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9875326 No.9875326 [Reply] [Original]

SFA3 to me was more fun than SF3

>> No.9875335

I enjoy its comic book style much more then the King of Fighters-ish/urban style of 3.

>> No.9875350
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this game fucking rocks. easily my favorite and most played fighter. all the characters are fun and play so fluidly. sf3 does not come close for me. sakura bounces around, karin slides around, cammy air rolls, honda flies, miku butt charges. everything feels great.

if you have never 3x ground pounded for the KO with sakura you have never truly lived... that said bouncing off hadoukens in sfa2 is pretty fun too.

>> No.9875380

it is more "fun". big roster, more moves, cool art style, and so on.
until you discover V-ism autism, that is.

>> No.9875412

alpha is my favorite sf series. 2 and 3 were nearly endless fun for me

>> No.9875419
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>until you discover V-ism autism, that is.
yaaa. v-ism existing is kind of a bummer. a2's system might be my all time favorite with its custom combos, supers, and meter counters. I definitely get why its people's favorite. that said sf3 parry system surpasses sfa3 v-ism levels of autism by a mile.

>> No.9875637

For me? It's grooves.

>> No.9875646

I wish it had been a CPS3 game.

>> No.9875650
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This isn't really that controversial of an opinion, right? When I was a kid I legitimately thought that Street Fighter Alpha 3 was just Street Fighter 3. I had SFII on Genesis, didn't know the alpha series existed, then Alpha 3 was on the cover of PSM magazine and I was fuckin' pumped for what I thought was SFIII. What a glorious game that was for a casual / young fighting game fan.

>> No.9876015

I found Alpha 2 to be more charming, have a better soundtrack and with less autism than 3.

>> No.9876027

alpha gameplay is awful. if you like it you just have bad taste.

>> No.9876050
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You're trying too hard because you read somewhere that 3rd Strike is the best SF.
SFA3 is the one with the most mass appeal. It has all the fans' favorite chars and then also Final Fight cameos, as well as original ones like Karin / R. Mika. The stages are awesome, the music is awesome. It had been ported to 5th gen consoles and that's all that mattered. It was SF for the people, not the autists.
SFIII has always been too weird for its own good. It has those smooth animations, but few of the fans' favorite chars. The new chars are fugly, people only care about the few cool ones like Yun / Makoto / Dudley and old SF2 cast. The music is bland, the stages are boring.
The gameplay is notoriously slow and autistic. The setplay takes too long. Half the game is dancing in cr.MK range. Turtling is too strong. Parrying is pure 'tism and immediately introduces high skill ceiling. For how much praise the game got, the balance is quite iffy, with Chun and Yun shitting on the rest of the roster, and tons of interesting chars like Q / Twelve / Alex / Remy being low tier. Yeah, here's your Guile and Balrog, bro.
The game was never ported well in the retro era. It's no wonder it gathered dust until EVO moment #37 happened. Literally became popular because of a meme. Makes you think, huh? It's still an amazing game in its own right, but it's not for everyone and has a shitload of flaws few talk about.
Btw, pros back in the day played a fuckton of SFA2. SFA3 was only ruined by V-ism.

>> No.9876057

Alpha was more fun. 3 was good though, I’m not into the hardcore scene just filthy casual, I really enjoyed 3, it’s just not the Alpha.

>> No.9876063

>You're trying too hard
i'm not, i've played pretty much every 2d fighter ever produced. crap aside. i wanted to like it cuz art and ost are indeed good, but that's about it.
>SFA3 is the one with the most mass appeal
nobody play it nowadays. sf3 and kof still have a fanbase and tournament spots, only nostalgiafags cling to sfa.
>The gameplay is notoriously slow and autistic
i tought you were talking about sfa before the parry part. sfa3 is slow, clunky and it's pretty much just spam special until you win. it's button smashing but less fun and more autistic. also the cast is full low-tier trash, even more than sf3.

