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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 142 KB, 1000x1500, MV5BYzM2MTViOTktN2E5OC00NDJjLTgxYTktYmY5Nzk2MzUxMWNiXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTA0MTM5NjI2._V1_FMjpg_UX1000_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9978325 No.9978325 [Reply] [Original]

the greatest survival horror game ever made

>> No.9978332

worst genre of all time

>> No.9978335

fuck me i guess survival horror sucks if thats the best.

>> No.9978345

Yeah, probably. Certainly other games have beaten it in terms of atmosphere and scares but RE1 and REmake still have the best gameplay of any pure survival horror. It's a shame how little the genre has evolved since then.

>> No.9978349

for me it's Zero (Fatal Frame) 3: Voice of the Tattoo (The Tormented)

>> No.9978353
File: 285 KB, 312x440, reoc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The original pre-release box art has a more oppressive feel. It's too bad this thumbnail is the only trace of it left on the internet.

>> No.9978356

>Disney's Haunted Mansion Simulator

>> No.9978359

it looks like dogshit.

>> No.9978403

>too easy to be survival
>too lame to be horror

>> No.9978424

why is he doing the mouth wide open face while trying to forcefully rape jill? do chuds really?

>> No.9978425

original is a superior game

>> No.9979065
File: 65 KB, 373x484, 143634_44320659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not RE4.

>> No.9979214

>Silent Hill 3
>Fatal Frame 3
The scariest entries in each of the survival horror big 3

>> No.9979228

It was hilarious they tried a feudal Japan version 3 times and even tried to force it with a real actor. Abe wanted it to be popular so bad.

>> No.9979312

onimusha 1 is really good and that first puzzle thats timed was harder than any puzzle in RE.

>> No.9979367

I always confused it with dynasty warriors and similar games so i avoided it out of disinterest. wouldnt be surprised if that was common

>> No.9979730

REmake despite all the dick sucking is inferior to it's older brother in many aspects, it's an overall complete downgrade and this is best seen in it's terrible boss fights and puzzles, everything good about REmake are just the parts they didn't change from the original, so basically some puzzles, yawn, and tyrant. Lisa Trevor and the shark are some of the lowest points in the series not matched outside of RE0 and RE6. It's just bad man.

>> No.9979748

>Aqua Ring is kino in REmake
>Aqua Ring is boring as shit in RE1

Yeah, the Lisa stuff just added padding.

>> No.9979767

>a part in the original that is supposed to be a quick in and out
>remake makes this part a half hour cutscene with multiple instadeath spots
Yeah it's great vro

>> No.9979790

>supposed to be a quick in and out
yea and shotguns were supposed to work every time you aim at a zombies head, which is a far more unforgivable change than adding a little suspense to an under-utilized area from the original.

>> No.9979794

I don't get why the hell they made the crates disappear in the remake. Instead of a simple straight shot to use the V Jolt you have to detour through a bunch of empty, boring rooms and multiple loading screens and then immediately turn around and go right back through them again. It'd be understandable if some new enemies or hazards spawned down there after you drained the water but there's literally nothing there.

>> No.9979832

Agreed, the REmake does a lot of stupid shit.
I will never understand some of the more odd choices like this, they do it in a handful of spots.

>> No.9979843

The enemies take too many hits to die. I put it on easy, I expect easy.

>> No.9979849

REmake is a joke, it's like they fundamentally misunderstood what made the original so great

>> No.9979876

>I will never understand some of the more odd choices like this, they do it in a handful of spots.
Yeah another one that's fresh in my mind is at the beginning of the Guardhouse. In the original, you push a statue over the hole the plant tendril comes out of and you can just run past it.
In the remake, you have to climb up one side and down the other side of a pile of crates every single time you go through to avoid the plant. It's not really a big deal but it's just another weirdly annoying design choice that has no real reasoning behind it.

>> No.9979887
File: 1.76 MB, 5760x2160, 1659127583570642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Old good
New bad

Shinji Mikami prefers REmake

>> No.9979890

did it make sense in the original for the crates to remain suspended in the air after the water was drained?

>> No.9979902

>Shinji Mikami prefers REmake
And? Lorne Lanning prefers Soulstorm over Abe's Exoddus. Nomura thinks all of the unnecessary garbage he stapled to Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy VII improve those games. Sometimes developers are wrong.

>> No.9979906
File: 403 KB, 354x585, shotgun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we nerfed shotguns because Resident Evil is not a gory splatterfest game
>t. Sneedji Mikami

>> No.9979913

shinji mikami is a fucking hack.

