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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 1.71 MB, 894x894, nostalgiaroom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9876367 No.9876367 [Reply] [Original]

... but you know for a fact they don't have all that much objective merit, they just happened to be a significant part of your life at the right time

For me it was Croc, I didn't have any other 3D games at the time and I was a sucker for dinosaurs(crocodiles close enough). I can still replay it and enjoy myself but I know that if I was to play it today without having played it in my formative years I wouldn't care for it in the slightest.

What about you?

>> No.9876412

this photo is godawful. who's room actually looked like this in the 90s and 2000s? exaggerated consoomer stuff like this makes me sick. IT MAKES ME SICK. You know what killed retro gaming? YOU DID. we all did...

>> No.9876437

I like looking at these stupid photos for the latest piece of popculture, or the biggest anachronism and in this one i think the most egregious thing is the modern NFL authentic game football, which is like a $200 football that would be about twice the size of the one shown here

>> No.9876442

Ok OP you baited me posting these stupid memberberry pics again:


>> No.9876453

Mass media brainfog contained in one image.

>> No.9876460
File: 133 KB, 683x1024, 1660921637813220m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck the faggot OP pic. Post what the 80s/90s REALLY looked like.

>> No.9876467

>who's room actually looked like this in the 90s and 2000s?
It is kinda funny. I see a lot of attempts at nostalgic art pieces where people draw bedrooms loaded with video game merchandise when, in actuality, there was not a lot of video game merchandise back in the '90s.

I'm more concerned that the football seems to be plugged into something. This pic almost feels like AI. And why the fuck is there a Famicom?

>> No.9876468

Does the OP's pic try to describe a zoomer's idea about what people born prior to the late 80s should consider to be proper nostalgia? It definitely fails then.

>> No.9876471

yeah this room is messy as fuck where are the parents unironically, make the kids clean the shit up

>> No.9876472

>Xena poster
>No based Sorbo Hercules poster
What a fucking travesty that image is.

>> No.9876474

OP your pic is so inaccurate it’s painful, or it’s just bad trolling. Hint: there were many desirable characteristics of the 80s/90s/early 2000s that had absolutely nothing to do with consumerism…

>> No.9876481

Politics aside, I can confirm that every red-blooded American boy in the '90s preferred Xena to Hercules, for obvious reasons.

>> No.9876484

Yes, the artist who made these is a giant soi faggot as well.

>> No.9876487

hate these kind of illustrations, they're hideous

>> No.9876502

It's not Famicom. It's a motherfucking Dendy. Which leads me to believe that the picture might be an Eastern European imagination of a nostalgic American childhood.

>> No.9876512

>Picture is of an idealised american past from the Soviet perspective
Explains the nuclear blast happening out the window

>> No.9876603

darius twin because it was the only snes game we had besides smw for a long time

>> No.9876609

unironically never had any posters growing up.

in my old house i had a giant sesame street mural in my room that later became a men in black mural as i got older.

that all said one of my brother's friends did have posters in their room like this but it was pretty much exclusively baywaych and wrestlers.

>> No.9876897
File: 152 KB, 800x450, crying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be OP
>Want to make a thread that's not about a specific game but childhood nostalgia in general so can't post a pic of a game as it could be misleading
>Google 80s gaming room nostalgia
>Pick one of the first result because who cares
>Make thread and leave since I know it's a slow board
>Come back
>"Oh awesome 17 posts so people are sharing their experiences"
>Only a single post actually responded to the topic
T-thanks guys. Lesson learned

>> No.9876907
File: 222 KB, 1366x598, 1366_2000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pick one of the first result because who cares
Turns out people care.

>> No.9876912

sorry. we have autism

>> No.9876918

Astérix and The Smurfs on NES.
I guess Duck Tales 2 as well since it's not considered a great game except by me.

>> No.9876926

Low effort OP posts yields low effort responses.

>> No.9876928

>For me it was Croc
...and im out. sorry you had a shit childhood op.

