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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9954573 No.9954573 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.9954589
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>> No.9954603

it's only considered good because most n64 games are trash

>> No.9954652

Any N64 game is 1000x better than AAA games now

>> No.9954656

It's way better than any other 3rd-person shooter from the era.

>> No.9954660

>muh console wars

>> No.9954682

Absolutely not.
It wasn't even the best on the N64 in 1999, that would be Winback

>> No.9954689

I'll never get why they let you start all levels as all three of the characters when you sometimes can't get far enough in to do anything. Deceptive design.

>> No.9954875

The range on every weapon is crap. Little enemy variety.

>> No.9955004

Jet force gemini will go down as my favorite game of all time.
The music and different environments make it worth exploring to find all of the alternative paths and tribals.
Developers clearly put a lot of care into the game.
Some neat tidbits of this game:
>most weapons have unique reticles. The timed mine for example has a timer the longer you hold.
>Gags like fish food can be fed to the dog in rith essa (you can also use the shocker on the dog).
>The dkr course greenwood village can be unlocked by beating the arcade high scores in the big fun club
>fish can be blown up by explosives

>> No.9955012

It's a very good game but I wouldn't call it an all time classic. Goldeneye, Blast Corps, Diddy Kong Racing and arguably Perfect Dark and Banjo Kazooie were better games

>> No.9955136

I wish this wasn't real

>> No.9955247

Because that's the bar you want to jump over

>> No.9955260
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>> No.9955615

you can clear all levels with all characters I think you're on burnt 80s plastic fumes

>> No.9955658

Was Tomba not considered a classic?

>> No.9955671

Great game, but the fact that you only can fight the last boss with Juno completely chaps my ass.
If you didn't put all the trirocket capacity crates on him you just threw all those hours in the toilet

>> No.9955675

a lot of people hate it and trash it, I have no idea why. it's also pretty overlooked, don't think many people know it exists.

>> No.9955682

Tomba is considered a classic by most people who've actually played it, it's just that most people haven't and way more only know it now because of memes.

>> No.9957035

I remember it wasn’t popular when it came out because people said it looked ‘gay’

>> No.9957369
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i don't understand

>> No.9957412


Having to rescue ABSOLUTELY ALL of those stupid teddy bears ruins it.
I still must have plowed through it tho because I remember being stuck at the last boss. FUCK THAT, I choose whom to fight him with!

I didn't give Vela the best upgrades and all those tri rockets to be kicked out with half of them and all target seeking missiles still sitting in her inventory because she suddenly decides that Juno is better suited to finish him (somehow...) mates!

>> No.9957428

Tomba suffers from shitty sequel syndrome like Alundra and Brave Fencer Musashi.

Getting everything for a level takes multiple playthroughs with different chars.

>> No.9958119
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Really? jet force was considered a hidden gem in like 2003. It’s been heralded as one of the best n64 games since then. It doesn’t get talked about anymore since nintoddlers became the overwhelming majority of n64 fans in the past 5 or so years. Oot and sm64 are the romhack/speed run/open mouthed youtube thumbnailers community which is now mainstream pop culture. Yeah you get the idea

>> No.9958126

Pure ludo

>> No.9958128

I’d definitely fuck Vela. Put in some earplugs to drown out “muh wamen in da military” and we’re partying.

>> No.9958315

I'd like this game a lot more if collecting every single Tribal wasn't mandatory. There should've at least been an ending system or some other means of giving you incentive to free them. As it stands it's just an arbitrary gatelock

>> No.9958828

I honestly think Syphon Filter 1 & 2 are better than Jet Force Gemini.

>> No.9960660
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Currently replaying it 10 years later. Still holds up.

>> No.9960748
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>another post from a console fanboy that gets triggered because someone said something positive about an n64 game
Why is it only the n64 and only this way? What is it about the n64 that triggers console war fanboys so hard? You can say positive things about games on any other console and it doesn't get this kind of reaction so what gives?
Who feels the need to keep a 25 year old console war alive?

>> No.9960749

Stopped reading.
Form your own opinions.

>> No.9961012
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Battletoads Arcade is the best Battletoads game, a top 5 Rareware game, and the best soundtrack Wise has done outside of DKC. Sadly remains quite overlooked compared to the other Toads games

>> No.9961056
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>best seller on PC and MAC
>influencial, more than half of the things Duke Nukem 3D and other Build games are known for were taken straight from Dark Forces

>not even the recent sourceport brought any traction to the game

>> No.9961927

How do you get past the one with the lava pit at the very entrance that only Lupo can hover over?

>> No.9961972 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9962135

no one even noticed there is a new port

>> No.9963017
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>Lush graphics
>Kino OST
>Soulful character design
>Unique beat-em-up gameplay with platformer elements
>You could steal weapons and power-ups from enemies
>You could ride around in these badass mechs
>Basically proto-Metal Slug

What went wrong?