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File: 1.24 MB, 1920x1920, mechwarrior_2_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9893457 No.9893457 [Reply] [Original]

Mechwarrior Thread!

>> No.9893478

MW2 and 3 are my jam, shame MW2 Mercs is so buggy, it has some awesome missions.

>> No.9893501

>X thread
>OP provides no discussion points whatsoever
What are you trying to slide off the board?

>> No.9893554
File: 91 KB, 640x870, gen_battletech_p_qemqnv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God damn I'm actually playing Battletech right now. Just beat the snow level and eating shit in the jungle level in which there are bigger mechs that are fast and lob nuclear blasts. This game is a bit difficult and you really need to route a lot more than the Strike games, but it does tickle the Strike hunger. At least I don't need to worry about fuel but you're so huge that it can be hard to avoid things, especially if a mine pops up and your mech model obscures it. Still fun as fuck. I like the option of selecting your load out in three categories with three weapons each. Wish more of the map was visible when you pressed pause, but what can you do?

>> No.9893624

It's shame this game scales so badly on modern displays due to running at 1024x768 max in missions and various resolution changes from 320x200 and 640x400 in the menus and FMVs.

>> No.9893719

I remember Activision released a glide patch (3dfx) that fixes a lot of bugs

>> No.9893931

Is there a mod or something that adds the MW2 unseen in 2:Mercs? I miss the Warhammer.

>> No.9893987
File: 65 KB, 885x1000, 61VNRtvgXoL._AC_UF894,1000_QL80_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else play with a joystick? It was pretty fun to set the walking speed with the throttle

>> No.9893994
File: 48 KB, 300x290, never ever.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>walk up behind atlas
>drag balls on every missile pod button on the keyboard possible and aim for the legs

just call me sun tzu

>> No.9894086
File: 92 KB, 758x1000, 91+tqk34lWL._AC_UF1000,1000_QL80_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fun fact: Mechwarrior 2 was the only /vr/ MW to get console ports.
Mechwarrior for SNES is based on Mechwarrior 1, but not a port.
For better or worse, Mechwarrior 3 and 4 was never ported to consoles.

>> No.9894094

Check out GunGriffon 2.

>> No.9894478

You probably could do that with a replacer mod, but the problem is modding the prj file since the model data for the missing unseen is not there IIRC. I've seen a youtube video a long time ago of custom mechs from people doing just that. As for adding completely new mechs, probably not possible without modding the exe.

>> No.9894498

MW 3 should have been on the Saturn, CD32, and 3DO imho What was Activision afraid of!??

>> No.9894591

You mean MW2? Saturn had it.

>> No.9894603

Textured version or gouraud shaded? For me it's the clean groudaud shading.

>> No.9894748

How's the MechWarrior Quadrology?

>> No.9894770

I rewatched Arino playing Steel Battalion the other day and got an urge to play mechwarrior with a dual joystick setup just for the fuck of it. It's probably a pain to set up though.

>> No.9894787

Shoot the Legs: The Game

>> No.9895609

3DO, Sega CD, and 32X were discontinued in 1996 (same year Mechwarrior 2 was ported to Mac OS). PS1 and Sega Saturn ports of MW2 were released in 1997.

If Hasbro Interactive (publisher of Mechwarrior 3) lost the Battletech license to Microsoft (publisher of Mechwarrior 4), that could explain why MW3 never got ported to consoles.
But then again, if Microsoft published MW4, why wasn't it ported to OG Xbox?

>> No.9897320

Played the shit out of III on pc.

>> No.9897335

use the dos versione and a version of dosbox that supporta scaling/shaders

>> No.9897337

same here

it's much more stylized, reminds me of frontier

>> No.9897424
File: 183 KB, 257x365, MechAssault_Coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even though they dumbed down MW4 (compared to MW3), they still thought it was too complex for consoles.
Thus they came up with the pic.

>> No.9897440

I remember using a glitch in the PC version of 2 to make a mech with PPCs in every possible slot and then linked them to fire together
If the shot hit it would destroy anything in the game, firing them would instantly max out the heat gauge and trigger and auto shutdown, and if you overrode it you had to wait till the mech cooled completely before firing them again or you'd explode

>> No.9897446

Yeah, laser gunboats were prominent until MW3. In MW4 they implemented specified weapon slots (technically, the first BT-videogame that got it was Mechcommander 1 though).

>> No.9897450

A more useful glitch in 2 is that if you use the numpad to activate jumpjets (don't gain altitude, just use 8 to jet directly forward on the ground) then friction simply stops applying to you and you have no top speed. You can go past mach 1 this way.

I remember there being other restrictions besides being on the ground, but I think it was just literally go max throttle and after your mech gets moving, press 8 to become a race car.

>> No.9897539

>just jumpjet forward
Finally a game with LAMs and WiGEs as playable vehicles

>> No.9897552


>> No.9898441

patrician taste, anons

>> No.9898467
File: 106 KB, 390x414, sidewinder_3dpro_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's how my dad played MW2. IIRC the joystick was bundled with the game, and sorta the killer app for its digital mode.

>> No.9898597

All Dosbox forks use shaders and scalers these days. But I have to settle on one resolution my 1080p supports natively to avoid artefacts or blurriness. Of course it's no problem if I stick to 640x480.

>> No.9898659

I did but only due to the immersion silliness (MW4 even allowed using two joysticks, one for mech movement, and the other for torso movement). Mouse and keyboard were much more efficient (especially in MP).

>> No.9898687

Just added a USB cord to one of these things. I've only just ever played flight sims with it. Looks like I got a new purpose for the bastard

>> No.9898717
File: 53 KB, 499x384, s-l600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mmm... Early Sidewinder. Late models (even though out of production since the early 00s) are still very popular among sim fans due to their reliability and precision.

>> No.9898759

Mercs is weird, but then again the whole engine is buggy, previous games included.

>> No.9898870

Good thing there is a widescreen mod for MW2.

>> No.9899132

Oh wow, sweet. There used to be a terrible semi-widescreen hack that required patching the executable, by the same guy apparently.

>> No.9899164

Also the fact they're the last force feedback sticks on the market that don't cost close to $1000 because of patent trolling.
I have one right behind my monitor right now.

>> No.9901105

damn, didn't know a decent, modern, and cheap FF joystick was near unobtanium now. Guess I'll hold on to my sidewinder FF2 for a bit longer.

>> No.9901583
File: 205 KB, 1600x900, s-l1600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always felt like the SNES Mechwarrior was pretty fun for what it was. Would have been cool if they could have made the game with the Super FX chip

>> No.9901635

This genre would probably work well in VR, allowing the player to look around the cockpit. Too bad no one cares about VR or mech games.

>> No.9901645
File: 328 KB, 1023x548, sunset hunter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mech simulator is a relic of its past.

>> No.9901686

I always liked how if you knew what to do and where to go in mech warrior 1 you can pretty much skip all the combat.

If you don't know where to go or what not it's a slog and dead end.

>> No.9901728

Those "spending time at the HQ" scenes are just like Wing Commander.