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File: 116 KB, 256x244, Chronocrossbox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
987952 No.987952 [Reply] [Original]

I really want a Chrono Cross remake

As pissed as I was about Chrono Cross giving the heros of CT bad ends, fucking up Magus by not even bothering to make the floating blue haired guy who's obviously Magus actually magus, and filling the roster with too many forgettable, useless characters, I would buy the fuck out of a remake.

I would jizz my pants over remastered sound tracks and prerendered art backgrounds, in character models that look like the cutscene ones, and brand new New Game plus scenarios that turn Guile into Magus, and let you decide if you want to save the heroes from CT from dying, preventing CC from happening, or killing them yourself as Serge turned into Lynx, gone back in time to ensure that CC does happen

>> No.988237

>brand new New Game plus scenarios that turn Guile into Magus, and let you decide if you want to save the heroes from CT from dying, preventing CC from happening, or killing them yourself as Serge turned into Lynx, gone back in time to ensure that CC does happen

You're dangerously veering into the "Crimson Echoes" territory mate.

>> No.988362

You mean something that people want and therefore must be slain by the soulless husk that is Squeenix?

>> No.988391

I don't think people want your fanfic for a CC remake.

>> No.988624

It's said that there are tons and tons of parallel worlds in the Chrono universe so you can always tell yourself that they survived in other universes.

>> No.988636
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Wow, so you want to rob the game of one of its main messages, that your thoughtless actions can carry repercussions. And then you want mr. emo elf back to divert attention from the actual heroes. And then you want to remove the diverse roster and replace them with a handful stupid stereotypes like CT.

>> No.988670

this game is so underrated. it is akll about those pretty island environments. it is easily one of the three best rpgs ever made. when i was playing the shit out of it - edgyfags were playing their ps2 and laughing at me for being a poorfag.

>> No.988679

If more devs had the balls to move their games forward like this we wouldn't be wallowing in the stale sanitized moe horseshit excuses for RPGs today.

>> No.988747

what the hell? is this hack really that good? that dialogue looks cringeworthy.

>And then you want to remove the diverse roster and replace them with a handful stupid stereotypes like CT.
I love CC but even I have to admit having all those characters was retarded.

>> No.988814

And I thought it was silly to follow that story just to shit on the prequel's characters, but hey, CC discussions never go peacefully.

>> No.988828

Quit being a cunt, seriously, do you want a show of hands as to how many people would prefer the characters from chrono cross to chrono trigger, because I doubt it will go how you want.

>> No.988887

The game "shits" on CT's cast as much as the fairies "shit" on CC's cast for what they do to the dwarves. Both parties did what they thought was right without thinking about the consequences of their actions and the game shows them that reality isn't always sunshine and rainbows. You're supposed to come to terms with that (like Lucca does), not bitch and moan like a kid who was caught stealing cookies.

>> No.988901

Oh yeah, now I'm totally a grown up for knowing that. Step it up, grandpa.

See, CC discussions are always like this BLABLA GROW UP BLABLABLA I DONT WANNA BLABLABLA

Both sides are childish because they can't accept each other.

>> No.988936

While Chrono Cross is a good, solid RPG, I don't see how someone would prefer the cast over that of Chrono Trigger. Chrono Trigger did such a good job making varied and memorable characters, and with Chrono Cross it just felt like someone had a big book of character designs and just wanted to add them all. I mean some of the characters hardly have a reason to join your party whatsoever, like that guy with the luchadore mask.

Besides that I do kind of agree a little bit about the CT characters. Not completely, because I still think that overall Chrono Cross has a satisfying story, but it did feel kinda lame to have everyone from the old games killed offscreen and all that. Heck they add Robo to the game just to kill him.

>> No.988990

>it did feel kinda lame to have everyone from the old games killed offscreen and all that. Heck they add Robo to the game just to kill him.
This. I had to put up with that immature bullshit when I was working in comics. Fuckers would shit up the story and kill off popular characters to introduce their own mary sues, then leave me the mess to clean up.

If you like Chrono Cross, I envy you. It's everything I loathe in storytelling.

>> No.989143

Due to the fact that fans are super divided about whether or not CC shat on CT, having the option for the player to personally either stop CC from happening, or make sure it does, like the OP says, seems like a good middle ground for extra content in a remake and pleases both groups of petulant children.

