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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 55 KB, 378x263, Super_Mario_64_box_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9909109 No.9909109 [Reply] [Original]

This is subjectively the greatest 3D platformer, hell game of the century. Fundamentally perfect on every single level.

Prove me wrong.

>> No.9909116
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*proves you wrong*

>> No.9909135

both not 'perfect' but extremely soulful, good games nonetheless.

however, which game is 'perfect' anyways? dont we love games for their little quirks?

>> No.9909142

Galaxy is 0.1% better, but I have no issues with 64 being the general audience Game of the Century

>> No.9909168

except for the camera, getting kicked out of stages, how mario pivots around sometimes when moving backwards, reused music for stages, and some eyesore graphics.

>> No.9909172 [DELETED] 
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Yeah, about that...

>> No.9909176

What's this game even about?

>> No.9909180 [DELETED] 

being based

>> No.9909183

Galaxy is remarkably overrated. It's peak soulless and the levels are nothing special. The hype of the Wii era is long over and I don't feel any hesitance in saying that it's a far worse entry than Sunshine.

>> No.9909189

It's like a 3D action game, point-and-click adventure, and pet simulator rolled into one.

>> No.9909274

Swimming could be better, 100 coin collecting sucks for trying to 100% the game, there a re a few spots where the camera is absolutely tedious because of obstacles.

>> No.9909278
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Well at least OP knows the difference between objective and subjective. Personally I prefer Crash Bandicoot and Sonic Adventure, but I respect your opinion OP.

>> No.9909289

you couldn't look one row down the catalog to see the same thread already?

>> No.9909304

I used to think that. I now consider it a very mediocre game. It's got moveset that feels fun to use and is more non-linear than most 3D platformers. That's really the entirety of it's strength and people blow it out of proportions.

3D platformers are about controlling a charming cartoon character through a charming cartoon land and Mario 64's world is just a bunch of platforms and terrain with flat textures with barely anyone inhabiting them or happenings going on. Banjo, Maximo, Jak R&C, Conker, SA1, and even a ton of C list stuff like Voodoo Vince or Kao the Kangaroo do it better.

>> No.9909309

I prefer Ape Escape

>> No.9909312

I have played a lot of 3D platformers and SM64 still is the only one that does it for me. I hate double jumps, hovers, air boost or whatever the else people like to implement in these games. Also for some reason developers never put more than one type of jump in their games.

>> No.9909381
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>> No.9909383

I think most romhacks are much better than the base game. Most of the levels are kind of uninteresting and way too easy once you get a hang of the controls.

>> No.9909387

Two different centuries, two different eras

>> No.9909410
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just playing this mofu and its hard af. the rocket nozzle really isnt meant to be used like this. definitely prooves sms is has its flaws due to rush, still a gr8 game

>> No.9909414

If you're emulating or using your own preferred controller, that is actually a very good game. The controls are objectively Sunshine's biggest filter, and once that issue is solved, the navigation problems and the repetitiveness of the music doesn't grate nearly so much on you. Of course with reissues, Nintendo should've gone back and added gameplay elements, like an actual reason to collect blue coins and so on, but it is a great baseline.

>> No.9909417

>Fundamentally perfect on every single level.
I would not go that far. It certainly presents an amazing first-time experience with a rich and vibrant early game. But the later stars and levels start to drag, there's a lot of makework and it starts to run short on innovation towards the end.

>> No.9909423

Dude. The guy doesn't even know what the words he uses mean. Fundamentally perfect? According to what fundamentals? His thoughts didn't even venture there. It's a communication break down on his part.

>> No.9909425

Exactly the case for a 20 hour play session and moving on. For this type of player I can see this angle.

Mario 64 is different thousands of people find themselves coming back year after year again and again the gameplay is just addicting to the point where it's its own entity

>> No.9909435

disagreed. to this day, i see no problem in the original gamecube controller setup. it works perfectly fine for me with sunshine. actually speedrunners prefer to use the original cube controller for their runs.

>> No.9909439

>It's got moveset that feels fun to use
>That's really the entirety of it's strength and people blow it out of proportions.
It's sad because there hasn't been a 3D Platformer, let alone any video game, after 64 with such well-defined momentum.

>> No.9909441

It's a very simple and infantilized game, not my bag.

>> No.9909497

I am playing this game for the first time right now. The camera is terrible and the controls are so wonky. I know it was 1996 but wow.

