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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 9 KB, 482x434, FF4-SpoonyBard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9983370 No.9983370 [Reply] [Original]

Fully voice acted games were a mistake. Written dialog is such a better medium of storytelling for games especially RPGs - you get to go at your own pace. So many modern games I would like way better if there was just some dialog I could read instead of my gameplay being interrupted by a 20 minute tv show constantly.

Whats even worse is games that will have the characters constantly bombard you with dialog during GAMEPLAY. It kills any sense of immersion or atmosphere these games could have. Theres an entire genre of games that just qualify as playable movies and they all suck cock.

>> No.9983384

jRPGs peaked on Famicom and only went downhill from there

>> No.9983385

3D works only in first-person games

>> No.9983390

>Fully voice acted games were a mistake
Agreed, at least with English dubs. Westerners can't VA to save their lives and I like reading the text and imaging how the characters are saying the lines in my own way, not how the game tells me I should be.

>> No.9983419

I love voiced-acted games. They completely shit on unvoiced games because they make stories much more immersive. I'm glad I can keep up with the voice and conversation speeds in these games, otherwise I might not like them and complain about them. Hurray voice-acting! For bringing games to the next level.

>> No.9983424

PS1 had some great ones but maybe you’re right, after that it’s a hard downhill for me

>> No.9983426

I'm torn on VA; Generally I agree that it is a waste of time and resources on game budgets, and that reading is better for the games, but other times I get a lot of enjoyment out of hearing VA. One standout example was the kid icarus 3DS game, which I thought was pretty funny. Come to think of it, the VA I like most in games is funny dialog (like House of the Dead 2 for example) so maybe the answer is that VA is fine as long as it's funny. Generally though I agree with less VA being better.

bill watterson gave voice to the same ideas 30 years ago and it's as true then as it is now.

>> No.9983430
File: 543 KB, 657x641, permanoob.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Compulsively attempting to plow through a game the first playthrough is the best way to ensure you remember as little as possible, if you can't appreciate replaying a game go binge walkthroughs.

>> No.9983453
File: 159 KB, 1080x1078, retard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Modern games being designed around pussy instant-respawn systems with no lives is fine but retrofitting old games to be zoomer savetrash in their re-releases and having features like savestates available by default with no consideration for how they were designed to be played is completely retarded

most old platformers and run 'n guns were not designed for you to hit a checkpoint and then never see that part of the game ever again and it shows when a difficulty spike hits and you are unprepared for it because you just sped through the game without having to get better by replaying sections of the game and collect lives etc

see >>9983430

sixth-generation video games are graphically breathtaking on CRTs and the motion clarity and graphical smoothing makes elements that look dated on LCDs look borderline realistic (flowing water looks great, even if it's just a continuously moving texture in a 30fps farming game)

co-op multiplayer almost always causes problems

the insistence on modern re-releases of otherwise unmodified games being in 16:9 is contrary to the assertion that video games are an art form

sonic 1 with a spindash is wrong

low latency is inherent to the charm of video games as a medium and engineers' laziness has made modern games objectively inferior by their technical merits alone

composite is superior to component for everything pre-dreamcast

t. zoomer

>> No.9983458

I will go one step further; Intentionally playing a game with the sole intent of "finishing" it is the failed mentality of a misguided, status-obsessed player, who worries more about whether they have finished all the important/notable games than they worry about whether or not they are having fun. If you are playing games to finish them and aren't enjoying the hobby, then you've lost the point of why you play games in the first place. Comment mostly aimed at backlog obsessives who guilt trip themselves over not having played this or that, or who fill a "want to play" list with every single entry they scraped off of some recommended games wiki and then self-flagellate over how they haven't 100%'d some game in a genre they don't even fucking like.
tl;dr just play and have fun for god's sake, stop trying to live up to some imagined "master gamer" ideal that doesn't exist beyond losers online measuring their e-peen.

>> No.9983461

You literally didn't beat the game.

>> No.9983463

>composite is superior to component for everything pre-dreamcast
alright, I'll bite. Why?

>> No.9983474

>sonic was always bad
>zelda post-lttp is gay
>playing jrpgs after the ps1 era makes you a fag
>pokemon was always for queers

>> No.9983480

Needs better spacing and punctuation. Fuck phoneposters.