>> No.989162

It's usually the triggertards who shit up the threads with their fourth grader BAWWWWW WHERE IS MUH TRIGGER 1.0000001

>> No.989164

How the fuck is turning Guile back into Magus a bad thing? He was originally intended to be Magus, but due to time constraints, they couldn't implement his story. Maybe they were too busy writing shitty accents for shitty side characters. Why are people adamantly opposed to restoring shit that was supposed to be in the fucking game?

>> No.989192

Why SHOULD he be in the game as Magus? He obviously proved to be an incompetent faggot and would only try to pull off shit that would make everything worse for everyone. Mindwiping him was the best solution, death aside.

>> No.989204
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>> No.989208

You do know that every video game ever has tons of shitty ideas during development that are scrapped or completely changed afterwards?

Maybe you'd want to also restore the cyborg idea in Resident Evil as well and have Jill and Chris be cyborgs?

Not having Guile be Magus is just another point CT fans like to complain about

>> No.989217

There were just too many characters in CC. Only RPG I know with more characters are the Suikoden series.

The issue with too "many characters" is twofolds: developers can't spend too much time giving them "time to shine" and players can't learn to love them all, especially with a small team like "Serge plus your two favs".

Now you have your favorite team and the rest is tossed in the box like in Pokemon (but Pokemon let you use 6 mons). Events happen and some require a specific character but other than that you don't really care who you use, you quickly understand that "any character could have been there" and you begin to realize that Serge's right-hand is the character you love but who has the LEAST connections to the plot.

Now Trigger players, who did you choose to resurrect Crono? ;)

>> No.989218
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Guardia is doomed, Cross or not. Stay butthurt, CTards.

>> No.989224

Magus should be back in as Gil, like he was in Radical Dreamers. Older, more mature and level headed, and really joining your party to protect Kid and rocking a cool mask. Who cares if he replaces Guile, its not like he had a major role in the story or any personality whatsoever.

Speaking of, including the original Radical Dreamers, translated into english, or even a full scenario thats based on it would be great bonus content.

>> No.989229

>who did you choose to resurrect Crono? ;)
Always Marle, since she was the love interest, and had cure & haste.

The others were different every play through

>> No.989232
File: 8 KB, 252x250, really nigga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can CCocksuckers be so fucking stupid?

>> No.989235

>Events happen and some require a specific character but other than that you don't really care who you use

So just like Trigger, with way fewer characters to choose from. I sure as hell didn't give a fuck about cavewoman, robot, frog or elf.

>> No.989238
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>has no counterargument
>b-better call them stupid!

>> No.989240

The game is full of cringeworthy dialog. When you start it you're greeted by text explaining it's just a romhack and it's not perfect...and then 2 minutes into the story, you get Marle setting up some horrific dialog, then Chrono talks. The gameplay is fucking horrid.

>> No.989246

This is why there should be a remake, fixing the problems and adding what was missing from the final game. It can be just small things but this game deserves to be completed.

For much sad to what happened to CT's cast, shit happens. Still, I wouldn't mind an extra battle against all of them as they were in CT as a memorie or paradox time battle.

>> No.989245

holy shit every chrono series thread is wretched

>> No.989254

My point exactly.
These characters got ties, whether you want it or not: everyone is tied in some way to the Crono-Marle-Lucca trio. Robo and Magus never really interact, but they are in the same boat through them. (Which makes a team of Robo-Ayla-Magus some sort of basket case...)

Characters in CT all have a GOOD reason to be there:
-Crono: Witnessed Lavos Day, "decides" to stop Lavos.
-Marle: Same as Crono.
-Lucca: Same as Marle.
-Robo: Same as Lucca.
-Frog: Wants to kill Magus. Gets sent back in time once (mandatory) and thinks Magus tried to summon Lavos. Plus the Masamune is tied to Lavos.
-Magus: Wants to kill Lavos and find Schala.

Ayla is an odd case. She could be seen as the Quina of CT, and yet, she spent time with the team, they helped her save her present, so she's helping them save their future. But I agree, she's the character the least tied to the rest of the team.

Meanwhile in CC, a LOT of characters just join because "Okay I'll join you". Did these characters know they were on a quest to punch out Cthulhu? Some characters got HEAVY ties to the story like Kid or Glenn, others are just a gimmick.

>> No.989267

Magus would also have more reason to join the party in CC than Guile would for sticking around... or really any other character. He would want to be by Kid to protect her, he'd want to fight the Time Devourer more than anyone, and he'd have enough knowledge to give vague hints to the player as needed. Since he also has time manipulation magic to some degree, its not much of a stretch he could end up in El Nido.

