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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9885297 No.9885297 [Reply] [Original]

Is the best Turtles game in you're bath

>> No.9885320


>> No.9885396

There's a lot of cool things about this one. I like spamming specials when you're low on health and being able to change the turtle you're playing as between lives. It has a huge cast of enemies from the series and it's a long game and pretty le epic. I also like the stupidity of the plot. Shredder levitates Manhattan Island...to what end?

Turtles In Time is still better though.

>> No.9885428

I don't even take baths, jack. I'd rather now stew in my own filth.

>> No.9885431


>> No.9885487

Spamming the special while on one health is top kek but also having the ability to insta kill with a well timed throw sets it apart from Turtles in Time. That shit is just button mashing, TMNT 3 actually takes some skill.

>> No.9885494

Shower first, then take the bath for the relaxing soak, not the cleaning. Try it, it’s very relaxing and nice.

>> No.9885530

I actually just sit/lay in the shower. Like I have a normal bathtub but I just sit down. It's pretty based.

>> No.9885545

I have a normal shower stall and even just sitting there feels nice and relaxing. Running water just does something to your brain. I think it's the fact that you realise you're the superior race, people and civilization.

>> No.9885598

Best one by far good taste anon

>> No.9885793

it's in you're bath, bro. Whatta you're gonna do about it ?

>> No.9885805

The NES TMNT beat em ups are fucking trash. Too long, only one effective move, and terrible boss fights.

>> No.9885837

yes i agree. this was one of my most played nes games. a friend and i even used to put random game genie codes in it to fuck with it. it was one of the funnier games to do that with. it would glitch the graphics, music, do all types of stuff

>> No.9885846

oh damn, never tried game genie with tmnt3, but also like fucking around with it. will def do that soon

>> No.9886040
File: 21 KB, 376x640, s-l640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just reminded me of this TMNT bubble bath I had where you screwed off Michelangelo's fucking head to use it.

>> No.9886081
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>Shredder levitates Manhattan Island...to what end?
Just to bait the turtles and force them to end their Florida vacation early, as one does.

>> No.9886148

>to what end?
Shredder was pretty pissed when David Copperfield ripped off his vanishing Statue of Liberty trick, so now he's like "lets see you try this one, you rapist hack."

>> No.9886151
File: 29 KB, 680x549, IMG_5669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

awful use of the word "based"

>> No.9886154
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sitting in the shower, goddamn you guys are old

>> No.9886324

Just because I don't bathe does not mean you can do as you please with my tub.

>> No.9886334

Only the SNES and Genesis TMNT games are any good. The arcade ones are RNG heavy bullshit that's designed to eat your coins and the NES ones are just too basic, you can spam the jump kick the whole game and win.

>> No.9886335

Missed a golden opportunity for some memetext there like
>in your bath

>> No.9886381

>Blocks your bath

>> No.9886404

It's the best turtle beemup and the most challenging one as well

>> No.9886470

Definitely not with tmnt 3, that's why that's the best

>> No.9886479

>using jump kick against basic enemies in TMNT2

get good

>> No.9886562

>obsessing over what other people do
Not a good look.

>> No.9886864
File: 77 KB, 500x646, 76f59d87ca989256b25e8a7fc7ee4643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why were the late 80s and early 90s so full of SOVL?

>> No.9886921

yes, it is

TMNT3 gives variety and new gimmicks in every level, and feels like a long epic adventure (The Bridge being le great filter). TiT looks pretty but only has for it the time thing going (even the arcade version puts me to sleep). Hyperstone is something in between both