>> No.9876071

in the last year i bought zero 2, first time playing it. awesome awesome game. previously played a lot of SF4, grew up playing CvS2. i would call zero2 my favourite fighting game now

>> No.9876090

>i wanted to like it cuz art and ost are indeed good, but that's about it.
that's half of what you need to win most people over. compare to SF3 that has smooth animations but looks weird.
>nobody play it nowadays.
go to fightcade and check the room for SFA3. plus, like I said, it's the fighter for the average people. on competition level, V-ism ruins it. though there's a notable number of devoted 'tismos keeping the scene alive in Japan.
>sf3 and kof still have a fanbase and tournament spots
I love KoF, but all the fanbase is in China / South America and Mid East.
And 99% of SFIII fanbase came after the EVO meme. It's like Earthbound of fighting games, it exploded once and got overblown out of proportion, and the people who praise it haven't played anything else. Ask them any pro 3rd Srike players beside Daigo / JWong, they won't be able to answer.
>sfa3 is slow, clunky and it's pretty much just spam special until you win. it's button smashing but less fun and more autistic.
Have you even seen pro matches in the game? It doesn't play like this at all. See https://youtu.be/4dd45-IgIic for example. It's pretty fast too. Though I'll agree the balance is iffy too, but like I said, 99% of players won't care. SFA3 isn't some competitive peak of SF, it's just a darn good game for your average player.

>> No.9876106

Me too. I don't dislike SF3, mind you, but I didn't play it for nearly as long. Alpha 3 is probably my favorite 2D fighting game.

>> No.9876112

>compare to SF3 that has smooth animations but looks weird.
to be honest SF3-2 got great graphics and better stages, they clearly rushed things with 3rd strike. too bad the balance for 3-2 is so-so at best, it's an underrated game.
>it's the fighter for the average people
i would rather play vampire saviour then, thank you. at least it got a better cast and fast pace action.
>Have you even seen pro matches in the game?
you praise it for being an average player fighter and then show me some autistic pro wasting their skills on an unbalanced clunky game. sfa is the tekken of 2d fighters, i would rather get my ass kicked by some good player than win thanks to smash-button thing.

>> No.9876137

>i would rather play vampire saviour then, thank you. at least it got a better cast and fast pace action.
to each his own. Vsav is cool too, too bad it didn't get that much mainstream attention.
regardless, I think the situation with SF is that every game has flaws, but a few games could be considered the best depending on what you prefer. it's not so clear cut like "third strike shits on everything", far from it. SF2ST, SFA2, SFA3, SFIII3S, USF4, even SFEX2+, all could be considered the best depending on who you ask.
>sfa is the tekken of 2d fighters, i would rather get my ass kicked by some good player than win thanks to smash-button thing.
so you said game is shallow nd no one plays it basically, I showed you pro matches, you said it's tism. ok.
you can watch this https://youtu.be/SmA43UG-Kb0 , some other match from FC. not slow at all. mashing is same as in any SF, I don't know what you're on about. please tell me who you played in it. sounds like you never played it or gave it an hour at best and irrationally hate the game.
>sfa is the tekken of 2d fighters
if you mean like how scrubs pick Eddie Gordo in Tekken 3, then SFA is just not like this. if you just mean every Tekken is a masher with no depth whatsoever, you've invalidated your every point.

>> No.9876142

Still have my PSP version of SFA3 Max, loved playing that on my commute to school.

>> No.9876179

i mean that both tekken and sfa have an unbalanced clunky gameplay where you're either a button-smasher or become a pro by spoiling all the bullshit to an autistic level. there's no real progression, mindgame or strategy, it's all or nothing and the all isnt worth it unless you're a retard.

anyway i dont want to force anyone on hating sfa, to each his own, like you said. my fav 2d fighter is vsav and nobody give two shits about it so it's not like i'm a pro-player.

>> No.9876194

Was her vagina stung by bees or something?

>> No.9876664
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>Vampire Saviour
>Better cast than A3

Know how I know you're a larper? You probably watch bbhood loli porn more than you play fighting games.

>> No.9876680

Post yourself doing a v-ism then, tourist-kun.

>> No.9876935

Yeah, although i do enjoy that realistic snk stuff too. Sf alpha 3 is one of a few games I've kept since high school.

>> No.9876941

Alpha series is lame. 3S is cool and have good graphics

>> No.9876943

Common issue in Japan, once the cherry blossoms fall the bees need more uh cherry.

>> No.9876959

Alpha 2 gold = alpha 2 > alpha 3 > alpha

Fuck all those ISMS. Too many and they messed up some stuff. Either alpha 2 is version is superior.

>> No.9876972

Ehh, A3 music was a bit too unhinged for me. I prefer A2's soundtrack.

