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File: 35 KB, 220x308, Castlevania_Bloodlines.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9877871 No.9877871 [Reply] [Original]

Why does it feel like a dollar store ripoff instead of a real Castlevania?

>> No.9877873

Because you touch yourself at night. God's not mad with you, but he is definitely disappointed in your shitty behavior.
As for the game itself, feels enough like a classic strut n whip to me.

>> No.9877878

feels the same as all the others, soundtrack is great too

>> No.9877935

Depends on which game you're comparing it to. I consider it to be slightly better than Rondo but not as good as SCIV.

>> No.9878117

>feel like a dollar store ripoff
Sega graphics and music is known to have that effect.

>> No.9878125

It's much cooler than the others. Idk, something about it feels more mature and hip.

>> No.9878132

If your previous experience is Super Castlevania IV then it feels like a ripoff because they nerfed the controls (for a better experience) and because it's shorter (but harder).

If your previous experience is Rondo of Blood, then either you actually HAD it growing up or you're a liar. Not many play Rondo first. But it lacks cutscenes, backflips, and multiple paths.

If your previous experience is any of the Metroidvanias, then you are likely coming in with the wrong expectations. This is classicvania through and through.

>> No.9878134

>Sega player
>Maladjusted and shows poor judgement
Checks out

>> No.9878181

You get to play as two characters with smooth gameplay with better framerate in some fun levels and you call it a dollar store ripoff? Why because they changed hearts to gems? GTFO of here the game is high quality.

>> No.9878185

Every song and sound effect in the game is a banger. No I am not exaggerating either.

>> No.9878318
File: 176 KB, 378x264, C4EB6F8D-CB51-417D-AE94-452516BA418D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here, wrong pic

>> No.9878326 [DELETED] 

I'm also trans btw if that matters.

>> No.9878418

Genesis had a very good sound chip and it’s used to a great effect in bloodlines and in japanese games in general.

>> No.9878421

I remember a review of the MD DBZ game that commented how it sounded like the characters were talking throw a kazoo. I've never been able to experience Genesis sounds the same way since.

>> No.9878443

This. Many such cases.

>> No.9878474

Controls feel sticky to me. Can be satisfying in its own way when the whip or spear do extra ticks of damage when the button is held down, but definitely feels a little off. Movement also feels slightly unresponsive at times. None of these are reasons to dislike the game too much, but the limited continues on a home console game is notably and pointlessly shitty. Only classicvania I haven't beaten; by the time I get to the boss at the top of the leaning tower of pisa, I'm bored with it and find something else to play.

>> No.9878505
File: 9 KB, 320x224, Hydrocity2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll never understand how this level showed that the system is clearly capable of beautiful environments and bombastic punchy songs yet few games ever came close to reaching these heights.

>> No.9878524

The music is fine but there are some shitty sound effects. I should really replay it to be more precise though.

>> No.9878525

Bad art direction

>> No.9878526

>Because you touch yourself at night. God's not mad with you, but he is definitely disappointed in your shitty behavior.

go back

>> No.9878540
File: 2.80 MB, 853x480, GearBoss.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The main difference with other Castlevania is that it has that 16-bit Konami mentality which Treasure took with them, which consists in trying to look as cool as possible and throwing tons of different stuff at the player (gimmicks) and focusing on bossfights. The gears boss is probably the prime example of what I'm talking about and if you don't see it, play more games.

It's still a great game.

Now this one on the other hand >>9878318 feels like a true classic classic CV that sticks to the roots, no bullshit, just like CV1 only with the moves from Rondo and the multipath from 3

>> No.9878546
File: 67 KB, 320x240, sonic 2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gems instead of hearts. It trips me up every time I play it too. That and using the spear, that makes it feel like a Castlevania-like. Use the whip and that feeling goes away.

Pic related is a fantastic use of graphics. Really looks vibrant and alive.

>> No.9878559

Aside from the obvious superficial elements (gems instead of hearts, Genesis graphics, globetrotting, modern setting with goofy shit like the skeleton soldiers), I'd say that the issue with the game is that it's too fast paced. At times it feels like I'm playing Contra or something with all the enemies running around the screen. They made it too action oriented while other classic Castlevania were more slow and deliberate, requiring a greater commitment in every one of your actions.

>> No.9878560

they overused a couple aesthetic themes. every level besides the factory is a pristine European manor or palace, most of the bosses are some kind of golem or armor suit or metalball contraption probably due to the team's fascination with sprite warping effects. I respect that the aesthetic came from a place of genuine interest from the team but it gave the game kind of a generic look.

>> No.9878574

>best genesis game
>feels like a ripoff
kek true

>> No.9878579

Because the Genesis' ugly graphics and sound

>> No.9878587

Because you are either a nintendo fan or someone who only played igavanias - this one is one of the best classicvanias, and the ost is amazing.

>> No.9878643

I think they also wanted to emphasize the mechanical theme.

>> No.9878662

Because you have no taste

>> No.9878663 [DELETED] 

>it has to be cartoony or I reeeeeeeee
t.nintendo babby

>> No.9878687 [DELETED] 

>talking about the Genesis
>brings up ninty
They live rent free in your head.

