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File: 509 KB, 1280x480, Is Fallout 1 or Fallout 2 better.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9962146 No.9962146 [Reply] [Original]

Which one is better?

>> No.9962174

FO2 is fully fleshed out in terms of features, but the story and ambiance are worse.

Both are worth experiencing on their own merits.

>> No.9962462

I'm a FO1 guy. But, just to make the thread spicy Sonora is the best.

>> No.9962473

Fallout 2, both could really use a modern source port,

>> No.9962483

These are still in development though, and they obviously don't work with sfall, meaning they won't support many mods.

>> No.9962487

Both are good. Fallout 2’s humor gets on my nerves at times and most of the political references are extremely dated, (would any zoomers even get the Dan Quayle joke?) but besides that, it’s a better game overall just because it feels like a more refined version of the first game.

>> No.9962490

They both have their merits. Any time I revisit them I just play both.

>> No.9962494

>it feels like a more refined version of the first game
I wouldn't say "refined", more like "expanded"

>> No.9962504

It depends on what you want
>a tight, semi-linear adventure that you can do everything in 1 run and finish it over the weekend
>a big sandbox game with a much less compressed narrative but lots of small stories in the world
Because they both do what they're doing very well.

>> No.9962531

I prefer 2 but I like the more light-hearted and silly tone of it. I can understand why people would like the more serious and tighter story and world of 1 more though.

>> No.9962535

I just want one that can make combat faster, the fastest setting is still fucking slow and as much as I love Fallout combat was never it's strong suit outside of Tactics which (mostly) lacked everything else that made Fallout good.

>> No.9962546

I'm playing fallout 1 right now because it's not too long and I can enjoy a classic rpg casually for a week or so before it's over. Fallout 2 has so much damn content and the map is huge, it's basically the bbc of the fallout series. Love that game but that one's a deep dive for sure. It's definitely more bang for your buck but I find myself replaying the first one more often for practical reasons

>> No.9962550

New vegas was the better of the two

>> No.9962562

It would have been the best Fallout if not for Bethesda. Turning Fallout into an FPS was the dumbest decision ever, and using the Oblivion engine to do it was even dumber. Also, as everyone knows, the game only had 18 months of development, so a lot of it is clearly underdeveloped.

>> No.9962575

1 if you're a chad adult
2 if your a teenager that posts on reddit

>> No.9962636

NV is dogshit like every open world game

>> No.9962640

Fallout 1 and 2 are open world too...

>> No.9962661

I like Fallout 1 better. It is shorter and smaller but I feel it plays a lot better to the games strength then being too big and bloated. Without time limit restrictions it becomes even better.

>> No.9962683


>> No.9962693

Sure, I can agree with that. But that doesn't mean that NV is bad. The fact that it's an FPS is stupid, but the story is really good, and that's what really matters in a Fallout game.
I wish we had got Van Buren instead of NV, but still, NV is at least much better than Bethesda garbage you expect to see nowadays.

>> No.9962885

i'd prefer 2 if you could skip the tutorial or had an alternate start. i always felt like being a tribal kinda forces you into a certain playstyle.

>> No.9962892
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>> No.9962893

I always just sneak + save scum through the entire tutorial. It takes less than 5 minutes.

>> No.9963236
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I prefer the original. I liked the tactical elements of moving your squad around.

>> No.9963413

Its weird that people seem to gloss over all the weird shit in Fallout 2 that more hurts the setting. I feel like Fallout 2 writing has to be engaged with a higher level of abstraction. Like its not REALLY about dealing with some of the situations and the people involved, its about the ideas they represent. Like the ghosts and talking deathclaws
All the sex stuff though is just bizarre I dont mean the New Reno stuff. I mean when there's just constant winking towards sex and innuendo for no reason. I get it man the wasteland is a horny place but it approaches immersion breaking. Like how you can't even go deal with the president of the enclave without it being punctuated by his a woman making kneepad and Dick jokes.
and sometimes the popculture stuff gets a little egregious.
Feels like people who praise Fallout 2 focus more on the quantity. But I do think the core of Fallout 2 is really cool. These interpretations of a rebuilding society are great and prompt interesting questions. Just a shame some of the cruft couldn't be shaved. And thats why I like Fallout more at the end of the day, it's tighter and immersive as hell.

