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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9984912 No.9984912 [Reply] [Original]

So I was looking for late releases on the Xbox and came across the cancelled titles page and I gotta say, that’s a pretty beefy list of games I’d definitely would’ve loved in the OG Xbox category. What’s your favorite or most interesting cancelation list for a console (I think if you do PC may have to go by certain leaps in tech).

>> No.9985278

>Army Men RTS
I'm surprised this one didnt make it. It got a PS2 port.
>Black and White
This probably would have controlled terribly but I would have played the fuck out of this as a kid when I could no longer figure out how to get my PC copy working when my dad upgraded his OS.
>Fallout Extreme
>Jurassic Park Survival
>Sonic Extreme
Cool sounding cancelled games I would have liked to see
Would have been kino

>> No.9985313

Not answering but the reason for this is because M$ was bleeding money on the original xbox, they rushed the shit out of the 360's launch because the OG was insanely expensive to make. This is also why gaylo 3 and a slew of games didn't make it there.

>> No.9985341

>Rushed 360
>Launched 4 years later which was barely below the average of console release times
lol you retard. Stop making shit up. 360 wasn't close to rushed. They didn't even have to delay it months to add extra ram when many developers said 256meg wouldn't be enough. Because they were right on track for what they wanted.
Xbox was cheap as fuck using off the shelf, old, pc parts. It was never an expensive console.

>> No.9985453

>It was never an expensive console.
They why did Microsoft save money on CMOS batteries by using instead the cheapest shitty capacitor which self-destructs after a decade?

>> No.9985474

>self destructs after a decade
Brother, they do not give a shit about the console in a decade, by then the 360 was already further into it's lifespan than the original xbox was. Why in Allah would they care about customers 10 years after they already bought your product.
Now yeah it sucks for us normal people but they have no reason or incentive to care about us.

>> No.9985479

I think anon is referring to planned obsolescence, maybe?

>> No.9985484
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i cant read the question properly because i am retarded, but a cancelled game that i wouldve loved to play would be the South park xbox game

>> No.9985528

>Xbox was cheap as fuck using off the shelf, old, pc parts. It was never an expensive console.
Literal retard, not a single thing in that post is true.

>> No.9985540

>4 years later which was barely below the average of console release times
In what universe? Also proof of that is the fact that they discontinued the original xbox and removed it off shelves the day the 360 came out.
You're also lying about the RAM deal, they asked devs if they preferred integrated storage or extra RAM, they chose RAM.
Nothing on the original xbox was off the shelf, the GPU alone was some mid gen g-force 2/3 that's so exotic and undocumented it prevented the thing from being emulated for 20 years.

Your post is a complete mess of falsities, you're lying about literally fucking everything. Find healthier ways to get attention you detrimental mongoloid.

>> No.9985598

The first one with Toshiba drives that broke all the time maybe. The Samsung partnership made them expensive I would imagine. You could even use cdrws in them

>> No.9985606

If you're gonna be an ass at least check your information, the original xbox used a GPU closet to a GeForce4 and on later revisions of the consoles it literally says GeForce4 on them. The very first versions of consoles are a weird inbetween of 3 and 4 but closer to 4. Part of why it's "so exotic" is less to do with it actually being exotic and more so that, the contract Microsoft had with Nvidia purposefully provided very little information for everyone. Then you have that devkits for the Xbox were notoriously shit for multiple reasons both for developers and people looking to make emulators and that has more to do with why there are no good emus than the gpu. This is also why not many people made games for the xbox and why it didn't get many port.

>> No.9985613

I saw black and white and instantly thot, yea I totally missed out on why people were so hype for Peter M’s Fable outside the game itself since I missed this. Pretty damn hard to find a copy now, although I’m sure someone has it on an abandonware site. I hear it’s amazing just never tried it.

>> No.9985625

Really? I have a modded Xbox w the xecuter chip I believe, and it absolutely cannot read cd, dvd, or cd-r or dvd-r. I wonder if it’s the drive, but it’s the halo edition.
Also this doesn’t have to be exclusive to Xbox but the South Park game would’ve been cool.

