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9995282 No.9995282 [Reply] [Original]

it’s sad that kids have been brainwashed into believing this a bad game. it’s in the top 3 resident evil games

>> No.9995286
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The ending was too much of a cliffhanger that ended up never being resolved and Steve is arguably the worst character in RE history.

>> No.9995304

the ending of the first 3 games are all dogshit. the game is not the ending.

>> No.9995352

I rank it in my top 5. Code Veronica is a fantastic game. Better than most Jewtubers give it credit for.

>> No.9995371

Gameplay wise it was great. I think most people shit on it because thats when the story for the series went off the rails. Although in its defense the lore for RE series was always pretty nutty.

>> No.9995460

>Gameplay wise it was great. I think most people shit on it because thats when the story for the series went off the rails.

The game was originally made exclusive for the Sega Dreamcast, and it still kinda is, when you conciser that every other version is based on CVX. Sega really wanted RE1 (BH1) and 2 on the Sega Saturn. But the Capcom decided to scrap RE2 and move the port team over to the Dreamcast. Where they decided to make a new CV game for the Sega Dreamcast instead. I think Tose also helped with the development. But it was heavily outsourced, with the creative designs/ ideas coming from Capcom. the engine feels like RE2 but in 3D, and I think that's what it started as? Nextech made a 3D RE2 engine and Tose made the art assets/ models, maps, maybe?

>> No.9995461

Why do people hate Steve? The way he takes down the Bandersnatch is kino and he's the only character who gets to kick Alfred's ass for being a crossdressing freak.

>> No.9995473

Everything he says is retarded and they went out of their way to give him the most grating annoying voice ever.

>> No.9995474

It is a bad game, shame you're too retarded to see it

>> No.9995481

none of the resident evil characters are cool, that’s not the reason to play. every character is a dork.
what about it is bad?

>> No.9995482

I disagree. In fact RE3 Jill was written pretty well.

>> No.9995604

desu. it's like Aliens and Alien 3 we're missing a chunk in between.
a full game in between would have been rad.
hell, a game set in Paris' lab before CV would have been great...

>> No.9995680

Code Veronica is genuinely an awful game. Even the basic movement is shit compared to the previous games.

>> No.9995694
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>> No.9995885

Fuck of, SEGA boomer.
VC was absolute trash already back in 2000, and it's unbearable garbage this day and age. Literally one of the two OG RE-games I always instruct people to skip, alongside with RE0.

The pacing is awful. The gameplay is turbo janky compared to the PS1 titles. The story is absolutely bonkers, and started the animu powerlevel bullshit the franchise devolved into. And it looks bad even for an early 2000s console game.

RE3 was all around superior game, and one of the best games in the franchsie.

>> No.9996004

How did this even happen? Serious question, I like the game and this it's very good but what the fuck

>> No.9996015

It's the best RE game (and it have the best Claire before they butcher her)
>caring about scores

>> No.9996026

Flawed but good.
It's in one of the Chronicles games.
Re2 and 3 are on dreamcast and cvx plays more advanced and modernized than both.
Its in one of the Chronicles games

>> No.9996029

No it's not. It's the same but they added the quick turn. Derp.
I marathoned them all recently. Cvx is clearly better looking than 3. You're retarded.

The story was great. The weirdness is awesome. 2 and 3 have a basic story that's barely there.

>> No.9996034

>Cvx is clearly better looking than 3
It's not. Higher polycount models don't change the fact that it has aged way worse than any other contemporary game from the era. Silent Hill 2, MGS2, and especially REmake1 completely tower over CVX in every conceivable manner, and are a mere year or two younger.

>Story is great
Now I see why shit like RE7 became a huge hit. It's all because of you morons.

>> No.9996041

The story of cv IS great. It's silly as hell, that's what RE must be.

>> No.9996049

Resurrection of Wesker as a Terminator x Neo? Stupid as fuck.

Tranny rich kid running a not-Auschwitz in the Antarctica? Stupid as fuck.

Everything about Steve? ANNOYING as fuck.

