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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 159 KB, 2560x1161, 713O5npuQYL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9961536 No.9961536 [Reply] [Original]

>sells 3.5x more than Saturn
>this is last place somehow according to /vr/

>> No.9961538

N64 won

>> No.9961539

>3.5 million console war threads on /vr/
>this is acceptable according to OP

>> No.9961540

Who gives a fuck about consoleshit. PC was the one truly amazing platform.

>> No.9961543

n64 was better than PC

>> No.9961546

/vr/ always forget abouth piracy

saturn software sales are always 3x
and psx software sale are always 10x (30x in popular games like Gran Turismo, Fifa and Tekken 3)

>> No.9961548
File: 93 KB, 640x448, 53956-bulk_slash_j-8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yet the Saturn has 3.5x more games worth playing. Actually far more than 3.5x more.

>> No.9961552

piracy isnt sales buddy

>> No.9961559

They're both okay but Dreamcast is better than both imo

>> No.9961561

objectively correct

>> No.9961562

I had no idea the sega saturn even existed growing up. It was a weird revelation to me in the mid 00's when I was getting into retro gaming & emulation.
Every single person I knew had a N64 or a PS1.
Why was sega so shitty at marketing the Saturn?

>> No.9961601
File: 74 KB, 378x396, 1586810222989.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still bummed about the dreamcast, it's such a cool system but it came out just a couple of years before the next gen of consoles and it was forgotten as soon as the ps2 came out, sega should have just waited until the next gen or delayed the saturn to make it better

>> No.9961610

Nah they suck

>> No.9961617
File: 1.80 MB, 335x237, neckbeard_cat.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the one hand, you got Sega autists who are in 20+ years denial that the Saturn wasn't a commerical failure that killed Sega in the long run and who get off on having a console thats kind of niche so they can go "N64? Playstation? Pfft, I only play real games" to impressionable morons

Then you have the Nintendo fanboys who will loudly proclaim how literally every single important innovation in video games is all thanks to Mario 64, that the console is somehow underrated despite selling over 30 million copies, and that it totally could had won the console war if it didn't X or if devs would have gotten gud or Nintendos dev tools weren't dogshit etc

Both are the /vr/ equivalent to zealotous chinks who spam any naysayer of their glorious idol into oblivion with idiotic dogma. What they have in common is they are both completely insufferable

Would it kill you faggots to just say "Hey, this is a video game I enjoy" without turning it into a shit-flinging contest and making /vr/ into /v/ 2.0

>> No.9961628

i honestly feel bad for kids that didn't have an N64. they missed out on a critical part of late 90s-2000s american youth culture. summer days spent lighting shit on fire in the woods or splashing in the pool, then going home to play some N64 with your buddies and eat pizza pockets and watch malcolm in the middle. maybe it was different elsewhere, but in my little NJ suburb, you wouldn't have known the N64 was second place. it was the crown jewel of every living room. most kids had a PS1 also, myself included, but it was always the backup option; and the Saturn basically didn't exist. your buddy might say "oh yeah my brother has a PS1, we could play twisted metal later", and you'd end up playing goldeneye, smash or MK64 for hours. it wasn't even uncommon to play something like Banjo with three of us sitting around passing the controller back and fourth, messing around the worlds and laughing at dumb shit. the thing was a multiplayer king, but when it was a late friday night and you were all alone, that's when the real shit went down. you'd sit in your dark room playing ocarina of time, completely immersed in this amazing medieval world, or get high on soda while playing SM64, riding a koopa shell around bobomb battlefield. you didn't know the system only had 400 games, you didn't care that everybody had the same 10 games as you. the games were amazing, and the fact you had so many people to share the experience with only made them better. it also had a ton of good games beyond the normal stuff, but you'd rarely see more than one or two in a given collection because the best games were so overwhelmingly desirable. it was more than just a console, it was a social experience, and it had killer games to boot. i enjoyed my time with my PS1, i liked playing FF7 and 9 or ape escape. ergheiz was cool too, and i used to love watching my older brother play resident evil. it didn't leave the kind of impact on me that the N64 did.

>> No.9961653

At the end of the day, ranking consoles based on libraries comes down to preference, but the N64 definitely lags behind the Saturn and PlayStation on the genres it offered. It still had some cool 3rd party titles, I liked Doom 64.

>> No.9961681

Who the fucks argues that the Saturn was a comercial failure? Most Saturn fans just say that it was actually a good system. The it didn't bomb in Japan is merely another way to say that the jp only library is very good since the console was supported more

>> No.9961762

>but the N64 definitely lags behind the Saturn and PlayStation on the genres it offered.
nah man, i'm sorry but you know this is some bullshit. it may have had the fewest number of games, but it had the best in every genre that it focused on, and all that it lacked were RPGs and fighters which are dogshit 99% of the time anyway. it was the undisputed god of platformers, shooters, racers, adventure games and puzzlers. it even had some extremely respectable shmups, strategy games and sims despite very limited offerings. PS1 and even Saturn may have had more overall titles in some of these genres, but they were never as good. you play PS1 and Saturn for the mixed variety of games they have, but when you want the best in a given genre, it almost always defaults to the N64. find me an adventure game better than OoT or MM. find me a shooter better than goldeneye, perfect dark, doom 6 or quake 2. puzzlers? wetrix tetrisphere, blast corps, dr. mario, puzzle league, many more. racing gamesbaren't even comparable with the likes of f-zero x, wipeout 64, mk64, diddy, world driver, top gear rally 2, tons and tons more. the N64 was a beast.