>> No.9979917
File: 145 KB, 742x1013, residentevilstory.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shinji mikami is a hack, the real genius behind resident evil left after the first game so mikami had free reign and no one to tell him no in the remake which is why they went hard into the ridiculous halloween gothic haunted house direction.

literally another george lucas situation

>> No.9979931

>Fans love original
>Creator hates original

Why is this so common

>> No.9979938

Creators often hate the death of the autor principle. Works will often become popular and relevant for reasons other than what the creator had intended, or elicit responses other than what he had in mind. They become butthurt about it even though the thing they made was successful, and start hating it.

>> No.9979951

it's more that often times the "creator" is not the sole person responsible for the original's brilliance, it's always a team of creatives actively collaborating and checking each other.

by the time they go for the remake they are on their own and surrounded by yes men sycophants. the greatness of an original game/show/film never lies on the shoulders of a single person

>> No.9979980

Big part of it is a lot of these creator types will make something, at the time they probably cared very much for it but once they make it they generally want to move on to something else. If they get forced into making more of that thing especially they will grow to hate it. Someone like say Kojima for instance never wanted to make MGS2, 3, 4 and so on and he is forever going to be known as the Metal Gear guy despite his passion never being Metal Gear

>> No.9979982

REmake is fun and so is RE1, these arguments you all get into over this are so lame

>> No.9979994

People try to pretend like it's somehow the standard all remakes should go off of when it isn't and never has been because it's an inferior product to anyone who has actually played the first game. It's also not a replacement or definitive version of Resident Evil while being directly responsible for why people seem to think RE was ever a horror game when it was always a dumb action game and later games like 4 and up are just a natural progression of that.

>> No.9979995

Talking about video games in the way that you do is gay. You're a nerd who should re-evaluate his life before you end up a 40 year old millennial trying to pretend his toys are massively significant

>> No.9980000

>board to discuss video games
>talking about games is gay
If you don't want to discuss games you can always kindly go fuck off.

>> No.9980004

>while being directly responsible for why people seem to think RE was ever a horror game when it was always a dumb action game
Thank you.
If you don't want to talk about video games then fuck off to literally any other board?

>> No.9980006

Nah, don't play that card. You know exactly what you're doing

>> No.9980010

I know you are being a faggot with nothing to add to the current discussion, you are allowed to have and express opinions, this isn't China.

>> No.9980030 [DELETED] 

Dude, you're baiting people into going off topic so you can report them. How many times do I have to catch you doing this before you stop?
I'm not pretending to agree with the other guy, either, he's 100% right about Resident Evil. The was game always a dumb action game and the remake ruined that. It's why the internet decided we're not allowed to like 4-6 because waa it's not survival horror.

>> No.9980045

> It's a shame how little the genre has evolved since then.
Going by games labeled survival horror, the genre is a mere shadow of its former self. They're all third-person shooters with scripted events and cinematics out the ass instead of atmospheric puzzle games.

>> No.9980056

Being a contrarian for the sake of being a contrarian should be a bannable offense

>> No.9980064
File: 42 KB, 220x166, Chris_Redfield,_smoking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this complete dismissal, I am not being contrarian for the sake of being contrarian. I am very clearly a fan of the series and stating my opinion of the game in question and giving my reasoning for why that is.
If I was being contrarian I would say Resident Evil sucks and leave it there. You can like the game all you want, I do not. We can discuss this and give reasons for why we feel that way and come with a better understanding of why we feel this way. At the very least an understanding of each other. This is a forum for discussion not a hugbox where everyone says the same thing about everything.

>> No.9980065
File: 1.90 MB, 960x720, REmake Beretta Headshot.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's not really a big deal but it's just another weirdly annoying design choice that has no real reasoning behind it.

Game design wise, the mentality of the REmake was
>it has to be different from the original, so let's be different for the sake of being different even if that makes it worse
>more = better

Wrong and fake news. For one thing, there is plenty of blood. Secondly, there IS a "special technique" to headshot zombies with the shotgun, it's just harder to pull off which is how it should be.
Simply having to aim up and being close to the zombie to headshot them with the shotgun was fine in 1996 when people weren't used to the controls, the risk/reward ratio felt good enough back then (you had to let the zombies get close after all), but by 2001 there were tons of action games made using this style of gameplay and people had gotten good with tank controls.
Therefore to pull off a similar risk/reward ratio situation, the risk has to be updated and made greater, which is how it is in REmake with headshots only working when the zombie is about to bite you (and brought his head forward because of it).

