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9930931 No.9930931 [Reply] [Original]

Is he a hack or do you still have respect for Tommy Tallarico?

>> No.9930934

I listened to the advent rising soundtrack, it's really wonderful. Shame about the game.

>> No.9930939

I respect him as a musician as I like the stuff he did for Earthworm Jim, but his comments on japanese games and how he's the stereotypical western dudebro really lowers some points on him as a person. Then again maybe he's just very influentiable or he wanted to appeal to what he deemed the best kind of public to sell his shit to, regardless, shit behavior.

>> No.9930940

he's definitely a hack but it seems like he made less music than i could have imagined he did. i had low expectations and he managed to disappoint.

>> No.9930949

He's a good vidya composer, just a bit overrated and a very naive businessman.

>> No.9930953

afaik nobody's disproven him making the Earthworm Jim soundtracks at least, so assuming all's good there, I respect his talent for whatever music he composed. That's about it though, he's a total dishonest huckster who made a career of false claims so it's hard to tell where to even give him props.

>> No.9930996

The gaming racist haters will be eternally BTFO when the stealth dark money investor resurrects Amico and destroys Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft all at the same time.

>> No.9931001

Da amico is real!

>> No.9931074

his mother is very proud of him, I'll give him the benefit of the doubt.

>> No.9931078

He should kill himself. Biggest definition of a hack fraud I've ever seen. Fuck him to death

>> No.9931081

Without him we wouldn't have gotten metroid prime, so I respect him

>> No.9931094

He was also the first person to work on Sonic the Hedgehog.

>> No.9931097

the first american? I've never heard that before

>> No.9931102

He also worked on Wii with Shigeru Miyamoto according to his own words, so you can blame him personally for the deluge of waggle showelware.

>> No.9931120

Fuck these people who want to become photogenic celebrities and shit.
They all act the same. And it's not cute. I've known way too many people like this.

>> No.9931124

sad and bitter little loser

>> No.9931239
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He worked on Earthworm Jim?

>> No.9931250

He's not talentless but he's also a dipshit.

>> No.9931267

At this point I'm not even sure he can play guitar

>> No.9931280

I’ve seen him live a couple of times at Video Games Live and bullshit artist he may be he has a lot of passion for the music and his enthusiasm makes for good shows so I cut him some slack. He just comes across as a bit of a delayed adolescent

>> No.9931284

Just wondering why he's wearing his grandmother's clothes

>> No.9931290

So does 3/4's of America though. It's almost a given now because of the culture that was forced on everyone via billionaires and politicians

>> No.9931302

Well, be that as it may, I admire his enthusiasm. Chap seems to be having good craic. Better than I can say.

>> No.9931330

He's probably still a decent composer despite a lot of what he's taken credit for not being his work but I have no respect for him.
I'm not sure if it has been outright proven to be the case, but there have been other composers who have said that most of EJ 1 & 2's soundtrack wasn't his work.

>> No.9931349

Video Games Live was legitimately good entertainment, I agree with you there. He just comes off as a bullshit artist and egoist.

>> No.9931350

And since Tommy has zero credibility after all of his shenanigans it's not unreasonable to trust the other people more.

>> No.9931358

He's based.

>> No.9931373

He was based in electric playground. Will always respect him for shitting on toddler games. No, adding Mario to shitty generic racing/fighting/rythm/sport games doesn't make them good.

>> No.9931431

I want him to stream on twitch and talk about how he worked on the game. "Yeah I wrote Nier Automata with Yoko Taro back in 1995."

>> No.9931441

he was entertaining on g4 back in the day. great dudebro

>> No.9931462
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I really like the soundtrack for The Terminator on SEGA CD but I did learn that most of my favorite songs were not done by Tommy himself but other composers

>> No.9931614

Turns out he never wrote any of those songs, he's just a grifter.

>> No.9931627

Uh, good one.

>> No.9931638 [DELETED] 

this lil nigga invented the roblox oof fr fr no cap

>> No.9931651


>> No.9931670

Never heard of him but I thought the Amico was a dumb idea the moment I read about it.

>> No.9931686

Mark Miller did EWJ1’s soundtrack, and half the tracks on 2 are public domain, so I wouldn’t be surprised if Tommy was just the guy who transcribed them to console.

>> No.9931724

his mother is very proud

>> No.9931759

I feel like most of the outrage about Amico is misplaced because a lot of those people don't want to take responsibility themselves for their own stupidity. It's like, wow ok you got scammed by Tommy great but you were stupid enough to fall for it to begin with.

>> No.9931792

If it ever comes to light that he didn't compose any of the songs for Cool Spot I will have lost the last of the respect I had for him.

So please, prove to me that he didn't compose Cool Spot's soundtrack.

>> No.9931794

i enjoyed watching him on judgement day for having conviction and being a shameless contrarian faggot

>> No.9931831

Didn't it come out recently that some of the songs he supposedly did for EWJ were actually him misrepresenting what he did, and the actual compositions were by other musicians who worked on the game? Like the Andy Asteroids song and Anything but Tangerines were by other people.

>> No.9931996

He legitimately can not compose music. Well, unless you consider this masterpiece.
He also can't play music.

>> No.9932027

>M&M menu theme
It's like an endless tease for a drop that never comes.

>> No.9932029
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>> No.9932034
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>> No.9932091
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> dumbfuck roblox children absolutely still seething after tommy told roblox developers to stop stealing people's shit, pay him for the audio they stole from his game or remove it from roblox
> roblox removed it instead

>> No.9932119
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We're increasingly getting confirmation that he didn't in fact compose the soundtrack to Earthworm Jim

>> No.9932124

Talarico bros...
It's over

>> No.9932134

How exactly does Tommy get his fingerprints on everything if he wasn't doing any of the work? Was he like a manager? I don't mean how he stole credit, I mean what was his actual job that enabled him to steal credit in the first place?

