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9990653 No.9990653 [Reply] [Original]

In SMT1, there are 3 tiles that have set enemies on them, these are not mentioned by any NPC, when you beat the normal enemy there, it says, "there is no one here" and that's it, I completely ignored these in my playthrough thinking "uhh maybe they just wanted to test this or whatever maybe its a cute thing like they're guarding the place", but, if you save and go back, there is a 1/256 chance of a super rare boss spawning there, no NPC alludes to this

However, this 1/256 nonsense goes deeper. Each of the Fiends drops one of the ultimate weapons for each alignment - David drops the Stradivarius for Neutral players, Daisoujou drops the Reaper Bell for Chaos, and Pale Rider drops the Angel Trumpet for Law. The odds are - you guessed it: 1/256, effectively giving you a 1/65536 chance at getting them, and that's ignoring the 1/3 roll of which Fiend you get.

In SMT2 It's weirder, there is no fucking indication to the tiles, no enemy you fight or text, but there are a bunch of them now, HOWEVER, you have to look at the correct direction (WHICH IS NOT INDICATED ANYWHERE) to have the CHANCE of activating a encounter, also there are more bosses, apparently it's only 1/32 to encounter them in smt2 but the drop rate is still 1/256 for their cool weapons

its bullshit either way, what the hell man, I almost beat both of the games without knowing these exist

>> No.9990747

Can't you savestate right before landing the final hit to easily get what you want?

>> No.9990752

I would assume It's decided once the encounter starts, but I dunno, you may be right

>> No.9990774

Fuck I remember those. I tried to get them while playing SMT II. I think the encounter is decided each time you save, so if you go to a tile, miss it, you have to go back to a terminal, save your game, then go back to that tile. I tried for a while and didn’t manage to get one so I went fuck it and didn’t do them.

These games were weird man.

>> No.9990795

SMT1 is a comfy kind of weird while SMT2 is a bizarre kind of weird where it really feels like real life where you have no idea what the characters are thinking and what ulterior motives they have

>> No.9990943

I was one shotted by one of the fiends when I hadn't saved in an hour while not knowing what they are and despite unlikely odds accidentally spawning one near the beginning of the game. Total bullshit.

>> No.9991202
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>> No.9991216

Is there a way to increase the odds via cheats or ROMhacks?

>> No.9991597

I remember having a pop up saying that a powerful demon was nearby and if I wanted to fight it and I said no because I hadnt saved for a while.
Then came back and it never appeared again, fucking SMT. Got a sword that puts enemies to sleep though and that was enough to cheese most of the game.

>> No.9991764

That actually sounds like a pure MT moment

>> No.9991835

If you know scripting, you could use cheat engine.

>> No.9993083


>> No.9993383
File: 1.36 MB, 1440x1080, Shin Megami Tensei II-200503-192035.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah I remember encountering one of the fiends I wasn’t sure if it was pure chance

>> No.9994116

these are the niggas from Nocturne?

>> No.9994236

Most of them, yes

in 2 there are other more common demons among them, like Alice

>> No.9994242

Might as well just cheat to add the weapon to your inventory after beating the boss, or maybe after a few tries to make it feel more authentic. For this kind of random chance shit I don’t feel bad at all for cheating.

>> No.9994245

you don't really need the weapons to beat the game

>> No.9994379

I'll never understand people who get triggered over optional hidden bonuses they didn't get

But now I know that if I ever make the RPG I want to make, I'll make sure not to add something like this since people like you take it as an excuse to cheat.
And this is why we can't have nice things, hope you're proud of yourself.

>> No.9994406

>cheating... is le bad

>> No.9994487

what about smt if

>> No.9994830

I’m less interested in the weapon and more in the challenge of the super boss. The weapon is just a trophy, and isn’t even necessary after killing the secret bosses anyways. You already proved you didn’t need it.

>> No.9994850

SMTII started weird for me but now I'm really into it. Currently retrieving the six body parts of the Prince who's name I cannot recall right now/

>> No.9995224

Taira no Masakado

>> No.9995916

I'm with you, anon. Having an absurdly low chance to earn a trophy from a challenge seems silly. Make the boss encounter have specific trigger conditions and guarantee the item drop, with random chances for additional prizes like money or gems or something. Whatever, it was the 90's and Atlus needed games to help sell guide books, right?

>> No.9995917
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not you but OP here and I just beat it like 2 hours ago and god what a fantastic game

>> No.9996338

It's very compelling, I feel the urge to play it constantly. Encounter rate be damned, I'm having a lot of fun. I can't wait to see what happens to Millennium.

