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File: 100 KB, 695x535, jimbo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9983909 No.9983909 [Reply] [Original]

How did he get away with it?

>> No.9983912

Video games weren't really taken that seriously during the 80s and it was on the MSX2 after all. They changed all of the portraits for the rerelease in MGS3 Subsistence

>> No.9983913

Who's he? Who was the art guy for the original MGS?

>> No.9984045

Why is Kojima so obsessed with Hollywood? It's a shit city, a shit industry, and I have no idea why he wants to be apart of it.

>> No.9984057

>be apart of it

Ohh blessed retard anon...

>> No.9984063

He is a more successful AVGN. He is obsessed with making movies but got stuck in a wrong industry.

>> No.9984075

Asians have always hated the white people's imperialistic copyright stance.

>> No.9984079

By having the game stay Japan-exclusive until 2005, and by then they had already changed the portraits.

>> No.9984080

Ironically, Kojima’s flair for spectacle and cinematography probably ended up making him 500x more successful in videogames than anything in Hollywood ever would’ve.

>> No.9984081
File: 76 KB, 616x450, MG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The MSX2 version never left Japan so it's likely that most people overseas didn't even know about the game.

Now how the fuck did he get away with this?https://youtu.be/1_v7t2p7FR0

>> No.9984087

That sure as fuck doesn't apply to the Japanese and their strict copyright laws.

>> No.9984093

Every new anime is a blatant IP theft of a previous one. The judgements are not nearly as anal as they are in America.

>> No.9984094

>Now how the fuck did he get away with this?
It’s only a little similar, not really close enough to make good faith arguments claiming outright plagiarism.

>> No.9984098

You don't understand what IP theft is.

>> No.9984101

Heh, TAPPY took a clothes iron and smoothed all the jazz from this piece.

>> No.9984103

I've been in classes covering such things. I understand pretty well what people can sue for in America.

>> No.9984105

>I've been in classes covering such things.
Shouldn't have slept through them.

>> No.9984114

Have you ever heard the term doujin?

>> No.9984129
File: 481 KB, 307x1029, 1663225375283922.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It wasn't just jimbo doing it.

>> No.9984190

It's amazing how you idiots think that Kojima handles every part of the game.

>> No.9984196

Doujin are IP owners having gentlemen's agreement not to exercise on their rights rather than lax copyright laws. The laws are incredibly strict but it still relies on companies pressing charges. Them not pressing charges doesn't mean the laws don't exist.

>> No.9984228
File: 1.09 MB, 434x1913, nwn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bioware got in trouble for doing this with nwn portraits and had to redo some

>> No.9984268

Lol first row second portrait looks like Greta

>> No.9984280

Laws are only as strict as they are enforced, really. They do have some fucked up copy protection laws for hardware, though.

>> No.9985424

modeling a character after christina aguilera is sad

>> No.9985485

If you read the credits of his games, you might get that impression actually

>> No.9985486

It's not like him and Konami didn't do their utmost to give people that impression.

>> No.9985602
File: 103 KB, 640x908, e69719779049775d11dc577d642fc1fa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>takes credit for games he had nothing to do about

>> No.9986094
File: 403 KB, 640x676, Xanadu_Ultima_Ripoff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be Falcom
>make in-game graphics traced from Ultima III manual
>ask Origin to publish your game in the Burgerland
>Origin notices
>pay reparations to Origin
>no profit

>> No.9986105

Were they really that fucking lazy? I could understand if the outfits were referencing famous horror movies or something but how unimaginative do you have to be to rip off background characters from fucking Con Air and a random outfit some slag wore to an MTV event?

>> No.9986268

You're describing David Cage. Kojima actually makes games, even if his older games have a heavily skewed ratio of cutscenes to gameplay.

>> No.9986607
File: 180 KB, 640x2217, av0oDZZ_700b-3838112758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9986734

Christ sakes mate the Japs are just as bad as the Chinks

>> No.9986857

That's because the companies that make the electronics in Japan have always been the boss companies.

>> No.9986867

Yes, everyone knows.

>> No.9986874

Then stop playing games and watching films made by folks you hate, if you are so damn irked.. Its that simple!

