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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9878649 No.9878649 [Reply] [Original]

What’s the most critically acclaimed /vr/ game that you’ve never played? For me it’s picrel

>> No.9878653

same as you, OP. I almost picked up a physical copy today but they wanted $120 for it, or $70 for a greatest hits print instead.

>> No.9878667

Shadow of the Colossus.
I have always hated it from first sight for no rational reason. Even now I am somehow angry that it exists. Like, how DARE they? But I can's even come close to articulating why. I just dispise it. I instantly regard anyone who says they like it as having been tricked.

>> No.9878668

i havent played any of the final fantasy ps1 games

>> No.9878671
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Going through Metacritic's top 100 for /vr/ I'd never played, there were a few American football titles, but Civ II was the only non-sports game on the list.

>> No.9878835

Never played a single Zelda or Metroid game. Have little desire or curiosity to, either.

Played FF7 and got the turn based strategy gimmick and quit. Couldn't stand random encounters and I don't understand people who can.

>> No.9878848
File: 29 KB, 316x316, PokemonEmeraldBox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any pokemon game, they all seem gay

>> No.9878892

Yeah that, along with Chrono Trigger, and any other FF game. I just don't like Square RPGs. Oh and I've never played any Castlevania.

>> No.9878902
File: 81 KB, 609x413, Sonicmars (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FFVII, OOT, Panzer Dragoon Saga, Shenmue. Was just never big on RPG's so I never understood the hype for these games, but I do plan on trying them someday.

>> No.9878908

Perfect Dark (I will, eventually)
GTA 3 (i don't care)
Halo (campaign)
Half Life 2
Any Zelda after Ocarina of Time
Any Metal Gear Solid after the first one
Baldur's Gate
Any Persona

And, instead of all this, I'm currently wasting my time replying Sonic Adventure...

>> No.9878910
File: 89 KB, 500x499, 36754-harvest-moon-gb-game-boy-color-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not really missing much. There are definitely better and more stylish RPG's out there (like Magic Knight Rayearth on Saturn), and as far as Game Boy goes I always preferred Harvest Moon, which is not an RPG but a much more relaxing farming sim game.

>> No.9878920
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Pic related. Just seemed so gay. The type of game that was made for my sister. Id rather be playing manly games like Golden Axe or Double Dragon etc

>> No.9878931

Chrono Trigger -- might play
Deus Ex -- started, quit, but want to play
FFVII and series -- not going to play
Half Life series -- not going to play
Link's Awakening -- will play (the GB version)
A Link to the Past -- will play
Metroid series -- might play (NES and SNES only)
Resident Evil (all classic games except 4) -- will play

>> No.9878961

I'm playing it right now and it's good, I just did Nibelheim and the game is a lot different to how I imagined it.

But to answer your question, I'd have to say any of the Mario games. I just don't like them, I had the DS one as a kid but never liked it despite playing it a lot because I didn't have many games, and I've played Odyssey which was ok, but every one of the other 2D ones I've tried I haven't liked at all.

>> No.9878964

The online cult killed any interest I had in it.

>> No.9878998

It's a pretty good jrpg, don't really undertand the online cult because you have to go looking for those idiots, they aren't everywhere. I guess you went looking for them

>> No.9879012

Play Link's Awakening DX on GBC. I also haven't played most of these.

I'm also curious about this game, I know someone who might really enjoy it since she likes stuff like Undertale

It started getting a lot of buzz partially due to the orignal Smash Bros. and partially because it was one of the first Nintendo games to reach "rare" status along with Shantae

>> No.9879018

They were everywhere at one point including here. It had a quiet but dedicated fanbase then all of a sudden there were a load of retards and hangers on who wouldn't shut up about it. Every day there were posts about someone having snagged a cart for $150, then $250, and it gradually kept going up. It's the game that single-handedly kickstarted the repro scam.

>> No.9879021

I've tried several times to get into Resident Evil, both the psx and gamecube versions, but I haven't been able to. Having to run around zombies because you need to conserve bullets? It just doesn't click for me.

>> No.9879078

>saving princesses? that's gay
anon I...

>> No.9879103
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Might give it a go someday, but not expecting too much. Not a big fan of the genre.
Finished Street Fighter 2, but didn't feel much of an urge to try out other fighting games.
I like Smash Bros tho. Still haven't finished a Very Hard 1-Life run with Kirby (fuck porygons).

>> No.9879160

>Why do they bring up Undertale in every discussion of EB?

>> No.9879885

That one, and Shadow of the Colossus. I WILL play SotC eventually... but I cannot say the same for FF7. It looks too childish and anticuate for my current tastes.

>> No.9879891

Oh, I hate these games aswell... too simple, grindy and childish for my tastes. I never played even one.

>> No.9879897

Found the faggot who kisses women

>> No.9879910

I never truly appreciated fighting games until i gave them a go with emulators and a keyboard. The added precision is all it takes to turn you into an addict. I finished like 7 of them in a week, lol. But admitedly I was trying to get closer to a 100 finished games, so that was also my motivation, since fighting games tend to have a shorter "main campaign".

>> No.9879925

I've never played Suikoden. I've never played Pokemon.

>> No.9879929

I love FF7 for PlayStation. It's got an artsytle you don't see that often. The writing fits the artstyle extremely well. Yea, it's got its quirks with humor, but I love it.

>> No.9880038

>I'd rather play a game with a sweaty, muscular half-nude barbarian or hot young karate twinks

>> No.9880703

Probably Half-Life.

>> No.9880910

Still haven't gotten around to playing Dues Ex.