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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9897664 No.9897664 [Reply] [Original]

rank these games in terms of importance to gaming and culture

>Super Mario Bros
>King's Quest
>Ocarina of Time
>Super Mario 64
>Grand Theft Auto 3
>Metal Gear Solid
>Final Fantasy 7
>Street Fighter II

>> No.9897670

Super Mario 64 > Halo > Doom > Ocarina Of Time > Grand Theft Auto 3 > Super Mario Bros. > Half-Life > Metal Gear Solid > Final Fantasy 7 > Street Fighter 2 > Pong > Pac-Man > King's Quest
Sorry King's Quest, whatever your influences were, I have never heard of you. Gotta put you last.

>> No.9897702

>have arguments
How about we just agree they all made contributions to the medium?

>> No.9897718

Dragon Quest 2 and Zelda 2 are more important than people realize.

>> No.9897740

Super Mario Bros
Mario 64
Street Fighter 2
Half Life
Metal Gear Solid
King's Quest

>> No.9897775

1. Doom
>firmly established PC gaming as rivaling consoles and arcades in-terms of both visuals and gameplay, popularized the FPS genre which continues to be the most popular in the world, pioneered game modding scenes, source ports, and popularized both online and LAN deathmatch, modding scene and multiplayer community still thrive to this day and the franchise is as popular as ever
2. Super Mario Bros.
>established the standard sidescrolling platformer template most console games would use on through to the end of the 90's, contributed to the recovery of the console gaming industry following Atari shitting the bed by 1983, still one of the biggest franchises in the world
3. Pong
>effectively introduced the concept of video games as a whole to the masses, still universally-recognized after 50 years
4. Street Fighter II
>popularized competitive multiplayer gaming and the fighting game genre, still maintaining the standard template established by this game over 30 years later with a thriving community
5. Super Mario 64
>basically did the same thing SMB did, but with 3D games, still has an enduring legacy and fan community even among younger generations that weren't alive when the game was new
>popularized open-world action games which is still a popular genre today, ushered in a trend of gritty crime-themed games that persisted for a long time until fairly recently, franchise is still iconic and very popular today
7. Pac-Man
>the first iconic video game character, still a popular and world-recognized franchise today even though its newer games aren't very relevant
8. King's Quest
>popularized PC gaming as a niche for narrative graphic adventure games, set the genre template that would be followed for many years, still influencing modern adventure games and "walking simulators"

>> No.9897781


9. Final Fantasy VII
>popularized the turn-based RPG genre for the masses as well as AAA production values and cinematic storytelling, still an iconic game within its own sub-franchise
10. Half-Life
>evolved the FPS genre in terms of its narrative, pacing, and setpieces, further-popularized modding and creating an iconic sub-series in the form of Counter-Strike that remains one of the most popular in the genre today
11. Halo
>evolved the FPS genre for consoles by establishing many gameplay and control standards still in-place today, even if its franchise is a lot less-popular and relevant than it used to be
12. Ocarina of Time
>popularized lock-on camera targetting for 3D games and set many rules for level design in 3D action-adventure games still used today
13. Metal Gear Solid
>most of its accomplishments were already achieved by FFVII, though it still broke ground for in-engine storytelling and cinematic direction with its pacing and setpieces

>> No.9897786

Street Fighter II made arcades popular again after years of stagnation so that would my number one pick

>> No.9897809

Good posts but I'd switch around Pong and Street Fighter II.

>> No.9898287

I'd say they're about equally-influential, give-or-take.

>> No.9898398

>Final Fantasy VII
I wouldn't say final fantasy vii did anything special over what Ffvi did three years earlier over, aside from vii being more polished and popular. If anything dragon quest 2 and the original final fantasy were more influential since every jrpg after it copies the mechanics in some way.

>> No.9898423 [DELETED] 

It leveraged the CD format to push high-production value FMV's that gave the game an unmistakably more cinematic quality- which in-turn made it more appealing to a wider audience who otherwise wouldn't be into RPG's, though it didn't evolve the gameplay or genre all that much in the grand scheme of things which is why I kept it fairly low on the list.

>> No.9898435

It leveraged the CD format to push high-production value FMV's that gave the game an unmistakably more cinematic quality- which in-turn made it more appealing to a wider audience who otherwise wouldn't be into RPG's, though it didn't evolve the gameplay or genre all that much in the grand scheme of things which is why I kept it fairly low on the list. If Dragon Quest or Ultima or even Pokemon Red/Blue were on the list I'd put them much higher for obvious reasons.

>> No.9899406

Mario Bros
Modern Warfare Cod 4
Tony Hawks Pro Skater 2
Street Fighter 2
Final Fantasy IIV
World Of Warcraft
Mortal Kombat
Gran Turismo
Tomb Raider

These are the very few games that for better or worse influenced culture outside of gaming. Games that led to a boom in some sub-culture or were so ubiquitous everyone knows of them and can't avoid them even if they don't play them.