>> No.9876998
File: 148 KB, 864x865, ultra1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That kinda is a point of thread, isn't it?

For me, it probably would be those shareware games they were puttin' on CDs for gaming mags. There is some funny stuff like Dr. Lunatic. I am also fond of DNA's SimGirl which I played like A LOT back then. Nowadays, i would rather go straight to watching hentai instead of going to virtual gym for 99 days

>> No.9877014

you have not been on this site very long if you think OP's post was low effort

>> No.9877017
File: 99 KB, 1000x625, amagon-1000x625w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It took me a bit of thinking, but the one game from my childhood that matches what you're talking about is Amagon for the Nintendo Entertainment System. It's a game my aunt purchased. I have a soft spot for the game, it does have some really good character design for the bosses, but most people never see them.
Most of the games I liked as a kid are objectively good in one way or another. Amagon is not.

>> No.9877019

That looks okay actually, love the smug on the protag's face as he's shooting shit up

>> No.9877024

god I hate these artworks artificially glorifying the past. yes the past was better, but this stuff portrays it very artificially

>> No.9877025

That's just Ukraine as of yesterday?

>> No.9877030

Holy shit there is a Dendy in the picture. Bottom Right. I have a NTSC clone of a Dendy. It's kinda nice since it has composite outputs unlike the Famicom, but if you put in certain cartridge the whole system buzzes so I never use it.

>> No.9877036

>That looks okay actually
Oh Really? Why don't you take a moment and play it for ten minutes.

>> No.9877107

>in actuality, there was not a lot of video game merchandise back in the '90s
And what's with that pixelated Mario statue in the lower-right corner? Nothing like that existed in the early 00's (which is the time period I assume is being depicted here), 8-bit graphics were considered old-fashioned but not old enough to be marketable as a nostalgia thing.

>> No.9877118

Its art you nitwit not a fucking documentry. Art is about fiction and fantasy. Bury your self.

>> No.9877147

Challenge accepted. I like how quirky it is and the gameplay basics are solid. The birds coming at the player unexpecdly at full speed to OHKO him was really shitty however, so if the game is full of that it's going to be a downer.

>> No.9877415

since everyone else in the thread is just a jealous poorfag seething at the picture, i will answer the op like a bro.

i've had a lot of games like this
Oddworld Munch's Odyssey
Blinx the Timesweeper
Starwars Obiwan
Sonic Heroes
Tony Hawk PS4 & UG

a handful of others too. I got a lot of milage out of a bunch of these games, they all offer a different gameplay experience too i figure. lots of variety

>> No.9877984


>> No.9878007

I have a question for the Anons that are 30+ years old... Do you feel nostalgic for the games you played in your 20s?

>> No.9878064

yeah, i played fewer games so the ones i did stand out tremendously. like i can almost feel the day i played Stardew Valley, it dropped out of nowhere, i grabbed dusty beer cans i found in the garage, rinsed them off, opened and poured them into a glass and i got buzzed and named my cat Dog in-game and started making a hardy farm

>> No.9878073

sounds comfy

>> No.9878079

that picture is fucking awful
little boys don't lie like that on the floor
obvious groomer pedo drew that shit

>> No.9878102

Lmao these are very cross generational ageless little kids. Really into 80s and 90s stuff despite seeming about 7 at what could only possibly be the very end of the 90s (ignoring that there is merch there that didn't even exist back then). I'm really loling at some little kids being super into resovoir dogs, ghost in the shell, lethal weapon, as well as rugrats


>> No.9878104

Only the good ones, like God Hand.

>> No.9878108

I want to go back...

>> No.9878109

Plus the preorptions and angles are all fucked up on the differe mnt boxes and shapes.

>> No.9878112

A good game is a good game. nostalgia is tied to feelings and memories, not a certain age.

>> No.9878115

I feel nostalgic MOSTLY for the games I've played 5-6 years ago. I've just had a short session in NSMB2 (needed a dose of bing bing wahoo, forgive me) and remember how much time I was spending with my 3DS back then.