This is literally one of the gameplay mechanics in the game that's a genuine improvement, and the fact that you don't know it's there shows how little you played the game.

And then on top of this, they included random headshots with the Beretta (an upgraded version of what's in Director's Cut Arrange Mode) which isn't something they *had* to do either. As for the blood, just look at it, it even stains the floor.

This is one of those things where the interview says the opposite of what's in the game and you need to stop emberassing yourself by posting the interview over and over.

>> No.9980070
File: 832 KB, 680x680, 5ea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinks he's on /v/

>> No.9980072

not even the best version of the game in question

>> No.9980073

because the creator is a shill
he doesn't give a fuck which version is best

>> No.9980079

>I'm a true fan
>Resident Evil was always an action game like RE4
I'll guess that your basis for this is "Capcom always wanted it to be like RE4 but the technology just wasn't there!" which is completely removed from the reality of the situation, what the game ended up being, and what you claim to be a fan of.

>> No.9980085
File: 2.70 MB, 772x1854, originalVSdemake.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>let's suck away all the color and turn it into a theme park gothic haunted house, don't forget to add a graveyard

>> No.9980090

Yes, they made it better

>> No.9980093

>I don't understand the slightest thing about art

>> No.9980098

For me, it's the thunderstorm that's polite enough to stop anytime you step outside.

>> No.9980101

Nobody would take the original seriously as "art." The remake is where it actually got artistic.

>> No.9980103

I never said that you disingenuous retard, I said it's always been an action game and this is clearly visible through the entire series. People say 4 was when it went action but it was always there. RE1 is literally a team of special forces droping into a mansion and has you blowing away zombies with grenade launchers and shotguns. Then it has a fucking bomb run, these are aspects that are in every single game. Just because it has zombies and monsters doesn't mean it's a horror game, Silent Hill and Siren are horror games RE is an action game with some horror elements thrown in for fun.

>> No.9980105

RE1 original is one of the shittiest looking games I've ever played bro, and I mean that artistically.

>> No.9980110

>I never said that
And yet I was right and you just verified it.
"No but okay but it was SUPPOSED to be an action game!"
Well it wasn't
"No but that's just-- the umm-- the PS1 couldn't-- so they-- so it-- so that's why even though the game isn't-- it-- it IS-- because--"
Well it's not, so shut the fuck up

>> No.9980113

>If they get forced into making more of that thing especially they will grow to hate it.

I feel that this is especially true in the case of Mikami. They made him general producer of the series after 1, in other words he was stuck doing management tasks with little to no creative control (RE2 had gave free reigns unchecked to someone else, RE3 he didn't want to make, RE4/DMC he gave free reigns unchecked again, etc) for sequels and spin-offs he didn't want to make. Meanwhile he just wanted to his next game, his pure action game, something he mentionned since 1995 already and it took until 2005 (RE4) before it happened.

He was extremely bitter about the situation, often dismissing games in the series. This is why any interview by him regarding the series from the entire decade between the release of RE1 to the release of RE4 have to be taken with a grain salt and should be read with that context in mind. and I think the only reason why he likes CV a bit more is because it's the only title in the series for which had a little bit more creative input.

>> No.9980132

Are you retarded? It is an action game, it always has been I literally only said 4 was the progression of that. I never said 1 was always meant to be a over the shoulder 3rd person shooter because it wasn't. I genuinely don't know what you are smoking but you should lay off.

>> No.9980153

No explanation in your posts because what I said is accurate.
>no, it's always been an action game! it's just that nobody realized it until 2 decades later!
>capcom always wanted it to be like Devil May Cry! it just wasn't because umm, uhhh!!! please listen to me!
You people say the same shit every time and always have the same retarded reasoning but you're not smart enough to defend the position. The game turned out to be a horror game. Whether you or Capcom envisioned it as an action game, it isn't, it's the quintessential horror video game as recognized by everyone. To even begin denying that is comedy in and of itself, which is why I skip ahead to mocking the conversation you would've wanted to have if I didn't show up and started making fun of you preemptively.
>no, but it's! it's SUPPOSED to be action, it just isn't because... well it was GONNA be, but!! it just took until 2004 for them to be able to do it properly!
Listen to yourself. You don't look clever to anyone just by saying out there shit.