>> No.989269

Problem is both sides are "How DARE you want to change my sacred perfect game thats all about changing things."

>> No.989275

I'd love to personally kill the CT heroes as Lynx, that would be a great boss fight.

>> No.989293
File: 63 KB, 450x430, Azala.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The world would have been better without you human scum!

>> No.989307

But it would be the exact same without them. Look at the Reptite Ending

>> No.989338

That ending is BS. The repitites had a working society while humans still lived in holes dug in their own shit.

>> No.989359

The worst part about CC is most definitely its combat. The story's good though, albeit told poorly.

>> No.989379

The combat system is good, but the enemies are too easy. Still better than Trigger's inescapable ATB crap, though.

>> No.989390
File: 466 KB, 700x700, Razzly.(Chrono.Cross).full.428186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>best green
>most kawaiiest
>fucks your shit with giant stars

>> No.989401


i'd say it's a bit better than chrono trigger's by virtue of being more interesting

>> No.989404

It's just overly complex and unsatisfying. More isn't always more.

>> No.989414


I wouldn't say it's overly complex, really, it's just more complex than "attack, magic, item"

which is totally fine with me

>> No.989419

If you go that way you skip Macha and Glenn. I'd rather have my glorious knight than a fairy.

>> No.989423

How is it complex? You attack and lose stamina points accordingly, which get added to your element level. Every action you do, grants a member one point. Using an element removes 7 points. Easypeasy and leagues better than mashing A.

>> No.989445

Both branches only one have character who's any good.
Razzly for "save kid" and Glenn for "don't save kid". The other 2 characters in each path suck.

>> No.989441


I used to too until I realized Razzly fucking dies if you go the other way. thats fucked up

>> No.989448

That part felt like bullshit to me: The reptites had built a FREAKING CASTLE. But, fridge brilliance, most reptites and dinosaurs had...opposable thumbs.

>> No.989725
File: 14 KB, 256x224, radical01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Triggerfags are so buttmad and illiterate that they managed to miss one of the biggest plot points in CC: there are literally countless dimensions with diverging timelines. Among them the dimension where RD takes place; one that could be considered the perfect one, where Lavos didn't land on the planet, the reptites eliminated the humans and evolved into a symbiotic species in harmony with nature and possibly a few where Dalton didn't stomp Guardia.

Also if you're so hellbent to blame a game, blame Radical Dreamers, which is still canon. RD establishes that Lynx killed Lucca, that the Masamune is demonic, Porre a large governing country and Kid a reborn Schala (not a clone here, but carries the amulet). It also heavily suggests that Crono is dead, although never explicitly named, only as Lucca's (male) old friend, who she grew up with, and died a while ago, but who else fits that description, and why would she bury the flame with anyone else?

>> No.989738

I just wish Serge was Magus. I wonder if that was ever even in a planning stage. I know one character was supposed to be Magus with a bigger role in the game, but he still wouldn't have been as important of a character as Serge was. Shit, it's because of Serge that the entire plotline even started, with him being nearly killed in an accident and coming into contact with FATE, fucking up the history. Also being saved by lost-in-time Schala's intervention and eventually saving her from a cruel fate would've made more sense and more of an impact.

>> No.989760

Serge is our savior, without him the time devourer would mature and fuck all of reality once it matured.

>> No.989765

Now imagine Magus kicking Time Devourer's ass. Same outcome with the plot making a little more sense. "Oh Schala just happened to, while trapped by an interdimensional beast, heed to the crying of a random, fatally wounded 3-year-old boy and heal him, subsequently making him the savior of reality" as opposed to Schala seeking Magus's (Janus's) help.

>> No.989782

>Now imagine Magus kicking Time Devourer's ass

But you can't defeat him that way, even Schala told you so, SO LONG AS YOU LEAN UPON THE CRUTCH OF POWER THIS WORLD'S SORROW CAN KNOW NO TRUE END FAGGOT

>> No.989796

>the crutch of power

So it's "POWER OF SELFLESS ACT" that wins the day, huh?

Magus is a changed man. He no longer lusts after power dick, he just wants to find Schala. And Chrono Cross would be a brilliant place to end Magus's story.

Shit, just make up a bullshit reason that Magus has reincarnated into Serge and I'd be happy. We see Serge born again in the game, why not Magus?

