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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 871 KB, 1200x675, mhouse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9938747 No.9938747 [Reply] [Original]

So this blew up recently and I was wondering what are other examples of amazing horror mods/maps in unexpected games. Up to this point I was familiar mostly with source/gmod content and vidya creepypastas, but it seems there's so much more to discover.

>> No.9938765

Stop watching youtube ecelebs

>> No.9938780

We already had this thread

>> No.9938801

never change vr
maybe I'll have more luck with another thread complaining about zoomers

>> No.9939373

Decino kino

>> No.9939413

Kind of your fault with leading myhouse.wad.

Some classic-ish Doom horror mods/maps:
Lasting Light
Lit Doom
Soundless Mound (basically first person Silent Hill)
Live Through Doom

>> No.9939536

What do you expect coming in looking for horror/creepypasta shit, and posting the latest flavor of the month? Makes you look like a teen.

>> No.9939763

Cry of Fear I guess

>> No.9939770

Your house blew up?

>> No.9939925

>flavor of the month
Not him but that's retarded. It came out recently and garnered interest, that's like saying Duke was flavor of the month when it came out when everyone was playing Doom.
You're pissy about it because its rise in popularity didn't originate here.

>> No.9939942


>> No.9940630

What you fucking retard?

>> No.9940695

Zoomer detected, you must be new to DOOM community maps.

>> No.9940929

> All that gratuitous hostility in the replies.
I guess we've been infiltrated by /v/. The next step will be /pol/. You've been warned a long time ago. Normal discussions will soon become nearly impossible.

>> No.9940941

modern mods of old games have always been borderline not /vr/, so posts about them draw the non-/vr/ crowd.

>> No.9940985

Maybe if OP wasn't so retarded people would actually engage

>> No.9941071

I'm 30 man, I've played way more Quake 1&3 and only ever barely touched Doom.

>> No.9941192

shouldnt have changed the rules

>> No.9941201

>My House
>So this blew up recently
I'm sorry to hear that, anon. Hopefully you can find some place to stay in the meantime.

>> No.9941208

I gave you retards a list and It went ignored while you bitched out the OP. You weren't infiltrated, faggot, you are the ones derailing these threads.

>> No.9941634

>All that gratuitous hostility in the replies.

>> No.9941638

Didn't ask.

>> No.9941642

Because that was worth a bump.

>> No.9941648

kek sounds like me, 31 and i've been playing Q3 since 2002. i do like me some DOOM 1 though.

>> No.9941651

have another

>> No.9942070

And that's a good thing.

>> No.9942074

yes? that’s the point of a public forum? you don’t need to wait on some stupid prick to ask.

>> No.9942090

Ook ook aak aak.
There, translated it for you.

>> No.9942246 [DELETED] 
File: 37 KB, 602x390, 1685313077845.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't like this wad because it was made by a tranny. Sorry! I thought it was neat until i heard it was made by a tranny! i just don't like them! Sorry, but I don't like this wad!

>> No.9942478


>> No.9942514

for people who complains about e-celeb and youtubers a lot, you fags sure know what the flavour of the month with said e-celebs are huh?

>> No.9942519

My only experience with this wad was Vinny playing it for 5 seconds and inmediately skipping it. Based.

>> No.9942623


>> No.9942637

This is 4chan. People love complaining and being angry. They wouldn't want it any other way.

>> No.9942647

I hate YouTube cunts who make these videos, yes you hate your real job and want to make money blabbing about your hobbie, its just not interesting anymore and this was isn't even scary, it's just so try hard

>> No.9942807

some people found the real house this was based on and posted pics on doomworld lol

>> No.9942897

I think I understand now.
4channers hate ecelebs out of jealousy.
They wish they didn't have to work real jobs.

In all seriousness, most YouTubers do put out trash videos day after day but I don't see the problem with discussing the informative or otherwise entertaining ones. Granted, the one that caused the OP wad to blow up was only interesting because of the subject matter, but it's not like we're here to discuss the YouTuber himself. Don't know why everybody seethes so much at the mere mention of something because an eceleb popularized it.

>> No.9942930

I better stop playing whatever game someone on youtube plays so that I can seek the approval of anon

>> No.9942936

There are some good scary Thief fan missions.

>> No.9943094

You're a tool trying to shill an eceleb.

>> No.9943098

Yes, you just coincidentally spam this thread twice in a row after you fav eceleb start pushing it

>> No.9943102


Its hard not too when that faggot video got on to my rec list. I then realized I saw this thread getting spammed on /v/ and /vr/, now I know why. I blocked him by the way. Thank you Blocktube.

>> No.9943472

It takes a special kind of narcissism to think that your "analysis" of a video game mod is something so profound that people should sit and listen to your voice for over an hour.