>> No.9961802

What about TODAY huh faggot? What about TODAY? I think I can count the number of n64 games still worth playing on one hand

>> No.9961806

today, it still has some of the best games ever made.

>> No.9961837
File: 1.93 MB, 1796x1197, sega-dreamcast-new-featured.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Who the fucks argues that the Saturn was a comercial failure?
Tom Kalinske, Bernie Stolar, Chris Senn, probably Jon Burton, perhaps Yuji Naka. Once you get past the first party and Capcom games there's not really much else on it. In terms of Japanese stuff it's really just Konami games and a handful of others that are worth playing. I'll agree it's a good system, but it could've been a bit better. I prefer it over N64 but they both could've used more third party support like the PS1 had.

>> No.9961867
File: 996 KB, 1389x540, N64In2023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess 5 counts as some

>> No.9961871

>thing is only good if i say so
nope lol

>> No.9961882
File: 1.47 MB, 498x264, aids-charlie-sheen.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>N64 won

>> No.9961887

Ah yes my favorite obscure gem, Super Smash Bros.

>> No.9961909

>n64 was better than PC
>i honestly feel bad for kids that didn't have an N64. they missed out on a critical part of late 90s-2000s american youth culture. summer days spent lighting shit on fire in the woods or splashing in the pool, then going home to play some N64 with your buddies and eat pizza pockets and watch malcolm in the middle. maybe it was different elsewhere, but in my little NJ suburb, you wouldn't have known the N64 was second place. it was the crown jewel of every living room. most kids had a PS1 also, myself included, but it was always the backup option; and the Saturn basically didn't exist.
Sorry anon your experience just sounds like the fictitious hyperventilating ramblings of soemone who has tried to build an identity around a brand. The PS1 was an iconic console up there with the 2600. The N64 was a pile of meh for kids. There is a reason that RE 1/2/3 and silent hill are on the playstation. Please try and thing more before posting chatgpt tier lunacy. Equally the only real contender to the PlayStation 1 in its era was the PC which was far ahead of all consoles.Aside form the silent hiolls, resident evils, wipeouts etc etc you also have the warcrafts, diablos and command a conquers which were available on both PC and Playstation One. Their ports on N64 if available were either abominations lacking multiplay or years late. teh N64 was a turbo nothing to most people who were into games. Sry for the truth pill.

>> No.9961915

>Ah yes my favorite obscure gem
Genuine braindead retard.
Games objectively still worth playing and would recommend universally.
Games that can be worth playing would recommend depending on the person.
Notable games that were good for the time but aged like milk.
Well known games that were never liked.
Not listed = not worth playing.

>> No.9961935

Does PC have Mario 64? Zelda? Also RE2 on n64 content mogs the shitty hack job that was the pc version. Even Goldeneye was a better fps than anything available on PC at the time. The only kid that was gaming on PC's where the ones not allowed to own a console

>> No.9961939

>There is a reason that RE 1/2/3 and silent hill are on the playstation
Because it was the movie game console so they put those shitty walking sims on it

>> No.9961965


I bet you think shmups are games.

>> No.9962001

Still upset that you're 2.68 mhz SNES couldn't handle shooters, I see?

>> No.9962081 [DELETED] 

Spotted the sweaty who had no friends growing up and thus never got to experience multiplayer 64.

Stay mad, geek.

>> No.9962103
File: 246 KB, 570x668, 1679785923004463.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blatant console warring thread. Everyone should die.

>> No.9962270



>> No.9962637

I prefer the Saturn overall. N64’s few heavy hitting games have little to no replay value.

>> No.9962643

Cuz it sucks. Ok it has Wave race and f zero. That's it

Saturn had at least 10 more games but really ps1 won this era

>> No.9962648

This fzero wasn't even multiplayer LOL

It had a few basketball games and gauntlet too though so maybe 5 games

>> No.9962684

You're right it does have a few others but that controller and the dumb amount of blur is still ass

>> No.9962698

I prefer Ogre Battle on ps1/saturn and that’s not a great list of games either. GameCube is far better and it’s not just the graphics that make it good which is why 8-bit NES (and SNES) are also more fun than N64.

Try finding something fun like the NES titles Bionic Commando, Vice Project Doom, Nightshade, and others that are just fun to play when you wake up on the weekend. The N64 is just lacking. Every other system from them (including the Japanese gambling cards) are just better.

It’s just missing something. They had neither inspiration nor soul during that era. I don’t know what happened.

>> No.9962718

>This fzero wasn't even multiplayer LOL
either masterfully crafted bait or legitimately retarded

>> No.9962774
File: 122 KB, 739x840, 1669420268057170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this an actually good game or is it just a mediocre one that people are fellating because it got a translation patch like Racing Lagoon?

>> No.9962889
File: 24 KB, 600x601, Where_did_you_learn_to_fly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked it ok but I like big robots. I dialog during play incredibly annoying. So you have to put some blinders on to really like the game. Pic kinda related.