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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9892031 No.9892031 [Reply] [Original]

I kinda want to get into STGs but I'm clueless when it comes to the stuff below surface level. I know Gradius, Parodius and other Konami games; I know R-Type, Einhander, Ikaruga, Thunder Force and such. But I see people talk about Cave, Toaplan and similar devs, and I have no clue what makes them great, can anyone explain?
Also, I see Raiden and Battle Garegga been often praised as top tier STGs, what makes them so good? They look like any other shootan to me.
One last question, I see some vertical games implement side scrolling, so you can't see the whole screen at once. Why is this? I always thought that was annoying as hell.

>> No.9892104

Try the general, they might have some guide to shmupping >>428856490

>> No.9892105

How to crossboard? is it >>>428856490 ?

>> No.9892109

Battle garegga is unique for all the wild shit going on under the hood, and its action and basic gameplay is fucking solid aswell. It’s a game for a lifetime; you can play for 20 years and still have new stuff to learn. It’s not a good casual game, but it’s endlessly rewarding for deep dive gaming.

>> No.9892114

Fuck it, here's the direct link

>> No.9892140

ok thanks. I remember there was a general on /vr/, didn't figure out it moved to /vg/.
still, any answers to OP posts are welcome

>> No.9892175

Only relevant arcade bullet hell dev so they have sort of a niche. And even if we count modern indie shit there isn't really a decent dev that made a lot of good games, you have a few decent games here and there but that's it (on arcade there's also Takumi, but their gimmick is generally to use reflect to "tank" all the hits so you don't dodge that much, doesn't feel the same).
Their games were everywhere in arcades so people have some nostalgia. Same story for the old Raiden games, I don't see a lot of people considering them "the best", they're popular with a cool style but not a lot of people would consider them the absolute best. If you enjoy comfy sniper tank shit with not a lot of dodging involved they're alright.
>Battle Garegga
Kind of a meme at this point but it's a solid game with a cool aesthetic and soundtrack. The rank system feels unique at first until you realize that Yagawa (the director) has very similar systems in most of his games so it gets stale after a while, and easy to "manipulate" anyway (just suicide regularly, don't pick too many powerups and stuff). Lots of potential for optimization if you're into scoring. Just a well-made game. Honestly, if you're not into scoring and only care about survival, there isn't a big variance in the quality of shooting games in my opinion, the absolute best isn't that much better than the average one.
>see some vertical games implement side scrolling, so you can't see the whole screen at once
In some interview, a Toaplan dev said that they did this because it's more immersive. Of course they weren't the first or only one to do so, but it's just an example of why someone would do this. I personally like that, otherwise it feels a little cramped.

>> No.9892183

The rank in garegga is definitely not easy to manipulate, and that’s the beauty of the game. Sure, just die and it will lower the rank for a while, but you must also score points to get more extends in order to suicide. It’s constant push-pull and requires strategy. It’s beacuse of this unique meta game that the game has such a lasting appeal.

>> No.9892190

strikers 1945 was fun