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9997579 No.9997579 [Reply] [Original]

RE0 pros:
>good atmosphere/aura for most if not the whole game
>looks gorgeous
>magnum is a deagle
>music is alright
>you can shit on the monster variety, but I like the monsters, even the leech marcus'
>it's a fixed angle RE game
RE0 cons:
>AI so retarded that you cant trust it to not waste ammo/heals (in b4 le you dont even need the AI - no one did that their first run) so it's better to clear certain rooms solo
>If Billy truly had to exist and be in the game, he should have been a supporting character like Barry was to Jill in RE1 and just fucking let me play as Rebecca the whole game
>I understand not wanting to have magic item boxes, but at least give me real survivor boxes so I don't have to drop stuff on the floor like a caveman
>the bat boss
>the leech magic man who unleashes the virus is beyond retarded

CVX pros:
>claire/chris story
>good atmosphere for most of the game
>it's a fixed angle RE game
>lots of weapons
>Alexia feels like a proper aristocratic villain
>Nosferatu music makes the fight feel very dark and grim
>the poison hunters are a nice touch, I'll never forget limping while poisoned and in danger status that one time
>has a hunting rifle and an ak
CVX cons:
>all momentum you gain as claire comes to an abrupt halt
>should play as claire OR chris in a separate runs like jill/chris and claire/leon
>grey dreary shithole non prerendered environments
>wesker is now neo but with a virus inside of him
>awful first person aiming sections
>final fight against alexia is cramped and awful, almost as bad as the bat from re0
>steve is hyper cringe

Probably missing a lot, but both of these games can never be better than 6/10, and I only like them because they are fixed angle RE games.

>> No.9997584


>> No.9997587

True, but that's not a real RE game and not relevant to the fixed angle conversation. This thread is only about real RE games.

>> No.9997594

How is "Rebecca" pro? She's fucking stupid
>I could shoot, you know

>> No.9997605

I'm sorry for not reading all of that anon but 0 is way worse than CV

>> No.9997612

code veronica is a 10/10 and one of the strongest re titles
re 0 is 8/10

>> No.9997663

>code veronica is a 10/10 and one of the strongest re titles
Nah m8 it's trash

>> No.9997680

no, you’re an idiot who knows nothing about games

>> No.9997708

Sure kid, and you're a genius with shit taste

>> No.9997872

Rebecca is a negative against 0, not a positive.
She has 0 fucking health, a zombie scratch puts her at yellow caution, meanwhile Billy can take multiple bites, hunter pounces, tyrant slashes and still be fine.

>> No.9997874

0, and it isn't even close. It's the only classic RE that is below good.

>> No.9997878

She's cute though.

>> No.9997956

Rebecca being so fragile is a game mechanic to contrast Billy. If the game was just Rebs, she would have larger hp pool for sure and be able to push heavier stuff lol

>> No.9997963

I at least finished CV despite disliking it. I couldn't even force myself to finish Zero.

>> No.9997978

0 Just for the item management shit. CV has a better story and more interesting characters.

>> No.9998137

0 is better because Rebecca and no Steve

>> No.9998164

~ 4channel's official Classic RE tierlist ~

God Tier:
Code Veronica

High Tier:

Mid Tier:

Low Tier:

Shit Tier:

>> No.9998171

CV is mediocrity incarnate; the safe room music is the only thing with any real value in the whole game. It's a masterpiece compared to 0.

>> No.9998183

The stories in both are gameruiningly retarded and the puzzles are made by retards who don't even understand the real-world objects being used in the puzzles because they've never gone outside, leading to the actual intuitively correct solutions being the wrong solutions. The backtracking and bosses are shite too. If I had to pick which is shittier, I'd say 0 because of the partner system.

>> No.9998689

>God Tier:
>RE1, RE2, RE3, REmake 1
>High Tier:
>Mid Tier:
>Dino Crisis
>Low Tier:
>Shit Tier:

>> No.9998715

>CV has a better story and more interesting characters.


>> No.9998718

Code Veronica doesn't even exist.

Stop pretending it does, humanity is better off keeping it memory-holed.

>> No.9998739

Continues the overall story and is not stalling like Nemesis and 0. Introduces villians who are more charismatic which would become a series staple. Ending is not pre determined like 0. Veronica has better locations and set pieces unlike the drab setting of 0.