All I ask is some constitency in the plot here, m8.

>> No.989819

>Shit, it's because of Serge that the entire plotline even started

Uh no. The entire plotline started because of Crono and co changing history. That's like a major plot point in CC is that going back to change history has dire consequences.

>> No.989857

>So it's "POWER OF SELFLESS ACT" that wins the day, huh?

Not at all. There is nothing selfless in using the cross element. Nor is it a destructive force, but a healing one. Magus wouldn't be eligible to use it because he's not "alive yet dead" like Serge.

Also Magus is le tragic cut-my-wrists-sideways character of the Crono universe, beyond saving. A complete u-turn from his belief that power fixes everything would be completely uncharacteristic. This is so ingrained in his persona that the instant he hears that power can't help Schala he mindwipes himself before even considering alternatives.

>> No.989880

So the trigger cast doomed the whole of existence to temporally save their dimension? What a bunch of dicks.

>> No.989918
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It's probably the most visually stunning JRPG that was released on the Playstation, just barely beating out Legend of Mana, in my opinion.

>> No.989951

The Trigger cast doomed /vr/ with their "hate-it-or-love-it" mentality.

>> No.990018
File: 155 KB, 880x570, cc-misc06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cheers to having CC love
>retconning Chrono Cross
Stop this though.
Chrono Cross is NOT advent children.
I swear, CT fans get so god damn anally devastated over ONE trope.
its like, were you paying attention to the story?
Didn't think so. The entire implication of Chrono Cross is
this is what pisses me off so fucking much about the Trigger fanbase, is they -pretend- to "get" Cross, understand it at all, and thus have a "critique" when they can't even pay attention to the most basic concepts. Yes, there are "repercussions" for what Chrono and the gang did in CT, that exposed maturity in the story, but NOTHING presented in CC was "definitive", thus so many alternate worlds/dimensions where ____ caused ____. Even within CC's "contextual" world, there is evidence Chrono is still alive, but be damned trigger babies paid attention.

1)I'm a fan of Suikoden
2)This is not an "automatic" flaw
3)Fuck you.
Seriously, I can't believe people complain about this. Yes, you have a shitload of characters thrown at you, and only 10-15 get any type of resolution or character arc. How is that a problem?
The main cast can be boiled down to
>Serge, Kid, Lynx, Harle
with a supporting cast in the form of
>Leena, The Acaccia Dragoons (TEN fucking characters) and potentially Fargo's whole subplot if you look at it that way
Fargo had just as much character development as somebody like Setzer in FF6, but be damned Trigger fans acknowledge it. Oh, but there's like 15 other joke/parody/minimal characters.
Somebody mentioned the "pokemon" effect, but this happens in any JRPG with a roster greater than 10+ characters.
Its also funny that Trigger kiddies run to RD, as another anon mentioned, what -established- the whole "kill the CT gang" thing, and is also canon.
I love both games, but anytime a Trigger fan opens his mouth about CC in a negative tone, its time to call bullshit.

>> No.990035


^These guys get it. CC was all about exploring the idea of infinite possibilities and infinite permutations on a single event. There is no such thing as anyone being definitively dead or alive in Chrono canon. It makes me really sad when people can't understand this very basic fact about CC.

>> No.990067

I think all the characters are fine, it's just like you said -- too small of party to really use more than a couple. Fire Emblem, for example, you use maybe half your roster every battle and you get a little expose in support dialog and in specific missions for some.

It probably could been fixed somewhat if they introduced some side stories or something where you play as a set party of three in a short quest or something. No Serge for the section, only some backstory and motivation to give some depth to each of the characters you go.

>> No.990080


Let me ask you, what is the upside of having so many characters? You even mention that 10-15 get any sort of arc and character development, what's the purpose of having 30 more completely superfluous characters? I think I would have agreed with you if Chrono Cross had only 20 characters or so, but as it is 46 is just crazy.

Also I played through the game a number if times, and I was pretty sure they say for certain that Crono is dead. I mean you even see his weird child ghost.

Now, I do agree that Trigger fans often do dismiss the story. But then on the other side of the coin there's Cross fans who just claim that everyone else didn't get it. I think some of both sides have valid points. Like, I had a huge problem with Cross when they added Robo. He shows up just long enough for the game to establish that it's really Robo... and then they kill him off. I just remember thinking "wow, was that really nessicary?" as we wandered to the next goal and nobody ever talked about that again.

