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9876183 No.9876183 [Reply] [Original]

Do you go out of your way to play /vr/ vidya that you missed out on back in the day, or is it mostly going back to childhood favorites?

Any good new (to you) games that blew you away recently?

>> No.9876197

I only play games I havent yet. Either because I couldnt afford them when I was a kid/teen or because I didnt know they exist.
>Any good new (to you) games that blew you away recently?

>> No.9876205

>Any good new (to you) games that blew you away recently?
I'm not even an American. It's such a solid game, it's as old as I am too.

>> No.9876219

I do a little bit of both. I try to look at previously unavailable and obscure things I didn't play growing up, but I'll revisit a lot of my childhood favourites like the 3D Marios, the GBA Pokemon games, and the Mega Man X series pretty frequently. It really depends on what I'm in the mood for.

>Any good new (to you) games that blew you away recently
I don't know if blown away would be the right word, but I was really impressed with Tokimeki Memorial. The mechanics held up very well for a strategy game from 1994 and it is kind of novel to see just how much Persona 3-5 and FE Three Houses took from this game. I also got my /vr/ waifu out of it, so that's fun.

>> No.9876272
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ive been playing the same stupid games for 30 years and i dont intend on stopping any time soon

>> No.9876293

The former. Replaying games from my childhood puts me to sleep most of the time as I've already played that stuff to death. I enjoy new experiences, although I will sometimes go back to a classic but games I've already played don't take up a significant portion of my playtime.

As for new games I recently found myself enjoying since I started exploring more retro games I really like the Resident Evil series, and Castlevania is great too. It's been a tradition of mine to play through a few of these games whenever Halloween rolls around ever since I got into them. And of course old 90s shooters are always a blast.

>> No.9876295

I've been trying to break into FFXI for two years now and have a grand total of like eight hours played

>> No.9876308

>Any good new (to you) games that blew you away recently?
Not really "blowing away", but nearly 25 years later I was pretty surprised to find out (thanks to all those threads) that NfS3/4 on PS1 are way better indeed than the same two on PC.

>> No.9876326

Both. I have comfort food, for example NHL 94, but I love playing the updated rosters because I’m a fantasy hockey autist, or shit like shmups or Mario just because. But I also go out of my way to play stuff I either couldn’t afford or would never play anyways like JP imports translated. I would say it’s like a 2:1 ratio of never played to played, my time is more limited today so I want to explore stuff I’ve never played before more than just continually bing bing wahooing until the heat death of the universe.

>> No.9876352

Nah, I actively only play games I haven't played. Honestly feel bad for the people who never moved on from the typical slop that is regurgitated on every top list in existence. More than happy to filter them out, even if I grew up with them too. Nostalgia culture is limiting with so many good games out there, thousands you've never heard of.
>Good new blew
Bulk Slash
Front Mission 5
Metal Max 2
Space Manbow
Anvil of Dawn
King of Dragon Pass

>> No.9876361

I have no nostalgia for the games that I grew up playing. They are just so boring looking back. Discovering new games to play through emulation really opened up my senses to much more interesting games.

>> No.9876370

I used to just play the games I had as a kid, but now that bores the fuck out of me so I look for things I haven't played before.

Maybe I'm depressed because I can't think of the last game that blew me away. Or maybe I've played every amazing game already because nothing really captures me like that anymore.

The DonPachi series are probably the last games that I played that I really enjoyed, but I played them when I was a kid. Shock Troopers too, but I've played that before as well. I played through Aria of Sorrow last week and I thought it was decent enough to finish, but it was just SotN again and not quite as memorable or enjoyable.

>> No.9876378
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I see a lot of people saying they play through certain games annually. I cannot relate to this. I want to play new games.

I recently finished Twilight Princess. It's my favorite Zelda game for sure, and probably my favorite Gamecube game. Everyone seems to complain about the wolf sections but I loved them.

>> No.9876410
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I mostly play stuff I've missed out on; I wasn't into JRPGs when I was a kid and missed some real classics, so there's a lot to pick from.