>> No.9980157

RE4 > RE2 > REmake > RE3 > Code Veronica > RE1 > RE0

>> No.9980194
File: 389 KB, 1200x830, ResidentEbil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I told you how it was an action game and you deliberately mistook that point to an extreme.
The game was seen as an action game when it came out, yes there was horror elements but that was not the focus. No shit it's not devil may cry but go read any review from the time and they will mention the action of the game because that is front and stage the main aspect of the game, there are breaks in this action which is what the puzzles and story parts are for.

>> No.9980204

It was one of the first games I was scared by as a kid, played the original and the remake all the way through a few years back during the summer and it was great. They make a fantastic back to back experience

>> No.9980240
File: 1.81 MB, 3276x1510, Dq2Ddz1WoAAlPld[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"It has guns and blood!" is the typical preface. It's not an explanation.
>The game was seen as an action game when it came out, yes there was horror elements but that was not the focus
It was never seen that way, it was always blatantly a horror game to the point where it became synonymous with the horror genre. It was the poster child of horror video games. Nobody put it in the action game camp.
Your pic mentions Hellraiser, is that an action movie to you that you'd list alongside Commando and Top Gun?
You're backed into a corner now saying the same shit I said you'd say.
>they wanted it to be an action game!
Well dude, it isn't. Nobody thinks of it that way because the gameplay doesn't bear that out in any way.
And here's the rest of the review your pic is from. The reviewer describes it as a harrowing experience more than a video game. Not a "totally radical action packed bonanza!" it's a fucking horror game, dude. He praises the limited controls of the game for increasing the tension, sacrificing action to enhance its primary feature, the horror aspect.

>> No.9980260

I understand what you are getting at but you can't argue that the original 1 was a true survival horror game, at least gameplay-wise. REmake stayed true to the original in that regard and I think RE0 falls into the same category too. I do wholeheartedly agree that 4 and beyond are a natural progression though
You sound even gayer than him though lmao. Being a 'conscious ironic gamer' on this board should get you banned seriously

>> No.9980267

"action" in video game genre defining just means that the game has twitch based controls (vs menu based games or strategy, point&click, etc)

and "action" is part of the definition of survival horror. It's just another name for action-adventure (with a horror theme and survival gameplay mechanics). Before "survival horror" came to be as a genre name, Alone in the Dark, its clones (including RE1 itself) were just called "action-adventure".

"action" as a genre name doesn't mean "going in guns blazing". Dodging enemies is also "action" as long as it's done through twiched based controls. Take out the "action" part of survival horror and all you have left is the adventure-horror games, description which fits games like point&click games with a horror theme like Dark Fall (which is why I would argue that Clock Tower falls into that category and isn't a survival horror but that is another debate)

>> No.9980273

>Bro, I read on IGN that Resident Evil was like, the poster child of horror videogames.
This is something people who aren't into the hobby regurgitate to seem like they know what they're talking about. The best part is when they refer to it as "survival horror" because it has inventory management.
Alone in the Dark was the horror game, all RE did was copy its mechanics.

>> No.9980280

Your own source called you a retard so until a miracle happens and you find something to support your argument, my nutsack will be resting on top of your head for the remainder of the thread.

>> No.9980301

You're not talking to the person who posted those screenshots. The first thing I posted in this thread was that I don't care what the developers think. Most devs are wrong and they prove that when they remake their games. I even gave examples. Soulstorm is worse than Exoddus, all of the cancer attached to Kingdom Hearts and FF7 make those games worse. No one fucking cares about the game the devs wanted to make, what we loved playing was the compromise, and now that is no longer possible most games tend to fucking suck. If you disagree then you're welcome to join the circle jerk over at /v/

>> No.9980305

Nuts on your head, dude. Scrape em off or leave em.

>> No.9980316

Fuck off, zoomer.

>> No.9980326

>terrible boss fights
REmake has better boss fights
REmake has better puzzles
>everything good about REmake are just the parts they didn't change from the original
I can tell you're a casual shitter who doesnt like Crimson Heads
>Lisa Trevor
I love encountering her in the graveyard shed. The shed itself is very comfy.
The pressure "boss fight" is very tense, you're a retarded faggot
>It's just bad man
You're a retard with shit, contrarian taste.

>> No.9980350

REmake boss fights are either copies of the original or retarded puzzle bosses.
The puzzles are more numerous and contrived than the original with dumb shit like the masks.
Lisa Trevor is the single worst part of REmake unkillable pursuer enemies are not scary, fun, or interesting they are just annoying.
The shark is not tense it's literally a stupid puzzle boss with cheap deaths.
Also Crimson Heads were such a retarded concept that literally no other game even mentions them, if it was left at the one miniboss it would be a whatever. But instead they were added in as a HAHA DE ZOMBIE YOU KILL IS NOT ACTUALLY DEAD, they can easily be avoided but they are still stupid.

