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File: 561 KB, 1314x632, 32X_US.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9869165 No.9869165 [Reply] [Original]

How do we save it?

>> No.9869171

About thirty years late for that

There's some cool looking homebrew for it, though

>> No.9869197

Port system 32 games to it instead of whatever bullshit they made for it. Good looking ports of outrunners and power drift could’ve done wonders for it but sega is retarded and just had a bunch of licensed games

>> No.9869313

If it launched with Doom as a pack-in instead of a separate purchase that might have helped. And if the version it got wasn't ass.

>> No.9869367

make it an expansion for the Saturn that lets it play Genesis games.

>> No.9869391

You couldn't. It was outdated the moment it released.

>> No.9869412

fuck the saturn

>> No.9869460

1 Cancel the Saturn
2 Develop Sonic 4 for it
3 Bundle it with a better conversion of DooM in western markets and Virtua Fighters in JPN
4 Release the Neptune at 199 with DooM/VF bundled
5 port everything you can from arcade.
6 leave it at least 3 years before launch a new system, even if it flop.

>> No.9869573

Jagwire had an arcade perfect Doom port. It didn't help.

>> No.9869582
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>t.weapons-grade coping from Saturn haters.

>> No.9869613

It would have been better off if they never released it and Sega focused more energy on the Saturn. To someone like ME, a 32-bit cartridge based system sounds awesome but everyone knew at the time it wasn't the future. The kid across the street had one when I was a kid and we played the hell out of that Doom port though. Yeah yeah it's missing a bunch of content, the monsters can only face forward and the music sucks but it was fast, and when it was all you had it was pretty good.

>> No.9869748
File: 27 KB, 474x355, OIP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make it the card system like the previous systems had, the games would be cheaper making more incentive to buy it.

>> No.9869816

Treat it like "The Arcade Processor" or some dumb name and re-port all of the shit like Altered Beast or Power Drift or After Burner on it from the getgo with dumb shit like "Enhanced Edition" and giving people a incentive to actually get it. The flaw of the 32X was always its priority and library, especially since it was put close to the Saturn. The release schedules were a total disaster especially when the CD 32X games came and burned a hole on the wallets.

>> No.9870432

Dumb respons. I loved the Saturn but I also think the only way to save the 32X was cancel it, choose the 32-X/Neptune combo as a next gen console and focus on it for at least 3/4 years.
The bigger nail in the 32-X coffing was the Saturn, released in Japan a day early...

>> No.9870441

It's a stupid idea and always was. There's no saving it. This has been obvious for decades.

>> No.9870729

SVP chips was a better idea

>> No.9870741
File: 41 KB, 600x338, 534faa0cc353992b-600x338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Arcade perfect port
What alternate dimension are you posting from?

>> No.9871436

Is this fucking bullcrap finally emulating well now?
Is there a Wii emu for it at long last?

>> No.9871450

>Is this fucking bullcrap finally emulating well now?
have you not had access to a working PC in the last 20 years?

>> No.9871473

Yes and last I checked many games didn't work still. I've been emulating SEGA Genesis and SEGA CD since I had Windows 98 on a Pentium III 450mhz with just 128mb of RAM, then moving on to 32x with XP , so yes, anon, yes.
But like I said, many games still haven't working and even with Windows 7;etc, so now I want to know if it's been perfect and if it's also finally available for hacked Wiis.

>> No.9872050

Make neptune, and leave 32x as an upgrade for plebs

>> No.9872073

The 32X should have bridged the gap with the neogeo, not super shitty ultra minimal 3D.

>> No.9872091

I can attest to the selling power of doom back then. Everyone I knew with a 32x got it just because a PC was still prohibitively and the 32x was on sale at ToysRus very soon after release.

>> No.9872104

I think that Sega made that whole mess in 1994-95 because they assumed that Nintendo Ultra 64 would be out in 1995. They rushed everything out the door to pre-empt Nintendo, while in reality they had all the time in the world until September 1996. They could easily keep 32X as a 1994-95 product, then launch the Saturn in mid 1996 with a large library of games.

>> No.9872106

Uh, not that anon but the 32x emulates fine, i emulate it on my chink handhelds lol. I’m not really sure what you’re talking about.

>> No.9872118

Delaying the Saturn to at least 1995 would have been wise overseas but wasn't realistic in Japan unless they wanted to effectively have zero home console presence for two years.

>> No.9872142

Yeah, I meant for the west only, Saturn would still come out in 1994 in Japan to reap the Virtua Fighter hype. I honestly have no idea how to sell 32X in Japan. Sega had a loyal audience of 5 million Mega Drive owners, 20% of who even bought a Mega CD, but it was certainly the time to move on in Japan.