I don't usually feel that about 30+ year old games because I literally play NES, Genesis and GBA all the time. It never went away.

>> No.9878137

should have just posted a photo of hitler

>> No.9878182

I feel like millennials hate their 20s since they hate anything after 2007
I'm a zoomer and I also hate everything after 2007

glad I remember 2001-2006 even if barely

>> No.9878191

There were still a good few years after 2007, it’s mostly in the 2010s where it feels like everything started going to shit.

>> No.9878206

of course, as i imagine i’ll feel nostalgic for games i played in my 30s once i’m in my 40s. for me at least the nostalgia is not really for the game itself. the game unlocks it and the good times with the game are what helped create and cement the memories but in the end it’s more about the other parts of your life at the time you played it. like i have few memories of might and magic X beyond having enjoyed it more than I expected but i look back on the game fondly because i remember playing it on release in my new condo with the windows open in mid january wrapped in a blanket at my desk and thinking life is nice right now.

>> No.9878214

send me back about 20-25 years
I don't fucking care anymore

>> No.9878226

I feel like 2008-2009 ruined the 00s and are the reason we'll never see proper 00s nostalgia and always have to split the 00s into "early" and "late".
the music and games of that era were garbage. I don't miss it.

>> No.9878401

To actually answer OP

Bomberman 64: The Second Attack. When I was a child it was my go to answer whenever someone asked me my favorite game. It just hit the right points for me as a little kid, my first exposure to a jrpg type story that ends in you fighting god and that just blew my mind. Especially since I already played and liked the first, but wasnt expecting the second game to be the ‘epic’ that it was.

Game had lots of cutscenes and dialog which I cant stand now, but I found the story extremely captivating when I was younger.

It had a co-op mode too, where p2 plays as this invincible little animal partner that helps you out. I played through the game with my sister and introduced a lot of friends to it, and it always felt great to hear how much they liked the game and the story by the end of it.

Went back to it a few years back and other than the multiplayer versus modes I thought it was pretty boring to play through. But the memories and absolute love I had for it as a kid cement it as one of my favorite games, even if I wouldnt want to play through it today.

>> No.9878417

>there was not a lot of video game merchandise back in the '90s
Sure not like the quantity out there today, at least not in the US, but it did exist, and if a kid really wanted to, he could absolutely decorate his room with vidya posters. I know I had Earthworm Jim 2, Ocarina of Time, Doom, and Pokémon shit on my walls.

>> No.9878652
File: 157 KB, 750x750, nashi2000e-124143968-363036351442570-1044990889024406514-n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I would say 2006-2009 felt like an incubation period for 2010s era. It didn't went to shit immediately, but things were changing massively around that time, like an approach to video games, internet, teen fashion, men got gayer, etc. Early 2000s felt more like a continuation of 90s while mid-ones only had a few years of their "own". 2002-2004 is literally a standalone micro-era, at least for me.

>> No.9878691
File: 38 KB, 474x355, OIP (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Many pirated DOS games. I am sad now.

>> No.9878697

40+ here. I'd feel nostalgic for the games I played in my 30s if it didn't feel like yesterday

>> No.9878786

I never like when people mass reply, but good God I hate when an OP makes a completely benign thread topic and autistic monkeys like you all fixate on some irrelevant detail. Why are you such negative, nasty, caustic faggots? What is wrong with your brain?

Who fucking cares about how accurate the picture is, it's not fucking important.

>> No.9878791

But it's important.

>> No.9878793

>Do you feel nostalgic for the games you played in your 20s?
Morrowind. It was probably the very last game that really got me. I was exactly 20.

>> No.9878807

I miss the vibes this picture brings.

>> No.9878853


>> No.9879337

I might have fond memories of them but it's not nearly as deeply ingrained into me.

>> No.9879451
File: 1.05 MB, 1929x1090, 20181202_165957_resized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course, if they're good enough. I'll admit it's a pretty short list, though.