>> No.9876976

i feel like i always liked the alpha games best desu

>> No.9876980

also this
2 was the tops imo

>> No.9876995
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>Alpha 2 gold = alpha 2
Is there any significant difference between these two besides secret cammy? I have a2gold and tried to emulate a2 to check. I tried a handful of characters, but didn't notice anything being different. That said I'm pretty casual, so maybe its just pro player level damage adjustments? All the movesets I tried seemed the same.

>> No.9877770

is alpha 1 even worth trying?

>> No.9877782

I like the air tech system. Getting a two-in-one off your anti-air is the tightest shit.

>> No.9877849
File: 190 KB, 1280x731, 26E8EE42-1B7D-4CCD-91FA-B8FFD6532FC8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Post yourself doing a v-ism then

I’m not your dancing monkey. Why don’t you do a Sako combo then?

>> No.9877859

Now 20 years later, its obvious all the fear about parrying "ruining" it has proven false. Americans were so paranoid about it and wouldn't play the game, sticking to MvC2 and SFA3, meanwhile Japan's top players still plays it routinely and has much more depth despite having a smaller roster.

The only problem with 3rd Strike is that they didn't release balance patches other than removing the unblockables in later arcade ROMs/home releases. Imagine how that game would have fared if they nerfed Chun-Li.

>> No.9877928

Same sfa3 was badass and sf3 just sucked ass. I don't get the hype for 3 was it because only autistic people could really enjoy the controls?

>> No.9878032
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Remind me which game had Makoto?

>> No.9878045
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Do not care when there are much better girls

>> No.9878257

im pretty sure sakura got her multi air wombo combo punch thing in alhpa gold.

>> No.9878276

I like the Alpha 3 sound. It's very distinct. Everything has that airy, echoey reverb and big bass soundfont to it. It's a powerful dynamic. A few of the tracks also use all of the CPS2's channels at the same time, like Karin's stage and the Final Round music.
It's the most Capcom sounding game of all

>> No.9878372
File: 58 KB, 640x480, bAUQIRe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>im pretty sure sakura got her multi air wombo combo punch thing in alhpa gold.
thanks! just tested this and you're correct! seems like in gold is where she first gets her "sakura otoshi". also it seems like instead of a 3 hit combo its just a single time as far as I could get. also she can apparently otoshi bounce off of hadoukens which im pretty sure she can't do in sfa3. apparently she does less damage too. also, seems like ryu doesn't have red fireball. anyways thanks again.

googled it and found this:
New Moves
Dhalsim: Yoga Stream
Guy: Bushin Musou Renge
Ryu: Red Fireball
Sagat: Angry Charge
Sakura: Sakura Otoshi
Sodom: Tengu Walking

( SFZ2A Additions & Changes)

>> No.9880452

Karin rules

>> No.9880473

Agreed OP, SF3 New Generation was unfinished jank compared to the Alpha games. Thankfully Third Strike fixed that and brought SF to its pinnacle.

>> No.9880520

Bbhood is an adult.

>> No.9880542

What does V-Ism do?

>> No.9880884

>SFA3 was only ruined by V-ism.
scrub alert

lets you cancel all normals into specials and specials into normals, it has some more convoluted rules than a regular custom combo system and has a shadow that mimics you and hits a certain number of frames after (shadow delay is adjustable with button strength)

>> No.9880906

Thats fine. People only like sf3 retroactively anyways

>> No.9880913

>>SFA3 was only ruined by V-ism.
>scrub alert
nta but I think its a valid take. a2 had meter counters, custom combos, and supers. its just as complex and interesting as 3rd strike or alpha 3 imo. I think it comes down to preference

>> No.9880923

scrubs are the people think who think "git gud" is the answer to any criticism of a fighting game's design. V-ism brought nothing positive to SFZ3.

>> No.9880945

For me it was Nash

>> No.9880949
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>You probably watch bbhood loli porn more than you play fighting games.
he's dumb for liking vsav more than a3 but do not speak ill of lolis

not him but ok ;)


it brought a lot of positive things to the game, meter management, high execution, the activate/counteractivate mindgame, but you wouldn't get that because you're bad

Sure, but I think CCs are way too easy in A2, AC is too good, and Valle CC is very dumb. The tech rolls are also infuriating in A2 especially light tech roll.

