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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9905247 No.9905247 [Reply] [Original]

I've seen some guys online who cut video games out of their life completely in an effort to self improve. Some even go so far as selling/giving away their entire collections or online accounts. They claim vidya is nothing but a waste of time. Since the clientele here is a bit older than most boards, what do you think? Was the time spent playing a waste or not?

I personally don't think they are a waste of time. Some games are great experiences that offer interesting storylines or simply fun gameplay and cool art styles. You just can't let them take over your life but that applies to everything else in this world, so...

>> No.9905253


>> No.9905259

Everything in moderation. Cut down your time playing videogames if you feel you can use that time for other endeavours, but from what I've seen many of the people who quit hobbies they genuinely enjoy chasing self improvement turn bitter and jaded very quickly. And at that point, is it really self improvement?

>> No.9905260

Video games are a waste of time as much as any media/entertainment/art is a waste of time. Why read? Why watch movies? Why listen to music?

People who think that way are either hypocrites who want to feel "above" games, or they're idiot dudebros subscribing to some false manliness and "hustle" memes probably eating nothing but grocery store chickens

>> No.9905268

>And at that point, is it really self improvement?
I agree. Whoever goes that far, I think their problems run much deeper than just cutting out a negative vice.

>> No.9905278

I think most addicts are addicted to modern online multiplayer competitive games with ranking systems, not single player or co-op games like most retro games are.

>> No.9905301

I honestly don't understand how people can play those games. I've seen gameplay footage from some of them and it seems like the most stress-inducing keyboard mashers ever.

>> No.9905313
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I think it's fun but it can be time consuming. If a person works full time with kids or even part time with no kids I can understand why they would want to cut out video games to prioritize other more important/healthier goals. I had to uninstall Discord recently and barely have enough time for 4chan as it is.

>> No.9905320

don't feel bad about the things you like. i can't stand those wannabe stoic guys who jump from jordan peterson to joe rogan podcast and pretend like they have the secrets of the universe. shit is so fucking lame.

>> No.9905323

MMOs in particular are a massive waste of time.
"But it's all entertainment in the end!" Yea and you're entertained by the stupidest carrot-on-a-stick drivel that's out there.
You can do so many things in this world. Spending it chasing rat butts to craft the Rat Sword +1 is one of the lowest tier things you can do.

I've spent my whole life playing games. My whole life pretty much. I loved games that much, so I did that. But I'm not proud of that. If someone said I wasted my life, I wouldn't fucking disagree. They're right.
So no, these people aren't wrong. Games are awesome, but there's something else at work in your brain when you decide to spend years playing an MMO or spend all your money on a mint PS1 RPG collections
That is someone with poor wiring in their brain.
>but it's my hobby, you asshole!
Well excuse me princess. No. You have a shit hobby and you're filling a void in your life with a pathetic, pointless endeavour

>> No.9905328
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Adding to this. Some of us got back into retro gaming (especially Game Boy and handhelds) because it's both cheaper and less time consuming than modern games and there's some games that can be cleared in one sitting or simple puzzlers that you can just play in the bus or on the train.

>> No.9905332

it's not different than watching the nfl, at least with some games you have to think

>> No.9905351

MMOs are a slippery slope.

>> No.9905375
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they crave recognition in some form, but it's likely subconscious. No one goes "Oh yep, going to buy the latest Halo Online XIV so I can get recognized as being valuable".

>> No.9905390

I still play vidya on occasion but the days whether I can spend an entire day playing are behind me. To busy. Even if I wanted to sit and do nothing but vidya is impossible to do. To much urge to do something else.

Honestly anon, it's not playing that's the waste. It's when you are playing when you aren't enjoying it but have nothing else to do that's a bigger problem

>> No.9905401
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>bunny ears
Good taste anon :)

>> No.9905404

>It's when you are playing when you aren't enjoying it but have nothing else to do that's a bigger problem
This. At this point vidya has become escapism and that's a serious problem. I also agree with the urge to do something else. I don't understand how some guys can sit around for six hours or more playing a game lol.

>> No.9905405

Everything is a waste of time

>> No.9905418

Six hours straight is definitely excessive unless they are getting paid to do it.

>> No.9905440

Time enjoyed wasting is not time wasted, especially if you don't have many other responsibilities to manage.

>> No.9905454
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I don't differentiate real, imagined, or simulated experiences.

>> No.9905458

Nah. So long as it's not your sole interest (even if it is and you're enjoying yourself then good!) If it's not destructive then what's the problem?

>> No.9905462

I feel that a person can and should be able to play video games well into their later years, my grandfather would end up playing his Jaguar until he passed away. What you shouldn't do is let it take over your life and become a manchild; moderation, just as >>9905259
suggested. That being said, if you happen to have a great many set of games that you never play and wouldn't miss, I would say sell them.

