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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9905219 No.9905219 [Reply] [Original]

What's your honest opinion on PS2? How do you think its library stacks up vs PS1 and other retro consoles? Any genres where you think it was better or worse?

>> No.9905223
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I prefer PS1 for the most part. Only other Sony system I care about is maybe PocketStation, and that was more of a peripheral like VMU than an actual system.

>> No.9905356

PS2 by far. I don't know, when 5th gen consoles came out I not once did I look at my SNES and think "wow, I wish games looked like that again!", and really, Final Fantasy aside, most PS1 games are still 2D games by and large. The cool 3D third parties like RE and Tony Hawk were much better on the Dreamcast, so once the 6th gen went even further into proper 3D I didn't ever look back. Also, FF7 was a wonderful experience for its time, but as shitty as it is to play nowadays, there wasn't anything like playing GTA III for the first time, really changed everything forever.

>> No.9905364

Ps2 is when 3d graphics for games became mostly palatable. 5th gen is the awkward middle child for me.

>> No.9905872

At the end of the day, it was just another platform for Sony to push moviegames on.
>captcha: DVDHG

>> No.9905876

It's the greatest console of all time, and it isn't even close. The fact it plays PS1, another top 3 console of all time is just ludicrous. No wonder it's the all time best selling, and lives in the heads of every other company's fanboys.

>> No.9905883

It had a lot of games, but they weren't as good as other consoles. Timesplitters 2 feels a generation behind Halo.

>> No.9905884

Both PS1 and PS2 were so good I can excuse Playstation going to absolute dogshit after gen 6

>> No.9905975

Nostalgia makes me say the ps1 is better. Actually reflecting on how many wonderful and much more advance games are on the ps2 make me secretly admit to myself that I know the ps2 is better.
I like Star Ocean 2 and 3 pretty equally, but 3 is just a far deeper game and so much more going on than 2 does, and that’s because the ps2 is just capable of more. I’d probably say these are the two best consoles ever made.

>> No.9906427

for my is the last playstation and psx truly sequel.

>> No.9906481

It's alright.

>> No.9906487

PS2 has a lot of one and done games that are memorable but I never feel like replaying. PS1 has a lot of games I continue to replay even to this day.

I think it's a great console but yeah, lot of one and dones.

>> No.9906598

Lmao what on earth on Xbox and GC was better than some of the PS2’s exclusives?
>inb4 Mario shit

>> No.9906603

Nothing really but xbox has plenty of great games that carve a certain niche. Sadly PS2 has nothing quite like Amped but none of the others have anything as fun and chaotic as downhill domination.

>> No.9906606
File: 633 KB, 443x332, playstation.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I grew up with the PS2 so it will always have a special place in my heart but I really love how weird the PS1 era was.

>> No.9906647


Dead even.

PS2 for deep gameplay mechanics, PS1 for SOVL

>> No.9906705
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PS2 generally had more polished titles, but naturally it was less experimental too. Combine that with the fact that trend chasing was starting to ramp up even more, and I think the PS2's library ends up being a bit more dull, even if it's more competent.
Example: we got a whole laundry list of skateboarding & other extreme sports games on the PS2, but we never got something creative & relatively grounded like Thrasher after the PS1. We never even got something that tried to improve on Thrasher, everything was a Tony Hawk ripoff (SSX not included).

>> No.9906716

Lot of great games but at least 60% of the library is shovelware trash like yearly sports games or movie and product tie ins.

>> No.9906723

Lmao kotor tekken 3 morrowind... what exclusives were good on ps2?

>> No.9906732

You mean DOA?

>> No.9906768

Yes I always mix them up.

>> No.9907286

I don't know why, but something about the PS2's library doesn't do it for me. I've tried a variety of fighting games, rpgs, ace combat 5, etc. but nothing's really clicked with me aside from Persona 3 FES when I played it years ago. I like Platformers, RPGs, kart racers, and shorter games that encourage replayibility (i.e. Luigi's Mansion, Star Fox 64, MGS, etc.) What would you guys recommend based on that?

>> No.9907291

Defined my high school years like nothing else did since I was
>first real console when I was PCOnly up to that point
>first console I imported games on
>first console I played pirated games on
>got me into fighting games because there was no arcade scene where I lived

>> No.9907292

since I was 16 when I got one in christmas 2002, I meant to say

>> No.9907497

I agree; even though I was still in high-school when the PS2 was at its zenith, I was more in to PC gaming at the time since I felt it was a downgrade from the experimentation of the PS1. I did play games like Shadow of the Colossus, Metal Gear Solid 2 and 3, God of War, etc. but only when the PS3 had already come out and the PS2 Slim was selling for a hundred-bucks.