>It's silly as hell, that's what RE must be.
Again, I bet you think RE8 to be the peak RE.

>> No.9996056

>ps2 and gamecube are stronger than dreamcast

Good job faggot. You're blowing my mind here.

>> No.9996060

Resident evil was camp from day 1. Always was, always will be. It's a monster game and also it was more action than horror right from the 2nd game.

>steve is annoying
Meh. He dies, and it's not like he's with you all the time. Probably has 15 minutes of dialog if you add it all up.

The crazy villains area the best part of cvx

>> No.9996071

>Resurrection of Wesker as a Terminator x Neo?
>Tranny rich kid running a not-Auschwitz in the Antarctica?
>Everything about Steve?
Lud- I agree

>Again, I bet you think RE8 to be the peak RE.
yes, REmake 2/3 and 7/8 are RE peak, with their rich gameplay/story/characters that makes the old RE antiquated
you retarded dumbfuck

>> No.9996073
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>Re2 and 3 are on dreamcast a

that's true. But these two ports were done with Windows CE and are basically the Windows PC versions (not sure which ones) running on the DC. Code Veronica's engine seems to be mostly base don the RE2 engine, as it lacks some quality of life features from RE3. But, it does feature some dynamic cameras due to the environments being polygonal. Nex Entertainment did the RE1 port for the Saturn, and were contracted to port RE2 to the Saturn as well. They also worked on Shenmue as a support group, and did the port of Dino Crisis for the Dreamcas as well. Nex Entertainment acted like a tech group for Sega consoles, mostly. before Sega went third party.I always thought the DC game looked really good for the time. Real-time cinematic models like webm related looked really impressive for an early 2000 release. Before the PS2 even launched in Japan.

>> No.9996076
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>> No.9996078

Not him but I'm not vibin (fr, no cap) with anything after Revelations 2 because the new REmakes and 7 and 8 lost that Japanese RE feel. They are better than RE6 and Revelations games gameplay-wise, yes but I very much disagree about the story and characters. I've heard that 7 and 8 were written by American guys and it honestly shows

>> No.9996081
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>> No.9996084
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>> No.9996089

I've never heard anyone say Code Veronica is bad.
I've heard people say it's difficult and that the PS2 version is inferior but that's about it.

>> No.9996090

Its shit and I'm not interested in 0 or CV apologists.

>> No.9996092

nvm I've now heard someone say it's bad.

>> No.9996093

The 'not as good as 1, 2 and REmake' games ranking:
CV > 3 > 0
CV and 3 are still good games, 0 is the only mediocre one

>> No.9996176

code veronica is good I like it

>> No.9996187
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>ugly, grey, dreary, shitty, non-prerendered backgrounds looking awful the entire game
>all momentum you gain as claire comes to an abrupt halt when you play as chris (should have been choose claire or chris in the same way that you pick jill/chris or claire/leon)
>I know that RE games are built on replayability, but running through the same areas as chris that you ran through as claire in the same run sucks (should have been choose claire or chris in the same way that you pick jill/chris or claire/leon)
>alexia is a very interesting villain, but the final fight against her is cramped and awful, probably the worst designed fight in the series with only the bat from re0 being worse
>awful first person aiming sections
>steve is annoying and shitty, and the chase part is dumb as fuck
>alfred being a schizo who larps as alexia is retarded
The game has some good stuff, but it can never be more than 6/10. Is the op of these CVX threads the same autist every time?

>> No.9996197

>all momentum you gain as claire comes to an abrupt halt when you play as chris
Why don't people treat it like Scenario A > Scenario B from RE2? Seriously the only thing that sucks about the character switch is that when it's your first time playing you don't know that you are supposed to put the good shit in the magic box before the Chris part starts

>> No.9996210

The opening area is pretty atmospheric in the Dreamcast version on a nice VGA CRT. The game still sucks shit though and as soon as the retarded stretchy arm enemies that wouldn't be out of place in Carrier or Blue Stinger show up the game just nosedives from there in all regards.

