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9938229 No.9938229 [Reply] [Original]

Is it the worst of the classic tomb raiders? Its not as focused as the original and lacks the polish of III and TLR

>> No.9938238

gr8 b8 m8

>> No.9938241

My favorite Tomb Raider

>> No.9938281
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>> No.9938294
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AoD is the worst one made by Core Design, although it has the best Lara

>> No.9938306

Nope. Fixes literally all of the control problems of the first game and the levels actually look like something besides painted cardboard boxes.

>> No.9938315
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Not even close. AoD is the worst one, or Chronicles if you don't want to count the PS2. It has no main issues other than too many hitscan human enemies.

>> No.9938319

Incredibly depressing webm. We haven't had a good Tomb Raider game for over twenty years now.

>> No.9938327

what polish of III? you mean the bug where you still walk slow in shallow water unless you jump to reset yourself? nice fucking polish you have there

>> No.9938446

people consider uncharted to be true successor to tomb raider rather than nu raider itself

>> No.9938448

Uncharted sucks ass

>> No.9938464

Uncharted is even more of a linear walk from set piece to set piece movie game than nu-raider

>> No.9938496

Legend and Underworld were good not great.

>> No.9938505
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they're great if you're a coomer

>> No.9938528

At least it has charm and cool looking set pieces. Nu-raider is soulless

>> No.9938535

The only relation that uncharted has to tomb raider is that both are trying to rip off the same source material, they both want to be a video game version of indiana jones. As games they're miles apart from each other.

>> No.9938617

/v/ aren't people, anon

>> No.9938656

I've never played anything beyond anything beyond last revelation, but that looks like cherry picking

>> No.9938685

why is the left boob bigger than the right one? shit made me really angry back when it came out. yes I have mild autism.

>> No.9938686

Tomb Raider 2013 is a good game, it's just not a good Tomb Raider game. It's more like a Rambo video game but replace Sly with Lara

>> No.9938691

>they're great if you enjoy a hot looking woman
fixed that for you, coombrain

>> No.9938694

I really don't see what point you're trying to make

>> No.9938702

I know and that's the sad part

>> No.9938713

what did you say that I didn't already say?

>> No.9938714

no it isn't, I've never seen such terrible level design. the retarded batman vision that shows you where to go is a terrible mechanic but it was certainly needed given how shit the map was

>> No.9938725

Take your hand off your dick for a minute and actually try thinking

>> No.9938728

So nothing

>> No.9938734

>but that looks like cherry picking
It's really not. I've tried the new games and stopped playing after 2 hours.

>> No.9938745

The polish of TRIII? Lets talk about giving you weapons and ammo in India, then the option to pick three different adventures but rail-roading you into doing Navada because otherwise you lose all your guns. game offers you choice in how you pick adventure then punishes you for doing it.

New moves like crawling in TRIII slow everything down. Game is too dark, level design in III is singular in it's complexity to the rest of the series.

It is the final part of the trilogy of I-III of the purist Tomb Raiders, where difficulty and scale are perfectly advancing throughout,

but there's very little more polished about III compared to II.

The cut-scenes, pacing and theming of the levels is more jarring in III and even though I enjoy III as much as II

II is way more accessible and streamlined.

To me it's like saying Castlevania III is more polished than Castlevania I. CV III is a lot of peoples favourite because it's harder and has more to it but it's not polished like CV I.

can't compare with SImons Quest because II is not that kind of departure in the TR series.

>> No.9938753

If you can't use your limited brain power to define the difference, then i can't help you. Use what small intelligence you have

>> No.9938808

Anniversary wasn't, either, but I'd take a continuation of the first reboot series over the slop we have now. The puzzles and platforming were the focus in both Core's and the original Crystal Dynamics Tomb Raiders, yet in 2013 they're relegated to optional side missions.
Whoever wrote the cutscenes for that game is beyond fucked up. Having the shit beat out of your character, having them impaled, and almost being raped is not a character arc. Hilariously the version of Lara that's supposed to be "coomer bait" has more depth than her.

>> No.9938813

>not as focused as the original and lacks the polish of III
That's the case with many sequels out there.

>> No.9938853

not to mention crying and shaking about killing a human in a cutscene, then proceeding to mow down hundreds of dudes not an hour later. I hate this meme term but it's the perfect example of ludonarrative dissonance

>> No.9938865

Yea this trope is so annoying. Happens a lot in tv: bad guy kills bad guy for killing a cop. Not even another episode and said bad guy is killing innocent civilians and cops.