And the people who watch them are ADHD riddled zoomers who crave constant sensory input, seeking out long videos without much substance they can idly consume in the background and feel productive while doing nothing at all.

If you actually wanted to learn something, you'd pick up a book or maybe watch a documentary. But those things require an attention span, and who has time for that when you could just listen to a person summarize it.

>> No.9943634

Doesn't it get tiring having a chip on your shoulder all the time?

>> No.9943774

Doesn't it get tiring always consuming and never thinking for yourself?

>> No.9943784

you post like a grandma on facebook.

>> No.9943793

Hating stuff is not gonna make you any happier in life, it just eats away at you as time goes on.

>> No.9943806

Is that…..le liminal horror? Any recommendations for extra spooky horror like this? I definitely love doom and doom WADs!

>> No.9943810

shut the fuck up, no one posting on /vr/ is out buying the latest ubisoft consoomer title. thread was started looking for obscure mods unless you're not here to find vidya you haven't heard of.

>> No.9944031 [DELETED] 


>> No.9944248

All of this said by a poster posting in a gaming board and one that is about retro games at that. Imagine the stupidity it takes to do such a thing.

>> No.9944253

Is this "/pol/" in the room with us now?

>> No.9944372

>Is le boogeyman in le room xD
Fuck off, tourist.

>> No.9944406

new/mainstream = bad even if its vr related. never change /vr/. you faggots are not better than all the npc social media retards living in their own bubble.

>> No.9944486

It’s not bad but it’s not that special either.

>> No.9944505
File: 20 KB, 220x165, 6CB2A90D-3C37-4EA0-B037-FDAC84424F73.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>new/mainstream = bad even if its vr related
lol It's like this fag forgot what The Fappening, GG and the election did to this place.

>> No.9944896

Yeah because playing some retro games is exactly the same as being a zoomer who will have an anxiety breakdown without some sort of constant stream of video

>> No.9944902

Honestly good, there’s a website for you where people slam the table and insist on inclusion and decry gatekeeping at every step, you can go right over there and discuss it

>> No.9944908

>I guess we've been infiltrated by /v/
Yea it sucks
>The next step will be /pol/
Unironically can't wait!

>> No.9944947

The (procession) is a good Super Mario World one.

>> No.9944968

like queen?

>> No.9944981

>the secret is EBIN BACKROOMS!!1!!!1
>also im gay
Wasted potential really

>> No.9944998

Based grannies

>> No.9945438
File: 39 KB, 490x350, 1684878076436349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You post like a faggot on 4chins

>> No.9945903

house level in underhell (source mod)

>> No.9945956

It's truly a shame that we will never see a continuation. I know the author made the right decisions regarding his private life and growth, but it's still a shame.

Also, best shotgun in vidya.

>> No.9946450

/pol/'s already been here for a long time. every time you mention japan and west you get bunch of replies related to ww2 and occupation after nukes and how western culture influenced their games where japan was just one big ripoff of western originals

>> No.9946919


The backrooms section felt like a joke at the expense of cheaters. "You wanted to skip to the horror? Fine. Here's your horror. Are you happy now?"

>> No.9948432

You'd rather this place be as sterile as reddit so long as your blood pressure gets to remain stable

>> No.9948578

100% this
eceleb cumeaters get the noose

>> No.9948579

>bunch of fucking retard outsiders come to the board spamming the same lame shit
>"h-h-how do you know what ecelebs are talking about h-huh??"
off-topic shit thread

>> No.9948582

>make shitty obvious outsider thread
>get predictable replies
>victimized whining
we have a general for fucking doom wads retard, you're only posting about this shit because " i t b l e w u p " on your eceleb feed

>> No.9949186


>> No.9950575


The exact dumb-fucking ADHD-riddled zoomies he called out. You're whining about "haters" but you're literally defending youtube eceleb garbage. You don't have an opinion. You're an eceleb cumeater.

>> No.9950683

This was deleted on sight in /v/
Your move nu/vr/

>> No.9950687

Answer the question, Stayvun.

>> No.9950693
File: 145 KB, 200x150, 200w.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just told on yourself being a YouTuber simp. You don't like doom, the only reason youre here is because the dopamine rush you got after your favorite gape mouthed YouTuber puked inside your skull.

>> No.9950697

There was multiple my house threads before it even blew up enmasse on YouTube. They have been on the front page off and on for several weeks. OP didn't know, because OP is a faggot and jumped on the bandwagon.

>> No.9950702

There is nothing inherently wrong with being a bandwagoner. It's human nature to see other people talking about things and want to join in.

>> No.9950707
File: 483 KB, 900x2002, 1683491641985705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, and it appears to be the exact same post word for word too, which means that someone is asking this question here over and over as an indirect attempt to hype this wad on /vr/ because they think they are so clever and sneaky.

So I will counter their shill campaign with one of my own, except these are some Doom wads that are actually /vr/ related:


Please enjoy this content actually made by our own community instead of random doomworld wads shilled by e-celebs over and over.