>> No.9996217

I must have gotten the wrong kind of brainwashing, I merely think it's middle tier
The story gets a bit more cartoonishly absurd with this one, even though the presentation of it improves
Been a while since I played though, I'll give it another chance. It does have some great moments and a good atmosphere.
The way it handles weapons between the characters is fucking stupid though, I'll always contest that.

>> No.9996223
File: 1.13 MB, 960x720, RE1turn.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The lack of animation went turning is just awful, here is RE1 in comparison.

Animation work in general in this game is a shit job, like everything else

>> No.9996228

ah yes moonwalking in place such excellent animation

>> No.9996308

What do you think happens when you turn around retard? Do you lift your feet or do they rotate like you're a statue triggered by a hidden mechanim?

>> No.9996324

>choker sluts want SMGs: the game

>> No.9996601


I don't find Code Veronica's 3D backgrounds to be much worse than RE1's pre-rendered BG's. Capcom really upped the quality of the pre-rendered BG's with RE2 and RE3.

>> No.9996648
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>> No.9996653
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>> No.9996662

3 > CVX < 2 < 1 < 0

>> No.9996667 [SPOILER] 
File: 3.90 MB, 640x480, cv4d.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>choker sluts want SMGs: the game

>> No.9996668

Nobody moves anything like that re1 animation you fucking retard.

You're bitching just because it's different, but they're BOTH wrong so it's a moot point.

>> No.9996679

its my favorite re

>> No.9996683

everyone that hates it got filtered by tyrant plane fight. many such cases

>> No.9996710

agreed. I still hate fucking steve tho.
Yaaaaaaaaah help meeeeeeeeeeeeeee, Steeeeeeeeeeeeeevvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeee!?
also LOVED leaving him in that room with the lugers where he is trapped, banging on the doors and begging for help

>> No.9996716

i had an aboslute nightmare with that fight due to poorly timed saves but i never gave up and won. i almost considered getting action replay and cheating

>> No.9997201

I forgot to say that Wesker coming back from the dead as a virus infused Neo is fucking retarded as well

>> No.9997210

>The opening area is pretty atmospheric
I think the atmosphere is pretty good for most of the prison area and the compound area + Ashford residence, despite the grey dreary shit textures I mentioned at the start of the post. The game does have some decent stuff, but overall it's just awful as you say. I "like" CVX in the sense that it's a fixed angle RE game, but it's pretty weak overall compared to 1-3

>> No.9997259

It falls off after Claire leaves Rockfort & the character switching is incredibly janky, but its still better than Zero. All the complaints about the difficulty are unfounded and quite literally a skill issue.

>> No.9997290

I rotate like a statue

>> No.9997426

Standing in one place and spamming the bow grenades and pressing the release button is not the skill test you think it is.

>> No.9997458

I could forgive the ugly full 3D environments if they took advantage of them to do some neat stuff with the camera, but they really didn't. It just does some very basic camera panning. Silent Hill completely and utterly mogged it in that department and even Dino Crisis did more interesting things with its camera. Pretty embarrassing for a "next generation" game.

>> No.9997465

It may have its faults, but it's definitely a comfy play. It also has the best Save Theme in the entire series hands down. https://youtu.be/mxq5ymqPAsQ

>> No.9997723

It was the first game I got for my ps2, and I didn't have a memory card at first, so every time time died I had to restart the whole game lmao.
It was pure kino and I played it endlessly

>> No.9997726


>> No.9997759

filtering out people with good taste seems like an odd choice but it makes since if you're just suckering people into loving trash

>> No.9998259

>Silent Hill completely and utterly mogged it in that department and even Dino Crisis did more interesting things with its camera. Pretty embarrassing for a "next generation" game.