>> No.9980367

Skill issue retard confirmed lol

>> No.9980371
File: 251 KB, 984x610, 1593662243719.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe because it was a few years back, but I don't really remember having any significant trouble with the crimson heads in the remake. Really the difficulty spike I remember most in either the remake or the original was when you return to the mansion as Jill and there are hunters running around. I didn't know that the longbox version of the PS1 port didnt have autoaim, so I had alot of trouble with them and the chimeras as Jill, but had a way easier time as Chris and just in general with the remake

>> No.9980372

meant to say as Jill in the original

>> No.9980379

They aren't particularly difficult, they are dumb both on a gameplay level and story wise they made no sense.

>> No.9980439

>he longbox version of the PS1 port didnt have autoaim
Also every enemy has more HP and hits harder, even Mikami himself said that they went a bit overboard and had trouble beating this version themselves lmao. Less ink ribbons too

>> No.9980698

Not OP, but RE4 is not a real Resident Evil game. It's not even the real RE4, Code Veronica is.

>> No.9980704

Code Veronica was supposed to be 3, not 4

>> No.9980716

either way you look at it re4 ruined the franchise

>> No.9980748

CV was never supposed to be 3. First time it was announced was at TGS 98 and it was already called Biohazard: Code Veronica. It was planned as a Sega RE to begin with so it could never have been a numbered title because of that. It was made by a b-team who was asked to port RE2 to Saturn and instead managed to convince Capcom to make their own game instead.

>> No.9980753
File: 959 KB, 264x248, 1603328228454.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it was supposed to be 4 then why didn't they call it that huh?

>> No.9980761

>It was made by a b-team
I think it was outsourced, CV and 0 were primarily developed by TOSE not Capcom. Also you shouldn't forget that RE3 became a numbered entry like 2 months before release
>tfw not even the real RE3 exists

>> No.9980764

>Also you shouldn't forget that RE3 became a numbered entry like 2 months before release

Source: your ass. There is zero evidence that all the plans they shared in interviews regarding RE3s ever got past the ideas stage.

>> No.9980808

I'm aware.


Because it was going to be RE3 originally. Either way RE:CV is a mainline RE game and the 4th entry.

>> No.9980821

It's not mainline though and it never has been. It was always meant to be a goofy side game.

>> No.9980824

>Because it was going to be RE3 originally
Where did this retarded idea even get started?

>> No.9980827

just CV fans being full of cope, that's all. There is NOTHING to back up that theory, in fact all the facts and interviews point to the exact opposite of that, yet the meme goes on because of cope and sheep mentality.

>> No.9980834

The OG GC version is pretty damn colorful

>> No.9980850
File: 1.15 MB, 1024x768, corridor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The remaster (which was used in the above comparison pic) sucked all the colours out yes

>> No.9980886

Yeah the GC version is the best but the HD ports are not that bad. Have you guys seen that Code Veronica remaster? It's so fucking awful, I thought it was impossible to fuck up a simple port/remaster that hard, I mean it's not even a remake
This is just insanely bad and I'm surprised people rarely talk about this

>> No.9980887

it's bad but to their credit, there is nothing they could have done to make CV look good

>> No.9980909

On a technical level it was one of the best looking games when it came out and it's also aesthetically pleasing at least half of the time. So I'd say overall it does look god

>> No.9980945

>RE1 and REmake
which is REmake, the gamecube release or later pc release?

>> No.9981098

It's such a weird thing to get hung up on too. It's not like the development history of these games is top secret or even hard to find. Capcom is surprisingly transparent about that stuff, way more than a lot of companies.

>> No.9981162

I think it looks fine? Played the DC version a lot back in the day. Menu here looks off colorwise but meh, looks fine.

>> No.9981446

REmake is the remake of 1, the later release of the remake was a remaster

>> No.9981457

>The remaster (which was used in the above comparison pic)
You're wrong

>> No.9981458

5 45
this is a disaster

>> No.9981464

Not him but I think it is the remaster though? The textures don't look that sharp even if you upscale the game on Dolphin

>> No.9981472

It's not the remaster. It looks sharper because they are small downscaled images. Even so, this idea that there's a huge color saturation difference between the remaster and vanilla REmake is bogus to begin with.