>> No.9907575

I've spent far more time playing Oddworld, Crash, Spyro, and many other strange and retarded PS1 games than I ever played Jak and Daxter, Ratchet and Clank, or .....PS2 Crash (shudder)

>> No.9907738

If I had to pick one game I think defined the PS2, for me, it was Kingdom Hearts 2. Feels like it peaked there.

That said, I haven't tried Ratchet and Clank yet, but I want to.

>> No.9907992

Probably one of the most robust libraries a console has ever had.
Its not perfect, and I love some gamecube exclusives like luigis mansion and double dash, but it won the 6th gen for a reason.

>> No.9908064

Always felt ps2 was overrated. Not much I liked on it. One of my least favorite systems.

>> No.9908082

Massively overrated. Vast majority of its most famous games have ports that run significantly better on Xbox/GC. And if you don't like JRPGs and mascot platformers, there are less than 10 exclusive games worth raving about. I'm sure it was great for children and families on a budget in the 2000s.

>> No.9909793
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It was the system I was willing to quit video games on. While it is still a top 15 home video game console for me, I still prefer the games on the original PS1 which lands in my top 10. There are a lot of games that I like which are very good on the PS2 and it was the place where I feel the survival horror games were better than most others. It was probably the console which demonstrated best that my taste in games were very different from what everyone else likes.

>> No.9910227

Breath of Fire Dragon Quarter?

>> No.9910229

are you gonna reply to yourself again?

>> No.9910478

>What's your honest opinion on PS2?
Brilliant as was the PS1 by far the best consoles of their eras along with the 360s. Everything else except the 2600, PC and home computers both 8 and 16 bit is pretty fucking irrelevant compared to the ps1 and ps2. Only excepting the PC by far the best library of games and peripherals is Ps1/Ps2. Anyone who disagrees is just some whacked out cultist

>> No.9910482

watching this guy reply to himself in that one thread felt like watching a childhood role model shoot up heroin

>> No.9910484

Are you tarded? The Ps1 and Ps2 where both excellent and had such vast numbers of great games that you literally could not find a genre that was not well supported on both. Aside form the 360 the PS2 had literally zero actual competition in its lifetime.

>> No.9910487

If you think that's bad he's a full time spastic bing bing wahoo cultist who wastes his life doing strawman playstation threads and farting on about stale zelda

>> No.9910507

It's a fantastic console, easy top 5 but it basically killed RPGs with cancer games like .hack and xeno ruining the reputation of the genre while square took a vacation to tickle a trendy new online rpg.

>> No.9910516

Was my favorite console for many years and would still be in my top 5. Has a better library than the PS1 but I wouldn't say it has better games than the SNES or Genesis.
>Any genres where you think it was better or worse?
It had a lot of great hack n slash and third person action games. I don't really care for the RPGs on it though aside from FFX and DQ8, PS1 definitely did that genre better

>> No.9910519

I will be brave enough to say it became one of my favorite consoles after NES, GBA and Dreamcast. I had tons of fun with it back then, and discovered new series that became my favorites.
While games weren't as experimental as Dreamcast ones, there still were plenty of creative titles with interesting concepts.

>> No.9910535

You're pathetic. Please tell me you at least lie and groom this board because you made some disastrous financial blunder like buying a ton of old nintendo stock or DC crap and there is a reason for all this fucking lying beyond pseuding about failed products. the Ps1//2 fucking ruled and were excellent. No one gave a shit about the DC or bing bing wahoo

>> No.9910549

It was a great system. Kino library. Some DC Sega fan will come in here and literally shit himself over the superiority of DC. It's probably already happened but I'm not reading all this shit.

>> No.9910550

>someone says they love a console
>get triggered because they don't think it's OMGZ THE GREATEST CONSOLE EVER!!!

>> No.9910561

>the Ps1//2 fucking ruled and were excellent.
please name your top 5 PS2 games. inb4 it's GTA, sports and racing games

>> No.9910579

Not him, but here goes

Digital Devil Saga
BG: Dark Alliance (couch co-op kino)

>> No.9910605

>Not him
i didn't ask you then. I wanted to know what that other fag liked that he creamed his pants over PS2

>> No.9910618

nothing wrong with GTA and sports games.

>> No.9910624
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I don't care if you asked me or not. I still told you. And you still read it.

>> No.9910636

luv me footy
luv me GTA
luv me raceys
'ate Dreamcast
'ate JRPG
'ate weebs
simple as

>> No.9910639

me on the far right

>> No.9910642

>I still told you.
>And you still read it.

