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9995549 No.9995549 [Reply] [Original]

>Playable character for girls.
>It's easy mode

Based japanese programmers

>> No.9995563

Which game is this? I want to try the experience of being a coddled princess whom the game bends to.

>> No.9995567

That’s basically how it starts for all trannies

>> No.9995569

Rondo of blood

>> No.9995607

The castleschizo is at it again...

>> No.9995608

Castlevania: Rondo of Blood (?)

>> No.9995613
File: 286 KB, 403x400, Mugen-Senshi-Valis-cover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Play Valis instead then, same console and arguably better game/series

>> No.9995621
File: 74 KB, 640x638, 319130_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost forgot about Faussete Amour as well, among like ten others. I only learned about Rondo after playing a bunch of other better Turbo CD games

>> No.9995668

I'd think you were talking about SMB2 if I hadn't seen the pic

>> No.9995736

>system's games all make sfx that sound like a child's toy with buttons

>> No.9995749

Blade of Darkness did this too.

>> No.9995816

Contrarianism at its finest

>> No.9995821

Resident Evil 1
By making them the easy mode they also establish that women are canonically more powerful lol

>> No.9995893

The problem with this post is that you're applying american logic to Japan.

Japan already had a tons of female protagonist by mid 80's, and they weren't "for girls", they were for everyone. Only in America kids would think "if the MC is a girl then it's a game for girls, I'm not touching this gay shit!"

>> No.9995910
File: 155 KB, 260x383, Catch22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only playable after playing 2 stages as Richter
>character supposedly only for girls never gets to actually be played by girls because they can't even start the game since you have to use the guy character when you start the game

>> No.9995919
File: 66 KB, 600x606, ps1_tomb_raider-120314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Japan already had a tons of female protagonist by mid 80's, and they weren't "for girls", they were for everyone. Only in America kids would think "if the MC is a girl then it's a game for girls, I'm not touching this gay shit!"
I unironically picked female characters just for the hell of it. In SMB2, Peach was a popular pick for her ability to float. I wasn't so insecure as to not pick her just because she was a girl. And similarly when Adventures of Lolo 3 came out, I thought it was pretty cool that Lala was finally out of captivity and was now a playable character, so I definitely played as her a few times. As a side note, when you finish the tutorial place with her, it refers to her as a "heroine", which was the first time I learned of that word. When Paperboy 2 came out on the Super NES I was surprised to see they included a Papergirl character, so I picked her a few times just for the hell of it too.

Admittedly, I remember when Perfect Dark was coming out, seeing a lot of complaints online (mostly AOL) about the main character being female, which kinda confused me when pic related had come out just a few years earlier and these same guys loved it.

>> No.9995935

>"heroine", which was the first time I learned of that word

Tell me anon, how did heroine change your life?

>> No.9995970

>wow I don't have to try anymore!
>hm, everyone still sees me as a man and expects me to act like one
Female character option, not even once.

>> No.9995975

Man they reused that minotaur in a ton of games

>> No.9995985

>for girls
The PC Engine was the otaku weebshit console, and Maria is an oppai loli for its foreveralone virgin waifufags users. Girls weren't playing this shit.

>> No.9996068
File: 906 KB, 1002x538, 1672613970818954.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The PC Engine was the otaku weebshit console

>> No.9996159

tin can mouth gf

>> No.9996161

not really,jill just has access to better weapon and get saved by barry multiple time and chris also has more health and runs faster so he is more powerful.

>> No.9996185

Jill has two boobs she can store items in which makes her more effective in her mission

>> No.9996350
File: 196 KB, 210x911, at-first-i-loled-then-got-depressed-152636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get it. Women are good for fucking, not for fucking things up. Their role is to get fucked. What has gone wrong?

>> No.9996354

Play SNES version, for real man.

>> No.9996357

PCE = Boomer
MD = Coomer
SFC = Zoomer

>> No.9996559

Can't confirm. It started differently for me.

>> No.9996568

dude its fine if you like the game but there's no need to be a contrarian

>> No.9996606

Valis series has a lot of charm and featured a cast of sexy anime ladies as playable characters at a time when they were rare. The anime cutscenes were also great. But the games themselves weren't as good as the Castlevania series, at least the ones for Sega and Nintendo consoles. Haven't played the PC Engine games, maybe they're amazing, but even if that were the case, we would be talking about an inconsistent series.

>> No.9996675

I remember kids back then playing with Chun Li, they didn't think she was a character just for girls. But for the most part you're probably right, Chun-li was just one character in a game with a large cast.
Western companies would also avoid exporting games with heroines or they would just make them disappear. For example, at the end of the Japanese NES version or Life Force/Salamander it is revealed that the pilot of the ship was actually a girl. She disappeared from western versions. There was also snes game about a girl with a magical vacuum cleaner. When they brought the game here it became a Jetsons game where you played as the father.
Tomb Raider, along with the popularity of the girls from FF7 or DOA, probably helped people accept that heroines don't equal games only for girls.

