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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 1.83 MB, 4032x3024, kirby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9879129 No.9879129 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>9849375

>> No.9879142
File: 1.81 MB, 4032x3024, 20230505_092755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9879148 [DELETED] 


>> No.9879149

Love those big black scanlines. They're so thick it's gorgeous. Kirby is so sharp, gotta be rgb mod there. Looks amazing

>> No.9879151
File: 1.71 MB, 4032x3024, 20230505_092854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9879153
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>> No.9879154

Are there cheap shitbox downscalers (that do 240p)? I'm just looking for composite output so I'm not worried about RGB or anything.

>> No.9879158
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>> No.9879161
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>> No.9879221

I don't think there's a readily available option for that anon
you're either gonna have to spend a retarded amount on a bunch of shit to daisy chain or craft your own doohickey that does what you want (with parts you spent a retarded amount on)
also I know you said you don't care about quality, but those ntsc transcoders the community shills have really BAD composite output, even for composite standards

>> No.9879238
File: 68 KB, 508x903, 20190330_151908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure what >>9879154 is blathering about; there are cheap shitbox downscalers all over ebay and amazon. Literally just search "HDMI to RCA". I bought a marginally pricier one for about 40 bucks some years back that did HDMI to s-video, and it was actually surprisingly decent, pic related.

>> No.9879240

Yeah I got one and it works great except it only does 480i; can't do 240p

>> No.9879259

Ah, I overlooked that, my bad. What are you sending the signal from? It might be easier to fix this at the source than with a transcoder.

>> No.9879273
File: 90 KB, 1500x1093, 61UWtq7v3DL._AC_SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got a Windows PC hooked up to one of these. When I set Windows' resolution to 240p, this thing still scales it up to 480i

>> No.9879326

those shitboxes simply scale anything you send to them to 480i (with a fuckton of lag no less), which is the opposite of what anon wants
they're fine for media but useless for games

>> No.9879335

Some games look like ass with RGB. I've been going back and forth a lot between RGB and composite lately, some games look good with sharp pixels and others just don't.

>> No.9879351

Sounds like a problem with the interface between the chair and the controller.

>> No.9879359
File: 961 KB, 727x1437, playchoice10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didnt want to bring the whole "intended video quality" to the new thread, but I really want to see the RF/Composite crowd explain this.
This is a Playchoice-10 Arcade machine, it's an arcade NES that outputs only RGB.

The NES is the favorite example of RF/Composite lovers. Due to the low color pallete and limited video options, RF/Composite was the "intended way" according to them. So, if that's the case, then why does the Playchoice-10 displays RGB and not Composite?

>> No.9879376

I don't care about intended way argument, but just wanted to say I always thought it was interesting that on the back of some NES box's, the screenshots of the games were taken using a PC-10 NES PPU, I think SMB3 has the yellow piss color palette from the PC-10 PPU on the back of the box, they used RGB to have clear images and the only official RGB chip for the NES was the PC-10.

>> No.9879380

Probably because it was the industry standard for expensive arcade machines and not because the designers and artists of the games worked closely with the hardware team to make sure the games would be displayed most faithfully.

>> No.9879381

Arcades usually go all out with the hardware. Whether you like RGB or not, it's undoubtedly premium. RFfags are undoubtedly mental too

>> No.9879390
File: 20 KB, 357x319, FmicomGraphiEditing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9879438
File: 1.03 MB, 2064x1161, 20190901_214053_resized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I didnt want to bring the whole "intended video quality" to the new thread,
But you did anyway. Thanks asshole.

>> No.9879523

He obviously needs the best possible video quality for his professional work
Modern artists don't optimize their art for 4 screen ultrawide 8k setups either

>> No.9879537
File: 2.97 MB, 3128x3252, bootboy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

svideo + mdapt/gdapt is definitely what the developers would have wanted

>> No.9879561

You get better composite signals on some consoles than others but I don't think the composite vs rgb war comes down to console. Although that would be convenient. You're not really missing anything going to RGB with SMB but I'd argue that Batman looks better on composite. I don't really care about the artist's intentions, but some art styles look better when blended by composite than being sharp with rgb.

>> No.9879594

Yeah I just don't give a shit and enjoy RGB.

>> No.9879602

Anyone with an XM29 that can post some close ups? Always wondered how those look up close.

>> No.9879605

With RGB I mean, actually not even sure what inputs it has.

>> No.9879630
File: 1.08 MB, 2324x1659, 20230503_223238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got this 24" ST424FF symphonic crt today for free! It is a 2005 model with two composite inputs and s-video! I know symphonic may not be the greatest tube tvs, but it is nice to finally have a spare s-video tube in case my 27" I'art gives out.

>> No.9880267
File: 2.71 MB, 2500x1667, guile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we postin guile
Sega Saturn over composite.

>> No.9880741

it's not the reflection that bothered me, it's that the guy who took the pic was in the reflection so I can't post it here without potentially doxxing the guy.

>> No.9880761

Block him out in mspaint anon...

>> No.9880793
File: 342 KB, 640x480, 5b8cbaed-4d61-48bb-9c8e-205474f6fa81.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9880858
File: 3.21 MB, 3000x4000, 20230429_021003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Early-mid 2000s consumer crts are pretty good in my experience. Using this literal who brand Alba as my main CRT right now and it's got a better picture than my Phillips or Grundig

>> No.9880889

>Early-mid 2000s consumer crts are pretty good
Is it me or are those flatscreen WEGA TVs just utter shit? You may be right, but from my experience, Sony's offerings during that time are crap. Maybe I should try some other brands.

>> No.9880892

it's just you, at the cost of more difficult geometry adjustment, the WEGAs are basically reference quality

>> No.9880893

That's the thing! They have shit geometry. I always have to open them up and mess with magnets. Meanwhile, I get a shitty composite only Panasonic from 1996 and it has perfect geometry.

>> No.9880975

I love my 27" WEGA I've had it since 2005. Still remember loading it in my shitty sunfire in best buy and taking it home to play FFX with component.

>> No.9880984

That's cool that it's still going strong.

>> No.9881189

damn, no xm29 chads on /vr/?

>> No.9881383

Anyone else here struggle with Dandruff getting into their RCA inputs? I'm thinking of getting a switch that way I can just keep everything hooked up and I don't have to worry about it.
Anyone have one they cant recommend that won't get ruined by Dandruff?

>> No.9881413
File: 52 KB, 640x360, 10BEE57E-44E0-4E84-8D85-8DEBD8E2F9F0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take a shower, wtf anon.

>> No.9881420

This is so stupid. Why do you always post it? It's not even LPC prank call sense of humor, it's just plain dumb.

>> No.9881447
File: 113 KB, 976x1200, 1660839801334265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are the B&O CRT's? I see some cheap ones are available in my area, anyone got experience with them?

>> No.9881479

Never heardd of these, are these a euro brand?

>> No.9881576

No scanline faggotry

>> No.9881578

>No scanline
you are blind

>> No.9881613 [DELETED] 

all crts have dumb numb nuts, i dont get the hate for them

>> No.9881614

all crts have them numb nuts, i dont get the hate for them

>> No.9881641

They have peak aesthetics and above average speakers/audio. The tube themselves are made by Philips though so like Mid Tier, but definitely not bad. They're my favorite consumer tubes.

>> No.9881946

I tried multiple of these things, from the same company. This shit did not work for my PC, or Blu-Ray player, and especially won't work for any modern consoles.
Any alternatives?

>> No.9882174
File: 26 KB, 560x560, 31910875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys think of Grundigs? I've been thinking of getting a small slotmask CRT recently and picrel looks nice

>> No.9882274

My grandma had a Grundig, I think it was OK. Never really digged into the settings or played games on it, but for TV it looked pretty nice.
Personally I'm not a fan of the early 2000s silver-but-not-flatscreen-tube-yet aesthetic, especially on smaller sets. Had a 14" shitty budget TV like that around that time and it always reminds me of the feeling of yearning for a better display.

>> No.9883095

I did a bit of goodwill hunting today no luck on getting a random CRT added to my collection but I did stumble upon a repair shop I might have to hit up to repair my PVM. Idk if he's well known but if TV Chris sounds familiar to anyone in the SoCal area let me know

>> No.9883138

I left my TV on static for a bit while on my computer and when I got back it doesn't show anything and when I turn it off it takes about a dozen seconds for it to actually turn off. (at least going by the signal light)
I don't feel any static coming from it either
What do?

>> No.9883148

Oh, and it used to do a pretty loud little cracking sound when I turned it on but now I just hear a tiny, barely audible noise instead

>> No.9883158

Good if you get a big one from the 90's

>> No.9883171
File: 454 KB, 3724x720, 883468358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this look good? Anyone have any experience with the brand? Never heard of it before.