>> No.9963420

FO1 is a superior narrative with fun gameplay in a (relatively) small package.
FO2 is a extremely basic narrative with a lot more side stories that don't connect much with the wider world, however it retains and expands upon the gameplay while keeping the role playing aspects.
Overall they are both good, while the pop culture meme shit in 2 can get a little annoying they both are quite good.

>> No.9963450
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>the wasteland is a horny place
I never understood this and even more I don't understand how a literal faggot (tim cain) managed to make a quite grounded game without being overly sexual. Fallout 2 and any post apocalypse game should be sexual and those retards who insert their fucked up fetish trash in them should be executed. Like if you want to say something about human trafficking or prostitution, something like that it's gonna have sexual shit in it, understandable. However when I am just going about doing normal shit I don't need to be bombarded by sexual shit because I'm not thinking about tits and dicks 24/7 like some of these weirdos, it always takes me out of the experience and it goes for just about everything.

>> No.9963473

Fallout 2 because it's a straight up bigger and better game. Every single argument against Fallout 2 is a meme.
>too big and bloated
It's an open world game. Just don't be a mentally ill completionist.
>quantity over quality
It has both. If you were to compare the number of interesting and highly replayable sidequests in both games, 2 wins easily.
>muh grimdark
2 has the darkest content in the series and therefore needed more levity to balance it out. 1 could be very silly at times too with characters like Loxley and references to South Park.
>muh pop culture references
Most of them went over your head
>worse story
It's the exact same story. The player is sent to find a macguffin in order to save his people and then sent on an unrelated mission to stop the antagonist faction which suddenly becomes a threat. It just comes down to whether you prefer the Enclave or Master's Army. Both were cool from a design perspective and retarded from an ideological perspective, but I feel the Enclave were more thematic as a parody of the US.
>less cohesive
Perhaps, but nobody can argue that 2 didn't introduce a great deal of uniqueness to the Fallout universe. Almost everything people love thematically about New Vegas came from 2 originally.

>> No.9963476

>all the weird shit in Fallout 2 that more hurts the setting
Yeah this has always bothered me too. People love to shit on the Bethesda games for playing fast and loose with the lore but interplay was already doing the same (arguably to an even greater degree) by the second game. Complain about their writing all you want but any issues with later fallouts having inconsistent tone or lore or whatever are something that's pretty core to the series.

>> No.9963480

This isnt retro but my thoughts are
The problem with the bethesda ones have more to do with a failure on actual construction of narrative and integration with game mechanics. I don't really think of it as a matter of opinion aside from " i dont care about story in games so I like them anyway" which is fine.

>> No.9963484 [DELETED] 

You don't need to be an asshole over opinions on 25 year old toys

>> No.9963486

Fallout 2 dumb dialogue is fundamentally different and its shoddy as a result. IN fallout 1 it was simple, if you're dumb you are simply a retard. The comedy comes from people reacting to you. You are locked out of a lot of the game but a shocking amount can still be done but this isnt as big a deal because you can still stumble upon how to beat the game even on a blind fallout playthrough where you are dumbThis cannot be done for fallout 2 because the game is so large and the things you have to do are a bit more complicated so it would be exceedingly frustrating to be locked out of everything they wrote more dialogue making your character less retarded but it is not consistent at all SOmetimes your character acts like and is treated like a total disconnected hopeless retard. Other times retarded but still able to somewhat follow whats happening. Other times he's monosyllabic but still capable of basic reasoning. And OTHER times he is just as smart as anyone else, but he uses 'Me' in place of 'I' and he's making an at time complicated yet apt pop culture reference. They're trying to make you the player laugh at just the dialogue line even if you don't pick it. That hurts verisimilitude a bit. I can play fallout 1 as this dumb yet powerful silent wanderer and it can almost be dignified. In fallout 2 its too inconsistent to feel like a cohesive character
and then whats even weirder is when the reaction doesn't match and the Enclave soldier somehow believe a total mental retard could ever be a fellow enclave soldier.
The tribal aspect doesn't make sense but i can see why they did it. in fallout 1 you are sheltered outsider but you bring educated reasoning and even science and tech skill in a way you are a person of the old world. in fallout 2 you are a sheltered outsider and you are also a person of the old world. but not the old world as in pre great war, old world as in fallout 1. you are the dumb wastelander now and everyone else has ascended past you.