Beating a game is not a requirement for enjoying a game. Moreover, beating a game you don't even like is fucking stupid, and a waste of time. Games aren't like a book where the only thing you do is go to the end. It's an interactive medium where you decide exactly how much or how little of it you wish to engage with, and if you drop it at some point, and for some reason, then that actually becomes something interesting to talk about, such as a criticism of a section or design choice, instead of just another parrot shouting "yeah I beat X definitely a classic".

Taking a guess that he's referring to how the games on most systems were never made to be displayed on high-clarity displays or over crystal-clear signal delivery. Somebody post that screencap from an interview with the Phantasy Star people complaining about how the modern re-releases just slap unadulterated pixels onto an HD LCD and how that wasn't ever what they had intended, because they purposely manipulated the visuals around the fact that the mega drive had abysmal video output quality.

He can have his thoughts; This anon will continue to use s-video on SNES/N64 and not give two fucks to the contrary.

>> No.9983486

I bet you've never actually beat any games

>> No.9983487

A good example of this is Star Trek 25th Anniversary. While it’s the original cast, they all sound tired and emotionless, which is very incongruous with the game and makes everything feel disjointed versus just text and sound effects.

>> No.9983497
File: 17 KB, 501x146, evidence.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a fuckton of those games had art drawn with the assumption that composite would "blend" the image more than a direct RGB output to the CRT would

and i don't just mean using it as a visual trick like dithering for transparency, i mean in general it would contort the art to look more like hand-drawn art and less like dots on a screen. it was very pronounced in every aspect of old games and some consoles like the PS1 were completely designed around it

they are not supposed to look sharp or like "pixel art", there was no sense of "pixel art" to the player, it was just game art

sorry for typing like a zoomer, proof i'm not a phonefag

>> No.9983542

I think you're fundamentally missing the point of why many play games, and the psychology of gaming as a whole. Your attitude towards Fun™ is not a necessarily a wrong approach; however there are multiple types of gamers and people play games for different reasons. Insisting that "the only right way to play is my way!!!" is short-sighted and self-centered. You should read up on Bartle's theories about gamer taxonomy and the different psychological needs that get fulfilled through games. Playing games for the sake of achievement is a legitimate use of time, just as is playing games to have fun, playing games to socialize with your friends overseas, playing games to defeat other human players, and playing games to challenge your reflexes and creativity. If games didn't exist in some form to be beaten, endstates wouldn't exist and everything would either be procedurally-generated roguelike or multiplayer.

tl;dr: Playing games "to beat them" is a legitimate activity and shouldn't be looked down on.

>> No.9983628

Don't misunderstand me, there is nothing wrong with beating games. What I take issue with is people who obsess over it as a status thing or as a checklist item to resolve, rather than people who do it because they love the game. I want to tell those people to stop worrying so much about what you have beaten, because if you didn't enjoy the clear then it doesn't really matter if you beat it or not. Game clears should be done for the love of the game, because your enjoyment made you want to go all the way through it, not because of some self-imposed or social expectation-driven requirement that you 'must' do something.

>> No.9983659

What makes you think people don't find enjoyment in knowing they beat the game even if it was just "an okay game" ?

>> No.9983718

The reddit blackout is really doing a number on this place

>> No.9983719

>Game clears should be done for the love of the game, because your enjoyment made you want to go all the way through it, not because of some self-imposed or social expectation-driven requirement that you 'must' do something.
That's my point though, you keep insisting that "your" way is the only "right" way. Some people genuinely enjoy the thrill of beating a game for its own sake, and that's okay.

Believe me, I am a big fan of enjoying games for their own sake, but that itself means different things to different people. Achieving the endstate (and the corresponding fortitude required of the player to get there) is part of game-in-itself. It's why beating something easy like Kirby's Dream Land doesn't feel as good as beating something like Ninja Gaiden.

>> No.9983773

Liked PS1 Lunar 1. Liked FFX. Would they have been better if t there was no VA? Nah. Would Chrono Trigger or FF6 be better voice acted? FUCKNG MAYBE!