>> No.9883180

Looks like a cheap brand, if it's free and you want a CRT, go for it
I will say, the scart ports being in that position may be an issue due the shape of scart plugs if they're too close

>> No.9883182

could be high voltage failure

>> No.9883185

I dunno about that but my CRT goes into standby automatically if it's left on static with no signal after 10 minutes and can only be turned back on with pressing a button on the remote

>> No.9883765

Is there a good way to remove dust etc. from the inside of my CRT without opening it up? It has these holes on the top and back, can't get a good pic but shit looks filthy with heavy dust all over. I strongly doubt a vacuum is the way. I have compressed air, but don't really know if I could get it out of the box like that nor am I sure that is safe either.
Maybe I can combo the two, maybe I use some thin tube... really would rather not open it up but I'll take what I can get.

>> No.9883770

just take off the back plastic anon, you don't have to touch components but I would recommend doing it out in the open if you are using compressed air on dust
Personally I would also use a brush

>> No.9883889

Does it still have the static when you put your hand near the screen when it's on standby?

>> No.9883897

all you can do is try and press a button on your remote, if that doesn't work then it's not that

>> No.9884176
File: 224 KB, 1920x943, best waifu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love quistis so much,and i knew a woman that reminded me of her physically.

>> No.9885141

Got an AMD GPU with DVI & VGA and things are going pretty ok for now.
Had some trouble getting everything setup but seems to work now. Still don't have a VGA > SCART adapter/cable yet but it's in the post so prob tuesday or wednesday.

Using my 17" CPD-E250 atm and it's much better than when it was scaled through the HDMI adapter from my nvidia card. It's range is 30 > 96 kHz H & 48 > 170Hz V.
I'm trying to find a good balance of resolution & refresh rate too, manual says 1024x768 rec & 1600x1200 max. 1280x960 seems kindda comfy.
When looking at super resolutions, I should be looking at the kHz range using CVT timing right and making sure it's within the 30 > 96 range, that right?
I regret not learning about this in the 2000's but flat panels came around just as I'd get interested.

Anyway. I still haven't figured out CRT emudriver (though it's installed with the radeon software) yet. I only really use retroarch and don't do a lot of emulation before the PS2 era anymore so it's more useful for PC games and captured stuff through OBS etc.

>> No.9885185

Arcade monitors don't have composite video input.

Do not @ me with the 5 exceptions out of 30000

>> No.9885198

I owned one briefly in the past but took no pics.
They look like a computer monitor when running in 240p RGB mode. Like some of the pics you've seen of PC CRT running in 240p120 mode. Very defined scanlines.

>> No.9885208
File: 2.98 MB, 5344x4008, sFEk928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a gallery of an XM29 Xtra.

And this is only via s-video. RGB is even sharper.

>> No.9885210
File: 1.08 MB, 2592x1944, HdxEhUC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

XM29 Plus gallery

>> No.9885213
File: 3.47 MB, 4032x3024, NV9H9Qu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9885216

what's the diff on the plus ver?

>> No.9885253
File: 1.96 MB, 2756x5397, DSC_0477~01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post setups

>> No.9885524

Games made for the playchoice 10 have a different colour palette

>> No.9886083

Support for higher resolutions, possibly a finer screen pitch.

>> No.9886275
File: 91 KB, 574x748, masterasia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finally found it.

>> No.9886293
File: 127 KB, 1280x720, gszdfhcghnfg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never really thought about this but I'm thinking about it now: crt placement. I feel like the current set up I have right now is lame and doesn't allow for easy enough use. Left is my current layout (my chair for pc use is very comfortable and can recline), maybe middle or right is better for me. M is me T is telly

>> No.9886302

you need to practice drawing straight lines
Here's a hint, use the line tool

>> No.9886316

sod off ya little turd the feng consequences of wine tasting are talking

>> No.9886321

Maybe practice on perspectives too

>> No.9886674

Is that Panasonic VCR a Pro-Line? How is it rack mounted? What's the model number?

>> No.9886730

It's a consumer NV-HS830 set that is PAL only, it stands on a rack mounted shelf
pro SVHS sets out there are either too expensive or timelapse sets which have no Hi-Fi so i'd want to get myself a BetaSP deck eventually because they are cheaper than svhs decks lmao

>> No.9886927

>Sony's offerings during that time are crap.
I followed CRTs somewhat closely during that time because my friend was looking at buying a 36-incher, and I somewhat agree. Sony wasn't quite at the top of its game and most reviewers found the JVC i'Art series to be the better set, citing overdriven reds as a consistent problem with WEGAs at the time. That said, I think they were still some of the nicer sets we looked at, and my friend only just barely chose the JVC over Sony.

I think the issue is that now these sets all have wear; you can't really objectively judge them against each other. People love the JVC D-series sets now, but I got one for free about a year ago and I think it's the worst-looking CRTs I've ever owned, probably because it's just worn to shit.

>> No.9886937
File: 1.13 MB, 1952x2288, 20180815_183303_resized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The glow up since I got married and moved out. Always makes me sad when people talk about how their wives/girlfriends won't let them own CRTs.

>> No.9887016

>he opened a blind
That’s not what glowup means anon

>> No.9887041

I chortled.

>> No.9887085
File: 968 KB, 4032x3024, 20230508_062903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently in the process of repairing a MS2931 chassis for my blast city cabinet. Was able to score a free chassis from someone that botched a recap job and was gonna toss it. Going through the schematics and testing continuity on all the caps, been a pain but found a big problem here and already patched it up. Hopefully I can test it on my tube this week.

>> No.9887286
File: 859 KB, 1060x606, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really anything to post. Right now I'm experimenting and doing that meme thing where people place their television at an angle so that it's more or less for personal viewing only, it's a little cozy but impractical if you're ever going to play a game with someone. I'll post a close up of the screen itself in the next post.

>> No.9887289
File: 1.36 MB, 4096x3072, long kong silver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked this one, gives me such a humid summer time feeling, which is fitting because it's getting hot out now where I live.

>> No.9887301

>that meme thing where people place their television at an angle so that it's more or less for personal viewing only,
The fuck are you talking about?

>> No.9887315

nta but I've seen that too
probably stemmed from people with smaller crts and pvms putting them on their desks at an angle to use them from the same position they use their desktop at

>> No.9887317

I don't like doing this because I have friends over sometimes to play smash brothers and moving the tv constantly is a pain

>> No.9887346

I think the fact that it's on a desk makes it more for "personal use" than whatever fucking angle it's at. And why the hell is it a "meme thing"?

Fucking christ, people need to be less dumb.

>> No.9887380

>anons having a relatively normal conversation
>anon who doesn't understand the discussion/doesn't know what's being talked starts tard sperging

>> No.9887386

First rule of /vr/: Ignore the zoomers and autists.
Second rule of /vr/: There is no second rule.

>> No.9887390

Is it possible to tell if a CRT is component or composite just by looking at the screen? (while a game is running)

>> No.9887398

in person, yes
in photos, probably not

>> No.9887401

It’s improbable but with a good enough picture and context clues maybe. More likely the tv set itself can be identified

>> No.9887406
File: 381 KB, 755x822, witnessed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9887417
File: 517 KB, 662x570, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never owned a pvm before, but this is one is 100 bucks. Works fine no screen defects. Worth it?

>> No.9887424

If it's actually 100 bucks then sure; that's a multiformat L5 model and you could easily resell it for $1000+ if you decide you don't like it.

>> No.9887426

lmao, what kind of meme post is this? Seems to be at an angle.

>> No.9887458

I'm just posting in this thread to increase the IP count and call you a zoomer.

>> No.9887472

You shouldn't have said that because he's going to claim every poster in the thread is the same anon with 36 vpns now

>> No.9887486

I'd argue that labelling everything as a "meme" is the greater zoomer behavior, but go on, keep memeing, you crazy angled memer.

>> No.9887495

connection type?

>> No.9887509
File: 56 KB, 799x449, r_2217303_Vd6ck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone else like to do this meme thing with their CRTs? Or is it just me?

>> No.9887513

zoomer is in full meltdown, repeat zoomer is in full meltdown

>> No.9887514

>labelling everything as a "meme"
Except no one other than you is doing that:
>keep memeing, you crazy angled memer
The fact that referring to a shitty /v/ meme as exactly that, a meme, is making you this upset says all that needs to be said.

>> No.9887519
File: 897 KB, 4032x1960, plebbit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

different model but i picked up one of these the other day for $50, only issue is that the dvd player tray wont open. decent purchase? i dont think i'll ever be able to obtain a PVM.

games look good on it but the contrast could be higher, its really my only complaint

>> No.9887525



>> No.9887545

my bad, it was one of those stupid facebook marketplace listings where once you actually click on the item the description says to send him an offer, hate when people do that

>> No.9887547

>contrast could be higher
You probably need to tune the white point and colours

>> No.9887550

What meme thing, you autistic fuck? Holding the controller like a fag?

