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9884809 No.9884809 [Reply] [Original]

This game was demonstrably more influential for the vidya industry than Mario 64 and OoT, and I'm tired of pretending it isn't.
>But it was a bad influenc-
Not what we're discussing here, and it's like, your opinion, man.

>> No.9884813

why were you pretending?

>> No.9884814

Anons sending me death threats

>> No.9884867

Resident Evil was cinematic before MGS1 and RE4 invented the whole over the shoulder shit. I've always thought that RE is secretly the franchise to blame for what we have today even though it's a good series

>> No.9884873

Lou Reed is influential, but that doesn’t make him a good musician or songwriter.

>> No.9884890


Back in the day I was an Ocarina guy but in 2023, MGS1 is a much better and more interesting game.

>> No.9884920

Story games like metal gear and FF7 will never stand against n64

>> No.9884925

The game industry in Japan would be a lot better if Mario 64 and OoT were more considered. The PS1 held back Japanese level design by a lot.

>> No.9884928

>Japanese games held back the Japanese game industry

>> No.9884932

A set of japanese games held back the japanese industry, yes

>> No.9884934

If it did that's because it's what the japanese wanted to play in the first place.

>> No.9884946

10000% Japan biggest mistake was not going n64

>> No.9884951

>in Japan
Literally every Japanese developer who does action-adventure/ARPG cites OoT as inspiration

>> No.9884959
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>This game was demonstrably more influential for the vidya industry than Mario 64 and OoT

>> No.9885020

Half of RE4 was ripped off from MGS1 lul

>> No.9885025
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Splinter Cell Chaos Theory is better than the homosexual metalsneed. Hitman Blood Money is probably the most memorable!

>> No.9885035

cool blog op i will now hide your shit thread

>> No.9885095

Long term? Sure, popular games became way more cinematic and serious with time. Anyone who doesn't agree is blind. Short term there were a bunch of games inspired by M64 and OoT, but eventually games became more adult oriented, which is what MGS1 was doing when the industry was still built around kids and teenagers

>> No.9885096


>> No.9885110

MGS and TR had more impact and influence.

>> No.9885365 [DELETED] 

Ocraprina of Time is a shitgame, but it certainly isnt worse than Medull Queer Solid

>> No.9885373 [DELETED] 

The only thing Kingdumb Sharts influenced was the tranny movement

>> No.9885375 [DELETED] 

Not an argument
I accept your concession

>> No.9885378 [DELETED] 

Fuck off and go play mr.bones in your moms basement assclown

>> No.9885384 [DELETED] 

Not an argument

>> No.9885427 [DELETED] 

damn that nigga got sent to the shadow realm

>> No.9885506

MGS was influential for all the wrong reasons.
In fact, there is something about MGS that no one points out. It was the first DLC-ish game.
They put out an unsatisfying movie game, and then made a bunch of actual missions to play through and sold separately.
So you not only have the first popular movie game that everyone loved, it also brought along DLC-ish content too

>> No.9885558

>It was the first DLC-ish game.
Expansions existed before MGS

>> No.9885565

Nintenfag cope

>> No.9885604

It's not an expansion though. It was a standalone game sold separately in America. I say standalone but not really. You wouldn't buy that unless you were already an MGS fan. So it was a lot like DLC.

>> No.9885626

Ff7 made jrpgs the most popular genre in America for a while. America, where they eat grease and shoot each other in schools. Even that shit hole loved jrpgs after ff7

That's importance

There never was a huge sneaking genre. Some games added some variant of sneaking, which existed before and after mgs

>> No.9885636

Jrpgs were never the most popular genre in the west. It went from mascot platformers to open-world (GTA3) or shooters (Halo)

>> No.9885641

VR missions were part of a Japanese re-release so it doesn't really count as dlc desu

>> No.9885642

Splinter Cell is way better.

>> No.9885648

>west shit is way better

>> No.9885732

Splinter Cell is better due to being more realistic & a real stealth game. MGS is just a glorified movie game pretending to be a stealth game.

>> No.9885753


>> No.9885773

Lol....no, what's cringe is MGS isn't a real stealth game.

>> No.9885789

stealth is a meme genre

>> No.9885904

Spoiler alert: nobody actually likes MGS just for the stealth alone.

>> No.9885905

Only people who suck at stealth says that.

