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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 799 KB, 2048x1519, 197746853685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9892393 No.9892393 [Reply] [Original]

Threads on /v/ keep being deleted for whatever reason
What was /vr/‘s response to this .wad?

>> No.9892431 [DELETED] 

Why do you think this thread is going to be any more viable?

>> No.9892435 [DELETED] 
File: 802 KB, 1008x737, 1682824277721[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9894253

I have none because I haven't played it.
Seeing it everywhere tells me that its mediocre at best because I'm not seeing it only discussed by the primary demographic, IE people playing doom wads.

>> No.9894260 [DELETED] 

GR8 doesn't apply at all in /b/, bant/ or /trash/

>> No.9894404

Myhouse.wad but for Quake 1

>> No.9894563

Cool one-and-done gimmick map. Not a classic like ancient aliens and such.

>> No.9894990

I mean it's a pretty cool adventure .wad with tons of cool secrets and atmosphere out the ass but does MyHouse.wad really need its whole thread.

>> No.9895001

it needs 636866358 threads

>> No.9896043

>the real haunted house... WAS MY TRAUMA PAST AND BEING GAY!!!
What a waste of a good concept

>> No.9897216

This has been the theme for every horror game since Silent Hill 2. Honestly I liked this wad. The music was great and the House of Leaves references were appreciated.

>> No.9897220

It was fine. Stop talking about it.

>> No.9897221

It looks like a sitcom opening OP
>My House, the prequel to Full House

>> No.9897296

It's a horror map with a shit ton of effort and GZDoom tricks and so many secrets and such, though the "true" ending is kind of a wet fart, with other endings IMO being better.

>> No.9897514 [DELETED] 

GR8 as a rule only exists in tyrannical societies. Why the fuck do you think they put it there in the first place? My theory is that the mods leftover from decades ago want to see how far this site will degenerate to because they stopped giving a shit years ago.

>> No.9897769

kinda boring, I beat it in a single youtube video binge

>> No.9897789 [DELETED] 

If every cunt who got his post deleted bitched about it the board would be even worse than it is now.

>> No.9897921

What, they did Gone Home again?

>> No.9897935

that guy's just being a nerd, there is no deep plot, no secret homo

>> No.9898074

It is a Br*tal Doom of horror themed maps. Fine on its own but shilled to hell and back by press and praised by people who didn't play anything else.

>> No.9898153 [DELETED] 


What the fuck is gr8? Please answer sinscerely since there is no reddit spacing in my post. I have been on 4chan since 2005 when "donate or die" longcat was here and /b was funny and good

>> No.9898404 [DELETED] 


>> No.9898789

some serious wonkery going on with doom engine in this. if you thought duke3d was weird with 'teleporting floors' doom wasnt even meant to have floors
usually i hate wads that only played on gzdoom source port and arent boom compatible on dos, but considering amount of nonsense and trickery that's happening here, it's commendable

>> No.9899181

Was not gay. You're gay.

>> No.9899189

Gimmick was interesting. I hadn't played any technically impressive WADs before it so I was pretty well blown away by what was going on.

>> No.9899208

Takes balls to put a beat my dead best friend's dog to death mission in a supposed tribute map.

>> No.9899214

he hated that dog so it's fine

>> No.9900054 [DELETED] 

Literally an yet another stealth playable shitpost that may or not be themed as a sexual transition allegory

>> No.9900056

>Relevant, also I cant fucking believe this vid is almost 10 years old now

>> No.9901684 [DELETED] 

>Gone Home was 8 years ago
I don't know how to feel about that. I guess I'm okay that the latest Game Awards gave the award to an actual game this time around and not some random Literal who "game"

>> No.9901774

It's kinda neat but Brutal Doom is still the apex of Doom wads.

>> No.9901804

>not Samsara or Hideous Destructor. or Ashes 2063.

>> No.9901805

My immediate reaction to a post of mine being deleted is a manly mischievous giggle

>> No.9901862
File: 465 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20230512_224917.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WH̴AT Ḏ̶͗Í̴ͅD I DO WH̴A̴T DIḐ̸̥̒ I D̶O̴!

