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File: 177 KB, 298x404, torneko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9871035 No.9871035 [Reply] [Original]

I love Toriyama's art style, it's very cartoony and appealing.

>> No.9871096
File: 223 KB, 768x1920, Dragon Warrior IV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too, but it's his monsters that I love the most.

>> No.9871417
File: 205 KB, 1918x912, 20190613171941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea, it's nice

>> No.9871430

toriyama has always been a brainlet filter for me
as soon as somebody says he's a hack and draws all characters the same i tune out

>> No.9871454

he's a fantastic cartoonist, it's actually a shame how popular dragon ball z got compared to slump and original dragon ball, I love his chunky cartoony style way more than his more modern alpha male muscle bro style.

regardless he's one of the best designers of all time, his costumes, technology, machines and monsters are all timeless and amazing.

>> No.9871620

His females tend to be samey but I think he’s capable of diverse designs.

>> No.9871628

Disprove it, then.

>> No.9872290

Find me one other character he’s drawn that looks like Torneko.

>> No.9872296

For me its the robots

>> No.9872297

Hes a great artist and mangaka, but seriously, he should have retired forever after DBZ. Both Dragon Quest and Dragon Ball have gotten super repetitive and boring.

>> No.9872308

Same here, but I still laugh at "good morning Crono"
If you ask me he still made a bunch of good comics after Dragon Ball.

>> No.9872774

When he isn't doing human designs that looks like the typical people he draws for Dragon Ball then I like them quite a lot. He does best when he designs people of different builds besides just "thin" like Torneko there. Also he's a master monster/anthro designer.

>> No.9873285

Yes, but what do you think Toriyama thinks about your art style? Would his bias indicate that it's not as cartoony and appealing as it could be? If I'm able to set up an appointment between you and Toriyama I want you to start thinking about what refreshments should be served.

>> No.9873392
File: 846 KB, 733x1024, 8ed2e11f503a6012a4838bc278284464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He does suffer from samefaceism but you can't ignore his back catalogue of wonderful art. His stuff is just fun.

>> No.9873394

>he still made a bunch of good comics after Dragon Ball

It's sad that no one ever remembers Ackman and his three fucking videogames (although third one sucked)

>> No.9873452
File: 648 KB, 1280x944, dq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Acktually he did Ackman during DB, not after. Anyway, among his later works I do think Cowa! is ok and Sandland pretty good (a CGI animated adaptation coming up iirc) and the Neko Majin stories —technically part of DB— are occasionally hysterical. Otherwise the rest is a bit generic, specially stuff like Kajika.

I generally love his character designs and visual worldbuilding, specially the fantasy-themed stuff like the DQ series with lots of oldschool western medieval fantasy conventions rather than generic modern high fantasy slop ones, plus a very thoughtful balance between cool and lighthearted.

Though his art took a hit when he discovered digital (nothing beats his color marker work) I've come to appreciate it as well.

>> No.9874047

Like 50 nameless side characters in Dragon Ball.

>> No.9874058

>He does suffer from samefaceism
I don't see a point in caring about this

>> No.9874065

I don't care for Toriyama's style and I think it's the wrong choice for sword and sorcery fantasy.

>> No.9874121

It's fine but a lot of it gets very samey sometimes.

>> No.9874932
File: 132 KB, 513x800, 7751215-dragon-quest-viii-journey-of-the-cursed-king-playstation-2-manua.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to love looking over the DQVIII box and manual for all the illustrations.

>> No.9876218 [DELETED] 

Toriyama is hardly the only Japanese artisti guilty of sameface, and even then, his female characters are distinguishable from his male character in terms of facial features.

>> No.9876227

Toriyama is hardly the only Japanese artist guilty of sameface, and even then, his female characters are distinguishable from his male character in terms of facial features.

>> No.9876707

those artbooks are archive?