>> No.9981482

Admittedly I haven't noticed much difference as well. What I did notice is that it feels like they straight up remade characters' faces, especially in 0. Rebecca looks like a different character

>> No.9981491
File: 1.29 MB, 1312x1008, GBIE08_2021-04-14_14-22-50.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if that comparison isn't the remaster then they definitely did something to them to crush all the colours, here is the GC version for instance, notice the walls and carpet

>> No.9981495
File: 331 KB, 1920x1080, 20210414202308_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remaster, which is less colourful than on GC, but still more colourful than this comparison pic either way >>9980085

so I think that picture is wrong, maybe was even made wrong on purpose

>> No.9981497

I own and have played a lot of both, the remaster definitely lacks color.

>> No.9981501
File: 751 KB, 1024x768, gallery.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, it depends on the room, some got off better than others, but overall yes

>> No.9981506

I want to play the original, but it doesn't have Japanese voice acting, so what other choice do I have than to play GCN?

>> No.9981512

I also think that it's the remaster on that pic but the screenshot was taken at the moment of a lightning strike for some reason, look closely

>> No.9981515
File: 68 KB, 350x240, Bio Hazard (Japan) (Taikenban)-0015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and here is an actual in game screenshot of the original for comparison. That comparison looks fake to me, I think the colours were satured for the original game and desatured for the remake, on purpose.

>> No.9981552


>> No.9981554

Are you 10 years old?

>> No.9981557

In the context of video games, "GCN" typically refers to the Nintendo GameCube console. The GameCube, often abbreviated as GCN, was a home video game console released by Nintendo in 2001. It was the successor to the Nintendo 64 and competed with other sixth-generation consoles like the PlayStation 2 and Xbox.

The GameCube featured a unique design, with a compact size and a handle on the back for easy portability. It introduced several innovations, including the use of optical discs called GameCube discs, a new controller design (with a central analog stick and a built-in rumble feature), and connectivity with the Game Boy Advance handheld console through a link cable.

The GameCube library included a variety of popular games, including Super Mario Sunshine, The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker, Metroid Prime, and Super Smash Bros. Melee. Despite not achieving the commercial success of its competitors, the GameCube is still fondly remembered by many gamers for its unique games and design.

>> No.9981597

I didn't know about the other bits, I still dunno if that would be as much of a problem if you just had autoaim, I remember it made hitting Jill's grenades on the hunters way harder, and because she has the grenade launcher, she gets less shotgun shells than Chris, plus your lower health combined with their speed pretty much meant if you missed they'd hit you with that instakill decap move. I remember being stuck as Jill for 2 entire days. Breezed through the game as Chris though

>> No.9981639

NeoGeo Color came out before the Nintendo Gamecube, so to fit the standard three-letter initialism template, we threw the N on the backend. Similar to why those of us who owned a Playstation call it a PSX, even though that's some dumb nineties shit we should have outgrown, and will poison your mom's dog if you call it PS1, even though you're probably right to do so. But please don't, I enjoy playing with your mom's dog even more than I enjoy sodomizing questionably attractive older women.

>> No.9981640

Yes, yes he is

>> No.9981726

Neogeo Pocket Colour was always abbreviated to NGPC though, not "NGC", so that can't be it.

>> No.9981782
File: 366 KB, 1600x2400, FoGteKyaAAA3SU0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do people treat the "le spooky mansion" aesthetic like it's bad? It's not like RE has ever been serious, I don't see how a "generic haunted mansion" doesn't fit with the game's tone and atmosphere. My only serious complaint is the game is too fucking dark for its own good at times, making visuals hard to interpret.

>> No.9981795
File: 70 KB, 1280x720, Hunter Decapitation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was REmake censored at all beside the Hunter's decapitation attack? There's promo footage showing it was intended, but was probably removed because of a murder case from around that time involving a decapitation. Mostly meaningless but I always thought it was cool, especially brutal when you see it happen to Rebecca.


>> No.9981875

I've never bothered to compare every single one, but Plant 42 doesn't rip your character in half and you don't see their broken body after the boulder smashes them anymore. I expected the armor key blade trap to be pretty gnarly, but it just fades to white and doesn't show anything.

>> No.9981884

why remove that decapitation and leave the other ones in the game?

>> No.9981890

>Plant 42 doesn't rip your character in half
wasn't that censored in most versions of the original game even?