>> No.9880958

>it brought a lot of positive things to the game, meter management, high execution, the activate/counteractivate mindgame, but you wouldn't get that because you're bad
kill yourself

>> No.9880959

I agree here. No other SF iteration has had more crisp sound, tight control and fast and to the point gameplay.

>> No.9880964

pretty weak cope, you don't even have an argument to speak of

>> No.9880976

Scrubs think V-ISM ruins the game. You can't just randomly activate like a retard because in reality you'll just get punished for that by any decent player. Non-issue. Igari's A-Ryu just won EVO Japan against V-ISM characters. The same people would win if V-ISM was removed. Cry.

>> No.9880979

No you don't.
You just threw out some vague bullshit about meter management as if existing super meter management in other games didn't already do that. Turning the game into who can pull off their long, complicated CC they practiced for 40 hours alone in practice mode is not "high execution". It's the opposite. It lets players stay in their little CC comfort box playing a miniature 8 second rhythm game instead of having to win damage using reactive execution instead.

>the activate/counteractivate mindgame
This wasn't a positive to the game design. It's silly cancer.

Kill yourself.

>> No.9880981

Enjoy your shrinking, decrepit community of retards playing the busted vanilla version of a game that had numerous official updates.

>> No.9880987

>You just threw out some vague bullshit about meter management as if existing super meter management in other games didn't already do that
there are more uses for meter in A3 than mashing your dumb safe on block ST supers

> Turning the game into who can pull off their long, complicated CC they practiced for 40 hours alone in practice mode is not "high execution".
Except this doesn't happen and A3 is the most fundamentally demanding and punishing SF game by far

>lets players stay in their little CC comfort box playing a miniature 8 second rhythm game instead of having to win damage using reactive execution instead.
The only way you get to use VC most of the time is by reacting, you can't activate for free. It's clear you hate combos and are an executionlet with rage.

>This wasn't a positive to the game design. It's silly cancer.
"I don't like it, so it's cancer!"

It's literally a growing community which is bigger than A2, almost as big as ST actually, more people get into it all the time. Sorry your desires aren't reality.

>> No.9880989

>It's literally a growing community which is bigger than A2, almost as big as ST actually
lmao even

>> No.9880994

all you need to do is take 3 seconds to log into fightcade to see that A3 moggs A2 in playercount, more and more people keep playing it too

>> No.9880995

cringe post tbqh

>> No.9881002

Fightcade is not the whole world.
ST's offline playerbase and tourney scene absolutely dwarfs A3 and A2.

>> No.9881007

Sure, and I'm fine with that, it's a good game and I respect it. It's just that a lot of the players think it's flawless and only play it because they hate combos. There's no point in talking about playerbases so long as there is enough skilled competition because retro fighting games are tiny compared to well-populated MP games.

>> No.9881009

You didn't seem to think so just a few minutes ago
>almost as big as ST

>> No.9881012

parrying ruined zoning, at least with projectiles

also option select parries are the dumbest shit in fighting games

>> No.9881013

Online. In Japan it's almost as popular offline. A3 is popular over there. In the US or Europe, not so much.

>> No.9881015

Does every game have to play the exact same? Projectiles are still decent good. In fact a lot of the time you don't want to parry them, because it decreases your frame advantage. So it's better to block.

>> No.9881026

I really like the depth of competitive fighting games and even enjoy the aspect of grinding things out to get them down. It might be my autism showing, but I never understood the common gripe about "having" to use training mode, so long as it's readily available in the game. It's like, what's wrong--you're playing a video game. Video games are fun. Doing cool combos is fun. People will spend hours, entire play sessions stuck on the exact same level or even the exact same boss in some games then shower them with praise. I don't really see how practicing a fighting game is functionally much difference or has any less reward or satisfaction.

>> No.9881040

Watch the video in >>9880949
That isn't some situational specific once-in-a-blue-moon combo. People do that in real matches on a frequent basis.

>> No.9881057

>Sodom's infinite

that shit is infamously not easy

>> No.9881067
File: 319 KB, 1628x828, john choi praise for a3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the greatest American street fighter player with the strongest fundamentals says A3 is all about fundamentals and being patient and controlled and that the neutral is too complex for most people


>> No.9881069

I didn't say it was easy.
I said it wasn't situational specific or rare.
Nobody ever said that CC's were easy.