>> No.9985764

>the GPU alone was some mid gen g-force 2/3 that's so exotic and undocumented it prevented the thing from being emulated for 20 years.
The reason the Xbox wasn't properly emulatable for so long is because no one really cared enough to do it. The heavy hitters and system sellers were things like Halo, Tom Clancy games, Fable, Kotor, GTA, Morrowind, and miscellaneous Star Wars games - all of which were also available on PC. Even Team Ninja games like DOA or Ninja Gaiden got ports to other consoles which stiffled motivation to create an emulator even further. And for the cult classics like Otogi, Panzer Dragoon, Conker Live & Reloaded and Jet Set Radio Future, people just played them on their 360 instead.

At the end of the day, emulators are written by extremely autistic people with no life. And the core crowd for the Xbox was normies and dudebros who played sports games, Halo and the odd "nerd game" like Fable. This is also the reason why original Xbox games, even the rarer ones like Panzer Dragoon, are exceptionally affordable compared to high-tier Gamecube or PS2 games. The interest and fan base just isn't there aside from a very small niche crowd like you'll find on here.

PS2 is infinitely more complex and autists have been trying to sort that out since 2002.

>> No.9985778
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What's that Starcraft one you can play on a modded Xbox but you have to upgrade the RAM? Was that any good or just too undeveloped to say?

>> No.9985779

It’s gotten better recently, is that just because Xbox is more “retro” now so furtroongrammers are inherently more drawn to it?

>> No.9985796

StarCraft: Ghost leaked? Because that sounds like Ghost to me.

>> No.9985802

That'd be the one. And yeah years ago but you need to use a 256MB RAM card or something. Somebody 'round these parts would know the specifics.

>> No.9986237

Xbox was always an expensive console sold as a huge loss. It had a Pentium 3, 64MB of RAM, a geforce 3, and prices dropped to 150 and below after just a few years. With how easy homebrew was, making linux servers on these was an amazing deal.
Xbox drives do fail, you can just swap them with another drive which is really nice.

>> No.9986241

I’m intrigued, I’m the anon w the modded xecuter chip. What is this y’all are talking about? Never heard of this. So there is a playable StarCraft game for modded boxes? I see someone said it was Ghost so this is really news to me because I never knew any actual game leaked I just know it was being worked on for forever r then cancelled.

>> No.9986242

Word but my drive is working fine as it will rip official Xbox discs to the hard dive but won’t recognize anything I’ve burned. It might just be a me issue.

>> No.9987737

As I said, it leaked years ago. Couple of the /vr/ lads have played it. From memory, they didn't seem to like it much.

>> No.9987740

Here ya go, leaked all the way back in '20. https://www.theverge.com/2020/2/17/21141203/starcraft-ghost-playable-build-leaked-xbox-blizzard

Somebody yoinked it from a devkit. I'm sure Google could help you find a ROMimage. Probably on archive.org

>> No.9987742
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I was so hyped for this one that I was prepared to import a jp xbox in an attempt to play it lol.

>> No.9987743

It's for sale in my local thrift shop for 3 bucks with expansion. But I already own it.

>> No.9988095

This one hurts the most because, while it absolutely wouldn't have put that game in a major spotlight, it'd have at least made it much more accessible considering how late the original hit the Dreamcast.

>> No.9989781

They were gonna make escape from new york, taxi driver, and dirty harry games all in the sixth gen i think and they all got canned.

>> No.9989792

I will always be mad that Bully got canceled from OG Xbox. I remember at a game store a customer had to get his five dollars for his pre order back.

>> No.9989960

>The reason the Xbox wasn't properly emulatable for so long is because no one really cared enough to do it.

>> No.9989974

Yeah it's on archive.org, you can play it with xemu. It's mostly separate unfinished maps you select from a menu but it's "playable."

>> No.9990032

The real reason xbox emulation took so long is because of how cheap used xboxes ended up being and with softmods, it was basically unnecessary

>> No.9990116

Nah, there was always the cap issue and availability of modchips was never a factor that prevented emulation.

>> No.9990135

>360 wasn't close to rushed
it literally was which was the main reason for the RROD defect, MS themselves admit this. It was probably the companies single biggest blunder ever, costing them over a billion dollars

>> No.9990201

This was in 2010 when nobody except extreme linux autists was doing CPU-passthrough shenannigans. Why emulate x86 when you have a CPU that does that shit. However, the crossover between people that can into virtualization development and that can into emulation development is fucking miniscule.

tl;dr, if linux shit like zen and quemu didn't catch on, most xbox emulation projects would still be nascent garbo.

