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File: 13 KB, 320x266, snes_console_disc__99404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9864871 No.9864871 [Reply] [Original]

Please be realistic when reminiscing about this platform.

>> No.9864873

Probably Nintendo's best system, or idk, maybe that's the GBA or DS

>> No.9864886

I remember when they finally cracked RSA2048 on it. They tried using Genesii first, but the blast processing just couldn't handle the power

>> No.9864892

Okay, it was a pretty good console and I like the games. Spent a lot of long summers renting games from local video stores and supermarkets, found a fair handful of shit that way but also discovered weird and cool games like Out To Lunch, and Mohawk and Headphone Jack. Admittedly Mohawk doesn't play really well but it has style and some of the best nausea inducing effects on the console next to those mode 7 spinning levels in SWAT kats

>> No.9864895

The games were very colorful and vibrant

>> No.9864945

DKC and Mega Man X are fun.

>> No.9864968
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Lol, yeah ok. It was my favorite console up until I learned about the CD add-ons and played more Gen 5 games. Still probably the best thing Nintendo's ever done.

>> No.9864975

F-zero and Super Mario World are still fantastic games to this day. That can't be said about most nostalgia, I usually get as far as the title screen and then quit after 1st life lost on any other game.

>> No.9865006
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Yeah, that's the same way I feel about the DKC trilogy and Mega Man X. No matter how many times I play them they almost never get old, especially DKC2. There's also a lot of interesting Super Famicom Japan exclusives out there, maybe not quite as many as PCE or Saturn but there's still a decent amount.

>> No.9865025

>Mario World
Boring but not bad. Too bouncy. 8/10
>Super Metroid
The best game on the platform. 15/10
it's ok, better than super mario kart but no multiplayer wtf, what were they thinking
>Super Mario Kart
it's shit, totally btfo by mk64
it's ok but a bit boring
>Star Fox
better music than sf64 for sure, not much to be said about its gameplay
>Doom port
serviceable, good music, cant circlestrafe however which sucks
>Mario all stars
good shit aside from the smb1 physics difference which can be patched, 10/10
>Mario Paint
>turtles in time
never seen a tmnt thing in my life but good game
charming but boring, dropped it like 4 hours in

it's ok, super metroid is worth it, and even the valleys are above the denesis's peaks

>> No.9865037

I thought it had a titanic library of kino. Excellent hardware but it does not hold up. I’ve had original ac adapters burn up twice. I’ve also had fuses burn out on two consoles, which cost 5 bucks to replace. The cartridges data reset often, which makes me hesitant to 100% a game. Too bad the expansion port was not utilized. Favorite console probably

>> No.9865070

>it's ok, better than super mario kart but no multiplayer wtf, what were they thinking

Its a hardware limitation, fzero tracks are larger than what a mode 7 playfield can fit. So they need to constantly update the mode 7 layer according to the current player position. The SNES isn't fast enough to update the entire layer midframe for a 2nd player.

Thats why the mario kart tracks are so compact

>> No.9866070

Be awesome if canceled FX-Fighter redo into Tekken and Street Fighter EX.

>> No.9866104

What model console? I've never had any problems with with my GPM, but my SNES Jr wouldn't work with Yoshi's Island until I cleaned the cartridge connector. The only time I ever lost saves was when a battery died in my second-hand SMW, I replaced it with a battery holder. The only Nintendo games I've ever had a battery die in were ones that I bought used. Every other battery save I have is still working.
I have 3 power supplies and the one that came with the GPM was most likely connected to wall power for at least ten years of continuous power.
Are you a PAL person? I could see 220V being harder on power supplies.

>> No.9866141

Kino as hell library, vibrant looking games, awesome variety especially when you add in romhacks and fan translations of JP games, Nintendo just kind of sucked until the Wii, and even then the Switch feels like a slopconsole to me (despite being the least sloppy of the current 3).