>> No.9881079

>the greatest American street fighter player
Justin said what?
Choi's an automaton. One of the all time greats but he figures out the cheapest, safest, most universal tactics possible in the games excels in and then hones them to a level that creates an unbreakable prison for 99.99% of players. He's definitely not the best at fundamentals and actively tries to avoid putting himself in testing situations as much as possible in his playstyle. He is from the brick-wall school of Street Fighter like Alex Valle. He sticks in mid-range and plays reactionary defense. One of the GOATs to be sure but his opinions on game design I would take with the heaviest grains of salt possible.

>> No.9881087

you say that but his spacing and whiff punishing are better than Justin as well as his reactions, I've played both, the only thing you could say is that he's a bit more robotic and less adaptive than Justin

>> No.9881102

That's what prompted my post. Fighting games are two-out-of-three for a reason. Besides, whatever problem is there is a crouch-cancel problem, not a V-ism problem.

>> No.9881468

>the characters are ugly
I find you people so weird. Street Fighters cast overall has a lot of dumb characters but you people try to meme that they're cool based on nothing more than nostalgia. E Honda and Zangeif in particular are some really lame ass characters that you homos suck off.

Tekken, Mortal Kombat, Blazblue, and Guilty Gear all have cooler characters than Street Fighter.

SF3 gives Ibuki which is pretty cool. I like the weird characters like Necro more than goofball shit like zangeif.

>> No.9881470

I can't name a pro player for any video game, because I'm not a faggot.

>> No.9881542

As a SF fan who's critical of SF character design and inherently uncool guys like Zangief and Honda and always gets shit for it and lectured about how "iconic" they are, I will praise you for a second.

That being said, you failed to mention SNK who have the coolest (and also, my threshold for how much anime flavor I can handle in a fighter so you know I dislike Blazblue) and I will definitely say I think SF3 has some of the most ugly characters of all

>> No.9882824

Even without crouch canceling V-ism just too far of a departure from the classic SF formula.

>> No.9882826

I would play the shit out of a Street Fighter Alpha 3 hack that rebalanced the game and made X-mode viable. But as it is vanilla SFA3 is dead to me.

>> No.9882943

because it's literally the better game. even with CC infinites. at least it has neutral unlike turd strike..... do one rekka on block and die because my opponent picked chun. 3rd strike niggers are actually awful at figthing games

>> No.9883046

No it isn't. Get a clue, dumbass. V-ism doesn't have a huge impact on competitive. It's a damage boost in some situations that most players at a high level cannot do with the consitency you somehow assume they can.

>> No.9883051

Tards shouldn't guess about games they don't know anything about.

>> No.9883176

I have played on ggpo (2008) until recently on fc2 and I havent seen a single person in europe do a proper and I mean proper vc setup into a real cc infinite. I am not talking about shit like s.lp -> j.mp with ryu I am talking about os cc setups you cant escape. you faggots always talk about everyone is capable of doing that shit but no one is. not even back in 2008~ when players like alioune or vryu played. I swear to god I am so sick and tired of this stupid shit.

>> No.9883216

Some people can't make up their minds if playing old fighting games is useless because everyone's been playing too long and will wreck you or because the pros left and the competition dropped to a level where it doesn't matter.

>> No.9883452

Only Ryu (red fireball whiff cr.mp) and Sodom have inescapable CC starters and you can tech activate everything else. You should know this.

>> No.9883728
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I played some SFA3 a while back since i was 8 and coming off of SF2, it's amazing how objectively better it is aesthetically. Every char feels organically evolved and designed more towards what makes them "them". Overall look and announcer is hype too.
it's too bad that V-ism is a GAME-DEFINING PIECE OF SHIT. If SFA3 was just A-ism and X-ism, it'd be a real successor to SF2 (bar a few character balance issues). Capcom at least tried to further the SF formula with AVZ and air blocks but I don't think they fit.
Compared to SF3 it's definitely more trad. Both aesthetically and more gameplay-wise. SF3 has this urban setting which I think works really well but it's very different from regular SF; and parries change the base gameplay too much to not feel like a departure.

tl;dr SFA3 feels like a sequel, SF3 feels like a spin-off

>> No.9883729

P.S. people who hate characters because they're "ugly" are faggots and/or children and/or normalfags, if you don't like Character and only want pretty girls then go play DOA. I'm looking at you, sakura mains>>9876050

>> No.9883771
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>one guy won an EVO side stage tournament 25 years after the game came out and all the greats went to other games. my exception proves every tier list in existence wrong
dude, the game is notorious for V-ism at high level. V-ism characters dominate pro tournaments. end of story.
it doesn't meant A-ism can't win. but if it was so easy to stop V-ism, it wouldn't dominate.