Most recently, I played FFIX for the first time, and it was such a surreal experience because I actually kinda wanted to play this game back when it released, but I didn't have a Playstation and couldn't justify getting one for a single game, so it just kind of fell by the wayside and was forgotten. Somehow, in the intervening 23 years, I managed to not have a single thing spoiled about it; not the plot, not the music, not anything. The only real memories I had were an EGM article that touted the game's lighthearted nature, had a screenshot of Zidane bumping into Garnet's butt on a ladder, and joked that the estimated playtime was 11 years.

It was a truly magical experience that made me feel like a kid again; it was like finding a wormhole back to the year 2000. I took my time with it and stayed away from any strategy guides or online discussion while I was playing, and in the end my final time was around 120 hours, and every goddamn second of it was magical.

>I see a lot of people saying they play through certain games annually. I cannot relate to this.
Yeah, I can't even watch my favorite movies annually; I get so bored with them. I replay my favorite games sometimes, but I have to wait 5-10 years, at LEAST.

>> No.9876560

I used to play Super Mario World a lot. I think most of that was for nostalgia reasons. Been playing that game since I was 3 and I've always had access to it, so I just played it a lot. It's got so many different memories attached to it for me that it's just instant comfort. But these days I try to just play stuff I haven't played before. There's too much stuff out there worth trying for me to just keep playing the same games. I'll revisit games still, if they're not too fresh in my mind. Got to find the balance between only playing once and playing too much, then you can savour the best stuff. If you can't find time to revisit your favourites then you're missing out on the details you'll only pick up on second or third playthroughs, especially if it's a really good game.

Same goes for all art forms IMO. Can't just listen to new albums or read new books or watch new films, otherwise you'll never really get to know it.

My new rule is that if I feel like I can't really remember anything after a year, then it's probably not worth replaying, if I can still remember stuff 2 or 3 years later then it's worth replaying, but I'll still wait until I've forgotten stuff about it.

>> No.9876616

>Do you go out of your way to play /vr/ vidya that you missed out on back in the day
absolutely. even though at this point I've been emulating for longer than I wasn't, I still haven't lost that childlike sense of wonder where grabbing a ROM or ISO off the internet feels like I've walked into a dream store where everything is in stock, it's all free and I don't even have to bring it to the counter. i just pick up whatever I want off the shelf that as a kid I either couldn't afford, or more likely didn't have the console for. I'm really grateful for that feeling. I can't help but want to just get to as many different things I missed out on as I can.
there's honestly so much out there that I'll probably never get to that I really don't bother much with childhood stuff anymore unless it's something I never beat and I really want to finish it that badly. the PSX alone holds literally more than a lifetime's worth of vidya and it saddens me I'll never get even close to all of it.

>> No.9876632

Sometimes I scroll through the FBNeo ROMset to see what I can find. It's fun.

>> No.9876634

I can't stop finding good games I never played before.
For example, I can't fathom why I never played castlevania bloodlines before.
That game is amazing holy shit

>> No.9876640

>or is it mostly going back to childhood favorites?

I wish nostalgiafags would gtfo desu

>> No.9876801
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recently it's been a mix of both, but mostly old favorites.
>Any good new (to you) games that blew you away recently?
ended up really liking Jak and Daxter: The Lost Frontier on PS2. I avoided playing it when it first came out because it looked bad and everyone said it was way worse than the other jak games. I wouldn't exactly say it blew me away, but I had way more fun than anticipated. I liked the flying mechanics (which some people bitch about) and the upgradable eco powers. my expectations were super low, so it was a pleasant surprise.

>> No.9876805

Maybe their views are based on the PSP version

>> No.9876824

Vidya that I missed out on or new ROM hacks that come out.
I rarely go back and play through the same game twice unless it is one a very few games I consider my favorites.

>> No.9876831

probably, although ive often read that the PS2 version is somehow supposed to be worse. The colors and textures do actually look a tad worse on PS2, but having two fully functional analog stick goes a long way to make up for that. The platforming and camera are still stiff and clunky, but flying felt super smooth on the other hand. PS2 version also supports 480p.