They've never come close to reaching the heights of the SNES (along side the GBC) library.

>> No.9866153
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I'd say GBA and to an extent DS almost came close, but in the case of GBA I think there were just a few too many ports. It should've gotten its own Mario and DKC games. Still got fantastic Sonic, Mega Man, and Castlevania titles (+ backwards compatibility with GB/C) though.

>> No.9866161

No you're correct, I actually enjoy the GBA and DS more (the DS is fucking incredible I've recently been going through some of the deeper cuts lately), I simply meant the years that the SNES and GBC were both active and rolling together was the peak of Nintendo in my mind.

>> No.9866460
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It's a north american SHVC01, and the other might be the same, I just don't want to dig it out. Pretty sure I just had a burnout but I'll clean the connector. Usually a tell tale sign that your snes is burning out is when the colors on the screen warp and become extremely vibrant which happened in both cases. I can only think of three causes:
>The model I own has a shorter lifespan
>I'm using a cheap third party 120V ac adapter (though the burnout on my last model happened with an OG adapter)
>I tire out the system by leaving it on all night. Falling asleep to retro kino in the background is peak comfy

As for the cartridges, sometimes it's random. I never change batteries and get them used or kept them from my childhood. One time my roommates fucking cat lightly tapped my DKC2 cart while playing and the game wiped instantly.

>> No.9866462

Nah, I will not, OP.
I WILL consider modern console wars and my anger against Nintendō Kabushiki-gaisha as a whole, as well as my subjective sensibilities that favor western gaming and microcomputers when it comes to judging the Super Nintendo. I'm sorry.

>> No.9866465
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nintendos last good system

>> No.9866494

made for emulation

>> No.9866504

Tell me you haven't played the games without telling me. Opinion straight into the trash, LARPer.

>> No.9866572

finished it twice

>> No.9866580

I grew up playing it, but these days I prefer NES games for some reason. They're just pure fun, I feel that the SNES started with the bloating that games have nowadays.

>> No.9866584

No, this is definitely Nintendos best system, and I genuinely and wholeheartedly believe that PS1 is the spiritual successor of the SNES, as opposed to the N64. SNES felt like the last time Nintendo was fully open to third party devs going buck wild on their platform. SNES had solid Nintendo games, but it also felt like it had a fuck ton of third party games. Lots of trash, but lots of good stuff as well. PS1 felt very open in comparison to N64.

>> No.9866630

It is a system plagued with technical issues that hold back the library from achieving it's potential. The games you hear the most about on the SNES are the same trite Nintendo IP's, Mario, Metroid, Zelda and so on, the JRPG's that mostly constitute underwhelming Squaresoft titles that were from the era before they hit their prime on the PlayStation, and other miscellaneous third party titles for which better alternatives existed on other platforms, Castlevania, Contra, and so on, which, again, were held back from their potential by the deficient and bottlenecked hardware when compared to it's peers. From a heuristical and objective analysis, the SNES had very little going for it when compared to the other excellent 16-bit platforms that were available.

>> No.9866641

based, the SNES > PS1 > Dreamcast pipeline is the truth. I love the Genesis too though.

>> No.9866646
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I will not

>> No.9866692

found the segafag

>> No.9866723

Interesting take, for me it's the opposite where I see the 16 bit games as refined 8bit ones (both for gameplay and graphics)

>> No.9866737
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/vr/ is the only place you will find insane takes like this.

>> No.9866750

Have fond memories of going to my friends to play his SNES games while he'd go to my house to play my Genesis games. Really miss when consoles were actually radically different from one another rather than gimped PCs.

>> No.9866772
File: 41 KB, 704x511, star_fox_snes_classic_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, PS1 was like a bigger and better SNES. The influence is clear while also being something totally new, as opposed to the N64 which was like the beginning of Nintendo's weird experimental consoles.