>> No.9887581

What the fuck are you faggots even arguing about? What fucking meme?

I'm too fucking old for the internet.

>> No.9887590

>Except no one other than you is doing that:
except the whole reason I'm confused is that this dipshit >>9887286 called "putting your TV at an angle" a "meme thing", and all I want is a fucking explanation as to how it's a meme. All I can assume is that it's some bullshit that only makes sense if you obsessively stalk reddit communities so you can bitch about what they like, because that's what 99% of 4chan content is anyway.

>> No.9887615

Judging by the posts it's just one tranny with a stick shoved up his ass which is why I assume he's trying to force >>9887509 whatever stupid discord joke this is.

>> No.9887649

>that meme thing where people place their television at an angle
how is that a meme? People have been doing that before you were born, zoomie.

>> No.9887662

I guess so, or people are being intentionally obtuse.
Either a blatant newfag, or you've never been on /v/ before. If it's the latter, then good choice.

>> No.9887679

to be fair i sensed a lot of samefagging in that /v/ screencap

>> No.9887687

>or you've never been on /v/ before
Haven't been to /v/ or /vr/ for years. How did putting a TV at an angle become a meme? I'm genuinely curious, now.

>> No.9887816

its just an unfunny screencap like the ogre thumb guy from /tv/

>> No.9888084
File: 485 KB, 1392x484, durrrr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

custom resolutions lesgooo
AMD's own driver application sucks. It sucks. No. I don't wanna hear otherwise, what the fuck is this barbarism CCP wuz better and it pales in comparison to NVCPL zoomers begone.

The custom resolutions not having a limit's pretty neat tho (or I've not reached it yet), and I'm not sure how it's doing it but it's nice to not have to use CRU but I've found that using it gives me different results even when using CVT for timing in the auto calculator and sometimes the results are less favourable.

So I'm guessing the best way's gonna be use CRU as a calculator for temporary resolutions etc and then punch the numbers into the AMD drivers to get it to work.
I can see some of the obvious stuff and where it goes like the sync width/front porch. The H. timing and V timing I'm guessing come from the total column but the blanking & back porch I'm not sure about and if I'd get those numbers from back porch/blanking or if I need to use another calculator for this instead?
CRU's been great for getting me as close to 30kHz as possible for some stuff and pushing the higher limits but the detailed resolutions being limited to 4 has been hurting.

Is there a better way to use both of these that I'm missing?
I'm used to using CRU with flat panel technology for weird refresh rates more than I am this stuff so sorry for being shit at it.

>> No.9888149

>only issue is that the dvd player tray wont open.
Most drives on everything from PS2s to 360's to PS4's to PC drives all had a slot next to them for manual ejection. It's pin sized and a paperclip etc can open it.
Hopefully that'll help.

>> No.9888239

thank you both

>> No.9888284 [SPOILER] 
File: 81 KB, 800x450, tv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought a TV for $10 around 5 years ago and this was the pic they posted lmao.

>> No.9888303

fucking christ
this is like that battlestation pic with all the tendie shit around his station of the fat fuck with his dick hanging out

>> No.9888347

well did she look good in person at least?

>> No.9888513

not really, no.

>> No.9888659

ive recently acquired three free arcade cabs and bought some cheap loose boards and now im considering renovating my garage into a 3rd world arcade, complete with home-made cabinets for the loose boards and using the spare garbage night crts I have hoarded over the years.

>> No.9888670
File: 3.78 MB, 2970x2087, 20230508_191902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9888864
File: 515 KB, 3024x4032, beocenter1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finally got a B&O but I'm having a tiny bit of a problem. The PS2 image is completely fine on composite but when I switch to SCART it only uses the upper half of the screen instead of filling it. Anyone know what the problem is?

>> No.9888903
File: 853 KB, 1047x776, gr2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9889012

Nevermind I figured it out myself. If anyone is searching B&O Beocenter or Beovision in the /vr/ archive and has this problem. Hold down the display button and press right, select format and then format 1 instead of 2, should fix the problem.

>> No.9889020

it's a voltage related issue most likely
basically 4:3 and 16:9 mode

>> No.9889393

Is it worth trying to mod a CRT for RGB? I've seen a couple of videos about it and it looks like a bit of a hassle, I haven't been able to find any comprehensive guide. I've had experience soldering and making mods to older consoles so I'm not so afraid about botching the job, more about how to tap the different signals without fucking everything up.

>> No.9889396

If you want the best picture quality you can get, then yes. My 27" Wega with RGB looks stunning with my 8/16 bit consoles.

>> No.9889556

Dunno about modding but RGB is worth it if you play arcade games and 6th gen stuff
But if you have component then no, of course not, just get a transcoder for RGB stuff

>> No.9889649

>I haven't been able to find any comprehensive guide
Here, open wide, say "AAAAAAHH", big baby

>> No.9889727

n.b. that some jungle chips have spare rgb inputs anyway, so try to find a datasheet or service manual with the pinout

>> No.9890049

CRT faggotry has gotten pretty elitist and insufferable, I'm going to sell off my PVM while I can rip retarded hipsters off and call it a day, after all we're right around the corner to better display methods anyways.

>> No.9890056


>> No.9890068
File: 79 KB, 520x416, D145396C-A390-4D1C-8CF1-96E81B759777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If your TV was made in the 2000s and has a component input, for the love of god do not bother doing this. Just get a rgb to component transcoder and call it a day. No one can tell the difference. Even fucking S-Video is nearly the same, especially systems with clean video output like the Saturn.

>> No.9890131
File: 193 KB, 1123x943, scart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought a scart to VGA (f) cable, doesn't work tho
I had cables that I could plug in a couplers and I thought that'd work but no go

does it specifically have to be scart to male vga, is there some big difference in 'em? something different for connecting to a PC
there's like no descriptions on most of the generic stuff
this is the best description I've seen so far on a generic and even it's meh, is the description there 'cause it's expecting a signal over 15kHz? wot is it, I can output to 15 etc

>> No.9890152
File: 6 KB, 223x223, crt1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you daddy
I don't really know when it was made, it's over at my late aunt's house and looks mid 80's. I don't even know what inputs it has yet, pic related. Scart would be the best for me. Pic related.
I don't think it has component connections
It's only because I have many consoles that can hook up to Scart so my plan is to have them all plugged in at a rack or something like that, I don't really wanna bother with a million of cables

>> No.9890169
File: 10 KB, 241x374, crt2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's also this one that's in the living room, it's bigger but the aesthetics aren't as cool. That one doesn't require any mods at all, I think.

>> No.9890216

what are you trying to do?

>> No.9890283

>what are you trying to do?
Trying to output from PC (VGA) via analogue (VGA) out from a radeon GPU to a TV via SCART.
Installed CRT emudriver, used the vmmaker tool to add the 15kHz resolutions, enabled EDID emulation and nothing, when it's hooked up, nothing at all happens. The scart port works 100% fine with consoles.

I've looked some more at devices and pretty much everything has no info or says it's for connecting like an old DVD or set top box to a PC monitor/TV etc and not connecting say a PC to a SCART TV.
Only thing I'm seeing is the UMSA but that's kinda expensive. Someone also mentioned VGA2SCART Sync converter but that's another that says it's console > VGA monitor and not the other way around.
The UMSA is waaay outside my price range so I'm kinda lost on if a dumb cable'll even work now or if vga2scart's even an option.

I can output at 15kHz but the problem seems to be the adapter step. Using my 17" CRT monitor is fine for just raw VGA > VGA at 31kHz+. I'm kinda lost desu.

>> No.9890319
File: 3.52 MB, 4128x2322, 20221007_184401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>after all we're right around the corner to better display methods anyways.
Nothing can beat the glass, nothing.

>> No.9890431
File: 51 KB, 740x395, firefox_KuzjPpFsy3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the thing you're using is simply a passive passthrough cable for things that output rgbs from the vga port
if your card supports it, try enabling composite sync in vmmaker, if your card doesn't support it, you're gonna need something that can convert rgbhv to rgbs
>Someone also mentioned VGA2SCART Sync converter but that's another that says it's console > VGA monitor and not the other way around.

>> No.9890452

you should anon i too am tired of autistic zoomers

>> No.9890754
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>> No.9890970
File: 153 KB, 397x441, i happen to be an idiot on this subject.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the thing you're using is simply a passive passthrough cable for things that output rgbs from the vga port
>if your card supports it, try enabling composite sync in vmmaker,
I got an R7 250 so I think it should. I haven't read anything that says it doesn't but I read up on it, I uninstalled all the previous profiles etc, deleted the previous EDID listings in CRU, restarted.
Went at it fresh, enabled composite sync, changed the lines in monitor.ini to 1, 1 and nothing. Stubborn as a mule, it doesn't wanna display. It's prob 'cause it's got a female VGA connector idk.