>> No.9876839

Lots of replaying, but I've been getting in lots of new old games as well lately.
Recently I played through most of the /vr/ Megaman games. My biggest surprise was that I actually liked X5 and X6 despite all the meming about them being the worst games of all time.

X7 is borderline unplayable though.

>> No.9876848

Both. I replay certain games a lot (such as Link to the Past and Super Mario 3) but also a lot of games I never got my hands on or didn’t finish when I was younger.

Currently playing through Final Fantasy 1 for the first time, it’s rough around the edges but also really great

>> No.9876849

I really liked the wolf sections too.

The combat in them is half baked for sure, but the atmosphere during them is perfect.

>> No.9876859

That's a good way to be. Keep expectations low and you'll never be disappointed.

Having said that though, sometimes I think hype can make a game more enjoyable. If you can get yourself excited about a game (and its actually good), that can add to the experience. But it can also lead to disappointment too.

>> No.9876860

I think the last time I had hype for a game was the orange box and before that shadow of the colossus, I think it's a mix of just being young enough at the time and meshing with other interests just enough to tickle that. I didn't actually play sotc until years after it came out and both that and at the time the orange box completely paid off. sotc still holds up to me but the valve games weren't as good as I remembered.

>> No.9876867

Both ways.
SNES is one of my favorite consoles of all time, maybe my fav, but only in recent years I played games like Mega Man X1 and X2, which blew me away, definitely some of the best games ever, as well as Kirby Super Star, another one I loved.
I still neved played ALTTP or Super Metroid, or Chrono Trigger, but I plan to.

>> No.9876890

as a kid I mostly played shitty licensed games. Now I'm playing the "Real" games from the time

>> No.9876919
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>ive been playing the same stupid games for 30 years and i dont intend on stopping any time soon
based and boomer pilled, me too. cheers to that bro

>> No.9877695

Largely new to me games. I've only been able to spend maybe 8 hours a day for the last 50 years playing games. That's not even enough time to watch all the unskippable cut scenes in the PS2 library.

>> No.9877906
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I owned mostly Nintendo consoles (+ Genesis and PS1) growing up, but there are a whole bunch of consoles and handhelds I never owned, so emulation and retro handhelds allow me to do that using the original controller on my TV (or original form factor for handhelds). Most of what I play now is stuff I missed out on growing up, but occasionally if I'm in the mood I'll go for a round of Crash 2, DKC2, or Mega Man X. It's fun to research all of the platforms I never owned and learn about what made them special and different from the others.

>Any good new (to you) games that blew you away recently?
The last game that did that was probably The Terminator on SEGA CD. The system in general is phenomenal, so many great shmups and other games that really impressed me on it

>> No.9877914

Recently I've wanted to collect the gamecube games I briefly remember from my childhood that I never owned, but gamecube game prices are fucked and I stopped after getting Luigi's Mansion and Double Dash. I wanna collect N64/PS1/PS2 games too, but finding them at all, or for a reasonable price (and they aren't repros in the N64s case) is annoying.

>> No.9878062

Last new to me game that blew me away was Super Castlevania IV. I never played castlevania games growing up, but the whole game presentation is amazing. Best part was when I was finally able to 1cc. I can't imagine if I played this back in the early 90s, not sure I would've appreciated it's depth.

>> No.9878321

>Do you go out of your way to play /vr/ vidya that you missed out on back in the day
I've been doing this ever since I got into emulation and piracy. No more reading about games in magazines and thinking about if they would be worth the $40-70. I still have a massive mountain of games I've been meaning to play but haven't had the time. I've barely even dipped into JP-only games fan-translated into english. Also have a list of games I won't have time to play until I'm retired that keeps growing larger.
It's getting to the point where I need to make a database, because I can't keep track of it all. One day I'll beat you, isometric DOS action RPG (name I can never remember) that filtered me as a child.