Additionally, I also feel nostalgia for old games that I've only played for the first time, recently. Like Grandia or Final Fantasy IX, for example. Possibly because I can imagine how much I would have enjoyed them as a child, so they just kind of click right into place in my memories.

>> No.9879463

First time?

>> No.9879514

for me it Zelda: Ocarino of Time
at the time it was pretty cool, Zelda in 3D you know? but playing it again in 2023 it's aged like milk. kids today would have no interest in playing it, the relevance of OoT started and ended in the 90s

>> No.9879624

Fable? Fable is actually good.

>> No.9879726
File: 1.39 MB, 813x800, 5110784-frogger-playstation-front-cover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Frogger (1997) is that game for me. It was rightfully criticized for some bullshit difficulty by reviewers, but I played it tons and had lots of fun with it regardless. I still have a lot of nostalgia for it and replay it now and then. As you mentioned, Croc was another one for me too.

>> No.9879838

The funny thing is... if Spyro is a collectathon where it feels like you're driving a train, Croc plays out more like a retain-a-thon where you're constantly being asked to park a car.

>> No.9879841

Jesus Christ this images are revolting, why the fuck do people keep making them

>> No.9879940
File: 1.49 MB, 700x996, usgamers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9879945

Wasn’t this one of the best selling games on the console? Like top ten?

>> No.9879947

Nevermind it wasn’t but this and croc sold a ton of copies and are in the top 50.

>> No.9879954

Why is he wearing a hat indoors?

>> No.9879956

just 80s things xD

>> No.9879958

Based and correct pilled

>> No.9880027

>It was rightfully criticized for some bullshit difficulty

So it's not just me who suck and the game is actually unreasonably hard? Huh.

>> No.9880154

what's better than this?
guys being dudes

>> No.9880258
File: 759 KB, 1439x2000, 91bRhQ8XN+S.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just the way I remember it

>> No.9880259

the reservoir dogs poster makes me laugh

>> No.9880302
File: 1014 KB, 779x900, 1675486196973120.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9880314

Art isn't about fiction or fantasy. Non-fiction is still art, realism is still art.

And don't call that gay fucking poster art. It's kitsch shit.

>> No.9880318

I always wear a hat

>> No.9880348
File: 330 KB, 1784x1216, you_cant_go_back.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, use this pic next time

>> No.9880354 [DELETED] 

>this photo is godawful.

It's overdone. What year is is suppose to be set in, 2001? There's a Conquer BFD poster. Why does the kid have an ACDC shirt? he looks like he's 12. The weird mash up of early 90's and mid 90's that no kid in 2001 would really be into. "I'm 12 and I'm into RUN DMC!". X-Files was almost done as a series in 2001. Replace Fresh price with MIB. replace X-Files with Buffy. Put a Sum 41 poster in there, or Greenday. Lethal Weapon 4 instead of Lethal Weapon 3? Ecven the Tim Burton Batmobile should be the Joel Schumacher Batman Forever Batmobile. Maybe the kids inherited this stuff from an older sibling?

>> No.9880356

I know I'm not the first to say this but I fucking hate that picture, just utterly soulless cramming as much "here's something you're nostalgic for" into the picture as possible.

>> No.9880358

that's a pretty shit CRT even back then. tho I miss small TVs

>> No.9880359

Not really, I was 20 in 2006 and everyone knows there aren't any good games made beyond that date

tbqh not even 6th gen stuff makes me nostalgic.

>> No.9880363

who is that character on the TV? It is like a blue cat with a red nose. Isn't that a meme from China? Why would an american have one of those in the 90s?

>> No.9880372

same. I was 8 in 2007 and I can't get nostalgic for anything after (besides my personal life)

>> No.9880380
File: 174 KB, 1641x1094, doraemon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do americans really not watch Doraemon growing up?

>> No.9880384

that's some funky perspective going on

btw I find amusing how "artists" like this cry about AI art yet their work is absolutely abortive. I haven't yet seen a LEGIT good artist complain about AI, it's always the shit ones.