>> No.9905467
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They got meme'd by grifters. No one wants to waste their life away at a dead end job like the boomers did. They see ecelebs out there living like rockstars. So they throw away everything thinking if they go to the gym they'll magically be able to not be an average working joe. Unfortunately going to the gym alone does not solve all life issues.

>Was the time spent playing a waste or not?
My time I wasted on multiplayer games like TF2 and Dota 2 were for sure, because they ended up becoming endless time sink pits that I didn't even enjoy playing. Social media and 4chan are far worse time wasters.

Former dota 2 addict. What got me into it originally was hearing how overpowered and ridiculous all the abilities are, and how they all synergies in the strangest ways. It originally was a mod where the modders just threw everything and the kitchen sink at the game and it has abilities you can't have in a singleplayer game because AI wouldn't know what to do with it.

What ended up happening is single player games, and even other multiplayer games, just did not do it for me anymore. It'd take too much jargon to fully explain but everything feels watered down in comparison. It's so hard to go back to slower paced games, when I'm use to ones where people can teleport across the map and kill you instantly for being out of position. What made me quit is Valve eventually gutted everything that made the game fun.

>> No.9905474

>What ended up happening is single player games, and even other multiplayer games, just did not do it for me anymore
BTW OPs game LOK Blood Omen is one of the few games I can stand, but its more because Kane narrated it so well and the atmosphere was 11/10 than the gameplay being amazing.

>> No.9905475

I'd say that the problem is wasting one's life. If you spend all of it in front of a screen you'll miss out on a lot of things.

>> No.9905478

At this point I look for just singleplayer stuff, or multiplayer that is similar to how Quake/Halo I-III, or something like Minecraft is.

>> No.9905485

If you couldn't have a healthy relationship with vidya then you're not gonna have a healthy relationship with whatever you replace it with.
I'm being generous here too, assuming vidya isn't usually being replaced with something else that's unproductive. 9/10 times they're just trying to chase pussy.

>> No.9905487

That's exactly why I picked that game lol. Blood Omen is a great game. Fantastic writing, voice acting, music and atmosphere.

>> No.9905493

Yeah, I agree there. I learned guitar, learned photography, took up cycling and started working in Asia so I could see more of the world. I still treasure a lot of the time I had with games over the years and still keenly play when I have the time but you're right in that it's vital to get out there in life.

>> No.9905496

>gameplay being amazing
lol come on

>> No.9905503

That's not necessarily true. Sometimes people just want to learn a new skill or do other hobbies. Also time management is legitimately annoying.

>> No.9905506

He was saying the gameplay wasn't amazing. I'm not saying it's bad but it is simple. I actually think it works in the games favor.

>> No.9905516

Why did you cut out the "than the". Literally 2 words.

>> No.9905523

>Why did you cut out the "". Literally 2 words.
lol come on

>> No.9905561

I never really had a problem with this until I tried messing around with making a game. A ton of retro games have mechanics that were forgotten and never seen their full potential that I wanted to try and build out. It was a lot easier when I had a cool group of people I was working with but when it fell apart suddenly I started asking "Why am I investing all this time in this?" Thing is there isn't really a great community for this type of thing though. All the existing ones centered around game dev are full of the most degenerate losers I have ever seen. They are like living strawmen the self-improvement crowd will point to when shilling their shit.

>> No.9905606

Everything is a waste of time u til you die. Those guys just have terminal calvinbrain and have been psyopped to feel guilty unless they’re slaving to make GDP go up. Working any more than necessary to be comfy is a fucking scam

>> No.9905656

This is just plain wrong

>> No.9905662

>muh nihilism is so cool
based dumbass

>> No.9905670

>doesn't want to retake jerusalem

>> No.9905683

holy based.

>> No.9905693

>Working any more than necessary to be comfy is a fucking scam
How is that nihilism?

>> No.9905704

Being alive is a waste of time. This is a non argument that leads to abstraction and nihilism. Death is the great equalizer and what you do while you're alive won't change the endpoint of your path. The best you can do is use your time doing things that you enjoy. If you want to play games your whole life and enjoy doing it, that's as valid, if not more valid than some pretentious midwit trying to convince himself that he's making good choices but are unable to formulate any of their own opinions or thoughts.

>> No.9906502

My family used to use videogames as a babysitter for me. I would spend hours by myself playing games. It’s my comfort food and I have tons of childhood memories with videogames that mean as much to me as anything could besides losing a loved one. If someone doesn’t enjoy playing games anymore, that’s fine but I garauntee they have some amazing memories playing games and in the future they will most likely regret giving away or selling all their stuff.