>> No.9950710

While that is true, that's not my point. You know that and your red herring attempt was so generic and blatant it resembles a bot response.

>> No.9950714

What is your point then? That OP is a faggot for not knowing there were already threads? Are threads not allowed to be made because threads existed for it in the past?

>> No.9950719

>what are other examples of amazing horror mods/maps in unexpected games.
The City of The Damned Apocalypse.


>> No.9950725

My point is you and op are faggots. OP is a faggot for starting a thread about a thing that is a known YouTube grift, as of right now. We all know the only people starting threads about it are tourists from YouTube. You're a faggot because you're trying to protect op who is also a faggot and in this case op is a double nigger faggot for doubling down on his shit for brains attempt at gaslighting others for calling him out on being a YouTube simp.

>> No.9950752
File: 196 KB, 1800x1578, I deliberatley entered a thread full of things that I do not like.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why are people talking about new content?

>> No.9950758
File: 1.67 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20230418_215245.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it possible to have a ghost charged with Grand Theft Building?

>> No.9950760


>> No.9950761

Didn't /pol/ already make a doom wad?

>> No.9950771

I hate to say this, but the my house mod ain't exactly new on /vr/ it was being discussed before it blew up on youtube. This is no different than many other redundant or shill/spam threads. I'm not saying don't make a my house mod thread, I'm saying if you make a thread about the my house mod because it's popular right now, you're going to get blowback by proxy of popular thing. Poulae things usually bring an influx of actual 80 iq spergs who don't understand why you don't want to talk about said thing that "insert YouTuber" made a video on when there's already three threads up. It's a defense mechanism

>> No.9950774

Popular things usually*

>> No.9950781

Yeah you haven't said a thing that >>9950702 doesn't apply to

>> No.9950783


>> No.9950790

>shill/spam threads
So do you all think it's a conspiracy to give some youtuber views?

>> No.9950810

I'm pretty sure you're trolling but I'll bite. If you're not trolling, than you're new. You should be lurking moar, but I doubt you have the patience for such things. To answer your question, it's subjective on whether or not it's ok to give a YouTuber views. Here on /vr/ it's accepted that YouTube in general is ok and many replies in threads are YouTube videos of interviews, music, gameplay of video games or something about games. What is not accepted is eceleb reviews of games or grift/shill videos on subjects they themselves are just bandwagoning and don't actually care about except for views. The reason why this is shunned, is because this is 4chan. We are all anonymous, that's the point. Namefags are attention whores who look to disrupt the simple anonymous regulation of ideas being attached to ego. Eceleb YouTuber, game review view chasers who regurgitate the same regurgitated regurgitations in all their ten minutes videos with a thumbnail showing their gapping clickbait mouths are not looked at with disgust for their blatant disrespect of videogames and retro games. You know the things that this board is based around

>> No.9950813

Are looked at with disgust*

>> No.9950815

OP is obviously not shilling a channel or even related to it though... I even searched it just now and there are multiple videos about it so it's unclear which channel would even be shilling here if that's the goal.
If they posted the video somewhere in the thread I would agree but that isn't the case. OP is just an anonymous poster who wants to talk about a popular thing.
It seems to me like /vr/ just has a terminal case of hipster brainrot. Normalfags have caught on to something therefore anybody who talks about it now is scum.

>> No.9950818

Like >>9950771 said
It's a defense mechanism. Somebody starts a thread about popular thing on YouTube just because it's popular. If you don't frequent 4chins than you wouldn't understand why this creates discord. There is a certain flow of how this site works when most people here know the unspoken ruleset of the specific board they are on.the whole thing clogged up when some fuckwut (similar to you) comes and starts asking stupid fucking questions like a newfag. There's an unspoken rule of 4chan in general for newfags, lurk moar. It's a rule because if you do in fact lurk moar you wouldn't be asking these questions and you would fall into the groove that is 4chan

>> No.9950823

I've been here long enough to know the difference. I can tell when a thread is made by out of a natural desire for discussion vs. eceleb fanboys or fags trying to get a personal army to harass some guy.
You can't just hide behind muh defense mechanism and act like that's not your fault. If you can't read a post and instantly realize it doesn't fit into that category of post you must have a lukewarm IQ.

>> No.9950828
File: 316 KB, 720x576, 1685186503115549.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, i think it's fine considering op did make this thread specifically because it's popular right now. Other anons have recommended horror wads, so it's not a complete waste, but it could have easily been contained inside the doom general. Then if he was a good op, he would have found a few horror mods possibly for other games too like quake or unreal engine and made a good thread that would go something like this "been getting into horror mods lately thanks to my house. Just beat "insert mod" for quake. Really looking forward to "insert mod" for doom 2. Anybody have some good personal recs also, what spoopy mods are you playing right now?" With pic rel as a thumbnail. But op didn't, this is a low quality shill tier thread

>> No.9950831


>> No.9950836

There's nothing wrong or surprising about people wanting a 2023 release to not be spammed on /vr/

>> No.9950845
File: 44 KB, 480x360, 6232C107-CBC3-4EF7-B569-6F5BAAF4E37A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is 4chan, where do you think we are?