>> No.9990225
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I was so pissed this didnt release.

>> No.9990334

>Xbox was cheap as fuck using off the shelf, old, pc parts. It was never an expensive console.

It's well known that MS lost $100 for every console sold.

As for the 360, they rushed it so they could launch on the holiday season 1 year before the PS3. However they had a kickass chip from IBM that was designed to be like the PS3 Cell just without sucking, and they had a kickass ATI GPU to use, so rushing it was not a problem. The problem was that they ended up having subpar assembly lines which fucked the consoles so bad they had to allocate 1 billion $ to warranties and replacement. And it was still worth it because they were demolishing the PS3 up until 2010 or so when they pissed away all their lead on Kinect while the PS3 started releasing (good) games.

>> No.9990357

I remember seeing BC in a copy of EGM and getting hyped as shit, a serious stone age game sound cool as fuck.

That's the only cancelled xbox game I was looking forward to back then, didn't know about the rest of these.

>> No.9990362

Wait, what?

>> No.9990393

Taxi driver the game lol. They took that from us, bastards

>> No.9990470
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How the dixie would you even make that into a game?

>> No.9991117

it was going to be like scarface game.

>> No.9991587

Think Crazy Taxi but less goofy and more schizophrenic, not quite as insane as Quarantine though.

>> No.9991924

It was nearly finished, too. They had a beta test in japan. Maybe one day we'll get it in a leak.

>> No.9993152

I think the original Dead Space was supposed to be on the OG Xbox.

>> No.9993621

The original dead space was supposed to be System Shock 3 before getting turned into a shitty RE4 clone.

>> No.9993789
File: 295 KB, 1376x1130, xbox hueg cancelled games.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9993953

>Mister Mosquito
Wtf, is there any info on this? Can't seem to find anything on Google & the article for the game itself doesn't mention anything. Seems like a very odd choice for an Xbox hueg port.

>> No.9994031
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It'd be weird if it was true since both Mister Mosquito games were published by Sony. My guess is maybe Eidos wanted to make a Xbox english port but got shut down by Sony Japan

>> No.9995996

A boom shakalakalaka a boom shakalakalaka

>> No.9996000

I'd love to see this pop up as a private server for insignia or something.

>> No.9996374
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>> No.9996376
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>> No.9996378
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>> No.9996379
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>> No.9996381
File: 243 KB, 1372x933, dreamcast cancelled games 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9996429

Nothing of value was lost, though a Revolution X port would have been interesting to see.

>> No.9996430

>Daredevil was a third-person action-adventure video game based on the Marvel comic book character Daredevil. It was developed by 5000ft, and it would have been published by Encore, the game was later cancelled in 2004 because Navarre Chairman and Eric Paulson and CEO of the Navarre Corporation said their management decision is to shut down the development of Encore's video game console projects which primarily consisted of the Daredevil video game project. As a result, the Company wrote off $4.3 million of development costs during the quarter and a total of $5.6 million for the fiscal year. These charges are reflected as a reduction in their gross margin. They have refocused Encore on its core competencies of software publishing.
>In this game, you could play only as the main character and you could have 22 stages to explore while trying to save your friend Foggy. Kingpin and Elektra were sure to make an appearance, too, as for the other characters.
>As weapons, there were his radar sense, the billy club, and a grappling hook. Enough for the missions and the randomized crime around the city.
This was supposed to continue the series of Marvel-based games, such as Spider-Man and X-Men, but it didn't work out after all.

>> No.9996437

>What’s your favorite or most interesting cancelation list for a console (I think if you do PC may have to go by certain leaps in tech).

I find the Atari Jaguar such a tragic case because it has WAY more cancelled titles then released.

And the reason for that is, the CEO of Atari really wanted to make Atari a force in gaming again. So when Atari won a lawsuit with SEGA, he earmarked half the money for new games for the Jaguar and half for R&D into the next Atari console.

But then he had a heart attack and had to step down and the new CEO shut everything down, sold the company, and took the money.

