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9907454 No.9907454 [Reply] [Original]

for me, it's Linda

>> No.9907783

Cute 10 year old.

>> No.9907867

I like Nancy. It's a shame they realistically turned her into a bitch as she grew older. She was such a cutie and the only character who wouldn't slam into walls.

>> No.9908128
File: 215 KB, 1024x1024, Eoa_znGXUAcFzkN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's so fucking fast

>> No.9908136

making the right 90 degree turn in the burger snow level where you have to go down the steps at the end with him is impossible, fuck this guy

>> No.9908417

>I like Nancy. It's a shame they realistically turned her into a bitch as she grew older.

The DS game doesn't count in any way.

>> No.9908753

It's all canon. Slash canonically loses Linda's tournament from sbk plus or some shit and is redeeming himself in DS. Apparently there's sbk lore and a whole cast or characters I don't recognize like some snowboarding nun

>> No.9908872

a literal jewess

>> No.9908879


>> No.9908904

that aint a hooknose

>> No.9909585
File: 209 KB, 1278x765, snowboardkids+.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the best one

>> No.9909593

I remember playing it after beating the original and it didnt control nearly as well as OG SBK.

>> No.9909597

It has some good improvements, but the lack of 4 players splitscreen kills it.

>> No.9910447

With titties that big? There should be a special allowance in that case

>> No.9912283

And what the fuck was her problem?
What did she mean by this? Now that the dust has settled what is the verdict on this game? Who is the best girl and why is it Linda?
>blocks your path
>best girl coming through

>> No.9913295

It's fine guys, the AoC is 10 in the Snowboard Kids verse
They have it better than you sexbrained earth heads do.

>> No.9913312
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>> No.9913774

It's also a visual mess

>> No.9914142

>tfw no 12 year old over developed rich bitch snowboarder qt3.14 gf

>> No.9914152
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>> No.9914194

its also slower too.

>> No.9914204
File: 630 KB, 1132x1391, tumblr_pp094czoIJ1tu022ro1_1280-2825385450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jam before unlocking Damien but I like playing as Coach too.

I only ever played SBK2, did the other games have the same charm?

>> No.9914424

The characters in the DS version aren't the same ones from the older games, the last names were added in during localization.

>> No.9914446

No, but she does go NOOT NOOT when she orgasms.

>> No.9915290


I'd make her noot-noot if can make me nut-nut

>> No.9917039
File: 2.85 MB, 1600x1600, pingu heart-realesrgan-x4plus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw playing snowboard kids ps1 on my pingu controller

>> No.9917451

She looks like she's related to the Spy Vs Spy spies.

>> No.9917870
File: 649 KB, 1600x1147, JopoDePojo_Stripwinkel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's kinda why I loved the game's character design. They managed to make big noses cute and I love it when a character and expand it into a whole universe.

Pic-related. I wanna draw again

>> No.9917890

"Mon, I don't like the pengis anymore.."

>> No.9917972

Racdym? Darn near killed him

>> No.9918184

What a nice Jewish girl.

>> No.9918569
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>> No.9918574

now that's an oxymoron.

>> No.9918815

This is forever the peak rental for me. When I think of hollywood video I think of the rush id feel checking to see if 2 was available and the mix of relief and slight disappointment id feel when it wasn't but sbk1 was

sbk and smash were the only acceptable rental defaults, everything else would get swapped out for a new experience

>> No.9918838

Spy Vs Spy looking ass bitch

>> No.9918879

Did anyone else's eyes hurt after playing this for a little while? It was only this game...

>> No.9919602

Ice cream cone head looking bitch

>> No.9919617

SHE'S 10?!?!

>> No.9920746

I like to pretend it doesn’t exist

>> No.9921960
File: 57 KB, 640x469, 7287_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two is the best game in the series. I can't understand why anyone would ever say 1, or god forbid the shitty PlayStation one, are better.

>> No.9922025

I think it’s mostly people who only had 1 so they have a nostalgia bias for it. I’ve never seen people who like 1 more really give a reason for it.

>or god forbid the shitty PlayStation one
Never played that version, whats wrong with it?

>> No.9922041

I like SBK2, but the first one is the superior game. If you want reasons, 2 is way slower and floaty, even on the best boards. Takes forever to get back to speed when you're hit. Item boxes don't knock you down anymore if you don't have money, which was a valid strategy for anyone who had the rat item in the first one. Even though 1 had a couple of weird track design themes (sand, forest), 2 leaned way too heavy on surreal territory (cake, underwater, space), felt less of a snowboarding game. Music is subjective, but SBK1 had all bangers while SBK2 just a couple were memorable.

Like I said, I like SBK2, but to say it's better than the first one, I don't see it. SBK2 biggest upgrade is being able to hit back enemy shots with your board. That was very good and wished the first one had it.

>> No.9922176

All I'm hearing is blah blah blah no rocket boards blah blah blah no dinosaur race.

>> No.9922415

Genuinely appreciate hearing the reasons you like the first more.

I had the second game for years before I got the first so I was a lot more used to how that one feels and developed a preference for it. I will say I like the larger amount of tracks and general content the second one has, though.

Both games are good.

>> No.9922914

The boss fights are the absolute worst part of SBK2 though so that's another point the first game has.

>> No.9922919

I'd rather race all of the bosses instead of the cheating fuck Shinobin.

>> No.9922967

Characters and boards don't matter. The game has high rubbetbanding, you can pick slow ass Nancy with the freestyle board and still beat everyone. It's not about who's the fastest, the strategy of winning comes from when to use the items. Stones behind item boxes and as you drop from the chair lift, planks when opponent is in the air, force the one who is in first place to use the invisibility so you can plank them later, etc. And even if you care about stats, Shinobin doesn't have access to the star board like the rest of the cast, making them all equal.

>> No.9922989

Sure, as I said, I like SBK2. The issue for me is mostly in the controls, it's too floaty in comparison, specially when you jump, probably to accommodate the new gameplay mechanics. But it's all good.