>> No.9878345

I'm glad you got to experience IX bro, it's my favorite game of all time.

>> No.9878347

>Any good new (to you) games that blew you away recently?
Romancing SaGa 2 is up there with my favorite RPGs now, just played it months ago for the first time.

>> No.9878458

I just can't stomach the loading times for every encounter. It's absolutely ridiculous

>> No.9878461

FF9 isn't even bad on PS1

>> No.9878462

how are 7 and 8's loading times in comparison?

>> No.9878464

7 is fine, no idea about 8. But IX can take up to 10 seconds to load an encounter on real hardware.

>> No.9878485

I'm always looking for new stuff, I'm not just playing the same crap over and over. The thing is, my research indicates the best games to play aren't white women'em ups on the PS5.

>> No.9878486

yeah I played IX as a very young kid but couldn't get past disc 1 (fuck you beatrix). played it in 2020 and loved it

>> No.9878491

yes I'm playing Doom 64 for the first time as an adult because I always wanted to as a kid but wasn't allowed since it was M rated.

>> No.9878494


>> No.9878803

Gigabased. I had never played a Final Fantasy until a few years back and IX is honestly one of my favorites in the series now. Such a slept on title in the wider gaming public

>> No.9878814

Oh of course. Poverty is a bitch, and many new games are mediocre at best, so 40 years of gaming history leaves a lot of emulation potential.

>Any good new (to you) games that blew you away recently?
Final Fantasy V
Kyuuyaku Megami Tensei 1

>> No.9878816

>Do you go out of your way to play /vr/ vidya that you missed out on back in the day,
The fuck? Why wouldn't I? That's like saying I only watch old movies that I already watched.

>> No.9878826

There's no point in playing /vr/ if you actively avoid the games you didn't grow up with.

>> No.9878839

I’ve made a strong effort in the last couple of years to play more new games and have been keeping a list/count of new games beaten. I beat 54 last year and 24 this year so far. I have a 1 year old kid, so I just don’t get as much time as I used to or the number would be a lot higher. Also there’s a healthy mix of RPGs in there.
I recently played Koudelka, which didn’t blow me away, but it led me to Shadow Hearts, and Shadow Hearts 2 & 3 blew me away. They were great.

>> No.9878948

I honestly didn't realize this was a huge complaint with the game until someone mentioned it. And even then, it didn't really bother me. I've learned to chill the fuck out and accept games on their own terms. I guarantee that 12-year-old me in the year 2000 would have had no issue with the loading times either. I'm on a fucking adventure; I'd rather suffer all the loading times in the world than be at work or doing other tiresome "adult" shit.

>Such a slept on title in the wider gaming public
I think this was part of the reason I somehow managed to avoid spoilers for 23 years, lol. 7 and 8 got mostly spoiled for me by my friends, but none of them talked about 9; I don't think many even played it. I gathered they thought it was "kiddy", and I recall one friend whose only reason for hating the game was because Zidane had a tail. The hilarious part is that, despite the game's presentation, it's easily far more somber and tragic than either FF7 or FF8.

It's also weird, considering how much of a love-letter it is to every previous Final Fantasy, and the concept of JRPGs as a whole. It's such a wonderfully "meta" game, while still managing to feel fresh and interesting in its own right. It's not perfect, but the positives outweigh the negatives, several times over.

>> No.9879494
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i mostly play games i wished to play when i was younger,or games i learned about recently.
currently played FF8 for the first time and it kinda blew me away,the transition from gameplay to fmv are great and i dont understand the hate for this game beside maybe because of the enemy/bosses level scaling thats something i never really liked.

>> No.9879497

>play /vr/ vidya that you missed out on back in the day
Exclusively this one. I haven't replayed any game in like 15 years, not since I was a poorfag teenager and only had the same games to play over and over again.

>> No.9879517

I've been playing the same game for twenty years.
There's nothing wrong with that. The games of the future are obtuse, bloated, and terrible.