>> No.9986943
File: 172 KB, 890x1200, FYU02ZKacAAfqap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>noooo how could you iterate on something that exists to create something completely unrelated and cool that became a permanent mainstay of vidya and popular culture?
We truly have been brainwashed by big corporations... "intellectual property", lmao.

>> No.9987049

he didn't

>> No.9987198

The japs blatantly ripped off obvious things during that time. Everyone knew it, and copyright laws weren’t really a global thing then, at least nothing any lawyers would seriously pursue .
The Japanese have always been masters at imitation, Kojima just made it very on-the-nose, which is his whole schtick.

>> No.9987225

>Mel Gibson as Solid Snake
>"Swimming pools? Soccer fields? Colonel, what the hell is going on here?"
>"I'm sorry Snake, I couldn't let you know until you got there."
>"What else have you been lying about?"
>"We had to do it, Snake. If the truth were made public, the entire system would fall apart overnight."
>"I bet even the president hasn't been informed about these wooden doors."
>"That's right."

>> No.9987232
File: 3.68 MB, 1179x1666, 01003030952_jpg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heh, recognized this one instantly.

>> No.9987496

That's close enough to be considered traced and copyright infringement? Is there a better example?

>> No.9987727

One, I'd never heard of Georgy Sviridov, thanks for getting some into him. Been listening to his stuff all night. Two, the piece you link barely sounds like the MGS theme at all. Y'all are musicblind

>> No.9987819
File: 67 KB, 463x700, 1672184844635319~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9987832

They were trying to accurately portray American culture and I don't blame them for picking random examples they saw on TV. It's the same reason Silent Hill 1's school liberally borrows stuff from Kindergarten Cop.

>> No.9987841

What kills me are all the SH fanboys who claim that Silent Hill is this mastery of "Japanese horror" even though it was always about trying to be american.

The visuals are the obvious things but you should see the dialogues too. The dialogues in SH1 are the way they are because they took inspiration from David Lynch movies.

>> No.9987862

The street names alone should be a dead giveaway. It's basically Japanese people trying to make an American horror with Japanese flair, which pretty much every old SH fan knew, at least back in the day.

>> No.9987893
File: 80 KB, 900x600, centralia-pa-route-61-burning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its set in America, West Virginia. Not to mention based on real american city, Centralia

>> No.9988138

>Not to mention based on real american city, Centralia
The Silent Hill from the games wasn't based on Centralia. You're thinking about the Silent Hill film.

>> No.9988142

>The dialogues in SH1 are the way they are because they took inspiration from David Lynch movies.
I think it's just because japs couldn't into English voice acting.

>> No.9988189

Anyone rembers that one funny pic from pre-cuckshit era Cracked.com which went as such:
>boobs touched by movie directors: (LOTSA)
>boobs touched by game direcrors; (zero)
It would easily explain everything that happened to vidya after 2010

>> No.9988225
File: 33 KB, 1200x600, LOOK AT ME I'M AN AMERICAN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because I am a normal person of normal intelligence, I'd argue it's Japanese horror all the same, because it was made by the Japanese. But I guess you need pagodas, katanas and bowls of rice for it to be Japanese. You're like that karen that sings I WANTCHU BE NINJA to sell murphy beds. Ching chong all the way anon-kun.

>> No.9988270

Then you need to watch Lost Highway, if you don't get Silent Hill vibes from the dialogues, the way they are written and delivered, as well as the way the scenes are shot, I don't know what to tell you

>Because I am a normal person of normal intelligence, I'd argue it's Japanese horror all the same

Japanese horror is a genre, or a theme if you like, not a country of origin. In the same manner that there are Mangas being made in other countries than Japan, Silent Hill primarly taps into American horror. It has this eerie vibe not because "it's Japanese horror", but because it's American horror not done by Americans, but by people whose only perception of America come from works of fiction.
"Japanese horror" would be something that taps into the lore unique to Japan in that domain or at least widely used, like the concept of friendly and evil ghosts (Fatal Frame), or yokais.

>> No.9988273
File: 334 KB, 921x755, tumblr_m1e7veXiQX1rnxe6ho1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was a different time

>> No.9988283
File: 139 KB, 1200x896, i-img1200x896-1660527083wjcapl358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Japanese horror" would be something that taps into the lore unique to Japan in that domain or at least widely used, like the concept of friendly and evil ghosts (Fatal Frame), or yokais.
Eeeeh? Yow-kay? Kowayee de-soo!