>> No.9885907

dead genre

>> No.9886459

yes, they like it cause it's a movie

>> No.9886464

The only difference between MGS and The Last of Us is that MGS is popcorn nonsense and TLOU takes itself seriously

>> No.9886483

You can tell OP is a chick

>> No.9886492

MGS has good gameplay
>no it doesn't!!!
If you stop trying so hard to fit in on an anonymous forum, yes it does

>> No.9886501

Not really. MGS constantly interrupts you with cutscenes. The game is built on a solid foundation that could be fun, but it's not because it's nothing but setpieces

>> No.9886696

Stealth is the point though. The thrill of not getting caught & completing the mission is a great adventure.

Nope. It's still going strong.

>> No.9886783

Most based genres are dead because everything got replaced by vidyaslop and people are idiots. That's why we browse /vr/, retard. Go back.

>> No.9886802

>This game was demonstrably more influential for the vidya industry than Mario 64 and OoT
True but so was wofstein, doom, elite, quake, Lords of Midnight and a truck load of other titles and actual innovation and invention as opposed to bing bing wahoo and PedoQuestZelda.
>why were you pretending?
probably to avoid the cultists flinging shit

>> No.9886816

>True but so was wofstein, doom, elite, quake, Lords of Midnight and a truck load of other titles and actual innovation and invention as opposed to bing bing wahoo and PedoQuestZelda.
b-b-b-but the GTA dev said OoT influenced him to make GTA 3... even thought GTA 3 was just GTA 2 but in 3D perspective... and he only said it to be nice to Miyamoto... but it's totes true!

>> No.9886841
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>> No.9886849

So what? As far as you know he was pitching for a job at pedohut. Many many many games have been more influential than bing bing pedoquestzelda wahoo. Consider Microsoft Flight Sim and 911 or Wolfstein 3D. Think outside your cult

>> No.9886851

It's just pac-man in 3D. And if I'm being honest, Pac-Mania did it first.

>> No.9886854

Your sarcasm detector is broken

>> No.9886856

>Think outside your cult
The irony
>Wolfenstein 3D
Even your wikipedia knowledge is weak. That's how I know you are not in the higher echelons of anti-Nintendo shitposters

>> No.9886865
File: 351 KB, 606x530, 1682874975121585.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know Kojima strongly admires Miyamoto? I know retro gaming history is a blur to you because you weren't born yet or a baby, but those games were spaced a year apart each.

>> No.9886868

As far as western people are concerned, everybody hates Miyamoto, and Miyamoto hates Donkey Kong Country or something.
Western video game consumers are also notable for having bad taste in video games. Coincidence?

>> No.9886872

Wolfstein 3D was massive. Sry not Sry

>> No.9886885

I can see the influence Mario 64 had on the industry, but for OoT I just don't see it. The other games that play like OoT are... other Zeldas and that's it. The OoT mythification was always out of control, you guys weren't simply content of having a great game in your hands that you had to make up all kinds of bullshit to propel it up?

>> No.9886903

That's because you played it on an emulator when you were 6 years old in 2012

OoT is nothing like Doom or Quake and it's not supposed to be go away retard

>> No.9886917

>OoT is nothing like Doom or Quake
That's true.

>> No.9886931

It was not the first of its kind. If you are going with Wolf3D instead of Doom in your worthless /v/tard posts to sound knowledgeable then at least mention something earlier. Again, go up your wiki knowledge if you want to shit on Nintendo
It had a big impact on Taro and Miyazaki at least so that's something

>> No.9886992

>It had a big impact on Taro and Miyazaki at least so that's something
I haven't played Taro games but Dork souls are just old FromSoft games with an updated control scheme and in 3rd person perspective.

>> No.9887001

Calling MGS Pac-Man in 3D is the most genius and hilarious thing I've ever read

>> No.9887005

>updated control scheme and in 3rd person perspective
Which they did because of Zelda's influence.

>> No.9887010

>OoT's influence is Taro and Fromsoft games, I guess
you niggas can't be serious. only reply to me if you also include your year of birth

>> No.9887017

Bullshit. They did it because the 7th gen was the era that kickstarted standarized controls or else the zoomies and journos wouldn't play your game.

>> No.9887019

You can completely ignore the whole 3D aspect of the game and only play using the small map on the corner, which is basically a slow version of pac-man.

>> No.9887038

So Miyazaki is lying? Okay

>> No.9887042

>with an updated control scheme and in 3rd person perspective.
Clearly inspired by OOT.
You think King's Field plays like Dark Souls but in 1st person?

