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File: 64 KB, 267x373, Tales_of_Symphonia_case_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9918810 No.9918810 [Reply] [Original]

This game an overrated pile of crap. It has not aged well

>> No.9918839

I would personally rather play this than something like kingdom hearts. I don't know, I think it stands up with any of the other jrpgs remembered fondly from that time. My current girlfriend and her brother liked it. I liked it. My childhood friend at school wouldn't shut the fuck up about it. My dad liked it. You think you know better than my dad? Nah but it's fine, not every good game clicks.

>> No.9918851
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Dropped this game as soon as I realized the main character sounded like Kevin from Mission Hill. Honestly lack of voice options is the worst part of retro games.

>> No.9918854

What does Kingdom Hearts have to do with anything

>> No.9918858

It's an action jrpg from around the same time so I think it's a good reference point to compare against

>> No.9918861

The only bad part is the late game dungeon with the ice sliding. Fuck that bullshit. Everything else is great.

>> No.9918865

disagree, it's a pretty solid jrpg and one of the few good ones on the gamecube. played it for the first time recently.

>> No.9918894

What do you like about it?

>> No.9918947

Tried it recently, hated it.
Still can't tell if it was genuinely awful or I just got filtered, but it certainly did nothing to impress me and I felt like I had zero control over the battles. Compared to Star Ocean 2 even.
But since I liked Star Ocean 2 and disliked this, are there any other Tales games that might be worth trying?

>> No.9918952

Go back to /v/

>> No.9919489

>It has not aged well
funny thing is, even back when this game was brand new, playing it after playing Destiny II (Eternia) felt like going from Megaman X to Megaman 1 on the nes
it was so slow and cluncky compared to the fast peaced 2D combat of Eternia.
late in the game the combat becomes much better when you gain the ability to chain your arts and learn how to time your blocks but at the start the game feels like a big downgrade

>> No.9919575

Yes absolutely
Phantasia if you can get behind a solid but outdated gameplay
Eternia and Destiny (ps2) for the best 2D combat
Vesperia and Xillia for the best 3D combat
Graces F for the best gameplay overall but the weakest everything else
Berseria might be worth trying too along with the new one
Abyss is really popular but to me was meh, the combat is brain dead all you need to do is use the free run to get behind or on the side of an enemy and that's it
my experience with the game was basically
>free run > 3 hit combo > art > chained art > use free run to get behind the enemy again >repeat
that work for bosses too, even the final boss, it got really boring after 10 hours in

>> No.9919628

Thank you anon
I always forget about Phantasia, I should go back and play it through properly
I think I actually have Graces F somewhere and just never played it, so I might start with that since gameplay was my biggest issue with Symphonia

>> No.9919681

Yes, I think the Tales team was pushing for success in the West (which they got) by taking a step back in some ways with a slower start and younger protagonists.

>> No.9919689

>Abyss is really popular but to me was meh, the combat is brain dead
I've been noticing this too, I'm on autopilot in this game more than any other Tales game I've played, I'm 8 hours in and don't even buy gels cause I barely use items. Strangely the Phantasia remake's combat was more satisfying.

>> No.9919694

"aged badly" usually doesn't sit well with me because games are timeless, only our expectations age
But Symphonia feels like it was already dated when it was released. It feels like they took a 2D rpg and hastily converted it to shabby 3D, with no artistry and no sense of the differences in medium

>> No.9920729

It’s fun, what don’t you like about it

>> No.9920798

thats a good thing though
>differences in medium
fuck off

>> No.9920980

I'm on the verge of dropping it, made it until Temple of Darkness, don't really feel like dealing with another gimmicky dungeon.
It honestly made me reluctant to pick up another retro JRPG. Story and characters are okish, pretty much the only good part of it, but not good enough to keep me going at this point.
Combat is only good against bosses, otherwise you just spam buttons and win.
I think what put me off the most were the gimmicky dungeons and stupid puzzles, though. Sorry but moving blocks from point A to point B at a snail's pace isn't fun.
I can only believe this game is carried by nostalgia and people who play it as teenagers with infinite free time. I just missed my window to play it.

There's an undub patch.

>> No.9921101

>fuck off
because 2D and 3D are exactly the same and don't require different approaches in order to
look competent

>> No.9921148

>and I felt like I had zero control over the battles
let me guess, you didn't imminently switch to manual mode? Or never used back step? Or used artes like tempest or rising falcon to maneuver/get around enemies? (although to be fair you dont get those two until later into the game).
People like to shit on symphonias combat because lack of free run, and then at same time complain how the abyss'es combat is brain dead because of the broken free run.

>> No.9921343

I tried the different modes and I'm fairly sure I used backstep, I didn't use the late game artes because I stopped somewhere during the desert part.
I just hated navigating a 3D battlefield on a 2D plane, and my party members seemed to do whatever they fuck they wanted no matter what settings I had them on.
Again, not saying the game is actually awful. Maybe I just got filtered, or played it too late to appreciate it properly. But the gameplay turned me off and nothing else was good enough to carry the game for me.

>> No.9921347

I may complain about Symphonia's lack of free movement but I can't say anything about Abyss. Obviously if there's free run they should make sure it's well balanced, and if they didn't, that sucks.
But my only other experience with this kind of combat is Star Ocean (2+3) and a bit of Tales of Phantasia.

>> No.9921348
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I really liked it and was very intrigued from the start with the extremely dark human concentration camps and twisted religious system. I love the loli Cosette with all my heart she is so precious and sweet.
I dropped the game around it opened up, I went to some snow area and got overwhelmed with stuff to do.
This always happens when i play these Tales of games....

>> No.9921350

if you play Phantasia make sure its the PS1 port with the Tales Cless translation

>> No.9921372

I'd fuck Colette and Presea.

>> No.9921508

>if you play Phantasia make sure its the PSP port with no translation
fixed that for you bud

>> No.9921538

I disagree. I played it when it came out, and I still love it. It's fun, and hits a lot of the right notes for me.