>> No.9988295

yeah I knew someone was going to bring up SH4.
SH4 is the way it is because it didn't start as an SH game.

>> No.9988298

>he was a hack way before mgs4
i saw this image a bunch of times and never put that into perspective. thanks

>> No.9988334

Based Contra 3

>> No.9988428

I dont hate the Japanese, quite the opposite in fact. I thought they had more 'tegridy than this though.

>> No.9988832

Egregious and blaant

>> No.9988845

Einstein is the most hilariously blatant one. Fucking everyone has seen his face.

>> No.9988847

>it didn't start as an SH game
That's a bit dishonest, it was meant to be a spin-off taking place in the same world (which it kind of still is)

>> No.9988857

It's decidedly Japanese in its presentation, especially the music. That doesn't mean it doesn't take very obvious American influence, but Japanese media with a lot of American influences and inspirations has a decidedly different feel than American media. The fact that it's something you can spot is what makes it Japanese.

>> No.9988928

Yeah "it was shit on purpose!" is the saddest cope I've ever seen.

>> No.9988979
File: 2.96 MB, 854x480, Silent 2make.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So as American I can make 'authentic Japanese horror' as long as it has a girl with black hair and takes place in a pagoda? I call bullshit faggot, Silent Hill was always America through the minds of weird Japanese people. So it's 'Japanese horror' with an 'American inspiration' and it's masterfully done.

>> No.9989161

Calling Silent Hill J horror would be like calling Alan Wake (not retro I know) finish horror. J horror and American horror are just genres and if you didn't know where the SH were made you'd probably call them American horror as well because of how the settings, themes and even monsters that all clearly revolve around American culture.

>> No.9989168
File: 44 KB, 680x612, ed8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was reading book on them making Resident Evil and they said that in 80s and 90s the Japanese had no idea how to depict Americans other than American media. Thats why they just paint over pictures of 80s action stars or use backdrops out of movies like they did in Silent Hill.

>> No.9989756

Because he's a hack with an army of autistic apologists

>> No.9989763

t. Daniel "Razorcuck" Harris

>> No.9989773

Probably because movie studios didn't give a shit about some Japanese computer game in 1990. Fucking crazy huh? You really made a thread to ask this? What the hell is wrong with you dude? Tsh, I oughta beat you up kid.

>> No.9989775

man, i remember being a kid and all the games i played were either ranted games or demos. i have a big collection of those blue CD with demos that came in PlayStation 2 magazines. I played zone of the enders only as a demo, so i was always craving to play the real thing... now im full grown 24 year old man about to join the marines, i have got the PCSX2 emulator. i can finally play all those games i always wanted to play. just that now get time to play them. sad...

>> No.9989787

lol thats cute. and just comes to show how well the social media and internet has come

>> No.9990524

Anyone ever notice that Cybill Bennett looks a lot like Cameron Diaz?

>> No.9991070

No, but now that you mention it, I can see it.

>> No.9991072
File: 1.50 MB, 1240x722, portadas-4-sw-navy-moves.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The japanese weren't the only ones.

>> No.9991756

You're onto something. It is now up to you to find the actual Cameron Diaz photo from the 90's they used to trace Cybil.

>> No.9991776

holy fuck lol

>> No.9991782
File: 66 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japs love doing that shit, like how picrel is just naomi watts

>> No.9991791


>> No.9991810

Deadly Premonition, great game (in it's own way)

>> No.9991829
File: 90 KB, 600x692, 9020bd10054b1a8d6b66ba9f26f39eeb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A kino game deserves a poster from certified kino.

>> No.9992064

Yoji Shinkawa but what does that have to do with anything?

>> No.9992387
File: 814 KB, 565x800, Snatcher.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Snatcher is the most blatant ripoff of Blade Runner, Terminator, Invasion of the Body Snatchers and I still love it. The cover looks like Harrison Ford

>> No.9992443

What movie is this?

