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9991679 No.9991679 [Reply] [Original]

muffled audio

>> No.9991683

auster thread

>> No.9991741

It's better than tin can farts.

>> No.9991745

slow processor
bad superfx fps
censored games

>> No.9991757

It sounds excellent to me. I have it hooked up to a real stereo system.
I hate the way genesis sounds, PS1 has good audio except all the sfx in games are annoying. SNES is perfect, I wish more consoles sounded that good.

>> No.9991838

>2.68 mhz

>> No.9991839

Works on my tv

>> No.9991842


>> No.9991843

>on-paper specs
Might as well disregard all retro and only use latest hardware

>> No.9991863

>I hate the way genesis sounds
you need to be good composer who into FM synthesis math books to get good sounds. meanwhile snes can just import all your favorite soundfonts and sound "as good as you want it" without effort or knowledge so you end up with ps1 soundtracks being perfectly recreated on snes due to samples https://yewtu.be/watch?v=xUiqWOV7B84

>> No.9991865

>sounds better and is easy to use

>> No.9991870

yeah it's fucking joke. so much so that demosceners never considered snes soundchip to be real chiptune because it was just glorified sampler and not chiptune

>> No.9991876

Poor argument, the SNES was the ONLY console from it's time with such an underclock. Everything else was at least 3 TIMES faster. And, as much as it may upset you, it certainly manifested in games, with the SNES being the only console that generation to suffer from heinous slowdowns, poor physics, terrible AIs, and a myriad of other problems commonly seen in it's games.

>> No.9991880

"SNES" music is just Roland SC-55 samples clipped and muffled.

>> No.9991884

>It's "THREE times faster" anon
You have no argument at all, you're just a sad shitposter obsessed with the Super Nintendo.
If you liked video games, you'd know the good stuff comes from good developers, independently from nerdy spec info.
If you care about mhz so much, just disregard retro altogether, go play modern games.
But you don't play video games.

>> No.9991906

>good stuff comes from good developers
Good developers can only do so much with terrible hardwares. The efforts of game studios were far better spent on the litany of far superior 16-bit consoles and computers of the era. I know it may be quite upsetting for you, but the mere 2.68 mhz CPU is the simplest and most rational explanation for why the SNES library was so lackluster compared it's many more powerful competitors.
>just disregard retro altogether, go play modern games
I'll stick with my Mega Drive, PC Engine, X68000, Neo Geo, arcade games, and so on, thank you.

>> No.9991910

Enjoy limiting yourself because a company from Kyoto triggers your autism, I'll enjoy all those, plus the many great Super Nintendo games from the likes of Capcom, Konami, Natsume, Hudson, Humano et al
>b-but muy three times mhz! Read these numbers! Stop liking all those games!

>> No.9991927

Konami's and Capcom's titles were far better on the Mega Drive, PC Engine, and X68000. Hudson's titles were far better on the Mega Drive and PC Engine. Though, quite funny how you could only list off 4 noteworthy game developers before resorting to scraping "Humano" from the bottom of the barrel. The SNES really was quite a wasteland for decent games, wasn't it?

>> No.9991935

snes won
genesis lost
nintendo swims in money
sega only lives out of sonic autists and yakuza fujos

>> No.9991937

No they weren't. Are you high?
Sunset Riders Genesis vs. Sunset Riders SNES?
Megaman Wily Wars vs. Megaman X
Hell, Megaman Wily Wars vs. Megaman 1-3 on the NES.
Capcom generally didn't even make Genesis games. Most Capcom games on the platform are in house Sega ports.

>> No.9991949

Imagine arguing about 30 year old toys lmao. You’ve never had sex with a woman.

>> No.9991951

He's probably talking about contras and castlevanias, but those are early snes titles compared to very late genesis games because segafags are petty niggers

>> No.9991959

As I said, you don't like video games. Stop pretending to like MD or PCE too, and go back to /v/ modern console war threads.

>> No.9991961

What is physically wrong with you

>> No.9991962

He's not a Sega fan either, just a guy obsessed with Nintendo.

>> No.9991968

Konami had Castlevania Bloodlines, Rondo of Blood, and X68000 Castlevania, which were all leagues ahead of either SNES iteration. Contra Hard Corps which was leagues ahead. Parodius and Gradius, far better on PC Engine and X68000. Sparkster, both Mega Drive iterations far better. Tiny Toons, Animaniacs, Hyperstone Heist, all leagues better on the Mega Drive. Capcom's version of Street Fighter on the Mega Drive and PC Engine were far higher quality than the SNES version. Final Fight was far better on the Mega CD or the X68000 than any of the SNES iterations. Ghouls and Ghosts, far better on PC Engine or Mega Drive, Great Circus Mystery, far better on Mega Drive. 1943 Kai on PC Engine alone runs circles around ANY shooter on SNES. Sorry but, if you had any real familiarity with these libraries, and weren't just playing Mario nonstop for the 20th time, you might know this.

