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9882916 No.9882916 [Reply] [Original]

Fuck this sadistic mini-game.

>> No.9882931

At least this shit is optional to progress. That forced Red Light Green Light minigame in disc 3 is some of the least fun shit I've ever experienced in a Final Fantasy game. Then there's being forced to participate in that stupid Hot Cold minigame to progress earlier on. I still don't know how they managed to have so many fun minigames in FF7 like snowboarding and the submarine game, and instead decided to go with the lamest ideas they had for minigames in 9.
Still my top 3 Final Fantasy game longside FF5 and FF6.

>> No.9882960

>kills the latencyfag

>> No.9883140

>I still don't know how they managed to have so many fun minigames in FF7 like snowboarding and the submarine game, and instead decided to go with the lamest ideas they had for minigames in 9
The card game stuff was a mistake. Triple Triad wasn't as bad because it wasn't absolutely central to the minigame experience like Tetra Master is.

>> No.9883146

The chocobo one I didn't mind because they gave you big rewards for participating in it. The card one was obnoxious and the rewards usually always sucked so I stayed away from it and never bothered doing the whole thing. Also they wouldn't tell you how the damn game played till fucking disc 3.

>> No.9883147

>they wouldn't tell you how the damn game played till fucking disc 3
It was in the manual too, but in-game they didn't expect you to start playing in earnest or have enough cards to play until halfway through

>> No.9883149

>Tetra Master
My friend tried explaining the system to me and it's so convoluted I don'y know how ANYONE would've known how it worked without autism. It's about as bad as Blitzball.

>> No.9883153

The problem is the damage formula for when 2 cards battle is way too complex. Why they didn't just have bigger number > smaller number like triple triad, I don't know.

>> No.9883163

No I mean some of what each number did didn't get explained until way later. It also always felt like there was some hidden number bullshit going on since I'd see the stat favoring me and then I'd lose anyway. FF8 just had a much simpler system that worked far better. Not everything has to do over a 100 damage. Simple 1-10 makes everything easy to calculate for everyone especially for a minigame you aren't supposed to go too nuts over.

Thinking about this - aside from the chocobo minigame I think 8 had more side dungeons, guardian forces, etc to go find.

>> No.9883264

Pretty sure Square saw how popular Triple Triad was and thought, "This has a 3*3 grid? What if we made it 4*4?" and then "Cards can attack in four directions of up, down, left and right? What if was allowed cards to attack diagonally too?" It seemed like basic things one might think while playing Triple Triad normally.

But then they wanted it to be more advanced, like a real collectable card game and give the cards attack values, specific attack types, and defense values for those attack types.

I normally don't think input lag is ever big enough to be a problem, but this just might prove me wrong. Then again I, nor anybody else I knew, could ever do this on CRTs back in the day, so even with no input lag this mini-game is still bullshit.

>> No.9883269
File: 126 KB, 560x328, FFRK_Thunder_Plains_FFX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was worse

>> No.9883272

There's a way to cheese it and 99% of people who got 200 dodges attained it through the cheese method.

>> No.9883284

I don't know why people hate the Chocobo game. It's fun, and it even gets easier the more you play it if you find it too hard.

>> No.9883286

I downloaded a save file to get this achievement.

>> No.9883293

I like the music and when the choco goes wark wark

>> No.9883295

I actually managed to do this somehow, Tidus' quest through, the chocobo obstacle course was hell, never managed to get it.

>> No.9883307
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>> No.9883606
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>FF5, 6, 9

>> No.9883697

Really? I always found that way easier than people said. The butterflies is way worse

>> No.9883792

the chocobo race was easier if you turned using dpad with a finger waiting on left/right. Analog sticks were slower for purposes of instantly changing direction

>> No.9883821

I've always liked FF minigames, but the jump rope is the only one I have never beaten.

What do you mean by cheese? I've done it multiple times and "no-encounters" is the only thing I use for it.

>> No.9884010

It's a massive boring time sink just to unlock some stuff. I did every single chocograph on one playthrough, and I'll never waste my time on that shit ever again. Chocobo Heaven and the hidden boss battle are not worth the effort it takes to get there.

>> No.9884014

>That forced Red Light Green Light minigame in disc 3 is some of the least fun shit I've ever experienced
I played this for the first time less than 2 years ago and I don't remember this. I must've not gotten frustrated by it

>> No.9884016

>like triple triad
Triple triad has its own bullshit. I don't understand Tetra Master's bullshit tbf, but picking my latest and greatest cards allowed me to pretty consistently just use geometroc logic to win

>> No.9884018

Never said it was frustrating, just the least fun shit I've ever experienced.

>> No.9884023

What was it though

>> No.9884026

Boring as shit?

>> No.9884028

I mean what the minigame literally is

>> No.9884048

Oh, it's where you are in control of the King, and you have to steal the key sitting near the cage of some creature who can only see movement. Every time it turns away, you have to slowly step closer one button press at a time. Every time it looks at you, you have to remain motionless. It's the Red Light Green Light game kids used to play. It's not difficult, or challenging, or even tricky. It's just boring as hell and you have no way of skipping it or speeding it up.