Well, this is the first line on the site.
>This converter is used to convert RGBHV (VGA) to RGBs (SCART), so that you can use VGA consoles/devices with a monitor/TV/upscaler that only accepts SCART.
It's bad site design that's trapped me. The blurb underneath doesn't mention it and it's lost in the sauce. In the 2nd blurb which you highlighted is buried and I've skimmed right over it.
So this one should work and it'd work with more than just 240p, 480i etc by the sounds of it.
They even word this strangely.
> as long as your SCART output device is able to display/handle the resolution!
>Converting HDMI “super-resolution” 240p from HDMI to VGA. CPSHDMI & Raspberry Pi can be set to 240p, then along with a cheap DAC and this converter, you can get the signal on your SCART monitor/TV.
They've made it clear it's not a downscaler, don't need that.

Well. It's a lot more reasonably priced than the other one and has free delivery, so that's a plus.
Thanks for helping anon, I am not a clever person.

>> No.9891046
File: 261 KB, 1186x1094, Untitled-3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk I may be wrong but I think this trick only works with ancient cards
try doing what this dude does here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3YsCj55ZM1Y
>It's prob 'cause it's got a female VGA connector idk.
the bisexual adapter doesn't really matter unless its missing pins or some other dumb shit
also no offense but with that reading comprehension it is entirely possible that you messed something else in the setup process

>> No.9891681

I suspect I may need to re-calibrate my 14M2. What version of 240p Test Suite should I use?

I can run it on SNES, Genesis, PS2, and Wii. PS1 won't work for some reason. PS2 is always kinda dark and shifted to the right. I also have a Sony DVD player that's pretty decent.

And what settings should I look for? The problem is whites are too bright, blacks are too dark, although that's been noticeable with PS2 which may not have the best output.

>> No.9891958

Nah. I'd enabled it properly and unlike that example there was no rolling picture or anything at all.

>it's entirely possible that you messed something else in the setup process
I'm not offended, it's mistaking raw reading comprehension for an understanding of specific analogue video formats while juggling various products including their version w/ sync stripper. That's why people ask for help ultimately, because it's foreign to them, it's easy to get lost in jargon & formats going through it all. There's a world apart between plugging in a VGA cable to a monitor for 10 years using CRU and knowing the difference between specific video formats, requirements, timing intricacies, pinouts & syncing etc.
You'd have to be a sociopath to hold something against someone for suggesting that.

The setup process isn't really long or particularly complex e There's installing emudriver which was done clean with no other AMD/ATI drivers installed. Emudriver worked fine with the CRT monitor. It's selecting the correct port, correct GPU/Display which isn't complex either, enabling EDID emulation, changing 0, 0 to 1, 1 and ticking a box. It's been done independently of the CRT monitor and even it's records were wiped too to avoid conflict.
VMM is even working fine with a CRT monitor but just not the TV or 15kHz signal through the SCART/VGA adapter.

Reading more on it, It seems pretty likely it's the cable, reading their support forums indicates it's probably the cable and UMSA is mentioned as not being perfect either. It's a cable off of ebay with no description and the other cheap ones have the "this will not work from" messages attached too regardless of gender.
I'll try the other options out, thanks for the help.

>> No.9891997

Why not use crtemudriver instead since you're on AMD anyway?

>> No.9892051

Most SCART CRT's require a voltage on pin 16 to go into RGB mode. The cable you posted won't do that. And it probably won't combine sync properly.
I actually bought the VGA2SCART adapter from the Retroupgrades recently and it works perfectly fine with any resolution and refresh rate I throw at it. It has a micro USB input for pin 16 as well.
This is my setup: R7 260x > DVI-I to VGA > VGA2SCART > CRT.

>> No.9892058
File: 52 KB, 910x910, vga_rca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will this give me 240p?

>> No.9892364

almost certainly not, looks like a passive adapter

>> No.9893745

Retrovision SNES cables and Retrotink 5x went up in price, why? did nintendo stuff blow up in popularity again?

>> No.9894440

So will it work at all? If I set the resolution on Windows to 240

>> No.9894453

You know what 240 is on windows?

>> No.9894906

if it's just connecting some vga pins to those plugs, no. vga doesn't even have audio output.

>> No.9894910
File: 2.29 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_0468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Update on this. Found 2 more bad pads on the back of the chassis and patched them up. I now have a working picture on the monitor.

Unfortunately the OSD controls that the chassis controls to adjust the picture aren't working so now I'll have to look into what's causing that.

>> No.9894916

You and I are probably the last people on this board that know how to solder. Shit's dead nowadays.

>> No.9895003
File: 3.85 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_0471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it really that bad now?


Anyways, OSD is now fixed, bad pin header on the chassis that plugs into the blast city cab's control panel.

Feels good man

>> No.9895010

Looks good. That bad pin header could have been the reason the other guy tried to recap it and failed.
I posted in another thread earlier about how I fixed a Dualshock 2 LED. Both pins had cold solder joints. Feels good too but more in a got lucky way. Yours has to be in a earned it kind of way.

>> No.9895140

Good job anon, looks nice
You might wanna check linearity as well

>> No.9896018

Trying to balance a tv with a weak red gun and it’s incredibly tedious. Even with the blue drive all the way down it still runs brighter than the red

>> No.9896037

i can solder i just rarely spend time modding or fixing stuff

>> No.9897015

Do whatever makes (you) happy, anon.

>> No.9897034

I just learned a few years ago but I've gotten decent at it, only one failed project out of like 5

>> No.9897037

It's only a failure if it can't be fixed

>> No.9897381

No that’s for connecting video to vga projectors. Won’t work as a vga to component adaptor.

>> No.9897487
File: 31 KB, 599x447, 1595122442731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This might be the ultimate brainlet question, but I've never thought of this before. My tv only has only has speakers on the left of it. This means it is mono, right? If i plug headphones into it, is it still mono?

>> No.9897507

depends, do both audio plugs go into the back?

>> No.9897575

>do both audio plugs go into the back
There is a composite connection in the front and in the back, as well as an rf in the back but it's seldom ever used by me

>> No.9897583

that didn't really answer my question
if stereo is going in then stereo will most likely come out of the headphones
you could always bypass all that by putting the audio into a separate source

>> No.9897615

probably dual mono, unless there's white and red connectors on the inputs like the other guy said. white is left channel, red is right channel. hearing one channel on both headphones isn't stereo

>> No.9897638
File: 674 KB, 1557x1223, sonic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9897741

how many audio connections do you plug into it from your console son

>> No.9897851
File: 790 KB, 928x573, mx4002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got myself a BeoVision MX4002/BeoLink 1000 for 40 euros, found it in a local thrift shop yesterday.

I also have an AudioSonic KT8954TX as spare.

>> No.9899307
File: 2.82 MB, 1920x1677, Hantarex_EQ28_Front-1920x1677.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

B&O's are insanely aesthetic, second only to Hantarex monitors or Sony ProFeel.

>> No.9899338

I'd hardly call your pic aesthetic, but the other two definitely are

>> No.9899389

I'm sure it can, maybe not with my current tools. My cheap Weller brand iron got too hot and destroyed a solder pad on a PS1 I was modchipping. I also dropped a bit too much solder on a chip's leg and made a mess I tried cleaning up with solder braid but I'm not actually sure how well that turned out. It still powers on but doesn't get past the BIOs now. It was a free playstation though so I'm not invested in it really, I may pick it up as a project one day when I have the interest.

>> No.9899613
File: 82 KB, 500x334, 13470232_xlarge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Respect the cube

>> No.9899620

OK, it looks aesthetic when it's like that

>> No.9899691

Beautiful. How do you even connect CRTs to display a single image like this?

>> No.9899709

there were separate video wall image processors necessary to make it work

>> No.9900489
File: 1.09 MB, 4032x3024, 20230512_091459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another update on this

left the tube on for 15 minutes and was gonna adjust convergence with strips, now it begins to lose color and the image zooms in extremely, only like 25% of the screen is visible and it's a zoomed in portion, not shrinking.

i'm at a loss of what happened, caps all look good, solder joints look good

im unsure if this is a flyback issue, there's no noise or whine/sparking, and iirc flyback would be the opposite where the picture shrinks, not zooms in

Any crt experts? pic rel is how it looks after like 10min of being on, on cold start it's better but nothing like how it was when it was 'fixed

>> No.9900492
File: 1.24 MB, 4032x3024, 20230512_091702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here it is on cold boot now, it looks nothing like before, you can see the bottom right is already clipped off you can't see 'credit' anymore and as it stays on the color slowly drains away and the picture slowly zooms in

i've been checking it the last 2 days and im just at a loss and defeated


>> No.9900501

>caps all look goo
I think you're gonna have to change them anyway

>> No.9900503

That's how I got it working...