>> No.9901864
File: 378 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20230511_225459.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Adding in the labyrinth itself was rather impressive albeit terrifying.
Protip: setting gamma to 130% makes it so you can still see somewhat without ruining the dark setting

>> No.9902340 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.08 MB, 3840x2160, 20230514003344_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good ending my ass, they took all my money

>> No.9902582 [DELETED] 


>> No.9902812 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.67 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20230513_175111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>looks almost as fake as the fake beach
>when you go out of bounds, it teleports you back to the center, rather than the backrooms
>at least I have my pupper

>> No.9903629 [DELETED] 

I believe he's reffering to the toilets section of the airport where you get in the women's room, take pills, fight demonic pinkies, take pills on your way out and then check again to see that the women and men icons on the outside got swapped.

>> No.9903664 [DELETED] 

they also don't remove the urinals when the signs switch

>> No.9904039 [DELETED] 

It's about fags so that's bad enough

>> No.9904059 [DELETED] 

I think that’s when the woke thing started to take off (or at least when it first gained my attention) was when Gone Home received universal acclaim for its “bold” story. So it’s been 10 whole years, eh?

>> No.9904348 [DELETED] 

I swear that shit was mostly just TGA trying to be like the Oscars and look like they were a "serious art showcase", so they just gave huge awards to a bunch of dumb non games no one ever played before they mentioned them (Gone Home, Her Story). It was really confusing and dumb when it was trying to be "Gaming, dew doritos, lol" and "we are serious art show" at the same time, like choose one or the other, maybe have two separate shows, being both is just retarded.

>> No.9904389
File: 550 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20230511_235704.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can find the BFG if you keep the entrance clean, but bloody everything else

>> No.9904458

The YouTube video that started that rumor is made by a guy whose second most popular video is him seething about JK Rowling.

>> No.9904464

post your favorite dos compatible wads and mods anon

>> No.9905482
File: 638 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20230509_161933.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>noclip out
>grab orb
>go back round and enter house
>do it again
>infinite orb dispenser

>> No.9905797

I should probably take up this opportunity to ask what's everyone's best wad. I want to jump back into it since i pass better times and i feel less burnt out than any other games.

>> No.9905803 [DELETED] 

Truth, fuck this site

>> No.9906096


>> No.9906498 [DELETED] 

Still better than Twitter, modern reddit, and 7chan.

>> No.9906638

Is this a kind of mod that that gets a bunch of kids and teenagers to swarm into the doom community?

>> No.9906661

I'd play this thing if it was a total conversion as its own thing. The doom stuff takes me out of the mood this wad is trying to set in.

>> No.9906667

Pretty much, not as if that's a bad thing, I mean, it's pretty annoying during the spikes of it, but stuff like this is how you get young fresh blood into otherwise niche, older communities and get more people into creating new content.

>> No.9906894

I haven't played many, but aside from MyHouse, I like Pirate DOOM

>> No.9906912

It got me back into playing DOOM after I got burned out. It's a masterpiece.

If you like this and Pirate Doom you'll probably also like Golden Souls 1 and 2, as well as the Cyriak WADs (Going Down and Overboard). Loads of personality and charm in all of these.

>> No.9907115
File: 1.52 MB, 320x180, cows.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cyriak WADs
Holy shit, I looked it up and it's the same Cyriak that made crazy animations. I'll definitely give those a shot. Thank you.

>> No.9907118

can any anon tl;dr me about this wad, is it worth checking out? what makes people talk about it so much?

>> No.9907127

Without spoiling much
>guy made map of his house
>goal is to get the blue keycard to exit the level
>discover the corpse of Euclid
>every playthrough is personalized

>> No.9907158

i am interested now, ty will play tomorrow

>> No.9907212 [DELETED] 

That's nothing to be proud of.