>> No.9991971

Super Castlevania is a launch title for the SNES, while those two other games are very late releases for their respective consoles. And Super Castlevania still has superior background graphics to both of them, even if it has pretty stiff animation and rather dull sprites.

>> No.9991972

Hey three times-kun, how do you explain Rondo of Blood having slowdown whereas Dracula X SNES does not?
Also, do you enjoy being a khv?

>> No.9991978

Too bad no one will come to your mega drive themed birthday party lol

>> No.9991980

See: >>9991962

>> No.9991982
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>> No.9991986


>> No.9991992

>I am out of my depth, so it has to be bait

>> No.9991996

>doesn't provide any argument other than "it's better, nintendo bad!"
Auster, the only thing deep here is your mental illness.

>> No.9992007

You're the one fellating Hyperstone Heist, not me

>> No.9992017

Dracula X on Snezz has slowdowns too, lying Nintendildo.

Anyway, it's more impressive that PC Engine slows down for as little as it does considering all that Rondo is doing with the backgrounds and such (PCE can't natively do parallax).

Also, how come Snezz didn't receive a proper port of Dracula X? Was it perhaps... not up to the task, due to inferiour hardware? Heh.

Oh well. Enjoy your purple spear dudes spammed everywhere because Snezz can't handle all the enemies with their animations intact from the real Dracula X, only for PC Engine, an actually competent system.

>> No.9992027

The SNES game, which barely has even 2 simultaneous enemies, and oftentimes no parallax scrolling whatsoever, runs without slowdowns? Colour me shocked!
Or, at least, I might be, if it were actually true.
Quite funny how the SNES is getting mogged even by 3 YEARS older hardware.

>> No.9992035

not even that guy
you insecure retards

>> No.9992036

Reminder to all, the auster is some bri*ish kid that admitted to being a pedo

>> No.9992049

>console war shit

>> No.9992071

>oh no he admitted to being a pedo
do redditors understand pedo isn't a synonym for diddler

>> No.9992083

But does he like the speccy or the ameeger is the real question

>> No.9992096

The Super Nintendo, forever and ever inside of you.

>> No.9992142

it kind of stands out when you go out of your way to avoid saying "rent-free"

>> No.9992181

Australia-kun and the Super Nintendo

>> No.9992187

it's because there's a lowpass filter on the samples in order to keep them from aliasing

>> No.9992194

>*horn sample*
It's like I'm really listening to a live orchestra, and you're telling me this isn't CD audio? This is the POWER of Super Nintendo.

>> No.9992205

>46 replies
>18 unique IPs
anti-nintendo people are weird.

>> No.9992220

Why do horns always sound like farts on the Snezz?


Yet Nintendildos are the ones always claiming the Mega Drive sounds like farts, lmao.

>> No.9992228

Go back to your british jank, oster.
Goemon will always be better than any shit you've ever played as a kid on your microdickputers.

>> No.9992237


>> No.9992257

You can keep your silly weeb gimmickshit. I'll be over here enjoying the far superiour Superfrog.

>> No.9992563

You're pretending you owned one now? What are you even doing?

>> No.9992574

stop bumping console war bait threads

>> No.9992594

You want to hear muffined audio, listen to any Genesis VS fighter.

>> No.9992597
File: 45 KB, 640x480, 35592-Super_Castlevania_IV_USA-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9992639

Love the soft SNES samples. No screeches, no buzzsaw sounds. Less likely to cause hearing loss. I can listen to them forever.

>> No.9992674

The idea that the SNES doesn't have ear rape screeches is wishful thinking.

>> No.9992679

Sorry are these games or albums, why wouldn’t you want more on screen action over muh colors muh music?

>> No.9992682

How did they get this to come out so clear?

>> No.9992703

It's a VIDEO game. I would want to have the sweet parts to be sweeter, in this case, what I'm looking at and what I'm listening to. Also, to be honest, speed has more often impacted the gameplay negatively than positively. It's not as important as some may think. I like slower paced games.

>> No.9992708

shit controller in its era

>> No.9992709

Wow that sounds shockingly good.