Code Veronica does fall into a weird place. It was definitely a 'next gen' resident Evil game for console gen 6. At the time, it was praised for its' use of higher polygon models, and detailed cinematic models that were also seen in Shenmue and maybe D2. But also, Code Veronica was not an officially numbered sequel, and treated like a spin off. It was made for the Dreamcast, and I think Capcom and Sega wanted it to stick close to the classic RE formula. But 3D. At that time Capcom was also developing Resident Evil 0 for the N64, which ended up the on the Cube with RE-remake and RE4. It seemed like Code Veronica was Capcom tensing the waters for a RE style game with real-time environments. It is interesting that Capcom still decided to go with pre rendered BG's with 0 and the remake. As well as Onimusha. But the game was also an obligation to Sega , because they wanted a port of RE2 for the Saturn. The game was designed by Capcom but outsourced to two different companies, one being Tose.

>> No.9998947
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I rank all the resident evil games without female zombies with 6/10 or less than that.

I only ranked with 7/10, 8/10, 9/10 and 10/10 the resident evil videogames with female zombies, like resident evil 3 or resident evil 2.

A resident evil videogames without females zombies is a mediocre resident evil.

>> No.9998967

I mod my resident evils to only have female zombies

>> No.9999071

Yeah ha ha ha cool gimmick, so based, keep posting this, it will never get old, you're such a quirky and funny guy.

>> No.9999098

I think he's serious anon.

With that said variety in zombie types is nice and RE3 has the most variety.

>> No.9999295
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Trouble widda tyrant ayy?

>> No.9999368

They/them only think it's bad because 1) "tank controls". 2) Claire's "Cross-Dressing Freak" comment. 3) One of the main villains is a cross dresser with mental problems.

I absolutely love this game. The only complaint I have is that annoying Steve character & how he tried to kiss Claire while she was sleeping.

>> No.9999372

All resident evil games are shit

>> No.9999490

If you don't like RE1-3 then you don't like video games

>> No.9999720

>fr, no cap


>> No.9999767

You will never be a woman

>> No.9999794

oh right forgot about that one, not really a proper RE though

>> No.9999872

>One of the main villains is a cross dresser with mental problems.

They were kind of doing an Alfred Hitchcock Psycho thing. But instead of Alfred from the game having involuntary multiple personality disorder. Alfred from the game was being possessed by his sister through telepathy, while she was frozen in cryo status. And dress up in her clothes.

>> No.9999920

she rotates her leg like real people unlike in RE 1 2 3 where it looks goofy

>> No.9999954

Go back to plebbit you unfunny nigger

>> No.9999963

Telepathy? I remember no such thing. I'm pretty sure he's just larping.

>> No.10000034

Only trannies hate CV

>Chris' story is about personal obsession and desire to go it alone endangering those who care about him
>Claire is trapped in the heart of a recreation of Arklay
>Wesker taunts him over his failure to protect his sister and avenge his comrades
>Steve is another failure for him, his death literally benefitting Wesker
>Alexia and Alfred represent a twisted dynamic for Chris and Claire, where Alfred will do anything to reunite with his sister, only to die just before it happens
>Alfred only interacts with Claire (and vice versa, she only has two scenes with Alexia and basically never speaks to her), Alexia only interacts with Chris
>While Chris and Claire can reunite, Alfred's death is what awakens Alexia
>the implications of the hanging doll, the portrait puzzle room, and the main musical motif
>Steve is a prisoner with no living family, wants to get as far away from them as possible
>Rodrigo is a prisoner with no living family, stays close to what remains of them until the bitter end
>"The Queen Ant is dead"

It was kino

>> No.10000037
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Any 4K/8K screenshots?

>> No.10000064

Top 4 definitely

>> No.10000220

>Telepathy? I remember no such thing. I'm pretty sure he's just larping.

It was never mentioned outright. But I think it was implied that Alexia and Alfred had some sort of ESP-like connection because they are twins. But who knows? The plot really does feel like it was cobbled together by the team at Capcom after watching a whole string of Hollywood movies. It has a Psycho (1998) influence, as well as the X-Files movie (1998), some Matrix-like scenes, a bit of Titanic, Battle Royale (Japanese movie) , and I am sure there are other connections too.