>> No.9909551

the last good mario game

>> No.9909570

People who have a very wide taste of games and would rather play a new experience that broadens their horizen than repeat a mediocre game. If you're replaying this game a bunch of time's you are either an autist or trying to recapture your childhood. The play it 20 hours and move on are the actual gamers. At least the speed runners own up to being autistic. I spit on you and your pathetic attempts at elitism.

>It's sad because there hasn't been a 3D Platformer, let alone any video game, after 64 with such well-defined momentum.
There are countless driving/flying games that do momentum better. Cornering, having your direction not be based on the angle of the camera, a tiny of little things that alter velocity and traction. And most obvious of all having a use for that momentum beyond just goofing around (you have to win the race).

In 3D platforming Sonic is the momentum character, again there is an actual use for the speed. It's needed to reach the better part of the stages and the game ranks on it. There's also more stuff than just long jumping or diving for the hell of it. Even the most boost to win games have points where you might consider not boosting for the sake of control, something totally absent from Mario.

Your post is a good example of the type of over-evaluation I see. Mario 64 is a nice move set for dicking around with and you take it out of proportion to say it's better movement than racing games or flying games. You just sound like you want your childhood back and can't properly evaluate a simple 3D platformer because those feelings color your judgement.

>> No.9909631
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>i see no problem in the original gamecube controller setup.
Oh well let's use a visual aid. I'd argue that it's a momentum/weight balance issue with the controller itself because of the bloated rumble motor area. Dual Shock 2 places the rumble function in a better location. Unfortunately with GC, even though the character is moving, the player doesn't have the sensation of movement, because it's too centrally horizon-weighted (like clutching a remote with pointlessly weightless side grips). The GC original is designed in a cumbersome way.

>> No.9909636

>Best game of the absolute worst genre
I guess that's something

>> No.9909639

>The play it 20 hours and move on are the actual gamers
More like casualfag consumers with no actual taste. What would someone like you know about over-evaluation in regards to a game's mechanical depth?

>> No.9909643

made me chuckle, i see what you did there anon

>> No.9909656

20 hours is more than enough to understand a 3D platformer.

>> No.9909660

That's only the surface level for Mario 64.

>> No.9909725

Mario 64 is a casual game. It's literally meant for 8 year olds that have never touched an analog stick in their life. It's the 2D platformers that have actual challenge and a hardcore nature.

You can do everything in the game in 20 hours. It's not just the surface level it's the bottom level and, the middle level and the entire fucking experience. If you want to run around doing trick jumps or collecting stars in purposly obtuse ways good for you. Enjoy your autism. But don't go around acting like this isn't a casual (but enjoyable) kid's game just because of speed running. You can run Kirby or JRPGs at at a highly technical level if you insist on going out of your way to do it in obtuse ways. In fact you can do it with almost any game.

>> No.9909727

>playing games at more than the most basic entry level is autism
Skill envy at its finest.

>> No.9909730

No one envies your autistic speed running. No one even said your game was bad. Yet you're now personally offended.

>> No.9909731
File: 14 KB, 340x255, Summer_Games_Done_Quick_2022_Finale_Video.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody envies you.

>> No.9909751

no it isnt. you get used to it like every other controller, you also got the "sensation of movement". actually, the gc controller is a brilliant one, up there with modern xbox and ds4 controllers. which is why it is used by some gamers up to this day (think of ssbm tournaments for example).

yeah, the d-pad sucks and the z button is a bit quirky. but apart from that, gc controllers are excellent gamepads.

>> No.9909759

If you only have done one barely competent playthrough of a game you've barely experienced it.

>> No.9909762

Because it influenced absolutely nothing on the N64, was very likely a tech demo for Zelda 64 since it plays nothing like the previous Super Mario titles, and was left in the dust by Sunshine that had actual maps instead of a bunch of glorified test areas.

>> No.9910029

WL4 is perfect. SM64 has obvious flaws.

>> No.9910038

Wario Land 4 or what? Why would that be perfect in comparison to 64?

>> No.9910048

? Why wouldn't it be

>> No.9910063

Why is everything?

>> No.9910067

Sunshine is my favourite 3D Mario game but fuck the blue coins,

>> No.9910079

Best games of the last century

Sonic 3
Daytona USA
Virtua fighter 3
Half life
Mario 3
Kof 98
SF turbo

Mario 64 was mid
Even on the 64 (which had no games) Starfox and mario kart were better

>> No.9910085

Do I need plushies to prove myself to you? Do you have plushies or funko pops?