>> No.9907217

I'll look into it, cheers.
>Golden souls
Oh shit, i remember a bit that one, didn't get to finish it because my old pc died on me. Gonna check cyriak, looks awesome from what >>9907115 says.

>> No.9907229 [DELETED] 

>YouTube algorithm shoves something down my throat
>/vr/ threads appear
Many such cases

>> No.9907294

A better question would be: "What does /vr/ think of its own .wads?"


Also, "my house" wads were common in the 90's. Why should I be interested in this one?

>> No.9907298

If you're already cheating by idclipping you might as well just iddqd

>> No.9907301

>post your favorite dos compatible wads and mods anon



>> No.9907318


>> No.9907364

the pk3 is massive for just a normal "my house" wad

>> No.9907865

The basic myhouse.wad is about 3.6 MB. However, myhouse.pk3 (the map with all the mystery about it) is 68MB. If you use some console commands to reactivate the map settings, you'll see the map is fucking massive and contains several iterations of the House (among other things)

>> No.9907873 [DELETED] 

If it's making something known to you then you can assure it's making it known to thousands of other people

>> No.9907878
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>> No.9907880 [DELETED] 

>send link to download all the stuff to a friend on facebook
>youtube immediately starts suggesting them videos about it

>> No.9908214 [DELETED] 

>Why should I be interested in this one?
Because a well known pedo (Vinny Vinesauce) played it.

>> No.9908265 [DELETED] 

I watched his playthrough out of curiosity and he has the perception of a pet rock. It was infuriating watching how oblivious he was.

>> No.9908552

If you liked Myhouse.wad check out Electric Highways.

>> No.9908597

I saw a little bit of this and it just looked like flaghunting, is that mostly what it is or is there classic Doom gameplay too?

>> No.9908693
File: 561 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20230511_230551.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are plenty of moments that will kick a casual's ass. You can also fuck up the flag-hunting in several ways that result in the only way forward being to reset or play through Underhalls. Pic related has the paintings that show your flag-hunting progress, albeit you can only half of them on each plane of chirality

>> No.9908774

Its good. But would have taken ages to make.
I looked up the EXIF data on some of the pictures, took him at least 2 years. I prefer to play actual doom though not a thriller horror bullshit.

>> No.9908787 [DELETED] 

since when tapping 20+ skanks is pedophilia?

>> No.9908801



says it was his friend.

>> No.9908941 [DELETED] 

Dude has had swarms of teenage girls frothing at the mouth watching his streams consistently since the Tumblr days. You'd be an idiot not to take advantage of that, I'm jealous of him for real.

>> No.9908973 [DELETED] 

>goes to YouTube and is served algorithm slop according to his preferences
>Comes here and bitches about it
You don't know how much of a fucking idiot you are

>> No.9909143 [DELETED] 
File: 432 KB, 220x201, 1684036340144633.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> starts off as a le spooky house of leaves ripoff
> ends up as a gay lovestory

For fuck's sake, I'm so tired of everything having to be polluted by fagshit these days.

>> No.9909350 [DELETED] 

not only that, but it mysteriously gets a lot of push in different forms of media. all the gay stories just happen to get videos, acclaim, and pushed everywhere. funny how that works!

>> No.9909364 [DELETED] 

It's time to delete the thread by this point.

>> No.9909384 [DELETED] 

answer for your tranny agenda. is myhouse.wad about trannies?

>> No.9909390 [DELETED] 

The algorithm has nothing to do with preferences. I remember when it did, but that was almost 15 years ago

>> No.9909397 [DELETED] 
File: 40 KB, 574x574, 9BE9556A-1032-412A-91AE-9215D5EEE699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You missed a few, janny.

>> No.9909427

>Threads on /v/ keep being deleted for whatever reason
>"I made a shitty thread about something no one knows/gives a shit about, it got pruned, I'm a dumb fucking redditor who thinks threads stay up forever just like reddit therefore some evil mod must have deleted my retard thread, i'm mad"
go back

>> No.9909556


>> No.9909568 [DELETED] 

it's a story about dilation and becoming a tranny DW user

>> No.9909581 [DELETED] 
File: 7 KB, 200x252, images - 2023-05-17T133507.792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9909617

Wait what the fuck how do you get there?

