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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 58 KB, 1643x924, n64_mini.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9918825 No.9918825 [Reply] [Original]

Why hasn't this happened yet?

>> No.9918835

The little pi boards they slap these onto aren't powerful/cheap enough to do good N64 emulation

>> No.9918837

It's not a 64 without the rareware, wrestling and star wars gamea

>> No.9918840

idk. I think mini-trend is dead completely.
I doubt we will see any huge popular consoles. The trend was on when there was NES/SNES thing and it's over.
Also nintendo obviously dont want to give people other options because it releases those 64 games on Switch store for subscription.

Plus you can just play all that on steamdeck on a pooper

>> No.9918843

I think the chip shortage since 2020 is also a major reason.

>> No.9918845

NES and SNES minis were created to fill a gap between Wii U and the Switch. The latter still sells pretty well, so Nintendo does not need another product.

>> No.9918846

it made sense to make those for NES and SNES because those were good consoles, but the N64?

>> No.9918850
File: 119 KB, 720x540, three-hands-n64-controller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zoomies on Discord told me it's because Switch is for both modern and retro gamers and insisted to me that nobody plays only retro games. I think they will make one eventually, as long as people will buy it, which they will.

Banjo made it onto Switch online so possibly there's hope

Genesis Mini 2 was just released a few months ago with Sharp X86000Z Mini on the horizon. Nintendo themselves have also been releasing those Game and Watch handhelds every year, the first one with Mario and the second with Link's Awakening. I'd say it's not over just yet.

>> No.9918862

Yea but those genesis minis, they had such a small production line and cost an arm and a leg. I have no idea how they are now but they dropped in price after they released and again, there was a very limited number. Unless something had changed in the last couple months (they released back in Nov iirc). N64s are going for insane prices and it keeps climbing, but w the switch there isn’t really a reason for Nintendo to spend money and potentially lose a bunch when they license the games for nothing. Also chip shortage due to war. If the American president remains unchanged, chip shortage could continue to be a major issue.

>> No.9918884

Because Nintendo wants you to subscribe and pay for a digital download

>> No.9919092

>It's not a 64 without the rareware,
So it's not an N64 without overrated shovelware?

>> No.9919359


>> No.9919403

The NES Classic was really a distraction to cover for the Wii U disaster. With the Switch printing money and doing N64 pretty well there's just no reason for them to invest in another mini.

>> No.9919414

The Unisoc Tiger T618 can easily delivers passable N64 performance for the casuals who actually buy mini consoles. That is the chip from RP3+ and RG505 handhelds and its honestly overkill for N64.

>> No.9919481


>> No.9919493

They should instead fix the N64 emulator on the Switch and put some effort and get some Rare, Treasure & Konami games instead.

>> No.9920486
File: 17 KB, 474x322, th-45224930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because N64 games sell Switches, which have an access to the online store, which is a revenue stream for Nintendo.


A N64 classic mini would be a dead end for shareholders.
these days rich people don't want sales money, they want service money.

>> No.9920489

fug i'm too late

>> No.9920496

>because N64 games sell Switches, which have an access to the online store, which is a revenue stream for Nintendo.

I think Nintendo looked at their SBC options and realised that it wasn't worth it. So they decided to just release an N64 gamepad for the switch and offer them through Nintendo Classics instead. Either way, they are still being emulated.

>> No.9920505

thanks for the clarification

>> No.9920532

Does it cost less than $30? Nintendo want huge profits and probably a $100 price point

>> No.9920536

N64 emulators suck ass. I don't mean that as in they're unplayable, I've played all of the worthwhile games on my modern dual 1440p144 desktop computer without any blaring issues, but they're not something you can just load on a cheap ass pi clone and expect it to work well enough as an official product. Look at what Sony did, the PS1 Classic got its teeth kicked in because the chinkshit boards they chose were far too underpowered to handle PS1 emulation.

And unfortunately result in an N64 Mini that's way more expensive than what people are willing to pay for. It's probably why Nintendo stopped with NES and SNES before switching to their trash NSO service that doesn't even emulate games all that well, avoids production cost altogether when their other systems would require better hardware as they further ahead.

>> No.9920557

It’s a bad game console.

>> No.9920605

have you SEEN nintendo's emulation for n64 from inhouse work?
They couldn't do it on the cube and they can't do it now. Maybe if this was the wii but switch?They have lost entirely software wise

>> No.9920994

n64 is too powerful for shitty emulator boxes
controllers would be too expensive to make (and people will want 4 of them per console)
no fucking games

the entire reason why nintendo did the NES and SNES mini was as a cheap cash grab while the switch was in development. If nintendo wants people to play N64 shit then they'll want people to do it on their switch.

