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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9921773 No.9921773 [Reply] [Original]

What are we shmupping bros? Get any clears lately?

>> No.9921780
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This and no.

>> No.9921794

I've been playing R-Type 2 and Twinkle Star Sprites casually, I should probably put more effort since I'm pretty close to no-missing TSS

>> No.9921819

Just discovered this game - its awesome

>> No.9921852

I want to get into the genre. Rate my playlist
>Battle Garegga
>Darius Gaiden
>Gradius Gaiden
>Metal Black
>Panzer Dragoon Zwei
>Radiant Silvergun
>R-Type Delta
>Thunder Force IV
>Tyrian 2000

I've already played MUSHA and thought it was okay

>> No.9921882

Battle Garegga is way too hard for a newbie. Otherwise, it's good, although I don't know if Panzer Dragoon can be considered a shmup. Consider playing the Thunder Cross games, they're like Gradius but easier, very good for newcomers.

>> No.9921894

Some of these games are entry level (Tyrian, Thunder Force) and Garegga is an end boss game. I'd go with something like Dodonpachi or Vasara 2 at first. Fun, hard and complex but not overwhelming. If you play something too easy you'll just get bored

>> No.9921938

I may be a shmup newbie, but I've played a lot of super hard games before. The more challenging the better I think.
>Dodonpachi or Vasara 2
Not a fan of the anime aesthetic or bullet hell style gameplay though

>> No.9921951

If you're not a fan of bullet hells then that definitely leaves Garegga off the table for you. Even at low rank the game really piles it on towards the end.

>> No.9921957

I will play it anyways because the art and soundtrack are badass

>> No.9921982

It's hard, but it's worth getting into. Just play it, read wikis or whatever to get the system mechanics and get better.

>> No.9922046

For me? It's Z Gundam for SFC with my girlfriend

>> No.9922072

In that case check out Seibu and Psikyo games, they're more twitch-based with less screen clutter. Raiden Fighters 1 and Strikers 1945 II are nice entry points. Also, Gradius and R-Type were great from the start so don't skip the first games.

>> No.9922131
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Decent, but I wonder if it's even possible for people to "get into" the genre anymore. Like, do you expect to clear ANY of those games? Do you enjoy climbing score ladders?

>> No.9922132

OMG it's so friggin hard lol

>> No.9922134
File: 299 KB, 500x903, tumblr_oamvsppoul1qhxf07o2_r1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game is a shmup? I had no idea.

>> No.9922170
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I always found Plutos on the Atari ST intensely comfy. It's a very basic shooter that's just what you'd expect, but it's got a cute little single screen setup with a lot of fun stuff happening on it, interesting field designs and enemy shapes, always had fun trying to see how far I could get just to see how much the space station landscape would change and the increasingly weird "boss face" that starts out with eyes and gradually gets teeth and other obstacles that need to be shot. As a kid I imagined it just went on forever.

>> No.9922203

>muh too hard
Stop recommending lesser games over garegga

>> No.9922234

Why? He's not ready to take it on. Let the guy find his footing first.

>> No.9922268

If he's interested in the game he is. Stop being a pussy ass bitch.

>> No.9922301

Huh? It's not like I told him not to play it. He said he doesn't want bullet hells, so I gave him other recs instead.

>> No.9922309

Garegga isn't a bullet hell.

>> No.9922320

Sorcer Striker and Kingdom Grand Prix

>> No.9922330
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>> No.9922364

Garegga is the reason Cave went full danmaku with DDP. They wanted to rival it.

>> No.9922427

>>Battle Garegga
Play Batrider instead. Better in every way. Make sure you look up how to manage rank for either game.
>>Darius Gaiden
One of the greats, definitely check out Darius 2 as well if you like it
>>Gradius Gaiden
Haven't played it but supposed to be one of the best Gradius games. Personally I'd just start with Gradius 1 though
>>Metal Black
Replace this with Rayforce. Metal Black is just Darius but without any of the elements that make Darius good
>>Panzer Dragoon Zwei
No opinion
>>Radiant Silvergun
Don't do two treasure games. Both are shit, but you might like them.
>>R-Type Delta
Again, just play R-Type 1 or Leo (which doesnt play like a R-Type game)
>>Thunder Force IV
Terrible game. Play Gate of Thunder, it's like Thunder Force but not complete shit.
>>Tyrian 2000
Not played it, heard it's very euroshmuppy but also unique

>> No.9922428

Wtf is wrong with the aspect ratio, what's that device anyways?