>> No.9932142
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Some people are just really good at lying and manipulating submissive people. A lot of "devs" who claim to be "The creator of X game" actually haven't done shit. Fake it till you make it

>> No.9932146

Like many con artists, he had a nebulous job title (he ran a studio, but it may not have physically existed outside his home, and the staff roster is pretty fluid) and just went on sheer gall.

>> No.9932152
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Post the link where this comment comes from, I want to know what it's all about.

>> No.9932157

Strap in, it's a long ride.

>> No.9932158


>> No.9932162

Probably worked with a lot of people who weren't really in the game industry and just happened to he involved in composing music for a game or two. Like the guys referenced >>9932119 here either just composed for EWJ as an odd job or before moving on to other things. Tommy worked in games and continued to work in games, so basically he was one of the only men left standing, with nobody paying attention to call him out.

>> No.9932165

I'll give you an example of how this works. Tommy says he did the music for EWJ and Shiny couldn't credit him for "legal reasons" in the Genesis/SNES versions. He is credited for the music in the CD versions, it was common back then for composers to make demos that programmers then put into the game (see Masato Nakamura and Sonic 1&2). That example is kind of funny since Nakamura was and still is credited in every version but regardless Tommy's story checked out, especially since nobody on the development team ever said anything.

>> No.9932467

Yeesh, yeah at this point I think it's safe to call him a hack fraud who coasted on the reputation of other people's work to make a living. I was already suspicious when it became apparent he didn't actually play any guitar.

>> No.9932473
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>> No.9932484
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Tommy, you once claimed to have met the Dalai Lama and that he liked your music only for it to turn out that you were standing next to a wax sculpture of him at the Madame Tussauds. It's over. It's one thing to lie to others about... well, fucking everything let's be honest. It's another thing to lie to yourself.

>> No.9932497

Are you confused? Why did you reply to me
Do you understand what that post was in the slightest

>> No.9932502

Absolute hack

>> No.9932504

imagine getting owned by hbomb kek

>> No.9932506

>you have to wear a lot of hats or you end up eating your kids
what did xi mean by this

>> No.9932517

To be honest why would he be a hack? He was a music guy most of his career wasn't he? His accolades for music in gaming really does speak for itself. Anything surrounding the Amico has nothing to do with his career in gaming music prior to that. It would be much more appropriate to call him a scammer as he aged.

>> No.9932520

No anon, people have been doing just the tiniest bit of digging and it turns out even his vidya music career + the majority of accolades he got from it is all made-up bullshit too. He was always a scam artist.

>> No.9932525

Yeah I made that post before reading all these other posts on here. I am surprised to say the least. I didn't know he was this much of a liar. I thought he only became one in his older age once he was out of the industry for awhile.

>> No.9932936

It sounds like he was a relatively competent but mediocre musician, good enough to get a job in the game industry back in the day, hired better musicians from the outside, and passed their work off as his own. Acting as a kind of middle man but doing relatively little of the actual work compared to the credit he sought. And then just traded on his name going forward.

>> No.9932950

>I feel like most of the outrage about Amico is misplaced
Oh yeah? Where the fuck is it, then? You're what scholars call "a mark," son. Get it together.

>> No.9932960

Him and VIctor Lucas worked well together on Electric Playground and Reviews on the Run but his take on games was often dogshit but I think it's just part of his TV persona to be the obnoxious jerk while Victor was more laid back and reasonable with his opinions.

>> No.9933039

this is obviously a joke you aspie

>> No.9933059

Kinda, but he really is an overrated dumbass who's only well known because he was the one western vidya composer who never shut the fuck up.
His career basically got drug through the mud with Amico though.
He's the John Romero of Vidya composers.

>> No.9933269

You know children, they're all pink on the inside.

>> No.9933361


Hbomberguy covers interesting stuff from time to time, but he talks just to talk. That video could have easily been condensed to less than 30 minutes.

>> No.9933372

Imagine calling other people stupid while at the same time saying they shouldn’t get angry at the person that scammed them and that their anger shouldn’t be focus on said person.

>> No.9933381

No, John Romero could actually code and was a talented level designer, it never turned out to be the work of someone else. Even after Daikatana people still respect his work. His company and funding were fundamental to develop Deus Ex.
This clown is nothing and never did anything.

>> No.9934473

i remember him saying he hated kirby once. he never had my respect.

>> No.9934530

his best work was Gamer Warz

>> No.9934535

It just seems that Tommy is a habitual liar and constantly seeking attention. This includes endlessly exaggerating his contributions and stealing credit whenever possible. He doesn't get called out on it, so his lies get bolder.

>> No.9934554

His credits are music and sound in games. He runs a studio and is in charge of these things. That means he can assemble a team of composers or musicians who write music, and then it gets credited to him because he's the middle-man manager. These minor figures don't pay attention and Tommy parades around gaming as this rock star hot shot.

Everything he's ever done is now extremely suspect and it falls apart with analysis. We're now questioning what he ever did - he's someone with an interest in music but couldn't make it so he just got into a young industry that couldn't tell the difference between legit and faker, and then coasted on other people's contributions.

>> No.9934621
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He was head of Tommy Tallerico Studios, which as far as I can tell only had him as a permanent employee. He then hires others as the job requires. He takes solo credit when it's done.


>> No.9934634

>especially since nobody on the development team ever said anything.

Entirely possible that Tommy would be the only one who knew. The game company is seeing Tommy who is coming in with all these demos and songs and they say "good job guy!". Tommy is the point man and middle-man between him and the musicians actually making the songs.

>> No.9934638
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>It sounds like he was a relatively competent but mediocre artist, good enough to get a job in the game industry back in the day, hired better developers from Capcom, and passed their work off as his own. Acting as a kind of middle man but doing relatively little of the actual work compared to the credit he sought. And then just traded on his name going forward.

>> No.9934651

To paraphrase Huey Freeman.
"We all know the nigga can write music. You a fan of Tommy? You want to help Tommy? Then get Tommy some people who won't suck his dick and will tell him 'NO"."