>> No.9900506

What I mean is, they're all brand new caps now

>> No.9900746
File: 1.97 MB, 2905x3178, 851C2C7E-019C-4E72-A36E-6F2084473831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

r8 this stand I made for my crt

>> No.9900845

Shape is fine, smooth it out and finish it with something nice.

>> No.9900853

i recently got an absolutely beat to shit sharp 29fl8-4m (what i assume is the latam version of the 27f640 or similar sharp xflat from the era), the tube actually is perfectly fine with good geometry for a flat crt, but VM is absolutely destroying 2d games on it, the service manual says i need to push the volume down and channel up buttons while plugging in the tv to the wall, however the volume buttons on the tv are completely fucking gone (there isnt even anything behind them to press), the OEM remote that came with it literally fell apart in pieces the moment i tried changing its batteries, and every combination of universal remotes and phone ir blaster apps i've tried has given me no results for the service menu, does anyone have a clue on how to access the service menu on this thing? or am i just fucked because of the broken volume buttons?

>> No.9900935

you can short the connections of the volume button together or try and repair/replace the remote

>> No.9900946

Already sanded and used a sealer. Unfortunately the wood filler sticks out like a sore thumb, but i built this for function, so whatever. Might just forgo a paint job and use a clear satin finish.

>> No.9901274

Did you replace the big cap that’s next to the fbt?

>> No.9901301

Shellac is the best sealer, but you already did that. Then you can try gel stain or just go straight to satin polyurethane. What color of TV are you going to put on it? A dark gel stain would hide the filler and look good with a black TV, but if the TV is silver I'd consider white gel stain. Depends on your room too. Or just black paint. Finishing is my favorite part of woodworking.

>> No.9901336
File: 240 KB, 563x213, xholes3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

left to right;
consumer TV, PVM, crappy LCD, actual data

>> No.9901361

what? you can just use a matrix switcher

>> No.9901372

cool, thanks anon. I don't think the LCD looks too bad
can't go wrong with a consumer set. I still like PVMs more, just not the 800+TVL BVMs where the scanline gaps are larger than the actual image lines

>> No.9901394
File: 1.05 MB, 1624x1356, composite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot to clarify, the LCD is with an emulator
it looks horrific with composite

>> No.9901448

Yeah, big old 200V 1000uF.

>> No.9901472


>> No.9901517

Why is it impossible to find TT codes for sony service menus? Service manuals have everything except them.

>> No.9901524

could be a resistor failing, if it's not the HV supply

>> No.9901563
File: 1.10 MB, 1536x2048, 1lsUjUOb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is there anything to be done? I simply can't make the red strong enough to match the blue and green. Should I recap anything, and/or should I try any tube rejuvenation tricks? The image is still pretty decent and the image can get quite bright besides the damn red

>> No.9901607

thanks for the suggestion, just went over allthe neckboard resitors, all match the service manual values, probed some on the chassis near power circuitry, same thing

bout to throwin the towel on this not sure what else i can do

>> No.9901631

which shader can I use to get the most accurate to this?

>> No.9901646

Any with shenmue

>> No.9901648

Is it 4K or 1080p?

>> No.9901654

Silly question but are you using sync on green?

>> No.9901704

No, but now that you mention it I’m using my old busted prototype rgb cable. Maybe my better one will look better

>> No.9901714
File: 2.46 MB, 464x480, 19CC3DB1-C42C-4BDD-A88A-BCC1CFCE1FA7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here’s my TV, I’ve posted it once in these threads before. My room has this “hardwood flooring” that’s actually just tile and they are some sort gray, but not really. Best I could describe the walls are some sort of very pale gray/blue. I’m only living in this apartment until the lease ends in January, so I could live without painting it for now.

>> No.9901716

update: no dice. I think the the gun itself is weak as when I turn the brightness up the red loses focus which I've read is a symptom of the filament being degraded. I just wonder if it can't be helped, the other colors are so much less worn than the red. Maybe the previous owners had a strange use case for it...

>> No.9901724

you're kinda sol with a weak gun. rejuvenation only really works in the short term if it works at all.

>> No.9901726

try and mess with the cut settings

>> No.9901730

I have the b and g background and drive levels all the way down, unfortunately. It's also one of those sets that has no red bias control because you're supposed to adjust the others relative to it.

>> No.9901734

I should check the the voltage at the red cathode to see if I could boost it by replacing components in the drive circuit. Don't want to replace caps if it's a lost cause

>> No.9901735

you could try just replacing resistors and caps on the neck
I'm not sure how to check the gun levels without using a rejuvenating tool

>> No.9901736

These threads kind of opened my eyes. I've had the same television since maybe 2004. I still love playing games on it. Then I learned it's a composite only mono doodoo television. I don't think I'm going to get a better tv though, I like this one. It's a trinitron, so maybe that's why it looks and feels so nice in spite of being composite only. I know people like that line or brand of tvs.

>> No.9901740

the 90s composite only trinitrons are the definition of 'it just works'. They do have a cap on how nice they can look, but they almost never look bad. Most headache-free kind of tv

>> No.9901789

in my experience weak gun = dead. even if you mitigate by adjusting GB its not going to look great.

>> No.9901796

when a gun goes bad is it common for the other guns to still be bright? It's suspicious to me how much weaker the red is than the others, but it does seem to be the gun

>> No.9901843


>the tube cathodes are wearing out
>amplifier transistors on the neckboard are wearing out

you can pull neckboard transistors, test them, replace any out of spec and hope it fixes it. Otherwise you get a tube tester but I've no idea how to use them.

one gun getting weaker sooner would depend mostly on what content was being displayed and for how long.

>> No.9901878

well at least the neckboard is small

>> No.9901880

Maybe I'll try a tube swap. I'm pretty sure this kv-20xbr shares the same tube as some old PVMs, but I'm not sure which. I bet I could find a broken one for sale.

>> No.9901886

What's the model? I like the aesthetics. Shame about your gun, I'm sure it would make for a great set.

>> No.9901890

it's the kv-20xbr, sony's first xbr. It came with rgb for microcomputers over a 34pin floppy connector, and also external sony apm speakers with SQUARE surrounds (these are also broken and a huge pain to find a fix).
Luckily I got it as a pair with the larger 25" version that works well, so this is just a long project.

>> No.9901892

I think the XBR might have the same tube as a PVM 2030, check that out. Hope it works out anon.

>> No.9901954
File: 231 KB, 1251x529, gelstaincoloroptions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well if you want to keep it wood grain it would help it stand out. Gray is in style now, not a trend I'm a fan of, but they do make gray gel stain. Might go well with a modern room and a silver TV. Like you said you've got time to wait though.
I'm jealous, wood is too expensive now otherwise I'd love to make something similar and stain it. You can always do more coats of gel stain and get a darker more solid color than this example. I've used the Java stuff before and it looks really good. Just make sure you put in the work to prep.

>> No.9901968
File: 116 KB, 1252x665, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol I found the tube for sale at the airplane surplus store. I wonder what they would charge me

>> No.9902004
File: 33 KB, 170x273, 159D8B4D-F23C-4787-82B0-40712038800F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Second to last one is closest to my floor. I own an upholstery shop, and I build frames for beds, headboards, ottomans, etc. so I was able to use mostly scrap. Thank goodness, too because plywood is getting up there in price. Thanks for telling me about the gel stains, anon. Never knew they were a thing, as my knowledge on this stuff is very basic.

>> No.9902013

1080p from a time when that was something to brag about. Only LCD TV I've ever owned. I've never had anything 4k and don't think I ever will.

>> No.9902026
File: 337 KB, 1140x956, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's also Carbon Gray, but it's pretty similar to black.
General Finishes is good stuff. I'll never go back to Minwax again.

>> No.9902086

Yeah, I was just saying because 4K usually scales a lot better

>> No.9902247

Not like it matters with forcingly deinterlaced composite.

>> No.9902261

Because that's what screen arcade cabinets had in them?

>> No.9902263

How would a picture of some random guy in a reflection dox him?

>> No.9902282
File: 1.29 MB, 1500x1453, Smiling_Face_with_Heart-Eyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im pretty disappointed that i cant find crts anywhere - not even good ones, but even the shitty ones. absolutely none of the thrift stores take them anymore so they never have any in stock, and every dumbass with an internet connection thinks they have an antique worth hundreds. plus, shipping for one costs a ton which makes online buys very unappealing.

i want to get back into glitch art and its very difficult to find crts at all anymore. you guys have any tips for finding stuff locally?