>> No.9880389

>Mass media brainfog contained in one image.

That's the feeling I get too. What year is is suppose to be set in, 2001? There's a Conker BFD poster. Why does the kid have an ACDC shirt? He looks like he's 12. The weird mash up of early 90's and mid 90's that no kid in 2001 would really be into. "I'm 12 and I'm into RUN DMC!". X-Files was almost done as a series in 2001. Replace Fresh Prince with MIB. Replace X-Files with Buffy. Put a Sum 41 poster in there, or Greenday. Lethal Weapon 4 instead of Lethal Weapon 3? Even the Tim Burton Batmobile should be the Joel Schumacher Batman Forever Batmobile. Maybe the kids inherited this stuff from an older sibling?

>> No.9880390

no I never heard of it until like last year haha.

>> No.9880417

Not really, no. I turned 20 in 2006 and that's around the time vidya really started going to shit, I guess there were a few decent ones here and there but they still don't have the same magic to them as games from when I was a kid/teen.

>> No.9880430

That's a small 12 year old, his forearm is the length of a n64 cartridge. Poor bastard.

>> No.9880447

Doraemon isn't really that popular outside Asian countries (maybe few European too). Even nowadays, it's still sort of obscure title for many people.
Murricans tried to bring the anime to their homeland several times but every time it just doesn't click with the audience.

>> No.9880451

>That's a small 12 year old, his forearm is the length of a n64 cartridge. Poor bastard.

That was my guess. Maybe 8? the image really is a weird haze of 'can't figure out what year it is' nostalgia that it just looks bad. What's with all the Samus and Metroid Merchandise? There was a big gap between Super Metroid and Metroid Prime. Outside of Samus in Smash 64, Metroid was pretty irrelevant.

>> No.9880456
File: 95 KB, 1000x1473, shin chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We watched Shin Chan on Adult Swim, but I have a feeling the dub made things more crass than the original was. I say this because it seems to be popular with kids and women on instagram

>> No.9880457

It's a nonsensical picture in a number of ways, not worth thinking about really.

>> No.9880468

Pretty popular in Portugal and maybe Spain, since we got the spanish dub in Portugal back then. They eventually dubbed it, but I still prefer the spanish one because nostalgia. Same thing with Ninja Hattori. Kiteretsu didn't stick.

>> No.9880475

Doraemon el gato cosmico

canal panda lol

>> No.9880496

>>"Oh awesome 17 posts so people are sharing their experiences"

First of all, Driver PS1 film director mode + VCR. This kid knows whats' up. This is clearly 1999 or 2000. because everything matches up.

This here. You have the chicken preparation. You have the LAN party. is that one kid in the blue shirt playing Counter Strike?

>> No.9880513

>>>9880451 (You)
>It's a nonsensical picture in a number of ways, not worth thinking about really.

I know it's pretty nonsensical, but as a poster that is meant to incite nostalgia, it seems like it is all over the place. Maybe in some form of narrative, it makes sense in the head of the artist who made it? But from the context of this being some 10 year old kids' bedroom in 2001, or 2002? it's very random.

>> No.9880592

How about I rape you. Pretty important now, eh?

>> No.9880726

I love all those games, op wants a non-objective merit or whatever, and you could argue a lot of shortcomings from Fable hype to release or whatever.
better than arguing about the picture op used like a poorfag

>> No.9880790
File: 211 KB, 263x378, Doraemon_Famicomboxart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


We've got one too but it's so obscure that only a few recordings were found so far and I doubt that many people have caught it on tv back then. They've probably dubbed like 8 episodes, but the fact it exists still blows my mind.

As a kid, I saw Doraemon on random chinese merch like backpacks, beach towels, etc and was fascinated, but it never revealed the nature or even proper name of the character.
Then I've got that Famicom game and started building my own lore through the medium of things I saw. I still have keychains I've bought in a random shop when I was 10, solely because it had a tiny photo frame with Dorami.

