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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 18 KB, 400x300, underground-gamer.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
992329 No.992329 [Reply] [Original]

Fuck! Just found out. Anyone else affected by this?

An RIP Underground Gamer thread I suppose...

>> No.992334

You're a bit late.

>> No.992338

Where...where have you been?

>> No.992347

I have not really messed with my torrents and I have been in-between OS installs. I have about 1.5tb of content from that site a disgustingly high ratio.

Wiping those servers is like burning down a museum. It had irreplaceable content, I believe.

Sad fucking times. Any word on a replacement? Anyone else affected? Come grieve with me

>> No.992353

Nothing that I know of.

The real loss were the books. So many books and magazines from guides to RPGs. Feels like someone burned down a library full of first editions.

>> No.992367

Blackcats has a lot of stuff from Underground-Gamer.
Most stuff I had from UG (full Redump.org, Darkwater and other packs) are there, so getting a high ratio was really easy and fast.

>> No.992380

Read their rules and their focus on individual ratios came off kinda asshole-ish. Some obscure or over seeded stuff it just doesn't happen with.

>> No.992492

Meant to ask as well if their rules are in practice as dickish as they come across. I keep good ratios, but sometimes there is just stuff nobody else ever wants and with limited up space it can't stay forever uploading.

>> No.992535

I am a member of about 15 private sites and UG was the most fair, the most friendly and one of the easiest to build ratio. For me, it was the MODEL tracker and community. I have a pience of shit upload speed and very modest ratios on other trackers, but on UG I had a monster ratio that I would donate at random....

>> No.992548

Well I don't mind it taking some actual effort, the files have to be kept alive some way. UG may have even been a little too easy, but good layout and very nice people. And that does make you want to pitch in too.

GG probably had the best layout of any website I've ever seen though and they were pretty fair. Good way to keep things active too, though it could have used the weekly cycles that UG had.

BCG always gets described as ugly and the individual mattering more than overall seems a bit impossible if you are an obscure hunter. Never been there since I'm not sure if the effort is worth it.

>> No.992551
File: 672 KB, 683x935, 1354240362000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All because of some shit like Fifa 98.

>> No.992570
File: 6 KB, 520x41, ratioking12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was about to break 100tb upload when they went down =/

>> No.992575
File: 52 KB, 500x500, 1365294061983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit! KoC, here on vr. Well it does make sense .

Cant find the brofist jpeg so here is something else

>> No.992584

Just use PleasureDome.

>> No.992592


I'm sorry...what is that from, anon? That made me bust out laughing...is it original text(might be too much to hope for)?

>> No.992602

Someone before told me it was from Battle Angel Altia but I don't know if that's for sure since I never read it.

>> No.992605

Do go on because a regular search for something with that name is going to get a shit load of weird results.

>> No.992610


Why on earth they picked something so lewd sounding is beyond me. Maybe it was to trick watchdog groups or something.

>> No.992616

>no vpn
Fucking faggots why do they do this shit.

>> No.992619

BCG ain't bad. The admins are idiots and tools and the boards are dead, but the seed point system is nice so even if you download some ultra obscure torrent that no one is going to leech for months you'll still get credit towards it as long as you keep it active. Very easy to keep a good ratio there.

>> No.992624

This is the best tracker for retro games right now. They have tons of content and it's easy to build a good ratio. Just be aware that what torrents you can download is restricted based on how much you have uploaded. Basically to download a torrent that isn't on freeleech, you have to have a good enough ratio that it would not drop below 0.5 if you downloaded the entire torrent. So to get one of the big 400gb torrents you have to upload a lot.

>> No.992626

What if you have limited space and can't seed it forever?

I mean a week is fine or even maybe a month though that is pushing it if the file is kinda large.

>> No.992630

That being said, there are good number of torrents on perpetual freeleech to help you get started.

>> No.992629

To be fair you shouldn't be downloading large files from a private tracker if you don't have a lot of extra space.

>> No.992631

gunm / battle angle alita (mango)

>> No.992636


So fucking weird...BAA has changed from the last time I read/watched it. Anyway, thanks anons.

>> No.992638

Tons of space, but seedbox are limited. Everything can't stay up forever its not a damn petabyte.

>> No.992641
File: 253 KB, 320x180, GTW-It's-over.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I seeded like crazy on the last Golden Torrent week they had to drive up my ratio.

I purposely didn't grab any goodies to payback all the great stuff I downloaded the previous months.