>> No.9910087

>Prove me wrong

>> No.9910112

Don't get me wrong, but I'll never understand all the jerking this game gets.
Yes, it's a great game. Yes, I loved it. But I beat it long time ago, several times. I remember where every star is, and btw, the game gets less fun once you reach the 2nd half. I'm done with it. I don't have fun with it anymore. There's not much to talk about anyway—it's pretty short.
But some people never seem to shut up about the game. Only people who still talk about it are tendies who desperately need to prove Nintendo is always #1; and speedtrannies.

>> No.9910552

I...I can't

>> No.9910586

>People who have a very wide taste of games and would rather play a new experience that broadens their horizen than repeat a mediocre game. If you're replaying this game a bunch of time's you are either an autist or trying to recapture your childhood. The play it 20 hours and move on are the actual gamers
who the fuck cares who is a "real" gamer,you are a real NPC with your "consume product,forget about it and be excited for next product" mentality.

>> No.9910795

I strongly prefer Mega Luigi 65

>> No.9911313

did this game ""really"" set a standard for 3D games or was it some BlackRock marketing tactic to stop their partner from drowning in the industry?

>> No.9911334
File: 100 KB, 1024x997, 63BB90A2-A5BF-445E-BB88-07F358F6F923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you take it out of proportion to say it's better movement than racing games or flying games.
I didn't say it was BETTER, just that we haven't seen many games use it to such a degree for platforming other than dumbing in down or smoothing it out yet loses some of the charm of what made it fun to utilize IE.) Sunshine and onward.
Also I should preface that I mainly meant games akin to Mayro, not automotive stuff. Pretentious pseud faggot.

>> No.9911352

Take note, future /vr/ children, this is what a bias looks like or as you put it: A "salty Boomer".

>> No.9911417

stop spamming threads about fucking bing bing wahoo please op thank you

>> No.9911438

>You have to go on the exact same level multiple times, you can't collect all red coins and a secret star, you need to replay the same challenge over and over again
>Messy graphics that is almost 100% asset flip, the only original designs are often off model
>Five enemy types
>Repetitive music, sound effect and textures
>Latter levels become "random floating boxes you need to jump around" with no justification or reason, in contrast to earlier levels where the stage makes sense and there are characters to interact with.
>In fact the entirety of the late game is like that, no new bosses, no new assets, just pure padding.
Nintendo rushed the game, how can something be perfect if it has clear cut corners? If given enough time there would be better content?

>> No.9911443

This is just a consequence of the 64 having no games. Its hard to think people wouldn't have moved on from Mario 64 if it was in a good console with a decent amount of games to move on to.
It's also no doubt why the Mario 64 Speedrun circles are... Well, you know, mentally ill.

>> No.9911586

that's because Mario 64 is a blueprint of what N64 game's could have been if the console was actually somewhat decent instead of slightly above-average.
they had to rely on Rareware (a nonJaponese company) to actually make games for the console because people were looking for something unique and different for once.

>> No.9911626

>this game was perfect
>60 replies tearing the game down
2 weeks from now I'm going to start a thread saying this game is dogshit and I'm going to get 60 replies about how it's amazing and I'm retarded.
Why are the retards here so easy to manipulate?

>> No.9913273
File: 261 KB, 537x513, Screenshot 2023-05-18 041223.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can smell the BO from here.
>Only people who still talk about it are tendies who desperately need to prove Nintendo is always #1; and speedtrannies.
Talks about it glowingly anyways.

>> No.9913297

not every speedrunner is autistic. and even if they were: whats so "elitist" about liking a game and playing it over and over again?

wouldnt it be more elitist if i always have to get the newest, bestest games to be happy?

>> No.9913316

>This is subjectively the greatest 3D platformer
This is like saying a one legged man is the fastest runner in a world where everyone else is missing both legs.

>> No.9913356

Trying again with different phrasing since your last thread got nuked to shit by people who know how wrong you are, huh?

>> No.9913367

Mario 64 was peak 90ssoul. I used to walk 2 miles with the boys to play the demo at toys r us after school in 5th grade. Anyone who tries to take this shit as anything but love of nostalgia is an autistic retard or a zoomer who missed out desperately trying to capture a generation they never belonged to.

>> No.9915198

I completely agree this was the best platformer of the fifth gen. Banjo and Crash fags need not apply.

>> No.9915362

>Fundamentally perfect on every single level.
troll thread and despite how much I love sm64 aside. You cannot tell me that every single level is perfection. Little Big Island for starters is trash.

>> No.9917204
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>> No.9917248

Piss poor camera, retarded level design, no challenge.