>> No.9934757

Right, and since the musicians he hired likely weren't especially interested in video games and it was just a gig to them, once they're paid they'd move on to the next job, never really bothering to look back in on what's happened since. It's reasonable to imagine that a "real" musician wouldn't think much about whether or not they got credited in a Sega game or whatever for something they did to make ends meet a few months prior.

>> No.9934816

Except now it seems like it's in question if Tommy can even write music.

>> No.9934825

That's the most likely scenario. In the making of EWJ book by Doug TenNapel he described Tommy as always walking around with his red v guitar, but never mentions him ever playing it. Which sounds so in character its hilarious.

>> No.9934828

They'd have to sit and play a Sega Genesis video game all the way through to read the actual in-game credits which few people would do at the time. The Resident Evil live action actors didn't even know what Resident Evil is, or even what it was. They were just hired for a gig, did 1 day of shooting were paid, then went home. Normal people rarely interacted with "nerd" media, and selling 5 million copies doesn't mean that much. Many of them very well might have walked past the game in a store at some point, not having any idea that they were in it.

The voice actor for Barry Burton on the other hand, only knew about the game because he was a principal in a school in Australia and his students told him.

If you're a nerd, and have nerd friends, it might seem normal to care about these things. But someone else wouldn't.

>> No.9934835

Also Tommy isn't gonna say "yeah I hired this guy who composed this nice track" since the next obvious question is: "Why don't we just hire him instead of you?".

"Tommy Tallerico Studios" is a vague concept so he might not even be lying, as these are demos and songs produced by "them".

>> No.9934841

>he described Tommy as always walking around with his red v guitar, but never mentions him ever playing it. Which sounds so in character its hilarious.


I get the sense Tommy had a childhood fantasy of being a rock star, but either didn't have the patience to actually learn how to play well, or could never make it. He has just enough knowledge to bullshit and seem knowledgible to the lay person, and that's enough to be hired as a musician in video games in the 80's. Then he kept stealing credit to add to his fame, and kept self-promoting.

>> No.9934845

I guess you could argue Tommy had one talent in particular: foresight. At the time nobody thought much of game composers. Like that wasn't a thing you could really make a name on as far as most people were concerned. Tommy was in the right place at the right time and decided to self-market in a way that was relatively unheard of. It's only now that there's real attention to it that shit is starting to come to light.

>> No.9934848

he was pretty fun on Electric Playground.

Crash Bandicoot (PS1): 9.2
Tomb Raider (PS1): 9.4
Mario 64 (N64) :8.8

>> No.9934853

I don't think Tommy is talented at anything other than being a bold liar. There's youtube channels and videos pointing out minor lies he's made about being the first this or that or meeting people. He just seems to desperately want to be special and to get attention, and before the internet no one was really checking what he was saying. And since he had such a deep desire and happened to be a composer for video games, it's what he's went with. but it looks like he's been lying and exaggerating from day 1.

>> No.9934962

How has Victor been? Is he also in reality a douche like Tommy and Sessler or was he always as cool and laid back like he seemed to be on tv? He always did seem like the likeable of the two on EP and Judgement Day.

>> No.9934969

>Hey Victor Lucas here. You may remember me from the mega-huge show Electric Playground as well as the follow up series: Reviews on the Run. Now I'm in my basement broadcasting to 2000 people on youtube. Life is going places!


>> No.9935025

Tommy actually took a lot of credit for music he didn't actually do.

>> No.9935029

Thank God for Tommy getting duke nukem forever to release too.
Say what you will but the gaming industry owes a great deal to this man.

>> No.9935035
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lmfao I was right.

>> No.9935082

My god this Tommy thread is the funniest shit I've seen on here in a long time. We need to keep digging for more info here this is just too fun to read.

>> No.9935105

I think he had good intentions, but he couldn't let go out of his ego, and spent more time arguing with people in podcasts rather than keep advancing the development of the console.

>> No.9935112
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>So please, prove to me that he didn't compose Cool Spot's soundtrack.

>> No.9935120

What about 2? Did he not make this?

>> No.9935132
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I am astounded at the sheer level of deceit being uncovered

>> No.9935134

Do you think Tommy got someone else to record a new version of this song from the band he was in, or did he just use an old demo and claim it was his solo work? At least this one song we can definitively say he had some involvement in the creation of, notably not on guitar though.

>> No.9935321

I saw it more as being a sort of "definitive" video on the subject, covering every possible accomplishment Tommy said he's made. On a side note it's a good video and Tommy is a hack but Hbomberguy's fan base is treating him like he killed someone or something. I guess that's the kind of audience you cultivate when you participate in ONLINE left wing circles.

>> No.9935325

One day

>> No.9935348

I wanna know one thing, who the fuck thought using the Intellivision brand would help in anyway.

>> No.9935389
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He did the music for Wild 9 and it had lots of bangers.

>> No.9935392

It's actually music made by other people and some of it was reused from other games he ""worked"" on.

>> No.9935397
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Well thats dissapointing.

>> No.9935401

A lot of the music he claims ownership of is good, at least he has taste in who he steals from.

>> No.9935421

The problem was they didn't have the decency to pull the plug when the Amico went south (provided it was ever legitimately on the table). Covid was a more than valid excuse to scale back and have a heart to heart with everyone who preordered but instead they kept throwing good money after bad, hoping prices would come down in the interim, and eventually got stuck with so much debt that if they ever did release the thing it would probably have to retail for PS5 money. They just kept lying to people, hoping for some angel investor or some other miracle would rescue them. Really what they should have done from the start is cut the shit about selling games physically or doing a bunch of online nonsense and just put together an inexpensive plug-and-play that had a few fun family games on it and could sell at Target or Best Buy for $99.99. But they just couldn't help themselves. They wanted their fancy office space and job titles and thought that they could BS their way through the process.

>> No.9935427

the if he didn't have more than one job, he'd have no money to eat.
>joking that when you have no money and nothing to eat, you'd have to eat your kids

>> No.9935428

Yes, I heard that the Terminator CD music is recycleing his band's old music. It sets the tone for Tommy taking solo credit for something that was group work.