>> No.9910042
File: 127 KB, 1009x886, 1668675813541909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The guy who uploaded the map to the internet was dead all along
>He was also in gay love with the original author of the map
>Their funerals were on the exact same day
Well how about that.

>> No.9910052

This and the back rooms are red herrings or something.

>> No.9910070

It always has been like this when something new comes up: it gets posted regularly for 2 to 3 weeks and while this happens people complain about it because of muh spam.
But when it's a nintendo game, you get 15 threads up in a single day and suddenly only a handful of people in the whole board complains about it.
Go into the bedroom with the closet, open the closet for a while and you'll open up in a long ass tunnel, get in and go until you reach the cul-de-sac, back track and you'll see a tunnel has open along with the door, go there and have fun.

>> No.9910132 [DELETED] 

Explain yourself mods. What rules were these posts violating?

>> No.9910143
File: 1.00 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20230511_234718.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>airport is part of yet another house

>> No.9910176

Shitty "horror wad" for zoomers to get into doom.

>> No.9910205


which ones?

>> No.9910217


It's not "what if a children's character wanted to kill you", I'll take it at this point

>> No.9910226
File: 128 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20230502_192516.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am_cheat 1 (enables full map visibility)
am_colorset 1 (changes it so the drawn lines aren't all black)

>> No.9910230 [SPOILER] 
File: 394 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20230421_110725.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, I..

>> No.9910295


>> No.9910305
File: 62 KB, 987x877, YEAH DOOM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

original doom house

>> No.9910350

there are hard encounters but mostly only on the true ending path

>> No.9910353
File: 952 KB, 720x432, dh_1_0.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9910358

Somebody once told me...

>> No.9910365

Can't say I ain't a little annoyed at the surprise, but in the end, you really have to look deeply into it for it and the wad is pretty impressive. Gone Home wishes it was this game

>> No.9910548


>> No.9910643

i dont really play doom, tried this to check it out, i dropped it after 20min and probably not playing doom anymore

so nah

>> No.9910756


>> No.9910841
File: 550 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20230509_174046.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Outside of the daycare house looks a bit bleak

>> No.9910850
File: 471 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20230509_173835.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From the other side

>> No.9911209

This is so straight out of some 2010 creepypasta that I legitimately thought this was some 10 year old wad that just recently gained popularity for some reason.

>> No.9911952
File: 698 KB, 3840x2160, 20230514000640_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he won't even know what hit him

>> No.9912092


>> No.9912335 [DELETED] 
File: 407 KB, 1110x1284, image_2023-05-17_204426294.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't need a story for your .wad

>> No.9912598

I also got that YouTube video recommended to me today.

>> No.9912613
File: 1.82 MB, 1440x1080, Fractal Doom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a link to Fractal Doom

>> No.9912727

I always end up with the burnt-overgrown/non-existant house ending, I don't know what I'm doing wrong but I'm too stubborn to give up and watch somebody play up to the point I'm stuck. Does killing the dog from blood flag you for the bad end?

>> No.9912750

Don't go poking around with faulty wiring. There's also a portal of chirality next to a shitter somewhere.

>> No.9912823

Gone Gay?

>> No.9914581
File: 377 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20230512_225046.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it so wrong to want to bathe in peace?

>> No.9914919

I hate doomcute so damn much.

>> No.9915414
File: 451 KB, 1080x938, myhouse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spend a fuckton of time and effort making a popular DOOM wad, using your accumulated design knowledge
>get nothing from it
>shitty ecelebs and zoomzooms make thousands of dollars and boost their followerbase just by clumsily playing your level and going "duuuude what the fuck, wow this is so sick"
YouTube was a mistake.

>> No.9915421

Pretty sure that's all just bullshit to give it le spoopy dark backstory.

>> No.9915432

If music kikes get big cuts for having their a few seconds of trash music being played during a long video, why don't game devs get a cut from mouthgaping soi reaction shitters playing their entire game?