>> No.9872147

Make it look less like a mushroom dick.

>> No.9872806

That robot in the transBot card looks like a söyjack.

>> No.9872820
File: 12 KB, 390x341, 1354156151981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always felt like Kega Fusion handled 32X pretty well. Would definitely probably work for you on whatever you're running today.

>> No.9872841

I don't think it was that viable an option to release a console in Japan and then hold it back for very long overseas, even in the mid 90s. You'd run into issues with imports screwing up relations with American retailers. Plus a lot of games were coming out of Saturn and PS1 simultaneously which means when the Saturn eventually did come out half the library would be late to the party.

>> No.9872873

What emulator are you using? Most people who emulate 32X today use Picodrive since it's a retroarch core but it seems Ares is the best 32X emulator on PC. Ares > Kega Fusion > Picodrive = BizHawk >>> everything else
>hacked Wii
Retroarch is on Wii but I've never tried it

>> No.9872897

Actually a cool idea. Peace and blessings be upon you.

>> No.9872940
File: 35 KB, 679x509, 91UckD8VqfL._AC_SX679_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Condense it down to a cartridge form factor and release a few killer apps for it like Doom OH WAIT

>> No.9872953

Scrap it and redesign the Saturn to support more traditional 3D rendering and be backwards-compatible with Genesis and Sega CD games instead, delay Japanese launch to 1995 if necessary.

>> No.9872963

>backwards-compatible with Genesis and Sega CD
Why do you retards keep spouting this shit. BC with the genesis would literally just be grafting on an entire genesis, it would be dead weight.

>> No.9872987

It's actually good, just only had 10 games. They should have made more for it

>> No.9872991

Lol no itdidn't. And it's spelled jaguar

>> No.9872993

The hardware wasn't the problem, the lack of games was

>> No.9873005


>> No.9873010

Make up some bullshit as campaign about how 32X is for real mature chads and how CD based systems are for wimps. Port Doom correctly and convince Capcom to make SF alpha ports and Darkstalkers ports even if backgrounds have genesis tier colors.
By 1996 release Sonic 3D (the original envisioned for the SVP).

>> No.9873314

After years of marketing the Sega CD as "the future"?
Also, for big 2D ports, idk how much big a 32X cartridge could be without getting too much expensive. 6 MB, maybe? There's no SDD-1 chip to help like in the SNES.

>> No.9873352

There is no saving it.
It was dead on arrival.

>> No.9873383

Lol gigaboomer. It's not 2007 anymore gramps.

>> No.9873507

Look at the ps2 faggot. They could repurpose a lot of the chips. Emulate the sound. Create a processor that can downclock for genesis mode, etc...

>> No.9873540

> repurpose a lot of the chips
Aside from the 68000, there is nothing else to be repurposed. The Genesis VDP would be dead weight in the Saturn. The SH2 is nowhere near fast enough to emulate the YM2612. So you would need a real one of those too. Genesis comparability would literally be grafting on an entire genesis.

>> No.9873576

There was already a 68k inside the Saturn. I think it could be very possible to put the Genesis II sound processor and make one all the logic of Genesis VDP inside one of the 2 Saturn, one.
With a little effort and some forward thinking I'm sure they could manage but what about Sega CD and 32-X? People would expect the Saturn would be retrocompatible with those too...

>> No.9873601

Yes, they could do it, but they would just be burning silicon budget, and complicating the system as adding alternative operating modes complicates the glue logic, and also bloats out the pcb.

>> No.9873620

can they use a wrapper to emulate genesis vdp

>> No.9873652

It could absolutely emulate the sound chip. Ps2 emulates ps1 sound. It's not several times stronger.

>> No.9873658

Ignore the 32X because it's fucking gay. Sega cd would just need 1 extra chip emulated, again, you could deliberately design the saturn cpu so that one of the cores can downclock to emulate that cd chip.

>> No.9873660

They could do all that and still end up with a system that's less complicated than the saturn of its just meant to be a pretty simple 3D console like the ps1, but with genesis capabilities, instead of the cluster fuck that was the saturn.

>> No.9873673

> It could absolutely emulate the sound chip
The YM2612 has 24 operators running at 53khz. This gives about 20 cpu clock cycles to emulate each operator, I don't think going to be enough, YM2612 is not exactly simple.
> can they use a wrapper to emulate genesis vdp
Emulating the Genesis VDP on the Saturn would be close to impossible, the cpus are two slow to do it in software, and the saturn GPU works in a fundamentally different way. Specifically the Saturn renders sprites to a frame buffer, whilst the genesis renders line by line, and games can update the sprite table during active scan.