Would the cancelled games have turned Jag around? I dunno. Probably not. But I think it's still such a shame that a huge swath of potential got wiped out with the stroke of a pen by someone who never gave two rats asses about video games in the first place.

>> No.9996461

I’ll take a look, that’s pretty wicked if it’s pretty playable. Thanks for the info!

>> No.9996470

Half-Life and Blue Shift would have been interesting since Dreamcast PC ports let you use a mouse and keyboard. They had higher quality models and textures like the PS2 version of HL, and didn't completely destroy the level design and difficulty like Black Mesa 1.0 and higher.

>> No.9996743

I mean, more video game systems would almost always benefit the consumer because competition. I’d have loved for that to have happened and I’ve never touched a an Atari anything. That’s a damn shame I can’t believe that shit.

Also here is footage of ghost. I’m gonna have to find a disc image to put on my modded box and try this out: https://www.youtube.com/live/NZ5m_3tzyVs?feature=share

>> No.9996746

By video game systems I mean if his plan had been implemented as far as more games and a new console being worked on and they had kicked on in business for a while longer or even to this day.

>> No.9996753
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Also… what?

>> No.9996767

Sonic Extreme was a skateboarding game if i remember correctly.

>> No.9996793

off the shelf usually makes something less cheap
idk where you got the idea that it's a good way to save on cost
MS just didn't have the time, but they were willing to burn through a bunch of money just to establish a presence

>> No.9996803

fuckkkkk how did I forget about this

>> No.9997391

is this real?

>> No.9997503

Why was it such a loss for the for Microsoft at the time for manufacture of the OG Xbox?

>> No.9997516

It was built to crap out in 10 years instead of 18 months

>> No.9997521

>Crap out in 10 years
Only the internal Hard Drive.

>> No.9998210


>> No.9998225

I saw it when looking for the ghost disc image on archive dot org. I can’t get xemu to work on my pc for some reason so i haven’t tested it yet.

>> No.9998231

Most of the laser drives were ass, almost like it was intended for it to fail very early on. And they went ahead and made sure you couldn't replace your drive even though the OG Xbox was essentially regular PC parts.

>> No.9998606

Holy sh*t I completely forgot about this one.

>> No.9998848

Is there anything that caught your eye? Because I'm just seeing a bunch of licensed shovelware.

>> No.9998851

Nvidia card and intel processor, and not just off the shelf ones but custom made. The thing included a DVD drive, Hard drive, network adapter. It was a mini PC, and all those costs added up.

>> No.9999087
File: 2.86 MB, 640x480, SCGhostSneak.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still wish that someone was autistic enough to reverse engineer that Starcraft ghost build that came with a almost working windows executable and the debug that came with all instructions to how to reverse engineer it.

>> No.9999624

I can't see Atari lasting more than one more console generation after the atom bomb that was the Playstation hit the market, but I DO think that the influx of 200 games for Jag and a successor, pkus the fact that Atari was finally making headway in negotiations with Japanese developers when the axe came down, would have left Jaguar and its follow up a much more fondly remembered system. Might have even been remembered as the best console port of Mortal Kombat 3, like how the Doom port on Jaguar was regarded as the best console port for a long time.

>> No.9999639

Put a semen meter in the 1st quadrant and this looks identical to those HUD memes.

>> No.9999640

exactly, needs an achievement popup too

>> No.9999648

You killed the enemies, that isn't ghosting

>> No.9999653

this was the original build before the other company took over

>> No.9999747

Yea more quality games and another console would’ve at least given them a shot at pushing forward like Sega. I’d still love to see them release another console although I know it won’t happen, just for the sake of competition and mixing it up.

>> No.10000054
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If Atari could have crossed the line into the new millenium, I could see Microsoft courting them like they did Sega to help launch the X-Box. Being an American company might have even given them an edge.

But a lot of this hinges on Atari managing to produce some beloved franchises before fizzling out. That's one sector Sega had Atari easily beat in. They were working on a Jaguar Mascotformer, but the screenshots don't seem that impressive.

>> No.10000363

Immediately I saw Black and White and the army men rts, 100 bullets, those three caught my eye. I am, admittedly, having an Xbox renaissance right now, so really digging some games I missed and since it is a smaller library, these are some titles I definitely would’ve played now.