>> No.9902284

facebook marketplace and craigslist
search for old/tube tv before CRT

>> No.9902301

yeah thats smart, most people probably still dont call them crts.

tangentially, would anyone know of a decent-yet-affordable breakout for hdmi/vga/dvi to any of the common crt formats? like under 50 bucks or so? i could definitely do a vga breakout, but iirc you lose color with it, which id like to preserve.

>> No.9902538

My DC is in my closet somewhere and I don't even have Shenmue, sorry. I've got the mister hooked up to it if you wanna see anything PS1 andd before on it.

>> No.9902649
File: 1.57 MB, 3595x2424, 20230514_151657~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got this thing for 15 bucks. At least it has rgb.

>> No.9902665


>> No.9902674

Just like my dick.

>> No.9902736
File: 212 KB, 800x600, p1116869093-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need one of these babies

>> No.9903086

>i could definitely do a vga breakout, but iirc you lose color with it
It's just RGBHV to RGBS, you don't lose any information with it. Unless you're talking about converting to composite, then yeah, but everything will look shit via composite regardless of what your source signal is.

>> No.9903094

got 'em

>> No.9903104

I have a crt with a single deepish scratch on the front that I just kinda realized might not be the safest thing to have around right? It's not any particularly desireable model or anything but it's from around 2006 or something like that iirc so it at least has that going for it. Should I just throw that thing away? I do have a bit of a boner for these cheap 00's crts.

>> No.9903124

now that you mention it, i do distinctly remember that the breakout diagram i was thinking of was vga to composite. it stuck with me because it was purely done with passive components and required no software or specialized hardware, but it was also very limited.

ideally i would like to find a solution that is as close to 1:1 as possible both in color and resolution. i can deal with it if its a kit, but id rather not have to buy shit like an eeprom programmer and start using breadboards just yet. id like to get a handle on just displaying stuff reliably before getting into analog signal manipulation.

>> No.9903143

Literally all you need apart from breaking out the wires and making a custom SCART/BNC cable. Provided you output a proper 240p/480i signal from your GPU of course.

>> No.9903189

this is at least 8 years later than the most recent literature ive read on the topic, which is admittedly not much at all. i think after the several years ive spent neglecting the subject of analog signalling/analog logic i can safely say that i need to invest the time to understand the formats involved in analog media before actually doing anything with them, and this article really succinctly demonstrates that.

id love to try and dive headfirst into analog stuff, but i thankfully know better than to do without knowing, so would any of you folks happen to have links to need-to-know stuff regarding analog formats and devices?

>> No.9904004
File: 44 KB, 640x533, 1677583923715771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody have opinions on color calibration?
I found an old Spyder at salvation army for $5 and used it with HCFR to calibrate my XM37. Seems like it did a good job, but I hear that old colorimeters drift quite a bit with age, so I suspect it's not really accurate.

>> No.9904048

Do they even work properly on CRT’s?

>> No.9904057

This meter is from ~2004, so it was mostly made for CRTs. It needs an extra attachment to do LCDs.
Some newer ones also supposedly work. I was following this video https://youtu.be/695fk63FYFk

>> No.9904274

Have a crt that blinks/flashes in the bottom right corner. Also whines when on bright/white screen. I'm guessing this is a power supply problem. Would a recap be likely to fix it?

>> No.9904282

sounds like the flyback is going bad

>> No.9904309

that's what I'm afraid of. I'll try a recap first to see if that helps.

>> No.9904350

>PS2 shifted to the left
Wtf, it's normally always shifted to the right. And dark. PS2 video quality is shitty. That TV looks good though.

>> No.9904403

I don’t think the blinking is related to the whine
But first replace the biggest capacitor next to the flyback
Could be a quick fix

>> No.9904406

I think it’s a PAL thing because mine shifts to the left when playing NTSC too

>> No.9904419

I hope so. The tube itself is in great condition.

>> No.9904424

I only say it from a similar experience, do you also get a loud hiss?

>> No.9904442


>> No.9904454

I used my monacoptics thing for all my crt monitors and it worked great for me, but for a tv set I do think it’s quite overkill unless you have BVM levels of calibration control

>> No.9904765

Games are fucked in general. I have no idea why random games will have big black bars on the bottom sometimes, the top sometimes, the left sometimes, etc. I only play NTSC games too, NA or JP.

>> No.9904785

But you're a european and play on a european tv? that explains it.
The only issues I've ever had are PS2 always being to the right and dark, and Wii is slightly dark.

>> No.9904837

No? I live in Maine and I've never used a PAL television before.

>> No.9904846

Maine, Germany

>> No.9905014

>actual data
actual retard

>> No.9905160
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My TV recently stopped showing blue color in RGB mode (all colors work in composite) as you can see on the picrel, and it's definitely not a cable issue. Do you think replacing the blue transistor on the neckboard fix it?

>> No.9905271

if the color works fine on composite, then the problem is probably somewhere before the signal hits the jungle chip. maybe something wrong with the scart socket or a cold solder joint. i would check for continuity between the blue input pins on the jungle chip and scart socket.

>> No.9905331

>and it's definitely not a cable issue
You sure?
Looks like the plug is not completely connecting, jiggle it around a bit

>> No.9905425

>But you're a european and play on a european tv? that explains it.
What would that have to do with anything? A PAL PS2 in 60Hz mode (when playing an NTSC game or a PAL one that supports this mode) sends out a proper 60Hz signal, with NTSC color when using composite (not even PAL60).
If your TV supports NTSC or at least 60Hz refresh rate via RGB, then it's just like playing on an American or Japanese TV. The set being European has absolutely no bearing on the scan area.
It's just that PS2 games are all over the place. Most of them don't even render the full 480 lines, it's often 448. That's why you get underscan and the picture is shifted sometimes.

>> No.9905627

is that an ethernet port?

>> No.9905628

AAAAAH damn auto-past

>> No.9905806

likely rj11 for calibration or some other funky peripherals

>> No.9906003
File: 1.99 MB, 2976x2976, IMG_20230515_121054617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might send away for it. 30 dollar rebate seems like a good deal for a gaming TV.

>> No.9906052

thanks. makes sense

>> No.9906080

You're probably right, thanks for the lead. I'm just not very familiar with CRT insides, glad mine's chassis are documented.
nah, I've went as far as passing the blue signal to other color pins which worked fine

>> No.9906194

>3D Front Surround
Are they just trying to hide it being mono or is that actually a thing?

>> No.9906201

>19 inch
What? My 13 inch tv is really heavy. A 19 inch telly would be murder to move around regularly as if it were truly portable.

>> No.9906267

They are top tier. They use philips tubes, which are underrated. Extensive adjustment options, but you need special remote (Logitech Harmony doesn't work), which can cost more than CRT itself.

>> No.9906271

Managed to find a Sylvania 6420FF on the curb. Asked the guy who's curb it was on about it and he gave it to me. How good is it, because it's fine for me.

>> No.9906756
File: 1.27 MB, 2444x2150, mario.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

20€ Diamontron CRT. Emulation 240p scaled to 5X = 1600x1200@60Hz plus my pixel perfect fake-scanlines.

>> No.9906769

>Scaling on a multisyncing display

>> No.9906791

This monitor isn't capable of displaying signals below 31kHz. I wanted to have two black bars after three image lines. I could have also set the resolution to 240p@120Hz, but that would cause issues with motion.

>> No.9906804

>"Portable" "gaming" television

>> No.9906886 [DELETED] 

lol weenie
i'm 6'2" 250 lbs and can bench press 275 lbs
a tv like that would be nothing

>> No.9906978 [DELETED] 

Not all of us are gym rats. I'm 6'2 also and weigh ~190 lbs.

>> No.9907003 [DELETED] 

top tier bait tbqh

>> No.9907005 [DELETED] 
File: 4 KB, 172x85, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're trying a liiiittle too hard. Reel it back a bit.

>> No.9907030 [DELETED] 

>admitting that you're an emaciated pussy instead pretending you were just having a laugh

>> No.9907036 [DELETED] 

This just screams insecurity. Strong body but weakmind.

>> No.9907037 [DELETED] 

>being this insecure about gains
>thinking anyone on a retro board would care about weightlifting
>>>/fit/ fairy

>> No.9907038 [DELETED] 

talk about crts you faggots

>> No.9907039 [DELETED] 

Man, I told you to reel it back and you just doubled down. I've seen twelve year olds on /v/ that are better at baiting than you.

>> No.9907047

what model?

>> No.9907048 [DELETED] 

You watch twelve year olds baiting?

>> No.9907049

janny deleted a legit post, sad face :(

>> No.9907051

Can't say, I'm paranoid someone might grab it if I do. I'll post tomorrow for sure.