I do prefer the CD add-ons and PS1, but without them SNES kind of had the best hardware that gen. Special chip games were a big step above its competition, and even without them stuff like DKC rivaled some of what was going on with the 32-bit consoles around that time.

>> No.9866782

Yeah, the Switch certainly feels different than the xbox/ps but those two feel almost identical now in their offerings. I'm begging for some sort of 4th entrant to cause competition, even a low end hardware one. Maybe it's the steam deck? not really though it exists in it's own lane kind of, I suppose it competes with the switch but thats it and even then those markets are different.

>> No.9866930

The Hyper Zone basics Star Fox without Super FX

>> No.9866947

Man even the stock image has yellowing on it.

>> No.9867440

That's the most unreliable revision.
I've never seen anyone else post about it, but the SHVC Super Nintendos have a habit of freezing if you tap on them. None of the later revisions do it to my knowledge. I've never had them erase save data though.

>> No.9867641

It was amazing. All it needed was for Nintendo to not cheap out and give us a CPU at least as fast as the Genesis and the same standard resolution.

>> No.9867681
File: 517 KB, 617x495, play_it_loud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gennnnnesisss sucks

>> No.9867689

It had a bunch of games and was just starting to be as interesting as arcade games. So it sold well and they made even more for it. N64 was the beginning of the end for them though - until the wii and switch

>> No.9867692

Ya mutha's mutha

Genesis has tons of good stuff for it. Not their fault you suck at finding the games for it

>> No.9867734

Nes was better in almost every way. Megamen > X, Battletoads > Battlemaniacs, Mario 3 > World and YI and so on.

>> No.9867737

Your gif does nothing but prove his point. I'd rather own a NES than Snes.

>> No.9867742

>snes had the graphical advantage
>every multiplat looks and runs worse

>> No.9867745
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>> No.9867930

awesome graphics, mediocre sound
bad for shooters and action games
big lack of arcade ports except fighting games and beatemups

there are a lot more games i like to play on genesis and pc engine, but i will say the "highs" exceed anything on either console

>> No.9868034

Thank you for reminding us that both games and consoles are amazing.

>> No.9868071

do you regularly type in reddit speech or are you just a part time insufferable fag?

>> No.9868221

>mediocre sound
when will this stupid meme die? it sounds excellent on my system. it's easily my favorite audio of any console

>> No.9868638

>when will this stupid meme die?

most snes games are muffled as shit

>> No.9868660

It had demons crest and mega man x. pretty good console if I do say so.

>> No.9868682

>SNES felt like the last time Nintendo was fully open to third party devs going buck wild on their platform.
Because it was, and Nintendo hasn't been the same since

>> No.9868690

Alter games with different developers

>> No.9868696

probably the best thing that Nintendo did until Wi but I prefer the megadrive

>> No.9868712
File: 914 KB, 640x1151, 309483_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least SNES fans aren't as obnoxious as Saturn fans

It's a good platform but the fanbase is way too toxic

>> No.9868751

Not in either camp but honestly Nintendo has by far the worst fanbase. SNES was an iconic console in its day unlike the n64 etc

>> No.9868830

go back to where you came from

>> No.9868832

super metroid, super mario world, f-zero, and earthbound make it worth owning alone.

>> No.9868868

The only wrong in that post is that it's an 8/10 instead of a 6/10

>> No.9868984

but i will say the "highs" exceed anything on either console

This. You take any genre and the SNES will by far have the best game in it for that time, and often the 2nd and third best and so on even if the console itself is weak in the genre like shooters and sport games.

>> No.9869028

There is only one thing that "held back" the game, and it did that literally: the scrolling speed.

There are SO many action games on the system where it feels like the game wants to go fast, but instead you find your character at the edge of the screen, or hell sometimes even past the screen, while the scrolling is slowly playing catch up. It's such a common flaw on the system that it makes me think it can only be a hardware flaw, rather than just sloppy dev'ing.
This is the only, true, ONE technical aspect the Megadrive had over it, everything else it down to opinion. A good comparison example would be Sparkster.