>> No.9981927

It's called biohazard, it's about a virus breakout not long ago in a secret high tech laboratory under a mansion built by a contemporary architect. If you want a decrepit gothic mansion with tombs and burning candles you should make the zombies skeletons coming to life due to a curse laid by the owner of the house who was murdered by his wife

Castlevania is far less serious "horror" hodge podge than resident evil, that doesn't mean its justified to add a hi tech modern laboratory to Dracula's castle

>> No.9982008

>It's called biohazard
Seems to be called Resident Evil actually.
>it's about a virus breakout not long ago in a secret high tech laboratory under a mansion built by a contemporary architect
Yeah, so why should I expect it to be 100% serious? if you actually begin to question this setting and narrative it already falls apart, it's not that serious and the game doesn't ask to take it that seriously.
>Castlevania is far less serious "horror" hodge podge than resident evil, that doesn't mean its justified to add a hi tech modern laboratory to Dracula's castle
What a dumb comparison. The REmake mansion is still horror, it's a more classical approach but it doesn't clash with the genre of game. A high tech lab would make no sense in Castlevania because that actually clashes with the setting, even then Castlevania is no stranger to laboratory stages or robot enemies.

>> No.9982027

Maybe they wanted the mansion to look like it had been there a while, not freshly built to cover up their laboratory

>> No.9982070

>Seems to be called Resident Evil actually.

>> No.9982087

>Huh, place looks recently built.
>Welp, you know what that means! There must be a secret laboratory around here somewhere!

>> No.9982096 [DELETED] 

No, they definitely overlooked the original concepts and went for "Scooby Doo on zombie island" vibes... It's terror time again.

>> No.9982128
File: 85 KB, 546x800, 4152040-resident-evil-playstation-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does it not say Resident Evil here?

>> No.9982131

Meant for >>9982070

>> No.9982149

If the house looks old, it's less likely that its basement is going to be some high tech lab, if one were snooping for such a thing. It's less suspicious.

>> No.9982237

>want to play on switch
>they lost the original assets and resorted to changing or upscaling assets

>> No.9982257

>It's Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, it says so on the american cover

>> No.9982298

RE never had JP voice acting.

>> No.9982419

yeah it got it when it was HD remastered from the Gamecube version I guess, read this too hastily.


>> No.9982430
File: 81 KB, 623x623, 642579707126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer deadly silence
Who says that? If remember correctly everyone was excited for Resident Evil 7 since that seemed like a return to form. Same thing with 8 but as we know the demo and all of the marketing for that shit was incredibly deceiving as all of that was only in the first section of the game.

>> No.9982467

Yeah modern versions got it, iirc the first game to have JP VA from the start was RE6, every game before was made with english VA. It's pretty odd but having played the JP release of 2, 3 and 4 none of them have japanese VA but just go for having subtitles in cutscenes. Haven't tried any other games but maybe one of the side games had it.

>> No.9982484

Such a reach. The researchers were supposed to have been living there. Everything gets caked in 2 inches of dust after a month of infection? Or were they carefully leaving the dust and cobwebs undisturbed during the entire operation to maintain this scenario of plausibility you've introduced?
They fucked up, plain and simple. OG mansion makes more sense.

>> No.9982510

A side game featuring main characters & an important part that explains how Wesker is still alive, leading to RE5? Lol You're out of your mind if you think it's a side game. RE Gun Survivor is a side game. Code Veronica is not.

Game articles.

>> No.9982528

And it worked. Very, very well.
This video game is even credited by film and horror culture for bringing back "zombies" as a fun concept along with Michael Jackson's dancing.

>> No.9982530

Reread the post, he was talking about the REmake

>> No.9982548

>Such a reach
It makes sense though. There's a high tech, government tier bioweapons lab hidden underneath it. Why would they not want it to look like an established building that hadn't been updated in 100+ years?

>> No.9982556

Do you also think Wesker went into the mansion beforehand to light all the candles to set up a mood that would spook Jill and Chris? Or maybe umbrella developed specially engineered candles that have been burning for weeks before the outbreak to keep up the facade more efficiently?

Like how fucking obtuse do you have to be to not understand the whole remake aesthetic is just a retarded stylistic choice? We know for a fact mikami wanted the game to be a fucking ghost house with no real plot

>> No.9982564

How far do you want to take it? I don't see how you'd think the remake is retarded but the original makes sense

>> No.9982574

I'm not the one desperately trying to rationalize the reason the mansion has a gothic run down look is too avoid suspicion

>So guys let's do a remake, what should we improve on?
>Well I've been thinking, since the mansion is concealing a lab, the original version doesn't do as good a job disguising this as it could, maybe if it used older architecture it would maybe be a little less suspicious
>Wow you're so right, let's base the whole new aesthetic of our game on this crucial fact. Brilliant!
This is what went down according to you

>> No.9982578

>I'm not the one desperately trying to rationalize the reason the mansion has a gothic run down look is too avoid suspicion
Yeah, you're the one trying to refute that take by saying that the original mansion is realistic. So, begin your argument.

