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File: 75 KB, 770x404, 3102833-capcom-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9886089 No.9886089 [Reply] [Original]

What the hell was Capcom thinking when they did this? I was very excited for it since I had a Gamecube at the time, but it really was a terrible business decision with how much the the PS2 dominated the 6th gen from the start. They pretty much backed out of right after they announced it.

>> No.9886095

Is that one sex appeal game any good? Or is it just that, a shallow sex appeal game? It virtually never gets mentioned compared to Faggotful Joe and Resident Evil 4.

>> No.9886103

I only played a demo of it and remember not liking it much. The controls take some getting used to. It got eviscerated by critics and sold like shit

>> No.9886108

Decent concept but it controls like complete shit with drab repetitive enviroments and enemies. It sucks

>> No.9886109

There's a reason nobody talks about it. The other 3 games are all classics and PN03 is mediocre as fuck.

>> No.9886112

The whole thing was a misunderstanding. The director of Resident Evil 4 wanted it to be exclusive to the Gamecube, but it wasn't his decision to make. The others were never intended to be exclusive at all.

>> No.9886189
File: 611 KB, 640x807, xenoggears.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I REPEAT: Capcom are fucking retards
Here's my Capcom 5
>Nintendo All Stars vs Capcom
>3D pokemon spinoff that takes place in Kanto and West Kanto
>new joint ip
>Mega Man Legends remake
>Metroid TPS, takes place between Zero Mission and Prime
If i had to add two more choices, it'd be another Flagship Ltd. Zelda/Kirby game on consoles or some F-ZERO spinoff.

>> No.9886191

>Gotcha Force
Why was this initially left out?

>> No.9886415
File: 15 KB, 380x285, miyamotomikamishake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nintendo probably threw a shit ton of money at them since they were desperate for 3rd party support after the N64 debacle

and then Capcom took the money, did the bare minimum, and went back to other consoles anyway

>> No.9886424

>Metroid TPS
Nice, I've always wanted it too but Dead Space is probably that Metroid game we never got. Also 3D Mega Man Zero game that plays like DMC since GC didn't have any hack n slash games

>> No.9886486

From what waa worth, Only PN03 was crap, we never got to know if the other game that got cancelled by its qualities, maybe it could been good, maybe not, but the other 3 were great games, and while RE4 and VJ got ported to the PS2, they were gimped.

>> No.9886507

The only time it gets any attention is when that one swedish weirdo post the exact same threads about how obsessed he is with Vanessa's ass.

>> No.9886575

It's classic RE brought to full action (no moving while shooting and empahsis on autoaim). It's a cool little action game.

>> No.9886725

it's garbage, only braindead coomers praise it

>> No.9887126

Killer7 also got ported to PS2.

>> No.9887635

What is it that everyone likes about Killer 7 anyway? I've beaten it twice, and both times I didn't think it was very fun. It's stylish game with a unique story presentation and characters, but it doesn't make up for the mediocre gameplay

>> No.9887639

They reuse the Jill model from the remake in it lmao

>> No.9887642

What was the game that didn't come out?

>> No.9887660

Dead Phoenix

>> No.9887665

the tasty irony

>> No.9887682

There's some shit quality footage of Dead Phoenix out there. It didn't look all that great, but who knows, maybe it would've been vastly different if they had finished and released it

>> No.9887692

no it would've been shit. I'm so sick of niggers romanticizing unreleased content

>> No.9887732

peeny 3= gun valkyrie if you're stationary (shitsux)
viewtiful jobber= also on ps2 not that great
re4 = on everything known to man
killer7= meme not very good looks like ass and on everything

>> No.9887751

Shinji Mikami being mad at Sony, so he forced Capcom to support the Cube out of spite. Then the games barely moved any units because the cube was last place in sales.

>> No.9887927

The general consensus seems to be that Capcom fell off around the early 2010s, but you can kind of see the cracks here in the mid 2000s.
These three games were good to an extent, but none of them really stand out amongst Capcom's library in a way that isn't directly related to visuals/presentation.

>> No.9887936
File: 43 KB, 570x587, 1611556856628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it would have been bad because i said so

>> No.9887945

It's a big meme

t. got memed into buying it because le hidden gem

>> No.9887950

Quirkiness is all you need to make a cult classic, actual fun be damned

>> No.9887952

Killer 7 is fun without having anything that can be considered objectively good. everything about it is subjective

>> No.9887957
File: 153 KB, 380x304, 1672421379708959.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it didn't come out, so it was actually amazing and much better than the things we got

>> No.9888042

Why didn't they port the Resident Evil remake and RE Zero like they did these games? Just no demand?

>> No.9888061

I was thinking about it the other day. Judging by the looks of the games, their engine was probably built for the Gamecube specifically and thus both would be hard to port. I mean look at the lighting and all the other nuances, no PS2 game looks like this. Ironically, they'd practically have to remake REmake to make it work on the PS2 lmao

>> No.9888067

I would like to see how much worse those would have to look to run on PS2. RE4 on the PS2 was pretty big downgrade in every aspect

>> No.9888865
File: 58 KB, 1024x1024, emoji_gun_in_mouth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's a Remake of 1
>have to get through Aztec Fuckass again

>> No.9888873

>Capcom exclusives
>LOL just use Nintendo IPs and make spin-offs
you retards are worse than zoomers

>> No.9890926
File: 94 KB, 640x908, cvs2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of Capcom on Gamecube, I am still mystified to this day as to why this version exists

>> No.9890930

The infinite creativity of Nintendo fans

>> No.9892015

They were thinking "Nintendo's making us a deal, let's get paid."
Then they were thinking "Oops we accidentally the best game, we better port this and get paid."

>> No.9892030

Yeah because Capcom (and Platinum as well while we are at it) has never done this before, right?

>> No.9892071

Why not? GC got popular fighters like Soul Caliber, Bloody Roar, Mortal Kombat. So why not CvS2?

>> No.9892072

notice how all your examples are 3D fighting games, rather than 2D ones?

>> No.9892145

I liked it enough to play through it twice back when I was 18. It reminded me of old arcade shooters. You used L and R to move left and right instead of pressing left and right but otherwise it's basically a 2D arcade game with 3D graphics and a hot main character shaking her ass the whole time. It's definitely not a game most people would like as much as I did though.