>> No.9935437

It's not his song, he didn't write the music or lyrics for this song. Did he pay the other band members? Doubt it... Dude has no talent and constantly steals things or takes credit for things he didn't do (like the Oof! sound, working on Metroid Prime, etc.). He just got caught red handed stealing art assets for that Battle Tanks game he showed off. His Moon Patrol game also contained stolen text from Star Fox. He's been stealing his whole life. He should be sued and taken to jail.

>> No.9935470
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I have a vague memory of him giving a Smash game a bad score and causing some seethe. Weirdly enough I think that was around the time 8.8 happened, memoryholed the Tallarico controversy. I wonder what Victor Lucas thinks of his former buddy becoming a radioactive name in an industry he is barely clinging onto. Always thought, and no idea as to why, Victor Lucas and Jeff Gerstman would cross paths but it never happened. Tommy interviewed Jeff one time though, pic related.

>> No.9935492
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>He should be sued and taken to jail.
He quite literally is currently in the middle of a massive lawsuit.

>> No.9935503

Tommy gave Melee a 2.5/10, which doesn't really matter but he kept denying he ever reviewed the game even though people saw the score on TV. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=brREONdVTE0

>> No.9935538

>both of them completely shitting on melee
Hell yeah. Smashfags are the worst and Meleefags are the worst of the Smashfags. They are a whole other level of shit. These two absolutely scorched this game lol.

>> No.9935605

Not defending Tommy, I just want to say
If someone took credit for music that I made but I got decent money, I'd be kinda ok.

Shoutouts to the real composer of Onimusha and Resident Evil dual shock ver.

Music fag here that has never earned money for it.

>> No.9935635
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>> No.9935637

You might not like the score but he's not even wrong about the stuff he says in the review.

>> No.9935697

The score is not the issue, it's the fact that he backpedalled so hard in saying he never even reviewed it at all and it was just a lie that "gamer racists" were making up to troll him.

>> No.9935783

He's talked about how he's supposedly Steven Tyler's cousin, but his constant lying about everything else in his life makes that seem dubious now lol

>> No.9935802

lol it's an obvious lie. I bet he's gonna claim he auditioned for Metalica next.

I don't even like Melee, but I'd say it's a quality made game. Good presentation, music, graphics. It's a fighting game built around Nintendo franchises. they imply there's no depth, but it seems they just played single player. I riff on melee players since they're still playing it in fucking 2023 god damn. I'm just pretty neutral on Smash Bros but I can see the appeal.

>> No.9935803

"Tommy Tallarico" composed the music, which means that Todd Dennis composed the music, and Tommy Tallarico claimed credit for it in an interview. ;)

>> No.9935814

It’s a party game, not a fighting game. The gameplay is not actually deep, it just has a dedicated fanbase of people who only play Nintendo games trying to meme it to be deep, like they do with Mario Kart and Pokémon

>> No.9935832

I watched a Video Games Live live recently and I really enjoyed it. There were some parts like some in between joke videos that were pretty bad and added nothing but that was it.
He seemed like a nice guy who really loves what he does.

>> No.9935856

sounds like the aussie band Shower Scene From Psycho

>> No.9935950

I've never heard anyone claim Mario Kart to be "deep". Pokémon is arguably so though, but admittedly a lot of the deepness is abusing the RNG to get maxxed out broken Pokémon.

>> No.9936085

Inexplicably he gets big names to come on his show that hardly anyone watches. I’m glad he’s still at it though. I tune in every now and then to check up. Wish him the best.

>> No.9936362

Or when you make videos accusing (justifiably) people of taking unwarranted credit. Fuck knows what you're going on about leftists or whatever, sounds like /pol/ skullfucked you beyond repair and you're still leaking from the ears.

>> No.9936386

>He caused some SEETHE bro
And he's a fraud, so maybe that's not what you actually want. Maybe it's the exact opposite. lol

>> No.9936838

He or someone from his studio did the music in the cd versions:


>> No.9937041

Tommy's greatest weakness: Furniture.

>> No.9937098

The guy who created the sound drivers for the SEGA Genesis and SEGA Master System and spared millions of gamers from the Nintendo menace with his cultured, level-headed vidya reviews. How could you NOT know him.

>> No.9937128

>spared millions of gamers from the Nintendo menace
Then why did he then go to work on Metroid Prime with Shigeru Miyamoto?

>> No.9937156

I respect his music and passion for the industry. Everything else not so much.

>> No.9937179

This could've been a good video if he'd stay on topic rather than trying to slip his libshit propaganda under the guise of jokes every other minute.
>dude capitalism bad
>dude cops bad
>dude Tommy is a homophobe
It's obvious he doesn't actually give a shit about the subject his video is allegedly about but instead is using it as a framework to indoctrinate impressionable minds.

>> No.9937184

He created GEMS? Add one more to the list of crimes.

>> No.9937195

Read the thread, he doesn’t make music.

>> No.9937240

you must be really fun at parties

>> No.9937341

>He created GEMS? Add one more to the list of crimes.

I don't think Tommy had anything to do with GEMS. I think GEM's was made by the Taz-Mania and Chakkan developer. Tommy did use GEM's though for various genesis/ Md games like Earthworm Jim 1 and 2, and probably games like Robocop vs Terminator, Mic & Mac, Cool Spot and whatever. The GEM's software doesn't even look bad, as it is pretty customization and features. The biggest problem with GEM's is that third parties tend to use the default FM audio configurations.


>> No.9937354

was always a blowhard with the shittiest takes on games

>> No.9937358

Why is his work on SNES not so great? Sounds like he was struggling with the sample system, they sound a bit too meek. Maybe the western SNES support was bad? Maybe he just hated the thing completely? Oh well.

>> No.9937940

I don't know why you brought me into this shit. I just said his review caused seethe. Didn't say it was good or bad, just interesting.