>> No.9917292
File: 11 KB, 320x240, Sonic_3D_Blast-title.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, THIS is

>> No.9917459

>Ape Escape
Rip monkeys

>> No.9917680

Why does this game get so much hate

>> No.9918297

I don't respect OP's fag, I'm fed up with his complicit baits.
>also Mario 64 isn't even a REAL Mario game, Mario kicking around like a criminal?
>inb4 but Mario kicked filthy turtles in 8 and 16 bit games
Exactly, he did it in very specific situations, not like a fucking nigger in GTA.
fuck OP and fuck anyone who doesn't think exactly like ME.

>> No.9918298

Yeah man fuck subjectivity

>> No.9919678

They got filtered

>> No.9919725 [DELETED] 

Cool it with the racism, chud.

>> No.9920741

Blue coins are supposes to be challenging

>> No.9921049

It's my favorite 3D Mario game but I think the later levels design becomes a bit messy. The snow level with the giant snow man who blows you away comes to mind.

>> No.9921056

mann I love the first few levels. they're fun and bright and creative and interesting. then you get to the basement and its just a fucking bummer. I just want more light fun light challenge junk. even stuff like the ghost house is just like not that good.

>> No.9921067

>mann I love the first few levels. they're fun and bright and creative and interesting. then you get to the basement and its just a fucking bummer. I just want more light fun light challenge junk. even stuff like the ghost house is just like not that good.
The astonishing thing is that they never made a sequel, even though the engine was all ready to go. Fucking Kaze could've done a better job of selling the N64.

>> No.9921383

That does really get me. Mario 64 is exactly the game that most deserved a sequel on the N64 in the same engine, could have had a late lifecycle title that really refined everything.

>> No.9921458

Sunshine pretty much was tho, just with the addition of the jetpack. This is pretty apparent when you play the levels Shadow takes your jetpack. Its basically 64 refined.

>> No.9921467

>Congratulations you just got a star in Tall Tall Mountain, now enjoy climbing up the exact same path AGAIN for 5 other stars

>> No.9921468

Because it has no flaws

>> No.9921616
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>> No.9922075

Wasn't there going to be a sequel on that DD thing that got canceled?

>> No.9922083

at least 1 person ITT is not retarded

>> No.9922516

>It's peak soulless
You have no idea what soul is if you can't see the plain truth that Galaxy is overloaded with it. The problem with the game is they completely gimped Mario's movement for no reason, which has nothing to do with the 10/10 presentation.

>> No.9922558

This is probably the best B-lister platformer. Has a few empty dud levels, though.

>> No.9922575

nothing's perfect without flaws and sm64's got a few

>> No.9922815
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Did you?

>> No.9922872

Super Mario "128"

>> No.9922875
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>prove me wrong

>> No.9923040

Explain the 100 coin stars and the latter half of the game then

>> No.9923731

>they completely gimped Mario's movement for no reason

Yes exactly. The presentation doesn't make up for this, its platforming is outright inferior to Crash 3.

>> No.9923735

I agree with you, I'm just saying, soul is chiefly a presentation quality, it's absolutely brimming with it. It sucks to play, but that's a different flaw altogether.

>> No.9923927

>perfect on every single level
Here's roughly a 5 hour documentary which goes into exactly how imperfect SM64 is

>> No.9924842
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*hops in your path*

>> No.9924879

i love zapper, but to call it the greatest platform...

>> No.9924896
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>no style
>(mostly) annoying music
>clunky 1996 camera controls
>half the stars are repetitive and redundant
>unremarkable bosses
I don't get the hype. Same with most Mario games honestly, they're the platformer equivalent of fast food.

>> No.9924990

It's the greatest scotfrogger by a mile

>> No.9925079
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>> No.9925160

What are some actual quality platformers by your standards? Genuinely interested, not being sardonic.

>> No.9926210

There are things about it that I firmly believe haven't been surpassed to this day. Specifically, Mario's general movement is basically perfect. And while there are some misses toward the end, the level design is great overall. It's my personal favorite 3D Mario game, even if they're pretty much all fantastic.

There's a lot to criticize, though. I don't think the devs really had a good handle on how to make enemies threatening in a 3D space, for instance, and the game as a whole never really demands that you make full use of Mario's move set. I get that there's a very high skill ceiling if you want to go the speedrunning route, but for a casual playthrough, I would have liked to have seen some platforming challenges that actually require you to master the triple jump or the side-flip. This wouldn't even interfere with the idea that it's a game for children, since you need less than 60% of the Stars to actually see the end credits. Other than that, there's some obvious QoL stuff like getting booted out of the levels between Stars which I kind of suspect is there to pad out the game's runtime.