Can anyone recommend games like strikers 1945? Tried a lot of shmups but nothing has matched it, I like how it handles difficulty and the aesthetic is so good

>> No.9922429

Also you need a Psikyo game. Play Sonic Wings (Arcade) or Sengoku Ace. Both great.

>> No.9922432

>batrider better than garegga
Just lol

>> No.9922436

Yes, and it's not even close. It fixes basically all of the (many) flaws of Battle Garegga

>> No.9922437

What's makes them garbage, everyone seems to love ikaruga

>> No.9922441

the peopld who "love" shitkaruga don't even play it.

>> No.9922442

Ikaruga is to shmups in the same way Halo is to FPS. It's normies intro into the genre and thus disliked by autists of said genres.

>> No.9922445

Okay but I wanna hear why you think some games are good and some are bad so I can copy your points and sound smart on reddit

>> No.9922446

Halo is actually a good game at its core though unlike Ikaruga

>> No.9922451

Instead of asking what's bad about it, ask one of these "fans" what's good about it and they can't answer you.

>> No.9922458

There’s nothing in garegga that need fixing.

>> No.9922462

I've seen redditors write multiple paragraphs about how vampire survivors is a bullethell and requires extreme focus so I'm sure they could generate a few paragraphs about how kino some game they never played is

>> No.9922465

I don't agree, Halo is pretty shit and pioneered everything bad about modern FPS games.

>cover shooting
>regenerating shields
>2 weapon limit

but whatever, ikaruga and halo are both shit

>> No.9922472

Batrider fixes bullet visibility, character variety, medalling, rank management, the broken autofire, the shitty option formation system, balances the ship variants (A, B, C, ABC) to actually be an interesting trafeoff, has way more interesting secrets, and actually rewards Gold Standard play instead of requiring suicides

>> No.9922474

it's too hard for me so I can cope with the easier Batrider instead

>> No.9922478

>easier batrider
batrider is objectively harder than gayregga when playing for score

>> No.9922483

You don’t even play garegga. All of those are features, not flaws that need ”fixing”. Ship variety is great in garegga btw.

>> No.9922490

Said the nonplayer with no clears who shits up shmup threads to cry over Treasure.

>> No.9922580

I cant commit to one game long enough to gitgud. There are way too many and they are all fun.
How do you do it.

>> No.9922581

Hope your skills transfer and if they don't lrn2cope

>> No.9922610

>How do you do it.
I don't

>> No.9922621

Post your shitruga clear

>> No.9922634

Don't feed Auster, anon.

>> No.9922640

>I should probably put more effort since I'm pretty close to no-missing TSS

Good luck with Memory, she's the single reason why I have like 3 1-miss runs in the game.

>> No.9922647

R type 2 final is a huge pain in the ass, so many untelegraphed screen filling attacks, it's like a memory game on top of a shmup.

>> No.9922663

/vg/ kids should go back

>> No.9922673

If you don't even understand what I mean then you clearly haven't played Garegga beyond a surface level.

Batrider just takes Garegga fixes the jank and improves it on nearly every aspect. The only reason to prefer Garegga is if you just really prefer the dieselpunk aesthetic.

>> No.9922758

Yeah, it's annoying how the game lulls you before ramping up the difficulty for that fight. I've 1CCd it before but it doesn't feel like you've really beaten the game.

>> No.9922973

The Halo/COD of shmups is Touhou though.

>> No.9923543

>game is objectively better even though it isn't
You might have autism.

>> No.9923546

normies dont eat up touhou

>> No.9923562

Touhou is as normie as it gets for shmups. I've actually spoken to people who don't even know Gradius or R-Type who are into Touhou remixes.

>> No.9923703

Most touhou retards don't even play the games. It's an mlp tier fandom.

>> No.9925176

Enjoying a game is way more important to 1CC'ing a game than difficulty.

>> No.9925191

Mars Matrix (arcade), but I'm too old and lacking sufficient youth experience with the genre to ever 1CC it.

>> No.9925192

You just outed yourself as never speaking to normies, autist

>> No.9925232
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The last one I played was Gun Nac. My supervisor also played the unlicensed Aladdin III (Magic Carpet) game on NES recently and now I kind of want to play it myself as I had no idea about it

>> No.9925398

>but I'm too old and lacking sufficient youth experience with the genre to ever 1CC it.
Not true. The best shmup players in the world are 40-60 year old boomers