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9956937 No.9956937 [Reply] [Original]

So I just finished Final Fantasy III on NES and after years of hearing about how The Crystal Tower is an abysmal final dungeon and one of the worst in the entire series, it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be. The lack of save points is still dumb, but the only actually frustrating parts were the Ahriman and The Cloud of Darkness and it wasn't even that long compared to any other final dungeon I've played through. The Ancient ruins dungeon with the splitting enemies was way more frustrating.

>> No.9956986

If you used Ninjas or Sages then you didn't beat the game

>> No.9957007

The biggest problem is it's boring. It's long, but linear, without anything much to do except power through. FFIII is carried by it's breakneck pace through most of the game, and then the final dungeon is a slog that makes it noticeably more boring.
That's my theory though. I think FFIII is not as good as people say, and is the weakest of the NES FFs.

>> No.9957041

>weakest of the NES FFs
I dunno man, FF2 has a few stupid dungeons, and don't forget it puts you right into the middle of a room with extremely high encounter rate if you go in the wrong doors. Castle Pandemonium kinda makes up for it I guess, especially its music in the gba/ps1 versions.

>> No.9957546

It wasn't even that long though. Sylx Tower wasn't too long for an endgame dungeon and World of Darkness was only 6 rooms. I'd understand the complaints more if WoD was just as long as Sylx Tower and the game didn't give you any healing between areas.

>> No.9957851

Yeah but playing it on hardware as a kid, without being able to save after defeating xande, then again being unable to save after every dark warrior battle, was awful. All you need to do is get to level 60 and it is easy but time consuming as other anons pointed out already

>> No.9957887

What makes it long is you have to keep backtracking to save over and over unless you're willing to risk losing most of your progress since its fundamentally a boss gauntlet where you can get killed at any point along the way.

>> No.9957898

My favorite game in the series. Just superb. Had you enjoyed it OP.

Fuck the DS remake.

Also has anyone here ever done a Fully Equipped Onion Knight run? Still wanting to go back and do it one day.

>> No.9957904

So, I'm coming around to defending FF2. And my argument is that FF2 is fundamentally a dungeon crawler still. Modern FF isn't, and hasn't been for a long while. 3 isn't, I replayed 4 recently and am still thinking over whether it still has that dungeon crawl aspect.
But 2 I think is built around the dungeons being the whole game, and so each one is built as a challenge. 1 does it better, but 2 is over degredated.

>> No.9957905


>> No.9957909

>playing it on hardware as a kid,
How'd you manage that? Or are you a zoomer? When I was a kid the NES was still the current gen and I didn't get to play this for year until emulation and a translation patch. It was one of the first RPGs I beat on an emulator in early 2000s.

>> No.9957940

Nice. nta, but FFV is why I originally got an emulator in the mid-to-late-90s. I remember the emulator couldn't do transparency right, and so I had to just force myself trough the ship graveyard because I couldn't see through the water.

>> No.9957951

anyone who hates crystal tower is an absolute pussy bitch

final dungeons are supposed to be a little longer and harder, otherwise what's the point?

>> No.9957973

ff2 is a lot of fun. I can see where you are coming from with the dungeon crawler idea, and the stat system supports that idea perfectly. Struggle through dungeons slowly becoming stronger, while finding mystical powerful equipment, with such a limited inventory. It gives you full power to master whatever aspect of the game you want, but somehow each character feels unique. Modern ff games somehow make each character blend together even though they try so hard to give them unique character traits

>> No.9957998

>get to the final boss the first time
>"Oh you didn't know to do these four other things? Okay the final boss is literally impossible."
>redo the entire dungeon
>do the four dark crystals
>get to last dark crystal boss, a big dragon
>he hits for 6-7k damage a turn, killing my team easily
>redo entire dungeon
>get to final boss
>it's just the fucking same Garuda bullshit
>"I have only one move, it does 2k damage, and your best character's best party-wide heal does 300hp. I will spam this move until you are dead and there is nothing you can do but hope rng is in your favor."

The boss fights in this game are fucking abysmal and completely destroy it. That and the stiff, poorly balanced job system. After playing FF2 and beating this, I would sooner play FF2 again despite it being objectively garbage just because it would be over with sooner.

>> No.9958056

Why so hostile towards the remake? It's perfectly fine as a standalone game, and even made bosses more challenging by giving them a 2nd phase. I also appreciate that the classes are all viable to some extent whereass the majority of the classes in the famicom game suck ass. My last run was a Dragoon/Thief/Devout/Scholar run for the DS.
I prefer the famicom game due to the higher enemy limit, but both are great in my honest opinion.

>> No.9959171

Use a bard for free healing every round.

>> No.9959957

Agreed, played this co-op with my then gf a decade ago and it was chill

>> No.9960249

nes ff are nearly unplayable

pixel remasters are at least playable but still tedious

iv, v, vi and vii are the only good ones

>> No.9960513

I played it on the DS. I did die on the final boss once and had to do the whole dungeon again, but a part from that I never had a problem with it. Is the NES version much harder than the DS one? I was surprised when I found out the online consensus was that its hard.