>> No.9992710

Nintyanks are casuals, they celebrate the lower on-screen action and slow jarpig shovelware that's iconic of Shitendo console's libraries.

>> No.9992712

People who complain about SNES slowdowns are like modern gamers who are upset they don't get stable 240+ FPS in every game.

>> No.9992716

>ps1 soundtracks being perfectly recreated on snes
Well, that's bullshit many PS1 sound tracks were entire albums of studio recorded music like wipeout
>Wow that sounds shockingly good.
That's because its a disingenuous lie. The PS1 could play CDs remember? It literally had CD quality audio.

>> No.9992718

This is wonderful. This may be the worst offender I've ever had so far. Still better than what you'd find on the GBA and the Mega Drive.

>> No.9992720

that's because you're playing through emulator
playing on an actual console has 16khz output, same as the genesis
even the NES has screeches through emulation

>> No.9992721

The snes broken power jacks, batterlies dying in cartridges and killing them and the PPU and CPU chip failures are just part of the charm. It was cheap system sold for a big margin targeting spoilt stupid kids in the US and Japan.It was not about being perfect or technology, it was an overpriced toy that meant you were a special kid who was not into dorky crap like home computers but big bright games and toys and that's why we love it.

>> No.9992723

Never had this problem on a JAP or PAL console

>> No.9992725

"I often hear people say bad CPUs on Super Nintendos are a rare issue. But it sure doesn’t seem that way to me. Maybe a quarter of SHVC consoles I get have a bad PPU or CPU. Of course, I’m getting consoles that have already been identified as broken, but still. People say it’s not an epidemic on the same level as, say, bad capacitors on PC Engine Duos or Game Gears, but I don’t think it’s unreasonable to assume that all the old revision PPUs and CPUs in these Super Nintendos will go bad in the not-too-distant future."

>> No.9992732

so it's an issue with the 2chip and not the one 1chip?

>> No.9992749

No. They both have different issues. The 2 chips will all die anyway. The one chips also die in a non repairable manner

>> No.9992753

guess I've just been lucky with the four I've had

>> No.9992780

sounds like shit

>> No.9992783
File: 58 KB, 500x508, sufferingfromsuccess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SNES is the best selling console of its generation
>universally loved in spite of whatever flaws it may have
>this causes auster to seethe day-in and day-out for the next three decades
PCEnginefags should count themselves lucky that their console is too niche for this brand of autism. Truly, I envy you.

>> No.9992789

Is Rondo of Blood the only game that matters on the PCEngine?

>> No.9992815

as an Idort, all console war autism is cringe

>> No.9992818

Auster hates the N64 too, despite coming in 3rd in Japan and losing to the PS1.

It's not a sales thing, he just has some kind of personal trauma with Nintendo. What that could be, we may never find out.

>> No.9992823

>guess I've just been lucky with the four I've had
The single chips are just a late manufacturing date...think you will figure it out. That being said no one really understand exactly WHY these chips are failing. Dead CPUs and PPUs in SNES is very much a thing and yours will probably all die at the same time if they were made in the same year....

>> No.9992832

sure thing anon

>> No.9992867

Those are Capcom screeches they aren't like an FM chip at all.

>> No.9992873

what did anon mean by this?

>> No.9992878

It's the same sound Capcom has always used heavily in every SNES game.

>> No.9992880

I suppose you think ninja warriors is capcom too

>> No.9992898

Sounds nothing like Capcom's music.

>> No.9992902
File: 39 KB, 682x160, Screenshot_20230618-002123~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Auster the delusional anti-N64 schizo who thinks people hate the N64 because of him?

>> No.9992909

>delusions of grandeur

>> No.9992923

Nobody cares that Nintendo misled everyone to believe it would be a really great system when they astroturfed Ultra 64 arcade machines everywhere and promised the cartridges would look that way.

>> No.9993589
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Holy autism

>> No.9993603
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Yes, outside of Rondo it's a coomer console

>> No.9993620

>taking jokes seriously

>> No.9993735

>2023 actually believing in the clock myth

In comparing the clock speed of two different CPUs, we’re merely looking at how frequently the bus is accessed, and not the number of instructions per second.

In the 68000, each instruction requires at least eight clock cycles to complete, whereas the 65C816 – like it’s younger 6502 brother – could execute an instruction every two or three clock cycles. This means the Sega could handle around 900,000 instructions per second, maximum. The SNES could compute around 1.7 Million instructions per second, despite it’s lower clock speed

Enjoy your ditchering less colored games with less effects and modes