>> No.9887048

>People never lie
Oftentimes I see indies latching onto more successful titles as a form of marketing. Then you play their games and you don't see the claimed influence anywhere.

I have a serious problem with people who can't form an opinion by themselves and instead point to authority. Play the games, form your own opinion, bitch.
So OoT invented 3rd person games now?

Anyways, the fact that it's always the same examples (Dork Souls and GTA, and only because the devs "said so") shows that OoT influence is much overrated and overhyped.

>> No.9887071

>So OoT invented 3rd person games now?
Care to point any other 3D game that had Z target? Megaman Legends and Tomb Raider's lock-on is completely different (not as advanced) to OOT and Dark Souls' target system.
I don't know about GTA, but I do believe Miyazaki is telling the true, it's evident.
>noooo but... he's lyring just to be nice to Miyamoto!
Headcanon at this point. You just hate the fact a popular game you hate is influential.

>> No.9887078

If someone at FROM decided to use OoT as a marketing tool to advertise Demon's Souls they'd probably be killed lmao

>> No.9887092

Come up with any examples where the dev didn't said so. Cmon exercise that free thinking of yours.

>> No.9887131
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>> No.9887168

>This game was demonstrably more influential for the vidya industry than Mario 64 and OoT
That's not difficult.

>> No.9887172

You are in a cult. Please stop lying and take meds.

>> No.9887176

Tbh anti-Nintendo is even a bigger cult on this board

>> No.9887241

Actually the Anti-Sega Cult are bigger.

>> No.9887248

Nintendo makes your blood boil but it's not my problem.
Enjoy being a schizo thinking that every dev that mentions they like Nintendo games are "lying".

>> No.9887253

He was though. He just got lazy after Metal Machine Music.

>> No.9887430

>MGS has good gameplay
i know its not retro so you probably never even played it but so does last of us.

>> No.9887457

Never really played it. I played the demo disc for snake eater. but anyways, psx was the innovation console and the internet is filled with nintendofag weirdos. in reality for normal people who were there and remember this generation, you could name a million titles more influential.

>> No.9887459

>This game was demonstrably more influential for the vidya industry than Mario 64 and OoT, and I'm tired of pretending it isn't.
Zelda 1.0 and Mario 1.0 were unoriginal clones of shit from 8 bit and 16 bit home computers and and had literally no impact on anything. Most console stuff does not compared to what is happening on machines with keyboards and lags it.

>> No.9887465

>psx was the innovation console and the internet is filled with nintendofag weirdos
I'd say more the PC but when originality and creativity was happening it was 8/16 bit home computers and PCs and PlayStation 1 and 2s driving it and at the end the 360. Gaming has been pretty dead for the last decade though

>> No.9887503

Meh, I always thought of the map as more of a dungeon crawler roguelike map. In fact there are pretty solid stealth roguelikes that are basically mgs radar. Mujahid comes to mind as a good one(not retro tho)

>> No.9887962

>Janny prunes the FF8 thread
>Leaves this and the Zelda flamewar up
I see...

>> No.9888065

FF8 talk is spamming at this point, no different from the trashure or sega system autist

>> No.9888071

>sega system autist
Ironically I think he is in this thread right now. Also that mentally ill Thief spammer is most likely banned, an MGS thread without him feels wrong

>> No.9888087

Hello, Aussie-kun.

>> No.9888298

>pretending to be a stealth game
Read the fucking subtitle on the game cover. TACTICAL ESPIONAGE ACTION. MGS had a stealth component, but it's still fairly obvious that, failing that, Snake was expected to go apeshit and take out who ever he needed too.

>> No.9888318

>Marketing slogans are genres
Gran Turismo is my favorite Real Driving Simulator

>> No.9888325

Unironically, yes. It was one of the few vidya to do the whole "games as cinema" thing and get it right.

>> No.9888349

It didn't get it right though. Unless you're the kind of guy who thinks Dragon's Lair is a good game

>> No.9888367

>Unless you're the kind of guy who thinks Dragon's Lair is a good game
It is.

>> No.9888376

I personally think MGS's structure is much closer to something like Ninja Gaiden or Valis than Dragon's Lair, but I don't think Dragon's Lair was a bad game.

>> No.9888384

Lou Reed was definitely a good musician and wrote some incredible songs/lyrics. Just because the majority of his discography is dog shit does not make him bad. He was a junkie piece of shit and shit out more music than he should have, but songs like Heroin, Pale Blue Eyes, Charlies Girl there are so many to name. He was good. He was also bad