>> No.9937951

Well the thing is you act exactly like that other guy.
Like a bully. So you need to hear the same thing essentially. Eat your green beans bucko.

>> No.9937983

I don't see what I did to deserve the green bean treatment. Fuck you.

>> No.9937989
File: 47 KB, 558x483, 1657058134375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not going to eat your green beans??
Is that what I'm being told?

>> No.9938057

> a youtube comment is confirmation
literally toddlers so fucking mad that their favourite MEME sound was removed from roblox.

> be old cunt
> translates classical music to midi, music that he never wrote
> it's public domain. he has no copyrights.
> old cunt now pretends that he owns beethoven and midi files released into the public domain and should deserve credit... for music written by beethoven
amazing levels of cope that i have never seen before.
the old cunt literally has no leg to stand on and all he can do is seethe. songs were released into the public domain, and the original songs are public domain. whoooops. looks like your dire lack of education has ruined your drama thread.

>> No.9938061

at least he shat on nintendo games, that's enough

>> No.9938062

>The biggest problem with GEM's is that third parties tend to use the default FM audio configurations.
no. the biggest problem with GEMS was that it had very little effects and got slaughtered by custom routines developed by the japs and europeans. american musicians were woefully incompetent at sound drivers and programming sound drivers. there's only 5 or so composers in america from that era that truly mastered fm synth. they too had their own custom routines and weren't using this GEMS cancer.

>> No.9938067

tommy chudarico

>> No.9938132

Hi Tommy

>> No.9938145
File: 17 KB, 837x118, haha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> old cunt now pretends that he owns beethoven and midi files released into the public domain and should deserve credit... for music written by beethoven
No. He's not Tommy so he's not stupid enough to claim he wrote Moonlight Sonata

>> No.9938212

You are trying too hard to fit in

>> No.9938250

>they too had their own custom routines and weren't using this GEMS cancer.

B..but Sega Lard X said that GEMS is fine and developers just didnt take the time to use it properly

>> No.9938569

Tommy Wiseau

>> No.9938573 [DELETED] 


>> No.9938586

he's the biggest cuckold faggot I've ever seen, and that's saying something. I wouldn't be surprised if he gets paid to insert left wing brainwashing in every single topic he talks about

>> No.9938591

It's not even all that definitive because it only skims the surface of Tommy's antics with the Amico, there's a separate 4 hour documentary covering all the lies just in regards to the Amico shit.

>> No.9938639

Yeah I'd also recommend this one if you want a deep dive on the Amico stuff from its origin, it's pretty funny to watch all his lies rack up into complete absurdity
I wouldn't say there's a 'definitive' video on his music lies but there almost certainly will be once someone can connect all the dots and track down some composers, there's still information coming out after all. But you don't have to watch many of these to realize he's been a scam artist since day one.

>> No.9938647

I didn't play Vice City much so I don't know what he did.

>> No.9940397

I never had any respect for him to begin with

>> No.9940406

Tommy Tallarico has the same vibe of the C-list comedians that show up on those Remember The 70s/80s/90s? TV shows.

>> No.9940861

>How exactly does Tommy get his fingerprints on everything if he wasn't doing any of the work?
He's a huckster who's good at getting his name and face out there and nobody really bothers to correct him. Remember, for literal decades Keiji Inafune was credited as the creator of Mega Man and it's only within the last decade or so that it's finally been disproven at least to a wide degree.

>> No.9941095

Well, not really. Keiji inafune did draw the designs for mega man. He just didn't have anything to do with game development.
From what we're seeing, Tallarico didn't actually do much of anything at all. He's even more of a fraud than Billy Mitchell.

>> No.9941354

>American VGM is all shit
>it turns out one of the only notable American VGM composers is a total fraud anyway

>> No.9941360

Bobby Prince and Lee Jackson are good.

>> No.9941362

Can't speak for Lee Jackson, but Bobby Prince is some of the most generic sounding wannabe "metal" that I've ever fucking heard. His shit is so cheesy that it even sounded cheesy back in the 90s, when metal was still near its peak cheesiness. The Konami Kukeiha Club absolutely fucking destroys him in that genre.

>> No.9941369

Case in point: Konami dropped this album the same year Doom came out


>> No.9941373

>American bad
>japan good

>> No.9941381

This but unironically. VGM was a phenomenon in Japan, while in America music in games was largely treated as an afterthought. While Japan was printing sheet music from arcade games in magazines and had a thriving industry of selling soundtrack and arrangement albums, America was still licensing out the music to whoever was the cheapest. While Japanese composers were getting intimately familiar with soundchips and pushing them to new levels, American composers were just using shitty GEMS presets with abysmal quality just to rush the games out the door. There really is no comparison.

>> No.9941383

Bobby made more atmospheric and funk sounding music than metal.

>> No.9941384

american music is better. japan just copied what we did

>> No.9941389

All the good american VGM artists are wasted on licensed stuff or obscure PC-only games.

>> No.9941390

Cope. Post examples.

>> No.9941416

That was made by the bassist and one of the founders of ANTHEM, a classic japanese heavy metal band. I don't think an arranged album by an already professional musician is a good comparison.

>> No.9941435

Fair enough, here's some actual in-game music.

>> No.9941451

I respect all boomers with a full head of hair

>> No.9941457
File: 19 KB, 250x250, 1664128138343508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one of the only notable American VGM composers

>> No.9941469

I never had respect for him. I don't think he's actually composed anything.
Composers normally like composing and keep doing it instead of talking about their supposed achievements from 30 years ago.
Goes for any artists really.

>> No.9941517

kek I actually completely understand what you mean. Not sure most anons will though.

>> No.9941706

Why not? SNK's music was so good because it was created in concert with the arrangers and studio musicians. SNK was making all of those KoF and Fatal Fury soundtracks with the idea that they would be arranged by real musicians so they were making the songs sound as close to "real" music as they could get, likely often with input from said musicians.