>> No.9873683

Are you sure? The SPU of the first PlayStation is inside the PS2 alongside with the new one.
Maybe is totally emulated on PS3

>> No.9873747

I don't see why a Genesis add on for Saturn is so unreasonable. Ok, so most of a Genesis has to be inside. The Genesis was like $50 when the Saturn launched. You could easily pull a Super Game Boy with it for a reasonable cost. In fact it would have made more sense to do that anyway since SoA was so insistant on keeping the Genesis alive, this would have been a good compromise.

>> No.9873753

Because its retarded and pointless. Why graft one console onto another when you could just have a standalone console.

>> No.9873772

Was the Super Game Boy dumb? That's also an entire Game Boy in an SNES shell. Sega of Japan was furious with SoA for constantly ordering and warehousing Genesis consoles. I remember you could trip over them in the stores, they couldn't give them away. Ceasing Genesis production but shifting to a Saturn accessory would have made everyone happy.

>> No.9873796

The Super Game Boy was not an existing console. So since it was being made from scratch, designing it to make use of the snes for power, video output and controller was worth it.

The genesis however was an existing console already in manufacture, I don't think it would have been worth it making a special version of the genesis to be grafted onto the Saturn. Also, these console adapters are physically quite inconvenient. I owned a powerbase converter once, and it sucked.

>> No.9873919

>the saturn GPU works in a fundamentally different way
For fucks sake you dumb fucking cunt, learn to read.

This whole entire conversation, which you're having with multiple people by the way, is about having completely different hardware for the saturn. Whatever bullshit it had irl, is Irrelevant to the conversation.

>> No.9873921

Parts of it are emulated, such as the sound.

>> No.9873958

Because the Genesis had a big fucking library, and the people who didn't have a Sega CD might be more enticed to get a Saturn over a PS1 since it already had a decently large library of games to try out that they likely missed-out on previously.

The Sega CD didn't sell amazingly well, but it didn't have a bad reputation either until the 32X came out and ruined the entire concept of a console add-on forever.

>> No.9873992


>> No.9874018

The "completely different hardware" would have been more like the fucking PC-FX than the PS1 if you want semi-native Genesis compatibility. You can't line-by-line 3D.

>> No.9874019

So does it work on hacked Wiis now or what, child?

>> No.9874024

>Retroarch is on Wii but I've never tried it
It's buggy. One single MAME game stopped working after I spent time tweaking *Playstation* functions. A family buying a home in China breaks it too.

>> No.9874147

The Super Game Boy kinda was an existing console though. It's all the innards of a Game Boy shoved into an SNES cartridge. It adds some bells and whistles but it's fundamentally just a Game Boy that you can play on your TV. It's not a stretch to think that Sega could have continued producing the Genesis hardware just in the form factor of a Saturn accessory as opposed to a Genesis console. They'd save pennies on the extraneous shit that the Saturn itself would be used for like controller ports and video out making an already inexpensive console marginally cheaper, and it would help get people to transition to the Saturn without forcing SoA to fully stop supporting the Genesis as they could still produce new Genesis games alongside the add-on. Consider that eventually Majesco released the Genesis 3, which was filling up bargain bins everywhere. That effort would have been much better spent on a Saturn Genesis accessory.

>> No.9874579

There is the PS1's SPU in the PS2: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PlayStation_2_technical_specifications

>> No.9874595

Wasn't the 32X port of DOOM ultra retarded and ported by a single guy who wasn't really all that good in like less than 3 months on top of everything.

What the fuck were they thinking. You have a killer APP that the company is allowing people. To port their game to any console or computer. And instead of making the port amazing even adding in some new content even if its just a little. To sell your POS add-on that looks like its gang raping the system. Especially with the sega CD connected.


Srsly the fuck were they thinking with the 32X and the doom port. Like you can only play SoJ so much SoA is also just as much to blame for retardation.

>> No.9874615


This. Also Wing War. And name it the Arcade Adapter, don't make it out to be the successor to the Genesis.

>> No.9874651

The 32X port of Doom was made with personal help from John "The Tarmac" Carmack himself, at SOA office. The graphical and gameplay side is probably the best it could have been. He might have been lazy with the sound side just porting straight MIDI to GEMS, but he's not an FM synth master.
SOA could have strongarmed SOJ into giving them a Saturn dev kit and have Carmack working on the Saturn version. Instead this cancerous tumor of a detour managed to deliver a bad version of Doom for the 32X, wasted the free time Carmack had between Doom and Quake, and caused the Saturn version to be shitty by missing him.

