively' sounds like shit now based on his instrumental usage. Tim ur shit! nevermind his INTENTION to specifically use it.

also, I guess Destiny is an RPG too! it's got all the shit you mentioned!

>> No.10015910
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>you can certainly point out the consoles do it too. but they also have unique games that serve the limitations of the console or its controller. its why consoles have shit like Goldeneye 64, RE4, Gears of War, Metroid Prime, Vanquish, Wonderful 101, countless wii games that exclusively use the wiimote, Killer7, Earthbound, etc. that at most, just get a PC port after a decade, and even playing them on PC is a vastly different experience from their intended design.
NTA, but you do realize that intended design does not mean much when you can get a controller and emulate or remap the controls for the experience right? PC has huge support for numerous different controllers and has done so for awhile now. Will not be surprised if 8Bitdo does come out with a USB Wii Nunchuck controller down the line.
> when there are games that go against homogenized design, like the release of Halo, the PC community had a collective meltdown that it wasnt a fucking quake or HL clone.
I do not remember this happening, in fact i think it was highly rated on PC and became one of the most played experiences on Steam. Especially with mod support enabled. I have seen the opposite though, Consoles have homogenized designs by default because Console players hate change while on PC we have remapping support, different control schemes, graphics options, resolution options etc etc. Consoles are locked down and do not get to change their settings to alter the experience to either have high framerates or good graphics which is set in stone by the developer, while on PC you can do one or the other or both if you know what you are doing.

>> No.10015926

>>it's why PC games are being pushing into a territory of sandbox crafting games, battle royales, looter shooters, and MOBAs with the same control schemes and similar design philosophy with slight variations.
This is not the console sphere where the publishers lock you in your box with limited options on the store, if i do not like the Steam store i can buy games of Itch.io, or GOG and some people do this regardless. Also one important thing you do not take into account is while yes a lot of the PC userbase is centered around MMO's, FPS, and RTS/MOBA genres. Steam is an open marketplace as is the rest of PC. We have hundreds of releases that come out daily that are not those types of games, we have small indie and AA games that do not fit the mold of those games and thousands of people buy them even a couple million if it's good enough. PC has a huge userbase and it's not just on Steam alone either it just happens to occupy a good 1/3rd of the market itself.

>> No.10015947

I would love to see more threads for all those systems and c64 along with alot of smaller older systems. would love a trash 80 general but im probably one of the only people that actually fucks with that computer thru emulation. there's so many different computers I would love to see talked about on this board and its games. give me a atari st thread full of games and screenshots. but it seems everyone just emulations ps2 and nintendo and sega and fagposts about those systems to an obnoxious degree. hell I download dos games constantl and have gigs of stuff including old bbs file downloads archived. love this shit.
>Verification not required.

>> No.10015981

I would just call it Retro PC Thread and basically make it 80's/90's orientated. I know there is tons that would like to try it, and also some that might like to talk about Ultima and Wizardry and all sorts of weird things like that.

>> No.10015983

Wait what's PCem? And you can setup tandy stuff on it? *urge to trs-80 intensifies* Now I want to know more about this emulator or whatever it is.

>> No.10015991

We may just have to create a general which I know people hate, but there's not enough interest on here to sustain multiple organic threads like there is console warring.

>> No.10015995

I would try not to use numbering on the Retro 80's/90's PC General if you can help it. Usually that is why people hate it in the first place. But sadly due to the new generation being added it makes sense.

>> No.10016008

I'd be down for sure. I might even have screenshots to post of old games. I got some obscure shit I found digging thru old bbs archives and sites over the years.

>> No.10016025

not saying you have to play it like it was intended. but if you're playing RE4 or G64 with a KB/m, you're missing the point and ur doing it wrong. emulation has come along way too. but if you're playing games with higher resolutions and frame rates. you might miss subtle or major details. case in point, you play doom with a high resolution. you'll notice invisible demons are wayyyyy easier to notice. play it at the intended resolution and software rendering through dosbox (i know its an emulator, bear with me here), you'll notice they're fairly hard to spot.