>> No.9869203

Great RPGs!
Great RPGs!

>> No.9869207

Good selection of platformers and shooters, but if you're not hard on for RPGs you're gonna like other consoles more

>> No.9869225
File: 217 KB, 1024x768, 1682781753168317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Megamen > X, Battletoads > Battlemaniacs, Mario 3 > World and YI and so on.

>> No.9869275

>[nintendo ip], [nintendo ip], [nintendo ip], and [nintendo ip] make it worth owning alone.
This is my exact problem with the SNES, it is like any other Nintendo console, held up entirely by trite and overrated Nintendo IP's. Look at anyone's choices for "best SNES games" and they will invariably be near exclusively Nintendo IP's. Sorry, but a console needs more substance than just one company to really be great.

>> No.9869312

only amiga fags, sonyggers are segacucks hate this console like this fag>>9869275

>> No.9869341

more varied library than fagstation and geneshit

>> No.9869380


If I try something new and it turns out to be highly enjoyable, am I to check whether it's associated with the same brand name as some other things I tried and enjoyed previously, before I allow myself to fully accept that my enjoyment was "real"? How far does this extend? What if every game I like for a particular console ran on just that one console, instead of six different consoles? What if every game I like was played (by me) in just one room of one house? What if all my favorites were made on the same planet ("ew no Martian favorites, how trite")?

>> No.9870401
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Well goddamn. Thanks for the info anon

>> No.9870416

There are two types of people. Those who like SNES sound and N64 graphics (blurry sound and vision). And those who hate it. These two groups of people will forever be worlds apart unable to understand the other.

>> No.9870451

There's a definite aesthetic happening in 3rd,4th and 5th gen but there's also a type of loathsome Nintroglodyte who is directly responsible for something like the aniconism of Mega Man 9. Dreamcast would've produced a true MM9 imo.

>> No.9872583

>I've never seen anyone else post about it, but the SHVC Super Nintendos have a habit of freezing if you tap on them
that's because it has the separate sound board and if the console is bumped it can come loose in its socket causing the system to freeze

>> No.9872637

There's Super Nintendo game soundtracks on youtube that claim they're "enhanced audio" but they all 100% sound worse. The console itself sounds great. I run it through an audio isolation transformer into a proper sound system and the noise floor is very low.
Maybe you don't like the soundfont but that's your opinion, the audio itself is very high quality.
If you want to hear bad audio try the NES (too harsh and has to be played at low volume) or worst of all the GBA. The GBA has objectively bad audio quality.

>> No.9872650

The way it handles sprites also severely hurts it. There's a very good argument to be made that the SNES has the weakest video hardware of that generation simply due to how crippled it is with handling sprites.

>> No.9872679

No, u

>> No.9872683

the SHVC models are a lemon but then again the first revision of a console is usually always shit. the initial Famicoms were lemons too that got recalled but luckily nobody outside Japan ever saw those.

>> No.9872691

I am. It was the best console I ever owned. And I owned the PC Engine handheld, thing (for a time)
Seriously, the only thing better would have been the NeoGeo but that was out of my price range (and also was fighter centric, fuck dat. Metal Slug was the only thing I missed)

But then came the first Emulators, for those sweet Neo roms, never looked back kek

>> No.9872704

>the audio itself is very high quality
Its the Gaussian filtering that I don't like. It makes it sound muddy. I much prefer aliased samples, amiga music for example.

Also, I like the NES sound, its nice and crisp. Well except for its shitty dac samples, what the hell were nintendo thinking with that 1bit delta garbage.

>> No.9872719

The SNES has blurry sound because it's functionally an incomplete APU system. They meant it to be used with the CD add on that didn't materialize so it doesn't sound as good as they intended it to.

>> No.9872729

>Well except for its shitty dac samples, what the hell were nintendo thinking with that 1bit delta garbage.
Making samples fit in an extremely limited cartridge ROM space.