>> No.9879585
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I play only a small handful of games and have played almost exclusively those games my whole life, and I don't plan on changing it ever.
>Quake series
>Doom series
>Team Fortress
>Jedi Knight series
i literally do not need more and am perfectly content, yes im autistic

>> No.9879868

not that i dont play my favorites again and again from time to time. but the appeal of /vr/ to me has always been the fact that it being in hindsight means i have way more to pick from

>> No.9880501
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>Any good new (to you) games that blew you away recently?

>> No.9880539

8 hours a day? 54 games a year? Can you guys give me some time management advice? I'm dead serious. I take on as little responsibility as I can possibly get away with in my life, without faking a disability and going full NEET, and I'm thrilled if I can find 2 hours to game on a weeknight. Even that generally requires shirking some responsibilities. I have no kids, I work a single full-time job, my girlfriend doesn't live with me. It's always baffled me how every roommate I've ever lived with has been able to jump straight onto their PC or console the moment they get home from work, if they work at all, while I have no idea how to not have a list of shit that needs to get done when I get home. Take one guess as to why I avoid grindy RPGs.

On topic though, I'm like most folks here. I'm either trying new games, or trying to beat games that I played but didn't finish as a kid. We'd typically only get a game or two a year, so me and my brother and sister did alot of weekend game rentals. For that reason, I often didn't finish games. For example, I'd rent Resident Evil 1 2 or 3, not finish it, rent different games for a while, and once I got around to renting it again, I'd just start over. It took me a while, but I finally beat the PS1 RE trilogy recently. Amazing games, especially 2. As much as I'd like to play them again and go for a better rank, there's too many games and too little time.

>> No.9880601

Both, I like playing the games I missed out on and I like running through the stuff I did play but with a guide so I can see what I missed.
>Any good new (to you) games that blew you away recently?

>> No.9880706

Both. For example, I didn't play a lot of games on the Sega Saturn, and got NiGHTS Into Dreams (which I did play back in middle school when it came out), but also got Magic Knight Rayearth, Sakura Wars, and Virtua Fighter Remix which I've never played before. (Admittedly, I always wanted to play Virtua Fighter back in the 90s, so that one's mostly fulfilling an old wish.)

>> No.9880743

I have childhood games I replay off and on like Spyro and Crash, but I mainly play through games I never played.

Never owned a NES/SNES so I'm mainly playing those games for the first time along with other older systems I never owned. Beat Super Mario RPG, Adventures of Lolo, Soul Blazer, and the Mario Land games.

Soul Blazer was really interesting. The top down combat was simple but enjoyable enough, but the best part is going through the dungeons and rebuilding the HUB world outside. Most of the NPCs don't really say or do anything important, but its still fun to talk to them and watch as the town slowly comes back. It's a game I would suggest if you like not too challenging action rpgs.

Buy a retro device like a Miyoo Mini+ and take it to work. Most of the games I have beat were either on lunch break or at home in bed for like an hour before I go to sleep.

>> No.9881120

> Buy a retro device like a Miyoo Mini+ and take it to work. Most of the games I have beat were either on lunch break or at home in bed for like an hour before I go to sleep.

My lunch break is only half an hour. Job is physically demanding, gotta use this time to eat. I love handhelds though, so convenient. I play GBA and NGPC occasionally, and have an analogue pocket on the way.

>> No.9881208

You have a list of shit that needs to get done when you get home because you didn't do that shit before you left. Stay up all night gaming and do your chores in the morning. Git gud. Git meth.

>> No.9882069

Ape Escape. I was too poor to get an analogue controller, so I could never play this game. The music alone makes the game great

>> No.9882186
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I'm in a similar boat anon, a few weeks or so ago I finally uninstalled Discord because I just don't have time for it anymore (I was on tons of servers and spent more time on it than doing anything else). /vr/ moves slower and I only occasionally pop in and out of /v/ and /g/ (mostly for /sdg/ and anything retro in /v/) but I've found being on here instead of Discord actually frees up a lot of my time.