>> No.9997042

cool lore, but the game is already so easy there's no point looking for more powerful stuff

>> No.9997674

I almost finished SMT Strange Journey and am already looking for the next SMT since I really liked it. I don't want to burn out on the series so I'd like to play the best SMT game that is the least like Strange Journey. Is Nocturne the correct choice?

>> No.9997683
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No, It's Shin Megami Tensei V, it's basically Nocturne but better, Nocturne is only really fun if you have nostalgia for it

however, my favorite is SMT1, but it's a lot like Strange Journey, so I guess you shouldn't play it yet

Good taste btw, SJ rocks

>> No.9997697

>however, my favorite is SMT1
Interesting. I thought the earlier games were fairly outclassed but maybe I should try them out after all.

>> No.9997719
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It's mostly because of the atmosphere and story, I believe SMT1&2 (2 is a direct sequel, they're kind of like a duology) have the greatest storyline of any video game ever created

SMT1 has a very cozy feeling, its kind of like the start of everything after all, you should play the PS1 version when you do play it, the QoL stuff in it does make it more fun to play

the combat is the only drawback the earlier games have, it's not as fun as SJ and others in the series, but it's doable, if you want a tip, use guns with Nerve/Charisma bullets if you want the game to be easier

>> No.9997831

Reminder that the SMT1 guy FUCKING DIES.
Dude lost everything and then his life at the hands of angels, all because he rejected gods plan.

>> No.9997839
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Good thing you can beat the shit out of god and avenge him though, you can also bring SMT1 guy's dog along to do it

>> No.9997840

Isnt this the one SMT where all paths have you fight god

>> No.9997842
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Yes, and it rocks, kind of puts into perspective how he is above everything, even alignments, but you still can kick his ass

Aleph is so fucking cool

>> No.9998038

Yes, Nocturne would be a good choice if you want something different from SJ. There's still a fair bit of dungeon crawling in that one though, so if you don't want more of that, SMTIV and Apocalypse have pretty simple dungeons overall.
I wouldn't recommend SMT1 and 2 since they are fairly similar to SJ gameplay except with far more simplistic combat.

>> No.9998087

I never knew all of that because I played SMT1 only once, but now how SMT4's superbosses work makes a lot more sense since its very similar.

In there, every time you save and reload your game outside of the area they're found in, you have a 1/256 chance of encountering a fiend in a particular spot. There's no visual indication that there's anything special there, no message or hint in the rest of the game, but players will pass through several of these locations throughout the game and there's a chance the encounters can trigger, so I'm guessing knowledge of it was supposed to spread by word of mouth; someone would trigger the encounter on a normal playthrough and get murdered, they'd tell their buddies (Or now, the internet as a whole), rumors spread, people look deeper into it, and eventually it becomes meta knowledge about the game that people document.

I'm sure SMT1&2's thought was similar, that a small number of players would stumble onto these fights and tell others, though before the internet was widespread I bet knowledge would travel very slowly, likely rumors being sent in to magazines and the like where they may not get printed if the writers couldn't get them to trigger.

>> No.9998105

I'm gonna get shit for this, but play Persona 1. A lot of fans of SMT don't like Persona because of the design of 3+, but Persona 1 plays similar to SMT but different enough you're not playing the same game.

There's still first person dungeon crawling, the story is still really good, but instead of summoning demons as party members you have a set of five player characters who have their own stats and levels and instead equip Personas (Basically demons) to gain access to spells, resistances, and weaknesses. Later entries have a more upbeat storyline and focus a lot on the player character's school life in addition to dungeon crawling, but P1 is more like a traditional RPG that has a plot you follow from start to finish.

>> No.9998118
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No, wait for them to translate the Playstation 1 version of Persona 1 if you're ever going to play it

the PSP version of Persona 1 has one of the worst OSTs known to man that doesn't fit the game at all, plus, they disrespected the original composer for Persona 1 since he died in a car crash a little after Persona 1 for the PS1 released

but I agree, Persona 1, 2IS, 2EP and even 3 to a certain degree are good games, 4 and 5 aren't

>> No.9998126

I wouldn't call the PSP music bad, but it doesn't fit the tone of the game. There exists a patch to restore the music, but it doesn't roll back the interface changes or the sound effects, which are also important to the experience. For example, the feel of the final boss changes completely between the two versions, with the PSX version having a very grim theme that captures the feeling of you struggling against a nihilistic entity with the PSP version being more upbeat, like you were at the conclusion of a long journey and this was the last step you needed to take.

I guess that does bring up Soul Hackers though, which kept the original OST, sound effects, and pretty much everything else intact from the Saturn version to the 3DS. It's also really good to play, arguably having one of the best atmospheres both in story and design in SMT, something that 4+ doesn't quite capture despite being very good still.

>> No.10000072

psp persona 1 battle theme is a banger i played through most of persona 5 with that on