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File: 23 KB, 277x198, old.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9901430 No.9901430 [Reply] [Original]

>an OLD pilot
>hes 32
what did the developers meant by this.

>> No.9901438

Japanese media culture revolves around teenagers.

>> No.9901465

He was the original 30 year old boomer.

>> No.9901468

Now we are all Cid.

>> No.9901473

>expert mechanic, number 1 best in the entire world
>weapon he makes by hand is a stick with a point on it

>> No.9901532

He's just thinking like an engineer. You want a reliable weapon that don't malfunction in the middle of the battle.

Aircraft engineer Kelly Johnson who designed the Lockheed U-2 and SR-71 Blackbird, reportedly also coined the KISS principle: "Keep It Simple Stupid". Nothing simpler than a stick with a pointy end.

>> No.9901545

>be japanese
>stop being a teenager
>your entire existence will now consist of overworking yourself to death
You tell me.

>> No.9901630

With Japanese media I always add 20 years to everyone's stated age. It never makes sense otherwise, unless the character is deliberately a kid.

>> No.9901649
File: 22 KB, 175x169, peregrine-falcon-head-shot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Height: 5'8"

>> No.9901651

45 is middle age.

>> No.9901767

That's assuming you live to 90, which most people don't. 38 is probably closer to the true halfway point.

>> No.9901782

Guess that explains why they only wanna play RPGs with little kids as the protagonist.
would it kill them to make an RPG about some 45 year old with bad knees who just really loves his cat? always with the 18 year olds with dark war pasts.

>> No.9901950

The people who write the bios are clearly not the people who design the characters. Cid is obviously supposed to be pushing 50 but the writer is like "eh...32."

>> No.9901963

In Japan you’re considered old and decrepit once you turn 18

>> No.9901973

I like this explanation, but I think they just really wanted a dragoon. He even has Kain from FFIV's last name.

>> No.9901987

30 is an ojisan bro. Don't worry all the 18 year old girls love 30something dudes for some reason.

>> No.9901995

Just like IRL, no one wants a gf older than 14.

>> No.9902002

This is the obvious answer

>> No.9902071

So true

>> No.9902115

Thats pretty good for an asian

>> No.9902119

time to grow up buddy

>> No.9902272

For whatever reason there's no such thing as middle age in video games. Main characters are 10-21, seasoned veterans are 30-35, and then it jumps to 80 for the wise elders.

>> No.9902624
File: 41 KB, 799x506, 1394017740_800093_1532549711_portada_normal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone actually use Cid lol

>> No.9902841

>double digits

Less grannies plz.
Everybody knows the whole body starts turning to shit after 9 I mean cmon maaaan

>> No.9902878

He's one of the strongest characters in the game, not that it really matters in FF7, though.

>> No.9903028

Damn right I do, he's the coolest character in the game. Him and Vincent are always in my party.

>> No.9903129

I don't get why adult Japanese people don't have an issue with this, do they just not play videogames? Are they really stuck in offices 12 hours a day? It's no wonder the kill themselves.

>> No.9903138

Video games were mostly targeting kids and teenagers back then. Today it's changed a bit. There are a decent number of high profile middle aged protagonists. Joel from The Last of Us. Kratos in the most recent God of War.

>> No.9903172

>Are they really stuck in offices 12 hours a day?
No, it's 18 hours a day. Sometimes 24 if they have to sleep overnight in their cubicle.

>> No.9903195

Thats a lotta overtime bb
Bet they get a nice check

>> No.9903219

Arino called himself middle aged when he turned 30.

>> No.9903259

I'm honestly not sure if they get paid extra or not. I believe I've heard not, but maybe it depends on the company.

>> No.9903269

I will live to be 145

>> No.9903275

Arino already decided he'll drink himself into an early grave by 60. And judging by how he looks now he's fully committed.

>> No.9903308

Yeah, they get a check

checked out of life earlier

>> No.9903313
File: 55 KB, 480x360, 1684090960655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe the character was supposed to be African American originally. This happened a year before the game was released.

>> No.9903749

What? Why would you think Cid was meant to be black?

>> No.9903763
File: 38 KB, 611x720, 1577283841914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw ur now older than cid

>> No.9903816

10 years older than cid now

>> No.9903958

Worse, you're old enough to be Cid's father

>> No.9904084

based. Guns and dynamite

>> No.9904429

I feel more Strago

>> No.9904457

That's Ricard's surname, thank you very much.

>> No.9904461

they work less than us but have to please the boss by drinking with him till the shit themselves nightly.

>> No.9904474

You should play "Like a Dragon." Its literally Gen-X Persona. Extremely basic, Dragon Quest, style combat but very charming. I prefer it to the mainline series with Kiryu.

>> No.9904489

>speaking rudely

>> No.9904724

Don't you HAVE to use him after Tifa and Cloud are both forced out of the party?

>> No.9904728

that games are for kids