>> No.9883824

A shit character design is a shit character design, and SF is full of them. I play characters just because I like their playstyles, doesn't mean I can't be objective about their design. I'm not a fanboy, which is probably the most childish behavior of gamers.

>> No.9883836

>I'm looking at you, sakura mains>>9876050 (You)
jokes on you, I don't even play SF much anymore and never liked Sakura.
but you need to admit a lot of people like to play cool characters. I was saying that SFIII designs were too out there for most people. hell, some of those were made for a different game and it shows. Oro, Hugo, Necro are all fugly. Q and Twelve are just weird. rest of the characters are ok, but many lack the "cool" factor. everyone just jerks to Makoto because le tomboy GF. the "coolest" chars are perhaps Ken / Akuma / Yun.
SFA3 simply has all the famous SF2 chars, plus Sakura, Karin, Cody, Guy, Charlie and R.Mika. Plus the art style is cool, so even lame characters still look fine.

>> No.9884398

Cody, Guy, and Charlie aren't really interesting
Ibuki and Makoto are as good as Sakura and Karin
Hugo is about as good as Zangief
Dudley > Balrog

>> No.9884628

>Cody, Guy, and Charlie aren't really interesting
pretty subjective. Cody has always been cool and having FF main guys was nice. gameplay wise though he's whatever (after all, he wasn't even supposed to be Cody)

>> No.9884662

you have no idea what you're talking about
go watch some BAS Alpha 3 tourney matches

>> No.9884918

Nobody said V didn’t dominate, it’s that it doesn’t ruin the game. You can’t just activate for free unless the other player doesn’t have meter and jump at you or if you have some sort of unblockable or guard crush, or you’re committing to a reversal. And it’s good that V is better than A otherwise nobody would ever use V because of the execution requirement. There is no reason a custom combo should not be better than a super.

>> No.9884924

I like V-Sakura just to do close standing fierce anywhere on the screen

>> No.9885097

Sodom’s is even more ridiculous

>> No.9885638

Cody, Guy, and Charlie might not be particularly "interesting" but they do offer non embarrassing semi cool character designs to use, as much as character design might be secondary to game mechanics, everyone would still rather play a cool character rather than a stupid looking one

>> No.9886385

>I can't be objective about their design
you're right

>> No.9886392

It does ruin the integrity of the game in the worst way possible though, by allowing an exploit of a game bug leading to infinite combos. If it wasn’t for this one simple oversight, the game would probably be the best sf game of all time.

>> No.9886418

>Nobody said V didn’t dominate, it’s that it doesn’t ruin the game.
you heavily implied that by saying "non-issue".
whether it "ruins" the game is subjective and really depends on preference and one's level. on low and mid level you won't see it. but it's objectively is very dominant on high level, so much so that either you accept this, or the game isn't for you.
this is similar to how MvC has enough "broken" stuff on high level that some people will inevitably be put off. or that SF2 has very strong fireball game that isn't for everyone. for some, this ruins the games. others will enjoy it. either way, one can only accept this or not play these games.
people trying to minimize V-ism are misleading, because later some tourney comes and someone picks V-Sodom and completely kills everyone.
>There is no reason a custom combo should not be better than a super.
true, but it also allows guard crush (and then your guard bar shrinks), unblockables, and infinites / near infinites. it's not trivial / guaranteed to be punished, and even then, you could activate several times per round.
I haven't played THAT many games with custom combos, but if you take KoF02UM / XIII, the custom combos cost a lot of meter, so much so you will generally see 1 or at most 2 per 3 game (3-5 KoF rounds), there are virtually no infinites or unblockables with them, only select few work for guard crush and don't do that much after it anyway.

>> No.9887371

All you have to do is look up tournament videos of the game from the time when it was an official Evo game.

>> No.9887374

Or any of the offline Japanese tournaments being held today.