i was being hyperbolic with Halo's release and the pc community reaction. but there's a fairly sizable stigma that was held against it in the 00s to early 10s, that only disapparated with time, for it's supposed 'dumbing down' of FPS over appreciation of being a unique FPS with fairly good AI and enemy design, a well done balance of vehicle and on foot combat, fairly open environments, and limitations on your arsenal forcing you to make tactical choices about your loadout. and its clones entirely missed the point of its design btw.

that being said, you can list all the features it had, but it's a different experience on console. the pc port was busted, the busted port was reused for the MCC, and ported back to console. it's playable and most of the bugs are audio/graphical. but the game was made for consoles, you were intended to use a controller to play it, the visuals are different in the PC version due to bug (tessellation still doesn't work correctly, it shows up when you use a flashlight for some reason), and quicksaving means you can go against having the checkpoints set up by the developers.

to encourage the use of a controller further for these games, it's deliberately more challenging to aim with it, regardless of autoaim, over a KB/M. games like Killer7, G64, RE4, Halo, and etc. are deliberately designed around this fact. play it however you want tho.

>> No.10016053
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i actually have one of these older pcs
a few of them
they are still expensive these days .-.

>> No.10016054
File: 36 KB, 544x554, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PCem and 86box are both very accurate x86 emulators (meaning you sadly won't be able to emulate a TRS-80 since that doesn't use an x86 CPU). They let you emulate from the first x86 CPUs up to Pentium II and you get to choose every component in your emulated PC (specific CPU and clock rate, RAM, GPU, sound card, etc). You have to install stuff exactly as you would on a real PC, including drivers, etc, since it's as close to the real thing as it can be.
The difference between the two is that PCem is a bit simpler to setup and is also a bit less demanding while 86box has more options (choosing FDD and HDD controllers among other things) but it's a bit more demanding to run, which starts mattering when you get to the Pentium II.
So yeah, sadly no TRS-80 but pic related is some of the earlier systems you can emulate.

>> No.10016074

That's very cool anon. I will go download both and give them a spin. I enjoy playing with old tech even if its just messing with the os a bit. I like that the list has pcjr. I know of a couple sites I have bookmarked that have pcjr games on it so i'll have stuff to try.

Very cool thanks for explaining. I might just end up with a whole bunch of systems and games to play.
now I just need to get some sites for games for some of these emulated systems.

>> No.10016075

I mean, if CRTfags have their general I can't see why we couldn't have a computer one

>> No.10016086
File: 727 KB, 675x680, mary! D29JDZVUkAAEkIp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this should be a general

and i can go into detail about how to set up memory stuff for the 286

>> No.10016095

>This is not the console sphere where the publishers lock you in your box with limited options on the store
correct. but that box allows devs to push out titles that would flounder on PC otherwise. im not saying PC platform is irrelevant or incapable of making large financial successes. it certainly has changed over the years. but you're not getting certain developers to put an emphasis on PC over consoles for a multiplatform game. you can get a GOOD port, but all capcom, suda51, and from software games are developed with consoles in mind, and probably always will be. they are also better played this way.

>> No.10016152
File: 301 KB, 1216x912, NEC_MS-DOS_3.3C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nips got this cool floppy case
Not fair

>> No.10016175

i got a sealed copy of PC-DOS 4.00

>> No.10016514
File: 95 KB, 1606x500, 45455345435435534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you're not getting certain developers to put an emphasis on PC over consoles for a multiplatform game. you can get a GOOD port, but all capcom, suda51, and from software games are developed with consoles in mind, and probably always will be. they are also better played this way.
Funny you mention Capcom because they already have said PC is their main platform. now. Also just because a game was developed with consoles in mind does not invalidate PC's because they can work the same way as a console if not better. On Console you get what you accept.
>you're missing the point and ur doing it wrong
I stopped reading after this, i know you are trying too hard and trolling.

>> No.10016520

absolutely take this thread to /vg/ and stay there we need less of the same discussions
t. anon who survived /v/ before /vg/

>> No.10016589
File: 145 KB, 504x343, Screenshot 2023-06-26 at 23-06-09 _vr_ - Retro Games - 4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If these are allowed then a PC general should be allowed

>> No.10016613
File: 180 KB, 1920x1080, retro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes retro pc general!