Really my personal problem with Cross in the end was that the story was kind of convoluted. Sure the game implies that is could take place in a parallel dimension from the CT one, but that's not brought up until well within the game. Heck the RD dimension is more like an Easter egg than something they bring up directly to show the vast breadth of dimensions. I've always applauded CC for having a more mature approach to storytelling, but I also think that having the writer as the director of the game meant that they went with some bizarre or convoluted plot points. To summarize my feelings, I think that CT felt more like a collaboration effort between a bunch of people so it felt more like a smooth and fluid game, while CC definitely felt like it had one singular voice driving the development of the game. This let CC have a more unique feel, but I just don't think it worked as well as a finished product.

In case you're wondering both games are in my top 20 of all time.

>> No.990091


It's easy to say that, but if you're a fan playing through CC for the first time it's hard not to get miffed when you see the ghosts of Crono, Lucca and Marle in the game and everything pretty much points to the fact that all the main characters die. Heck Robo and Lucca die for realz on screen. I sure never thought "oh they might not be dead for REAL in this universe though".

>> No.990094

I would rather have a Xenogears remake, properly split into 2 games like it should have been, without all the cut content and a better translation.

>> No.990129
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>what's the purpose of having 30 more completely superfluous characters?

Variety and choice. The story is very Serge-centric, so while you can have core characters in your party, you're not forced to do it. To get all, you have to play through the game multiple times and make different choices. This also plays well with the overarching theme of infinite dimensions and paths that could be taken - roughly 85k character combinations should be possible.

>> No.990152
File: 17 KB, 800x772, lookinggud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dev team developed an auto-accent generator that is applied to neutral text to accommodate the character's speech patterns

>> No.990171

Who are you? Or at least what books did you work on?

>> No.990330

look at all those pervs staring up Kids skirt and smirking

>> No.990341

Was Miguel really Crono or not? There is a lot of evidence that points to it, being that they're both the same element, use Luminare, are at the bell, and have (very rare) red hair.

>> No.990391
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Crono is a leftie

Also explains why he died so early

>> No.990412

Is he? i thought he drew hes sword with his right.

>> No.990419
File: 40 KB, 662x565, Crono.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chrono is depected as a leftie in some official art by Toriama, but his sprite is righthanded.

>> No.990473
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Looks pretty mixed to me. Art and animu cutscenes are all left.

>> No.990646

I'm about to start playing CC again. Can someone explain to me how the "leveling" works? I know that you can only raise a character up to a certain point, then you would have to progress in the story to "level" them further.

>> No.990662

Characters in your party get stat boosts for winning fights, which eventually cap. Getting a star from a boss fight resets this cap and gives all your characters, even those not fighting, a stat bonus. If you want a character's stats to grow, use them a lot.

>> No.990839

But the game controls stat growths a bit, so when you see Serge(who has really high growths) gaining less points than before, it's the game balancing itself out.

>> No.991410

Reminder that Chrono Break will never happen. Ever

>> No.991498

Googled this for like 2 seconds. What is this exactly? A game to tie Cross and Trigger together, or a remake of Trigger?

>> No.991563

We will never know. We played with the timeline too much and now this possible future will never happen.

>> No.991583

>I sure never thought "oh they might not be dead for REAL in this universe though".

How could you not? I mean, a central plot point of CC is that the main character, Serge, is dead in Another World. That's a very basic piece of the story. Extrapolating from that, it only makes sense to assume anyone else who is dead may be alive somewhere else.

>> No.991647
File: 7 KB, 116x123, 1372009591586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Announcing Chrono Break iPad only

Break the boundaries of time and dimensions! Battle classic and new bosses from both games in a massive all-out touch battle featuring characters from the Chrono universe! Open exclusive time eggs to summon a random hero to aid you in your battle!

* Base price: $14.99
* World ticket: $9.99
* Time ticket: $4.99
* Time egg: only $0.99!

>> No.991648

it hurts

>> No.991654

Fuck you. Fuck you.

>> No.991716

So glad I didn't pay for that piece of crap game.

>> No.992221

Still better than Mega Man Xover

>> No.992323
File: 32 KB, 291x346, 2012-08-22_234349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Infinite dimensions means infinite heroes! Want to duke it out with the baddest of the bad with five Cronos? You can! Just buy enough eggs and get lucky!

>> No.992376
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