And I would bet a lot of other Japanese VGM composers were working with an eye towards their songs being arranged and played by real musicians. Which goes into the different that anon said. Japanese VGM composers were taking their craft seriously and looking at it as creating real music. American VGM composers just saw it as jobs because they couldn't make it in the real music industry.

>> No.9941829

Looks like America has its own Mamoru Samuragochi now

>> No.9941871

He's Gen X.

>> No.9941919

Still listen his soundtracks, but the Amico was unironic, full blown cringe and I can't believe he never saw what an uphill battle it was to release a new console. He would've saved way more time, money, and embarrassment if he just did the Atari route and released every Intellivision game in one giant batch with all the QOL bells and whistles.
It's closest thing to a decent video he's made but he still had to fag it up with the pointless RESPECT LE WOMYN shit.

>> No.9941940
File: 60 KB, 448x554, 2525191-box_il.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He would've saved way more time, money, and embarrassment if he just did the Atari route and released every Intellivision game in one giant batch with all the QOL bells and whistles.
That's what Intellivision Productions has been doing consistently for two decades. Once its president passed away in 2017, Tommy swooped in and bought the company to launch his own vanity project. He had no interest in Intellivision's legacy, he needed a somewhat recognizable brand to push himself forward.

>> No.9942043

goes to show you almost every professional e-begger in the industry is lying out their ass. fake it till you make it.

>> No.9942069

anon finding out that most people aren't malajusted right wing freaks will always be funny to me

>> No.9942075 [DELETED] 

>calling some retards dated ass feminism pandering gay and retarded
M'ladying is pussy repellent my guy.

>> No.9942162 [DELETED] 

Who the fuck says Le in 2020s?

>> No.9942205

Liked most of his 16-bit stuff, if he actually composed it. The Amico shit makes him look like a retard, though.

>> No.9942212 [DELETED] 

The vaccine one and the one where he does a onions diet are both great.

>> No.9942217

>if he actually composed it.

Everything should be questioned now and we should assume as a default that he didn't compose anything until proven otherwise. He just seems like a no talent attention seeker coasting on the work of others. When a game became a hit he'd go "Oh yeah. I made all the sfx and music for that. Yep. All me. I'm the guy." Then coasts on that for like 20-30 years.

It's remarkable because even if you take his claims at face value he hasn't done anything of value for decades. Meanwhile tons of composers in east and west have been pumping out music for ages with far more volume and consistency, but 0.1% of the recognition of Tommy.

>> No.9942263

That is certainly Tommy's voice being sampled. One of the few things he can credit to himself.

>> No.9942296

I'm leaning towards the real possibility he has never composed anything. Or he initially started in music, realized he couldn't do it, and started hiring people and taking credit. Remember, it's "Tommy Tallarico Studios" not Tommy Tallarico himself composing it! The name implies he's doing 75% of the work with help, instead of just being a useless middle manager go-between hiring randoms to compose a few songs here and there.

He could keep up the lies in the 80's and 90's and 00's. The started to unravel with the advent of social media. But he was still held in high regard, but the Amico scam really put the spotlight on him. People are asking (serious people) did he even compose anything?

>> No.9943078

This thread has inspired me to check out Hbomberguy’s video on Tommy Tallarico and I have lost all respect for Tommy. I wasn’t a huge fanboy but I always had respect for him I had a blast at video games live back in 2009. The more I read about him the more disgusted I am by him.

I was a little shocked at how good Hbomberguy’s video was. First one of his I’ve ever watched. I’m a rightoid and everyone makes him sound so cringe.

I didn’t really mind the libshit stuff he wasn’t nearly as sjw as I expected. I don’t like capitalism very much myself.

>> No.9943259
File: 12 KB, 300x238, seaman1-300x238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are hung up on the idea of ownership, people have been playing Beethoven for centuries. Not playing it yourself is cardinal laziness and indicates a distinct lack of either skill or motivation as a musician.

>> No.9943265 [DELETED] 

kill all wops

>> No.9943470 [DELETED] 

Godwin's law, argument invalidated

>> No.9943478

Jesus, this Tallarico rabbit hole is actually a can of worms.

>> No.9943614

>I didn’t really mind the libshit stuff he wasn’t nearly as sjw as I expected.
He used to be a lot more annoying with his political opinions. He's toned it down a lot in more recent vids. Some of his old videos are just baffling but credit where credit's due the dude's content has improved a lot and that Tommy video is probably his best video yet.

>> No.9943761 [DELETED] 


Hbomberguy is a maladjusted leftwing freak though. That's like his whole deal. Pitching sarcastic 2012 sjw Reddit tier critiques of public figures and e-drama folks. He seems to be smartening up and injecting less of his content with it though which is good. That stuff is like rat poison to modern creators as it signifies that their fan base is a half step away from gangstalking some "Karen" for not wearing a mask last year or refusing to verbally felate the memory of the George Floyd du jour.

>> No.9943840 [DELETED] 

But enough about you trying to slide the thread.

>> No.9943861
File: 116 KB, 565x800, 3932224-color-a-dinosaur-nes-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's next, will we find out that Tommy Tallarico did not color a dinosaur in 1993?

>> No.9943959

>That's what Intellivision Productions has been doing consistently for two decades. Once its president passed away in 2017, Tommy swooped in and bought the company to launch his own vanity project. He had no interest in Intellivision's legacy, he needed a somewhat recognizable brand to push himself forward.
It’s sad that through recent news, people discovered that he pawned off and sold intellivision ips to some random mobile shit house german company. Rip

>> No.9943979

Yeah, that's why some of the former Amico "exclusives" are getting mobile versions shat out now like Shark Shark, though it was obvious to anyone with a working eye they were always cheap mobile games on dirt cheap mobile hardware.

>> No.9945484

hard to believe this guy wanted to compete with Sony, Nintendo, and Microsoft with a retro-like console and that people gave him money.

He could've just made a studio and developed shitty indie and mobile games.