>> No.9878696 [DELETED] 

>no the backgrounds aren't colorful enough
>no you can't bring up ninty even though you have completely unmasked me
>luv me bing bing wahoo btw

>> No.9878846
File: 147 KB, 800x1152, 195b07b16f9d8bd163d5a041500019d4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might be because it wasn't considered a core Castlevania title in Japan where the devs were based, it was intended to be a gaiden like Akumajou Dracula X: Rondo of Blood that put its own spin on things.

>> No.9878882

Bloodlines is far from the best Genesis game and Rondo is far from the best TurboGrafx game

>> No.9878895

Because the physics and pace of other castlevanias just isn’t there
I still enjoyed the game though

>> No.9878932

True, if only because both system had such great SHMUPS.

>> No.9878942

Depends on which game you're comparing it to. I consider it to be slightly better than Super Castlevania Bros 4 but not as good as Rondo.

>> No.9878985

It's certainly one of the weirder ones when you think about it.
>Game takes place across Europe rather than in one location
>Gems instead of hearts
>Spear user as the second playable character, which wasn't done before and rarely since
>Even the story is somewhat different: No Belmonts, real world history referenced via WWI, Dracula the novel is considered canon, etc...
>Even in Japan, it's simply called "Vampire Killer" without the Akumajo Dracula
Not that that makes it bad, but that might be why you feel that way.

>> No.9879000
File: 2.13 MB, 1116x1120, 1466815e-d5cf-4187-828c-6f853c78f01d_front.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amen to that

>> No.9879003

It never worked, auster. Never will.

>> No.9879139

Wait until you see Turbograpx graphics, shit is basically on par with better looking 8-bit systems.

>> No.9880529

But Rondo looks much better.

>> No.9880536

>Family guy shit
Reddit tier

>> No.9881323
File: 469 KB, 1280x960, 81FE94E2-E42C-4942-A514-CA3BF5C557BE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing through this now. Who is responsible for this bullshit design right here? What a price of shit design forcing you into a stairwell with these fuckers ganking you at the top of it. Bloodlines is way better than this shit. At least the music is good I guess.

>> No.9881385

Who thought that boss looked like a good stylistic fit for a CV game?

>> No.9881387

Filtered. You could have used that axe to kill the one at the top instead of being a smoothbrain filtered crybaby.

>> No.9881451

Ignore excuse-making anons, this part of the game is legitimately badly designed. >>9881323
works in theory, unless of course he blocks too many of your axes. They take four axe throws to die each, by the way. So if he blocks too many of them then his buddy will pin you in the corner and you'll get fucked. Best thing to do here, honestly, is to use the Axe item crash three times. But don't fuck up the next jump or else you'll have to go down and back up the stairs again and they'll respawn :)
whoa....what a masterpiece...

>> No.9881453

meant to quote this idiot

>> No.9881493

based Christian boomercore poster

>> No.9881495
File: 2.79 MB, 768x672, getgood.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

old video of mine

>> No.9881498
File: 125 KB, 1280x720, 309830953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They should have given her a hot outfit for her phase two.
Like imagine you defeat phase 1 and then she twirls in the air and flashes and then is wearing knee high leather boots, a thong, and with the tits out.

>> No.9881617
File: 2.78 MB, 768x672, getgoodbis.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found another video

>> No.9881620
File: 2.78 MB, 768x672, getgoodthird.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and another one, all of these were recorded almost 2 years ago, and every time it deals with the room a bit differently with ease

literally just get good

>> No.9881625
File: 2.79 MB, 768x672, getgood4.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last one just because I like how the 2 enemies in the top row become one in this one

before anyone asks, never used savestates, those were recorded when I was attempting no damage runs, which I could never manage because I'd always get hit at least once. One time I managed to reach Dracula without getting hit and got hit there even though I usually never do

the only two truly unpredictable moments in the game are the fleamen in the underground area (which is only in one of the paths) and Death's scythes

>> No.9881941

>I'll never understand why every game on the system isn't as good as the actual best game for the system that came out right at the end of the systems life

>> No.9881959

The best MD game is actually Rocket Knight Adventures.

But Rondo of Blood is definitely the best PCE game.

>> No.9882859

is there any particular reason why the spear knight on the top isn't pinning you in the corner in any of these clips? are you manipulating him to get him to move left or something?

>> No.9882861

honestly would be one of the few ways to make Bloodlines even better

>> No.9882862

oh nevermind, I see it now, you farmed hearts to be able to rapid-throw axes and kill them faster
could've just item crashed

>> No.9883439

>and Rondo is far from the best TurboGrafx game
Name 5 better Turbo games that aren't shoot em ups then. I say Rondo is the best TurboGrafx game.

>> No.9883446

dragon's curse, jackie chan, legendary axe, neutopia, dungeon explorer

>> No.9883448

Rondo had smoother animations, since more frames and better spritework, dracula x and SCIV had stiffer animations, since they had graphics recycling techniques to save space on the cartridge, even the new spritework clashes consistently with the original Ronso spritework(wich is great)

>> No.9883458

Rondo is definitely better than all those games.