>> No.9963492

itd be better for you to respond to things people are actually saying rather than copy and pasting your brief counter to statements that you imagine someone would be saying about fallout 2

>> No.9964070

1 is a better story and atmosphere, 2 is a better game

>> No.9964291

So... play the stuff that integrates to the main story only. Ignore the hundreds of hours of extra exposition, lore, characters, etc. This goes for Fallout 1 and many of those similar games.

People wanting ONLY the core story are better off with Sony movie games.

>> No.9965056

The problem with Bethesda games is that their worlds are fundamentally broken. While the worlds of Fallout 1, 2, and NV are constantly evolving with new factions appearing and old ones dying out, Bethesda games are basically "haha brotherhood of steel in power armor shoot at dumb mutants". Bethesda doesn't think about things like the lack of living plants in Fallout 3, or the Institute making no sense in Fallout 4, or a xenophobic group contacting random wastelanders via satellite in Fallout 76.
Fallout 2 is nowhere near as bad. It has a bunch of little problems, but fundamentally it holds up. The ghost woman in the Den or all the innuendo shit could get removed, and it wouldn't affect the overall story. If you were to try to remove all the dumb shit from Bethesda games, there would be nothing left.

>> No.9965062 [DELETED] 
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Remove the space in blogspot

Anyone that likes Fallout 1 the best is a visual novel fan and should not be trusted

>> No.9965356

i feel like the greatest irony with grognards is their crying of bethesda keeping things stagnant but they screech at any deviation or twist to the canon.

>While the worlds of Fallout 1, 2, and NV are constantly evolving with new factions appearing and old ones dying out.
my problem with fallout as a post-post-apocalyptic setting (circa new vegas) is that like ever PPA setting that isn't star trek it's pretty fucking boring.

i'd rather have the mad max, cryptids & terminators of the east coast games than the cowboys & legionaries of the west coast games. it's less masturbatory that way.

>> No.9965395

>I don't really think of it as a matter of opinion aside from " i dont care about story in games so I like them anyway" which is fine.
even though mods are the only way that make it possible i'd rather make my own story than follow the plot of "find <noun here>" that every fallout game has.

>> No.9965418

>i'd rather make my own story
What the fuck are you talking about make your own story? Even puzzle games have storylines half the time. Only game I can think of that you can actually make your own story is elite/frontier elite. You're a bonafide moron.

>> No.9965430

Ok I see you want to make a game. Let me tell you something about playing your own mods for the story... You won't. Why? Because, you will play tested every quest and gone through every dialogue options so many times, you'll be sick of it and if your not than you're a egotistical narcissist.

>> No.9965438

are you unironically autistic?

most (if not all) sandbox games are basically "do whatever" while mods do things like add factions, new questlines, etc. which add to that "do whatever" experience.