>> No.10016620 [SPOILER] 
File: 441 KB, 481x680, mary! FAdHLuYVIAYmhp3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/g/ is full of modern junk
>>>/g/94299865 here is an attempt for retroness but they eb and flow.

old DOS based PC computing/gaming is a lost art

>> No.10016627

you're not any authority and what you think is and isnt allowed is not your choice to make. you must be a reall annoying faggot for your family to put up with having such a I HAVE DECIDED attitude about things you never have any actual say over. bottom line its not your call to make and if this does become a general you're options will be hide the thread or cry while you hide the thread.

>> No.10016632

i happen to master this aspect of retro computin and i got this beast of a 286

Intel 80286 @ 24 mhz

Memory Type Total Used Free
---------------- -------- -------- --------
Conventional 639K 44K 595K
Upper 0K 0K 0K
Reserved 385K 385K 0K
Extended (XMS) 15,232K 64K 15,168K
---------------- -------- -------- --------
Total memory 16,256K 493K 15,763K

Total under 1 MB 639K 44K 595K

Total Expanded (EMS) 2,048K (2,097,152 bytes)
Free Expanded (EMS) 1,776K (1,818,624 bytes)

Largest executable program size 593K (607,408 bytes)
FreeDOS is resident in the high memory area.

Volume in drive C is CHERRY4~~ Serial number is E75D:1B05
128,003,407,872 bytes total disk space
28,409,790,464 bytes used
99,593,617,408 bytes free
22.2 % in use

>> No.10016823

>Conventional 595K
Even bitch basic memmaker will take you higher than that. The fuck anon?
>Upper 0K
Good luck getting games requiring UMBs to run.
For what purpose?

>> No.10016826

>same discussions
You mean about Nintendo? Bait threads constantly? I mean the fact that retro PC games and even some retro games fell off the board thanks to the addition of PS2/Gamecube etc has made the board worse off. At least with this general it can get people more interested in the classics, or even things like Phantasy Star Online, Ultima and Wizardry along with technical knowledge.

>> No.10017041

This. Why even have a CRT general if it spills out everywhere and /hbg/ should be /vg/ anyway.

>> No.10017071

This is such a retarded take, take a look at the catalog and see what kinda trash fills it now. It's retarded shit like Pole position ad shitpost, "is mapping controls on an emu when it wasn't possible on real hardware cheating", gamesphere, Monkey Island quip thread, "just started X what should I think of it" thread, Romhack list outside of the romhack general (wouldn't want the same discussion after all), FIFA shitpost thread, le scary mario 64 thread, 3 king's field threads of which 2 are identical and the other is whining about motion sickness, Aeris dies thread, Zelda 2 shitpost thread, etc. I can add more but I am being very lenient on thread quality.
I am sure when you wake up some of these threads will be replaced with other "quality" threads, so I don't see why you are against a general that covers 2 decades of varying hardware and games aside from just hating on PC because of /v/tard consolewar shit.
Not allowing them to try is objectively fucking retarded and you might even force the speccy, commodore and migger threads that you likely hate in there too.

>> No.10017078

he cant stop anyone and his post is faggotry and him huffing his own farts thinking he's more important than he is in life. loser sits in his moomy and duhdies basement shitposting online and has the nerve to go take this elsewhere. or what doofus i'll shove you in a locker and you'll curl up and cry and half gradeschool/highschool locker shove flashbacks. he aint shit and even pretending he had a say by going not allowing them implies his faggot nothing no power ass had some sort of authority to give. dont humor the retard like that
>Verification not required.

>> No.10017438

What a load of bullshit lol

>> No.10017493
File: 1.61 MB, 4588x3059, technologic-mainboard-motherboard-80286-068c33b374a7f6b6adc5c87dcde219c1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ic your not familiar with the 286

>> No.10017505

Modules using memory below 1 MB:

