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9968230 No.9968230 [Reply] [Original]

Perfect Dark for Nintendo 64 was set in the current year... 2023.
In the video game you play as a secret agent, Agent Dark, who sets out to stop an evil corporation DATADYNE from their collection and usage of extraterrestrial technology.

Pretty scary how relevant that is today with all the UFO news and data hoarding AI companies rising up.

That aside, if you haven't played Perfect Dark 64, it's an absolute masterpiece.

>> No.9968238

who cared about that, when do we get the fucking decomp pc port

>> No.9968245

Is that official or are fans working on it like with the Mario 64 port?

Oh and like always Deus Ex did it first OP.

>> No.9968246


Have you tried the 1964 GEPD version?
You can play it with keyboard and mouse on PC and it's awesome. Works incredibly well.

>> No.9968248

Deus Ex predicted aliens and AI in 2023?
Never played it so I have no idea.

>> No.9968265

They predicted:
>Terrorists attacking NYC resulting in the limiting of freedoms in America
>The American government being infiltrated from within
>"meme wars"
>The consolidation of wealth in America between a handful of corporations
>A man made virus that caused a global pandemic
>A huge jump in technological advancement as a result of alien technology
>Artificial intelligence
The game also had a pretty sweet soundtrack, too, see: https://youtu.be/nBPK_oXeJgA

>> No.9968270

I wonder which real world company represents Datadyne

>> No.9968289

I think I do remember hearing about some of those predictions. Kind of surprised I never played the game, I definitely remember the cover art and the name.

That ost is nice, reminds me of some of the music from Unreal Tournament 2004.

>> No.9968296

Hah, right?
I immediately wanted to go with Facebook, but I feel like that would be too obvious.

>> No.9968358


>> No.9968513
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I really wish women still looked like how they did in Perfect Dark’s 2023 and not how they do in this 2023 with their horrendously copious amount of nose piercings, dyed neon hair, and tattoos. Sure, when I was a horny teenager, I was really into Joanna’s PDZ design, but when you grow up, you realize that the OG Joanna Dark is the superior one, even if she has a bit of a yee yee ass haircut (she’s my waifu btw). Ladies, come on now, why can’t you look like this hottie? N64 promo render Joanna Dark is literally peak woman and I’m tired of finding a sea of Bugger Lugs-looking bitches.
Also, when do we raid Area 51 again and I mean actually storm it without all of the redditfags naruto-running like queers? We gotta free our nigga Elvis!

>> No.9968517

im begging you anon turn off your computer and get some fresh air

>> No.9968521

I did and I immediately caught the Kung Flu.

>> No.9968629

goldeneye x when

>> No.9969746

Joanna was a total badass, there's that one random level where she's in that crazy dress and her hair is spiked up a bit too.
I'm not a huge fan of the hairstyle either but she pulled it off and it suited her very well. Honestly, probably the coolest female video game character I've seen.

>> No.9969926

There was a big update recently, 9 of the single player levels are ready. Fingers crossed it doesn't take too long for the rest

>> No.9969993
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Yeah, it took time for it to grow on me, but once it did, oh boy was I hooked. Joanna fucking rocked every outfit she got: the combat uniform, the negotiator suit, the trench coat, the arctic combat fit, the diving suit, and, lawd have mercy, the dragon dress.
Literally peak woman in gaming. Lara Croft and her triangular prism tits ain’t got shit on Ms. Dark.

>> No.9970763

>Pretty scary how relevant that is today with all the UFO news and data hoarding AI companies rising up.
Not really.

>> No.9970765

Some of those aren't predictions but glimpses of schizophrenia. Confirmation bias at its worst.

>> No.9971170

I really wish he had the flying cars and ANAL LAND in Perfect Dark. We are living in the worst reality, PerfectBros.

>> No.9971536

what made Joanna so sexy was that she wasn't sexualized too much. Especially not by Rare standards who loved their slutty 90s outfits.
I mean Joanna is all covered up but in the renders just being able to see her belly button made that sex for me.
In the Chicago level just wearing a sleeveless outfit in her full polygonal beauty made my dick hard as a diamond more than lara croft could in her revealing outfits.
I'm surprised there's no flesh tone edits on the black spandex

>> No.9971609

the multiplayer for this game is awesome but the singleplayer is dogshit. put aside the fact that half of the levels run at 5fps, but the design is so fucking meandering and tiresome. it doesn't have the tight, intricate levels of Goldeneye or TimeSplitters 2/3.

>> No.9971692 [DELETED] 
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>if you haven't played Floigan Dark 64, it's an absolute masterpiece.

>> No.9971850

I've known that since 2001.

>> No.9972110 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9972151
File: 39 KB, 500x375, 7E0133D1-AA92-4B8C-81FE-B1F3E9C5382B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally this. The OG Joanna Dark was just so modest design-wise that it really made your imagination run wild on how beautiful she was. But, as soon as Microsoft got their grubby hands on the IP, Rare went full retard and dolled up Joanna so much that she just kinda fell into generic eye candy territory. It’s like what Mainframe did to Dot Matrix: she looked pretty hot (aside from that anti-diarrheal medicine skin tone) but then they just began to whore her out design wise.
Rare nailed Joanna’s design on their first attempt and I’m tired of pretending they hadn’t.

>> No.9972375

the 2010 remake is pretty good, modernized her but better than Zero. She actually looks like someone in her early 20s, 64 Joanna looks 30 in the renders though in the game she does look in her 20s.
The renders do look sexier but that's also because they look less bulky and more femenine, the n64 renders also sexualized Joanna, just the look of the renders is so 90s it's not that evident.

>> No.9972413

Meh, personally, I’m not a big fan of the 2010 Joanna. The worst part about it is that I’m a zoomer saying this. For some ungodly reason I just can’t stand looking at the new Joanna Dark model in comparison to the original 2000 render.

>> No.9972435
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>We are living in the worst reality
>he didn't choose his reality

>> No.9972452
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I prefer the original Japanese Jo

>> No.9972518


>> No.9972536 [DELETED] 
File: 207 KB, 582x357, I'm gonna throw the n-bomb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>playing versus mode with all Moigle simulants
>laptop guns, n-bombs, and tranquilizers

>> No.9972590

not that I'm a weeb, but gookJo is way more attractive and appears to have a higher polygon count.

>> No.9972629
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I don't hate the art design, but fucking hell why did they sign off on her expression in the final model? She has a look on her face that's a mix of confusion, concern, and shame. That's the look of someone who knows that everyone can smell that she shit herself but can't acknowledge it because they're in an important meeting.

>> No.9972637


>> No.9972735
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>> No.9972871

Deus Ex? More like, Deus Nuts!
This meme was made by the Perfect Dark gang

>> No.9973398
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Blah blah blah, something about Joanna Dark being my waifu and me wanting to nut in her tight secret agent womb.
Did I save the thread yet?

>> No.9975134

Would the game have had a bigger legacy if it was rated T like Goldeneye?

>> No.9975135

Deus Ex sucks dick

>> No.9975465

That's racis towards Asian people.

>> No.9975502
File: 16 KB, 159x159, IMG_2525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What in the name of mental gymnastics are you talking about?

>> No.9976059

I like the beta Perfect Dark Zero Gamecube design

>> No.9976070

stop posting this cringe reaction pic you fucking fag

>> No.9977738

How will I ever recover?

>> No.9977742

They were so fucking close to Perfect Dark perfection. Then they changed Joanna to look like a weirdly sexual doll with a pretty awful personality. It’s madness I say!