>> No.9965497

did you respond to the wrong post

>> No.9965501

But fallout 2 is way more of a VN than fallout 1, wtf are you saying. Gameplay in Fallout 1 is evenly paced. Fallout 2 can have you go entire play sessions of just talking

>> No.9965506

>i feel like the greatest irony with grognards is their crying of bethesda keeping things stagnant but they screech at any deviation or twist to the canon.
this isn't hypocrisy, this is just you completely failing to understand what others are saying
>west coast games have no mad max

>> No.9965519 [DELETED] 

There's a lot of stats being used in Fallout 2 under the hood, making it more of an RPG. Fallout 1 doesn't use Charisma in anyway. Heck, the most useless stat in all of Fallout (Endurance) gets use in FO2 with a few checks.

I've modded both games and FO1 is a pretty but barely finished mess and might as well not even be an RPG

>> No.9965521

None of that fucking matters though, again what are you saying? What are you trying to argue for?

>> No.9965527 [DELETED] 

I don't want to call you low IQ, but what are you missing? Fallout 1 is too short for it to have meaningful RPG growth. Meanwhile Fallout 2 is long enough that you're constantly evolving.

Finding out things like putting sunglasses in an empty slot giving you more charisma in FO2 matters. If that was in FO1, it wouldn't matter because there's barely enough game to justify something like that.

>> No.9965537

I think you're just wrong to be honest. I don't think you even understand your own criticism of the game. You have moon logic.

>> No.9965539

I really don't dig games with a time limit, let alone an RPG that's supposed to mimick GURPS so I'll always go with 2
Also playing as a dyke is tight

>> No.9965541

i'll never understand why the time limit bothers people

>> No.9965542

They all have storylines. You can roleplay, but there's still a predefined story that will always be there unless you mod it out. Are you going to write out a journal old-school style of your journey in the game? I don't think so, you're probably going to run around aimlessly killing shit then reloading your saves, try and use a custom build but fuck it off because you can't into immersive roleplay, follow the same storyline anyways because you get bored of trying to create your own story. Based on your previous posts (of you're even the same anon) I doubt you could do a full playthrough of fallout 2 without doing any of the main quest. It's impossible in fo1 unless you use the remove time limit mod.

>> No.9965548

People are too used to Bethesda games so they just want to fuck off and have no actual stakes to their wandering. To them that is fun and player empowering. Even though you'd have to go out of your way to fuck up really bad and lose to the time limit

>> No.9965580 [DELETED] 

Fallout 3

I don't like isometric games but I do like pissing off NMAfags

>> No.9965584 [DELETED] 

not retro

>> No.9965607

there are vns too where you can equip sunglasses and get bonuses. im not sure how you can bring stuff like that up and then say that makes it more of an rpg. this whole more of an rpg less of an rpg thing is too abstract and meaningless an argument. at the end of the day its true that fallout 1 has more evenly paced gameplay segments while fallout 2 has you do lots of talking and reading. so if any game is more like a vn its fallout 2

>> No.9965646

go back to /v/

>> No.9965651

They should have ported Fallout to consoles

>> No.9965657 [DELETED] 

3 more years and it will be ;)

>> No.9965661

FO1 is a more condensed solid adventure.
FO2 has more content but it's too big for its own good and feels more scattered and less focused as a result.

I go with 1.

>> No.9965664

Fo2 is for all the size queens out there. Fo1 is for all my short kings

>> No.9966256
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How is this for fallout 2

>> No.9966359

Ok for a pacifist run.

>> No.9966445

I dont know how to tell you this but you can't effectively RP as a bussy hunter in FO2

>> No.9966451

Do companions in classic fallouts make sneaking useless or do they also get the sneak bonuses

>> No.9966460

I'm pretty sure they just don't cause any trouble while sneaking

>> No.9966464

Is a pacifist run truly possible in fo2 without having to fight against the game itself? It strikes me as being an overt action game

>> No.9967526

Your mom's butt

>> No.9967540

2 has better guns

>> No.9967590

Why didnt they port it to consoles?

>> No.9967627

>all the weird shit in Fallout 2 that more hurts the setting
I think That's exactly it for me as well.

SUBTLY Referencing existing post apocalyptic content like Mad Max, A boy and his dog, Wasteland, Terminator or any other equally dark sci-fi is usually fine because it pays homage to its inspiration.

