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File: 378 KB, 1140x1520, Final Fight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9938478 No.9938478 [Reply] [Original]

This is one of the most unfair bullshit cheap video games ever created.

>> No.9938484

Man, that cover art is fucking brutal.

>> No.9938489

Skill issue

>> No.9938493

No amount of skill can possibly save you from the sheer amount of blatantly unfair nonsense this game throws at you.

>> No.9938554

It's actually one of the easier beat em ups to 1CC Anon. If you're new to beat em ups try keeping all the enemies on one side of the screen as it makes them much more manageable

>> No.9938559

Ha ha ha ha. Yeah it's pretty tough. I haven't played it in a while. I think 2 is a little easier iirc

>> No.9938562

Yeah well where's your 1CC then?

>> No.9938597
File: 3.88 MB, 854x480, getgud.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao just use cody bozo.

>> No.9938604

>first level
Real impressive stuff. Also I'm playing like a real man so no turn punch exploit.

>> No.9938620

Doesn't seem like you're playing at all considering you came here to QQ about it kek.

>> No.9938627

I'm trying to figure out how to consistently beat that fucking awful part with the flames in the fourth level right now.

>> No.9938961

I just realized you don't get i-frames sometimes on wakeup. Fuck playing this trash.

>> No.9938994

Disagree, there's a couple cheap bosses that you need to learn, but for the most part the game is pure fundamentals and enemy learning.

>> No.9939001

Don't forget about luck. That's a pretty massive factor.

>> No.9939008

Yeah that's a common complain, the best thing you can do is timing your wake up so you don't get hit. Still despite some jank here and there it's a great game

>> No.9939021

Only for the food drops I'd say, mostly stage 2 and the last barrels in the final stage.

>> No.9939062

>someone (rightfully) says FF has some bullshit
>is countered by "pros" who spam exploits they learnt from watching someone else's videos

Every single time.

>> No.9939087

>retard can't play a basic ass beat'em up
>is told to get good
>cries about being bad
>keeps bumping his shit thread to cry more

>> No.9939092

Final Fight is a notoriously unfair game, nonplayer.

>> No.9939105
File: 92 KB, 1920x1080, AVP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think that Capcom arcade beat'em'ups are generally heavily loaded with bullshit. For example, AVP is like this too.

>> No.9939106

Skill issue

>> No.9939114

I didn't know about these exploits when clearing it the first time, ditto for Powered Gear.
So skill issue

>> No.9939115

>wawa i suck at the game
Don't care you were given advice and you ignored it. You simply suck at the game.

>> No.9939152

>y-y-yeah w-w-well where's your 1CC then?
NTA you're coping to but your shitpost is just embarrassing. No one owes you proof of anything, let alone simple facts. How do you imagine Anon would even tell you "where" his 1CC is? Do you think it's at the bottom of a jug of tidepods like Cracker Jacks toy?

>> No.9939161

I already knew he didn't have a 1CC of the game because this website is saturated with nonplayers talking out of their ass about games they know nothing about.

>> No.9939291
File: 3 KB, 79x91, NeoX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>babby's first beat em up

>> No.9939298

stop crying bitch, I clear it 90% of the time

>> No.9939346

>i-i-i already knew
Again, where do you expect him to "have" this 1CC? If this "website" is saturated with anything it's projecting faillords like you.

>> No.9939418

I didn't record it or post it because a 1cc on babby's first bmup is nothing rare or precious to me. I get how that's different for you, with your poverty mindset and all. To you, simply beating a game at all is a huge accomplishment, so the thought of not documenting a 1cc for posterity is nuts. But that's you, that ain't me

>> No.9939429

dude is that blanka on the left?

>> No.9940346

What replays do you have then? Surely some world record scores.

>> No.9940354

>babby's first bmup
c'mon there are much easier games

>> No.9940368

However Final Fight is a common first real beat em up outside of maybe Double Dragon.

>> No.9940370

You wouldn't know since you have no 1CCs.

>> No.9940492

no play more bmups, even capcom has at least 5 easier games

>> No.9940536

The only really unfair stuff is Rolento and the final boss. Enemies with guns that kill you in one hit in beat em ups are complete bullshit.

>> No.9940565
File: 360 KB, 722x960, 3281207-7315531111-18112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do not play beat'em off's because they are not my cuo of tea, I still play some occasionally but out of the dozen or so I have played FF is pretty easy going, especially the arcade version oddly enough.
This shit is my jam though, top tier bmup.