>> No.9883776

I didn't "farm" hearts, I just didn't die

>> No.9883918
File: 779 KB, 1829x1371, 1614836903462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the daimakaimrai port goes hard

>> No.9885917

Go fuck yourself its the best retrovania

>> No.9886000

If Bloodlines is a ripoff then they pulled off a Streets of Rage and surpassed the thing they're ripping off.

>> No.9886004

It's on a sega console

>> No.9886005

>Rondo of Blood is definitely the best PCE game.
Play more PCE games, especially shmups and beat 'em ups

>> No.9886037

Bro PCE shmups are TRASH, who came up with the meme about it being a good shmup console.

>> No.9886051

looks awesome to me

>> No.9886395

>Because you touch yourself at night. God's not mad with you, but he is definitely disappointed in your shitty behavior.
Hello, rëddit

>> No.9886409

>le forced contrarian meme
Nope. Doesn't even work, you wasted your time posting something you thought was going to be edgy. Dracula X is not the best Castlevania, but "feels like a dollar store ripoff" is not a problem it suffers from. It clearly takes advantage of a high level of graphical and audio polish for a mid-generation game right out the gate. The characters and enemies have higher animation frame count, there are more visual effects, the intensity of the subweapons is heightened, it borrows some of the exciting vignettes from Rondo, the music is excellent with a high quality soundfont, et cetera.

This is the problem with shitposters. They're addicted to being irreverent, yet half the time they end up desperate to be taken seriously, and completely undermine themselves when they just post nonsense that isn't even backed up by reality.

>> No.9886870

Bloodlines plays differently than the other classicvanias - more like an arcade hack 'n slash in the vein of Rastan. What little platforming is there mediocre. Pitfalls never materialize as a major threat and there aren't challenging enemy placements to make it harder. The focus is clearly on action. There are only 4 stages that are small and you move through them at a quick pace. Enemies and power-ups are doled out generously. It's a major but subtle departure for the series which usually feature more deliberative gameplay where the biggest threat most of the time is falling or getting knocked into a pitfall.

Then there is the departure from the series conventions in a lot of ways -gems for hearts, settings outside Castlevania and immediate environs, powered up sub and main weapons etc.

It wouldn't surprise me to learn if this game started life as an arcade project that became a Castlevania game.

>> No.9886890

That's gonna ruffle some feathers

>> No.9886898

>I consider it
not really, considering as he clearly stated it's his opinion

>> No.9886904

Pitfalls are less prevalent but they are still there, the tower stage is almost entirely reliant on pitfalls, its last segment being probably the most annoying part of the entire game, at least for me.

>> No.9886923

like explosive diarrhea

>> No.9887356

>What little platforming is there mediocre

The entire series have always had very little and mediocre platforming. Castlevania has never been a platformer.

Captcha: 2YMAD

>> No.9887714

Bloodlines had great music, the fuck you smokin'

>> No.9887791
File: 99 KB, 640x864, reddit3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more like rent freeddit

>> No.9887834
File: 296 KB, 500x585, tg16_soldier_blade_p_806nj3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>PCE shmups are TRASH
You are an idiot

>> No.9888034


>> No.9889198

I finally beat it with both characters on Expert. Fun game, but it didn't leave me fully satisfied. Could be because the final level fucking sucked. Other than the bosses it's just a couple of extremely bad gimmicky sessions (middle of the screen obscured, screen upside down). Then Death forces you to fight 3 old bosses again. And Medusa's second phase is a completely mindless, tedious time waster. This along with the Versailles level feeling off (in the final corridor before the boss alone there are 4 unique enemies that aren't found anywhere else in the game, how weird is that) leaves the impression of the game feeling unfinished. I definitely would have liked if it was a little longer, maybe making more use of the characters movement options, especially John's swinging from the ceiling that other than in the couple of spots where you're forced to use it feels very superfluous. I also noticed some balancing issues, the game is overly stingy with pork chops for whatever reason, level 3 as none and neither does level 5 if you play as Eric. They're still beatable with enough practice, but there is really no reason to make those levels specifically that much harder. Overall I agree with the people who said that it's a departure from the classic formula, being faster and more action oriented and missing the more methodical spacing and platforming of other games. Not that it's necessarily a bad thing. In the end I'd rate it above Super Castlevania 4 but below Dracula X. Next is Rondo, let's see if it's really that good.

>> No.9890042


>> No.9891502

kek shit is real

>> No.9891614
File: 26 KB, 478x378, EAqD4z1XoAAukwU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>beat em ups
>double dragon 2
>crest of wolf

>> No.9891697

I've been enjoying Private EyeDol

>> No.9893464

>This is the problem with shitposters. They're addicted to being irreverent, yet half the time they end up desperate to be taken seriously, and completely undermine themselves when they just post nonsense that isn't even backed up by reality.

>> No.9893489

>Dracula X is not the best Castlevania
It might as well be.

>> No.9894416

Yeah the final level sucks.
It's a shame that such a great track got wasted on such a garbage level.

>> No.9894642

>Why does it feel like a dollar store ripoff instead of a real Castlevania?

the same i can say about the ones of nintendo 64