>> No.9998740


>> No.9998752

Well, Nemesis does give the Racoon City incident a conclusion. And as retarded as it is, if you think that the Ashfords from CV have the right to exist in the canon then so does Marcus. Nothing wrong with it, I don't understand how people who liked the Ashfords would dislike Marcus
>Veronica has better locations and set pieces unlike the drab setting of 0.
Veronica has cool locations and set pieces but at their best they are still worse than anything from 0. If there's one good thing about 0 it's the environmental design. I mean, the train sequence from 0 is better than all of the areas from CV combined. I'm not defending 0 by any means, it's not a very good game and CV is way better but you gotta give credit where credit is due

>> No.9998754

They're both bad but I dislike CV less

>> No.9998759

>stalling like Nemesis

You haven't played the game. in RE2 the survivors flee Raccoon City and the town is left as is. RE3 moves the franchise story forward by concluding the Raccoon City chapter so the series can go on in other places.
Plus RE2 was baiting by having the Stars office empty, leaving the player to wonder wtf happened to everyone, did they die or what. RE3 answers that for 3 characters. And without Jill's character growth through RE3, the following games that use wouldn't make sense either.

The whole mentality like "RE3 doesn't matter and it does nothing and it's not even a proper sequel" reeks of butthurt CVfags that are still coping about their game being a spin-off rather than a main title

>> No.9998761

So the op faggot got butthurt in the other thread and made this one, a classic

>> No.9998816

Butthurt about what? I'm just wondering which fixed angle game is worse. Take your meds kid.

>> No.9998821

Why did the Ashfords get so much hate?

>> No.9998924
File: 212 KB, 561x541, female zombies outbreak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Both pros:

- Both a have a "torture chamber" zone full of torture devices.

- Both have a main female characters and a main male character.

Both cons:

- In both there are not female zombies. Is a extremely wasted potencial there are not female zombie soldiers in re zero and not female prisoner zombies in code veronica. At least in resident evil outbreak 1, outbreak 2, re 3 and re 2 there are some female zombies.

Summary: is a tie.

>> No.9998934

both of them have cool starting environments with lots of atmosphere and then they get worse and worse as they go.

>> No.9999241

CVX is far worse

>> No.9999728

>Veronica has better locations and set pieces unlike the drab setting of 0.
But xer, cvx is the one with the grey dreary drab setting

>> No.10000481

dude, what the fuck are you talking about? RE3 is the climax of the RE franchise

>> No.10000498

CV was the beginning of the slop but it was still cool. For me it's all about the cheese and Steve's "I don't want you following me, lady! You'll just slow me down!" and Claire's "What was THAT about?" is what RE is all about

>> No.10000662
File: 250 KB, 2276x1238, Zero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zero is just various shades of brown.

>> No.10001174
File: 92 KB, 315x315, Resident_Evil_Gaiden_Boxart.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just don't see why either of these two mediocre but fine entries deserve constant, never-ending hate when the series has so many actually horrible games connected to it. Neither 0 or CV are in that category and still deserve to be played.

>> No.10001627

No one cares about a GBC game

>> No.10001630

Because 0 and CV are mainline games

>> No.10001774

>>wesker is now neo but with a virus inside of him
This is why CV > CVX
Wesker getting bitchslapped and having to run away was way better than the Matrix cringe added in CVX

>> No.10002562

>>all momentum you gain as claire comes to an abrupt halt
Never got this. Claire's story winds down pretty naturally, and Chris' story continues starting from the pace hers has through the Antarctica section.
>>should play as claire OR chris in a separate runs like jill/chris and claire/leon
That goes against the point. The big reveal of CV is that the two scenarios are layered ontop of each other.
Also, adding a "Chris scenario" breaks the narrative, and having it be unlocked after finishing Claire changes fucking nothing.
>>grey dreary shithole non prerendered environments
They look good.
>>wesker is now neo but with a virus inside of him
Dumbest critique. Don't like how Wesker is in CVX? Play CV. There.
>>awful first person aiming sections
Two parts that are predicated on the challenge of aiming. One of them gives you a chance for a near instant kill, and the other has infinite ammo.
>>final fight against alexia is cramped and awful, almost as bad as the bat from re0
>>steve is hyper cringe
That's the point retard.

>> No.10002764

0. The gimmicks ruin it.

>> No.10003981

Is CV the Dreamcast release? I'll have to play it sometime, I've only ever played CVX.

>> No.10004223

CV is a classic RE game in the truest sense of its gameplay loop and the level design. Plus its lengthy too.

0 on the other hand is a failed experiment worth playing once for the visuals but the longer the game goes on, the more it falls apart. Its so rough around the edges even if you disregard the common complaints, feels like one of the infamous RE clones that are barely playable.

>> No.10004285

nah, its OK but it isn't even close to RE1-3

>> No.10004575

>Plus its lengthy too.
Only because they retardedly mashed the 2 characters' campaigns together (Claire + Chris) instead of them being separate.

If you want longest RE, that would be 2 since you technically have 4 different campaigns.