Doraemon was an enigma of my childhood and one hell of a mystery to uncover.
I wonder if people in other countries had similar experience with random anime characters/games.

>> No.9880927
File: 392 KB, 1702x710, 1662057899188862.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying OP actually wanted to talk about videogames in the first place

>> No.9880942

see >>9876897

>> No.9880950

I fully accept that Earthbound is a mediocre JRPG coasting on aesthetic and quirkiness but it’s still among my favorite games because I experienced it at the right age.
I’m Chinese and gay btw

>> No.9880971


>> No.9881180

Nailed it.

>> No.9882092

This could've been avoided if you lurked moar, newfag

>> No.9882114

its popular in latin america

>> No.9882143
File: 1.41 MB, 894x894, 1683215358089079 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9882172

I remember constantly wanting to if that counts, but they'd show X-Men 2000x over before airing Doramon.

>> No.9882320

I absolutely loved Croc as a kid too OP, in fact it was one of the very first games I have ever played. Possibly even THE first one. Was obsessed with it in preschool. Could never get through the level with lots of swinging axes/boulders on the desert island as a kid though.

To answer OP's question, for me it's Spore. Looking back the game was obviously a huge wasted opportunity and I'm probably going to get shat on for being young enough to have played it as a kid, but it was a huge creative outlet for me in primary school, especially with the Galactic Adventures expansion. Must have sunk hundred of hours into it, creating stuff and stories, imagining the lore behind it etc. It's also probably one of the most important thing that kickstarted my love for sci-fi

>> No.9883184


Simple as

>> No.9883204

The star of this picture is boy feet

>> No.9883210

begone kike

>> No.9883212

This is LGRs/any other consoomers house 2023

>> No.9883213


>> No.9883226

Probably the snes spiderman from 1994. my family had a beach house that had no cable and only picked up like three channels by antenna and this was the first time i was allowed to bring my snes - mainly because it looked like rain through the first week we’d be there. i somehow forgot all but the cartridge that was already in the console so i was stuck playing this pretty mediocre game the whole time. i don’t care for it now but i still know it like the back of my hand.

>> No.9883247

>burns hand on lamp

>> No.9883250

Yes but i turned 20 in the 1986

>> No.9883353

41 here, the last game i feel nostalgic for is Oblivion on Pc and xenosaga on PS2 , so yes.

>> No.9883367

You didn't own a 12" tall Samus Aran and her ship with lights, or your 1:1 replica Hylian shield, or authentic Majora's Mask replica mask, or Saiyan Vegeta statue, or Just The Fucking Pokemon Logo?

Next you'll tell me you didn't hang your posters on top of your posters on top of your posters. It's like you didn't even have childhoods.

>> No.9883428

>This is LGRs

I don;t see a Duke Nukem 3D mouse pad anywhere, so no. Also, why does this image have two boxed copies of Earthworm Jim?

>> No.9883453

>You didn't own a 12" tall Samus Aran and her ship with lights, or your 1:1 replica Hylian shield, or authentic Majora's Mask replica mask

Things that never actually existed in 2001. Metroid was kinda dead until it resurfaced as Metroid Prime and Metroid Fusion in 2002. Not even Nintendo Power sold such merchandise, and they did sell things like posters and shit. When I was 15 I actually had a big Killer Instinct Fulgore Poster on my wall. It came from Nintendo Power Magazine, I used my Nintendo Power Club Points to get it. It was door sized, had a KI1 render of Fulgore with the message "Coming soon to Nintendo Ultra 64" on it. I had a PS1 poster. A Wipeout Poster with the Auricom Team logo on it, that came from a Gamers Republic magazine. Had a poster for Rage Against the Machine. Had an Austin Powers poster. A South Park poster with Kenny sitting on a toilet and his explosive diarrhea note from season 1 in the back of him. Had a few other random band posters.

>Saiyan Vegeta statue

100% did exist as a resin kit import from Japan.