>> No.9983786

It isn't about the feeling of achievement from competency, it's the compulsion to reach competency for a given title as soon as possible. I don't mind if someone wants to sit and play for hours but I feel that playstyle is best suited for someone intimately familiar with the title allowing for a complete and satisfying playthrough while honing their skill. Pushing outside your knowledge base or skill level increasingly mismatches your expected performance level as the game progresses resulting in situations such as forgetting where you are during an adventure or being brutalized by combatants in action titles; Newer players can better appreciate an entire game with a regular and intermittent playstyle as it allows comprehensive digestion of minute details which are more easily recalled for later long-haul plays. I understand there are an insurmountable number of worthy games out there and it's hard to commit to just a few at a time which is ultimately the point, if you can't commit to a game then your appreciation for them will be surface-level and you're better off watching walkthroughs online. I don't mean that with a puffed chest, I mean it in the interest of limited corporeality.

>> No.9983889

Black people belong EXCLUSIVELY in sports games

>> No.9983902

Cinematic games were a mistake.
Consider that the film industry is already a garbage pile, and the people making cinematic games were rejects from that cycle.

>> No.9983935

So true anon, I will have my voice box removed now

>> No.9984015

It's sobering to think about how bad the average TV show is, knowing that's a bar the very best game writers couldn't even reach.

>> No.9984059


You think OP wants the text to arrive more SLOWLY? That's not how voice acting works. The problem is that reading is faster, not that it's slower.

>> No.9984070

based adhd boomer

>> No.9984078

Unlike you I am in my 50s and you are fucking wrong

>> No.9984086

It really depends.
Voice can make or break it for sure. If done badly, it detracts from the overall experience by a lot. But if done well, it's better than just text.

>> No.9984095


>> No.9984321

I think you're misunderstanding the point.
I think most people play games they dislike too much and games they like too little. If you love a game, why stop playing it just because you've "beaten" it? If you hate a game, is the satisfaction of winning really worth putting yourself through it?
I used to be quite bad about this myself. I'd ruin my experience of games I liked by trying to rush through them, and I'd waste hours playing games I already knew I hated.
Sure, if you push really hard, you'll beat games sooner. But that doesn't even necessarily mean you'll beat more games.
Let's say it takes a month to beat a game. If you play one game every day, and I play seven games once a week, then in seven months we'll both have beaten seven games.
That's how I play games now and I feel like I'm much happier for it. No stressing out about beating a game so I can get to the next one. When I get frustrated, I take a break and most of the time when I come back I get past the thing that made me mad with ease. Everything gets to feel fresh every time I play. It's wonderful.

>> No.9984767

TV makes way more money, has way more respect, and has actual unions. It's a no-brainer that the superior talent goes to the superior job positions. Good TV writing can get you millions of dollars and an award. Games have nothing close to that unless you just happen to be one of those dozen people who end up being the face of a big company, at which point you are a PR man above writing.

>> No.9984783

>Agreed, at least with English dubs. Westerners can't VA to save their lives and I like reading the text and imaging how the characters are saying the lines in my own way, not how the game tells me I should be.

You're telling me that there are characters out there who maybe DON'T sound like Troy Baker and Laura Bailey?!

>> No.9984959

Motion controls suck dick. Unless its VR, since it involves active and unique movements.
A mouse will always be superior to motion controls. The only reason sticks are worse is because modern controller joysticks are worthless, and the games arent made to use them so you put yourself at a disadvantage.
If its a shooter, then give me a gun peripheral. "OOPS I DIDNT TILT MY CONTROLLER TO THE LEFT ENOUGH AND I MISSED!"
Its literally made for children who dont have the eye coordination, steady hand, and dexterity to be good at anything else. Plus kids love to do that shit where they move the controller with the game like they show in commercials and movies.

>> No.9984969

>>Agreed, at least with English dubs. Westerners can't VA to save their lives and I like reading the text and imaging how the characters are saying the lines in my own way, not how the game tells me I should be.
>You're telling me that there are characters out there who maybe DON'T sound like Troy Baker and Laura Bailey?!

>> No.9984970

Polygon graphics are inherently uglier and inferior to pixel art graphics. Felt that way in 1993, feel that way in 2023.

>> No.9984972

Post processing gimmicks like bloom, depth of field and lens flare don't belong in games. If you disagree you're a faggot hipster.
Normies finally got sick of diversity and pride. You will be happy to know the purge is coming.