>> No.10000281

it's pretty gud

>> No.10000409

Alexia is a discount store knockoff Parasite Eve right down to the fire powers and the opera music in the first fight with her. I never liked CV because it felt like the point where the RE devs really started chasing what other horror series were doing instead of setting the trends themselves.

>> No.10000423

ALl of the resident evil games steal from movies and other games and have absurd and campy storytelling. most of the criticisms against code veronica itt are ridiculous because they would apply to the first 3 games but people either didn’t actually play code veronica or can’t see their own hysterical bias

>> No.10000428

3 has a great ending.

>> No.10000438 [DELETED] 

I think what I didn't like about it at the time was it dropping any pretense of paying homage to western b movies and instead just becoming a straight japanese anime.

>> No.10000514

If you can't decapitate enemies with a shotgun it's not a real Resident Evil game. Shrimple as.

>> No.10000556

No, you will never be a woman.

>> No.10000992

>Alexia is a discount store knockoff Parasite Eve right down to the fire powers and the opera music in the first fight with her. I never liked CV because it felt like the point where the RE devs really started chasing what other horror series were doing instead of setting the trends themselves.

Which is also funny, and somewhat true. Code Veronica clearly was developed very quickly with little pre meditation. Because, most of the game feels like it was referencing other things that came out during its' development cycle. Like, parasite Eve came out in 1998 (did the devs play that at the time?) , it does reference the Psycho remake from 1998 (the one with Vince Vaughn and Anne Heche), the Antarctica scene was clearly referenced from the X-Files movie. Right down to a snowcat scene.

It's has some minor references to the Matrix in the intro video.
I think the chock collars are suppose to be kinda like the explosive ones in Battle Royal. But maybe not explosive. The game references so many things between 1997 to 1999. I would imagine the games dev cycle was 1998/1999 to 2000. It seems short.

>> No.10001017

>it does reference the Psycho remake from 1998 (the one with Vince Vaughn and Anne Heche)
explain this one. and why only the remake and not the original?
the games have taken from psycho films, in psycho ii norman plays moonlight sonata on the piano.

>> No.10001029
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>would imagine the games dev cycle was 1998/1999 to 2000. It seems short.
That seems like a pretty safe bet. Most of the concept art I've seen with dates written on it is dated 1999 with a handful from mid-late 1998.

>> No.10001102

>explain this one. and why only the remake and not the original?

It might have been both. But, I would imagine at the time, the remake would have been a new release in Japan during the time of the games development. I am just guessing that they may have seen that version. Code Veronica seems like a weird time capsule of late 90's pop culture references. The X-Files movie was a 1998 release. Another film that probably had a Japanese release during development.

>> No.10001148

ah ok you guys are just talking shit. psycho and psycho ii was an influence on the first resident evil. the remake is the same story, little is changed. i forget sometimes that this board has people who don’t know what they’re talking about who fill in the blanks with made up nonsense.

>> No.10001193

Only contrarian faggots from /v/ are making a fuss about CV. I'd bet they say they like 6 unironically, and other stupid shit.

>> No.10001514

And the first one was inspired by Romero

>> No.10001575

The game came out in 2000
RE3 released 1999 and you could beat it roughly in 7 hours
Code Veronica is nearly double the length at 12h and has vastly superior visuals and was generally a few steps above any Playstation entry from a technical standpoint
it was a big jump in almost every aspect

played it for the first time last year and it's still a pretty good game but it overstays its welcome, it drags on for too long
this is a complaint I wouldn't have in the early 2000s

>> No.10001583

1) Dreamcast was new and reviewers were impressed by the graphics on a technical level.
2) Resident Evil was still a household name to the point reviewers would never rate one negatively
3) Had it been released just a year after, they'd have claimed it was stale and outdated (tank controls etc) see REmake

>> No.10001665

I don't get what exactly is people's problem with this. Umbrella is a drugs company, not the Grand Imperial Army. Do people want the protagonists forming a terrorist cell and square up against The Legion Of Post-Graduate Researchers?
They were going to take Umbrella down, and they did it by legal channels.