>> No.9992448

It's a unused shot from Terminator

>> No.9992501
File: 235 KB, 660x563, metal gear 2 original vs new portraits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I honestly like the newer portraits from the official english port on mgs3 subsistance

>> No.9992551

It also ripped off Akira and some japanese VNs of its time

>> No.9992553

And how that entire game is just Twin Peaks.

>> No.9992557

Also wierd convergence, Naomi Watts was in the revival of Twin Peaks as the wife of everyone's favorite character, Douggie Jones. (Although Deadly Premonition is likely referencing her due to her role in earlier cage works like Muholland Drive.)

>> No.9992575

It's not so much laziness as more like full blown autism.

>> No.9992648

kojima had nothing to do with this, it's some low paid pixel artist.

>> No.9992664

mel is australian and his first movie was shot in australia
bond movies shot in bongland or in several islands

>> No.9992702
File: 2.07 MB, 1280x1280, Studio_Project_V1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9992726

>mel is australian
he was born in NY

>> No.9992741

I'm face retarded apparently. Is that Kyle Reese?

>> No.9992750
File: 856 KB, 992x509, michaelkaufmann.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wouldn't be surprised. I thought Michael Kaufmann looked a lot like John Heard. I then later watched a movie in health class called Awakenings where he played a doctor named Dr. Kaufmann.

>> No.9992801


>> No.9992913

>earlier cage works like Muholland Drive
you just confused David Lynch with David Cage.

>> No.9992949
File: 119 KB, 1208x764, lisa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lisa's design is also taken from a random unnamed nurse in the Exorcist 3.

>> No.9992980

These Silent Hill comparisons are pretty damn accurate.

>> No.9993282

that's not what "traced" mean

>> No.9993375

>I then later watched a movie in health class called Awakenings where he played a doctor named Dr. Kaufmann.

Holy fuck.


>> No.9993394

Man SH1's FMVs are awesome. They've got all the ingredients for being uncanny as fuck as yet they somehow look very characterful and convincing.


>> No.9993409

He's a westaboo "film buff" whose only real exposure was highly-rated Hollywood blockbusters.
You know that guy you talk to who was really into REC and Oldboy (we all know one)? Imagine if he wanted to make his own movie for the Korean market but had to settle for developing a mobile gacha. That's Kojima.

>> No.9993434

I had the same demo as a teen, loved it, emulated the game last year at some point and was sadly pretty disappointed. Still love the mech designs though.

>> No.9993515

What I never understood is how Kojima watched so many fucking movies but his writing skills are still very fucking subpar. This thought came up in me when I played Death Stranding because you think he would know what solid writing is by now

>> No.9993680
File: 2.72 MB, 868x1152, 1675348316808641.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do people act like they are too cool for popular movies nowadays? What, you never enjoyed Escape from New York?
I mainly see this in gaming boards too, where you know there's a very good chance they don't even watch anything made outside of Hollywood.
Kojima has mentioned being influenced by some deeper cuts and talks about watching them on twitter sometimes.
He pastiches 80s action blockbusters because that's what he enjoys, and they more deeply influenced him than anything else.
People already hate on him for being pretentious, I imagine it would be worse if he was aping the Ozu vase scene or something.
His popularity is partially because of how he borrows heavily from popular movies anyway.

>> No.9993815
File: 257 KB, 1280x720, 1660542181893908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9993818

What's right from?

>> No.9993830

Kojimbo is the industries greatest plagiarist and he will keep getting away with it.

>> No.9993836

Akira (the manga)

>> No.9993840

So you don't like movies huh. OK then.

>> No.9993869
File: 64 KB, 599x561, kojimawick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd love to see Kojima make something influenced by some of the weirder movies he has seen, rather than just american action flicks

>> No.9994046

>Why do people act like they are too cool for popular movies nowadays? What, you never enjoyed Escape from New York?
>I mainly see this in gaming boards too, where you know there's a very good chance they don't even watch anything made outside of Hollywood.
This is /vr/, it should surprise no one. I watch a lot of art/film festival horror movies, but I have a soft spot for 70s/80s/90s action movies. It is okay to criticize modern Hollyjew, but it wasn't always this bad.