So sad to see it go...

>> No.992651
File: 10 KB, 494x42, Screenshot from 2013-08-14 16:13:55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What torrent are you coveting, /vr/?

>> No.992652

I died a little inside knowing that all the obscure Jap games and well organized collections were just gone.

>> No.992658

Ok every time I try to download a torrent from there my client crashes whenever I try to add it. I have been using Deluge for like a year and this is the only site I have had this issue with.

>> No.992665

Are you trying to open a large torrent, like MAME or something? Deluge crashes for me on things with tons of small files like that. Try Transmission or something lighter.

>> No.992668

Yeah. That's odd because I was able to download much bigger files from other sites using Deluge. Hell I just got a 55 gig James Bond torrent done yesterday.

>> No.992676

I don't think the issue is the size of the torrent, but the number of files in the torrent. The MAME split torrent has 28510 files in it.

>> No.992681
File: 64 KB, 500x500, 1353932165007.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah. Well I guess I will just use another client from now on.

>> No.992685

Yeah, the program's probably just not capable of processing such a huge amount of shit. Like I said Transmission works fine for me. I'm on Linux, though.

>> No.992713

Had an account for several years but never used it.

You can find most games in a couple minutes via google anyways.

>> No.992716

Underground Gamer had a bunch of games you would not be able to find anywhere else. It was one of the best archive sites for older games out there.

>> No.992718

Can you give a few examples?

>> No.992748

There was an early demo of MGS1 only in Japan called the pilot disc that played up to Psycho Mantis. The demo had a lot of hidden unsused stuff from earlier builds of the game that could be accessed if you hacked the game. For the longest time the only place I could find it was on Undergound Gamer.


>> No.992750

BCG worth getting? Have a box, but I dont want to jump in and get banned for not seeding some never going to download game for a year.

Can re-up it if there are requests and can have them up for a fair while, but its only like a 200gb seedbox (really good speeds and a lot of upload though thus the choice of box)

>> No.992751

Not the same anon, but all of the games that were uploaded to add to the redump projects for PSX and Dreamcast. Plus all of the protos were easier to find.

>> No.992753


Up to Psycho Mantis is around half the game, if not more if I recall. That's quite a lot for a demo disc.

>> No.992790

What is the best place for redump sets?

>> No.992791
File: 54 KB, 786x585, Underground Gamer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.992962

fucking this. philistines

>> No.993001
File: 47 KB, 500x669, zelda nintendo glove.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



IRC home of Underground Gamer community.

UG IS GONE: http://pastebin.com/3Ttj3GMF

UG data is lost - do not ask for it

http://z13.invisionfree.com/UURB --- UNOFFICIAL FORUMS - Register using your IRC nick.

bitgamer.ch is FAKE

WE NEED YOUR .torrent files! http://z13.invisionfree.com/UURB/index.php?showtopic=577'

>> No.993006

1. What happened? TL;DR: We have legal problems, courtesy of one of the “copyright protection” groups. That’s what you get when you have organizations whose sole purpose is scoring points by taking down sites. They don’t care about what they take down. They just do what they are paid for.
2. Is this the same thing as with BG? BG’s shutdown was pre-emptive. This one wasn’t planned at all.
3. Does this mean UG is gone? Unfortunately, yes. As of now, consider it gone forever.
4. Is there any way to get in touch with the rest of the community? irc://irc.esper.net/#UG .
6. Is the user data safe? We went scorched earth on the server – everything that COULD be wiped, was. Everything that could NOT be wiped was thoroughly encrypted and is useless without the encryption keys.

>> No.993012
File: 91 KB, 256x256, 1353141379943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weren't one of the mods on the unofficial forums pissed over people spreading info about its existence around?

>> No.993126

Can't everyone just migrate to PD? There's BCG too of course, but meh. PD still has the retro focus and isn't run by retards.

>> No.993145

One of the main rules of the temporal board is not sharing it.

>> No.993354

Has anyone thought of making a community using something like RetroShare? The thing lets you have your own forums, messaging system, and chat along with just file sharing.

>> No.994726

>BAA has changed from the last time I read/watched it
Last Order is what GUNNM tried to avoid: a generic mangoo.

>> No.994763

Where was UG hosted exactly? You have to be pretty stupid to host something within the US in 2013.

>> No.994765

>I have about 1.5tb of content from that site a disgustingly high ratio.
Hoarder AND a ratio whore? Dude.