>> No.9984982

>Normies finally got sick of diversity and pride
NO. Accelerate. ONLY brown physically handicapped heavily accented pansexual gender fluid surgically removed genitalia linguistic minorities in who are neurolocially diverse in sports ball. Now is the time to finish the kill, while it is weak, sports ball is staggering, stab it in the heart. Even south park sees the tide is turning

>> No.9984983

>lens flare, bloom

Seriously, turn that shit off. They sell it as realism, but it definitely is not. It just makes it look like modern movies. and I feel like it's actually a way to hide graphical imperfections so they can be lazy or cheap. Also motion blur. Yes it's true. in reality you do have to deal with motion blur but it's not coming from my eyes. I'm looking through someone else's which just makes it hard to see.

When did "cinematic" come to mean "Everything is blurry and looks like shit."

>> No.9984985

I fucking kneel

>> No.9984986

Knell only for Adam Prince of Mo

>> No.9985018

When you see it included in a game there are only two possibilities, either the devs are failed film students and gaming is their fall back, or the devs went with 3D despite only having a budget for a 2D game. Textures look like shit? Smear bloom and blur over everything.
Nope. You're stuck with hand egg and we're stuck with kicky kicky fun ball forever.

>> No.9985030
File: 2.17 MB, 3264x2448, img_1283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank god I bought that rtx 4090 for these amazing graphics!

>> No.9985035
File: 18 KB, 240x240, 79A2D80C-AAC4-4C77-9AD6-EB14C3E9AB18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Online gaming is parasitic

>> No.9985038
File: 8 KB, 456x400, newgame.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you can't draw your own character icon then you should be forced to play as a naked yellow man

>> No.9985046

1000w power supply, RGB puke lighting going apeshit, skyrocketing electricity bill, can't read the UI because the screen is 12K resolution, let's go!

>> No.9985130

>Metal Gears - Voice Acted - Good
>FFX - Voice Acted - Pretty Good
>FF12 - No Voice Acting - Fucking Awful
>Mass Effect 2 - Voice Acted - Fucking Great
>Fall Out 3 - Voice Acted - Also Great
It started out rough, but it got pretty good.

>> No.9985132

I think the Japanese ones are just as bad. Ever since games became more "cinematic" there has been an over emphasis on make them more like movies. You go play a story scene in FFIV and it's convey impactfully but also succinctly. You go play a story scene in 13 and you have to sit through watching every character make every inane motion, gesture and idiotic noise while trying to poorly voice out a subtitle box you could have read fifteen times before they get their second sentence out.

>> No.9985157

3 outta 4 ain't bad

>> No.9985185

I turn off the voices for any game that allows it cause I can read faster than they can speak and I want to get back to the game.

>> No.9987019

I hear that

>> No.9987124

I don't play remakes, remasters or ports

>> No.9987203

>or ports

>> No.9987650

>fall out 3
Lmao that spelling

>> No.9987707

>Online gaming
***live services
unless you believe Quake deathmatch is parasitic in which case kys

>> No.9988751

Talented people don't do game VA because it doesn't pay as well nor treat you as well as does TV or movies (and that is saying something given how shit goes in hollywood). That's why literal who anime bullshit #4728 gets the same cast of nobodys, because the TV people want more money than the japanese game company can afford to spend on an international release.

I think it's funnier when you look at how namco fucked up the Vesperia re-release because they seem to have just assumed that yuri lowenthal would be too expensive and didn't bother asking him. Things like this are why you learn Japanese. Don't let 出来ない stop you. That bitch is a cartoon, and cartoons can't hurt you.

>> No.9988757
File: 91 KB, 600x600, charlaugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Good voice acting

>> No.9988827

It is bad for a pretty obvious reason - the delivery is forced to line up with animations that aren't speaking English.
When accounted for, there's actually some really good performance in there, especially from Wakka and Auron.

>> No.9988861

>Written dialog is such a better medium of storytelling for games especially RPGs
Playing modern JRPGs and hearing that britbong accent come out of those generic anime faces makes me wanna off myself right there on my couch.

>> No.9988868

I see you turned off Xenoblade Chronicles 2 after 5 minutes too.

>> No.9988907

always reminds me of that british comedian talking about how he can't take any hollywood movie about an ancient culture seriously, because they are always speaking in british accents, and it reminds him of Monty Python.