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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9933062 No.9933062 [Reply] [Original]

Just what WAS Disgaea?

>> No.9933069


>> No.9933297


>> No.9933327
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A transition point from NIS's thicc art style to their later stick art style.

>> No.9933334

Garbage le zany humor timesink

>> No.9933552

anyone ever read the visual novel on PSP?
Always felt that would've been a much better experience. Expand the story, hopefully make it funnier and with wholesome moments.
Disgaea 1 always felt like missed potential

>> No.9934171

horse weiner lmao so random dood

>> No.9934193
File: 63 KB, 900x527, Disgaea-1-Complete-min.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really liked them. They're just solid tactics games with fun mechanics + a weeby visual novel combined into one. You definitely can grind the shit out of them if you want, but you really don't have to. 1 and 4 are my favorites by far. 2 is pretty good. 3, 5, and 6 I beat, but wasn't into.

>anyone ever read the visual novel on PSP?
Tried it, but wasn't into it. I swear their "stories" just works better as small funny intermittent scenes for whatever reason. For me at least. The voice acting was good though. I can see people liking it if you're into the characters.

>> No.9934335

That was the transition from Ryoji (thick) to Harada (stick)
At least Harada drew Etna which gave me a latex fetish

>> No.9934359
File: 102 KB, 317x800, 1485855839535.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9934381

They struck gold with the first one but later releases never were as memorable or enjoyable.
At least the latter ones are pure coomerbait if you're into it.

>> No.9934402

Doesn't look very retro but, just from her looks? A semen demon

>> No.9935438
File: 503 KB, 1280x1809, 15523_disgaea-2-cursed-memories-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was also when they tried appealing to boys rather than their usual audience. La Pucelle and Marl Kingdom were for girls. Laharl was never marketed as a shota hero, but as a bratty demon with an enormous ego. The story's focus on fighting made Laharl look like more of a badass. And they never pushed the relationship between Laharl and Etna and Flonne as more than just friends so the series could focus on comedy rather than romance.

So for people who started with Disgaea, Disgaea 2 felt like a swerve when in reality it was just NIS trying to make games that appeal to girls again. It made logical sense if you were aware of their previous games but not for people whose first NIS game was Disgaea.

Disgaea 2 is a compromise for NIS's audiences. Adell represents all of the guys who got into it for the fighting and cute girls whereas Rozalin represents early NIS fans who want relationships and emotions in their RPGs.

NIS struck gold with Disgaea 1, but didn't even know what they had or why it was popular. They've just been playing catch up ever since even though the formula is simple:

Setting: Netherworld
Protagonist: Demon
Story: Literally anything interesting related to demons and the netherworld.

Every time they stray from this formula the game bombs. That's why Disgaea 1 has more rereleases than any other title in the series.

>> No.9935749
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I got the Etna banner

>> No.9935791

Disgae as in dis game is gay

>> No.9936139

Was Etna really supposed to be coomerbait or was she just meant to be a kid? And then weebs gonna weeb...

>> No.9936790

Fun and cute SRPG

>> No.9936804

Imagine the smell

>> No.9936810
File: 92 KB, 292x391, Etna_loli.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a kid

>> No.9936837

dumb babbu

>> No.9936946

You can literally lower or increase the difficulty of the enemies, retard.

>> No.9937650

A wacky parody of a SRPG with amazing characters and a story with more emotional depth than appears on the surface that its successors never really managed to recapture outside of D2..
If you are going to tackle the postgame (which is about 40% of D1, which is really generous for this series considering later entries), sure. But if you are just playing through the story normally, not really, unless you consider going to the item world a few times to seriously be "grinding".

>> No.9937686

You can kill the strongest optional enemy in the original release of D1 with pretty minimal grinding by abusing the hospital and monster capturing. Doesn't take horribly long to eventually capture monsters strong enough to kill the strongest optional boss.

>> No.9937706

>crying about loli
>"weebs gonna weeb"
You NEED to go back.

>> No.9937896

>imagine the thigh grip

>> No.9937923

do you like da grindan game

>> No.9937956

Why is Archer so flat?