>> No.9921016

you know tendies would line up to buy SM64 once again anyway

>> No.9921019

Yeah, which is why Nintendo used SM64 as part of a profoundly retarded paid rom expansion pack to their shitty paid online program. They want people on the switch, not playing little stand alone mini consoles anymore.

>> No.9921583

Aside from emulation issues; it's probably because the N64 was widely known for its couch multi-player games like Mario Party and Smash Bros. They would still have to include four ports on the unit, even if four controllers didn't come in the box. The NES and SNES minis were both small and had slim controllers, so they were easy to package and ship. The N64 Mini itself might hypothetically be small, but the controllers would have to be the same size; and to package even two of them per box would make it more expensive to package and ship, and they would of course have to pass that cost on to the consumer. I think Nintendo would be able to sell such a device on the strength of their own N64 first-party library alone; they could easily slap 20 games on there.

>> No.9921594

>Nintendo themselves have also been releasing those Game and Watch handhelds every year
Those were 35th Anniversary releases for Super Mario Bros. and The Legend of Zelda. There wasn't a third last year.

>> No.9921649

They're still looking for 50 games.

>> No.9921665

They already stated that mini consoles were only made to create additional income in the transitional period towards the Switch.

>> No.9921681

Is it unreasonable to expect then that they might do the same during the transition period to their next console?

>> No.9921683

>controllers would be too expensive to make
so that's why they never have a good one?

>> No.9921689

They can't just steal an emulator and claim it as their own, they would have to do actual work in order to get it working and Nintendo is really lazy.

>> No.9921698

>They can't just steal an emulator and claim it as their own
They can use any open source emulator, you cannot "steal" open source.

>> No.9921743

At the volume Nintendo would buy? Possible.
The chip is several years old and already used in cheap handheld that come with screens, decent analog sticks, and free shipping.

There are even less expensive chips that run N64 well enough for casuals. The RK3566 is a cheaper alternative and it offers very decent n64 . Here is bad fur day below:
Keep in mind Zelda ran at only 20 fps on original hardware. Its not tough to get there.
If I can buy the "system on a chip" version for $50 retail which already has ram, wifi, multiple USB ports and hdmi out, I would imagine Nintendo could have that chip for under $20 easily.

>> No.9921775

NSO provides the games for you and there's even an N64 controller for the Switch

>> No.9921781

Plus the NES and SNES Classics were made before NSO

>> No.9921784

Some open source licenses prevent commercial use.

>> No.9921790

Can't emulate N64 with some android shitbox.

>> No.9921804

Also they have to include the source code with whatever additions they did to it, at least with the GPL

>> No.9922168

Probably because of Nintendo Online.

>> No.9922173

Switch games are what sell Switches. NSO is just like an added bonus

>> No.9922236 [DELETED] 
File: 17 KB, 240x210, New_Super_Mario_World_1_The_Twelve_Magic_Orbs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no good eumulation, no mk64
no mk64, no mini 64
simple as

>> No.9922241
File: 66 KB, 1280x720, luigi raceway mario kart 64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no good emulation, no mk64
no mk64, no mini 64
simple as.

>> No.9922261

Everyone forgot Nintendo iQue.

>> No.9922263
File: 970 KB, 1200x1051, Nintendo-N64-iQue-Player-FL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9922293

you have to include rare games and that will not happen

>> No.9922337

Is there a decent N64 knock off out there worth getting? The original consoles blur filter is just too much for me to cope with even with a RetroTink 2X's filter. I rather just play it emulated or on the Switch.
Which is a shame because I have a decent cart collection and a Everdrive just going to waste

>> No.9922871
File: 86 KB, 940x492, ultra-retron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hyperkin was working on one at one point, but I guess it kind of just fell through. There's always the controller though if you don't have that, either USB, bluetooth, or 2.4ghz

>> No.9922879

There is great emulation out there, the problem is that it needs to be low level emulation and it's resource intensive in order to get the accuracy. So you either get an inaccurate but cheap version out or an effective but expensive one, not very good choices business wise.
If it's too shit, people won't but it, just like the ps1 mini, too expensive and once again people will not buy it.

>> No.9922952
File: 327 KB, 1600x1200, s-l1600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when the fuck is THIS NITENDO

>> No.9922992

Anon my shitty craptop from 2002 that didn't even have a proper GPU could emulate N64 just fine. I'm 99% certain a modern Pi or Pi equivalent could do it easily.