>> No.9945523
File: 24 KB, 892x172, FuQS14paYAAIMJ7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poor guy.
The Moonlight Sonata came from a different guy's MIDI pack (Edward Grant), and apparently all Tommy did was speed up one of the movements. I guess that's fine if the file were effectively stock, and it admittedly does fit with the bizarre vibe of the level and "lolrandom" tone of the game, but again it's just something else that brings into question what Tommy actually did in terms of the game's music production.

>> No.9945567 [DELETED] 

>reddit's law, take that chud!
And that's why you're an incel

>> No.9945606

It will never matter, or it will.
Nobody could have been a better sound Engineer for Earthworm Jim. There's literally nothing else I even know he could be useful for.
If he actually wanted to orchestrate some new video game tracks? I'd be deadly for it.
Games I didn't really like used to win me over with their sound track.

>> No.9945616
File: 20 KB, 550x42, Screenshot 2023-05-29 at 23-28-56 (0) _vr_ - Is he a hack or do you still have respect for Tomm - Retro Games - 4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>saying the "I" word in a "flamewar"
Of all the retarded bullshit that gets posted, that sets you faggots off?

>> No.9945639

How dare you! Tommy Tallarico holds the 1993 Guinness world record for Most Dinosaurs Colored By Someone Named Tommy Tallarico.

>> No.9945854

His mommy is extremely proud.

>> No.9945931

Try reading the thread before posting next time.

>> No.9945954

This makes me realize if he just kept himself mostly out of the spotlight like he was seemingly doing for the most part to my knowledge prior to Amico, a lot of what we are seeing wouldn't have been exposed about him or people just wouldn't have cared enough. So this Amico scam has really put the spotlight on him as you put it.

>> No.9945968

He's always been putting himself in the spotlight - he was doing endless magazine interviews as "that Earthworm jim music guy". He started Electric Playground - a whole freaking tv show hosted by him and Victor Lucas. Then with the net he has done endless podcast interviews. Then Video Games Live shows. Guy loooooves the spotlight and can't get enough of it.

Yeah, Amico was a bridge too far. Tommy should have kept his mouth shut and just coasted on past fame. A lot of this info was out there, just no one paid attention to because everyone gave Tommy a pass. but Amico is just the latest in his self-aggrandizing scammy behavior.

I'm really leaning he's never composed anything, or only did a few obscure songs in some very old games. Everything else is people he hired or recycling his band's music.

>> No.9945973

Like John Romero.

>> No.9945998

Does anyone know of a shorter one that isn't by a guy who thinks every milquetoast right winger is a white supremacist?

>> No.9946001

What did John Romero even lie about? He just became infatuated with himself and his fame, but his contributions were significant, meaningful and based on hard work. Even Daikatana eventually came out. Without John there's no Deus Ex.

>> No.9946005

Good morning John.

>> No.9946007

We now know it was Bam Margera who leaked the 2001 build.

>> No.9946009

Take your pick:
Here's one I thought was particularly funny:

>> No.9946018

You joke, but the possibility that Tommy was actually posting on the thread is not 0.

>> No.9946137

Amico and also trying to take Roblox to court over the 'oof' really set off this chain of events and exposed him to the greater public but he really could've gotten away with it all, all he had to do was shut up. He's clearly made a good living and a fuckload of money from video games but wanting just a little more was his undoing.

>> No.9946146

This made me laugh. Even if he is a scammer that was just a funny thing for him to say.

>> No.9946186

It's only funny because of how impotently he says it. Like he was fumbling for a comeback.

>> No.9946192

I wonder if he actually made all that much money, he comes off as desperate for cash.

>> No.9946690

>I wonder if he actually made all that much money, he comes off as desperate for cash.

Correct. He's probably made good money, but he has an image to live up to since he wants to impress others. That sports car? Rented. The house is bigger than he can afford and he's on the knife's edge about the mortgage. Ergo desperate for money. Easily could live a middle class life if he wanted to but wants to be mega star.

>> No.9946715

He's one of a tiny handful of western devs that knew how to work with that old Yamaha fart chip so he gets a pass in my book. Earthworm Jim is one of those games that proves the Genesis had good sound in the right hands.

>> No.9946764

That's the neat part: he didn't.

>> No.9946846

On one hand it would be nice to have as little shame as Tomm, but on the other, the inability to stop showing your whole ass to the public has got to be a real handicap.

>> No.9947018

That's only because Jeff won an NFL Blitz tournament. He's scarily good at that game.

>> No.9948261

I have a feeling that these people who just skate into the thread, ignore all the posts and dump a comment and leave may actually be Tommy himself.

>> No.9948281

>If someone took credit for music that I made but I got decent money, I'd be kinda ok.
>Music fag here that has never earned money for it.

theres a reason youll never make money

>> No.9948385
File: 909 KB, 1560x1184, tommy ring.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's a pathological liar who will literally lie about anything. He once claimed his parents never drank on a forum post in response to someone saying they finally got clean, then told stories over and over on podcasts about his mother drinking wine with friends. He also listed himself as a "Minor League Baseball Hall of Famer" and posted photos of this ring online, conveniently cropping out the part that says "FANTASY CAMP" on the top. Honestly, the sheer amount of lies he tells, ones that he doesn't even have any reason to tell... it's mind boggling.

>> No.9948453

>claiming he made the music when it is just stock
Does he think we're still in the early 90s? Did he really think nobody would figure this out?

>> No.9948458

It used to happen a lot back in the day. On streets of rage 3 you'll notice Yuzo Koshiro put his name on the title screen as the composer - but it was all written and programmed and composed by Motohiro Kawashima who got no credit at all.

>> No.9948460

Ykw I used to like this guy tommy when he was on mtv cribs and mega64. he seemed cool but full of himself. now I know hes a tool.

>> No.9948504

Truly the Soulja boy of our generation.

>> No.9948506

except his shitty console actually got released i think

>> No.9948517

Literally who?

>> No.9948518

Fucking lost.

