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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 33 KB, 386x256, totk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9905428 No.9905428 [Reply] [Original]

Probably the most important video game of all time.

>> No.9905430

Nah, that'd be either the original Super Mario Bros, or something like Metal Gear Solid or FFVII that changed the way a lot of people saw video games, for better or for worse.

>> No.9905431


>> No.9905434

Important, yes. Most important? Nah... It wouldn't exist if not for Pong or Donkey Kong.

>> No.9905436
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False words, knave.

>> No.9905438


>> No.9905441

It's not even the most important Mario game

>> No.9905579

That would be DOOM

>> No.9905584

>>>/v/ is the bait board, OP.

>> No.9905624
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hate on it all you want
but it's very fun to play online right now.

>> No.9905641 [DELETED] 

> metal gear solid more cutscenes than gameplay per se >final fantasy boring rpg compared to previous games if these games changed the perception of the players, well they did a terrible job. From that point on, the games went from being games to being animated movies where you occasionally touch the joypad.

>> No.9905649

> metal gear solid
more cutscenes than gameplay per se
>final fantasy vii
boring rpg compared to previous games
if these games changed the perception of the players, well they did a terrible job. From that point on, the games went from being games to being animated movies where you occasionally touch the joypad.

>> No.9905650

Ocarina of Time was more important to be perfectly honest.

>> No.9905651

>Windows Vista

>> No.9905652

this, anyone who says anything other than super mario bros is delusional

>> No.9905653

what can be said is that Mario 64 triumphed where others failed even Crash bandicoot, the main competition, I consider it as a game of four directions (forward, back, left and right). while Mario 64 is a 360° game that feels pleasant to play.

>> No.9905657

Mario 64 will forever humble me. It was probably the hardest game I have ever played. I was young and never played anything like it before. It was legit extremely difficult to progress for me in that game. That's why I will never make fun of people that don't have a lot of experience with video games and attempt playing something.

>> No.9905660

if mario 64 there would have been no ocarina either. the point is that Mario 64 was the main source of inspiration for future 3d games.

>> No.9905661

If you argue like that without Mario Bros there would have been no Mario 64 so by your own logic Mario 64 cannot be more important.

>> No.9905664

>while Mario 64 is a 360° game that feels pleasant to play
Even Nintendo themselves didn't understand this, considering the DS port that only had directional input support.

>> No.9905694

I love the fact games like this make anti-nintendo sisters seethe endlessly.
They're probably like "anytime now, people will forget about Nintendo! trust me!" and it just doesn't happen, and they continue to grow older and bitter. Poetry.

>> No.9905771

I wouldn't say Crash failed. Different style of game, not necessarily worse

To be fair it did have analog control but you had to use the touch screen since DS had no analog stick/nub/circle pad

>> No.9905784

>To be fair it did have analog control but you had to use the touch scree
How is that being fair? Even death is preferable to using touch controls for a platformer.

>> No.9905964

How so? The N64 flopped. This and Nintendo would be forgotten if not for the Wii's casuals saving them and their sinking ship. Nintendo was getting bullied out of gaming and this was the beginning of the downtrend.

>> No.9905991
File: 2.83 MB, 640x480, i am retarded and gay 2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was easily the best controlling 3D game of 1996 and showed everyone how to make a 3D platformer.

>> No.9905993

Snoy, nobody gave a fuck about MGS or FFVII

>> No.9905994

Mario 64 doesn't owe anything to the first SMB

>> No.9906008

Who are you talking to?

>> No.9906021

Except everything.

>> No.9906180

I got all the stars, except for the one you earn by collecting all 100 coins in the clock tower. Tried so many times. Got so close.

>> No.9906187

Back to /v/, zoomfaggot.

>> No.9906340

not really a word applied to vidya

>> No.9906389

Explain the appeal. Do you help other players out getting stars?

>> No.9906642

fucking zoomers I swear

>> No.9906653

Do you play games based on importance

>> No.9906659

That one was definitely the hardest. No idea how many attempts it took me.

>> No.9906662
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For me to poop on.

>> No.9906717
File: 5 KB, 460x276, Pong460x276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No this was the most important game of all time dumb dumb

>> No.9906760

stuff like 100 coins or 8 red coins splitting up is pretty nice, yeah sure. the appeal is
1. people to hangout with and chit chat with
2. co-oping the game, obviously
3. opting to do the stars you enjoy doing-
leaving the ones you don't to someone else who might.
4. it's not just vanilla, it's custom/romhacks, and it's all kinds of mods you can enjoy-
stuff like challenges, the ground is lava, or enhancements like new moves, or alternate character models to play as. ect

it doesn't get much better than launching the game and clicking two or three times and being in a game of Mario 64 with other people. it has the appeal of playing SM64, and the same appeal as any other online game you can think of, I'm sure you enjoyed a few different games online, no?

>> No.9906765
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No triumph, hahaha

>> No.9906862
File: 119 KB, 720x540, three-hands-n64-controller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The N64 flopped.
You're confusing it with the GameCube anon. N64 may not be as good as SNES or PS1 but it sold very well

>> No.9906981

Sonic Adventure is way better.