Worst case scenario I can always cut out 4chan or limit my time online in general and it will free up more time for me to do other things. It is admittedly hard, though, especially (in my case) when I end up with extra hours of work. Right now I'm just looking for more things to do outside of work and home, the pandemic kind of messed things up for me over the past few years

>> No.9882273

I was one of those kids that was intimidated by 3d games so I just let myself lose interest after the snes. My brother's stayed gaming no I never really missed out but there are some titles that I didn't get to play back in the 90s that they were too young for. Mostly Playstation standards because I was a nintendo fanboy.
I've since learned a good deal of Japanese as well so I want to play RPGs and the snes Goemon games in moonspeak too

>> No.9883662

I grew up a Nintendo kid so I mostly play Sega and PC Engine these days. I have a ton of PS1 I haven’t played I’ll get to eventually too

>> No.9883709

Same here. Since the SNES was my first console I would replay SMW every couple of years. Now that I'm older I've retired it. I'll probably play it again with my kids some day, for now I focus on playing games I've never played before.

>> No.9883717
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That sounds like me too. Probably why I'm so obsessed with SEGA stuff lately

>> No.9884324


I prefer to play stuff I've enjoyed before or at least I always want to get better at games I like and find out things I didn't know about them.

But I must say your list of recs are great, all of these look cool, the only one I'd heard of was King Of Dragon Pass which I bought last week on GOG.

I really have to persevere and try new stuff too.

Personally what I find sad is you have to go back years and play old stuff to get really good ideas,
because oddly playing new games is to be overloaded with
developers who think Metroidvania is the only good videogame genre ever.

>> No.9885330
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These days I don't replay any games. I'd rather experience something new over something I've done before. Although it doesn't help my friend group always want me to play games online so I'm stuck playing multiplayer games I've played before all the time

I don't get enough time to really finish stuff anymore and I still have so many retro games I want to play. Last one I finished was Gurumin if it counts, otherwise the original Monkey Island games.

>> No.9885417
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I mostly play games I didn't beat before and new games as well. This year the ones the really grabbed me were the 16 bit Strike trilogy and Ecco the Dolphin.
Yeah, I can't play a lot of games every year. I have games I've replayed many times, I think I beat Final Fantasy Legend II four or five times now.
Since I play a lot of older games and they are designed to be played in a single sitting I can just sit down for 15~60 minutes and play the game. Get a game over or two, and set it down. This year I've gotten through 31 games so far. Most retro, some not. As others said you can play on a portable device during your lunch break at work. I ended up getting through most of Dragon Quest I and II like that along with Final Fantasy Legend II and now FFLI.

>> No.9885853

If i come across it; i come across it not that big a deal unless i get an itch i want to scratch. Then, i finally play the game and remember like "oh this is why i never beat it, its fuckin garbage" then i throw it back into the abyss

>> No.9885908

I work a physically demanding job, but unless it's a rough day I still have the time and energy to play some /vr/ on break. I've beat the gameboy Megaman games, donkey Kong and Wario Land 2 & 3 this year.

>> No.9886928

I recently played Metal Gear Ghost Babel for the first time and I was pretty blown away by how good of a Metal Gear game they were able to cram on a GBC cartridge. The character spritework is really stunning and the stage structure is a good way to do it for a handheld.

>> No.9886945

>But IX can take up to 10 seconds to load an encounter on real hardware.
>10 seconds
And people say ADHD isn't real.

>> No.9889010

I recently was wowed by Dragon Force on saturn. Awesome game and im glad I finally put some time into it

I like to play old and new games. mostly been on a new old game kick lately

>> No.9889067
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I love checking out games I've never played but they don't always hook me. It's just neat how many games there are to check out that you have and haven't heard about. Just got a CFW BC PS3 hooked up so I've been playing a lot of PS2. Just played through God Hand, which I've beaten before, but I think I enjoyed it more this time. Was also checking out a random Ravenloft fighting game on PS1 with some friends the other day which was novel if nothing else.Also checked out some PS2 shooters and Dodonpachi Daioujou and Gradius V are both pretty impressive.