>> No.9948520

It’s being between a rock and a hard place. On the one hand, it’s probably satisfying on a deeply spiritual level to see your work become popular and inspiring to others. On the other, someone else is reaping the direct material and social benefits that should rightfully be yours instead.

As a mediocre polymath I’d love to see my shit become renowned too, but I don’t think I could get past seeing someone else steal my glory for very long without blowing a gasket or two.

>> No.9948523

>Ykw I used to like this guy tommy when he was on mtv cribs
>when he was on mtv cribs
>when he was on mtv cribs
>when he was on mtv cribs
>when he was on mtv cribs
>when he was on mtv cribs
Oh boy... anon. Are you sitting down right now? I've got some bad news. Tommy was never on MTV Cribs. That's another lie that he's told over the years.

>> No.9948531
File: 1.05 MB, 1284x984, IMG_2630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only exposure to this guy I’ve ever been made aware of was on that G4 show ‘Judgement Day’ and in pic related. Bard’s Tale (2004) is of my favorite games of all time, so I guess that makes Tommy Tallarico Studios pretty based at the very least.

>> No.9948619

Yuzo Koshiro is another plagiarist hack, just smarter about it.

>> No.9948731

Or it would be if they had written any of the songs. Why do you keep making posts like this?

>> No.9949321

>Moonlight Sonata came from a different guy's MIDI pack (Edward Grant), and apparently all Tommy did was speed up one of the movements.
Holy shit Tommy literally did nothing as far as actual music production went, didn't he?

>> No.9949529

He and those retarded japanese guys who took credit from all those ladies who did the street fighter music are a commies wet dream of effectively "proving capitalism is a farce" so I hate his guts not only for being a piece of shit, but also giving commies justifiable ammunition.

>> No.9949556

Yeah, as somebody who draws stuff, it's kind of a kick in the balls for your original upload to get minimal attention, but a sig-cropped re-upload by some random fuck get six figure likes (and that's not nearly as bad as somebody actively, arguably maliciously, taking credit for your work).
Anybody who says you should just be happy your thing gets to be enjoyed by more people have probably never had somebody else harvest the attention for their work. It's especially a shame since EWJ games had very memorable music and getting proper attention could've helped careers.

>> No.9949797

>Tommy Tallarico Intellivision hype video
>It's him on a video call with one or more Z-list ecelebs(?)
The fact that he was resorting to this should've been a sign.

>> No.9950518

I think most people who dye their hair and shows some kind of self-absorbed personality or a necessity to be liked are pathological liars. Its a sociopathy trait too. Just some patterns i noticed many times in my life.

>> No.9950682

Not really a fair comparison. Sure, maybe he's been over credited for "creating" Mega Man, but nobody refutes that he actually did meaningful work on the series in terms of illustration, character design, and production. Maybe the initial idea of Rock wasn't his, but he certainly carried the series forward.
It sounds more and more like Tommy really didn't do a whole lot on the creative side of EWJ's music production, despite choosing to take credit for the lion's share of it.

>> No.9950941

My big suspicion is that the Japanese composers are the same - they are a head of a team and they get sole credit for all their underling's creations. I remember thinking there's no way Uemetsu created the extremely diverse scores for FF6 and FF7 in quick succession like that.

>> No.9950942

>and those retarded japanese guys who took credit from all those ladies who did the street fighter music


>> No.9951015

He is quoting Hbomber's video on Tommy, where he went on the tangent on how female composers of Capcom's arcade games went uncredited, completely missing the point that every single person in the credits was hidden under a nickname and there was no secret misoginy in arcade dev scene.

>> No.9951113

It's a shit situation regardless of his phrasing.

>> No.9951204

It is, but the phrasing makes it sound like some people deserve better treatment than others.

>> No.9951246

I guess the point was that women are generally underrepresented in terms of game development, which is true, and these situations from jap devs in the 80's and 90's didn't help. But it was like that for all of them, something grifters like Tallarico exploited.

>> No.9951435

It’s horrible what he’s gotten away with. I did the sound effects for EWJ. I trained a real worm to say “groovy” and everything. I launched a real cow onto a real princess just to make the sounds as accurate as possible. And all the credit goes to this fraud…

>> No.9951902

Go to bed Tommy.

>> No.9951913


>> No.9951940
File: 355 KB, 384x239, OAH.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9952079

hbomberguy YouTube
The oof video

>> No.9952095
File: 1021 KB, 2048x2048, 348667127_933904961260928_6857849512964947763_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9952159

In an industry where programmers, illustrators, sound engineers, etc. are paid their salary and then they fuck off to work on something else, it's easy for someone else to take the credit because they're not getting in the way of royalties, not like the main music industry where even small bands and songwriters have some amount of ownership over their music (although I know about the cases where people get sued for their own songs because they left their record label)

>> No.9952854

amico era

>> No.9952882

Y2K was kino. I miss when technology looked futuristic and was more or less optimistic about the future.

>> No.9953243

I got banned for posting a news article about Yuji Naka but this thread stays up for a week and gets to hit more than two hundred posts. This site and the mods here are a fucking joke.

>> No.9953271 [DELETED] 
File: 130 KB, 220x165, grilling-baby-the-sims.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You really need to think about the type of person who sits and thinks to myself >"hey, I know... I'll be a 4chan mod yeaaaaaah. Not just a 4chan mod, but a faggot who hates the common user of 4chan. That's right! And I'm gonna delete relevant threads that I don't like because I'm a fucking narcissist piece of shit with a power trip. Perfect!"

>> No.9953986

He's nothing but an arrogant manchild who has a big mouth that made a fool of himself.

I mean just look at his crib.

Despite Tommy mention that he have a huge resume. He's known for being a massive liar and reusing soundtracks from other games.

>> No.9954009

That's probably Tommy you're talking to.

>> No.9954010

Was it because of the Yuji naka thread or that other post you made, anon? you know the one.

>> No.9954236

>expect "same song" with different instruments to match the tone
thats what Id do
>its the exact same song with the same instruments