>> No.9906986

I always knew that controller was made for 3 handed people!

>> No.9906994

I agree, though I would say SM64 is more important. SA1 was definitely important for Sonic and for SEGA, though

>> No.9907018

>people to hang out with
If this were the case you'd be playing pso not a bastardised Mario 64.

>> No.9907034

Sorry honey but Sonic Adventure was the first game to show us how a 3d platformer was made. Nintendo even copied SA with their release of Mario 64 ds trying to shoehorn in multiple characters.

>> No.9907337

That’s the point. They put gameplay and storytelling in a difference balance.

>> No.9907465
File: 100 KB, 586x841, ps2-shadow-of-the-colossus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd say Shadow of the Colossus; since before that games weren't considered a legitimate artform.

>> No.9907473

how can one person be this objectively wrong

>> No.9907481

your opinion is as bad as that game

>> No.9907482

They are poopy cutscene games aged like rust water

>> No.9907676

I like good games.

>> No.9907689

That's ultimately just polished OOT and OOT was literally Mario 64 with swordplay

>> No.9907804
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don't make me say it

>> No.9907830

People always say it's the N64 James Bond.

>> No.9907861

But being "the most important video game of all time" can only be in OP's brainless head.
Go back to >>>/v/ the adults are talking here.

>> No.9907879

FF7 has a ton of gameplay, retard. 8 is the borderline movie game

>> No.9907910

Most important game of all time next to Doom, that is.
As doom was one of the first defining 3D game experiences.

Other than that, games like Crash Bandicunt and Spyro the Faggon can go fuck themselves because neither have ever or will ever be as cool and as influential as SM64 and Doom.

>> No.9907918
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>> No.9907958
File: 14 KB, 496x384, 3082_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The most important video game of all time is Virtua Racing
While 3D video games existed before it even without hyper expensive arcade cabinets in home computer games like Alpha Waves and Hunter, it was always seen as an alternative rather than the future.
When Virtua Racing released in '92 it was a first glimpse at the future. Someday this would be it.

>> No.9907985

Its definitely up there, idk if I'd say its the "top" one. These are also very influential >>9905430.
Particularly you hear a lot of stories from developers that start with "I remember playing super mario bros on the NES..."

>> No.9908018

whether that's true or not it's irrelevant to the topic

>> No.9908085

Putting aside all the petty /v/-tier console rivalry, Crash Bandicoot is a lot more impressive than SM64 on a technical level because of how much borderline hacking of the PS1's hardware Naughty Dog did to make it. The Ars Technica interview with Andy Gavin is pretty neat.

>> No.9908102
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>> No.9908127

Can you elaborate? I know it holds a lot of significance for people who had N64s as kids, but that's what it feels like, a console's flagship title which its fans rally around as a counterpoint to the fans of Other Console. Off the top of my head I can't think of anything it did which had as significant an impact on the platformer genre as Super Mario Bros did.

>> No.9908708

>games weren't considered a legitimate artform
Considering how "le ART" started the downfall of the entire medium that'd make this by far the most damaging video game of all time.

>> No.9908723
File: 387 KB, 1400x816, yande.re_33669_sample_belladonna_crease_igor_kaneko_kazuma_megaten_nameless_persona_persona_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*ruins jrpgs forever*
pssh nothing PERSONAl kid

>> No.9908726

Revolutioned how to move and design games in 3D.

>> No.9908756

This coming out in 1996 is nothing compared to SMB in 1985. Look at what gaming was before 1985.

>> No.9908761

In which ways?

>> No.9908770

Those touch screen controls were so difficult to use.

Weird thing is on these forums I've heard DS being the best version of the game. Whole it does get brownie points for copying a superior 3d platformer like Sonic adventur3 by adding more characters the controls are just too many for me.

>> No.9908772

Why should I go to /v/? I'm not delusional to think a collectathon is a GOAT game.

>> No.9908791

>most important video game of all time

You can't make this shit up

>> No.9909118

it's bullshit but it's a more viable candidate for the title than SM64

>> No.9909152

Tendies get bullied on /v/ especially now that people are starting to realise that supporting Breath of the Wild has fucked them. Copypasta dungeons, forever.

>> No.9909167

there is no "most important game of all time". even if there were, it wouldn't be either of those pieces of dogshit.

>> No.9909178

you're right, but if it was between the two of them, it wouldn't be SM64

>> No.9909201
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...it would be Goldeneye.

>> No.9909209

Street Fighter 2

>> No.9909213

Go back to your containment, /v/ermin filth.

>> No.9909250

Namco's Winning Run 1988 has been there and done that already.

>> No.9909256

pac man, space invaders or donkey kong. without their mainstream success in the 80s who knows what home consoles would look like, if they'd be common, or if theyd even be here

>> No.9909273

kek, lmao

>> No.9909297

>/v/ermin filth
I cannot be contained, tendiebro!