>> No.9888579
File: 37 KB, 970x112, sfz3u.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're in luck, because there was a revision of the game released in arcades that did fix that oversight. Yet for some reason everyone pretends it doesn't exist...

>> No.9888893 [DELETED] 
File: 55 KB, 800x800, 0d8ff526c96a4d3eb76358c84e01d145.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Alpha 2 better than Alpha 3

Amerimutt spotted.

>> No.9888902

It might as well not exist. Upper never left Japan because it ran on pricier NAOMI hardware than the usual CPS2, and the one console port it got (Alpha Anthology) was really just an awkward ROM hack of the vanilla game made to try and recreate it. Then PSP got Double Upper/MAX which is even more ignored.

>> No.9889197

spoken like a true casual

>> No.9889214
File: 20 KB, 240x240, 240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yet for some reason everyone pretends it doesn't exist...

because it's shit with fucked up sprites, wonky hitboxes, and input lag. Best non vanilla versions are still Saturn and Alpha Anthology. Stay away from Naomi / Dreamcast

>> No.9889235

>fucked up sprites, wonky hitboxes, and input lag
I've read this in several places but have never seen an original source that breaks down the game and these claims. Just posts about posts about posts with no original source or research.

FWIW I can feel the lag when I play the Naomi version in FBN. Something does feel off about the game.

>> No.9889258

Why not just emulate the arcade version

>> No.9889261

Just did a test in FBN and counted 5 frames of lag for Upper Edition and 3 frames of lag for the CPS2 version using the frame step feature.

This is "baked in" game engine lag, not the lag of my setup. Runahead was not enabled.

>> No.9889280
File: 23 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why not just emulate the arcade version

because of this MFer right here

>> No.9889391

Why not just emulate Charlie

>> No.9889557
File: 61 KB, 700x336, band-3-700x336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because if I want a 90s guy in a vest i can just listen to these MFers right here

>> No.9889719

>sfa3 is slow
You know you can go in the options and crank the speed up to where it’s faster than any other fighter ever made, right? You are playing the Dreamcast version, right? It’s better than arcade perfect and has more content, plus the Dreamcast has an amazing fight stick for people who cry about its default controller.

>> No.9890092

what about what i said was wrong retard ? i1 i2 supers break some characters ability to compete. necro does cr mk on hit and dies. anyone below that presses most of their kit and dies. and parry is just a way for retards. to hold up forward and pray they get a parry. there is a reason why B rank 3s players cannot play street fighter at all

>> No.9890096

Wasn't Guile made incredibly weak to emphasize Charlie as being his superior?

>> No.9890097

it does if people are playing to win by any means necessary, which is rarely the case in streams like A-cho and BigONE2nd. mainly because they are playing for fun. some characters have really easy and consistent ways to get into CC loops.

I play vega who has really easy ways to set it up https://www.youtube.com/clip/Ugkx4Zkqv-VMF8ii69TpTQGUcINYyUGx7HMm

>> No.9890108

3s has cool characters..... but the game itself isn't street fighter. it only appeals to tranny guilty gear players that can't play neutral

>> No.9890498

It's more an SNK style game than an ArcSys game.

>> No.9891335

CC infinites weren't discovered and used when it was an Evo/B5 game. CvS2 already replaced A3 by the time CC was discovered.

>> No.9891346

I'm a B rank A3 and ST player and was impressed by the fundamentals of some B rank 3s players. A lot of the 3s players have very strong fundamentals, others don't.

>> No.9891351

Not talking about the infinities. Jut talking about very complicated and tricky VCs being done under high pressure in tourney situations.

>> No.9891491

back in those days people used to argue whether V-Sodom was a gimmick character or actually good LOL

>> No.9891510

So clearly what is needed is a hack of the CPS2 version to add in the extra characters, remove crouch-canceling, and rebalance the game to make X-ism and A-ism more competitive.

>> No.9891562

I'm sorry but as much as I love SFA3, the soundtrack for that game was extremely subpar for Street Fighter standards. SFA2 and SFIII both blow Alpha 3's music out of the water, and its not even close.

But yeah, outside of that, I agree with everything else. The existance of V-Ism was a real shame.