>> No.9940572

>FF is pretty easy going, especially the arcade version oddly enough.
You have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.9940580

>I do not play beat'em off's
ok, opinion discarded

>> No.9940587

I find beat em ups pretty hard to get into

>> No.9940590

I do because unlike you I have actually played the game, FF is not that hard nor is it unfair. There are plenty of other games that are far more bullshit.

>> No.9940591

You've never even attempted a 1CC. Fuck off poser.

>> No.9940596

No I haven't because a 1CC is loser shit.

>> No.9940603

Credit feeding is irrelevant to this discussion since there's zero difficulty when doing so.

>> No.9940607

>1cc is loser shit
It's literally final fight's endgame, poser shiter.

>> No.9941109

Hilariously enough, you were the first person itt that brought it up

>> No.9941112

Rolento is completely dishonest

>> No.9941115

My method for dealing with him is to time a wall jump kick as Guy right when he finishes dashing to the center of the stage then chain throws once he starts jumping between the background and stage. If you mistime the jump kick you get either vacuum grabbed or hit by the baton for half your health. Once he starts spamming bombs you just try to grab him. Very obnoxious boss.

>> No.9941291

Final Fight is one of the most brutal beat em ups and is the classic gold standard beat em up from which all Capcom's other beat em ups are derived. It's also one of the absolute hardest to clear, especially with no deaths, hardest dips, or Guy.

The fact you call Final Fight "babby's first beat em up" makes it apparent to all you are a larping shitter with no clears. I'm not asking for proof or anything, as I already know that without a shadow of a doubt. I've been here long enough and have enough experience to just know these things.

>> No.9941510

>source: my ass

>> No.9941528

Lol the 1CC autist is here
You guys know he's also a huge nintendo autist?

>> No.9941807

Wasn’t there another game in that time they referenced this box art

>> No.9941847

Neo X was such a shitty boss, but man he really summed up everything wrong with that whole game.

>> No.9941878

Being anti-1cc in games that promote 1cc makes you the most autistic retard here, though.
never mind it's just a braindead console warrior

>> No.9941989

Cody: You want some of this?!
J: *GASP!!* Backs away in blocking stance...

>> No.9943307

Well you could always get good instead of being bad complaining.

>> No.9943317

At least half of 1CCing this game is luck. So much random uncontrollable bullshit could happen at any moment.

>> No.9943352

I really hate that this is a strategy due to how the game works. SOR also has similar shit with 1 and then 2 has that infinite jab nonsense. What are some beat them ups where you absolutely cannot rely on cheesing methods?

>> No.9943359

You are just complaining.

>> No.9943361

There are literally hundreds of videos people 1ccing it. Shitty OP got told and and he knew it. So he made a demand he know could not be fulfilled (almost no one records their 1ccs) and than declares himself the winner because it can't be proven. Can you imagine applying that to something else? Someone says something blatantly false (you cannot beat this boss). Gets told they are wrong and than says it doesnt count unless the person has a video of themself, not someone else, beating that boss.

OP should be absolutely ashamed and everyone looking at him should see him as directly lowering their experience. Slower more thoughtful threads do so that subhumans can complain to strangers online they couldnt master a fucking 40 year old TV toy that they got for free. Just imagine going to a gaming convention and a guy walks up to you holding a game disc and complains about it being unbeatable and demands that you text him a video of you beating it. That's what OP is doing.

>> No.9943371

>turn punch
You didn't beat the game.

>> No.9943374

>(almost no one records their 1ccs)
The final cope of the nonplayer poser.

>> No.9943376

>No cheats or autofire were used.

>> No.9943392

Still used an exploit and effectively just skipped all the bosses.

>> No.9943394
File: 176 KB, 1280x720, streetsofr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not that bad. However, if you wanted the finest street fighting beat em up, you should have chose this.

>> No.9943423

>hurr you have to beat the game my way only or else you didn't beat it
He did it as fairly as possible you fag. Don't like it then you go beat it to your standards. Just was posting the video to prove it is absolutely doable.

>> No.9943430

Being as fair as possible would be not using an exploit to stunlock bosses to death. And obviously it is objectively something possible to do, it's just so retardedly unfair there's always going to be a degree of luck required.