>> No.9960553
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Oh man, I went through that as well.
>mfw I figured out how to disable graphics layers to get through the invisible water

>> No.9960570

>after years of hearing about how [literally anything from a retro game] is an abysmal final dungeon and one of the worst in the entire series, it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be

It's almost like you should stop taking the opinions of seething, underwear-shitting, malding basement virginal /vr/ chuds seriously. It's almost like the zoomer infestation on this board does nothing but shriek to high heaven about every tiny bit of perceived challenge is intolerable "bullshit" that someone needs to be made to pay for. It's almost like you can play video games and maybe have to replay a section once or twice and it's fine and not something to pluck your eyes out, rend your sack-clotch garments, and stab your mother over.

>> No.9960587
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Ignore the OP. The final dungeon of FF3 is completely unforgivable.
You're funnel-nosed in the hardest possible way to using just Sages and Ninjas. And in a game that's all about customizing your party, that's insane.
But to be fair, the game did warn you before this.
With that god awful Garuda fight, forcing you to use Dragoons.

Why the fuck did they do this.

>> No.9960637

>in a game that's all about customizing your party,
It's a game about using the right tool for the right job, and the right tool for the final dungeon is ninjas and sages. You're playing wrong on purpose and then blaming the game, you dink.

>> No.9960659

>It's a game about using the right tool-
You're just saying words.
As if words changes the essence of argument.
I will suffer no more of the words you strung together in order.

>> No.9960728

It's one of those where the remake makes the final part of the game actually harder

>> No.9960750

You can only get Ninja and Sage if you go into the cheat area (Eureka) that gives you those classes and overpowered equipment.
It perfectly doable to beat FF3 without entering it.

>> No.9960752
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>It perfectly doable to beat FF3 without entering it
Oh yeah, fuckface?
At what level.
And how long would it take to grind?
Tell me.

>> No.9960767

He's right though, on top of Garuda and the ending there is also the area that is designed for Mystic Knights. There may be others I don't recall.

On top of that all, people complain about this because they come from FF5 in which all jobs are seen as more or less equal opportunities. But this is a backwards approach: FF3 doesn't come from FF5, it's a mix of elements from FF1 and DQ3. And in both those games, class changes are seen as upgrades, in FF1 classes changes are direct upgrades and in DQ3 you have the mages upgrading to Sage, and even any other class change is (usually, unless you do it REALLY wrong) an upgrade because you keep your spells and half the stats from the previous job.

This was the approach to classes in JRPGs, allowing one to upgrade, and this is what FF3 does and takes a step further. A lot of jobs in the game are direct upgrades to previous ones, and Sages and Ninjas are the ultimate upgrades that can do pretty much everything in their respective deparments, so what is there to complain about basically? That the game dares to give you a final upgrade for the end game ? or that you missed the entire point of class changes during your entire playthrough(s) ?

>> No.9960778

>There may be others I don't recall.
There are the mini dungeon where you have to change everyone into casters and the battle against Hein where you need a Scholar.

>> No.9960797

You say he's right but there you go reinforcing MY argument.
Those STUPID fucking Dark Knight areas where literally everything splits over and over until you hit them with dark swords. It's novel to have enemies that can do that, but it's repugnant to fill entire dungeons with nothing but those enemies.

>> No.9960914

>cheat area (Eureka)
>Literally doing what the game tells you to do is cheating according to a retard on 4cheddit

>> No.9961241

You can nuke them with mages or a party of geomancers. Use your brain and figure out stuff

>> No.9961261

>You say he's right but there you go reinforcing MY argument.

You're in saying customization is a thing, but you're wrong in thinking that customization should mean that all jobs should be equal in all circumstances. A class system was seen as a way to allow empowerment and upgrades through new classes and the game wants you to use the new ones at hand precisely so the player doesn't stick to the first set of classes out of lazyness/attachment and then be ill equipped for the job.

Having new classes throughout the game that are upgrades of old ones even endured in JRPGs as DQ6 and 7 did the same thing

>> No.9961287

You haven't played the game at all if you think at any point in time you are forced to be a dark knight. Shadow enemies can be taken out easily with magic or dragoons. You're just dumb

>> No.9961689

>if you think at any point in time you are forced to be a dark knight.
You are.
>It doesn't force you to be a full party of THIS
>It forces you to be a full party of THAT
>Haha!! Man you're so DUM!!

>> No.9961701

Literal retard. You didn't play the game

>> No.9961708

You don't need a scholar. I'm too lazy to change classes and I did it fine without a scholar.

>> No.9961713
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>> No.9961716

>cheat area
You may be slightly retarded.

>> No.9961718

How is it forcing a choice if there are multiple choices?
You will just say anything even if it makes no sense instead of admitting you were wrong. About a fucking video game.

>> No.9961765

What are the best versions of FFII and FFIII to play. I never had patience for the NES versions so I never finished the games

>> No.9961775

Seeing as how you are a zoomer that was filtered by the NES your best bet is to use an emulator with save states and game genie codes active. And rewind. And use a QoL romhack

>> No.9961784

or just the Pixel Remaster which is about the same thing

>> No.9961786

Millennial actually. They just felt so slow and lacking basic qol features that even SNES games had. I beat the PS1 version of FF1 but FF2 felt a bit empty and lacking soul

>> No.9961874

How can you be so obtuse?
Is it deliberate?