>> No.9899410

and Halo 1-3

>> No.9899423

I'd include half life 2 over half life 1, half life 2 was the SMB of it's time, it made video games popular again. So I'd also include it on >>9899406
this guys list as influencing greater culture

>> No.9899442
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>half life 2
>made video games popular again

>> No.9899447

You literally had to be there

>> No.9899469

King's Quest, Ocarina of Time and Mario 64 aren't important at all.

>> No.9899491

>King's Quest
these games are ass
>Ocarina of Time
muh zelda
a trilogy of xbox shooters only boomers remember, nobody cares anymore
>Metal Gear Solid
For 2-3 games kojima tricked everybody into thinking he wasn't a kusoge artist? Became apparent by 4. Like Halo was popular in the 2000s, nobody cares anymore
>Final Fantasy 7
RPGs are a niche genre, similar to football manager sims. not important

>> No.9899636

But he didn't want to make games, he wanted to make movies.

>> No.9899683

>RPGs are a niche genre
I understand you don't like them but lol, lmao

>> No.9899867

No, fuck you.

>> No.9899882

>No Oregon Trail
>No Colossal Cave Adventure
>No FS1: Flight Simulator
>No Rogue
>No Mystery House
>No Wizardry
>No Elite
>No Ultima IV
>No Portopia Serial Murder Case
>No Dragon Quest
Shit list desu

>> No.9899894
File: 114 KB, 360x360, 5B244EAD-F7C1-4A66-9470-2BBEBC8D3CF4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rank these games in terms of importance to gaming and culture

>> No.9899897

Fuck I forgot Space Invaders
To train AI so it can replace game journalists and that's a good thing!

>> No.9899921
File: 23 KB, 400x400, s-l400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think MGS and FFVII are important for bringing deeper storytelling into video games. Mario obviously pioneered the platformer genre and Pong is commonly seen as the first true video game. Pac-Man and Street Fighter II were both some of the most popular arcade games of their time period. Halo really popularized online gaming and the FPS genre, same with Half-Life but moreso on PC than on consoles. I'm not sure how I would rank them but I would say they were all important for different reasons.

There's also games like Virtua Fighter and Tekken which started the 3D fighting game genre, Pokemon which kicked off an entire pop culture phenomenon, Sonic which kind of reinvented the platforming genre, Harvest Moon which was one of the first (good) virtual life/business simulation games, The Sims which did something similar but had wider mainstream appeal, plenty of others.

>> No.9899946

Made household gaming an industry. Too primitive and basic to have larger than novelty appeal.

9.Super Mario Bros
Started the franchise that rejuvenated video games but wasn't really anything special on its own.

Made arcades what they were and lead to the whole industry.
Took gaming beyond arcades and consoles and was the blueprint for the industry going forward.

3.King's Quest
Showed how home pcs could be actual gaming machines with advanced graphics and game play beyond just copying arcade coin eaters. It's impact is felt even if it doesn't hold up to modern standards.

Advanced gaming to a new era but beyond being a better and more polished predecessor, didn't really push things in a totally new direction
9.Ocarina of Time
Same as above just 3d Zelda
5.Super Mario 64
Set the standard for 3d gaming in the console generation, a real high mark that not only paved the way but also wasn't really beat.
Just golden eye for the Xbox generation
7.Grand Theft Auto3.
set a watermark of prestige console shooters with a fun combo of driving, shooting, story, and music. One of the biggest open world games.
7.Metal Gear Solid
Pushed the whole video game as movie/story over game play.
7.Final Fantasy 7
An above average rpg with a massive marking campaign that made rpgs relevant and would lead to their acceptance and eventual tie in of rpg elements in almost every game style
6.Street Fighter II
Rejuvenated arcades and built the entire fighting game genre from the ground up

>> No.9900470

Metal Gear Solid
Street Fighter II
the rest

>> No.9900490

All I can say is Pac-Man tends to be hugely underestimated along with other games from that era. I've been watching old tv shows from the 80s and Pac-Man references are everywhere, it was in the cultural zeitgeist even more so than something like Doom

>> No.9900495

Just before someone goes ummm actually Doom isn't from that era, I know, I'm saying Doom wasn't as popular in its era. This is /vr/ after all, the ummm actually central, I need to be careful

>> No.9900507

Street Fighter II
Mario 64
King's Quest
Did you mean DQIII?
Good shit

>> No.9902193

Super Mario Bros > Pac-Man > Super Mario 64 > Ocarina of Time > Pong > Street Fighter > Final Fantasy VII > everything else