>> No.9872734


>> No.9872745

Sounds perfect to me. I start hearing the SMW cave reverb in my head when I think about it. Sounds cool, I love reverb.

>> No.9872830

This is my point exactly. We are two different types of people who are unable to comprehend the subjective experience of the other. No understanding can ever be reached because we are not hearing the same thing.

>> No.9873076

interestingly enough, the PS1's sound chip is a direct successor to the SNES', developed by the same guy too and both chips share some features and hardware quirks like pitch modulation, BRR sample format (although with a few more features), a noise clock and gaussian interpolation/filter. The ADSR implementation is almost the exact same too, but the PS1 gives you a couple of extra bytes to specify if the envelope should be linear or exponential.

>> No.9873397

>n64 isnt iconic
>mario 64
>the aki wrestling games
>the first smash game


>> No.9873403

>Lots of trash
I can't name a single bad game for snes

>> No.9873848

Remember, the American Super NES was designed this way so you could place cans of soda on it without them spilling. If you aren't doing that, you aren't utilizing the full intention of Lance Barr's design. Place your drinks on it the next time you're using it.

>> No.9873852
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Did we ever get a real source for that or it's still an urban legend?
Anyway, if you don't already own both NTSC models, you're ngmi.

>> No.9873870

that was an actual urban legend lmao?

>> No.9873876

it's got a bunch of great games, only some of which are hampered by the lack of 3D capability. Realistically, one of the best console generations.

>> No.9873880

The PlayStation is basically the Super Duper Nintendo

>> No.9874245

It’s good with good games. I like it.
Although everything sounds like a muffled and reverby fart. There are a lot of really well composed sound tracks for sure, I’m more commenting on the quality of the sound itself.

>> No.9874269

The Japanese console looks so much better than the American model.

>> No.9874275

Most of the shit you read on the internet regardless is more likely to be bullshit than not.

>> No.9874352

and N64 was Ultra nintendo, but got gimped

>> No.9874425

What game is this looks dope

>> No.9874503


>> No.9874517

Punch Out > Super Punch Out, Contra > Super Contra, nes Zeldas > alttp, Duck Hunt > Whatever light gun games snes had with its bulky ass battery consuming bazooka

>> No.9874527

i mean it would be impossible to believe nowadays since we now know consoles were made specifically to not be able hold anything on top of them.

>> No.9874528

3 of those games only hold up due to their strong multiplayer. No one in their right mind would replay oot after beating it.

>> No.9874541

>No one in their right mind would replay oot after beating it.
It's a great game to come back to every so often. I played it a number of times both original and 3DS (and MQ of both versions)

>> No.9874582

I really enjoy the visceral experience of slotting the software cart and turning the console on.
The game starts up and you go back to sit down with the controller, listening to the sound before you settle in.
Getting to play with that pleasant controller and cable.
At the end, you snap the power switch off and get to press the eject then remove the cart and before you put it back with the others, you get to hold the game and look at its art.
Maybe there's a sticker from the store you got it from or it has a name written on it in pen.
I really enjoy playing the SNES.

>> No.9876209


>> No.9876857

One thing about old games I never realized how much I missed is when you beat the game, instead of going back to the main menu, it just holds on the picture of the knight and the princess hugging each other (or what have you) forever.
It gives the game a perfect feeling of closure. I get the same feeling from pressing the power button that I do from closing a book and putting it back on the shelf.
No matter how frustrating the game was (and old games can be very frustrating sometimes) seeing it through and getting to that screen makes it all feel worth it.

>> No.9876882

>I get the same feeling from pressing the power button that I do from closing a book and putting it back on the shelf.
What a perfect analogy. That human interactive quality with the media you engage in is exactly the sensation missing so often today.
You're right: that freeze frame "Thank you" or "Congratulations" that ends only when you turn off the machine is so gratifying.