>> No.9915442

Such is the nature of things. It bothers me too, and I spend a lot of time on my own mods.
The trick is to just not care enough to let it slow you down and focus on your work.

>> No.9915443

Because these people push the NWO of braindead zombies who are too lazy to actually play a game and can only consume content if it's curated by somebody who tells them how to interpret what they're seeing.

>> No.9915448

I'm so sick of hearing about this map. It's pretty cool to play through one time, but this isn't the second coming of Christ like people are making it out to be.

>> No.9915449

Yeah, I just feel sorry for the guy who made it. Hopefully he personally gets something meaningful out of it. I don't make wads or anything like that, but seeing people who make the shit getting sloppy seconds rewards relative to the reposters/reactors gets on my nerves

>> No.9915452

Well, he made something complete and got it out to the world, and I know there's a lot of people that've enjoyed it. I'm sure that's enough for him.

>> No.9915456

Yeah, and hopefully the YouTubers don't monetize their videos and are just happy with getting content out to the world.

>> No.9915472

>It's pretty cool to play through one time
But there's more

>> No.9915485

It's just going through the rounds. Remember that lots of people are just finding out about it for the first time and that not everyone's experience is the same as yours. So while you feel burned out, they're just learning about it and finding it neat.

>> No.9915489

It's art. I highly doubt they went in expecting money so I'm sure they're just happy that their vision / idea got realized.
I guess if they really wanted to milk it they could have had a patron or something.

>> No.9915916

Youtube and other social medias always worked like this. It's dog shit.

>> No.9915952

I'm playing Going Down but honestly I haven't really seen why people say MyHouse is similar. MyHouse is atmospheric and has you exploring most of the time. Going Down is nothing but slaughtermaps, unless it really switches up in the last 10 maps, right now it's just standard Doom fare

>> No.9916242

So the big reveal in a zoomer horror wad based on creepypasta and le uncanny empty rooms is that the author was gay all along? Who could have thought.

>> No.9916269


>> No.9916365

It just came out a couple months ago. It's gonna be on a slow burn for a while. At least it's getting the newer generations into DOOM

>> No.9916375
File: 400 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20230518_141930.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Thing You Can't Defeat does some stuff similar to MyHouse, but doesn't hide the map.

>> No.9916750

Calm down, Nintendo.

>> No.9916871

I watched the video. Should've turned it off after 5 minutes and played this but I've never played Doom.

>> No.9916878

Because he chose to create and publish it for free.

>> No.9916896

I downloaded this before I went to bed last night and read through the journal and the newspaper article. Haven't actually played it yet, but it seems promising.

>> No.9917293

The price doesn't have anything to do with it

>> No.9917339

>going down
stop using words you don't understand, tourist. also, get good. going down isn't hard even uv pistol starting it

>> No.9917504

Me too but 2 days ago Wednesday 17 May 2023
YouTube video recommended I found this
so yeah is Speedrun bruh xd

>> No.9917724 [DELETED] 

I've been playing a bit of No Rest for the Living and I've heard it had some pretty detailed and polished levels but from what I've seen they seem a bit over-detailed. There's an excessive usage of textures to the point I cant appreciate the architecture.

>> No.9917786

His death still fucks me up

>> No.9918692


He was a hot head. A little unsurprised but heroes of the internet are meant to get old.

>> No.9918728
File: 52 KB, 800x450, 785AC171-FFA3-48BA-AF23-2857AF5DB8FC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s a fun gimmicky map but I wouldn’t really call it a horror .wad unless you are a complete pussy. Definitely way better than that other meme .wad about Doomguy getting schizophrenia and it turning out to be just Episode 1 with missing textures. The creepypasta bullshit about the author being dead is cringe as fuck and unnecessary. It’s really sad to see that a lot of people think all that shit is real.

>> No.9918819

>A video talking about it went viral and has like 2.6 million views so far
I honestly never would've expected that. So many people now wanting to get back into the Doom community again or wanting to read House of Leaves.