Name Total Conventional Upper Memory
-------- ---------------- ---------------- ----------------
SYSTEM 14,512 (14K) 14,512 (14K) 0 (0K)
LTEMM 6,336 (6K) 6,336 (6K) 0 (0K)
FDXMS286 1,664 (2K) 1,664 (2K) 0 (0K)
NNANSI 4,032 (4K) 4,032 (4K) 0 (0K)
4DOS 6,192 (6K) 6,192 (6K) 0 (0K)
FDAPM 928 (1K) 928 (1K) 0 (0K)
CLOCK 4,160 (4K) 4,160 (4K) 0 (0K)
CTMOUSE 3,104 (3K) 3,104 (3K) 0 (0K)
3C509 3,456 (3K) 3,456 (3K) 0 (0K)
Free 609,248 (595K) 609,248 (595K) 0 (0K)

for the anon who asked about my system conventional memory

>> No.10017537

basically the 286 has no way of having umbs available. it is that old

>> No.10017783

I read this shit all the time here and i don't know where it comes from, except that i know it probably comes from youtube. Shit did advance quickly but you could only ever not play the latest top tier game that pushed graphics to their limit. When you bought a game you checked the minimum requirements and if your rig met them it almost always worked. Sometimes it didn't but shit, demos were rampant in those days so you probably had a test run first.

>> No.10017993
File: 158 KB, 1610x1080, PC9821_DIP2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's a change your GDC clock dipswitch episode
I always forget the default mapped key for HELP and have to look it up for the next 10 minutes (it should be the end key btw).

>> No.10018954

I forgot to mention, since you mostly just had one major task happening at once and it was communicating with the actual metal (so no interpretation or emulating layer or anything), if that shit crashed, it could take down your entire computer with it, and sometimes it got really bad.
Sure, there were better games, but we're actually in a better time considering I could set up a decent virtual machine with scummvm, dosbox, 86box or pcem and the actual metal of my system doesn't get fucked from playing a retro game.
Newer games are bullshit though.

>> No.10019065

>Why is there less nostalgia for older PC games
There is. This board is a distorted mess of Nintendo spam that completely misses retro PC and 8 and 16 bit computer gaming and the popularity of the PS1/ 2/Xbox. Its not just retro PC gaming that gets shit on. Its anything that is not another beyond stale and smelly zelda or mario thread. retro PC games are fucking great. Go have a go on skyroads folks.

>> No.10019071
File: 1.13 MB, 640x480, skyroads-sky.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh I was just playing Age of Emperors 2. Great fucking game. Not Zelda. Pic related skyroads, great game.

>> No.10019098
File: 32 KB, 500x500, 1685329732087759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even as someone who enjoys Nintendo games I don't get why not only here but also IRL people almost only talk about Nintendo when it comes to retro games. I'm 32 and everyone I talk to who's around my age thinks the N64 is the greatest thing ever and barely anyone ever talks about the PS1 even though it sold three times as much. I feel like I'm the only person who enjoys Nintendo games but isn't some kind of brainwashed cultist

>> No.10019176

If the “management” here actually cared they would do more to cultivate discussion, but it’s pretty obvious they’re ok with it and even tacitly encourage it

>> No.10019198
File: 53 KB, 750x932, 1673288848388857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone tell me why the current Nintendo Power threads are allowed on /vr/ even though they're now posting issues from late 2008?

>> No.10019248

This guy gets it ^

The reason it's allowed is because jannies are nintenyearoldtoddlers.

You think I'm being facetious or insecure or butthurt, but just watch. Mark my works. Some butthurt nintendo faggot is going to march his diabetes-riddled ass in here, see my post, flag it, and have some jannie clean it up, which he will, because he's a Nintenyearoldtoddler, despite NO ONE giving a shit about people mocking Sega fans, or Sony fans, hell that's practically a pass time. But god forbid you dismiss or insult the great babysitter in the sky that was Nintendo as their parents went to BBC parties in the 90's because they couldn't give a shit about their kids and they ended up thinking Mario was their daddy and Samus was the mommy.

Christ-al-fucking-mighty it gets tiring. That's one of the reasons this board is so fucking slow. ENDLESS. NINTENSHITE. Zelda, Zelda, Zelda, Zelda, Mario, Mario, Mario, Mario, SHUT UP, SHUT UP, SHUT UP!


>> No.10019702

>why do random people talk about popular thing?
I don't know anon, I really don't know. It's a mystery.

>> No.10019715

Why is the N64 more popular than the PS1 when it sold much less?

>> No.10019864

PC Retro thread now exists! Begin posting there to discuss PC Gaming and Retro PC Games, maybe setup servers or discuss LAN parties!

>> No.10019943

Maybe because here where i live in Mexico, we didnt start seeing PC games sold in store up until the late 90s.