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9983072 No.9983072 [Reply] [Original]

kino music.
kino art style.
hundreds of secrets.
god tier waifus.
timeless gameplay.
infinite replayability.
you don't have to like it. it'll still be the best action-adventure game ever made when you wake up tomorrow.
deal with it.

>> No.9983102

>kino music.
>kino art style.
The promotional artwork is great. The actual game doesn't look like anything special.
>hundreds of secrets.
Pretty basic stuff the way the game does them. I guess the dream sequence was nice.
>god tier waifus.
>timeless gameplay.
It's good, but still suffers from 5th gen jank.
>infinite replayability.
Can't say I feel that way.

>> No.9983143

>timeless gameplay
My fucking ass. The platforming sucks and more than half of Rue's transformations are worthless.

>> No.9983171
File: 52 KB, 540x405, dewprism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I doubt there's any fifth gen 3D games that looks as "good" at their respective promotional artwork in the same terms, but ToF definitely has that sleek look of later PS1 games from the era in which devs already had the system's abilities 100% figured out.

It's a simple game but fun enough; more technically polished but overall less interesting than Brave Fencer Musashi for example imo.

>> No.9983184

>but overall less interesting than Brave Fencer Musashi for example imo.
yeah, I love BFM and VS from squearesoft but from some reason this game feels odd

I still have to complete it some day, last time I played I was going down a canyon at the beginning of the game

>> No.9983583
File: 728 KB, 2000x1504, These are all different rooms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really don't see the appeal of this game. The level design is mostly copy pasted environments and the combat and platforming have no depth at all.

>> No.9983585

Oh is this supposed to be mocking that other OoT thread? Because Threads of Fate is actually a pretty shitty game overall. I tried playing it a few years ago and was disappointed with how boring and repetitive it is. Whatever charm it has at first wears thin as the game drags on.

>> No.9983809
File: 389 KB, 1208x960, Threads of Fate (USA)-0002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's got some neat ideas, but their execution is rather lackluster. The level design has a lot of copypasting, the platforming can get pretty awful, and the combat in Rue's campaign sucks.

>> No.9983943

Rues campaign was made as an afterthought, Mint was originally the only protagonist.

>> No.9984016

Mint’s was the only one I played and it was definitely nothing to write home about. The game simply lacks anything to engage an older audience for very long— it’s very obviously a game made for young children.

>> No.9984486

There's plenty to write home about in Mint's story, she's one of the most fun characters I've ever seen in a game.

>> No.9984717

Like I said here >>9983585:
>Whatever charm it has at first wears thin as the game drags on.

>> No.9984832

Nah, it only improves

>> No.9985097
File: 50 KB, 500x370, mint go to hell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The game simply lacks anything to engage an older audience
Oh fuck off and fuck you.

>> No.9985108

It doesn't. I played it for 8+ hours and it became a total chore after the first few. The gameplay is mediocre in every sense imaginable, it offers little-to-no challenge, and exploration isn't rewarding in any way whatsoever.

Lol I seriously hope you don't mean to imply that her saying "Go to hell!" is somehow meant to impress anyone over the age of 12.

>> No.9985118

Damn I'm sorry. I forget gamers now a days want characters to constantly scream SHIT and FUCK.

>> No.9985123

Literally nobody except children care about swearing in games. I thought my previous post made that pretty clear, but I guess not.

>> No.9985487
File: 197 KB, 901x1441, threadsoffate1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cut these PNGs from an old press kit a while ago, have them

>> No.9985493
File: 311 KB, 901x1441, threadsoffate2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9985497
File: 148 KB, 901x1441, threadsoffate3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9986234

this is a game that absolutely deserves a modern remake. it has such a good foundation and SO MUCH can be improved upon with today's technology and design standards.

>> No.9986823

I think it deserves a sequel.

>> No.9988140

What exactly do you like about it so much? I honestly think without the 5th gem charm there’s not much else the game’s got going for it.

>> No.9988396

fun story, appealing visuals, great characters, very good music, consistent and enjoyable gameplay that feels good. What do you not enjoy about it? Do you require all 3D action games to be combo focused devil may cry likes?

>> No.9988420

i would prefer it if nobody remade anything ever again.

>> No.9988445
File: 103 KB, 512x512, SLPS-02330-F-ALL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's called Dewprism.

>> No.9989309

im actually the guy you responded to, not >>9988396, although i agree with most of his response.
solid story and appealing/interesting visual design. fun characters/dialogue. i'll admit that i havent played it in over 10 years, but i remember enjoying the gameplay. however, i also remember NOT enjoying certain parts of the gameplay, like terrible/useless transformations, some awkward platforming sections, and as illustrated by another anon above the copy/paste rooms. i fucking LOVE the music. i love how fancy mel's place both stands out as out of place and fits in perfectly at the same time. mint is an absolute gem.

but i think that it suffers from ps1 graphics. it suffers from clunky platforming and combat. i think that with today's technology, everything could be made much more beautiful and smooth. you could add a lot of depth to the combat and controls. you could design levels be much more interesting while still keeping the same themes. as far as i remember, theres no reason to touch the story or dialogue, its fine as it is. maybe i've forgotten something and there might be a few areas to expand on and polish, but there really isnt anything wrong with it.

>> No.9989331

I think the platforming and combat is serviceable, mint obviously getting the most design attention gives her magic the most utility but the basic combo is a standard thing many games at the time and after did, it's functional. Rues transformations are underwhelming but still decently implemented even if not very useful for combat. Platforming apart from some weirdness in fancy mels is perfectly suitable for the game, it has no hitches or oddities outside of that. Maybe we forget how other games functioned at the time but threads of fate is more polished than most and while not particularly deep almost no games were.

>> No.9989840
File: 1.36 MB, 1208x960, Threads of Fate (USA)-0006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Platforming apart from some weirdness in fancy mels is perfectly suitable for the game, it has no hitches or oddities outside of that.
The platforming is DOGSHIT. You can tell its broken for one rather subtle reason: certain that Rue can transform into have a unique sound effect for initiating a jump. I've had multiple cases where I pressed O and heard the sound effect play, only to slide down a pit immediately afterwards. There's also the occasional nuisance of the auto lock-on fucking over platforming because you jump can be completely redirected mid-air from trying to jump-flash a nearby enemy.

>> No.9989848

I don't think that having a smug anime girl reaction face alone can make a game a classic.

>> No.9990013

It certainly helps

>> No.9990015

>what do you not enjoy about it
Mostly everything except for the music and the art style. The gameplay is extremely boring and the story and characters were equally boring. They’d have to remake it from the ground up and do a lot more with that barebones gameplay to make it worth anyone’s time IMO.

>> No.9990021

>and the story and characters were equally boring
I think you weren't paying attention then

>> No.9990035

I was definitely trying to. Might be because I only played as Mint, but whatever was going on definitely wasn’t interesting enough to hold my attention.

>> No.9990041

Meant to reply to >>9990021

>> No.9990048

I don't really know where to go with a conversation where you don't like playing as an idiot trying to take over the world and has a sharp tongue with everyone around her. Nothing that funny has been in any game before or since.

>> No.9990182

fucking BASED

I loved the game 20 years ago and the OST makes me want to cry its beautiful

>> No.9990193

Just a shame it looks so gay

>> No.9990276

I love this game but always stop playing at the cave because it just stops being fun. But I consider it one of my favorite games regardless lol. Brave Fencer Musashi is definitely better.