>> No.9923003

No gaems

>> No.9923006

Looking at this it becomes very puzzling why Nintendo ever made that N64 controller the way that they did. This is basically the Xbox controller layout just with six face buttons and without a right stick. This is far superior to the N64 controller.

>> No.9923016

A Gameboy mini? If they do one they should just do the whole line from GB, GBC and GBA. Load it up with 50-100 games from the three handhelds. Realistically though GBA would be left out so they can double dip at some point down the line.

>> No.9923058

Give it another 5 years tops and you can go ahead and buy that little negro off of ebay from a scalper.

>> No.9923062

doesn't have to me a "mini" per say, just a recreation of the game-boy with preloaded games

>> No.9923090
File: 106 KB, 1280x1161, 1681749960778822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Partially because the improbable release of Star Fox 2 set new expectations for these miniconsoles going forward.

>> No.9923093

wouldn't be able to emulate properly without being unprofitable
wouldn't have any rare games (the shit people actually played on the console)
controller would filter 80% of buyers

>> No.9923296

That looks like shit. They probably had to make it that way to get the politburi to approve. The original N64 controller is very comfortable, regardless of forced memes.

>> No.9923314

Nintendo could argue they're just selling the ROM's and not the emulator

>> No.9923375

Your crap top from 2002 had optimized emulators on top of optimized operating systems.

Your average rp4 is emulating N64 with a hacked program that barely runs on top of án awfully slow operating system.

There's no comparison.

>> No.9923385

Yeah which is why Hori and other third party publishers went with the same trident design right? Shut the fuck up moron that design died out after N64 for a fucking reason. Even Nintendo changed it very shortly after with Gamecube. It wasn't a great controller otherwise we would still have the design today. Meanwhile the Xbox controller style is copied plenty.

>> No.9923416

No games

What would it have? Fzero, nba showtime, quake, 007?

4 games total? Lol

>> No.9923427

Damn, that made you mad, faggot. I know you're either a zoomer or a console warrior that refused to play N64 because you're a gay fanboy.

The Xbox controller (both S and Duke) is much better than the iQue one looks. And every one of those third-party ones (I only known of the Retro Fighters and that shitty one with the fucked d-pad placement) has glaring issues. I guess the RF one is the best of those options, though, if you have to get one.

>> No.9923481
File: 3.83 MB, 380x480, MK64.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no good emulation
Are you still using PJ64 or something? N64 emulation is practically perfect in the current year if you know what you're doing. It looks the same as real hardware with an HDMI mod

>> No.9923502

Is it possible to learn this power?

>> No.9923534

>Mupen64Plus-Next core
>start game
>Press F1>Core Options
>Set RDP and RSP plugins to ParaLLEl
>go back and select Close Content (restart won't work)
>start game again
You can also go into ParaLLEl-RDP under core options and change Upscaling Factore if you want to play at higher than native res
Also, you need a decent, Vulkan capable GPU to use ParaLLEl, don't even think about running this on a Pi or something

>> No.9923540

Very much appreciated.

>> No.9923547

No problem. If you set this up correctly you'll immediately notice that the games have that real N64 look to them than even Nintendo's official emulators (Wii, Switch) can't do right. There's even a few effects, namely in OoT that are still broken even on Switch to this day that are emulated perfectly with ParaLLEl. It's the best way to play N64 games outside of real hardware, even better than official re-releases

>> No.9923551

Exactly what I've been hoping for after seeing how the Switch emulator massacred everything.

>> No.9923557

Why bother when they can just drip feed zoomers roms on that shitty online service? They will buy literally any slop Nintendo puts in front of them.

>> No.9923595

>Your crap top from 2002 had optimized emulators on top of optimized operating systems.
>he actually believes this

>> No.9923597

Got everything set up and threw on crt-guest-advanced and I'm genuinely impressed. I'm playing at he 4:3 aspect ratio on a laptop with 1920 x 1080 resolution. I decided to change upscaling to 4x to see what it would look like and didn't really notice a difference, do I need to be looking at another option or just leave it back at 1x?

>> No.9923621

>I decided to change upscaling to 4x to see what it would look like and didn't really notice a difference
As with changing the plugins, you need to stop the emulation and start it again to take effect, restart won't work, you have to choose close content. If you still don't see any difference it might be because it's harder to see with the shader. In that case just choose what you like better.

>> No.9923623

That explains it.

>> No.9924157
File: 63 KB, 2400x872, nso.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would they sell you this for $120 when they can rent you 10 games for ONLY $2 a month?

Don't you want to spend $100 to rent n64 games that you won't have access to in half a decade?

Do you shills really make these posts just to promote nintoddler games or something, or are you this dumb?