>> No.9996676

*avoid importing

>> No.9996684

Resident Evil 1. Jill is better than Chris in every way imaginable and her campaign's a lot easier since Barry shows-up to give her cool shit and bail her out of most predicaments while Rebecca is a bumbling retard that can barely do anything to help Chris.

>> No.9996705
File: 43 KB, 475x347, 50804_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Jetsons game actually came before it was rebranded as Yokai Buster the following year. It's one of the few odd games where the western version came first. Something similar happened with Pandemonium! and a few other games I can't remember atm

Captcha: M00DS

>> No.9996760

>ll is better than Chris in every way imaginable

She has less HP and less magnum ammo (which is deadlier and easier to use than the grenade launcher).

>> No.9996890 [DELETED] 

AI reply

>> No.9997003

that boss with the giant ballsack

>> No.9997196

They added women for coomers

>> No.9997218

>Haven't played the PC Engine games, maybe they're amazing
They aren't. Valis 1 is a remake of Valis 1 for the PC88. It brings the game up from pure kusoge to "bare minimum to be called mediocre". Valis 2 is what it is. A mediocre late 80s action platformer. If it were released in the 90s on the SNES or something it would be well below average. Valis 3 is the same game as the Genesis, but with more levels and worse balance. Honestly probably better on Genesis. 4 is better than the SNES game, but the SNES game sucks, so once again, that's raising to the level of mediocrity.

>> No.9997220 [DELETED] 


>> No.9997243

Girls are mental midgets/little persons

>> No.9997245
File: 10 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pipes on vic20 was a better plumbing game than faucet love on tg16.

>> No.9997263

This image says it all. Of course, in the west MD and SFC were both the contending for mainstream default.

>> No.9997873

>Maria is an oppai loli
How is she an "oppai" if she's as flat as an ironing board. Do you know what "oppai" even means?

Same shit happened with Shatterhand being converted into a toku game for the Japanese market. Incidentally both were made by Natsume.

>> No.9997908
File: 193 KB, 498x420, maria-castlevania.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How is she an "oppai" if she's as flat as an ironing board. Do you know what "oppai" even means?
She clearly has developed breasts.

>> No.9998185

>Genesis pants
Was the Mega Drive being rebranded as the Genesis in the West common knowledge in Japan? The only examples I can really think of where Japan acknowledged Western marketing was the Tuff E Nuff boxart appearing in Game Tengoku and the various references to Bad Box Art Mega Man from over the years, but even the latter of those examples is from the age of the internet.

>> No.9999751

there are other great pc engine games but its not these. Valis 1 is the best of the series and its a B- at best

fausette armor is a lazy rushed late gen pce release. pce CD had a bunch of these weird unique games that were late cycle and rushed hard. others include gotzendiener, reny blaster, kaze kiri and strider

play legendary axe instead, both of them shit on all the valis games

>> No.9999762

>female character is weakest but fastest
>black guy is the slowest of the bunch

and then it becomes obvious that there are indeed women in Japan, but no black men.

>> No.9999918

They got a ton of mileage out of the Rondo enemies. I think the werewolf boss shows up as a normal enemy in every single 2D Castlevania game afterwards.

>> No.10001578

>flat as an ironing board
Play games before you post about them, thanks

>> No.10001786

Iga used every part of the Rondo buffalo.

>> No.10001868

It will end the same, though.

>> No.10002834
File: 6 KB, 256x224, 1658009984092.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll only play the game when Shinpepi make the sprite edits

>> No.10002859
File: 388 KB, 774x1300, 1662957373676423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The first Sonic Advance game is the only one I can think of where the opposite is true. Amy is just so bizarre in that game, I don't know what they were thinking.

>> No.10002927

i think that the joke is that he isn't japanese by him buying a mega drive, that's the reason he buys an american hat while is still being geekish.
pc engine is the japanese geek, the genesis is the US geek and the snes one is a mixed version of both, a geek.

>> No.10003620

SotN!Maria is hotter.

>> No.10004472

>Only in America kids would think "if the MC is a girl then it's a game for girls, I'm not touching this gay shit!"
i'm reminded of a TTRPG story of a guy who got traumatized by a bunch of sex perverts and played female characters in as a way of filtering out those people. the story sounded a little fake because he'd ALWAYS find someone who was aggressively horny enough to make him want leave a group. he eventually wound up in an all girl WoW guild thinking they wouldn't be sex perverts. they ended up being bigger sex perverts that the people he played with in the past.

which kinda confused me when pic related had come out just a few years earlier and these same guys loved it.
people also apparently complained about uncharted being tomb raider with a guy. i think it has more to do with a trickle down. tomb raider and uncharted are clearly influenced by indiana jones (which was influenced by old adventure novels/comics & pulp serials) but lara was different enough to stand out on her own.

a similar logic could be applied to perfect dark which was essentially "goldeneye 2 but we couldn't get the rights to james bond again".

>> No.10006524

Is this supposed to be some soul/soulless thing? Because I don't give a SHIT about sonic pedophiles.