>> No.9982587

It's not that it's realistic, it's that it's congruent in theme and tone. what fits in dead space doesn't fit in castlevania, what fits in ghosts and goblins doesn't fit in silent hill, what fits in the addams family doesn't fit in the walking dead

I'm off to bed so don't bother replying, stop embarrassing yourself

>> No.9982589

>It's not that it's realistic, it's that it's congruent in theme and tone.
Okay, so begin that argument, having dropped the original one.
>I'm off to bed so don't bother replying, stop embarrassing yourself
Ah, okay. Anyway.

>> No.9982592

this game will get a remake again in a few years and these threads are gonna be epic. such a waste of time and energy, piss away your lives!

>> No.9982712

>which is how it is in REmake with headshots only working when the zombie is about to bite you (and brought his head forward because of it).
Is this true? I'm playing right now and it feels random to me.

>> No.9982775

If it's your first time playing don't rely on that shit, especially if you are playing as Jill, you'll end up dying a lot. I think Jill in REmake goes down faster than any other RE protagonist except for maybe Rebecca in 0

>> No.9982797

It's true, you can learn the timing, but it takes to get good. I don't think it works on crimson heads though

>> No.9982813

It's not run-down though. A disaster occurred where monsters started getting loose and the humans began to turn into zombies, so things have been disheveled and neglected since the initial death of all of the researchers and workers that were there.
>muh candles
Only point you have.

>> No.9982816

meant for >>9982574

>> No.9982836

Revelations had it.

>> No.9982840

Except those events are extremely recent. The dates given in the intro and in the diaries found in game are close to the date the game takes place.

>> No.9982849

Yes, that's why it's not run down.like is being claimed. It's been essentially abandoned for a bit except for Lisa Trevor going around and lighting candles and fireplaces; presumably she hid herself away while the mansion was staffed and active (maybe out of childish fear of what happened to her and her mother), but now she's wandering around looking for her mom now that everything is a monster just like her.

>> No.9982930

The real genius behind RE is Tokuro Fujiwara. Mikami was the guy who kept trying to shove humorous and nonsensical stuff in the game like the healing grass.

>> No.9982936

>humorous and nonsensical stuff in the game like the healing grass.
Huh? Have you ever heard of herbal medicine? Or, like, traditional medicine? How is this nonsensical, iirc it's even explained in the game that the Arklay mountains are known for the healing plants that grow there

>> No.9983002

I always forget those games exist and I honestly wish I still did, but makes sense it would have it since it was made at the same time as 6.

>> No.9983007

Sorry for not retro but I can't help myself, I recently replayed both Revelations games and was surprised by how fucking boring they were, especially 2. These games being better than RE4 and 5 is one of the dumbest memes ever

>> No.9983181

No, it's completely random. If the game rolls a decapitation headshot it'll work even if they're a pretty good distance away from you as long as the damage cone hits their head. The first shot after you pick up the shotgun is always a guaranteed decapitation roll so you can try it yourself and see how it works.

>> No.9983192

>the greatest survival horror game ever made
That's doom

>> No.9983221

pc shooters suck, hold s and m1 simulator is dumb

>> No.9983391

You're thinking of Serious Sam not Doom.

>> No.9983403
File: 1.69 MB, 1440x1080, remake shotgun.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made a quick and dirty video to illustrate what I meant. It doesn't matter if they're right up in your face or 6 feet away, it'll always blow their head off on a critical roll. I probably could have even tagged him from a little farther out, but you get the idea. There's no special technique or anything to it, it's all just down to random chance.

>> No.9983407

not even best version of the game in question

>> No.9983435

GC fix patch for PC port when?

>> No.9983447


>> No.9983663

I think it's even weirder than that. From what I remember reading ages ago on Gamefaqs or Something Awful, maybe even a newsgroup because it was that long ago, was that Jill's shotgun headshots were hard coded and completely predictable. Like the 1st, 3rd, 8th, 9th, 15th, etc., etc. would always decapitate a zombie with a successful headshot. I don't remember the specifics and never cared enough to try to test it on my own though.