>> No.9907056
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>> No.9907060

if that is heavy to you anon i suggest making some lifestyle changes. you will feel better and be able to do more. this is not an insult or a flex, i want your life to improve

>> No.9907065

I'm going to take up smoking and stay in bed all day just to spite your unsolicited advice faggot

>> No.9907082

are you sure that cigarette isn't too heavy for you?

>> No.9907113

I'm not the anon you were talking to, keep playing guess who though

>> No.9907197

What's a realistic lifetime amount for a BVM before the picture generally starts degrading?

>> No.9907210

i grew up with one of these in my bedroom. great tv, good times

>> No.9907215

Picked up an RCA F32632SB for free today. It was on the 2nd story of a home and was a BITCH to get home safely. Those 32 inch curved tubes are THICC. 1998 production with svideo and split composite. Made in Bloomington IN. She's one of the LAST American produced RCA CRTs before they moved the plant to Juarez that year. Still needs to be dusted, but it works fine. Absolutely fucked myself solo moving it home though.

>> No.9907315
File: 240 KB, 1200x675, 1EB24960-7DF0-4BCB-A65E-83D7D4C782DD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Snes games look great on my Sony Wega, I love it. So crisp n' clean.

>> No.9907642

All games up to 6th gen will and a few on 7th gen will too

>> No.9907703

These things are amazing if you get an old used one like you did. I don't even care about the "proper" calibration profiles ability... it's great just to be able to set the RGB so each color is balanced and you don't have a green or blue tint to the screen. Eyeballing it is too subjective and prone to error.

>> No.9907716

I had a Magnavox (Phillips tube) 25" that only weighed 40 lbs. A 13" PVM weighs about 35.

>> No.9907753
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>> No.9907895

Tubes were changed at around 20k hours on professional stations, take that as you will.

>> No.9908028

About 50k hours.
This is false.

>> No.9908148

Can I hook my PC to a CRT tv and emulate games on it? will it look as if I plugged a console in it or it's more complicated than that?

>> No.9908310

Why the hate for Philips? They made quality tubes. Keep in mind JVC also didn't have their own tube factory and a lot of the JVC monitors actually use Philips tubes. They are underrated.

>> No.9908330

Pretty. What TV is that?

>> No.9908345
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it looks like shit with a cellphone picture but whatever.

>> No.9908350

If your phone has a 'pro' mode or similar, set the shutter speed to 1/60, works well for most games. getting the focus right helps

PVM 20L5

>> No.9908430

So I got back a diagnosis on my PVM 1341. Bad news it has some phosphor burns that will never go away but honestly cant notice them while watching stuff on it or playing games so not a big issue for me. The guy I gave it to had another associate he delegates the harder work too and he told him that the Vertical balancing needed to be fixed and obviously had to recap it to make sure the PVM is in working order. In all honesty im at a loss, nothing aside from a solid white line at the top of my PVM (which went away with time) was the only issue I had, yet he wanted to charge me like $400. Thoughts? did I avoid wasting money or should I consider the maintenance? sidenote I found out I have a 1988 model

>> No.9908448

A recap wouldn't fix the bleeding.

>> No.9908459

There's no way in hell a Pro-grade CRT meant for critical work can remain accurate under severe professional environment for 50k hours. I believe the recommended replacement time is closer to 30k hours, as savon once said.
It will probably still look fine if you wanna play "BING BING WAHOO" though.

>> No.9908464

so do I just have a dying PVM? should I just use it till it dies out? cause I doubt I could get away with trying to sell it

>> No.9908470

This isn't /vr/ but who cares, I haven't owned or probably even used a vcr since maybe 2004 or 2005. Are there any brands of vhs players I should keep an eye out for as I poke around the net? Have some old home movies I'd like to view.

>> No.9908476

Yes, look at this video he'll tell you which ones are good or not.

>> No.9908483

Haven't seen this in years, lmao.

>> No.9908574

I haven't tried it, but you'll need an older amd graphics card that can output 15khz with CRT emudriver, and some tinkering on retroarch to get to look right. Also try to avoid sending your tv a 31khz signal.

>> No.9908586

can I use a 2nd card in my current desktop and use it to output only to the CRT or should I build a second PC just for that?

>> No.9908678

I'd imagine so, but I can't help you with that I'm afraid.

>> No.9908903
File: 25 KB, 736x315, eacfe2f41aa21583d7b5934cc4792f1b--cassette-recorder-electronics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look for late Hi-Fi models, you can find them for dirty cheap and they do the job really well. I like JVCs because you dont need a remote for the menu.
Dont EVER buy 80s/90s machines, they're overpriced ticking timebombs that will only give you problems down the line. Old machines+moving parts is a nasty combination, they're not like CRTs or Vintage amplifiers.

>> No.9908938

This is the exact advice I would have given. Nice work. I love my JVC.

>> No.9908949

has anyone ever heard about the brand *lifetec*? they apparently made crts back long before the days of the internet; i google them and i cant find any info on this brand but some old tvs on google shopping.

>> No.9908953

Sounds like a fuck off number which is what I would give you, too. Nobody likes working on these. It's a lot of time/labor and has a high chance of not fixing anything or the customer having unrealistic expectations.
If you can't do it yourself don't expect someone else to. TV repair isn't a thing anymore and hasn't been for over 20 years.

>> No.9908964

That said, if you're willing to repair belts and pinch rollers then the world is your oyster.

>> No.9909048

yeah seemed a bit too high for my taste desu, but it was going to be my main tv to play on so idk anymore might just try to see if I can sell it

>> No.9909119
File: 728 KB, 2048x1536, mgs2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this looking better.

>> No.9909123

bit fuzzy but it's fine, probably the limitation of your lens, it's a good pic

>> No.9909175
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"Tube TV" query strikes again! After a full day of lugging it out of the nice fellow's home and into my own, I am now the proud owner of a JVC I'Art AV-32F713. That's 32" of gorgeous television real estate and it was FREE. You won't believe it but the guy also threw in a GameCube as well which came with Super Mario Sunshine, Luigi's Mansion, NHL HITZ 2002 and two controllers. ALL FREE. What!! I'm still stoked despite my back.[/spoilers]

>> No.9909186
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Slightly better pic. Is there a guide or something on how to better capture the screen besides shutter speed?

>> No.9909187

Nice. thanks for keeping me posted, looks good


>> No.9909210
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>> No.9909231

Okay, serious question. Are dreams capable of emulating CRT quality? I had a dream that I was playing Mario 2 last night and I was frustrated that the picture was too clear.

>> No.9909306

tripod and timer

>> No.9909319

What does the timer do?

>> No.9909349

nta but I think it's so you're not touching the camera when it goes off. I have a little bluetooth clicker that came with my tripod for that purpose.

>> No.9909408

That makes sense, thanks all

>> No.9909506

i've dreamt with subtitles before so it's probably possible

>> No.9909525

>Are dreams capable
nobody cares about your dreams

>> No.9909596

Who hurt you and was it yourself

>> No.9909642
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Killer. Thanks again.

>> No.9910910
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>> No.9910972

I have a computer that outputs a 4:3 aspect ratio. I'm wondering if I could project the image from it to an old crt tv. Because they're the same aspect ratio, I wonder if this could be achieved with an HDMI to RCA cable. I thought it would be quaint to play some old videos on it that way, or even see how a modern game would look on a crt tv for the fun of it.

>> No.9910984

Easy-peasy. Check amazon or ebay for an "HDMI to RCA" adapter. There are plenty of dirt cheap ones that'll do the job well enough.

>> No.9911102
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>> No.9911207
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>Right now I'm experimenting and doing that meme thing where people place their television at an angle

>> No.9911508

I have an i'art 27" and noticed that when I turn it on after a day of unplugged no use, the screen is green tinted for like 6 seconds and is then normal. Does yours do that?

>> No.9911652

Not as far as I can tell.

>> No.9911656

That's a great find, congrats.
>still seething a week later over someone referring to a viral greentext as a meme
Mental illness.

>> No.9911780

Well it is only on the warm up when turned on. Half of that time is the screen slowly turning on and the other half I can see the "video 1" input change from green to blue. Upon turning it off then on after the initial start up, the problem doesn't even occur.

>> No.9912564

In that case I'll have to pry myself away from using it long enough to test your idea. I'll report back in two days.

>> No.9912593

I will brag just a little bit to note someones local wanted ad for a CRT of this exact model. You snooze you lose!

>> No.9912857

I've seen some people outputting to a CRT from their steam deck. Is the steam deck capable of outputting a 15khz or signal like the raspberry pi can do, or is it more likely their converter is downscaling the output?