>> No.9884083
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Oglops are neat!

>> No.9884136

I remember a certain spot next to a tower where all you have to do is to stand perfectly still and just tap X. Tidus will jump back against a stone and get stuck and as soon as his didging animation stops, the next thunder bolt hits.
This definitely works with the PS2 version and it makes it stupidly easy, especially if you play the PAL version.

>> No.9884142

Not worth it? You unlock much of everyone's ultimate weapons through that game.

>> No.9884178

You have more than enough power to plow through the end of the game long before that point. If you want to maul enemies easier, just setup your party just right and score some kills on the Grand Dragons outside of Gizamaluke’s Grotto on disk 1 that the moogles warn you about. With 20 minutes of grinding you'll never have any reason to worry about ultimate weapons. Much faster than doing that lame minigame for hours too.

>> No.9884262

>it's so convoluted I don'y know how ANYONE would've known how it worked without autism.
As you go through the game you find all the rules written down piece by piece, but the final and most important piece can only be found if you choose to optionally backtrack at one point in the game, so if you don't do that you'll be lost on the rules. It's been like 20 years since I've played the game but there's a point where you're presented with a fork in the road where one path takes you back to an earlier town where you'll find new rules written down and the other path leads you to forward progress. Once you progress you can never go back to that town again, and I suspect many people ignored the backtracking opportunity and just pushed forward and then never figured out the complete rules for the card game.

>> No.9884375
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>raged so hard at blitzball that ended up throwing controller against wall so hard it exploded into buttons
>still never picked up FF 10 again

>> No.9884392

>tried my hardest this year to do this

Best I could get was 4. Feels really fucking bad. Will never be able to do that, even if I try the crater cheese.

>> No.9884407

I think I must be the only faggot retard on the planet who not only liked Tetra Master, but preferred it to Triple Triad.

>> No.9884421

Luv tetra master

>> No.9884520

You had to fucking find the rules? Christ. When I was a kid I just went with the bigger numbers + arrow on non-arrow tactic before I started getting destroyed in more competent duels.

>> No.9884530
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>>It's about as bad as Blitzball.
>looks fun in cutscenes
>actually just awful
I always forget about that shit. Last time I replayed the game I started the mandatory blitz ball matches, turned 360 degrees, and walked away for 5 minutes or whatever.

>> No.9884596
File: 13 KB, 300x309, 05840961-BA0B-4349-9157-A7E2A1361612.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Input delay in the HD Remaster
I now understand and feel autists' pain on input latency.

>> No.9884620

Blitzball's kinda' fun once you make a broken team that just blasts through things and set player control to Manual, but the math variables had me screaming.
No, I don't CARE if the game says it's random, someone with 5 Def - someone's 20 Att DOESN'T = FUCKING 4, it should = exploding into a mist of blood in the water, dammit!

>> No.9885515

FF8 had the last good minigame.

>> No.9885553

>Then there's being forced to participate in that stupid Hot Cold minigame to progress earlier on.
Wut? Maybe it's just been forever since I played and don't remember well, but wasn't that minigame 100% optional? I don't remember having to ever play it to progress.

>> No.9885586

That's not even the worst of it. The single most bullshit thing about Tetra Master is that it's RANDOM. Card stats matter inasmuch as they improve your odds of winning a battle, but there's always, ALWAYS a chance your top-tier card will lose to a shitter card because of RNG bullshit. Not even kidding. Once the battle starts, the card's actual attack power and defense gets randomly decided, and can literally become 0 if you're unlucky just because.

>> No.9886132

Tetra Master is really fun. You don't know all the rules at first but most of the NPCs are just as bad as you are so it doesn't make too much of a difference in how you experience it, it just makes it so the complexities of the game are revealed over time.

I think most of the people that don't like tetra master are just bad at intuiting rules as they go and lost all of their cards to early NPCs, and instead of trying to figure out what they did wrong just started crying and went FUCK THIS WHY WONT THE GAME LET ME WIN and never hit the square button on npcs again for the entire game. and then there are people like myself who didn't give up and get to find out how many cool optional card duels there are.

>> No.9886139

I think you had to play it once to get the Chocobo, but past that, you're free to ignore it.

>> No.9886149

But you don't actually need to get the Chocobo to progress at any point AFAIK.

>> No.9886779

It's the time where you control the frog.

>> No.9886782

Reading this thread makes me never want to play a FF game ever.

>> No.9886787
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That's what he said, *bitch*.

>> No.9886837

If you allow your judgement of games you haven't played to be informed by relentless autistic bitching about optional minigames, you'll never try anything new.

>> No.9886852

I'll never understand why anyone prefers triple triad outside of the ability to turn the cards into items

>> No.9888637

Same. Lightning dodging I can do on the first visit, and have done in multiple playthroughs. Tidus's Chocobo racing isn't that bad either. But I've never managed to finish the butterfly nonsense.

>> No.9888762

>What do you mean by cheese?
There is a specific crater right near the save sphere where the second you touch its border, press X and Tidus will automatically dodge a lightning bolt every time. Then you just walk back from it to the tower just south of it so it resets. Repeat 199 more times.