>> No.9943440
File: 259 KB, 1491x2048, __lucia_dungeons_dragons_shadow_over_mystara_and_dungeons_and_dragons_drawn_by_nishimura_kinu__e44f28359daec24dc1964d7d495df410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no area in which any Streets of Rage game is superior to Final Fight. The snes sequels, i'll grant you. Limiting the field to 3 enemies at a time is a catastrophe and instantly disqualifies FF2 and 3. The origina Final Fight, though? Almost uncontested as the greatest game of the genere.
The only true contenders are Golden Axe and and the D&D games and neither one was as influential.
Streets of rage is fine for what it is, though.

>> No.9943442

Guy, I recently learned that you can dodge Sodom's charge by crouching under it.

>> No.9943504

>unfair bullshit cheap
Lol, noob filtered

>> No.9943505

D&D inspired IGS stuff like Knights of Valour and some other games like Sengoku 3. Golden Axe wasn't as influential as Double Dragon though

>> No.9943571

Renegade was much more important to the genre than Double Dragon anyway

>> No.9943574

Good players don't rely on luck :^)

>> No.9943669

The 1CC sperg finally meeting his match in an obviously lying bullshitter is a sight for sore eyes, he made arcade threads unreadable for too long.

>> No.9943772

Which bosses specifically are problems?

>> No.9944316

don't move verticaly during the whole sequence. only move left and right. at the start of the stage P1 character is positioned on an axis where only the first couple of flames row can hurt him.

>> No.9944328

>learning the game is cheating

>> No.9944530

I would say, Final Fight beats SOR2 in one way. Graphics. But to me SOR2 is basically that style of gameplay perfected, even if it doesn't look as nice.

>> No.9944541

>But to me SOR2 is basically that style of gameplay perfected
FF and SoR2 play nothing alike, and FF is just a much more balanced game when you dig deeper.

>> No.9944574

It's not cheating, but it's super lame. Especially considering the guys who do this them act like they're super players.

>> No.9944575

SOR2 is a much slower game with a bigger emphasis on grabs and special attacks

>> No.9944591

its not fair its a real fight. put in more quarters to get better

>> No.9944601

still better than being a dumb bitch who does nothing but crying, tricking yourself into thinking that a few tricks immediately make the game easy is the most laughable cope/damage control

>> No.9945990
File: 93 KB, 961x1000, asample-ae14ee5684679826dfeecd402bfc15ef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9946037

Is this Tetsuo from Akira on the left?

>> No.9946434

no one acts like a superplayer here but you act like a bitch

>> No.9946482

>There is no area in which any Streets of Rage game is superior to Final Fight.
Enemy health bars, objectively.

>> No.9948448

You mean visually or how much health they have?

>> No.9948674

How they display the health. I don't like that if a boss in FF has more than one health bar, it just shows as a different color but doesn't actually visually deplete until they only have one left.

>> No.9948708

I'm not fond of how defensive focused the D&D beat em ups are, especially the first one. I also don't think crouching adds much to the gameplay. Fucking incredible looking game though, Capcom was at their peak with art and animations there.
Golden Axe is okay, fuck the skeletons though. Toss them off the cliff.

>> No.9948770

>I'm not fond of how defensive focused the D&D beat em ups are, especially the first one
You pick up the pace after a while

>> No.9948780


>> No.9948926

Just play Mighty Final Fight it's easier and cuter

>> No.9948981

MFF is a blessing if only for having FF gameplay in a NES game. Wish it had 3 enemies on screen though.

>> No.9948992
File: 195 KB, 640x931, mighty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With more enemies and a co-op mode it would be my favorite beat em up, still awesome regardless

>> No.9950416

Mighty final Bite

>> No.9950419
File: 2.81 MB, 960x720, 1677811208777.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9950681
File: 122 KB, 400x454, FFBelger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you believe this cripple cunt was supposed to be back from the dead in the fighting game spinoff?
Apparently he was supposed to be playable and his ending was a straight up thriller.

>> No.9950690

>Final Fight
>"babby's first beat em up"
Even if you're so good that you consider this game easy, calling it baby-tier is just proof you're larping. And if you do indeed consider it beginner level, I'd be quite interested to know which belt scrollers you consider to be advanced.

>> No.9950728
File: 15 KB, 265x87, 1672955925927890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow this looks so fun