>> No.9912873

>capable of outputting a 15khz or signal like the raspberry pi can do
more like what linux can do with xrandr

>> No.9912874

Not without an old GPU and the linux-15hz kernel AFAIK

>> No.9912950
File: 145 KB, 700x700, punch-out.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Playchoice-10 is pretty much a repurposed Punch-Out!! cabinet. They weren't going to jump through hoops to get NTSC color. Easier to just use a different PPU.

>> No.9913467

Ordered a new flyback for my TV, was a pain in the ass tracking down the part in Europe.
But eventually found some polish store selling it for 60 zloty.

>> No.9913525

I hope you know how to install it

>> No.9913825

There doesn't seem much to it, outside desoldering and soldering.

>> No.9913913

And also discharging everything so you don’t get shocked by the deadliest part of the CRT

>> No.9913925

Well no shit.

>> No.9914113

>go to autozone
>they still have a JVC CRT as thier security camera
Neat and sad, as the tube looked really dark.

>> No.9914157

You really thought you were helping when you wrote that huh

>> No.9914829
File: 870 KB, 2560x1440, watch_v=alA7b1dnkTg_00.02.03_800[2023_05_19].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"480i has no scanlines"

>> No.9914831

>turns off monitor
>pulls out power supply
>recaps the whole thing without discharging shit
Nothing personal, kid.

>> No.9914849

It has double the amount of scan lines that alternate
What are you even arguing here?

>> No.9914854

Safety is always relevant, shitpost as much as you want

>> No.9914876
File: 1.42 MB, 1920x1080, ps2 scanlines ossc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So why did people try to tell me it's wrong to use a CRT shader with PS2 games when it's literally visibly has scanlines? This is my setup with OSSC

>> No.9914884

You got me there

>> No.9914896

because the scanlines change position 30 times a second so you can't see them. Having a shader for interlaced is retarded

>> No.9914902

>So why did people try to tell me it's wrong to use a CRT shader with PS2 games when it's literally visibly has scanlines?
Get a CRT TV with component inputs and you'll see why.

>> No.9914927

I can see them though: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=alA7b1dnkTg

>videos don't count because... they just don't
>bro the scanlines will magically disappear if you see it in person!

>> No.9914931

I dunno why a lot of anons think you cant see scanlines on consumer models, you dont even have to try very hard to see them on most

>> No.9915041

and at the same time they're barely noticeable on some arcade monitors

>> No.9915051

The space that the beam skips on one frame is where it draws on the next frame. That’s the definition of interlaced video. Unless you’re talking about the space in between the alternating lines, which couldn’t be resolved unless you had a bvm-level tvl. On most tv’s the alternating lines overlap so there are truly no empty spaces anywhere

>> No.9915056

Thats not a bvm in the video though

>> No.9915062
File: 2.74 MB, 2699x2020, 698CC3F4-4EC6-4D5C-8681-65D3DA896765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cameras don’t have the image persistence that human vision does. Do you think a photo like this is proof that half the screen is dim? The phosphors of the screen are only actually lit for an incredibly short amount of time

>> No.9915146
File: 2.60 MB, 1841x2213, IMG_2035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That anon is talking about interlacing
While the scan lines are faintly visible, they don’t look like 240p at all
You can see the diagonal line here of what interlaced looks like and the two alternating 240 fields

>> No.9915248

A vast majority of the PS2's library is 480i, interlaced video flickers and has no visible scanline effect
You should stop posting since you don't know what you're on about

>> No.9915314

that video's at 30fps anyway

>> No.9915361

It's proof you didn't set your shutter speed correctly if anything

>> No.9915495

You can see them because the video was shot at 1/60 shutter speed. That way you only see one of the interlaced fields per video frame. The video being 30 fps itself allows you to see it, it's synchronized with that one field. If it was 60 fps you wouldn't see them clearly unless you paused it. In fact the fields would flicker very fast, creating the imperfect illusion of a full frame on the CRT.
A scanline filter for interlaced video makes no sense. Go watch a real CRT in action yourself or just watch a properly shot video, MLIG or something.

Connection type has no effect on scanlines. Composhit only smears horizontally, the sync signal is unaffected.

>> No.9915551

60 times a second akshually. 30 odd/even lines each.

>> No.9916063

>Connection type has no effect on scanlines. Composhit only smears horizontally, the sync signal is unaffected.
It's a cleaner picture, so they're easier to notice.

>> No.9916135

Wait, are people seriously trying to argue that you can't see 480i interlacing with your naked eye? That's fucking baloney, you absolutely can.

I've seen tech-fags make youtube videos trying to argue that nobody could ever possibly see interlacing on CRTs, and it's one of those things that might make sense to say on paper, but in actuality you can see it clear as day, especially on sets that are 27" or bigger. I remember being able to see them on my 19 inch mitsubishi back when I got my first DVD player. It's literally how I learned what "interlacing" was, because I went and asked Jeeves about it as soon as my mom was done using the phone.

>> No.9916185

No, we are saying the blank lines are not a visible artifact on 480i
And they aren’t, you can see flicker and in some cases you can see combing but no blank lines

>> No.9916251

>I dunno why a lot of anons think you cant see scanlines on consumer models
Because liking sharp scanlines became a meme, so contrarians had to take things in the opposite direction because humans are fucking tiresome. Zoomer revisionists are particularly fond of claiming you could never see scanlines, but if anything you could probably see them BETTER back in the '80s and '90s because your TV wasn't a worn-out piece of shit yet. Most people might not have noticed them, but that doesn't mean they weren't there.

>> No.9916253

I watched Terminator 2 on DVD on my PVM and it looked like a flickery interlaced mess. The part with the frame of a swing set looked like it was skipping every other line.
If you want to see the interlacing very clearly all you have to do is jiggle an open hand in front of the screen and look between your fingers. For some reason this completely destroys the illusion. Vision is weird.

>> No.9916280

I've never hooked a DVD player up to my PVM, I should try it. I have used an old Roku express with composite out to watch stuff from a Plex server, and it wasn't too bad looking, although i really prefer using a VCR.
>all you have to do is jiggle an open hand in front of the screen and look between your fingers
Last summer I busted out an oscillating fan before it was hot enough for AC, and while walking back to my battlestation, I saw my CRT through the blades of a fan, and goddamn it was like going back in time. It's such a unique effect that I saw frequently during summer as a kid, but haven't seen in like 20 years. It was like an Anton Ego moment.

>> No.9916353

That’s a shame, i watch DVDs on my 28” consumer set in RGB on my Xbox 360
I get no flicker and it looks really clean

>> No.9916386

Hey /crt/, I am looking to get a 9" CRT to have while I am vacationing. I already have a PVM and an amazing consumer set, so this is mostly out of a desire to have a low TVL set even if its a bad idea. My camper TV is currently stuck in storage hell and I am not able to get it anytime soon.

So I have some questions:
> Are the DVD/VCR combo tubes of a good build quailty? I know the VCR ones tend to have the VCR component break, but I wonder if everything else about the build quality is at least solid.
>Not looking for something better than composite, but is S-Video even remotely common on tubes this size?
>what are good brands?

>> No.9916391

Yeah that's an extreme version of the effect I was describing. Funny thing is I've been watching VHS on my PVM lately and haven't noticed any interlacing. Could just be because T2 has a lot of movement and camera pans. I watch Simpsons DVDs on my PVM all the time and they look glorious. Even the occasional smudges on the animation cels are clear and crisp.
>DVDs on X360
I always forget that's even possible. I've never tried it despite owning a 360. Never seen anyone else do it, either.
I do occasionally use a PS3 for widescreen DVDs on an LCD. It looks really good, to the point where I can hardly tell the difference from blu-ray. It was actually the main reason I bought a PS3 desu.

>> No.9916469

look for a Japanese brand, even if it's made in Thailand
and yes, the DVD/VCR will always fail with enough usage

>> No.9916481

Also it is better to use PAL DVD's over NTSC ones in my opinion

>> No.9917048

I don't want PAL anything. I had some cheap SCART cables and I cut off the SCART end and soldered on BNC.
If wouldn't accept PAL shit for free.

>> No.9917482

Ah yes I'll enjoy some Looney Tunes Golder Collection as well, the remasters look fantastic on a CRT.

>> No.9917610

Eh, for movies and video you get higher resolution at 24fps

>> No.9918032

Got a BVM 20D1FU that's got a super bright signal and making a whining noise when I power it on. The picture kinda wobbles back and forth also. Could this be the deflection board or the flyback?

Anyone know what flyback these use?

>> No.9918098

maybe I'm wrong but I thought videos were put through a telecine machine that converts them to 50/60 fps
it gets really technical and I don't know which is better but I don't want any media intended for another country. I even refuse to play Japanese games.

>> No.9918112

Remember that 480i at 30fps and 480i at 60fps are both things and you'll see more interlacing artifacts on the latter.

>> No.9918126

I see more combing on the former

>> No.9918217
