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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9909303 No.9909303 [Reply] [Original]

It just aint the same without that big ass gorilla on your team. Why was this largely given a pass despite being so sub par?

>> No.9909315
File: 48 KB, 480x600, Swamp_DKC2_group_art_(alt).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DKC1 has atmosphere, but DKC2 has more of an edge. The enemies look tougher and Crocodile Isle more foreboding than DK Isle. DKC2 was really the culmination of all of the cool stuff Rare wanted to do in DKC1 mixed with a bunch of other wacky ideas to make a really fun and exciting game.

Pretty much if you like the more atmospheric elements and faster gameplay you're going to enjoy DKC1 more, but if you like the darker/more epic tone and bigger worlds you're going to enjoy DKC2 more. DKC3 has a little of both.

>> No.9909316

stop complaining, you are lucky to be alive

>> No.9909318

Because Dixie >>>> that big ass gorilla

>> No.9909326

This is one of my favorite games of all time.

Brilliant soundtrack, fun animals, Dixie Kong was more fun to play than big boy.

This post has to be bait, and I took it.

>> No.9909328

Diddy was always better and Dixie can fly.
What did DK do? Some shit move where he smashes the ground that is mostly useless.

>> No.9909335
File: 130 KB, 1248x702, hero-image.fill.size_1248x702.v1680695109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But anon... He's the leader of the bunch

>> No.9909352

Rareware was showing off, they were proving they can make a mindblowing game without Donkey Kong. Everything in it is their original idea and when you get all the secret coins, Cranky Kong (the first DK) rates Diddy as being a better game hero than Mario and Link.

>> No.9909472

It was always more fun using Diddy in the first game anyway. Now you basically have two Diddy's, but one can fly.

>> No.9909573

>DKC is set on a tropical island
>has beavers
>DKC3 is set in Canada
>no beavers
Why was this given a pass?

>> No.9909602

This game is anything but subpar. First off, it has my favorite video game soundtrack of all time. The gamplay is like DKC1 but with more emphasis on the individual gimmicks of each level. Each and every one of these levels has something unique and different, whether you like this style of platformer or not this is the prime example of it.

I would say it has some of the best level design in a 2d platformer of all time, right up there with Super Mario Bros. 3 or the early Sonic stuff. The collectables offer a nice challenge along with the hidden world. Diddy and Dixie are both fun to play, DK being kidnapped is fine and provides a story element. It doesn’t really matter who you play as to me as long as it doesn’t distract from the gameplay.

I always think of this game as being an offshoot branch of some of the more “gimmicky” levels in SMB3. Like the sun level, or the Goomba’s Shoe level, the maze level, the vertical levels, the ratchet scrollers, the big fish level and so on. It seems to take those ideas and make a whole game of unique levels. The original DKC and the excellent DK Land did some of this but this is the logical conclusion and the pinnacle of the style. The only flaw I can find is the saving system is needlessly tedius and extraneous. Rare should haave just let people save.

I found DKC 3 mildly disappointing. Not completely terrible but definitely a downgrade. Kiddy was a distracting, obnoxious, awful character, the level designs took a big hit from letting Rare’s jv team make the game, the new level gimmicks seemed to not understand what made the old ones fun, the different enemy designs were way worse, animals all seemed downgraded like trading Rambi for that stupid elephant. The memory game was ridicoulous padding.

The Canada setting was ok for a world but for the whole game idk. I actually was pretty neutral on the overworld it was fine. And to give credit where its due, 3 had the best bosses by far.


>> No.9910906

>it has my favorite video game soundtrack of all time
Forest Interlude and Mining Melancholy are incredible

>> No.9910998
File: 344 KB, 498x498, diddy-kong-dance.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See this shit? This was peak character design for 90's american kiddos.

>> No.9911057

that is one happening dude

>> No.9911161

It's better without DK. Two young, small characters venturing into a scary unknown land feels much more like an adventure.

Also nobody liked playing as DK, they fucked up pretty much everything. The running animation was weird, he spread his arms and legs like a retard when jumping, he held the barrel way too fucking high over his head, generally he was just too slow and clunky.

>> No.9911162

>The only flaw I can find is the saving system is needlessly tedius and extraneous. Rare should haave just let people save.
So it's considered kosher to use save states with it? How about the other games? DKC isn't great about it either.

>> No.9911229

What is up with this "DKC2 is...le bad game" revisionism I've been seeing lately? Is this some new contrarian retard take?

>> No.9911306

farming (You)s

>> No.9911874


Probably some schizo shitposter looking for attention.

>> No.9912251

Not him but I think the banana coins in general were kind of unnecessary. It's a fun idea for stuff like Swanky but charging players to save and use the map is a little excessive.

>> No.9914531

2 > 3 > Returns > TF > 1

>> No.9914545

>Returns > TF

>> No.9914654

TF > 2 > R > 3 > 1
…is the correct ranking, boomer

>> No.9914716

Literally no one gives a fuck about who you play as in the DKC games. That's a fucking dumb ass lie.