>> No.10004602

>that would be 2 since you technically have 4 different campaigns.
Let's be honest, there are only 2 different campaigns

>> No.10005654

You will never own a toilet. You have no social standing, you have no money, you have no bob or vegenes to play with. You are an unhygenic man twisted by curry, feces and urine into a crude mockery of nature's perfection.

All the "good mornings!" you get are two-face and half-hearted. Behind your back people mock you. Your street shitting buddies are disgusted and ashamed of you, your "bloody basterds" laugh at you behind their closed doors.

Toilets are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of technology and science have allowed toilets to flush with incredible efficiency. Even Indians who shit in toilet look uncanny and unnatural to a seasoned plumber. Your E.Coli ridden feces are a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to find a toilet in the bathroom, the toilet itself will turn tail and bolt the second it gets a whiff of your diseased, curry shit smelling anus.

You will never be able to shit without anyone watching and judging. You wrench out a few meager "good mornings" at the start of the day and tell yourself it's going to be ok, but deep inside you feel the shit you hold creeping up like a weed, ready to rush out of your anus as your cheeks try to hold the unbearable weight.

Eventually it'll be too much to bear - you'll buy a rope, tie a noose, put it around your neck, scam a crypto fag, and redeem yourself into the cold abyss. Your basterds will find you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable stench you brought to the designated shitting street. They'll bury you without toilet paper, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know a street shitting pajeet is buried there. Your remaining shit will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your pathetic life is a "good morning" text that was never opened.

>> No.10006345

RE0= glorious prerendered backgrounds+fixed camera
RECV= ugly sterile realtime graphics+shitty camera

>> No.10006361

I only played RE0 at a friend's house and never saw past the train section. It seemed pretty cool so I had no idea it was so hated.

>> No.10006367

I haven't played it but what I've heard is the AI partner uses up all your items

>> No.10006371

0 is exhausting to play, and you're not having fun at any point.

>> No.10006373

This is a problem with the entire series except 1 imo. They never develop a location like 1 did. They're always just like
>cool starting location
>somewhere random
>somewhere random
>maybe another lab
>the end

>> No.10006805

So what is the best Dreamcast emulator? I want to play CV, because I've only ever played CVX. Apparently from this thread, CV does not have matrix Wesker?
It's a combination of the AI partner being shit, but also the side effects of having the AI partner, such as no magic item boxes and dropping stuff on the floor like a caveman.

>> No.10006812

Flycast, also CVX is on Dreamcast too

>> No.10006845

Resident Evil is about the gameplay loop and the game that has the better replay value is the better one.

>> No.10006850

>gameplay loop

I hate this term and I hate that modern game designers use it and think in such terms. It's such a reductive term, thinking of gameplay as "a loop" also implies that everything has to be repeated and nothing ever goes outside of the boundaries of the pre-determined expectations

>> No.10006857

Resident Evil games are arcade games gameplay loop is their core feature

>> No.10006858

this, also gameplay loop doesn't have anything to do with replay value and merely is the term used to show action to reward or the dopamine hit you get from the game
the anon should have said replay value alone

>> No.10006864

>the anon should have said replay value alone

Well yeah it's the new meme word so it gets thrown around a lot
>I said "gameplay loop"
>I'm such a smart person who knows his shit when it comes to vidfeo games

>> No.10006870

>Resident Evil games are arcade games

They're not, everything in their design is precisely anti-acarde. Only the lightgun games come close and even then they derive a lot from arcade gun games.

>> No.10006901

I'll never forgive RE0 for establishing a worse prequel story to RE1 than the fucking movie. However, I love Rebecca.

>> No.10006927

>However, I love Rebecca.
I think this is the sentiment of the majority of RE fans

>> No.10006934

Both had underwheilming final bosses that get obliterated with a magnum gun.

>> No.10006943

>tfw left the fire extinguisher in the metal detector deposit box

>> No.10007448

Fat ass and wide hips.
At least before the remaster massacred her.

>> No.10008412

It's not as bad as the movie

>> No.10008423

I think they're both pretty good, but yes. 0 is obviously worse.

>> No.10008461

Did RE need a prequel?

>> No.10009038

Yes and no

>> No.10009092

It's a crappy game mechanic because you have no reason to play as her. You ditch her in the foyer immediately until the game forces you to use her.
She also SHOOTS slower.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed Capcom turned her into a stick.

>> No.10009142

>no reason to play as her.
Well, aside from the, you know...fact that you get an entire game dedicated to the qt medic from RE1. That is reason enough.

>> No.10009968

All it uses is ammo for the equipped gun, the AI in zero never heals the itself, you might be thinking of 5

>> No.10009975

No story ever needs a prequel.