>> No.9891713

Spoken like a true casual

>> No.9891796
File: 195 KB, 800x900, rivalschools-poster-art-hd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had the most fun with this game

>> No.9891884

>remove crouch-canceling;
don't do that

>> No.9891901

>I'm sorry but as much as I love SFA3, the soundtrack for that game was extremely subpar for Street Fighter standards.
I see so many people hate on it. It's a bit quantity over quality, I'll admit, and the tunes are basic. But the production / sound is nice, and while basic, the tunes are very catchy. Plus, there's so many of them. Might be biased though because I used to listen to the OST a lot when I was a teen, The Road was awesome.

>> No.9891967
File: 86 KB, 1080x1430, 1683222946565732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>V-Karin 2P

why is this combo so hard? her actual crouch cancels aren't even all that difficult, either, I think going side to side fucks with me somehow

>> No.9891972

Question? Why do the ps1 ports of capcom fighting gamed had part of their screen chopped? The ps1 could reproduce the 384x224 resolution just fine.

>> No.9891974

How are they fucked up?

>> No.9892247

They mostly just don't like how they're not the usual SF2 themes remixed yet again.

>> No.9892724


>> No.9892917
File: 44 KB, 1920x1440, Street Fighter Zero 3 - Saikyo-ryu Dojo for Matching Service (Japan).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I just tested various versions of Street Fighter Zero 3 for input delay.

The results are as follows

Street Fighter Zero 3 CPS2 - 3
Street Fighter Zero 3 Upper - 5
Street Fighter Zero 3 Saikyo Dojo JPN - 4
Street Fighter Alpha 3 Saikyo Dojo USA - 4
Street Fighter Alpha 3 Saikyo Dojo PAL - 4
Street Fighter Zero 3 Saikyo Dojo For Matching Service JPN - 2.5

Few things to note here:
1. I think a lot of players have never even heard of the Matching Service version of SFZ3. It was a later release and isn't even in a lot of Dreamcast ISO collections, I had to hunt it down.
2. The lag is 2.5 for Matching Service because it varies from 2 to 3 frames of lag for each sample I took. Every other version was exactly the same every time.
3. Matching Service version has less lag than the arcade?! More testing needs to be done.
4. I have no idea if the Matching Service version did any additional balance updates beyond what was in the previous versions.

My test methodology.
1. Get to character select screen
2. Pause
3. Hold right
4. Press K to frame advance and count frames until visible change on-screen
5. The frame where I see change is not counted as a lag frame.
6. Used Retroarch + Flycast core (and FBN for CPS2 version), runahead disabled.

>> No.9892930

I thought DC versions was laggier

>> No.9892980
File: 183 KB, 640x640, 54935--street-fighter-zero-3-saikyooryuu-doujou-for-matching-service.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because the ones most people have played -are- laggier.
But the Matching Service version is -not-.

Update: I just tried the Matching Service version in a fight and the lag changes to exactly 3 frames every time rather than varying like it does on the character select screen. I went back and re-tested it compared to the CPS2 version and it is exactly the same.

So yeah... Capcom went back and fixed the DC version the Matching Service release to have the same exact lag as the arcade version. What other differences there are I don't know.

>> No.9893012

The release dates for these versions of the game are unusual.

CPS2 - June 29, 1998
Dreamcast - July 8, 1999
Saturn - November 6, 1999
Naomi - Jan 11, 2001
Dreamcast (Matching Service) - Feb 15, 2001

My guess is the Naomi release was botched, although I have only tested the version which is labeled "Develop Version".
It's the only Naomi version I could get to run.
Is it the only version so far supported by emulators?
But it seems to have been fixed in the Matching Service release shortly after.

>> No.9893106

desu it comes in waves. there are some decent players no doubt but there was also a lot of people you KNOW would struggle if parry didn't exist

>> No.9893149

Based and completely agree. SF3 is below SSF2 in my book too.

>> No.9893562

CC gives you good rewards after air counterhit. If you wanted to get rid of infinites you could just get rid of the additional pop-up after v-ism and keep CC.

>> No.9893664

Those rewards should not be in the game.

>> No.9893692

does that version have the rebalancing changes?

>> No.9893697


>> No.9893909

why not? I like it, reminds me of Melty Blood

>> No.9893919

Melty Blood is not Street Fighter.

>> No.9894231

why can't SF have air teching and rewards on air counterhit?

>> No.9895798

Why can't it have air dashing?
Because it's not SF's gameplay style.