>> No.9915381

This is our board. Go tiktok a tide pod.

>> No.9915603

I think Kongs are ugly and annoying in proportion to how human they act. This makes Donkey Kong the best one, since he merely wears a tie. Cranky is acceptable, Diddy is lame, Dixie is awful, and most of the rest are irredeemable. (Manky, by the way, is second best.)

I also think the setting of DKC 2 is more garish and cluttered than that of DKC. It's fine but I don't think it's a step up.

Mechanically and musically, though, the second game is perfectly competitive with the first. And in level design it's superior. Overall, I love it and think it's one of the best SNES games. I'll gladly play as some freaky human-haired monkey if such a good game is the reward for my tolerance.

>> No.9917093

European here, I had no idea burgers associate beavers with Canada. And if I didn't know, I assume Rare didn't know either.

>> No.9917103

you're a retard and your complaints are ridiculous

>> No.9917113

DKC2's save system issue is that you need to pay two coins to save. Coins aren't hard to get, and there's always some level prior to the save point that has a coin near the start that you can start-select your way out of after grabbing it, so it's just having to spend an extra half minute on pointless bullshit because they wanted a coin system for some ungodly reason.

>> No.9917118

only the second time costs coins. if you need to save multiple times a world you should pay a casual tax, there's nothing wrong with the system.

>> No.9917251

It's needlessly cumbersome for literally no fucking reason.

>> No.9917273

>play a specific way and it's not an issue
Is that what passes for an argument? It's a stupid system regardless of if you ever experience it or not.

>> No.9917935

All of DKC's bonuses and collectibles are just life-rewarding mechanics, so I feel like you have to play by its rules for lives and saving. I do cheat with a save state occasionally, because Gorilla Glacier is a gauntlet of death. I don't remember why they swapped its place with the factory and it's mad that they did.

>> No.9917940

>“Cranky Kong (the first DK) rates Diddy as being a better game hero than Mario and Link.”
I have a feeling that jab against Mario and Link had to be a reason why Miyamoto covertly convinced the Nintendo execs to sell Rare to Microsoft.

>> No.9917948

you're reaching so hard to find a flaw with the game I shouldn't even bother replying. Coins are absurdly abundant, you'd need to go out of your way to not have enough to save at any point. If you somehow manage to be out of coins, not being able to spam saves is a good thing, maybe that's the push you need to stop being bad.

>> No.9918089

I think Grant Kirkhope trying to pull his pants down in a convention center bathroom was what cinched it. https://www.nintendolife.com/news/2017/07/davide_soliani_and_grant_kirkhope_recall_the_awkwardness_of_their_first_miyamoto_meetings

>> No.9918193

did anyone ever mod DK back in

>> No.9918225

It'd be interesting, but ultimately I don't think it needs it. Much more interesting IMO would be to mod DK into DKC3.

>> No.9918229

DKC2 blows DKC 1 out of the water
>b-b-b-but it was first so it's bet-
No. Kill yourself

>> No.9918234

dk in 2 fundamentally changes how you play the game, itd be super interesting
kiddy is just a shitty dk clone. putting dk in 3 doesnt affect gameplay

>> No.9918242

Because it was actually good.
And 3 makes it look like a masterpiece

>> No.9918251

Disliking 3 was a thing over 10 years ago, you can get over it now son.

>> No.9918259

Irrefutably true, but 1 is still a fantastic game, in spite of all the corner-cutting in it. It's so much fun to really get into a level's groove and careen through it.

>> No.9918267

One was good though desu I got pretty frustrated with it near the end game. I felt like two had less bullshit instant deaths. Though it also felt harder near the end.

>> No.9918268
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This also makes the last save point at the Flying Kroc a bit of a joke since it doesn't give you a free save and instead greets you with this.

>> No.9918275

Put those horrendous pixels away, you fucking freak

>> No.9918281

The whole Chimp Caverns are was just bullshit they threw together to have a last 'world' because the deadline was looming.

>> No.9919526

When did /vr/ become contrarian? Imagine hating on DKC2 of all games.

>> No.9919574

It's /v/ breaking containment as usual.

>> No.9920132

I always thought Chimp Caverns was a strange place to end the game. Kremkroc Industries would've been more fitting.

>> No.9920229
File: 13 KB, 240x180, 969F67B6-10B3-4125-A979-ECC60BFC3580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time playing after beating DKC and I'm already enjoying it more than the first. I might need to get a Classic Controller already for the Wii because the button combinations for the extra moves on a Wiimote is awkward despite being remappable.

>> No.9920252

This place has always had shit taste and a tendency to hate any popular well loved game.

>> No.9920292

I liked the part where they said no hoppers

>> No.9920302

I don't visit this board much, but it's amazing the stretching people do when arguing why a game's shit only to reveal they're autists who have a vendetta against it for one reason or another.

>> No.9920552

Pls, do not speak badly of my first and best game of my life