Making pop culture jokes is just hammy.

>> No.9967661

It's absolutely possible but imho a total pain in the ass if you don't have high outdoorsman

>> No.9967697

Fallout probably would be hard to play on a controller due to its point-and-click nature.

>> No.9967715

If anyone made a Wild Wasteland mod (essentially hiding all the meta stuff, the ghosts, the bad skits etc behind a trait) for Fallout 2, do you think that would put the game above Fallout 1?

>> No.9967731

Ticking clock in 1 sucks but it's not that bad only because there's a lack of content compared to 2.

2 has a painfully slow start, though. Temple of Trials sucks and then there's going all the way through the rat dungeon if you want that car part.
Maybe they could have done something like you can go all the way through the rats OR you can fight one dude that will absolutely wreck you if you try him early game.
Then if you came back later on you could just skip the rats.

>> No.9967762

Do you guys play with or without companions

>> No.9967763

Why does the time limit bother people so much? The initial time limit of 150 days to find the water chip is very generous, and if you don't find it in that time, it's your fault. The original version of the game has a time limit of 500 days, which makes perfect sense in the context of the story and adds tension. It also ensures that you won't complete most of the content on your first playthrough, and encourages you to replay the game, perhaps with a different build. People who don't like the time limit almost feel like bethestards: they don't want the game to punish them for their mistakes (being too slow in destroying the Master and his army).

>> No.9967772

I don't consider the clock a huge deal but I don't think it adds any enjoyment to the game for me.

>> No.9967792

Im replaying 2, why wont Mynoc give me the flint quest

>> No.9967874

If I recall correctly you need 7 perception or better to notice the guard's fancy spear. Is that related?

>> No.9968160
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>playing fallout New Vegas means you are or are likely to get GID
Explain, oh asshat down syndrome cripple. Still angry that the creators of fallout don't share certain social or political views? How fucking PETTY! Oooh, such an "insightful" picture of yours, so informative, NOT! Guilt by association fallacy, oh fuckup 76 cultist. E oy your buyers remorse and asset flip of FO4.

>> No.9969259

May be right

>> No.9969269

NV outrights says that the Legion ending brings peace to the Mojave, faggot. .

>> No.9969296

Isnt charisma OP in 2? People say its a dump stat but I imagine 10 charisma 5 followers being most broken thing ever or are followers not that good

>> No.9969341

...until Caesar dies, that is. I think the point of the game is that the Legion is a very efficient system, but because it's a cult of personality, it's a very unstable one.
Yes, charisma is useful in 2. It's pretty useless in NV though.

>> No.9969359

*useless in NV and Fallout 1

>> No.9969393
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Yes, Fallout 2 was the only game in the series where Charisma wasn't a dump stat. Fully leveled Cassidy, Sulik, and Vic are as strong as the player. Lenny and Myron are trash offensively, but their ability to wear power armor means they can soak up a lot of damage. Marcus is a glass cannon in the sense that he can deal extremely high damage, but his lack of armor means that he can die easily late game. The only other companions worth using are Dogmeat and Skynet, but they become useless late game. Also you need at least 7 charisma to pass every dialog check in the game. With that said, there's no reason to max charisma since you can boost it with items and the magnetic personality perk allows you to recruit a full party with only 8 charisma.

>> No.9969724

Do you not like Goris? Deathclaws are cool

So should you make your char with 7 charisma since you will get 1 permenant and then the perk you're talking about

>> No.9969735

Do perks that increase skills benefit from the double bonus of being tagged?

>> No.9970042

Where do dl Sonora from (and that other Mexican Russian mod)? Gimme a quick guide if you have it

>> No.9970045

Fallout 1 has the perfect scope and avoids shoddy Gen X humor for the most part. Second one goes hard in on Grampy Bone and segues into Fluffer territory. Same shit writing that ruined Arcanum (if the abysmal combat did not kill it outright).