I. AM. CRINGE. ..and I am free.
(seriously though, it's fucking video games, calm down lol)

>> No.9909302

Mario 64 did a good job of being a platformer game that was actually playable, yeah. Then its genre got real sparse pretty quick into the 6th generation and everything just became an over-the-shoulder shooter or FPS anyway, so who even knows how important it was.

>> No.9909674

of course, it is not possible to determine the single most important game of all time. 99% of any threads are like this do you understand why you are participating in threads at all lol

i would name counter strike the half life mod as the most important. why? you cannot name any single player game as they may introduced new features, but the taste is different for everybody.

why counter strike?

because, in a time of doubt and uncertainty, this game boosted internet + multiplayer games into the sky and above, the time as we know it now. do you remember the gaming is not a crime song? end of the 90s and early 2000s was a time of hard decisions, of paving the future. in my central european country, multiplayer gaming like CS was a main force behind developing and selling internet accesses. without cs back then nothing would have come this far as today. you have to look beyond simple mechanic upgrades

naming ff7 is just trolling, you cannot take it seriously - even if you would consider one of the worst parts of ff as the best.

>> No.9910001

Sorry, but that's a pathetic sounding excuse for this crap. You are taking a perfectly fine single player game, which you could be playing perfectly well by yourself, and adding multiplayer bullshit to it, not to actually do anything interesting with it, but to make the game a lame 'social hub' where each person goes around doing random bullshit and can't even come up with actually interesting gameplay modes to enhance the experience, and playing that just as an excuse to shoot shit with randoms because you don't have anything better to do.

>> No.9910154

except there's tons of new gameplay modes, fucking cracker

>> No.9910198

>, or something like Metal Gear Solid or FFVII
Kek, could you be any more transparent

>> No.9910215

he could have said super mario 64

>> No.9910285

holy samefaggot

>> No.9910298

>makes a completely reasonable, logical post
>tendies start screaming because he didn't say he would die for god miyamoto
This board is like /v/ dialed up to eleven in regard to brand loyalty.

>> No.9910380

that's because this place is mostly populated by people over 30, and you should never underestimate how much brand loyalty intensifies as your nostalgia and yearning for your familiar childhood comforts deepens, especially among jaded manchildren with nothing else to cling to

>> No.9910489

this post should be one of the banners for /vr/

>> No.9910491

kek, lmao, kekko, you can't kek this make up.

>> No.9910524

Compared to tetris, space invaders, doom, Lords of Midnight, Combat, Star wars, csgo, Battlezone, defender, pac man, quake, unreal tounament, ms flight sim, wolfstein, the hobbit, knight lore, or a thousand other games? No. Its a thing for bing bing wahopoists that no one else cares about much and was neither original or special or even particularly well liked in its time.


>> No.9911591

the original super mario bros hasn't influenced any games. not a single one is like that first game, and the second game was just a reskinned doki panic.

>> No.9911657
File: 30 KB, 401x628, 1682484042343320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's playable rom hacks and new modes you braindead moron, much more than you could ever do in pso mind you. Do you have fun pressing 1 attack button all day and collecting loot with slightly higher numbers? Not a surprise you drooling retard.

Stick to pso.

>> No.9911963

you have to be a special kind of contrarian retard to deny SMB the recognition it deserves for its influence on the platformer genre

>> No.9912024

what are some games it influenced then, pal

>> No.9912029

>Probably the most important video game of all time.
Nah that'd be Pong since without it we'd not be chatting here and there'd be no here.

>> No.9912038

every 2d sidescrolling platformer which came after it

>> No.9912059

The dev team knocked this one right out of the park, but can anyone consider Galaxy the natural follow-up to it?
blue skies>starry nights

>> No.9912065

except no, it didn't influence anything really. nothing takes after Mario.

>> No.9912280

prove it, faggot

>> No.9912364

Probably Mario 3 considering it spawned Doom and the rest of the games Doom spawned

>> No.9912891

can't prove a non-existence. they teach you this in theological courses, it's why some spiritualities are faith based, there's nothing other than faith.

and on the science side of things, the burdon of proof is on you. asking me to disprove something you asserted without evidence, is as easy as dismissing it without evidence.

>> No.9912916

>if it’s not a direct clone there’s no influence
truly ivy league-level discourse from the level-headed commenters that peruse 4channel

>> No.9912998

>Make a vague comment
>feel superior
Busy day, huh sport?

>> No.9913692

It wouldn't be my pick, but FF7's release marked the moment that video games stopped being niche.
With FF7 video games were now a part of modern culture to the same degree that movies and television were.
Obviously there were popular games before FF7 but you'll never hear anyone talk about Pong or Space Invaders the way they talk about The Godfather or The Twilight Zone.
As previously mentioned it's also a hallmark of the relationship between gameplay and story shifting to be more balanced instead of leaning heavily in favor of gameplay.
Essentially you can take all of the differences between modern and retro games, both good and bad, and if you trace them back far enough you end up at Final Fantasy VII. It's a very important game.