>> No.9874725

I dont get what SEGA was thinking making an adapter not only look like an alien parasite, but making it look like the head of Manta. Just a terrible system to add onto the Genesis. It literally was done to "extend" the life of a dying console. Just buy a saturn.

>> No.9874735

Isn't 32X Doom only half the game and after finishing it boots you to a DOS prompt?

>> No.9874907
File: 28 KB, 243x409, Sonic_the_Hedgehog_CD_North_American_cover_art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Sega CD didn't sell amazingly well, but it didn't have a bad reputation either until the 32X came out and ruined the entire concept of a console add-on forever.
I noticed this too. It did even well enough to get its own standalone console. Feels like revisionist history from the anti-SoA side to me (or literally people who just watched the AVGN video and think all add-ons are bad).

>> No.9875068

the sega cd was just wasted potential. it's a shame. they could've skipped the 32x entirely, though.

>> No.9875073

Neptune then wait a few years to develop a more powerful Saturn

>> No.9875180

The saturn already has 2 cpus and 1 of them was always set to handle 2d while the other handled 3d

>> No.9875230

The Saturn's 2d gpu only does backgrounds. Sprites are handled on the 3d gpu.

>> No.9875360

End labels

>> No.9875425

...as it stands today. Derp.
Also, it was used more menu and hud

>> No.9875432

Sega abandoned that concept because the games costed 100 bucks.

>> No.9876165

1.start a better working relationship with SNK, port NEOGEO AES games to the 32x utilizing the hardware.

2.Port system 32 games from the arcade

3.Delay the saturn a year in both markets

>> No.9876362

Autistic spazz.

>> No.9878616

4 sh-4s

>> No.9878620


>> No.9878638

thats a pretty mild comment, pick your vagina up off the floor and learn how to spell

>> No.9878641

>The graphical and gameplay side is probably the best it could have been.

Wrong by a huge margin. It was ultra rushed. Here's what a remastered version optimized by fans runs like: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kCUKbNPT31g

>> No.9879950

Was there any Doom port back then that wasn't rushed to shit? The SNES is the only one I can think of where they actually tried as best they could. Even the Jaguar version is missing music.

>> No.9879973

32X is incredibly shit at 2D. 1 isn't going to happen.

>> No.9880201

prolly wouldve worked
tho i suppose youd be saving the saturn WITH the 32x at that point, not saving the 32x itself

>> No.9880213

ports, by their very nature, are usually rushed
i mean from a publisher standpoint, the whole idea is to cut out actual development, design, and all that fun stuff entirely and be able to put out a game you know will sell well off its name
plus, if youre porting it, that means its already on another competing system, so time is of the essence or else people might get impatient and buy it on the other system

>> No.9881046

How could it actually have ever been saved?
Imagine somehow it was and then years down the line I'm supposed to be playing Street Fighter Alpha 2 on this shit?
Get out of here.

>> No.9881054

It really just comes down to timing. If we're going to keep the Sega CD and Saturn launch dates firm then the 32X is sandwiched between 1991 and 1994. There's just not enough time. You're talking three pretty expensive Sega platforms coming out over just as many years. It's not really about the 32X's architecture or game quality. You'd have to push the Saturn out to 1995 for it to even have a prayer and SOJ would have sent the Yakuza to visit SOA if that were even suggested.

>> No.9881092

PS1 was probably the best console port for a while, despite the alterations.

The same can't be said about PS1 Final Doom which has almost nothing to do with the PC version.

>> No.9881103

NTA, but that's probably the earlier/fat models. I've read that the slims go the emulation route.

>> No.9881253

>Wasn't the 32X port of DOOM ultra retarded and ported by a single guy who wasn't really all that good in like less than 3 months on top of everything.
You're probably thinking of the 3DO port.

>> No.9881612
File: 193 KB, 1170x878, virtua-racing-deluxe-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The 3DO thread gave me an idea about that actually. Instead of making the 32X, SEGA could've just put those titles (+ some SEGA CD games) on 3DO. It already shared a lot of titles with both add-ons. We could've had arcade perfect OutRun and Virtua Racing on 3DO without needing another add-on for Genesis. Less production costs means they could've put that money towards a superpowered Saturn or Neptune console later on.

>> No.9881839

>I've read that the slims go the emulation route.
It's more like a clone console. The original chips are still mostly in there, but with various shortcuts and workarounds to save costs. The original slim doesn't have this problem btw, only SCPH-7500x and later.