>> No.9910648

Looks like you're still reading my posts. So I'll list some more PS2 kino

Blood Will Tell
Jak and Daxter
Viewtiful Joe
Dark Cloud 2

>> No.9910656

man I haven't thought about Viewtiful Joe in a coon's age, may need to replay it

>> No.9910820

a huge swath of its library is kind of negated by default with terrible 6th gen shooting mechanics, lock on aiming systems. games like socom and re4 that were passable were the exception. that isn't to say 7th gen gears clone weren't the styrofoam and unsalted popcorn of vidya but at least aiming your gun at an enemy was a coherent game concept.

>> No.9910918

Jesus Christ just fuck off.

lol when did this happen

>> No.9910923

PS2 has probably the best library of horror games so it’ll always be my favourite console just for that reason.

>> No.9910924

most of them are crap.

>> No.9910939

Is there any way to get the PS2 to work with a PS1 link cable? Any adapters? I'm too lazy to hook up two PS1s when I could just do one PS1 and a PS2 for Final Doom

>> No.9910953
File: 2.16 MB, 1950x1460, I Agree.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree

>> No.9910964

Time for 5 more kino PS2 games

Rogue Galaxy
Kingdom Hearts
SMT Nocturne
Virtua Fighter 4
Tekken Tag Tournament

>> No.9910970

he posted his usual tripe then responded to his own post with "I agree" with a completely unrelated pic he attached by accident. he then made matters worse by responding to his own reply trying to play it off, then posted a failed ms paint edit of the reply chain. basically, he's a human embarassment and you have to wonder how many of the people responding to him in general are even real.

>> No.9910978

>I Agree.jpg
top kek he's never gonna live this down

>> No.9910981

what a dumbass

>> No.9910997

on reflection I don't think it is him: https://desuarchive.org/vr/search/image/pYpdu-u5AVHCwFipKXKB9w/

sorry anons you got trolled

>> No.9911017

Yes they did by me. I just happened to see the same guy posting in 2 threads and posted his own pic to his other post. But /vr/ is full of retards that think everyone is the same person or zoomers. It's like /v/'s version of thinking everything is reddit.

>> No.9911039

>full time spastic bing bing wahoo cultist
doesn't surprise me. Sad!

>> No.9911090

I didn't play as many games on it as the SNES and PS1 but the ones I played were still among the best games of that gen and of all time.
However I will say I liked the Gamecube just as much and probably played it more. But I didn't explore the PS2's library as much.

>> No.9911127

>playing damage control this hard
Give up bro

>> No.9911135

Hello you are my favorite /vr/ poster, Based

>> No.9911403

This level of autism should not be possible

>> No.9911447

Silent Hill 2
Silent Hill 3
Time crisis 3
Gran Turismo 3: A-Spec
Star wars battlefront I/II
DJ Hero
Vampire Night
There are too many to list.....

>> No.9911451

Are we going PS1 games as well?
Tomb raider 2
Wipeout 2097
Warzone 2100
Resident Evil 1/2/3
Silent Hill 1
Warcraft 2 The Dark saga
Rage Racer/Grand Turismo
Too many to list

>> No.9911454

Bing Bing wahoo anon. Take meds.

>> No.9911463

MGS 1/2
Rayman PS2
Porshe Challenge PS1
Tekken 3 PS1
Cardinal Syn PS1
Star Wars: Starfighter PS2
Mace Griffin bounty Hunter PS1(fantasic game)
All the early CODs and MOHs (PS1/ PS2)
I can keep going all day. The PS1 and PS2 had hundreds of great titles and a vast library.

>> No.9911464

>*Mace Griffin bounty Hunter PS2(fantasic game)
Quake 3 arena
Wolfstein return to castle wolfstein
Tomb raider 3

>> No.9911603

Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time
God of War
Spartan: Total Warrior
Commandos: Strike Force
The Thing
Onimusha 2
Ninja: Shadow of Darkness
Fighting force
Syndicate Wars
G Police
Point Blank
Duke Nukem: Time to Kill
Too many to list. Thera re 100s of good games for the ps1 and 2

>> No.9911615

Name your top 5 gamecube games that aren't Melee, Wind Waker, Mario Sunshine, Metroid Prime and Paper Mario TTYD

>> No.9911787

What exactly do people think is so good about the Paper Mario games? I liked TTYD but it's not an all-time great game. The SNES one is better, it's more timeless

>> No.9912965

>boot up ps2
>hear weird buzzing noise
>try wipeout
>buzzing is either louder or quiet depending on what screen it's on
>mess around with where the cables are plugged in, get the same results
Should I replace my PS2's cables? I think they're the issue here.

>> No.9913057

Ah you're back lying? Shit that never happened to 9you)
>What exactly do people think is so good about the Paper Mario games?
Nothing and you are off topic