>> No.9951119

You were clearly never on /v/ before /pol/ existed.

>> No.9951653
File: 638 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20230509_161933.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no e-celebs were mentioned in OP
>just talking about a cool new map that showed up
>you start whining about newfags not lurking more and getting in a tizzy over shit nobody cares about
clearly you haven't lurked enough

>> No.9951675

>japan was just one big ripoff of western originals
this isn't totally off base, though. the japs are undeniably good at tweaking and perfecting things, but it's true that a lot of things they "create" were heavily inspired by western works. just look at anime; Disney played a huge part in the creation of things like Astro Boy. in the same way that you think japs don't get the credit they deserve, maybe you should look at it from the opposite angle. europeans and americans did a lot of the ground work that they rarely get acknowledgement for.

>> No.9951854

how the fuck zoomers are scared of this shit? I'll admit narrative and world building is great but idea that I might be spooked by this shit is beyond retarded, it's closer to fever dream mario than to horror.

>> No.9951924

>how the fuck zoomers are scared of this shit
I think it just started as a bunch of kids saying this ironically but some faked it 'til they made it. Others saw that something new was happening and now we've got those retards fake-pretending that empty rooms are scary. Internet horror has always been cancer

>> No.9951932

This. It's all just tiktok pretend like everything with zoomers.

>> No.9952063

If you go in blind, there are plenty of oh shit moments that will catch you off guard. For example, when you burn down the house and it's pitch black in the basement and you have bloody corpses attacking you while carrying their entrails behind them.

>> No.9952251

If you've played any gzdoom map before you can tell what tricks are being used where but they're still implemented pretty well. I think the map stands on its own merits even if the google doc of "lore" is distilled 180 proof cringe
What I want to know is which doomworld bigwig is the mastermind behind it, if he wanted to cover his tracks he could have contacted the music composers jimmy/esselfortium anonymously so they couldn't come clean even if they wanted to

the first few seconds after the house is burned and the red light coming down the stairs legitimately builds some tension, and then if you've played any doom before you think "oh cool realm667 enemies", otherwise a youtube watcher might actually get spooked pretty good by enemies they've never seen before

>> No.9952259

>"So this blew up recently"

>> No.9952316

>What I want to know is which doomworld bigwig is the mastermind behind it, if he wanted to cover his tracks he could have contacted the music composers jimmy/esselfortium anonymously so they couldn't come clean even if they wanted to
My guess is that it's a Doominati/BTSX team project, and if that's the case it was most likely conceived through teamwork.

>> No.9952352

And you'll never make a praiseworthy wad in your worthless nigger life.

>> No.9952379

It’s cool to be absurdly inept and vulnerable now. It’s valid if one hour of work is exhausting, if empty rooms are terrifying, if loud noises are triggering and need warnings, etc.

Even if kids don’t feel that way they don’t want to be ostracized so everyone pretends until eventually they can’t differentiate between pretend and reality

>> No.9953661

what the fuck is this eceleb youtuber offtopic shit thread still up for

>> No.9954515

When someone replies to a thread it bumps it to the top of the catalog. This thread has 112 replies. Since /vr/ is a slower board it takes a while for threads to die. At the time of my writing this the thread is on page 10. Now watch as I demonstrate this thread being bumped to page 1 when I hit "post". You can see what page it's on at the corner of your screen.

>> No.9955090

>TFW the Gone Homo mod this tranny garbage rips-off is almost 10 years old now and nobody remembers it

>> No.9955117

Probably not, no, but he burned your ass black.
Fuck you.

>> No.9955134

Just for you bby

>> No.9955801

>riff on Gone Home
kek, didn't know about this

>> No.9955878

There's that Mario 64 hack that's kind of like this. B13 something?

>> No.9956894

I liked it. But I don't get the "surrealism is LE CREEPY" zoomer thinking.

>> No.9957693

B3313. Recently got an update, but whether or not there will be a fully polished 1.0 is left to be seen.

>> No.9958938

It looks like the sort of thing that's just going to keep growing as long as it gets attention. Not that I can complain, it's been neat to mess around in.

>> No.9959003

Main guy behind it had a complete melt down when people gave more of a shit about the rom hack than his music and stopped development. Another dev said he'd try to polish it up a bit sometime after graduation, but from what I hear any serious development on it has come to a halt.

>> No.9959108

I thought it was a rip off of the other House of Leaves doom wad called love.wad or whatever