>> No.9994349
File: 530 KB, 714x527, iria launcher.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of the dudes on the Resident Evil team must have been fans of Iria. This scene could have come straight out of one of the games.
>Trying to ride a funky elevator to safety
>A constantly mutating Pursuer corners the protagonist
>It can only grunt out the name of its target
>Seemingly invulnerable to gunfire
>Finally dies when another character hands off a rocket launcher to the protag

>> No.9994407

Indeed. It's incredible how I managed to find a photo of Cameron Diaz so similar to Cybil Bennett.

Yup. I love it.

>> No.9994409


>> No.9994927

Does he force his employees to watch movies he likes?

>> No.9995128

Because he is le good.

>> No.9995309

How does mandatory movie viewings help videogame development?

>> No.9995337

It does when 70% of your work is ripping off movies. I love most of the MG franchise, but Kojima is a reverse weeaboo.

>> No.9995387
File: 1.38 MB, 1732x950, Team_Silent_SH1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Indeed. Also as another tidbit from the book was saying the dialog for RE1 was complete shit because they had to keep it simple for Japanese players. There was no localization at the time so they had to use extremely basic English so that Japanese players could understand what they were saying

>> No.9995434

That doesn't make any sense though. All the dialogue in Resident Evil is subtitled.

>> No.9995456

Subtitled in Japanese? My understanding is that the original was never in Japanese and dialog was simple English.

>> No.9995495

Yeah English voice acting with Japanese subtitles.

>> No.9995498

Interesting. Maybe I'm wrong but simply repeating what I read

>> No.9995535

fuck they turned it into some anime cringe shit

>> No.9995538

Is this movie good?

>> No.9995925

Snatcher was kinda influenced by Wicked City a bit. The PC-88 and MSX2 versions (the ones they made before they tacked on Act 3) ends pretty much the same way that movie.

>> No.9996082

I just clicked your link. What happened to that site? I remember it being worth a morning read and chuckle over coffee, and I switched to reading that before work when Something Awful went to shit about 15 years back (it was probably always bad).

>> No.9996129

>Why do people act like they are too cool for popular movies nowadays?
nobody is too cool for anything. theyre 4chan nerds who let shitposting get to their heads and now they dont know what side of irony theyre on anymore.

>> No.9996289
File: 38 KB, 220x221, 1652548088563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>70% of your work is ripping off movies.

>> No.9996582

He's a burger but moved to Aus at a young age before moving back to Clapistan.

>> No.9996598

In interviews you can hear when he sets in and gets comfy, his Australian accent emerges.

>> No.9996607

That was just the Christophe Gans film.

>> No.9996623

Nah. Japanese horror has a very different feel to burger horror. It's like calling the Kitano film Brother an American film because it's set in LA or the Besson film Leon yank because it's set in New York when those are extremely Japanese and French films respectively.

>> No.9996629

That might be the best confusion I've ever witnessed on the internet.

>> No.9996635

>You know that guy you talk to who was really into REC and Oldboy (we all know one)?
Literally me

>> No.9996647

Yeah, he was there for a good few years. Wonder if he'd have just stayed there if Mad Max and Tim didn't kick off his career.

>> No.9996739

>It's like calling the Kitano film Brother an American film because it's set in LA or the Besson film Leon yank because it's set in New York when those are extremely Japanese and French films respectively.
Brother has a Japanese cast alongside an American cast and you can still hear Japanese in the film. It's a big exception that can be described as Japanese film that's in the style of both American and Japanese crime films. Leon: the professional is a French movie in the style of a western thriller. Again, country of origin and genres are two different things. When I'm asking for a "J horror" game I'm asking for a game that's entirely based around Japanese culture and the fears associated with it, not a game that's entirely based around American culture.

>> No.9996779

holy kek

>> No.9996961

> the Besson film Leon yank because it's set in New York

Besson is the biggest hollywood fart sniffer in France. Half of his movies tried to be "hollywood blockbusters", which is completely different from French cinema.

>> No.9997054

makes sense because the game is basically mecha-weaboo-shit-meets-james-bond

>> No.9997070

Limited references from a pre-internet world, at a time when no one was really paying attention to the inner machinations of a largely foreign industry.

>> No.9997909

Vendetta or Crime Fighters 2 in Japan, the black dude is sugar ray leonard, one dude is clearly mr. T, the others are blatantly Hogan and Van Damme.