>> No.10001817

Stop treating games and their reception as some ploy against you. It is unfortunate when a game you know is great and well thought through gets tons of hate because of Youtubers or critics or whatever, but sometimes people really do just dislike your favorite game. Whoever you are, OP, consider this: all you're gonna do by making passive aggressive threads is that eventually, each thread will devolve into a mess where those who hate the game and those who love it will insult eachother over the silliest of reasons.
I do agree that Code Veronica is a good game, but making bait threads is never the answer.

>> No.10001991

>Do people want the protagonists forming a terrorist cell and square up against The Legion Of Post-Graduate Researchers?

>> No.10001995

>They were going to take Umbrella down, and they did it by legal channels.
the most unrealistic part of the entire RE franchise
no wonder it got backlash

>> No.10002000

It's sad that kids have been brainwashed into believing any RE game is a good game. They're story-heavy style over substance garbage that helped destroy gaming, making it into the garbage industry that needs to crash and burn we have now.

>> No.10002009

i just noticed there was no female zombies in most of the games. i guess i don't jack enough to take note of such things.

>> No.10002010
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ewww, spoilers dude, AND transphobic! Fuck off man.

>> No.10002017

Enron went bankrupt, just saying. Hardly unrealistic.

>> No.10002039


>> No.10002040

i still snigger at steve going schizo and wasting his zombie dad

>> No.10002053 [DELETED] 

That fucking song that the toff twins tranny and faggot bad guys sing is still stuck in my head.


>> No.10002443

Games journalism has always been garbage. Paid reviews and shilling is nothing new.

>> No.10003128

>And the first one was inspired by Romero

You could say that about anything Zombie related that came out after Night of the Living Dead.
All I was getting at is that Code Veronica seems to be in a late 90's vacuum of pop culture references. Like the devs were inspired by whatever was popular during development.

>> No.10003134

yeah, return of the living dead was new. NOT. the cemetary is taken from that movie and it’s from 1985

>> No.10003230

I enjoyed it but I was never a big RE fan. I was more interested in the monsters, setting and story than anything. I never finished CV though, I beat 1-3. I'm not a big survivor horror guy, I liked the puzzles but I hated the combat and movement.

I remember getting a gaming magazine once, probably 2003 that came with a manilla folder styled booklet that had all the back story of the entire series up to that point and even talked about spinoffs. It was cool, little character biographies and incident reports to make it seem like a classified file from the government. I wish I still had it.

>> No.10003236

>the games have taken from psycho films, in psycho ii norman plays moonlight sonata on the piano.
It's a very popular piece of music that's been used in lots of media over the years. Even Earthworm Jim used it.

>> No.10003238
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>nobody understands me

>> No.10003247

homie, mikami has cited the psycho films as a major influence. it’s not a coincidence

>> No.10004512

No shotgun decapitations or kneecapping. It's mediocre at best.

>> No.10004545

CV is too fucking long. That's my main problem with it. By the time I get to Chris section I am over it.

>> No.10005334

that’s the point, dreamcast wanted to provide a bigger game than the 3 prior.

>> No.10005337

I dunno its worse than 1, 2 and 3 op kun.

>> No.10005350

It wasn't violent enough (no head pops or severed limbs), and not enough good guns in it. Claire barely gets a chance to use the AK, and the shotgun Chris gets sucks. I don't know how they managed o make the violence so tame in a RE game, but thy did.

>> No.10005648

Doesn't mean whit when RE 1 was the only good survival horror in the series. It wasn't until 4 & 5 that the series stopped pretending it was scary and started going all in on the action.
Everything from RE2 to RE Outbreak was trash.

>> No.10005698

may had been the point which i can appreciate but it made me appreciate the other games more because the formula can overstay its welcome as time goes on. i should replay it sometime desu.

>> No.10005938

Go back to plebbit you fucking nigger

>> No.10006683

>I don't think people like your kind of games Suicide.

>> No.10006726

It's alright but hasn't aged as well as the first three.

>> No.10007263

i’d argue the other 3 have not aged as well as code veronica