>> No.9918823

The creepypasta bit feels unnecessary, but weirdly nostalgic and fitting in that shitty internet horror kinda way where they never knew when or where to stop.
If we're talking about the same wad then that one felt like it just went weird too quickly. Getting something like that but the changes are even more gradual until it's just whatever would be kinda fun to see.

>> No.9918957

The horror part comes in when you burn the house down and you have bloody corpses attacking you in the dark. I nearly shat a brick, but loved every moment of it.
Navidson's labyrinth managed to be even more nightmarish.

>> No.9919213

I, too, watched the video and don't even have doom on my computer

>> No.9919615 [DELETED] 

Jannies here are way less gay, from my experience they at least play by the rules here whereas /v/ has lots of rogue jannies who will just delete threads for games they dont like and use /vg/ as an excuse.

>> No.9919621

Fangames and ROMhacks cant make money and arent even technically legal, its up to the developer whether they want to enforce their IP rights or not. At any time anyone making something like this could get sued so making money off it is the least of their worries. Its a passion project and its at least something extremely impressive to put on a resume.

>> No.9919664 [DELETED] 

>Jannies here are way less gay
For the most part.
Several days ago an anon got a site-wide ban for a for calling one out as a Zoomer for describing something as "Mid". Poser had the gall to say people used it like that in the 90's.

>> No.9919964 [DELETED] 

Kek i was there for that you probably got banned because you had a schizo meltdown that derailed the thread

Youre still wrong people did used to say mid, cope.

>> No.9919972 [DELETED] 

>people did used to say mid
And you can't prove it.
inb4 ""Mid-sentence" hurr durr! :^)"

>> No.9919994

It's a atmospheric spooky adventure map that manages to do some crazy impressive shit with GZDoom.
The "plot" is interesting but nothing special, the main reason it blew up is how seamlessly it incorporates things like non-euclidean geometry onto the skeleton of a 30 year old game engine.

>> No.9920078


>> No.9920417


>> No.9920508

The trick is to put the type of content in the mod that would never be streamed, like a mixture of nudes, slurs and everything else that's not acceptable for ESRB niggers. The more 'offensive' the game, the more likely their channel gets demonetized and deleted for daring to play it. I remember when Vinesauce had a vid of Super Nazi Penis Cartel Freedom Fighters 1337 that vanished one day.

>> No.9920547

Your ban evasion worked. Great job, loser.

>> No.9920562

>Threads on /v/ keep being deleted for whatever reason
They think it belongs on /vg/

>> No.9921205

You are the reason why we hate you faggots talking about this
>the main reason it blew up is how seamlessly it incorporates things like non-euclidean geometry onto the skeleton of a 30 year old game engine.
I bet you cant even define non-euclidean, you just keep using these buzzwords because you heard a youtuber say them, you probably think that room over room is impressive even though people have being doing the same trick for years now

>> No.9922205
File: 83 KB, 620x682, daisy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that I've beaten it with the semi good ending (I killed the dog), I've been watching random youtubers play through it. Vinny played through it before streaming it, his run was too clean. Zoomer streamers either consistently get freaked out by unscary shit like Shrek or the backrooms ghost or are faking it for views. I would have never thought to jump down to the lower window and unplugging the TV but some people are so OCD they figured it out through trail and error

Overall I'm sad the mod is done, even if it was a liminal game, as I doubt I'll see another doom wad that well put together again for another 30 years.

>> No.9922343

Why don't you homos just play it yourself.

>> No.9922718 [SPOILER] 
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This .wad is very interesting, didn't took the time to read everything on the doc at first, but it was worth the time to explore and to take infos on the net. i like when games let you research within the community to find the clues, like P.t. It's also a confusing game on purpose, wich works very well !

The only thing that i didn't like was the use of the liminal space, it feels so overused in horror now, it would be more interesting to find something orignal, like in the beginning where room of the house changes or appears. But nonetheless, the creator of this .wad did a remarkable job !