>> No.9998078

Thanks for the good laugh, anon.

>> No.9998694


>> No.9998732

it's a Screamers rip off too. remember Screamers?

>> No.9998804

Proof that Kojumbo has always been a hack.

>> No.9998831

Nintendo is the worst when it comes to copyright Jewry

>> No.9999353

Is this movie any good?

>> No.9999385

by not releasing outside japan

>> No.10001054
File: 636 KB, 1500x556, re1notld.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RE1 has a pretty neat homage to Night of the Living Dead. They openly acknowledged it as a tribute though so it's not quite the same as some other stuff in the thread.

>> No.10001060

Then the Romero estate tried to sue Capcom over Dead Rising for the whole "zombie outbreak in a mall" setting. The judge threw the case out saying that a similar setting wasn't enough to declare plagiarism over.

>> No.10002680

ugh, is he still in his 14 year old phase when you thought "Ninja Scroll" was good.

>> No.10002726

Geez what a bunch of cunts. Wish there were more zombie mall games, that's the setting where zombies work really well

>> No.10002773

Only queers don't like Ninja Scroll.

>> No.10002786

That's right, apparently they even sued a little South American kid for making a cardboard Gameboy

>> No.10003984

this aint pol

>> No.10004809


>> No.10004839

>edgelords first anime

>> No.10004854
File: 151 KB, 818x599, 1447457622001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Now how the fuck did he get away with this?
In this case they didn't - by MGS3 at least.
And the latest trailer for Konami's cashgrab uses a them that *sounds* like the original MGS theme but isn't.

>> No.10004860
File: 1.44 MB, 1079x815, 1605786542783.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

afaik none of these were known until 2011... I remember the thread on /v/. Everyone in it was surprised, so... that stayed hidden for 12 years by that point.

>> No.10004867

this seems a bit unfair to me. how varied are those kind of lifts anyway?

>> No.10004909

>you think he would know what solid writing is by now

He can only put out liquid writing.

>> No.10005172

The lift is called Akira in the game files. I've seen it in other stuff, but it's clear where valve got the design

>> No.10005203

I'll take vaginas that extend up to the neck and punching motherfuckers through the head any day of the week over whatever capeshit you think is good

>> No.10005205

That’s actually pretty insane and I hope the new silent hill does this, even if it sucks. I wonder who was playing the game and finally went, “huh, Are those the posters from kindergarten cop?” Bet he was high as balls

>> No.10005868
File: 1.38 MB, 1280x720, Kojima Announces a New Zone of the Enders Game.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks Ninja Scroll is edgelord tier
It's just a damn good classic anime film.

>> No.10005997

zoomers are too young to know that hollywood used to make good movies

>> No.10006164

I hate capeshit. I hate movies in general, except good legal dramas.

>> No.10006352

About a squad of soldiers sent into an African country to rescue a democratic leader deposed by a despot. Everybody acts their arse off.

It's kino as fuck and surprisingly not that racist despite every opportunity.

>C'mon me beauties, let's be seeing ew!

>> No.10006408
File: 85 KB, 1000x545, lost-highway-1997-004-patricia-arquette-bill-pullman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally, I lean more towards the notion that Kaufmann (and James) were modeled after Bill Pullman

>> No.10007327

>them that *sounds* like the original MGS theme but isn't.
It's literally alert music from MGS1

>> No.10007409

>surprisingly not that racist despite every opportunity

Hollywood was always red.

>> No.10007421

They did record japanese dialogue as well but they discarded it salve for the recordings for the intro and one scene with becky and chris.

>> No.10007626

Can't you speak your thoughts with out spouting off some drivel nonsense?

>> No.10007628

>except good legal dramas.
Eww... why? I hate capeshit too, but good lord I don't want to watch that shit.

>> No.10007730

Does it really matter?

>> No.10007802

Not like Kojima is known for aping off of action movies, or crafting his characters directly off the likeness of action movie actors.

>> No.10008204

cause there is only 7 music cords anon
there is only so many ways we can orchestrate then in a pleaseant way


>> No.10008214

>new portrait doesnt have the shadow of the cigar on the chin

>> No.10008274

Nick Cage was in wild at heart